Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, dataTransfer):
     if (isinstance(dataTransfer, IDataTransfer) != True):
         raise ValueError(
             "@DataReader : expecting parameter one to be IDataTransfer object"
     self.__dataTransfer = dataTransfer
     self.__rxQueue = ByteBuffer()
     self.__rxThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__RunInBackground,
                                        args=(self.__rxQueue, ))
     self.__rxThread.daemon = True
     self.__waitEvent = threading.Event()
     self.__waitTaskCompleted = threading.Event()
     self.__isAlive = False
     self.__mutex = threading.Lock()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def parseWorldItemPacket(self, packetData):

        global number_of_uniques
        global number_of_rares
        global number_of_orbs
        global number_of_maps
        global RUN

            buffer = ByteBuffer(packetData)

            if DEBUG:
                print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'
                print >> self.logFile, 'packet:'
                print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(
                    map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData))

            id = buffer.nextByte()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('id = {0}', id)

            objectType = buffer.nextDword()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('ObjectType = {0}', objectType)

            unk1 = buffer.nextDword()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk1 = {0}', unk1)

            unk2 = buffer.nextByte()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk2 = {0}', unk2)

            if unk2 != 0:
                print >> self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk2 field:'
                print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(
                    map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData))

            x = buffer.nextDword()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('x = {0}', x)

            y = buffer.nextDword()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('y = {0}', y)

            rot = buffer.nextDword()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('rot = {0}', rot)

            unk3 = buffer.nextDword(ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk3 = {0}', unk3)

            unk4 = buffer.nextDword()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk4 = {0}', unk4)

            if unk3 >> 2 != 0:
                print >> self.logFile, 'The following packet has an odd unk3 field:'
                print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(
                    map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData))

            unk5 = buffer.nextDword()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk5 = {0}', unk5)

            unk6 = buffer.nextDword()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk6 = {0}', unk6)

            unk7 = buffer.nextByte()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk7 = {0}', unk7)

            unk8 = buffer.nextDword()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('unk8 = {0}', unk8)

            if unk8 >= 2:
                unk8 = buffer.nextDword()

            quantity = buffer.nextByte()
            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('quantity = {0}', quantity)

            itemId = buffer.nextDword()
            print >> self.logFile, str.format('itemId = {0}', itemId)

            #remaining = buffer.getRemainingBytes()

            itemName = getItemName(itemId)
            print >> self.logFile, str.format('itemName = {0}', itemName)

            if isCurrencyItem(itemName):
                print Fore.WHITE + str.format('CUR: {0}', itemName)
                number_of_orbs += 1

                #Specified items (like gems)
                sPlayer = SoundPlayer()
                if itemId == 0xC04F5629:
                if itemId == 0x07A992EB:


            actual = buffer.nextByte()
            actual = buffer.nextByte()
            actual = buffer.nextByte()
            actual = buffer.nextDword()
            itemlevel = buffer.nextDword()
            if DEBUG:
                print >> self.logFile, str.format('itemlevel = {0}', itemlevel)

            if isGemItem(itemName) and ALERT_GEMS == True:

                actual = buffer.nextByte()
                quality = int(buffer.nextDword())
                #print >>self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality)
                if quality >= 5:
                    print Fore.CYAN + str.format('GEM: {0}, quality: {1}',
                                                 itemName, quality)
                    #unique = PlaySoundUnique()

                print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'

            req_lvl = buffer.nextDword()
            actual = buffer.nextDword()
            actual = buffer.nextByte()
            rarity = buffer.nextDword()
            if DEBUG:
                print >> self.logFile, str.format('rarity = {0}', rarity)

            identified = buffer.nextDword()
            if DEBUG:
                print >> self.logFile, str.format('identified = {0}',

            if isMapItem(itemName) and ALERT_MAPS == True:

                actual = buffer.nextDword()
                actual = buffer.nextDword()
                actual = buffer.nextByte()

                actual = buffer.nextDword()
                actual = buffer.nextDword()
                quality = int(buffer.nextDword())
                actual = int(buffer.nextByte())
                if DEBUG:
                    print >> self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality)

                if quality == 0 and actual == 0:
                    quality = int(buffer.nextDword())
                    if DEBUG:
                        print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                            'quality new = {0}', quality)

                print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + str.format(
                    'MAP: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}, quality: {3}',
                    itemName, rarity, itemlevel, quality)

                print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'

                number_of_maps += 1

            if isBeltItem(itemName):

                if rarity == 3:

                    print Fore.YELLOW + str.format(
                        'UNI BELT: {0}, rarity: {1}', itemName, rarity)
                    unique = PlaySoundUnique()

                    number_of_uniques += 1

                elif rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True:

                    print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format(
                        'BELT: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}', itemName,
                        rarity, itemlevel)

                print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'


            if isJewelleryItem(itemName):

                if rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True:
                    print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format(
                        'JEW: {0}, rarity: {1}', itemName, rarity)
                    number_of_rares += 1

                if (rarity == 0 or rarity == 1) and (
                        itemId == 0x29F77698
                        or itemId == 0xDE069771) and ALERT_JEW_VALUES == True:

                    _implicitmods = int(buffer.nextDword())
                    _mod = buffer.nextDword()
                    _modvalues = buffer.nextByte()
                    _modvalue = int(buffer.nextDword())

                    if _modvalue >= 13 and itemId == 0x29F77698:

                        print Fore.WHITE + str.format('JEW: {0}, Value: {1}',
                                                      itemName, _modvalue)

                    if _modvalue >= 18 and itemId == 0xDE069771:

                        print Fore.WHITE + str.format('JEW: {0}, Value: {1}',
                                                      itemName, _modvalue)

                elif rarity == 3:

                    if identified == 1 and itemId == 0x29F77698:

                        if RUN == False:
                            RUN = True
                            number_of_uniques = 0
                            number_of_rares = 0
                            number_of_orbs = 0
                            number_of_maps = 0

                            staTime = datetime.datetime.today().strftime(
                                "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                            startTime = str.format('{0}', staTime)

                            print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + str.format(
                                '==== {0} ===== RUN started ===========',

                            #print >>self.logFile, str.format('{0}', startTime)
                            # measure runtime later on here, get the start time


                            RUN = False
                            stoTime = datetime.datetime.today().strftime(
                                "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                            stopTime = str.format('{0}', stoTime)
                            print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + str.format(
                                '==== {0} ===== RUN stopped ===========',
                            print >> self.statFile, str.format(
                                '{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}', stopTime,
                                number_of_uniques, number_of_rares,
                                number_of_orbs, number_of_maps)

                        print Fore.YELLOW + str.format(
                            'UNI JEW: {0}, rarity: {1}', itemName, rarity)
                        unique = PlaySoundUnique()

                        number_of_uniques += 1

                print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'

            if isArmourItem(itemName):

                if rarity == 0:

                    if shouldNotify(itemName):
                        print Fore.WHITE + str.format('SPC: {0}', itemName)
                        # worker = PlaySoundWorker()
                        # worker.start()

                        print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'

                elif rarity == 2:
                    number_of_rares += 1

                if identified == 1:

                    if isShieldItem(itemName):

                        if DEBUG:
                            print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                'identified as SHIELD', '1')

                        _implicitmod = int(buffer.nextDword())

                        if _implicitmod == 2:
                            actual = buffer.nextDword()

                            _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte())

                            if _skipnext >= 1:
                                actual = buffer.nextDword()

                                _impl_mod = int(buffer.nextDword())
                                if DEBUG:
                                    print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                        'implicit mod = {0}', _impl_mod)

                                _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte())

                                for i in range(0, _impl_mod_values):
                                    # needs to be worked out
                                    _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword())

                                _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte())

                                if _skipnext >= 1:
                                    for i in range(0, _skipnext):
                                        actual = int(buffer.nextDword())


                            actual = buffer.nextDword()

                            _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte())

                            if _skipnext >= 1:
                                for i in range(0, _skipnext):
                                    actual = buffer.nextDword()

                                _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte())

                                if _skipnext >= 1:
                                    for i in range(0, _skipnext):
                                        actual = buffer.nextDword()

                        _skipnext = int(buffer.nextDword())

                        if _skipnext >= 1:
                            actual = buffer.nextDword()

                            _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte())

                            if _skipnext >= 1:
                                actual = buffer.nextDword()

                                _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte())

                                if _skipnext >= 1:
                                    actual = buffer.nextDword()

                            _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte())

                            if _skipnext >= 1:
                                for i in range(0, _skipnext):
                                    actual = buffer.nextDword()

                    number_of_mods = int(buffer.nextDword())


                    if isShieldItem(itemName):

                        if DEBUG:
                            print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                'identified as SHIELD', '1')

                        _implicitmod = int(buffer.nextDword())

                        if _implicitmod == 2:

                            actual = buffer.nextDword()

                            _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte())

                            if _skipnext >= 1:
                                actual = buffer.nextDword()

                                _impl_mod = int(buffer.nextDword())

                                if DEBUG:
                                    print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                        'implicit mod = {0}', _impl_mod)

                                _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte())

                                if DEBUG:
                                    print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                        '_impl_mod_values = {0}',

                                if _impl_mod_values > 0:
                                    for i in range(0, _impl_mod_values):
                                        # needs to be worked out
                                        _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword())
                                        if DEBUG:
                                            print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                                '_mod_value = {0}', _mod_value)

                        elif _implicitmod == 1:

                            actual = buffer.nextDword()

                            _skipnext = int(buffer.nextByte())

                            if _skipnext >= 1:
                                for i in range(0, _skipnext):
                                    actual = buffer.nextDword()


                        _implicitmods = int(buffer.nextDword())

                        if _implicitmods == 2:

                            if DEBUG:
                                print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                    '_implicitmods = {0}', _implicitmods)

                        elif _implicitmods == 1:

                            _implicitmod = buffer.nextDword()
                            if DEBUG:
                                print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                    '_implicitmod = {0}', _implicitmod)

                            _impl_mod_values = int(buffer.nextByte())
                            if DEBUG:
                                print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                    '_impl_mod_values = {0}', _impl_mod_values)

                            for i in range(0, _impl_mod_values):
                                # needs to be worked out
                                _mod_value = int(buffer.nextDword())

                    number_of_mods = 0

                if DEBUG:
                    print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                        'number of explicit mods = {0}', number_of_mods)

                if number_of_mods > 6:
                    print >> self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd number_of_mods field:'
                    print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(
                        map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData))

                    print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'

                for i in range(0, number_of_mods):
                    mod_id = buffer.nextDword()
                    if DEBUG:
                        print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                            'mod id = {0}', mod_id)
                    sub_mod_count = buffer.nextByte()
                    if sub_mod_count > 3:
                        print >> self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sub_mod_count field:'
                        if DEBUG:
                            print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(
                                map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData))

                        print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'

                    for ii in range(0, sub_mod_count):
                        mod_value = buffer.nextDword()
                        if sub_mod_count == 1:
                            if DEBUG:
                                print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                    'Modifier: {0}{1}', mod_value,
                        elif sub_mod_count == 2:
                            if mod_value != 0:
                                sub_mods = getModifierName(mod_id).split("/")
                                sub_mod = sub_mods[ii]
                                if DEBUG:
                                    print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                                        'Modifier: {0}{1}', mod_value, sub_mod)

                quality = buffer.nextDword()
                if DEBUG:
                    print >> self.logFile, str.format('quality = {0}', quality)
                actual = buffer.nextByte()
                sockets = int(buffer.nextDword())
                if DEBUG:
                    print >> self.logFile, str.format('sockets = {0}', sockets)

                if sockets == 0 or sockets > 6:
                    print >> self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sockets field:'
                    if DEBUG:
                        print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(
                            map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData))

                    print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'

                _all_color = []

                sock_color_tmp = ""
                sock_color_tmp = getSocketColor(int(buffer.nextByte()))

                actual = buffer.nextByte()

                for i in range(1, sockets):
                    sock_color_tmp = getSocketColor(int(buffer.nextByte()))
                    actual = buffer.nextByte()

                if DEBUG:
                    print >> self.logFile, str.format('socket colors = {0}',

                sock_fragments = int(buffer.nextDword())

                if DEBUG:
                    print >> self.logFile, str.format('socket fragments = {0}',

                if sock_fragments > 6 or sock_fragments == 0:
                    print >> self.logFile, 'The last packet had an odd sock_fragments field:'
                    if DEBUG:
                        print >> self.logFile, self.dbg.hex_dump(
                            map(lambda x: chr(x), packetData))

                    print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'

                listlen = len(_all_color)

                if sock_fragments == 1:
                    if DEBUG:
                        print >> self.logFile, str.format(
                            'Fully linked = {0}', sock_fragments)
                    ii = 0
                    for i in range(1, listlen):
                        _all_color.insert(i + ii, "-")
                        ii = ii + 1

                    iii = 0
                    maxfrag = 1
                    for i in range(0, sock_fragments):
                        frag = int(buffer.nextByte())
                        if frag > 1:
                            if maxfrag < frag:
                                maxfrag = frag
                            for ii in range(1, frag):
                                _all_color.insert(ii + iii, "-")
                                iii = iii + 1
                            iii = iii + ii + 1
                            iii = iii + 1

                socketsetup = ''.join(_all_color)

                if DEBUG:
                    print >> self.logFile, str.format('Socket Setup = {0}',

                if any(i in socketsetup for i in ('R-G-B', 'R-B-G', 'G-B-R',
                                                  'G-R-B', 'B-R-G', 'B-G-R')):

                    print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "R" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "G" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "B" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + str.format(
                        ': {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}', itemName, rarity,

                msg = ""
                if sockets == 5:
                    if sock_fragments == 1:
                        msg = "5-SLOT 5-LINK"
                if sockets == 6:
                    if sock_fragments == 1:
                        msg = "6-SLOT 6-LINK"
                    elif sock_fragments == 2:
                        if maxfrag == 5:
                            msg = "6-SLOT 5-LINK"
                            msg = "6-SLOT"
                        msg = "6-SLOT"

                if msg != "":
                    print >> self.logFile, msg
                    print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + str.format(
                        '{5}: {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, quality: {3}, sockets: {4}',
                        itemName, rarity, itemlevel, quality, socketsetup, msg)

                if rarity == 3:
                    print >> self.logFile, 'UNIQUE !'
                    number_of_uniques += 1

                    print Fore.YELLOW + str.format(
                        'UNI: {0}, rarity: {1}, ilvl: {2}, quality: {3}, sockets: {4}',
                        itemName, rarity, itemlevel, quality, socketsetup)
                    unique = PlaySoundUnique()

                if rarity == 2 and ALERT_RARES == True:

                    print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + str.format(
                        'RARE: {0}, rarity: {1}, itemlevel: {2}', itemName,
                        rarity, itemlevel)

                print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'

            print >> self.logFile, '---------------------------------'
