class ArtificialPlayer(Player):
    def __init__(self,pygame,imagePath,x,y,dims,chromosome=None):
        self.brain = Brain(dims,chromosome)
    # an AP has one sensor to his left and one to his right
    # they are able to detect the obstacle and the left screen side
    def detect(self,obstacle):
        sensorLeft = 0
        sensorRight = 0
        distance = obstacle.getX() - (self.x + self.image.get_rect().size[0])
        if (-distance > 0 and -distance < 50) or self.x < 50:
            sensorLeft = 1
        if distance > 0 and distance < 50:
            sensorRight = 1
        return [sensorLeft,sensorRight]

    def printDecisions(self):
        possibleInputs = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]
        for possibleInput in possibleInputs:
            print str(possibleInput) + ' => ' + str(self.brain.getDecisions(possibleInput))
        print ''
    def getDecisions(self,obstacle):
        return self.brain.getDecisions(self.detect(obstacle))
    def getChromosome(self):
        return self.brain.getParameters()