Ejemplo n.º 1
def drawGUI():
    """ Create and draw the GUI. """
    HEIGHT = 382
    BGL.glClearColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0)
    BGL.glColor3f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
    stitchOffset = 22
    HEIGHT += stitchOffset * num_motions_button.val
    Display_Title_Bar(HEIGHT,25, CONTROL_WIDTH)
    Display_File_Bar(HEIGHT - 25, 71 + stitchOffset * num_motions_button.val, CONTROL_WIDTH)
    Display_Mesh_Bar(HEIGHT - 96 - stitchOffset * num_motions_button.val, 48, CONTROL_WIDTH)
    Display_Camera_Bar(HEIGHT - 144 - stitchOffset * num_motions_button.val, 112, CONTROL_WIDTH)
    Display_Render_Bar(HEIGHT - 256 - stitchOffset * num_motions_button.val, 48, CONTROL_WIDTH)
    Display_Output_Bar(HEIGHT - 304 - stitchOffset * num_motions_button.val, 48, CONTROL_WIDTH)
    Draw.PushButton('Load simulation', SimulationButton, 9, 8, (CONTROL_WIDTH / 2) - 9, 18, 'Load simulation')
    if hasLoaded:
        Draw.PushButton('Render scene', RenderButton, (CONTROL_WIDTH / 2) + 3, 8, (CONTROL_WIDTH / 2) - 9, 18, 'Render scene')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Create_Tab(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,Title,Buttons): # X1,Y1 = Top Left X2,Y2 = Bottom Right
    Create a bordered tab/frame/box with the given top left corner (X1,Y1)
    and bottom right corner (X2, Y2) with the given Title and Buttons.
    INDENT = 6
    BUTTON_GAP = 4
    BGL.glColor3f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
    BGL.glRasterPos2d(X1+INDENT,Y1 - TITLE_HEIGHT)
    Button_X = X1 + INDENT
    Button_Y = Y1 - TITLE_HEIGHT - BUTTON_HEIGHT - 8
    if (Buttons != 0):
        key= Buttons.keys()
        BUTTON_WIDTH = (X2 - (X1 + INDENT + BUTTON_GAP + INDENT)) / len(key)
        for k in key:
            Buttons[k][0]= Draw.Toggle(k,Buttons[k][1],Button_X,Button_Y, BUTTON_WIDTH,BUTTON_HEIGHT,Buttons[k][0].val,Buttons[k][2])
            Button_X += BUTTON_WIDTH + BUTTON_GAP
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def drawpanel(self):

		##   Draw the main part of the panel.

		BGL.glRecti(self.left+5,self.base,self.right-5,self.top)			##   Large middle bit.
		BGL.glRecti(self.left,self.base+4,self.left+8,self.top-4)			##   Left small side strip.
		BGL.glRecti(self.right-8,self.base+4,self.right,self.top-4)		##   Right small side strip.

		##   Draw the borders.
		BGL.glColor3f(self.bcol[0],self.bcol[1],self.bcol[2])			##   Change to border colour.


		BGL.glVertex2i(self.left+6,self.base)						##   Base border.

		BGL.glVertex2i(self.left+6,self.top)						##   Top border.

		BGL.glVertex2i(self.left,self.base+6)						##   Left border.

		BGL.glVertex2i(self.right,self.base+6)						##   Right border.

Ejemplo n.º 4
def GUI():
	BGL.glClearColor(*(ScreenColor + [1.0]))
	minx = 5
	maxx = 500
	miny = 5
	maxy = 450
	lineheight = 24
	buPad = 5 # Generic Button Padding, most buttons should have 24-19 (or 5) px space around them
	lP = 5 # Left Padding
	rP = 5 # Right Padding
	# Draw Background Box
	BGL.glRecti(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
	# Draw Title
	BGL.glRecti(minx, maxy - (lineheight), maxx, maxy)
	title = "2D Cutout Image Importer v" + VERSIONSTRING
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy - 15)
	Draw.Text(title, 'large')
	Draw.PushButton('Exit', EXIT, maxx-50-rP, maxy - lineheight + 2, 50, 19, "Exit Script")
	# Path Buttons
	if GUIPARAMS['Path'].val == '':
		Draw.PushButton('Single Image', SINGLE_IMG, minx + lP, maxy - (2*lineheight), 150, 19, "Select a Single Image to Import")
		Draw.PushButton('Directory', DIRECTORY_IMG, minx + lP + 150, maxy - (2*lineheight), 150, 19, "Select a Directory of Images to Import")
		Draw.PushButton('Clear', CLR_PATH, minx+lP, maxy - (2*lineheight), 50, 19, "Clear Path and Change Import Options")

	GUIPARAMS['Path'] = Draw.String('Path: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (3*lineheight), (maxx-minx-lP-rP), 19, GUIPARAMS['Path'].val, 399, 'Path to Import From')
	if PARAMS['ImportType'] == DIR:
		GUIPARAMS['ImageExt'] = Draw.String('Image Ext: ', CHG_EXT, minx + lP, maxy - (4*lineheight), 110, 19,  GUIPARAMS['ImageExt'].val, 6, 'Image extension for batch directory importing (case insensitive)')
	GUIPARAMS['PackImage'] = Draw.Toggle('Pack', NO_EVT, maxx - rP - 50, maxy - (4*lineheight), 50, 19, GUIPARAMS['PackImage'].val, 'Pack Image(s) into .Blend File')
	# Geometry and Viewport Options
	BGL.glRecti(minx+lP, maxy - (5*lineheight), maxx-rP, maxy - (5*lineheight) + 1)
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy-(5*lineheight) + 3)
	Draw.Text('Geometry and Display Options', 'small')
	GUIPARAMS['PPU'] = Draw.Slider('Pixels Per Unit: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (6*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP, 19, GUIPARAMS['PPU'].val, 1, 5000, 0, 'Set the Number of Pixels Per Blender Unit to preserve Image Size Relations') 
	GUIPARAMS['VPTransp'] = Draw.Toggle('Viewport Transparency', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (8*lineheight),  (maxx-minx)/2 - lP, 2*lineheight - buPad, GUIPARAMS['VPTransp'].val, 'Display Alpha Transparency in the Viewport')

	GUIPARAMS['XOff'] = Draw.Slider('Offs X: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP + (maxx-minx)/2, maxy - (6*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['XOff'].val, 0, 5.0, 0, 'Amount to Offset Each Imported in the X-Direction if Importing Multiple Images')
	GUIPARAMS['YOff'] = Draw.Slider('Offs Y: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP + (maxx-minx)/2, maxy - (7*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['YOff'].val, 0, 5.0, 0, 'Amount to Offset Each Imported in the Y-Direction if Importing Multiple Images')
	GUIPARAMS['ZOff'] = Draw.Slider('Offs Z: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP + (maxx-minx)/2, maxy - (8*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['ZOff'].val, 0, 5.0, 0, 'Amount to Offset Each Imported in the Z-Direction if Importing Multiple Images')

	# Material and Texture Options
	BGL.glRecti(minx+lP, maxy - (9*lineheight), maxx-rP, maxy - (9*lineheight) + 1)
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy-(9*lineheight) + 3)
	Draw.Text('Material and Texture Options', 'small')
	half = (maxx-minx-lP-rP)/2
	GUIPARAMS['CopyMat'] = Draw.Toggle('Copy Existing Material', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy-(10*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['CopyMat'].val, 'Copy an Existing Material')
	if GUIPARAMS['CopyMat'].val:
		menStr = compileMaterialList()
		GUIPARAMS['MatId'] = Draw.Menu(menStr, NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (11*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['MatId'].val, 'Material to Copy Settings From') 
		GUIPARAMS['MatCol'] = Draw.ColorPicker(NO_EVT, minx+lP, maxy - (13*lineheight), 40, (3*lineheight) - buPad, GUIPARAMS['MatCol'].val, 'Color of Newly Created Material')
		GUIPARAMS['Ref'] = Draw.Slider('Ref: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP+45, maxy - (11*lineheight), half-45, 19, GUIPARAMS['Ref'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 'Set the Ref Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['Spec'] = Draw.Slider('Spec: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP+45, maxy - (12*lineheight), half-45, 19, GUIPARAMS['Spec'].val, 0.0, 2.0, 0, 'Set the Spec Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['Hard'] = Draw.Slider('Hard: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP+45, maxy - (13*lineheight), half-45, 19, GUIPARAMS['Hard'].val, 1, 500, 0, 'Set the Hardness Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['Alpha'] = Draw.Slider('A: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP, maxy - (14*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['Alpha'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 'Set the Alpha Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['ZTransp'] = Draw.Toggle('ZTransparency', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (15*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['ZTransp'].val, 'Enable ZTransparency')
		GUIPARAMS['Shadeless'] = Draw.Toggle('Shadeless', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (16*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['Shadeless'].val, 'Enable Shadeless')

	GUIPARAMS['TexChan'] = Draw.Number('Texture Channel: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP+ half + buPad, maxy - (10*lineheight), half-rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['TexChan'].val, 1, 10, 'Texture Channel for Image Texture')
	GUIPARAMS['MPTCol'] = Draw.Toggle('Color', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (11*lineheight), half/2, 19, GUIPARAMS['MPTCol'].val, 'Map To Color Channel')
	GUIPARAMS['MPTAlpha'] = Draw.Toggle('Alpha', NO_EVT, minx + lP + int((1.5)*half) + buPad, maxy - (11*lineheight), half/2 - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['MPTAlpha'].val, 'Map To Alpha Channel')
	third = int((maxx-minx-lP-rP)/6)
	GUIPARAMS['UseAlpha'] = Draw.Toggle('Use Alpha', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (12*lineheight), third, 19, GUIPARAMS['UseAlpha'].val, "Use the Images' Alpha Values")
	GUIPARAMS['CalcAlpha'] = Draw.Toggle('Calc Alpha', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + third + buPad, maxy - (12*lineheight), third, 19, GUIPARAMS['CalcAlpha'].val, "Calculate Images' Alpha Values")
	GUIPARAMS['ExtendMode'] = Draw.Toggle('Extend', NO_EVT, minx+lP+half+third+third+buPad, maxy - (12*lineheight), third-3, 19, GUIPARAMS['ExtendMode'].val, "Use Extend texture mode. If deselected, Repeat is used")
	GUIPARAMS['Seq'] = Draw.Toggle('Sequence', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (13*lineheight), half-rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['Seq'].val, 'Set the Image(s) to use a Sequence instead of a Still')
	if GUIPARAMS['Seq'].val and not PARAMS['ImportType'] == DIR:
		GUIPARAMS['AutoRefresh'] = Draw.Toggle('Auto Refresh', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (14*lineheight), half/2, 19, GUIPARAMS['AutoRefresh'].val, 'Use Auto Refresh')
		GUIPARAMS['Cyclic'] = Draw.Toggle('Cyclic', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad + half/2, maxy - (14*lineheight), half/2 - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['Cyclic'].val, 'Repeat Frames Cyclically`')

		GUIPARAMS['Frames'] = Draw.Number('Frames: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP + half + buPad, maxy - (15*lineheight), half - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['Frames'].val, 1, 30000, 'Sets the Number of Images of a Movie to Use')
		GUIPARAMS['Offs'] = Draw.Number('Offs: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP + half + buPad, maxy - (16*lineheight), half/2, 19, GUIPARAMS['Offs'].val, -30000, 30000, 'Offsets the Number of the Frame to use in the Animation')
		GUIPARAMS['StartFr'] = Draw.Number('StartFr: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP + half + buPad + half/2, maxy - (16*lineheight), half/2 - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['StartFr'].val, 1, 30000, 'Sets the Global Starting Frame of the Movie')
	elif GUIPARAMS['Seq'].val and PARAMS['ImportType'] == DIR:
		BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP + half + buPad + 7, maxy-(14 * lineheight) + 5)
		Draw.Text('Sequence only available for Single Image Import', 'small')
	# Import Options
	BGL.glRecti(minx+lP, maxy - (17*lineheight), maxx-rP, maxy - (17*lineheight) + 1)
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy-(17*lineheight) + 3)
	Draw.Text('Import', 'small')

	if GUIPARAMS['Path'].val and GUIPARAMS['ImageExt'].val or GUIPARAMS['Path'].val and PARAMS['ImportType'] == SINGLE:
		Draw.PushButton('Import', DO_SCRIPT, minx + lP, maxy - (18*lineheight), 75, 19, "Import Image(s)")
		BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx+lP, maxy - (18*lineheight) + 5)
		Draw.Text('A path and image type must be specified to import images')
	GUIPARAMS['RedrawImp'] = Draw.Toggle('Redraw During Import', NO_EVT, maxx - rP - 150, maxy - (18*lineheight), 150, 19, GUIPARAMS['RedrawImp'].val, 'Redraw the View as Images Import')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def GUI():
	BGL.glClearColor(*(ScreenColor + [1.0]))
	minx = 5
	maxx = 500
	miny = 5
	maxy = 450
	lineheight = 24
	buPad = 5 # Generic Button Padding, most buttons should have 24-19 (or 5) px space around them
	lP = 5 # Left Padding
	rP = 5 # Right Padding
	# Draw Background Box
	BGL.glRecti(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
	# Draw Title
	BGL.glRecti(minx, maxy - (lineheight), maxx, maxy)
	title = "2D Cutout Image Importer v" + VERSIONSTRING
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy - 15)
	Draw.Text(title, 'large')
	Draw.PushButton('Exit', EXIT, maxx-50-rP, maxy - lineheight + 2, 50, 19, "Exit Script")
	# Path Buttons
	if GUIPARAMS['Path'].val == '':
		Draw.PushButton('Single Image', SINGLE_IMG, minx + lP, maxy - (2*lineheight), 150, 19, "Select a Single Image to Import")
		Draw.PushButton('Directory', DIRECTORY_IMG, minx + lP + 150, maxy - (2*lineheight), 150, 19, "Select a Directory of Images to Import")
		Draw.PushButton('Clear', CLR_PATH, minx+lP, maxy - (2*lineheight), 50, 19, "Clear Path and Change Import Options")

	GUIPARAMS['Path'] = Draw.String('Path: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (3*lineheight), (maxx-minx-lP-rP), 19, GUIPARAMS['Path'].val, 399, 'Path to Import From')
	if PARAMS['ImportType'] == DIR:
		GUIPARAMS['ImageExt'] = Draw.String('Image Ext: ', CHG_EXT, minx + lP, maxy - (4*lineheight), 110, 19,  GUIPARAMS['ImageExt'].val, 6, 'Image extension for batch directory importing (case insensitive)')
	GUIPARAMS['PackImage'] = Draw.Toggle('Pack', NO_EVT, maxx - rP - 50, maxy - (4*lineheight), 50, 19, GUIPARAMS['PackImage'].val, 'Pack Image(s) into .Blend File')
	# Geometry and Viewport Options
	BGL.glRecti(minx+lP, maxy - (5*lineheight), maxx-rP, maxy - (5*lineheight) + 1)
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy-(5*lineheight) + 3)
	Draw.Text('Geometry and Display Options', 'small')
	GUIPARAMS['PPU'] = Draw.Slider('Pixels Per Unit: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (6*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP, 19, GUIPARAMS['PPU'].val, 1, 5000, 0, 'Set the Number of Pixels Per Blender Unit to preserve Image Size Relations') 
	GUIPARAMS['VPTransp'] = Draw.Toggle('Viewport Transparency', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (8*lineheight),  (maxx-minx)/2 - lP, 2*lineheight - buPad, GUIPARAMS['VPTransp'].val, 'Display Alpha Transparency in the Viewport')

	GUIPARAMS['XOff'] = Draw.Slider('Offs X: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP + (maxx-minx)/2, maxy - (6*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['XOff'].val, 0, 5.0, 0, 'Amount to Offset Each Imported in the X-Direction if Importing Multiple Images')
	GUIPARAMS['YOff'] = Draw.Slider('Offs Y: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP + (maxx-minx)/2, maxy - (7*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['YOff'].val, 0, 5.0, 0, 'Amount to Offset Each Imported in the Y-Direction if Importing Multiple Images')
	GUIPARAMS['ZOff'] = Draw.Slider('Offs Z: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP + (maxx-minx)/2, maxy - (8*lineheight), (maxx-minx)/2 - lP - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['ZOff'].val, 0, 5.0, 0, 'Amount to Offset Each Imported in the Z-Direction if Importing Multiple Images')

	# Material and Texture Options
	BGL.glRecti(minx+lP, maxy - (9*lineheight), maxx-rP, maxy - (9*lineheight) + 1)
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy-(9*lineheight) + 3)
	Draw.Text('Material and Texture Options', 'small')
	half = (maxx-minx-lP-rP)/2
	GUIPARAMS['CopyMat'] = Draw.Toggle('Copy Existing Material', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy-(10*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['CopyMat'].val, 'Copy an Existing Material')
	if GUIPARAMS['CopyMat'].val:
		menStr = compileMaterialList()
		GUIPARAMS['MatId'] = Draw.Menu(menStr, NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (11*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['MatId'].val, 'Material to Copy Settings From') 
		GUIPARAMS['MatCol'] = Draw.ColorPicker(NO_EVT, minx+lP, maxy - (13*lineheight), 40, (3*lineheight) - buPad, GUIPARAMS['MatCol'].val, 'Color of Newly Created Material')
		GUIPARAMS['Ref'] = Draw.Slider('Ref: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP+45, maxy - (11*lineheight), half-45, 19, GUIPARAMS['Ref'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 'Set the Ref Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['Spec'] = Draw.Slider('Spec: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP+45, maxy - (12*lineheight), half-45, 19, GUIPARAMS['Spec'].val, 0.0, 2.0, 0, 'Set the Spec Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['Hard'] = Draw.Slider('Hard: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP+45, maxy - (13*lineheight), half-45, 19, GUIPARAMS['Hard'].val, 1, 500, 0, 'Set the Hardness Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['Alpha'] = Draw.Slider('A: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP, maxy - (14*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['Alpha'].val, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 'Set the Alpha Value for Created Materials')
		GUIPARAMS['ZTransp'] = Draw.Toggle('ZTransparency', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (15*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['ZTransp'].val, 'Enable ZTransparency')
		GUIPARAMS['Shadeless'] = Draw.Toggle('Shadeless', NO_EVT, minx + lP, maxy - (16*lineheight), half, 19, GUIPARAMS['Shadeless'].val, 'Enable Shadeless')

	GUIPARAMS['TexChan'] = Draw.Number('Texture Channel: ', NO_EVT, minx + lP+ half + buPad, maxy - (10*lineheight), half-rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['TexChan'].val, 1, 10, 'Texture Channel for Image Texture')
	GUIPARAMS['MPTCol'] = Draw.Toggle('Color', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (11*lineheight), half/2, 19, GUIPARAMS['MPTCol'].val, 'Map To Color Channel')
	GUIPARAMS['MPTAlpha'] = Draw.Toggle('Alpha', NO_EVT, minx + lP + int((1.5)*half) + buPad, maxy - (11*lineheight), half/2 - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['MPTAlpha'].val, 'Map To Alpha Channel')
	third = int((maxx-minx-lP-rP)/6)
	GUIPARAMS['UseAlpha'] = Draw.Toggle('Use Alpha', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (12*lineheight), third, 19, GUIPARAMS['UseAlpha'].val, "Use the Images' Alpha Values")
	GUIPARAMS['CalcAlpha'] = Draw.Toggle('Calc Alpha', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + third + buPad, maxy - (12*lineheight), third, 19, GUIPARAMS['CalcAlpha'].val, "Calculate Images' Alpha Values")
	GUIPARAMS['ExtendMode'] = Draw.Toggle('Extend', NO_EVT, minx+lP+half+third+third+buPad, maxy - (12*lineheight), third-3, 19, GUIPARAMS['ExtendMode'].val, "Use Extend texture mode. If deselected, Repeat is used")
	GUIPARAMS['Seq'] = Draw.Toggle('Sequence', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (13*lineheight), half-rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['Seq'].val, 'Set the Image(s) to use a Sequence instead of a Still')
	if GUIPARAMS['Seq'].val and not PARAMS['ImportType'] == DIR:
		GUIPARAMS['AutoRefresh'] = Draw.Toggle('Auto Refresh', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad, maxy - (14*lineheight), half/2, 19, GUIPARAMS['AutoRefresh'].val, 'Use Auto Refresh')
		GUIPARAMS['Cyclic'] = Draw.Toggle('Cyclic', NO_EVT, minx + lP + half + buPad + half/2, maxy - (14*lineheight), half/2 - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['Cyclic'].val, 'Repeat Frames Cyclically`')

		GUIPARAMS['Frames'] = Draw.Number('Frames: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP + half + buPad, maxy - (15*lineheight), half - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['Frames'].val, 1, 30000, 'Sets the Number of Images of a Movie to Use')
		GUIPARAMS['Offs'] = Draw.Number('Offs: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP + half + buPad, maxy - (16*lineheight), half/2, 19, GUIPARAMS['Offs'].val, -30000, 30000, 'Offsets the Number of the Frame to use in the Animation')
		GUIPARAMS['StartFr'] = Draw.Number('StartFr: ', NO_EVT, minx +lP + half + buPad + half/2, maxy - (16*lineheight), half/2 - rP, 19, GUIPARAMS['StartFr'].val, 1, 30000, 'Sets the Global Starting Frame of the Movie')
	elif GUIPARAMS['Seq'].val and PARAMS['ImportType'] == DIR:
		BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP + half + buPad + 7, maxy-(14 * lineheight) + 5)
		Draw.Text('Sequence only available for Single Image Import', 'small')
	# Import Options
	BGL.glRecti(minx+lP, maxy - (17*lineheight), maxx-rP, maxy - (17*lineheight) + 1)
	BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx + lP, maxy-(17*lineheight) + 3)
	Draw.Text('Import', 'small')

	if GUIPARAMS['Path'].val and GUIPARAMS['ImageExt'].val or GUIPARAMS['Path'].val and PARAMS['ImportType'] == SINGLE:
		Draw.PushButton('Import', DO_SCRIPT, minx + lP, maxy - (18*lineheight), 75, 19, "Import Image(s)")
		BGL.glRasterPos2i(minx+lP, maxy - (18*lineheight) + 5)
		Draw.Text('A path and image type must be specified to import images')
	GUIPARAMS['RedrawImp'] = Draw.Toggle('Redraw During Import', NO_EVT, maxx - rP - 150, maxy - (18*lineheight), 150, 19, GUIPARAMS['RedrawImp'].val, 'Redraw the View as Images Import')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def doDraw(self):
     BGL.glRecti(self.pos_x, self.pos_y,
                 self.pos_x + self.width,
                 self.pos_y + self.height)