Ejemplo n.º 1
def ic_at(motif, other, offset):
    Caculates the information content, ic, for a specific alignment. The approach makes a temporary motif object containing the overlapping sequences in the alignemnt and taking the average of the pssm.

    motif, other: Motif objects
        The motifs of interest
    offset: int
        The offset value that results in the alignment of interest. 

    #Pull the sequences containined in the aligned region of the motifs from each of the motif instances.
    alignment_len = min(len(motif) - offset, len(other))
    motif_seqs = [
        site[offset:alignment_len + offset] for site in motif.instances
    other_seqs = [site[:alignment_len] for site in other.instances]

    # Create the motif and compute the IC
    amotif = Motif(instances=Instances(motif_seqs + other_seqs))
    amotif.pseudocounts = dict(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25)

    #print('Motif Seqs: ' , motif_seqs)
    #print('Other Seqs: ' , other_seqs)
    #print('Offset ', offset)
    #print('IC: ' , amotif.pssm.mean(), '\n\n')

    return amotif.pssm.mean()