Ejemplo n.º 1
def calc_cai(sequence, genbank, cai_freqs=CAI_FREQS):
    """Return the CAI for a given genome."""
    # create CAI index
    cai_index = {}
    for codons in SynonymousCodons.values():
        codons = list(codons)
        codon_freqs = np.array([cai_freqs[x] for x in codons])
        max_freq = max(codon_freqs)
        codon_freqs = codon_freqs / max_freq
        for i, x in enumerate(codons):
            cai_index[x] = codon_freqs[i]
    cai_table = CodonAdaptationIndex()

    # concatenate ORFs
    orfs = [x for x in genbank.features if x.type.lower() == "cds"]
    cds_seq = ""
    for orf in orfs:
        cds_seq += proc_sequence(
            str(orf.extract(sequence)).upper().replace("U", "T"))

    # return cai
    return cai_table.cai_for_gene(cds_seq)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Pro	CCG	15778	5.40	0.12
Pro	CCA	51993	17.79	0.41
Pro	CCT	39685	13.58	0.31
Pro	CCC	20139	6.89	0.16'''
import csv

index = {}
for aa, cn, n1,n2, f in csv.reader([x for x in cai_table.splitlines() if x.strip()], delimiter='\t'):
    index[cn] = float(n2)

from Bio.SeqUtils.CodonUsage import CodonAdaptationIndex
from Bio.SeqUtils.CodonUsageIndices import SharpEcoliIndex
from pprint import pprint

cai = CodonAdaptationIndex()


from Bio import SeqIO

genes = list(SeqIO.parse("genes.fasta", "fasta"))

from Bio.SeqUtils import GC

for g in genes:
    print g.id, "         ",cai.cai_for_gene( g.seq.tostring() )#, GC(g.seq.tostring())

    'CGT': 0.08,
    'CGC': 0.18,
    'CGA': 0.11,
    'CGG': 0.20,
    'AGT': 0.15,
    'AGC': 0.24,
    'AGA': 0.21,
    'AGG': 0.21,
    'GGT': 0.16,
    'GGC': 0.34,
    'GGA': 0.25,
    'GGG': 0.25

CAI = CodonAdaptationIndex()

def is_it_an_orf(s):
    is_it = True
    is_it = is_it and len(s) % 3 == 0
    is_it = is_it and s.upper().startswith("ATG")
    is_it = is_it and (s.upper().endswith("TGA") or s.upper().endswith("TAG")
                       or s.upper().endswith("TAA"))
    return (is_it)

stopz = {"TGA": "opal", "TAG": "amber", "TAA": "ochre"}

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()