Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, channel):
     self._closed = False
     self._local_namespace = {}
     self.channel = channel
     self.box = Box(self)
     self.async_replies = {}
     self.sync_replies = {}
     self.module_cache = {}
     self.remote_conn = self.sync_request("handle_getconn")
     # user APIs:
     self.modules = RootImporter(self)
     self.namespace = AttrFrontend(self.remote_conn._local_namespace)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Connection(object):
    the rpyc connection layer (protocol and APIs). generally speaking, the only 
    things you'll need to access directly from this object are:
     * modules - represents the remote python interprerer's modules namespace
     * execute - executes the given code on the other side of the connection
     * namespace - the namespace in which the code you `execute` resides

    the rest of the attributes should be of no intresent to you, except maybe
    for `remote_conn`, which represents the other side of the connection. it is
    unlikely, however, you'll need to use it (it is used interally).
    when you are done using a connection, and wish to release the resources it
    holds, you should call close(). you don't have to, but if you don't, the gc
    can't release the memory because of cyclic references.
    __slots__ = ["_closed", "_local_namespace", "channel", "box", "async_replies",
    "sync_replies", "module_cache", "remote_conn", "modules", "namespace"]
    def __init__(self, channel):
        self._closed = False
        self._local_namespace = {}
        self.channel = channel
        self.box = Box(self)
        self.async_replies = {}
        self.sync_replies = {}
        self.module_cache = {}
        self.remote_conn = self.sync_request("handle_getconn")
        # user APIs:
        self.modules = RootImporter(self)
        self.namespace = AttrFrontend(self.remote_conn._local_namespace)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self._closed:
            return "<%s.%s(closed)>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
            return "<%s.%s(%r)>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.channel)

    # file api layer
    def close(self):
        """closes down the connection and releases all cyclic dependecies"""
        if not self._closed:
            self._closed = True
            self._local_namespace = None
            self.channel = None
            self.box = None
            self.async_replies = None
            self.sync_replies = None
            self.module_cache = None
            self.modules = None
            self.remote_conn = None
            self.namespace = None

    def fileno(self):
        """connections are select()able"""
        return self.channel.fileno()

    # protocol
    def send(self, type, seq, obj):
        if self._closed:
            raise EOFError("the connection is closed")
        return self.channel.send(type, seq, self.box.pack(obj))
    def send_request(self, handlername, *args):
        return self.send(FRAME_REQUEST, None, (handlername, args))

    def send_exception(self, seq, exc_info):
        self.send(FRAME_EXCEPTION, seq, dump_exception(*exc_info))

    def send_result(self, seq, obj):
        self.send(FRAME_RESULT, seq, obj)

    # dispatching
    def dispatch_result(self, seq, obj):
        if seq in self.async_replies:
            self.async_replies.pop(seq)(obj, False)
            self.sync_replies[seq] = obj
    def dispatch_exception(self, seq, obj):
        excobj = load_exception(obj)
        if seq in self.async_replies:
            self.async_replies.pop(seq)(excobj, True)

    def dispatch_request(self, seq, handlername, args):
            res = getattr(self, handlername)(*args)
        except SystemExit:
            self.send_exception(seq, sys.exc_info())
            self.send_result(seq, res)

    def poll(self):
        """if available, serves a single request, otherwise returns (non-blocking serve)"""
        if self.channel.is_available():
            return True
            return False
    def serve(self):
        """serves a single request (may block)"""
        type, seq, data = self.channel.recv()
        if type == FRAME_RESULT:
            self.dispatch_result(seq, self.box.unpack(data))
        elif type == FRAME_REQUEST:
            self.dispatch_request(seq, *self.box.unpack(data))
        elif type == FRAME_EXCEPTION:
            self.dispatch_exception(seq, self.box.unpack(data))
            raise ValueError("invalid frame type (%d)" % (type,))

    # requests
    def sync_request(self, handlername, *args):
        """performs a synchronous (blocking) request"""
        seq = self.send_request(handlername, *args)
        while seq not in self.sync_replies:
        return self.sync_replies.pop(seq)
    def async_request(self, callback, handlername, *args):
        """performs an asynchronous (non-blocking) request"""
        seq = self.send_request(handlername, *args)
        self.async_replies[seq] = callback

    # root requests (not through NetProxies)
    def rimport(self, modulename):
        """imports a module by name (as a string)"""
        if modulename not in self.module_cache:
            module = self.sync_request("handle_import", modulename)
            self.module_cache[modulename] = module
        return self.module_cache[modulename]            

    def execute(self, expr, mode = "exec"):
        """executes the given code at the remote side of the connection"""
        return self.sync_request("handle_execute", expr, mode)

    # handlers
    def handle_decref(self, oid):
    def handle_delattr(self, oid, name):
        delattr(self.box[oid], name)

    def handle_getattr(self, oid, name):
        return getattr(self.box[oid], name)

    def handle_setattr(self, oid, name, value):
        setattr(self.box[oid], name, value)

    def handle_delitem(self, oid, index):
        del self.box[oid][index]

    def handle_getitem(self, oid, index):
        return self.box[oid][index]

    def handle_setitem(self, oid, index, value):
        self.box[oid][index] = value

    def handle_call(self, oid, args, kwargs):
        return self.box[oid](*args, **kwargs)

    def handle_repr(self, oid):
        return repr(self.box[oid])

    def handle_str(self, oid):
        return str(self.box[oid])

    def handle_bool(self, oid):
        return bool(self.box[oid])

    def handle_import(self, modulename):
        return __import__(modulename, None, None, modulename.split(".")[-1])

    def handle_getconn(self):
        return self

    def handle_execute(self, expr, mode):
        codeobj = compile(expr, "<from %s>" % (self,), mode)
        return eval(codeobj, self._local_namespace)