Ejemplo n.º 1
## Load Trajectories - read and sort bound ligand and recepror trajectories
traj_rec_ref = Trajectory([ref_rec_file])
traj_lig_ref = Trajectory([ref_lig_file])

traj_rec, traj_rec_ref = castTraj(traj_rec, traj_rec_ref)
traj_lig, traj_lig_ref = castTraj(traj_lig, traj_lig_ref)

refCom = ProteinComplex(traj_rec_ref.ref, traj_lig_ref.ref)

traj_rec = traj_rec_ref.concat(traj_rec)
traj_lig = traj_lig_ref.concat(traj_lig)

## Add surface atom profile
flushPrint('Adding accessible surface profiles...\n')
rec_asa = PDBDope(traj_rec.getRef())

lig_asa = PDBDope(traj_lig.getRef())

## Atom sets to use for analysis
## Sets are(only heavy atoms):
masks_all, mask_all_names = allMasks(traj_rec, traj_lig, refCom)

## Masks restricted to surface atoms
masks_surf, mask_surf_names = surfMasks(traj_rec, traj_lig, refCom)

## pairwise rmsd calculation
rmsd_all_dic = calcAllRmsds(traj_rec, traj_lig, masks_all)
rmsd_surf_dic = calcAllRmsds(traj_rec, traj_lig, masks_surf)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(options):

    ## files and names
    receptorName = absfile(options['r'])
    receptorCode = stripFilename(receptorName)[0:4]
    ligandName = absfile(options['l'])
    ligandCode = stripFilename(ligandName)[0:4]
    complexName = absfile(options['c'])
    rm = options['rm']
    lm = options['lm']

    if rm or lm:
        rn = rm or '1'
        ln = lm or '1'
        baseName = receptorCode + '_' + rn + '-' + ligandCode + '_' + ln
        baseName = receptorCode + '-' + ligandCode

    ## hex macro name
    macName = baseName + '_hex.mac'

    ## hex rotation matrix output name
    outName_all = baseName + '_hex.out'
    outName_clust = baseName + '_hex_cluster.out'

    ## load model dictionaries, if they exist in the same directory
    ## as the corresponding pdb-file and start with the same pdb-code
    ## and ends with '_model.dic'
        rec_dic = stripFilename(options['r'])[:4] + '_model.dic'
        rec_path = options['r'][:options['r'].rfind('/')]

        lig_dic = stripFilename(options['l'])[:4] + '_model.dic'
        lig_path = options['l'][:options['l'].rfind('/')]

        rec = load(absfile(rec_path + '/' + rec_dic))
        lig = load(absfile(lig_path + '/' + lig_dic))

        print 'Loading dictionaries'

        if type(rec) is dict:
            rec = rec[1]

        if type(lig) is dict:
            lig = lig[1]

    ## could not load dictionaty, will load pdb-file insted
        print 'Loading pdb files'
        rec = PDBModel(receptorName)
        lig = PDBModel(ligandName)

    ## get structural information

    ## add surface profiles if not there
    if not rec.atoms.has_key('relASA'):
        flushPrint('\nCalculating receptor surface profile')
        rec_asa = PDBDope(rec)
    if not lig.atoms.has_key('relASA'):
        flushPrint('\nCalculating ligand surface profile')
        lig_asa = PDBDope(lig)

    ## surface masks, > 95% exposed
    rec_surf_mask = greater(rec.profile('relASA'), 95)
    lig_surf_mask = greater(lig.profile('relASA'), 95)

    ## maximun and medisn distance from centre of mass to any surface atom
    recMax, recMin = centerSurfDist(rec, rec_surf_mask)
    ligMax, ligMin = centerSurfDist(lig, lig_surf_mask)

    ## approxinate max and min center to centre distance
    maxDist = recMax + ligMax
    minDist = recMin + ligMin
    print '\n\nReceptor and ligand max radius are %i and %i A, respectively.'\
          %( recMax, ligMax )
    print 'Receptor and ligand min radius are %i and %i A, respectively.'\
          %( recMin, ligMin )

    ## molecular separation and search range to be used in the docking
    molSep = (maxDist + minDist) / 2
    molRange = 2 * (maxDist - molSep)
    print 'A molecular separation of %i A and a search range of +-%i will be used.'\
          %( molSep, molRange )

    ## determine docking mode to use
    macroDocking = 0
    if recMax > 30 and ligMax > 30:
        print '\nWARNING! Both the receptor and ligand radius is greater than 30 A.\n'

    if recMax > 30:
        print '\nReceptor has a radius that exceeds 30 A -> Macro docking will be used'
        macroDocking = 1

    ## write macro file

    macOpen = open(macName, 'w')

    macOpen.write('# ------------------- ' + macName +
                  ' -----------------------\n')
    macOpen.write(' \n')
    macOpen.write('open_receptor ' + receptorName + '\n')
    macOpen.write('open_ligand ' + ligandName + '\n')

    if complexName[-4:] == '.pdb':
        macOpen.write('open_complex ' + complexName + '\n')


    head = """
# -------------- general settings ----------------
disc_cache 1                   # disc cache on (0 off)
docking_sort_mode 1            # Sort solutions by cluster (0 by energy)
docking_cluster_mode 1         # Display all clusters (0 display best)
docking_cluster_threshold 2.00
# docking_cluster_bumps  number

# ------------ molecule orientation --------------
molecule_separation %(separation)i
commit_view """ % ({
        'separation': round(molSep)

    macro = """
# -------------- macro docking -------------------
macro_min_coverage 25
macro_sphere_radius 15
macro_docking_separation 25

    tail = """
# -------------- docking setup -------------------
docking_search_mode 0          # full rotational search

receptor_range_angle 180       # 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 180
docking_receptor_samples 720   # 362, 492, 642, 720, 980, 1280

ligand_range_angle 180
docking_ligand_samples 720

twist_range_angle 360          # 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360
docking_alpha_samples 128      # 64, 128, 256

r12_step 0.500000              # 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2
r12_range %(range)i

docking_radial_filter 0        # Radial Envelope Filter - None
# docking_radial_filter 0        # Radial Envelope Filter - Re-entrant
# docking_radial_filter 0        # Radial Envelope Filter - Starlike

grid_size 0.600                # 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 1.0
#  docking_electrostatics 0       # use only surface complimentarity
docking_electrostatics 1      # use electrostatic term for scoring clusters

docking_main_scan 16     # 
docking_main_search 26

max_docking_solutions %(nr_sol)i # number of solutions to save

# -------------- post-processing ----------------
docking_refine 0    # None
#  docking_refine 1    # Backbone Bumps and volumes
#  docking_refine 2    # MM energies
#  docking_refine 3    # MM minimization

# ---------------- run docking ------------------
save_docking %(output_clust)s
#  save_range 1 512 ./ dock .pdb

# ------------ also save all solutions ----------
docking_sort_mode 0            # Sort solutions by energy (1 by cluster)
save_docking %(output_all)s""" \
    %({'range':round(molRange), 'output_all':outName_all,
       'nr_sol':int(options['sol']), 'output_clust':outName_clust} )


    ## select certain models
    if rm or lm:
        macOpen.write('\n# -------------- select models -------------------\n')
    if rm:
        select_rec_model = 'dock_receptor_model %s' % rm
        macOpen.write(select_rec_model + '\n')
    if lm:
        select_lig_model = 'dock_ligand_model %s' % lm
        macOpen.write(select_lig_model + '\n')

    ## macro docking will not work with multiple models, if both are added to
    ##  the hex macro file - macrodocking will be skipped during the docking run
    if macroDocking:


Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(options):

    ## files and names
    receptorName = absfile(options['r'])
    receptorCode = stripFilename(receptorName)[0:4]
    ligandName = absfile(options['l'])          
    ligandCode = stripFilename(ligandName)[0:4]  
    complexName = absfile(options['c'])
    rm = options['rm']
    lm = options['lm']
    if rm or lm:
        rn = rm or '1'
        ln = lm or '1'
        baseName = receptorCode + '_' + rn + '-' + ligandCode + '_' + ln
        baseName = receptorCode + '-' + ligandCode

    ## hex macro name
    macName = baseName + '_hex.mac'

    ## hex rotation matrix output name
    outName_all = baseName + '_hex.out' 
    outName_clust = baseName + '_hex_cluster.out'

    ## load model dictionaries, if they exist in the same directory
    ## as the corresponding pdb-file and start with the same pdb-code
    ## and ends with '_model.dic'
        rec_dic = stripFilename(options['r'])[:4] + '_model.dic'
        rec_path = options['r'][:options['r'].rfind('/')]

        lig_dic = stripFilename(options['l'])[:4] + '_model.dic'
        lig_path = options['l'][:options['l'].rfind('/')]

        rec = load( absfile(rec_path + '/' + rec_dic) )
        lig = load( absfile(lig_path + '/' + lig_dic) )
        print 'Loading dictionaries'
        if type(rec) is dict:
            rec = rec[1]
        if type(lig) is dict:
            lig = lig[1]
    ## could not load dictionaty, will load pdb-file insted
        print 'Loading pdb files'
        rec = PDBModel(receptorName)
        lig = PDBModel(ligandName)

    ## get structural information

    ## add surface profiles if not there
    if not rec.atoms.has_key('relASA'):
        flushPrint('\nCalculating receptor surface profile')
        rec_asa = PDBDope( rec )
    if not lig.atoms.has_key('relASA'):
        flushPrint('\nCalculating ligand surface profile')
        lig_asa = PDBDope( lig )

    ## surface masks, > 95% exposed
    rec_surf_mask = greater( rec.profile('relASA'), 95 )
    lig_surf_mask = greater( lig.profile('relASA'), 95 )

    ## maximun and medisn distance from centre of mass to any surface atom
    recMax, recMin = centerSurfDist( rec, rec_surf_mask )
    ligMax, ligMin = centerSurfDist( lig, lig_surf_mask )

    ## approxinate max and min center to centre distance
    maxDist = recMax + ligMax 
    minDist = recMin + ligMin
    print '\n\nReceptor and ligand max radius are %i and %i A, respectively.'\
          %( recMax, ligMax )
    print 'Receptor and ligand min radius are %i and %i A, respectively.'\
          %( recMin, ligMin )

    ## molecular separation and search range to be used in the docking
    molSep = ( maxDist + minDist ) / 2
    molRange = 2 * ( maxDist - molSep )
    print 'A molecular separation of %i A and a search range of +-%i will be used.'\
          %( molSep, molRange )

    ## determine docking mode to use
    macroDocking = 0
    if recMax > 30 and ligMax > 30:
        print '\nWARNING! Both the receptor and ligand radius is greater than 30 A.\n'     
    if recMax > 30:
        print '\nReceptor has a radius that exceeds 30 A -> Macro docking will be used'
        macroDocking = 1

    ## write macro file
    macOpen= open(macName, 'w')

    macOpen.write('# ------------------- ' + macName + ' -----------------------\n')
    macOpen.write(' \n')
    macOpen.write('open_receptor '+receptorName+'\n')
    macOpen.write('open_ligand '+ligandName+'\n')

    if complexName[-4:] == '.pdb':
        macOpen.write('open_complex '+complexName+'\n')


    head = """
# -------------- general settings ----------------
disc_cache 1                   # disc cache on (0 off)
docking_sort_mode 1            # Sort solutions by cluster (0 by energy)
docking_cluster_mode 1         # Display all clusters (0 display best)
docking_cluster_threshold 2.00
# docking_cluster_bumps  number

# ------------ molecule orientation --------------
molecule_separation %(separation)i
commit_view """%({'separation': round(molSep)} )

    macro ="""
# -------------- macro docking -------------------
macro_min_coverage 25
macro_sphere_radius 15
macro_docking_separation 25
    tail = """
# -------------- docking setup -------------------
docking_search_mode 0          # full rotational search

receptor_range_angle 180       # 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 180
docking_receptor_samples 720   # 362, 492, 642, 720, 980, 1280

ligand_range_angle 180
docking_ligand_samples 720

twist_range_angle 360          # 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360
docking_alpha_samples 128      # 64, 128, 256

r12_step 0.500000              # 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2
r12_range %(range)i

docking_radial_filter 0        # Radial Envelope Filter - None
# docking_radial_filter 0        # Radial Envelope Filter - Re-entrant
# docking_radial_filter 0        # Radial Envelope Filter - Starlike

grid_size 0.600                # 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 1.0
#  docking_electrostatics 0       # use only surface complimentarity
docking_electrostatics 1      # use electrostatic term for scoring clusters

docking_main_scan 16     # 
docking_main_search 26

max_docking_solutions %(nr_sol)i # number of solutions to save

# -------------- post-processing ----------------
docking_refine 0    # None
#  docking_refine 1    # Backbone Bumps and volumes
#  docking_refine 2    # MM energies
#  docking_refine 3    # MM minimization

# ---------------- run docking ------------------
save_docking %(output_clust)s
#  save_range 1 512 ./ dock .pdb

# ------------ also save all solutions ----------
docking_sort_mode 0            # Sort solutions by energy (1 by cluster)
save_docking %(output_all)s""" \
    %({'range':round(molRange), 'output_all':outName_all,
       'nr_sol':int(options['sol']), 'output_clust':outName_clust} )

    macOpen.writelines( head )

    ## select certain models
    if rm or lm:
        macOpen.write('\n# -------------- select models -------------------\n')
    if rm:
        select_rec_model = 'dock_receptor_model %s'%rm
        macOpen.write( select_rec_model + '\n')
    if lm:
        select_lig_model = 'dock_ligand_model %s'%lm
        macOpen.write( select_lig_model + '\n')
    ## macro docking will not work with multiple models, if both are added to
    ##  the hex macro file - macrodocking will be skipped during the docking run 
    if macroDocking:
        macOpen.writelines( macro )

    macOpen.writelines( tail )
Ejemplo n.º 4
## Load Trajectories - read and sort bound ligand and recepror trajectories
traj_rec_ref = Trajectory( [ ref_rec_file ] )
traj_lig_ref = Trajectory( [ ref_lig_file ] )

traj_rec, traj_rec_ref = castTraj( traj_rec, traj_rec_ref )
traj_lig, traj_lig_ref = castTraj( traj_lig, traj_lig_ref )

refCom = ProteinComplex( traj_rec_ref.ref, traj_lig_ref.ref )

traj_rec = traj_rec_ref.concat( traj_rec )
traj_lig = traj_lig_ref.concat( traj_lig )

## Add surface atom profile
flushPrint('Adding accessible surface profiles...\n')
rec_asa = PDBDope( traj_rec.getRef() )

lig_asa = PDBDope( traj_lig.getRef() )   

## Atom sets to use for analysis
## Sets are(only heavy atoms):
masks_all , mask_all_names = allMasks( traj_rec, traj_lig, refCom )

## Masks restricted to surface atoms
masks_surf , mask_surf_names = surfMasks( traj_rec, traj_lig, refCom )

## pairwise rmsd calculation
rmsd_all_dic = calcAllRmsds( traj_rec, traj_lig,  masks_all )
rmsd_surf_dic = calcAllRmsds( traj_rec, traj_lig, masks_surf )