Ejemplo n.º 1
    def draw(self):
        """W.draw () -> None
        Draws the Window.
        cls = self.__class__
        style = base.GlobalStyle
        st = self.style or style.get_style(cls)
        dropshadow = style.get_style_entry(cls, st, "shadow")
        rect = self.image.get_rect()

        # Create the caption.
        surface_caption = style.engine.draw_caption(rect.width - dropshadow,
                                                    self.title, self.state,
                                                    cls, st)
        self._captionrect = rect
        self._captionrect = surface_caption.get_rect()
        self._captionrect.topleft = self.topleft

        # Blit the caption.
        self.image.blit(surface_caption, (0, 0))

        # Position and blit the child.
        if self.child:
            posx, posy = self.dispose_widget()
            self.child.topleft = posx, posy
            self.image.blit(self.child.image, (posx, posy))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, capacity):
     self.fitness = 0
     self.rank = 0
     self.bins = []
     temp = Bin()
     temp.capacity = capacity
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__ (self, width, height):
        Bin.__init__ (self)
        self._scrolling = SCROLL_AUTO

        # Scrollbars.
        self._vscroll = VScrollBar (height, height)
        self._vscroll.connect_signal (SIG_VALCHANGED, self._scroll_child)
        self._vscroll.parent = self
        self._hscroll = HScrollBar (width, width)
        self._hscroll.connect_signal (SIG_VALCHANGED, self._scroll_child)
        self._hscroll.parent = self

        self._vscroll_visible = False
        self._hscroll_visible = False

        # Scrolling will be handled directly by the ScrolledWindow.
        self._hscroll.set_focus = lambda self: False
        self._vscroll.set_focus = lambda self: False

        self.controls.append (self._vscroll)
        self.controls.append (self._hscroll)

        self._signals[SIG_KEYDOWN] = None # Dummy
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEDOWN] = []

        # Respect the size.
        if width < self._hscroll.minsize[0]:
            width = self._hscroll.minsize[0]
        if height < self._vscroll.minsize[1]:
            height = self._vscroll.minsize[1]
        self.minsize = width, height
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def destroy(self):
        """D.destroy () -> None

        Destroys the Window and removes it from its event system.
        self.__stopevents = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def worst_pack_bins(self, data_array, capacity):

        capacity = int(capacity)

        for item in data_array:
            item = int(item)
            worstfit = capacity
            worst_bin = -1
            i = 0
            # Try to fit item into a bin
            while i < len(self.bins):
                if ((capacity - (self.bins[i].sum + item)) >
                        worstfit) and (self.bins[i].sum + item <= capacity):
                    worstfit = capacity - (self.bins[i].sum + item)
                    worst_bin = i
                i += 1
            if worst_bin != -1:
                self.bins[worst_bin].sum += item
                b = Bin()
                b.capacity = capacity
                b.sum += item
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def draw (self):
        """W.draw () -> None

        Draws the ScrolledWindow surface.

        Creates the visible surface of the ScrolledWindow.
        Bin.draw (self)
        blit = self.image.blit

        # Update the srollbars.
        self.hscrollbar.lock ()
        self.vscrollbar.lock ()
        hscroll, vscroll = self._update_scrollbars ()
        self.hscrollbar.unlock ()
        self.vscrollbar.unlock ()

        if hscroll:
            blit (self.hscrollbar.image, self.hscrollbar.rect)

        if vscroll:
            blit (self.vscrollbar.image, self.vscrollbar.rect)

        if self.child:
            blit (self.child.image, self.child.rect)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def loading(goods, cap):
    global goods_
    goods_ = goods
    bins = []
    j = 0
    global max_weight_sofar
    while len(goods_):
        backtracking(1, len(goods_), capacity=cap)

        bin_ = Bin(cap)
        #print(perfect, id(perfect))

        for ele in perfect:

        num_item = len(goods)
        j += 1
        max_weight_sofar = 0

    for i in range(len(bins)):
        print(i + 1, ":", bins[i])
    return bins
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__ (self, width, height):
        Bin.__init__ (self)
        self._scrolling = SCROLL_AUTO

        # ScrollBars.
        self._vscroll = VScrollBar (height, height)
        self._vscroll.connect_signal (SIG_VALCHANGE, self.set_dirty, True)
        self._vscroll.parent = self
        self._hscroll = HScrollBar (width, width)
        self._hscroll.connect_signal (SIG_VALCHANGE, self.set_dirty, True)
        self._hscroll.parent = self

        self._hscroll_visible = False
        self._vscroll_visible = False

        # Remove the keyboard events from the scrollbars. We use our own.
        del self._vscroll._signals[SIG_KEYDOWN]
        del self._hscroll._signals[SIG_KEYDOWN]
        self.controls.append (self._vscroll)
        self.controls.append (self._hscroll)

        # Respect the scrollbar sizes.
        if width < self._hscroll.size[0]:
            width = self._hscroll.size[0]
        if height < self._vscroll.size[1]:
            height = self._vscroll.size[1]
        self.size = (width, height)

        self._signals[SIG_KEYDOWN] = None # Dummy
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEDOWN] = []
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def draw (self):
        """W.draw () -> None
        Draws the Window.
        Bin.draw (self)
        cls = self.__class__
        style = base.GlobalStyle
        st = self.style or style.get_style (cls)
        dropshadow = style.get_style_entry (cls, st, "shadow")
        rect = self.image.get_rect ()

        # Create the caption.
        surface_caption = style.engine.draw_caption (rect.width - dropshadow,
                                                     self.title, self.state,
                                                     cls, st)
        self._captionrect = rect
        self._captionrect = surface_caption.get_rect ()
        self._captionrect.topleft = self.topleft

        # Blit the caption.
        self.image.blit (surface_caption, (0, 0))

        # Position and blit the child.
        if self.child:
            posx, posy = self.dispose_widget ()
            self.child.topleft = posx, posy
            self.image.blit (self.child.image, (posx, posy))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def destroy (self):
        """D.destroy () -> None

        Destroys the Window and removes it from its event system.
        self.__stopevents = True
        Bin.destroy (self)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def notify (self, event):
        """B.notify (...) -> None

        Notifies the Button about an event.
        if not self.eventarea or not self.sensitive:
            # The button does not seem to be completely realized for now or
            # is not sensitive.

        elif event.signal == SIG_MOUSEDOWN:
            if self.eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                if base.debug: print "Button.MOUSEDOWN"
                self.focus = True
                # The button only acts upon left clicks.
                if event.data.button == 1:
                    self.state = STATE_ACTIVE
                    self.__click = True
                self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEDOWN)

        elif event.signal == SIG_MOUSEUP:
            if self.eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                if base.debug: print "Button.MOUSEUP"
                self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEUP)
                if event.data.button == 1:
                    if self.state == STATE_ACTIVE:
                        self.state = STATE_ENTERED
                        self.state = STATE_NORMAL
                    # Check for a previous left click.
                    if self.__click:
                        self.__click = False
                        if base.debug: print "Button.CLICKED"
                        self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_CLICKED)
            elif (event.data.button == 1) and (self.state == STATE_ACTIVE):
                # Reset the 'clicked' state for the button, if the mouse
                # button 1 is released at another location.
                self.__click = False
                self.state = STATE_NORMAL

        elif event.signal == SIG_MOUSEMOVE:
            if self.eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                if base.debug: print "Button.MOUSEMOVE (inner)"
                if self.state == STATE_NORMAL:
                    self.state = STATE_ENTERED
                self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEMOVE)
            elif self.state == STATE_ENTERED:
                if base.debug: print "Button.MOUSEMOVE (outer)"
                self.state = STATE_NORMAL

        elif (event.signal == SIG_KEYDOWN) and self.focus:
            if event.data.key in (pygame.locals.K_SPACE,
                # Activate the focused button, if the user presses
                # space, return or enter.
                self.activate ()
        Bin.notify (self, event)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_init():
    wheel_1 = Wheel()
    outcome_1 = Outcome("Split-Bet", 17)
    outcome_2 = Outcome("Split-Bet", 1)
    outcome_3 = Outcome("Any Craps", 8)
    bin_1 = Bin([Outcome("0", 35), outcome_2, outcome_3])
    bin_2 = Bin([Outcome("Straight-Bet", 12)])
    assert outcome_1 == outcome_2
    assert outcome_2 in bin_1 and outcome_3 in bin_1
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__ (self, widget):
     Bin.__init__ (self)
     self._hadjustment = 0
     self._vadjustment = 0
     if widget:
         self.minsize = widget.size
         self.minsize = 10, 10
     self.child = widget
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, widget):
     self._hadjustment = 0
     self._vadjustment = 0
     if widget:
         self.minsize = widget.size
         self.minsize = 10, 10
     self.child = widget
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_add_bins_to_wheel():
    wheel_1 = Wheel()
    outcome_1 = Outcome("Split-Bet", 17)
    outcome_2 = Outcome("Split-Bet", 1)
    outcome_3 = Outcome("Any Craps", 8)
    bin_1 = Bin([Outcome("0", 35), outcome_2, outcome_3])
    bin_2 = Bin([Outcome("Straight-Bet", 12)])
    wheel_1.addOutcomes(1, bin_1)
    wheel_1.addOutcomes(2, bin_2)
    assert bin_1 in wheel_1.bins[0]
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def set_state (self, state):
        """B.set_state (...) -> None

        Sets the state of the Button.

        Sets the state of the Button and causes its child to set its
        state to the same value.
        Bin.set_state (self, state)
        if self.child:
            self.child.state = self.state
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self):

        # Internal click detector.
        self.__click = False

        # Signals, the button listens to.
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEDOWN] = []
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEUP] = []
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEMOVE] = []
        self._signals[SIG_KEYDOWN] = None  # Dummy for keyboard activation.
        self._signals[SIG_CLICKED] = []
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__ (self):
        Bin.__init__ (self)
        # Internal click detector.
        self.__click = False

        # Signals, the button listens to.
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEDOWN] = []
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEUP] = []
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEMOVE] = []
        self._signals[SIG_KEYDOWN] = None # Dummy for keyboard activation.
        self._signals[SIG_CLICKED] = []
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def packItems(self):
     for item in self.S:
         for bin in self.BinList:
             if item.getWeight() <= bin.getCapacity():
         if item.getMark() == False:
             newbin = Bin()
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def packItems(self):
     binl = self.getBinList()
     for item in self.S:
         bestfit = binl[0]
         for bin in binl:
             if item.getWeight() <= bin.getCapacity() and (
                     bestfit.getCapacity() > bin.getCapacity()
                     or bestfit.getCapacity() < item.getWeight()):
                 bestfit = bin
         if bestfit.getCapacity() < item.getWeight():
             bestfit = Bin()
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def packItems(self):
     binl = self.getBinList()
     for item in self.S:
         worstfit = binl[0]
         for bin in binl:
             if item.getWeight() <= bin.getCapacity() and (
                     worstfit.getCapacity() < bin.getCapacity()
                     or worstfit.getCapacity() < item.getWeight()):
                 worstfit = bin
             if worstfit.getCapacity() < item.getWeight():
                 worstfit = Bin()
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def set_state (self, state):
        """S.set_state (...) -> None

        Sets the state of the ScrolledWindow.

        Sets the state of the ScrolledWindow. The state of the
        ScrolledWindow is mainly used for the visible or non-visible
        appearance of the ScrolledWindow, so that the user can
        determine the state of the ScrolledWindow easier.
        Usually this method should not be invoked by user code.
        Bin.set_state (self, state)
        if state in (STATE_NORMAL, STATE_INSENSITIVE):
            self.vscrollbar.set_state (state)
            self.hscrollbar.set_state (state)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def rect_to_client (self, rect=None):
        """V.rect_to_client () -> pygame.Rect

        Returns the absolute coordinates a rect is located at.

        If a rect argument is passed, its size and position are modified
        to match the criteria of the scrolling adjustments of the
        ViewPort. Besides that it exactly behaves like the original
        rect_to_client() method.
        if rect:
            border = base.GlobalStyle.get_border_size \
                     (self.__class__, self.style,
                      StyleInformation.get ("VIEWPORT_BORDER"))
            rect.x = self.x + rect.x
            rect.y = self.y + rect.y
            if rect.right > self.right - border:
                rect.width = self.right - border - rect.left
            if rect.bottom > self.bottom - border:
                rect.height = self.bottom - border - rect.top

            if (self.parent != None) and isinstance (self.parent, BaseWidget):
                return self.parent.rect_to_client (rect)
            return rect
        return Bin.rect_to_client (self)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def set_focus (self, focus=True):
        """W.set_focus (...) -> None

        Sets the input and action focus of the window.
        Sets the input and action focus of the window and returns True
        upon success or False, if the focus could not be set.
        self.lock ()
        if focus:
            self.state = STATE_ACTIVE
        elif (not self._keepactive) and (self.state == STATE_ACTIVE):
            self.state = STATE_NORMAL
        Bin.set_focus (self, focus)
        self.unlock ()
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def set_focus(self, focus=True):
        """W.set_focus (...) -> None

        Sets the input and action focus of the window.
        Sets the input and action focus of the window and returns True
        upon success or False, if the focus could not be set.
        if focus:
            self.state = STATE_ACTIVE
        elif (not self._keepactive) and (self.state == STATE_ACTIVE):
            self.state = STATE_NORMAL
        Bin.set_focus(self, focus)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 26
def loading():
	bins = []
	j = 0
	while len(goods) != 0:
		eles = backtracking(1)
		bin_ = Bin()
		for ele in eles:
		num_item = len(goods)
		j += 1

	for i in range(len(bins)):
		print(i+1, ":", bins[i])
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def rect_to_client(self, rect=None):
        """V.rect_to_client () -> pygame.Rect

        Returns the absolute coordinates a rect is located at.

        If a rect argument is passed, its size and position are modified
        to match the criteria of the scrolling adjustments of the
        ViewPort. Besides that it exactly behaves like the original
        rect_to_client() method.
        if rect:
            border = base.GlobalStyle.get_border_size \
                     (self.__class__, self.style,
                      StyleInformation.get ("VIEWPORT_BORDER"))
            rect.x = self.x + rect.x
            rect.y = self.y + rect.y
            if rect.right > self.right - border:
                rect.width = self.right - border - rect.left
            if rect.bottom > self.bottom - border:
                rect.height = self.bottom - border - rect.top

            if (self.parent != None) and isinstance(self.parent, BaseWidget):
                return self.parent.rect_to_client(rect)
            return rect
        return Bin.rect_to_client(self)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def draw(self):
        """V.draw () -> None

        Draws the ViewPort surface and places its child on it.
        border = base.GlobalStyle.get_border_size \
                 (self.__class__, self.style,
                  StyleInformation.get ("VIEWPORT_BORDER"))

        if self.child:
            self.child.topleft = border + self.hadjustment, \
                                 border + self.vadjustment
                self.child.image, (border, border),
                (abs(self.hadjustment), abs(self.vadjustment),
                 self.width - 2 * border, self.height - 2 * border))
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def set_child (self, child=None):
        """B.set_child (...) -> None

        Sets the child to display in the ScrolledList.

        Creates a parent-child relationship from the ScrolledList to a
        widget. If the widget does not support native scrolling, it will
        be packed into a ViewPort.
        self.lock ()
        if child and not isinstance (child, ViewPort):
            self.vscrollbar.value = 0
            self.hscrollbar.value = 0
            child = ViewPort (child)
            child.minsize = self.minsize
        Bin.set_child (self, child)
        self.unlock ()
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def draw (self):
        """V.draw () -> None

        Draws the ViewPort surface and places its child on it.
        border = base.GlobalStyle.get_border_size \
                 (self.__class__, self.style,
                  StyleInformation.get ("VIEWPORT_BORDER"))
        Bin.draw (self)

        if self.child:
            self.child.topleft = border + self.hadjustment, \
                                 border + self.vadjustment
            self.image.blit (self.child.image, (border, border),
                             (abs (self.hadjustment), abs (self.vadjustment),
                              self.width - 2 * border,
                              self.height - 2 * border))
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def grabBin(self):
        Creates a new Bin object that will store Items taken from Shelves

             new_bin: A Bin object containing nothing
        new_bin = Bin()
        return new_bin
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def notify (self, event):
        """W.notify (event) -> None

        Notifies the window about an event.
        if not self.sensitive or not self.eventarea:

        if event.signal == SIG_MOUSEDOWN:
            if self.rect.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                if base.debug: print "Window.MOUSEDOWN"
                self.focus = True
                self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEDOWN)
                if self._caption_rect.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                    if event.data.button == 1:
                        # Initiate window movement.
                        self.state = STATE_ACTIVE
                        self.__pressed = True
                        self.__old_pos = event.data.pos
                    elif event.data.button == 2:
                        # Minimize/maximize window.
                        self.__minimized = not self.__minimized
                        self.dirty = True
        elif event.signal == SIG_MOUSEUP:
            if self.eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                if base.debug: print "Window.MOUSEUP"
                self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEUP)
                if event.data.button == 1:
                    if self.__pressed:
                        self.__pressed = False
                        self.state = STATE_NORMAL

        elif event.signal == SIG_MOUSEMOVE:
            if self.__pressed:
                # The window is moved.
                self._move_to_position (event.data.pos)
                self.__old_pos = event.data.pos
                if self.eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                    if base.debug: print "Window.MOUSEMOVE (inner)"
                    self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEMOVE)

        Bin.notify (self, event)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def update (self, **kwargs):
        """V.update (...) -> None

        Updates the ViewPort.

        Updates the ViewPort and causes its parent to update itself on
        if not self.dirty:
            border = base.GlobalStyle.get_border_size \
                     (self.__class__, self.style,
                      StyleInformation.get ("VIEWPORT_BORDER"))
            resize = kwargs.get ("resize", False)

            children = kwargs.get ("children", {})
            blit = self.image.blit
            items = children.items ()

            # Clean up the dirty areas on the widget.
            vals = []
            for child, rect in items:
                blit (self._bg, rect, rect)

                # r will be the area for the blit.
                r = Rect (abs (self.hadjustment), abs (self.vadjustment),
                          self.width - 2 * border, self.height - 2 * border)
                blit (child.image, (border, border), r)
                vals.append (r)

            # If a parent's available, reassign the child rects, so that
            # they point to the absolute position on the widget and build
            # one matching them all for an update.
            if self.parent:
                rect = Rect (self._oldrect)
                if len (vals) != 0:
                    for r in vals:
                        r.x += self.x
                        r.y += self.y
                    rect.unionall (vals[1:])
                self.parent.update (children={ self : rect }, resize=resize)
            self._lock = max (self._lock - 1, 0)
            Bin.update (self, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def update(self, **kwargs):
        """V.update (...) -> None

        Updates the ViewPort.

        Updates the ViewPort and causes its parent to update itself on
        if not self.dirty:
            border = base.GlobalStyle.get_border_size \
                     (self.__class__, self.style,
                      StyleInformation.get ("VIEWPORT_BORDER"))
            resize = kwargs.get("resize", False)

            children = kwargs.get("children", {})
            blit = self.image.blit
            items = children.items()

            # Clean up the dirty areas on the widget.
            vals = []
            for child, rect in items:
                blit(self._bg, rect, rect)

                # r will be the area for the blit.
                r = Rect(abs(self.hadjustment), abs(self.vadjustment),
                         self.width - 2 * border, self.height - 2 * border)
                blit(child.image, (border, border), r)

            # If a parent's available, reassign the child rects, so that
            # they point to the absolute position on the widget and build
            # one matching them all for an update.
            if self.parent:
                rect = Rect(self._oldrect)
                if len(vals) != 0:
                    for r in vals:
                        r.x += self.x
                        r.y += self.y
                self.parent.update(children={self: rect}, resize=resize)
            self._lock = max(self._lock - 1, 0)
            Bin.update(self, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def __init__ (self, title=None):
        Bin.__init__ (self)
        self._title = None
        self.set_title (title)

        self._align = ALIGN_NONE
        # Rectangle area for mouse click & movement on the window
        # caption.
        self._caption_rect = None

        # State variables for button pressing and mouse movements.
        self.__pressed = False
        self.__old_pos = None
        self.__minimized = False
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEDOWN] = []
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEUP] = []
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEMOVE] = []
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def packItems(self):
     binl = self.getBinList()
     bin = binl[0]
     for item in self.S:
         if item.getWeight() <= bin.getCapacity():
             newBin = Bin()
             bin = newBin
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def addBins(self):
     for i in range(0, self.binsAmount):
         rightPosition = False
         while not rightPosition:
             x = randint(0, self.gridWidth - 1)
             y = randint(0, self.gridHeight - 1)
             if self.checkIfPositionIsEmpty([x, y]):
                 rightPosition = True
         element = Bin(x, y)
         self.positionsToVisit.append([x, y])
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def set_child (self, child=None):
        """B.set_child (...) -> None

        Sets the Label to display on the Button.

        Creates a parent-child relationship from the Button to a Label
        and causes the Label to set its mnemonic widget to the Button.

        Raises a TypeError, if the passed argument does not inherit
        from the Label class.
        if child and not isinstance (child, Label):
            raise TypeError ("child must inherit from Label")
        Bin.set_child (self, child)
        if child:
            child.set_widget (self)
            if not child.style:
                child.style = self.style or \
                              base.GlobalStyle.get_style (self.__class__)
        self.dirty = True
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def draw (self):
        """B.draw () -> None

        Draws the Alignment surface and places its child on it.
        Bin.draw (self)

        rect = self.image.get_rect ()
        if self.child:
            self.child.center = rect.center

            if self.align & ALIGN_TOP == ALIGN_TOP:
                self.child.top = rect.top + self.padding
            elif self.align & ALIGN_BOTTOM == ALIGN_BOTTOM:
                self.child.bottom = rect.bottom - self.padding
            if self.align & ALIGN_LEFT == ALIGN_LEFT:
                self.child.left = rect.left + self.padding
            elif self.align & ALIGN_RIGHT == ALIGN_RIGHT:
                self.child.right = rect.right - self.padding

            self.image.blit (self.child.image, self.child.rect)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def run(self):
        print("summarizer started")

        dayBin = {i: Bin() for i in range(366)}
        locationBin = {}

        while True:
            while self.queueList.qsize() > 0:
                record = self.queueList.get()

                featureList = [
                recordList = [record[i] for i in featureList]
                fmt = '%Y%m%d'
                s = str(record['UTC_DATE'])
                if s is '20180229':
                dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(s, fmt)
                tt = dt.timetuple()
                nthDay = tt.tm_yday - 1

                lat = record['LATITUDE']
                long = record['LONGITUDE']
                geohash = pgh.encode(lat, long)
                if geohash in self.geoHashList:
                    newBin = Bin()
                    locationBin[geohash] = newBin


Ejemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self, title=None):
        self.__stopevents = False
        self._title = None

        self._align = ALIGN_NONE

        # Rectangle area for mouse click & movement on the window
        # caption.
        self._captionrect = None

        # State variables for button pressing and mouse movements.
        self.__pressed = False
        self.__oldpos = None

        self._keepactive = False

        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEDOWN] = []
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEUP] = []
        self._signals[SIG_MOUSEMOVE] = []

        self.minsize = (100, 20)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def loading_(goods, cap):
	bins = []
	j = 0
	global max_weight_sofar, path
	while len(goods):
		brand_and_branch(goods, cap)

		bin_ = Bin(cap)
		#print(perfect, id(perfect))

		for ele in perfect:
		num_item = len(goods)
		j += 1
	for i in range(len(bins)):
		print(i+1, ":", bins[i])
	return bins
Ejemplo n.º 43
class Wheel:
    bins = tuple(Bin() for i in range(38))
    binArr = []
    rng = random

    def __init__(self):

    def addOutcomes(self, number, outcome):
        self.binArr.append([number, outcome])
        self.bins = self.binArr

    def next(self):
        return (random.choice(self.bins))

    def get(self, bin):
        return self.bins[bin]
Ejemplo n.º 44
	def __init__(self, gameDisplay, trashInv, door1 =None, door2 =None):
		#invoke the super classes' constructor
		super().__init__("Garbage Room", gameDisplay, door1, door2)

		self.roomImage = pygame.image.load('Images/garbage_room.jpg')
		self.inventory = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 800, 80)
		self.sceneItems = trashInv

		#The trash bins
		self.compostBin = Bin('compost', 200, 350, self.gameDisplay)
		self.landfillBin = Bin('landfill', 400, 350, self.gameDisplay)
		self.recycleBin = Bin('recycle', 600, 350, self.gameDisplay)

		#Used to keep track of which trash item is currently allowed for dragging
		self.trashIndex = 0
Ejemplo n.º 45
def nf_binpick(items, cap):

    num = len(items)
    bins = []
    for i in range(num):
        i += 1
    form = "第%d个物品(重量为:%d)------->第%d个箱子(剩余容量:%f)"

    for index in range(num):
        for ji in range(num):
            if (items[index] <= bins[ji].remaining):
                if bins[ji].add(Item(items[index])):
                        form %
                        (index + 1, items[index], ji + 1, bins[ji].remaining))

    for i in range(num):
        if bins[i].empty():
            bins[i] = None
    for i in range(bins.count(None)):
    return bins
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def notify (self, event):
        """S.notify (...) -> None

        Notifies the ScrolledWindow about an event.
        if not self.eventarea or not self.sensitive:

        if event.signal == SIG_MOUSEDOWN:
            if self.eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                if base.debug: print "ScrolledWindow.MOUSEDOWN"
                self.focus = True
                self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEDOWN)
                # Mouse wheel.
                if self._hscroll_visible and \
                   (self.hscrollbar.eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos)):
                    # Do not scroll vertical, if the mouse cursor is
                    # over the horizontal scrollbar.
                elif self._vscroll_visible:
                    if event.data.button == 4:
                        self.vscrollbar.decrease ()
                    elif event.data.button == 5:
                        self.vscrollbar.increase ()
        elif (event.signal == SIG_KEYDOWN) and self.focus:
            if self._hscroll_visible:
                # Horizontal scrollbar key movement
                if event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_RIGHT:
                    self.hscrollbar.increase ()

                elif event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_LEFT:
                    self.hscrollbar.decrease ()

                elif event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_END:
                    self.hscrollbar.value = self.hscrollbar.maximum

                elif event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_HOME:
                    self.hscrollbar.value = self.hscrollbar.minimum

            if self._vscroll_visible:
                # Vertical scrollbar key movement
                if event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_DOWN:
                    self.vscrollbar.increase ()

                elif event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_UP:
                    self.vscrollbar.decrease ()

                elif event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_PAGEUP:
                    val = self.vscrollbar.value - 10 * self.vscrollbar.step
                    if val > self.vscrollbar.minimum:
                        self.vscrollbar.value = val
                        self.vscrollbar.value = self.vscrollbar.minimum

                elif event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_PAGEDOWN:
                    val = self.vscrollbar.value + 10 * self.vscrollbar.step
                    if val < self.vscrollbar.maximum:
                        self.vscrollbar.value = val
                        self.vscrollbar.value = self.vscrollbar.maximum

                elif event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_END:
                    self.vscrollbar.value = self.vscrollbar.maximum

                elif event.data.key == pygame.locals.K_HOME:
                    self.vscrollbar.value = self.vscrollbar.minimum

        Bin.notify (self, event)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def draw (self):
        """L.draw () -> None

        Draws the ListViewPort surface and places its items on it.
        Bin.draw (self)
        style = base.GlobalStyle
        cls  = self.__class__
        color = StyleInformation.get ("SELECTION_COLOR")
        active = StyleInformation.get ("ACTIVE_BORDER")
        border_active = style.get_border_size (cls, self.style, active)
        border = style.get_border_size \
                 (cls, self.style, StyleInformation.get ("VIEWPORT_BORDER"))
        active_space = StyleInformation.get ("ACTIVE_BORDER_SPACE")
        st = self.style
        state = self.state
        realwidth = self.real_width

        posy = 0
        draw_rect = Draw.draw_rect
        sdraw_rect = style.engine.draw_rect
        sdraw_border = style.engine.draw_border

        spacing = self.scrolledlist.spacing
        width = self.width - 2 * border
        height = self.height - 2 * border
        selheight = 0
        surface = None

        cursor_found = False
        cursor = self.scrolledlist.cursor
        items = self.scrolledlist.items
        focus = self.scrolledlist.focus
        images = self.images

        lower = abs (self.vadjustment) - spacing - 2 * border_active
        upper = abs (self.vadjustment) + height

        # Overall surface
        surface_all = sdraw_rect (max (realwidth, width), self.real_height,
                                  state, cls, st)
        blit = surface_all.blit

        for item in items:
            image, rect = images[item]

            # Draw only those which are visible.
            if (posy + rect.height < lower):
                posy += rect.height + 2 * border_active + spacing
            elif posy > upper:
            selheight = rect.height + 2 * border_active
            if item.selected:
                # Highlight the selection.
                surface = draw_rect (max (width, realwidth), selheight, color)

                # Show input focus.
                if focus and (item == cursor):
                    sdraw_border (surface, state, cls, st, active,
                    cursor_found = True
                surface.blit (image, (border_active, border_active))
                blit (surface, (0, posy))

            elif focus and not cursor_found and (item == cursor):
                # Input focus.
                surface = sdraw_rect (max (width, realwidth), selheight, state,
                                      cls, st)
                sdraw_border (surface, state, cls, st, active,
                surface.blit (image, (border_active, border_active))
                cursor_found = True
                blit (surface, (0, posy))
                # Regular image, move by the active border, so that
                # all items have the correct offset.
                blit (image, (border_active, posy + border_active))

            posy += selheight + spacing
        self.image.blit (surface_all, (border, border),
                         (abs (self.hadjustment), abs (self.vadjustment),
                          width, height))
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def __init__ (self, width, height):
     Bin.__init__ (self)
     self._align = ALIGN_NONE
     self.minsize = width, height
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def notify (self, event):
        """W.notify (event) -> None

        Notifies the window about an event.
        if not self.sensitive:

        # Recursively notify all attached children.
        if self.child:
            self._notify_children (self.child, event)
        if self.__stopevents:

        for control in self.controls:
            if event.handled:
            self._notify_children (control, event)

        if event.signal in SIGNALS_MOUSE:
            eventarea = self.rect_to_client ()
            if event.signal == SIG_MOUSEDOWN:
                if eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                    if not event.handled:
                        self.focus = True
                        self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEDOWN, event.data)

                    if self._captionrect.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                        if event.data.button == 1:
                            # Initiate window movement.
                            self.state = STATE_ACTIVE
                            self.__pressed = True
                            self.__oldpos = event.data.pos
                    event.handled = True
                    self.state = STATE_NORMAL

            elif event.signal == SIG_MOUSEUP:
                if eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                    self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEUP, event.data)
                    if event.data.button == 1:
                        if self.__pressed:
                            self.__pressed = False
                    event.handled = True
            elif event.signal == SIG_MOUSEMOVE:
                if self.__pressed:
                    # The window is moved.
                    self._move_to_position (event.data.pos)
                    event.handled = True
                elif eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                    self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEMOVE, event.data)
                    event.handled = True

        elif event.signal == SIG_FOCUSED:
            # Keep the active state of the window, if it contains the child
            if self._contains (self, event.data):
                if self.state != STATE_ACTIVE:
                    self.state = STATE_ACTIVE
                self._keepactive = True
                self._keepactive = False
        Bin.notify (self, event)
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def notify (self, event):
        """B.notify (...) -> None

        Notifies the ButtonBase about an event.
        if not self.sensitive:

        if event.signal in SIGNALS_MOUSE:
            eventarea = self.rect_to_client ()

            if event.signal == SIG_MOUSEDOWN:
                if eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                    self.focus = True
                    # The button only acts upon left clicks.
                    if event.data.button == 1:
                        self.__click = True
                        self.state = STATE_ACTIVE
                    self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEDOWN, event.data)
                    event.handled = True

            elif event.signal == SIG_MOUSEUP:
                if eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                    self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEUP, event.data)
                    if event.data.button == 1:
                        if self.state == STATE_ACTIVE:
                            self.state = STATE_ENTERED
                            self.state = STATE_NORMAL
                        # Check for a previous left click.
                        if self.__click:
                            self.__click = False
                            self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_CLICKED)
                    event.handled = True
                elif event.data.button == 1:
                    # Reset the 'clicked' state for the button, if the mouse
                    # button 1 is released at another location.
                    self.__click = False
                    self.state = STATE_NORMAL

            elif event.signal == SIG_MOUSEMOVE:
                if eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                    if not self.__click:
                        self.state = STATE_ENTERED
                        self.state = STATE_ACTIVE
                    self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEMOVE, event.data)
                    self.entered = True
                    event.handled = True
                    self.entered = False

        elif (event.signal == SIG_KEYDOWN) and self.focus:
            if event.data.key in (K_SPACE, K_KP_ENTER, K_RETURN):
                # Activate the focused button, if the user presses
                # space, return or enter.
                self.activate ()
                event.handled = True
        Bin.notify (self, event)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def notify (self, event):
        """S.notify (...) -> None

        Notifies the ScrolledWindow about an event.
        if not self.sensitive:
        if event.signal in SIGNALS_MOUSE:
            eventarea = self.rect_to_client ()
            if event.signal == SIG_MOUSEDOWN:
                if eventarea.collidepoint (event.data.pos):
                    self.focus = True
                    self.run_signal_handlers (SIG_MOUSEDOWN, event.data)

                    # Mouse wheel.
                    for c in self.controls:
                        c.notify (event)
                    if not event.handled:
                        if self._vscroll_visible:
                            if event.data.button == 4:
                                self.vscrollbar.decrease ()
                            elif event.data.button == 5:
                                self.vscrollbar.increase ()
                        elif self._hscroll_visible:
                            if event.data.button == 4:
                                self.hscrollbar.decrease ()
                            elif event.data.button == 5:
                                self.hscrollbar.increase ()
                    event.handled = True
        elif (event.signal == SIG_KEYDOWN) and self.focus:
            if self._hscroll_visible:
                # Horizontal scrollbar key movement
                if event.data.key == K_RIGHT:
                    self.hscrollbar.increase ()
                    event.handled = True
                elif event.data.key == K_LEFT:
                    self.hscrollbar.decrease ()
                    event.handled = True
                elif event.data.key == K_END:
                    self.hscrollbar.value = self.hscrollbar.maximum
                    event.handled = True
                elif event.data.key == K_HOME:
                    self.hscrollbar.value = self.hscrollbar.minimum
                    event.handled = True
            if self._vscroll_visible:
                # Vertical scrollbar key movement
                if event.data.key == K_DOWN:
                    self.vscrollbar.increase ()
                    event.handled = True
                elif event.data.key == K_UP:
                    self.vscrollbar.decrease ()
                    event.handled = True
                elif event.data.key == K_PAGEUP:
                    val = self.vscrollbar.value - 10 * self.vscrollbar.step
                    if val > self.vscrollbar.minimum:
                        self.vscrollbar.value = val
                        self.vscrollbar.value = self.vscrollbar.minimum
                    event.handled = True
                elif event.data.key == K_PAGEDOWN:
                    val = self.vscrollbar.value + 10 * self.vscrollbar.step
                    if val < self.vscrollbar.maximum:
                        self.vscrollbar.value = val
                        self.vscrollbar.value = self.vscrollbar.maximum
                    event.handled = True
                elif event.data.key == K_END:
                    self.vscrollbar.value = self.vscrollbar.maximum
                    event.handled = True
                elif event.data.key == K_HOME:
                    self.vscrollbar.value = self.vscrollbar.minimum
                    event.handled = True

        Bin.notify (self, event)