Ejemplo n.º 1
	def listComprehension(self, state, node, expr, *xs):
		exprView = viewEval( expr )
		xViews = mapViewEval( xs, None, python25ViewState( Parser.listComprehensionItem ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ label( '[', punctuationStyle ),  flow( [ exprView ]  +  xViews, spacing=15.0 ), label( ']', punctuationStyle ) ] ),
				   UnparsedText( '[ '  +  exprView.text  +  '   '  +  UnparsedText( '   ' ).join( [ x.text   for x in xViews ] )  +  ' ]', PRECEDENCE_LISTCOMPREHENSION ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def classStmt(self, state, node, name, inheritance, suite):
		classLabel = keywordLabel( classKeyword )
		classUnparsed = UnparsedText( classKeyword )
		classUnparsed.associateWith( classLabel )
		nameLabel = label( name )
		nameUnparsed = UnparsedText( name )
		nameUnparsed.associateWith( nameLabel )
		if inheritance != '<nil>':
			inheritanceView = viewEval( inheritance, None, python25ViewState( Parser.tupleOrExpression ) )
			inhWidget = ahbox( [ label( '(', punctuationStyle ),  inheritanceView,  label( ')', punctuationStyle ) ] )
			inhUnparsed = UnparsedText( '(' )  +  inheritanceView.text  +  ')'
			classLine = flow( [ classLabel, nameLabel, inhWidget, label( ':', punctuationStyle ) ], spacing=10.0 )
			classLineUnparsed = classUnparsed  +  ' '  +  nameUnparsed  +  inhUnparsed  +  ':'
			inhWidgets = []
			classLine = flow( [ classLabel, nameLabel, label( ':', punctuationStyle ) ], spacing=10.0 )
			classLineUnparsed = classUnparsed  +  ' '  +  nameUnparsed  +  ':'
		return compoundStatementEditor( node,
				UnparsedText( classLineUnparsed,  PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def generatorExpression(self, state, node, expr, *xs):
		exprView = viewEval( expr )
		xViews = mapViewEval( xs, None, python25ViewState( Parser.generatorExpressionItem ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ label( '(', punctuationStyle ),  flow( [ exprView ]  +  xViews, spacing=15.0 ), label( ')', punctuationStyle ) ] ),
				   UnparsedText( '( '  +  exprView.text  +  '   '  +  UnparsedText( '   ' ).join( [ x.text   for x in xViews ] )  +  ' ]', PRECEDENCE_GENERATOREXPRESSION ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def genFor(self, state, node, target, source):
		targetView = viewEval( target, None, python25ViewState( Parser.targetList ) )
		sourceView = viewEval( source, None, python25ViewState( Parser.orTest ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ keywordLabel( forKeyword ), targetView, keywordLabel( inKeyword ), sourceView ] ),
				   UnparsedText( forKeyword  +  ' '  +  targetView.text  +  ' '  +  inKeyword  +  sourceView.text, PRECEDENCE_GENERATOREXPRESSION ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def listFor(self, state, node, target, source):
		targetView = viewEval( target, None, python25ViewState( Parser.targetList ) )
		sourceView = viewEval( source, None, python25ViewState( Parser.oldTupleOrExpression ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ keywordLabel( forKeyword ), targetView, keywordLabel( inKeyword ), sourceView ] ),
				   UnparsedText( forKeyword  +  ' '  +  targetView.text  +  ' '  +  inKeyword  +  sourceView.text, PRECEDENCE_LISTCOMPREHENSION ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def augAssignStmt(self, state, node, op, target, value):
		targetView = viewEval( target, None, python25ViewState( Parser.targetItem ) )
		valueView = viewEval( value, None, python25ViewState( Parser.tupleOrExpressionOrYieldExpression ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				flow( [ targetView,  label( op, punctuationStyle ),  valueView ] ),
				UnparsedText( targetView.text  +  op  +  valueView.text, PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def attributeRef(self, state, node, target, name):
		targetView = viewEval( target )
		nameUnparsed = UnparsedText( name )
		nameLabel = label( name )
		nameUnparsed.associateWith( nameLabel )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				flow( [ viewEval( target ),  label( '.' ),  nameLabel ] ),
				UnparsedText( _unparsePrecedenceGT( targetView.text, PRECEDENCE_ATTR ) + '.' + nameUnparsed,  PRECEDENCE_ATTR ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def assignmentStmt(self, state, node, targets, value):
		targetViews = mapViewEval( targets, None, python25ViewState( Parser.targetList ) )
		valueView = viewEval( value, None, python25ViewState( Parser.tupleOrExpressionOrYieldExpression ) )
		targetWidgets = []
		for t in targetViews:
			targetWidgets.append( ahbox( [ t, label( '=', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				flow( targetWidgets  +  [ valueView ] ),
				UnparsedText( UnparsedText( ' = ' ).join( [ t.text   for t in targetViews ] )  +  ' = '  +  valueView.text, PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def whileStmt(self, state, node, condition, suite):
		whileLabel = keywordLabel( whileKeyword )
		whileUnparsed = UnparsedText( whileKeyword )
		whileUnparsed.associateWith( whileLabel )
		conditionView = viewEval( condition )
		return compoundStatementEditor( node,
				flow( [ whileLabel,  ahbox( [ conditionView,  label( ':', punctuationStyle ) ] ) ] ),
				UnparsedText( whileUnparsed  +  ' '  +  conditionView.text  +  ':',  PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				state  )
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def forStmt(self, state, node, target, source, suite):
		forLabel = keywordLabel( forKeyword )
		forUnparsed = UnparsedText( forKeyword )
		forUnparsed.associateWith( forLabel )
		targetView = viewEval( target, None, python25ViewState( Parser.targetList ) )
		sourceView = viewEval( source, None, python25ViewState( Parser.tupleOrExpression ) )
		return compoundStatementEditor( node,
				   flow( [ forLabel, targetView, keywordLabel( inKeyword ), ahbox( [ sourceView, label( ':', punctuationStyle ) ] ) ] ),
				   UnparsedText( forUnparsed  +  ' '  +  targetView.text  +  ' '  +  inKeyword  +  sourceView.text  +  ':', PRECEDENCE_LISTCOMPREHENSION ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def importStmt(self, state, node, *xs):
		xViews = mapViewEval( xs, None, python25ViewState( Parser.moduleImport ) )
		xWidgets = []
		if len( xs ) > 0:
			for xv in xViews[:-1]:
				xWidgets.append( ahbox( [ xv, label( ',', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
			xWidgets.append( xViews[-1] )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ keywordLabel( importKeyword ) ]  +  xWidgets, spacing=10.0 ),
				   UnparsedText( importKeyword  +  ' '  +  UnparsedText( ', ' ).join( [ xv.text   for xv in xViews ] ), PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 12
	def call(self, state, node, target, *args):
		targetView = viewEval( target )
		argViews = mapViewEval( args, None, python25ViewState( Parser.callArg ) )
		argWidgets = []
		if len( args ) > 0:
			for a in argViews[:-1]:
				argWidgets.append( ahbox( [ a, label( ',', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
			argWidgets.append( argViews[-1] )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				flow( [ viewEval( target ), label( '(', punctuationStyle ) ]  +  argWidgets  +  [ label( ')', punctuationStyle ) ] ),
				UnparsedText( _unparsePrecedenceGT( targetView.text, PRECEDENCE_CALL ) + '( ' + UnparsedText( ', ' ).join( [ a.text   for a in argViews ] ) + ' )',  PRECEDENCE_CALL ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def globalStmt(self, state, node, *xs):
		globalLabel = keywordLabel( globalKeyword )
		globalUnparsed = UnparsedText( globalKeyword )
		globalUnparsed.associateWith( globalLabel )
		xViews = mapViewEval( xs, None, python25ViewState( Parser.globalVar ) )
		xWidgets = []
		if len( xs ) > 0:
			for xv in xViews[:-1]:
				xWidgets.append( ahbox( [ xv, label( ',', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
			xWidgets.append( xViews[-1] )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ globalLabel ]  +  xWidgets, spacing=10.0 ),
				   UnparsedText( globalUnparsed  +  ' '  +  UnparsedText( ', ' ).join( [ xv.text   for xv in xViews ] ), PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 14
	def raiseStmt(self, state, node, *xs):
		xs = [ x   for x in xs   if x != '<nil>' ]
		xViews = mapViewEval( xs )
		xWidgets = []
		if len( xs ) > 0:
			for x in xViews[:-1]:
				xWidgets.append( ahbox( [ x, label( ',', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
			xWidgets.append( xViews[-1] )
		xText = UnparsedText( ', ' ).join( [ x.text   for x in xViews ] )
		if len( xs ) > 0:
			xText = ' ' + xText
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ keywordLabel( raiseKeyword ) ] + xWidgets, spacing=10.0 ),
				   UnparsedText( UnparsedText( raiseKeyword )  +  xText,  PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def assertStmt(self, state, node, condition, fail):
		assertLabel = keywordLabel( assertKeyword )
		assertUnparsed = UnparsedText( assertKeyword )
		assertUnparsed.associateWith( assertLabel )
		conditionView = viewEval( condition )
		widgets = [ assertLabel ]
		if fail != '<nil>':
			failView = viewEval( fail )
			widgets.append( ahbox( [ conditionView, label( ',', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
			widgets.append( viewEval( fail ) )
			failView = None
			widgets.append( conditionView )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( widgets, spacing=10.0 ),
				   UnparsedText( assertUnparsed  +  ' '  +  conditionView.text  +  ( ', ' + failView.text ) if failView is not None  else '',  PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 16
	def withStmt(self, state, node, expr, target, suite):
		withLabel = keywordLabel( withKeyword )
		withUnparsed = UnparsedText( withKeyword )
		withUnparsed.associateWith( withLabel )
		exprView = viewEval( expr )
		widgets = [ exprView ]
		txt = withUnparsed  +  ' '  +  exprView.text
		if target != '<nil>':
			targetView = viewEval( target )
			widgets.append( keywordLabel( asKeyword ) )
			widgets.append( targetView )
			txt += ' as ' +  targetView.text
		widgets.append( label( ':', punctuationStyle ) )
		return compoundStatementEditor( node,
				   flow( [ withLabel ]  +  widgets, spacing=10.0 ),
				   UnparsedText( txt + ':', PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 17
	def lambdaExpr(self, state, node, params, expr):
		# The Python 2.5 grammar has two versions of the lambda expression grammar; one what reckognises the full lambda expression, and one that
		# reckognises a lambda expression that cannot wrap conditional expression.
		# Ensure that we use the correct parser for @expr
		exprParser = Parser.expression
		if state is not None:
			parser, mode = state
			if parser is Parser.oldExpression   or  parser is Parser.oldLambdaExpr  or  parser is Parser.oldTupleOrExpression:
				exprParser = Parser.oldExpression
		exprView = viewEval( expr, None, python25ViewState( exprParser ) )
		paramViews = mapViewEval( params, None, python25ViewState( Parser.param ) )
		paramWidgets = []
		if len( params ) > 0:
			for p in paramViews[:-1]:
				paramWidgets.append( ahbox( [ p, label( ',', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
			paramWidgets.append( paramViews[-1] )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				flow( [ keywordLabel( lambdaKeyword ) ]  +  paramWidgets  +  [ label( ':', punctuationStyle ), exprView ], spacing=5.0 ),
				UnparsedText( lambdaKeyword  +  ' ' + UnparsedText( ', ' ).join( [ p.text   for p in paramViews ] ) + ': '  +  exprView.text,  PRECEDENCE_LAMBDAEXPR ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 18
	def defStmt(self, state, node, name, params, suite):
		defLabel = keywordLabel( defKeyword )
		defUnparsed = UnparsedText( defKeyword )
		defUnparsed.associateWith( defLabel )
		nameLabel = label( name )
		nameUnparsed = UnparsedText( name )
		nameUnparsed.associateWith( nameLabel )
		paramViews = mapViewEval( params, None, python25ViewState( Parser.param ) )
		paramWidgets = [ label( '(', punctuationStyle ) ]
		if len( params ) > 0:
			for p in paramViews[:-1]:
				paramWidgets.append( ahbox( [ p, label( ',', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
			paramWidgets.append( paramViews[-1] )
		paramWidgets.append( label( ')', punctuationStyle ) )
		return compoundStatementEditor( node,
				flow( [ defLabel, nameLabel ]  +  paramWidgets  +  [ label( ':', punctuationStyle ) ], spacing=10.0 ),
				UnparsedText( defUnparsed  +  ' ' + nameUnparsed + '(' + UnparsedText( ', ' ).join( [ p.text   for p in paramViews ] ) + '):',  PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 19
	def execStmt(self, state, node, src, loc, glob):
		execLabel = keywordLabel( execKeyword )
		execUnparsed = UnparsedText( execKeyword )
		execUnparsed.associateWith( execLabel )
		srcView = viewEval( src, None, python25ViewState( Parser.orOp ) )
		widgets = [ srcView ]
		txt = execUnparsed  +  ' '  +  srcView.text
		if loc != '<nil>':
			locView = viewEval( loc )
			widgets.append( keywordLabel( inKeyword ) )
			if glob != '<nil>':
				widgets.append( ahbox( [ locView, label( ',', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
				widgets.append( locView )
			txt += ' '  +  inKeyword  +  ' '  +  locView.text
		if glob != '<nil>':
			globView = viewEval( glob )
			widgets.append( globView )
			txt += ', '  +  globView.text
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ execLabel ]  +  widgets, spacing=10.0 ),
				   UnparsedText( txt , PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 20
	def exceptStmt(self, state, node, exc, target, suite):
		exceptLabel = keywordLabel( exceptKeyword )
		exceptUnparsed = UnparsedText( exceptKeyword )
		exceptUnparsed.associateWith( exceptLabel )
		widgets = []
		txt = exceptUnparsed
		if exc != '<nil>':
			excView = viewEval( exc )
			if target != '<nil>':
				widgets.append( ahbox( [ excView, label( ',', punctuationStyle ) ] ) )
				widgets.append( excView )
			txt += ' '  +  excView.text
		if target != '<nil>':
			targetView = viewEval( target )
			widgets.append( targetView )
			txt += ', '  +  targetView.text
		widgets.append( label( ':', punctuationStyle ) )
		return compoundStatementEditor( node,
				   flow( [ exceptLabel ]  +  widgets, spacing=10.0 ),
				   UnparsedText( txt + ':', PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 21
	def genIf(self, state, node, condition):
		conditionView = viewEval( condition, None, python25ViewState( Parser.oldExpression ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ keywordLabel( ifKeyword ), conditionView ] ),
				   UnparsedText( ifKeyword  +  ' '  +  conditionView.text, PRECEDENCE_GENERATOREXPRESSION ),
				   state )
Ejemplo n.º 22
	def yieldStmt(self, state, node, value):
		valueView = viewEval( value )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				flow( [ keywordLabel( yieldKeyword ),  valueView ] ),
				UnparsedText( yieldKeyword  +  ' '  +  valueView.text,  PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 23
	def returnStmt(self, state, node, value):
		valueView = viewEval( value, None, python25ViewState( Parser.tupleOrExpression ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				flow( [ keywordLabel( returnKeyword ),  valueView ] ),
				UnparsedText( returnKeyword  +  ' '  +  valueView.text,  PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 24
	def delStmt(self, state, node, target):
		targetView = viewEval( target, None, python25ViewState( Parser.targetList ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				flow( [ keywordLabel( delKeyword ),  targetView ] ),
				UnparsedText( delKeyword  +  ' '  +  targetView.text,  PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 25
	def yieldAtom(self, state, node, value):
		valueView = viewEval( value )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				flow( [ label( '(', punctuationStyle ),  keywordLabel( yieldKeyword ),  valueView,  label( ')', punctuationStyle ) ] ),
				UnparsedText( '(' + yieldKeyword  +  ' '  +  valueView.text + ')',  PRECEDENCE_YIELDEXPR ),
				state )
Ejemplo n.º 26
	def fromImportAllStmt(self, state, node, moduleName):
		moduleNameView = viewEval( moduleName, None, python25ViewState( Parser.moduleContentImport ) )
		return nodeEditor( node,
				   flow( [ keywordLabel( fromKeyword ), moduleNameView, keywordLabel( importKeyword ), label( '*', punctuationStyle ) ], spacing=10.0 ),
				   UnparsedText( fromKeyword  +  ' '  +  moduleNameView.text  +  ' '  +  importKeyword  +  ' *', PRECEDENCE_STMT ),
				   state )