Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_degree_on_real_data():
        # TODO: Replace the mask and func with a standard testing one
        mpath = "/home2/data/Projects/CPAC_Regression_Test/centrality_template/mask-thr50-3mm.nii.gz"
        mask_inds = nib.load(mpath).get_data().nonzero()

        fpath = "/home/data/Projects/CPAC_Regression_Test/2014-02-24_v-0-3-4/run/w/resting_preproc_0010042_session_1/_scan_rest_1_rest/_scan_rest_1_rest/_csf_threshold_0.98/_gm_threshold_0.7/_wm_threshold_0.98/_compcor_ncomponents_5_selector_pc10.linear1.wm0.global0.motion1.quadratic0.gm0.compcor1.csf0/_bandpass_freqs_0.009.0.1/_mask_mask-thr50-3mm/resample_functional_to_template_0/bandpassed_demeaned_filtered_wtsimt_flirt.nii.gz"

        import nibabel as nib
        img = nib.load(fpath)
        dat = img.get_data()
        dat = dat[mask_inds]

        import numpy as np
        from CPAC.cwas.subdist import norm_cols, ncor
        norm_dat = norm_cols(dat.T)
        corr_dat = norm_dat.T.dot(norm_dat)

        r_value = 0.2

        ref = np.sum(corr_dat[:5, :5] > r_value, axis=1)
        comp = degree_centrality(corr_dat[:5, :5], r_value, "binarize")
        assert_equal(ref, comp)

        ref = np.sum(corr_dat * (corr_dat > r_value), axis=1)
        comp = degree_centrality(corr_dat, r_value, "weighted")
        assert_equal(ref, comp)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_degree_on_real_data():
        # TODO: Replace the mask and func with a standard testing one
        mpath = "/home2/data/Projects/CPAC_Regression_Test/centrality_template/mask-thr50-3mm.nii.gz"
        mask_inds = nib.load(mpath).get_data().nonzero()
        fpath   = "/home/data/Projects/CPAC_Regression_Test/2014-02-24_v-0-3-4/run/w/resting_preproc_0010042_session_1/_scan_rest_1_rest/_scan_rest_1_rest/_csf_threshold_0.98/_gm_threshold_0.7/_wm_threshold_0.98/_compcor_ncomponents_5_selector_pc10.linear1.wm0.global0.motion1.quadratic0.gm0.compcor1.csf0/_bandpass_freqs_0.009.0.1/_mask_mask-thr50-3mm/resample_functional_to_template_0/bandpassed_demeaned_filtered_wtsimt_flirt.nii.gz"
        import nibabel as nib
        img = nib.load(fpath)
        dat = img.get_data()
        dat = dat[mask_inds]

        import numpy as np
        from CPAC.cwas.subdist import norm_cols, ncor
        norm_dat = norm_cols(dat.T)
        corr_dat = norm_dat.T.dot(norm_dat)
        r_value = 0.2
        ref     = np.sum(corr_dat[:5,:5]>r_value, axis=1)
        comp    = degree_centrality(corr_dat[:5,:5], r_value, "binarize")
        assert_equal(ref, comp)
        ref     = np.sum(corr_dat*(corr_dat>r_value), axis=1)
        comp    = degree_centrality(corr_dat, r_value, "weighted")
        assert_equal(ref, comp)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_degree_centrality_weighted():
        from CPAC.cwas.subdist import norm_cols, ncor

        # Settings
        nvoxblocks = 50
        nvoxs = 200
        r_value = 0.2
        method = "weighted"

        print "testing centrality binarize - float"
        corr_matrix = np.random.random((nvoxblocks, nvoxs)).astype('float32')
        ref = np.sum(corr_matrix > r_value, axis=1)
        comp = degree_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method)
        assert_equal(ref, comp)

        print "testing centrality binarize - double"
        corr_matrix = np.random.random((nvoxblocks, nvoxs)).astype('float64')
        ref = np.sum(corr_matrix > r_value, axis=1)
        comp = degree_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method)
        assert_equal(ref, comp)

Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_degree_centrality_weighted():
     from CPAC.cwas.subdist import norm_cols, ncor
     # Settings
     nvoxblocks  = 50
     nvoxs       = 200
     r_value     = 0.2
     method      = "weighted"
     print "testing centrality binarize - float"
     corr_matrix = np.random.random((nvoxblocks, nvoxs)).astype('float32')
     ref  = np.sum(corr_matrix>r_value, axis=1)
     comp = degree_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method)
     assert_equal(ref, comp)
     print "testing centrality binarize - double"
     corr_matrix = np.random.random((nvoxblocks, nvoxs)).astype('float64')
     ref  = np.sum(corr_matrix>r_value, axis=1)
     comp = degree_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method)
     assert_equal(ref, comp)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_centrality_by_thresh(timeseries,
    Method to calculate degree and eigen vector centrality. 
    This method takes into consideration the amount of memory
    allocated by the user to calculate degree centrality.
    timeseries_data : numpy array
        timeseries of the input subject
    template : numpy array
        Mask/ROI template for timeseries of subject
    method_option : integer
        0 - degree centrality calculation, 1 - eigenvector centrality calculation, 2 - lFCD calculation
    weight_options : string (list of boolean)
        list of two booleans for binarize and weighted options respectively
    threshold : float
        p-value threshold for the correlation values (ignored if the r_value option is specified)
    r_value : float
        threshold value in terms of the correlation (this will override the threshold option)
    memory_allocated : a string
        amount of memory allocated to degree centrality
    out_list : string (list of tuples)
        list of tuple containing output name to be used to store nifti image
        for centrality and centrality matrix 
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from CPAC.network_centrality import calc_blocksize,\
    from CPAC.cwas.subdist import norm_cols
        # Init variables for use
        out_list = []
        nvoxs = timeseries.shape[0]
        ntpts = timeseries.shape[1]
        r_matrix = None             # init correlation matrix
        calc_degree = False         # init degree measure flag to false
        calc_eigen = False          # init eigen measure flag to false
        calc_lfcd= False            # init lFCD measure flag to false
        # Select which method we're going to perform
        if method_option == 0:
            calc_degree = True
        elif method_option == 1:
            calc_eigen = True
        elif method_option == 2:
            calc_lfcd = True
        # Set weighting parameters
        out_binarize = weight_options[0]
        out_weighted = weight_options[1]
        # Calculate the block size (i.e., number of voxels) to compute part of the
        # connectivity matrix at once.
        if calc_eigen:
            # We still use a block size to calculate the whole correlation matrix
            # because of issues in numpy that lead to extra memory usage when
            # computing the dot product.
            # See https://cmi.hackpad.com/Numpy-Memory-Issues-BlV9Pg5nRDM.
            block_size = calc_blocksize(timeseries, memory_allocated, include_full_matrix=True)
            block_size = calc_blocksize(timeseries, memory_allocated)
        if r_value == None:
            print "Calculating threshold"
            r_value = convert_pvalue_to_r(ntpts, threshold)
            print "...%s -> %s" % (threshold, r_value)
        print "Setup Intermediates/Outputs"
        # Degree matrix init
        if calc_degree:
            print "...degree"
            if out_binarize:
                degree_binarize = np.zeros(nvoxs, dtype=timeseries.dtype)
                out_list.append(('degree_centrality_binarize', degree_binarize))
            if out_weighted:
                degree_weighted = np.zeros(nvoxs, dtype=timeseries.dtype)
                out_list.append(('degree_centrality_weighted', degree_weighted))
        # Eigen matrix init
        if calc_eigen:
            print "...eigen"
            r_matrix = np.zeros((nvoxs, nvoxs), dtype=timeseries.dtype)
            if out_binarize:
                eigen_binarize = np.zeros(nvoxs, dtype=timeseries.dtype)
                out_list.append(('eigenvector_centrality_binarize', eigen_binarize))
            if out_weighted:
                eigen_weighted = np.zeros(nvoxs, dtype=timeseries.dtype)
                out_list.append(('eigenvector_centrality_weighted', eigen_weighted))
        # lFCD matrix init
        if calc_lfcd:
            print "...degree"
            if out_binarize:
                lfcd_binarize = np.zeros(nvoxs, dtype=timeseries.dtype)
                out_list.append(('lFCD_binarize', lfcd_binarize))
            if out_weighted:
                lfcd_weighted = np.zeros(nvoxs, dtype=timeseries.dtype)
                out_list.append(('lFCD_weighted', lfcd_weighted))
        # Normalize the timeseries columns for simple correlation calc via dot product later..
        print "Normalize TimeSeries"
        timeseries = norm_cols(timeseries.T)
        # Init blocking indices for correlation matrix calculation
        print "Computing centrality across %i voxels" % nvoxs
        i = block_size
        j = 0
        # Calculate correlation matrix in blocks while loop
        while i <= nvoxs:
            print "running block ->", i, j
                print "...correlating"
                corr_matrix = np.dot(timeseries[:,j:i].T, timeseries)
                raise Exception("Error in calcuating block wise correlation for the block %i,%i"%(j,i))
            if calc_eigen:
                print "...storing correlation matrix"
                r_matrix[j:i] = corr_matrix
            if calc_degree:
                if out_binarize:
                    print "...calculating binarize degree"
                    degree_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method="binarize", out=degree_binarize[j:i])
                if out_weighted:
                    print "...calculating weighted degree"
                    degree_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method="weighted", out=degree_weighted[j:i])
            if calc_lfcd:
                xyz_a = np.argwhere(template)
                krange = corr_matrix.shape[0]
                print "...iterating through seeds in block - lfcd"
                for k in range (0,krange):
                    corr_seed = corr_matrix[k,:]
                    labels = cluster_data(corr_seed,r_value,xyz_a)
                    seed_label = labels[j+k]
                    if out_binarize:
                        if seed_label > 0:
                            lfcd = np.sum(labels==seed_label)
                            lfcd = 1
                        lfcd_binarize[j+k] = lfcd
                    if out_weighted:
                        if seed_label > 0:
                            lfcd = np.sum(corr_seed*(labels==seed_label))
                            lfcd = 1
                        lfcd_weighted[j+k] = lfcd
            print "...removing temporary correlation matrix"
            del corr_matrix
            j = i
            if i == nvoxs:
            elif (i+block_size) > nvoxs:
                i = nvoxs
                i += block_size
        # In case there are any zeros in lfcd matrix, set them to 1
        if calc_lfcd:
            if out_binarize:
                lfcd_binarize[np.argwhere(lfcd_binarize == 0)] = 1
            if out_weighted:
                lfcd_weighted[np.argwhere(lfcd_weighted == 0)] = 1
        # Perform eigenvector measures if necessary
            if calc_eigen:
                if out_binarize:
                    print "...calculating binarize eigenvector"
                    eigen_binarize[:] = eigenvector_centrality(r_matrix, r_value, method="binarize").squeeze()
                if out_weighted:
                    print "...calculating weighted eigenvector"
                    eigen_weighted[:] = eigenvector_centrality(r_matrix, r_value, method="weighted").squeeze()
        except Exception:
            print "Error in calcuating eigen vector centrality"
        if calc_degree:
            print "...removing effect of auto-correlation on degree"
            degree_binarize[degree_binarize!=0] = degree_binarize[degree_binarize!=0] - 1
            degree_weighted[degree_weighted!=0] = degree_weighted[degree_weighted!=0] - 1
        return out_list
    except Exception: 
        print "Error in calcuating Centrality"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_centrality_by_sparsity(timeseries, 
    Method to calculate degree and eigen vector centrality
    timeseries : numpy array
        timeseries of the input subject
    method_options : string (list of boolean)
        list of two booleans for degree and eigen options respectively
    weight_options : string (list of boolean)
        list of two booleans for binarize and weighted options respectively
    threshold : float
        sparsity threshold for the correlation values
    memory_allocated : a string
        amount of memory allocated to degree centrality
    out_list : string (list of tuples)
        list of tuple containing output name to be used to store nifti image
        for centrality and centrality matrix
    import os
    import numpy as np
    from CPAC.network_centrality import calc_blocksize,\
    from CPAC.cwas.subdist import norm_cols
        # Calculate the block size (i.e., number of voxels) to compute part of the
        # connectivity matrix at once.
        # We still use a block size to calculate the whole correlation matrix
        # because of issues in numpy that lead to extra memory usage when
        # computing the dot product.
        # See https://cmi.hackpad.com/Numpy-Memory-Issues-BlV9Pg5nRDM.
        block_size  = calc_blocksize(timeseries, memory_allocated, include_full_matrix=True)
        nvoxs = timeseries.shape[0]
        ntpts = timeseries.shape[1]
        calc_degree = False         # init degree measure flag to false
        calc_eigen = False          # init eigen measure flag to false
        calc_lfcd= False            # init lFCD measure flag to false
        # Select which method we're going to perform
        if method_option == 0:
            calc_degree = True
        elif method_option == 1:
            calc_eigen = True
        elif method_option == 2:
            calc_lfcd = True
        # Set weighting parameters
        out_binarize = weight_options[0]
        out_weighted = weight_options[1]
        corr_matrix = np.zeros((nvoxs, nvoxs), dtype = timeseries.dtype)
        print "Normalize TimeSeries"
        timeseries  = norm_cols(timeseries.T)
        print "Computing centrality across %i voxels" % nvoxs
        j = 0
        i = block_size
        while i <= timeseries.shape[1]:
            print "running block ->", i,j
            print "...correlating"
            np.dot(timeseries[:,j:i].T, timeseries, out=corr_matrix[j:i])
            j = i
            if i == nvoxs:
            elif (i+block_size) > nvoxs:
                i = nvoxs
                i += block_size
        print "Calculating threshold"
        r_value = convert_sparsity_to_r(corr_matrix, threshold, full_matrix = True)
        print "r_value ->", r_value
        if calc_degree:
            if out_binarize:
                print "...calculating binarize degree"
                degree_binarize = degree_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method="binarize")
                out_list.append(('degree_centrality_binarize', degree_binarize))
            if out_weighted:
                print "...calculating weighted degree"
                degree_weighted = degree_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method="weighted")
                out_list.append(('degree_centrality_weighted', degree_weighted))
        if calc_eigen:
            if out_binarize:
                print "...calculating binarize eigenvector"
                eigen_binarize = eigenvector_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method="binarize")
                out_list.append(('eigenvector_centrality_binarize', eigen_binarize))
            if out_weighted:
                print "...calculating weighted eigenvector"
                eigen_weighted = eigenvector_centrality(corr_matrix, r_value, method="weighted")
                out_list.append(('eigenvector_centrality_weighted', eigen_weighted))            
    except Exception:
        print "Error while calculating centrality"
    return out_list