Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, logger, cmdargs = []):
        Initialize common client parameters
        if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
            self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.usage = "usage: %prog " + self.name + " [options] [args]"
        self.logger = logger
        self.logfile = ''
        self.logger.debug("Executing command: '%s'" % str(self.name))


        ##Get the mapping

        self.parser = OptionParser(description = self.__doc__, usage = self.usage, add_help_option = True)
        ## TODO: check on self.name should be removed (creating another abstraction in between or refactoring this)
        if self.name == 'submit':

        ##Parse the command line parameters
        (self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args( cmdargs )

        ##Validate the command line parameters before initing the proxy

        ##if we get an input configuration we load it
        if hasattr(self.options, 'config') and self.options.config is not None:
            self.loadConfig( self.options.config, self.args )
            self.requestarea, self.requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea(self.logger,
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None),
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None))
            self.voRole = self.options.voRole if self.options.voRole else getattr(self.configuration.User, "voRole", "")
            self.voGroup = self.options.voGroup if self.options.voGroup else getattr(self.configuration.User, "voGroup", "")

        ##if we get an input task we load the cache and set the url from it
        if hasattr(self.options, 'task') and self.options.task:

        ## if the server url isn't already set we check the args and then the config
        if not hasattr(self, 'serverurl'):
            self.instance, self.serverurl = self.serverInstance()


        self.handleProxy(self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
        self.checkversion(self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
        self.uri = self.getUrl(self.instance)
        self.logger.debug("Instance is %s" %(self.instance))
        self.logger.debug("Server base url is %s" %(self.serverurl))
        self.logger.debug("Command url %s" %(self.uri))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __call__(self):
        valid = False
        configmsg = 'Default'

        if not os.path.isfile(self.options.config):
            raise MissingOptionException("Configuration file '%s' not found" % self.options.config)

        #store the configuration file in self.configuration
        self.loadConfig( self.options.config, self.args )

        requestarea, requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea( self.logger,
                                                                 getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None),
                                                                 getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None)

        self.logger.debug("Started submission")

        #determine the serverurl
        if self.options.server:
            self.serverurl = self.options.server
        elif getattr( self.configuration.General, 'serverUrl', None ) is not None:
            self.serverurl = self.configuration.General.serverUrl
#TODO: For sure the server url should not be handled here. Find an intelligent way for this
            self.serverurl = 'http://cmsweb.cern.ch'
        if not hasattr( self.configuration.General, 'ufccacheUrl' ):
            self.configuration.General.ufccacheUrl = self.serverurl
        if not hasattr( self.configuration.General, 'configcacheUrl' ):
            #https is required because configcache does not use ServerInteractions
            self.configuration.General.configcacheUrl = 'https://' + self.serverurl + '/couchdb'
        if not hasattr( self.configuration.General, 'configcacheName' ):
            self.configuration.General.configcacheName = 'analysis_reqmgr_config_cache'

        self.createCache( self.serverurl )

        ######### Check if the user provided unexpected parameters ########
        #init the dictionary with all the known parameters
        SpellChecker.DICTIONARY = SpellChecker.train( [ val['config'] for _, val in self.requestmapper.iteritems() if val['config'] ] + \
                                                      [ x for x in self.otherConfigParams ] )
        #iterate on the parameters provided by the user
        for section in self.configuration.listSections_():
            for attr in getattr(self.configuration, section).listSections_():
                par = (section + '.' + attr)
                #if the parameter is not know exit, but try to correct it before
                if not SpellChecker.is_correct( par ):
                    msg = 'The parameter %s is not known.' % par
                    msg += '' if SpellChecker.correct(par) == par else ' Did you mean %s?' % SpellChecker.correct(par)
                    raise ConfigurationException(msg)

        #usertarball and cmsswconfig use this parameter and we should set it up in a correct way
        self.configuration.General.serverUrl = self.serverurl

        #delegating the proxy (creation done in SubCommand)
        self.voRole = getattr(self.configuration.User, "voRole", "")
        self.voGroup = getattr(self.configuration.User, "voGroup", "")

        uniquerequestname = None

        self.logger.debug("Working on %s" % str(requestarea))

        configreq = {}
        for param in self.requestmapper:
            mustbetype = getattr(types, self.requestmapper[param]['type'])
            if self.requestmapper[param]['config']:
                attrs = self.requestmapper[param]['config'].split('.')
                temp = self.configuration
                for attr in attrs:
                    temp = getattr(temp, attr, None)
                    if temp is None:
                if temp:
                    if mustbetype == type(temp):
                        configreq[param] = temp
                        raise ConfigurationException(1, "Invalid type " + str(type(temp)) + " for parameter " + self.requestmapper[param]['config'] \
                                   + ". It is needed a " + str(mustbetype) + ".")
                elif self.requestmapper[param]['default'] is not None:
                    configreq[param] = self.requestmapper[param]['default']
                elif self.requestmapper[param]['required']:
                    raise ConfigurationException(1, "Missing parameter " + self.requestmapper[param]['config'] + " from the configuration.")
                    ## parameter not strictly required
            if param == "workflow":
                if mustbetype == type(requestname):
                    configreq["workflow"] = requestname
            elif param == "savelogsflag":
                configreq["savelogsflag"] = 1 if temp else 0
            elif param == "publication":
                configreq["publication"] = 1 if temp else 0
            elif param == "blacklistT1":
                blacklistT1 = self.voRole != 't1access'
                #if the user choose to remove the automatic T1 blacklisting and has not the t1acces role
                if getattr (self.configuration.Site, 'removeT1Blacklisting', False) and blacklistT1:
                    self.logger.info("WARNING: You disabled the T1 automatic blacklisting without having the t1access role")
                    blacklistT1 = False
                configreq["blacklistT1"] = 1 if blacklistT1 else 0

        jobconfig = {}
        self.configuration.JobType.proxyfilename = self.proxyfilename
        self.configuration.JobType.capath = HTTPRequests.getCACertPath()
        pluginParams = [ self.configuration, self.logger, os.path.join(requestarea, 'inputs') ]
        if getattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName', None) is not None:
            jobtypes    = getJobTypes()
            plugjobtype = jobtypes[upper(self.configuration.JobType.pluginName)](*pluginParams)
            inputfiles, jobconfig, isbchecksum = plugjobtype.run(configreq)
            fullname = self.configuration.JobType.externalPluginFile
            basename = os.path.basename(fullname).split('.')[0]
            plugin = addPlugin(fullname)[basename]
            pluginInst = plugin(*pluginParams)
            inputfiles, jobconfig, isbchecksum = pluginInst.run(configreq)

        configreq['publishname'] = "%s-%s" %(configreq['publishname'], isbchecksum)

        server = HTTPRequests(self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename)

        self.logger.info("Sending the request to the server")
        self.logger.debug("Submitting %s " % str( configreq ) )

        dictresult, status, reason = server.put( self.uri, data = self._encodeRequest(configreq) )
        self.logger.debug("Result: %s" % dictresult)
        if status != 200:
            msg = "Problem sending the request:\ninput:%s\noutput:%s\nreason:%s" % (str(configreq), str(dictresult), str(reason))
            raise RESTCommunicationException(msg)
        elif dictresult.has_key("result"):
            uniquerequestname = dictresult["result"][0]["RequestName"]
            msg = "Problem during submission, no request ID returned:\ninput:%s\noutput:%s\nreason:%s" \
                   % (str(configreq), str(dictresult), str(reason))
            raise RESTCommunicationException(msg)

        tmpsplit = self.serverurl.split(':')
        createCache( requestarea, tmpsplit[0], tmpsplit[1] if len(tmpsplit)>1 else '', uniquerequestname, voRole = self.voRole, voGroup = self.voGroup )

        self.logger.info("Submission completed")
        self.logger.debug("Request ID: %s " % uniquerequestname)

        self.logger.debug("Ended submission")

        return uniquerequestname
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, logger, cmdargs = None, disable_interspersed_args = False):
        Initialize common client parameters
        if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
            self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.usage = "usage: %prog " + self.name + " [options] [args]"
        self.logger = logger
        self.logfile = self.logger.logfile
        self.logger.debug("Executing command: '%s'" % str(self.name))

        self.proxy = None
        self.restClass = CRABClient.Emulator.getEmulator('rest')
        self.cmdconf = commands_configuration.get(self.name)
        self.crab3dic = self.getConfiDict()

        self.parser = OptionParser(description = self.__doc__, usage = self.usage, add_help_option = True)
        ## TODO: check on self.name should be removed (creating another abstraction in between or refactoring this)
        if disable_interspersed_args:
        ## Parse the command line parameters.
        cmdargs = cmdargs or []
        (self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args(cmdargs)

        ## Validate the command line parameters before initializing the proxy.

        ## Retrieve VO role/group from the command line parameters.
        self.voRole  = self.options.voRole  if self.options.voRole  is not None else ''
        self.voGroup = self.options.voGroup if self.options.voGroup is not None else ''

        ## Create the object that will do the proxy operations. We ignore the VO role/group and
        ## server URL in the initialization, because they are not used until we do the proxy
        ## delegation to myproxy server. And the delegation happends in handleProxy(), which is
        ## called after we load the configuration file and retrieve the final values for those
        ## parameters. handleProxy() takes care of passing those parameters to self.proxy.
        self.proxy = CredentialInteractions('', '', self.voRole, self.voGroup, self.logger, '')

        ## Create a new proxy (if there isn't a valid one already) with current VO role/group.
        ## The VO role/group are not relevant for the proxy. We only want to check that the
        ## user doesn't expect the proxy to have different VO role/group than those specified
        ## in the configuration file, but this check is done later in handleProxy() after we
        ## load the configuration file.
        self.proxy_created = False
        if not self.options.proxy and self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
            self.proxy_created = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxySimple(time_left_threshold = 720)

        ## If we get an input configuration file:
        if hasattr(self.options, 'config') and self.options.config is not None:
            ## Load the configuration file and validate it.
            self.loadConfig(self.options.config, self.args)
            ## Create the CRAB project directory.
            self.requestarea, self.requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea(self.logger,
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None),
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None))
            ## If VO role/group were not given in the command options, get them from the configuration file.
            ## If they are specified in both places, print a message saying that the command options will be used.
            if self.options.voRole  is None and hasattr(self.configuration, 'User'):
                self.voRole  = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole',  '')
            if self.options.voGroup is None and hasattr(self.configuration, 'User'):
                self.voGroup = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup', '')
            if (self.options.voRole  is not None) and (hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole' )):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO role specified in the configuration file. Using VO role \"%s\" "
                if self.voRole == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO role) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voRole)
            if (self.options.voGroup is not None) and (hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup')):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO group specified in the configuration file. Using VO group \"%s\" "
                if self.voGroup == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO group) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voGroup)

        ## If we get an input task, we load the cache and set the server URL and VO role/group from it.
        if hasattr(self.options, 'task') and self.options.task:

        ## If the server url isn't already set, we check the args and then the config.
        if not hasattr(self, 'serverurl') and self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = self.serverInstance()
        elif not self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = None, None

        ## Update (or create) the .crab3 cache file.

        ## At this point there should be a valid proxy, because we have already checked that and
        ## eventually created a new one. If the proxy was not created by CRAB, we check that the
        ## VO role/group in the proxy are the same as specified by the user in the configuration
        ## file (or in the command line options). If it is not, we ask the user if he wants to 
        ## overwrite the current proxy. If he doesn't want to overwrite it, we don't continue 
        ## and ask him to provide the VO role/group as in the existing proxy. 
        ## Finally, delegate the proxy to myproxy server.

        ## Logging user command and options used for debuging purpose.
        self.logger.debug('Command use: %s' % self.name)
        self.logger.debug('Options use: %s' % cmdargs)
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.checkversion(self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
            self.uri = self.getUrl(self.instance)
        self.logger.debug("Instance is %s" %(self.instance))
        self.logger.debug("Server base url is %s" %(self.serverurl))
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.logger.debug("Command url %s" %(self.uri))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, logger, cmdargs=None, disable_interspersed_args=False):
        Initialize common client parameters
        if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
            self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.usage = "usage: %prog " + self.name + " [options] [args]"
        self.logger = logger
        self.logfile = self.logger.logfile
        self.logger.debug("Executing command: '%s'" % str(self.name))

        self.proxy = None
        self.restClass = CRABClient.Emulator.getEmulator('rest')
        self.cmdconf = commands_configuration.get(self.name)
        self.crab3dic = self.getConfiDict()

        self.parser = OptionParser(description=self.__doc__,
        ## TODO: check on self.name should be removed (creating another abstraction in between or refactoring this)
        if disable_interspersed_args:
        ## Parse the command line parameters.
        cmdargs = cmdargs or []
        (self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args(cmdargs)

        ## Validate the command line parameters before initializing the proxy.

        ## Retrieve VO role/group from the command line parameters.
        self.voRole = self.options.voRole if self.options.voRole is not None else ''
        self.voGroup = self.options.voGroup if self.options.voGroup is not None else ''

        ## Create the object that will do the proxy operations. We ignore the VO role/group and
        ## server URL in the initialization, because they are not used until we do the proxy
        ## delegation to myproxy server. And the delegation happends in handleProxy(), which is
        ## called after we load the configuration file and retrieve the final values for those
        ## parameters. handleProxy() takes care of passing those parameters to self.proxy.
        self.proxy = CredentialInteractions('', '', self.voRole, self.voGroup,
                                            self.logger, '')

        ## Create a new proxy (if there isn't a valid one already) with current VO role/group.
        ## The VO role/group are not relevant for the proxy. We only want to check that the
        ## user doesn't expect the proxy to have different VO role/group than those specified
        ## in the configuration file, but this check is done later in handleProxy() after we
        ## load the configuration file.
        self.proxy_created = False
        if not self.options.proxy and self.cmdconf['initializeProxy']:
            self.proxy_created = self.proxy.createNewVomsProxySimple(

        ## If we get an input configuration file:
        if hasattr(self.options, 'config') and self.options.config is not None:
            ## Load the configuration file and validate it.
            self.loadConfig(self.options.config, self.args)
            ## Create the CRAB project directory.
            self.requestarea, self.requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea(
                getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None),
                getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None))
            ## If VO role/group were not given in the command options, get them from the configuration file.
            ## If they are specified in both places, print a message saying that the command options will be used.
            if self.options.voRole is None and hasattr(self.configuration,
                self.voRole = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole', '')
            if self.options.voGroup is None and hasattr(
                    self.configuration, 'User'):
                self.voGroup = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup', '')
            if (self.options.voRole is not None) and (
                    hasattr(self.configuration, 'User')
                    and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole')):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO role specified in the configuration file. Using VO role \"%s\" "
                if self.voRole == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO role) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voRole)
            if (self.options.voGroup is not None) and (
                    hasattr(self.configuration, 'User')
                    and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup')):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO group specified in the configuration file. Using VO group \"%s\" "
                if self.voGroup == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO group) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voGroup)

        ## If we get an input task, we load the cache and set the server URL and VO role/group from it.
        if hasattr(self.options, 'task') and self.options.task:

        ## If the server url isn't already set, we check the args and then the config.
        if not hasattr(self, 'serverurl') and self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = self.serverInstance()
        elif not self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = None, None

        ## Update (or create) the .crab3 cache file.

        ## At this point there should be a valid proxy, because we have already checked that and
        ## eventually created a new one. If the proxy was not created by CRAB, we check that the
        ## VO role/group in the proxy are the same as specified by the user in the configuration
        ## file (or in the command line options). If it is not, we ask the user if he wants to
        ## overwrite the current proxy. If he doesn't want to overwrite it, we don't continue
        ## and ask him to provide the VO role/group as in the existing proxy.
        ## Finally, delegate the proxy to myproxy server.

        ## Logging user command and options used for debuging purpose.
        self.logger.debug('Command use: %s' % self.name)
        self.logger.debug('Options use: %s' % cmdargs)
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.checkversion(self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
            self.uri = self.getUrl(self.instance)
        self.logger.debug("Instance is %s" % (self.instance))
        self.logger.debug("Server base url is %s" % (self.serverurl))
        if self.cmdconf['requiresREST']:
            self.logger.debug("Command url %s" % (self.uri))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _prepareWorkArea(self):
     self.reqarea, self.reqname, _ = createWorkArea(
         self.logger, requestName=self.TEST_REQ_NAME)
     server = {}
     createCache(self.reqarea, "", 8518, self.reqname)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _prepareWorkArea(self):
     self.reqarea, self.reqname, _ = createWorkArea(self.logger, requestName = self.TEST_REQ_NAME)
     server = {}
     createCache(self.reqarea, "", 8518, self.reqname)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self):
        valid = False
        configmsg = 'Default'

        if not os.path.isfile(self.options.config):
            raise MissingOptionException("Configuration file '%s' not found" %

        #store the configuration file in self.configuration
        self.loadConfig(self.options.config, self.args)

        requestarea, requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea(
            self.logger, getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None),
            getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None))

        self.logger.debug("Started submission")

        #determine the serverurl
        if self.options.server:
            self.serverurl = self.options.server
        elif getattr(self.configuration.General, 'serverUrl',
                     None) is not None:
            self.serverurl = self.configuration.General.serverUrl
#TODO: For sure the server url should not be handled here. Find an intelligent way for this
            self.serverurl = 'http://cmsweb.cern.ch'
        if not hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'ufccacheUrl'):
            self.configuration.General.ufccacheUrl = self.serverurl
        if not hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'configcacheUrl'):
            #https is required because configcache does not use ServerInteractions
            self.configuration.General.configcacheUrl = 'https://' + self.serverurl + '/couchdb'
        if not hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'configcacheName'):
            self.configuration.General.configcacheName = 'analysis_reqmgr_config_cache'


        ######### Check if the user provided unexpected parameters ########
        #init the dictionary with all the known parameters
        SpellChecker.DICTIONARY = SpellChecker.train( [ val['config'] for _, val in self.requestmapper.iteritems() if val['config'] ] + \
                                                      [ x for x in self.otherConfigParams ] )
        #iterate on the parameters provided by the user
        for section in self.configuration.listSections_():
            for attr in getattr(self.configuration, section).listSections_():
                par = (section + '.' + attr)
                #if the parameter is not know exit, but try to correct it before
                if not SpellChecker.is_correct(par):
                    msg = 'The parameter %s is not known.' % par
                    msg += '' if SpellChecker.correct(
                    ) == par else ' Did you mean %s?' % SpellChecker.correct(
                    raise ConfigurationException(msg)

        #usertarball and cmsswconfig use this parameter and we should set it up in a correct way
        self.configuration.General.serverUrl = self.serverurl

        #delegating the proxy (creation done in SubCommand)
        self.voRole = getattr(self.configuration.User, "voRole", "")
        self.voGroup = getattr(self.configuration.User, "voGroup", "")

        uniquerequestname = None

        self.logger.debug("Working on %s" % str(requestarea))

        configreq = {}
        for param in self.requestmapper:
            mustbetype = getattr(types, self.requestmapper[param]['type'])
            if self.requestmapper[param]['config']:
                attrs = self.requestmapper[param]['config'].split('.')
                temp = self.configuration
                for attr in attrs:
                    temp = getattr(temp, attr, None)
                    if temp is None:
                if temp:
                    if mustbetype == type(temp):
                        configreq[param] = temp
                        raise ConfigurationException(1, "Invalid type " + str(type(temp)) + " for parameter " + self.requestmapper[param]['config'] \
                                   + ". It is needed a " + str(mustbetype) + ".")
                elif self.requestmapper[param]['default'] is not None:
                    configreq[param] = self.requestmapper[param]['default']
                elif self.requestmapper[param]['required']:
                    raise ConfigurationException(
                        1, "Missing parameter " +
                        self.requestmapper[param]['config'] +
                        " from the configuration.")
                    ## parameter not strictly required
            if param == "workflow":
                if mustbetype == type(requestname):
                    configreq["workflow"] = requestname
            elif param == "savelogsflag":
                configreq["savelogsflag"] = 1 if temp else 0
            elif param == "publication":
                configreq["publication"] = 1 if temp else 0
            elif param == "blacklistT1":
                blacklistT1 = self.voRole != 't1access'
                #if the user choose to remove the automatic T1 blacklisting and has not the t1acces role
                if getattr(self.configuration.Site, 'removeT1Blacklisting',
                           False) and blacklistT1:
                        "WARNING: You disabled the T1 automatic blacklisting without having the t1access role"
                    blacklistT1 = False
                configreq["blacklistT1"] = 1 if blacklistT1 else 0

        jobconfig = {}
        self.configuration.JobType.proxyfilename = self.proxyfilename
        self.configuration.JobType.capath = HTTPRequests.getCACertPath()
        pluginParams = [
            self.configuration, self.logger,
            os.path.join(requestarea, 'inputs')
        if getattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName', None) is not None:
            jobtypes = getJobTypes()
            plugjobtype = jobtypes[upper(
            inputfiles, jobconfig, isbchecksum = plugjobtype.run(configreq)
            fullname = self.configuration.JobType.externalPluginFile
            basename = os.path.basename(fullname).split('.')[0]
            plugin = addPlugin(fullname)[basename]
            pluginInst = plugin(*pluginParams)
            inputfiles, jobconfig, isbchecksum = pluginInst.run(configreq)

        configreq['publishname'] = "%s-%s" % (configreq['publishname'],

        server = HTTPRequests(self.serverurl, self.proxyfilename)

        self.logger.info("Sending the request to the server")
        self.logger.debug("Submitting %s " % str(configreq))

        dictresult, status, reason = server.put(
            self.uri, data=self._encodeRequest(configreq))
        self.logger.debug("Result: %s" % dictresult)
        if status != 200:
            msg = "Problem sending the request:\ninput:%s\noutput:%s\nreason:%s" % (
                str(configreq), str(dictresult), str(reason))
            raise RESTCommunicationException(msg)
        elif dictresult.has_key("result"):
            uniquerequestname = dictresult["result"][0]["RequestName"]
            msg = "Problem during submission, no request ID returned:\ninput:%s\noutput:%s\nreason:%s" \
                   % (str(configreq), str(dictresult), str(reason))
            raise RESTCommunicationException(msg)

        tmpsplit = self.serverurl.split(':')
                    tmpsplit[1] if len(tmpsplit) > 1 else '',

        self.logger.info("Submission completed")
        self.logger.debug("Request ID: %s " % uniquerequestname)

        self.logger.debug("Ended submission")

        return uniquerequestname
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, logger, cmdargs = [], disable_interspersed_args = False):
        Initialize common client parameters
        if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
            self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.usage = "usage: %prog " + self.name + " [options] [args]"
        self.logger = logger
        self.logfile = ''
        self.logger.debug("Executing command: '%s'" % str(self.name))
        self.proxy = None

        ##Get the mapping
        self.crab3dic = self.getConfiDict()

        self.parser = OptionParser(description = self.__doc__, usage = self.usage, add_help_option = True)
        ## TODO: check on self.name should be removed (creating another abstraction in between or refactoring this)
        if disable_interspersed_args:

        ##Parse the command line parameters
        (self.options, self.args) = self.parser.parse_args( cmdargs )

        ##Validate the command line parameters before initing the proxy

        self.voRole  = self.options.voRole  if self.options.voRole  is not None else ''
        self.voGroup = self.options.voGroup if self.options.voGroup is not None else ''
        ##if we get an input configuration we load it
        if hasattr(self.options, 'config') and self.options.config is not None:
            self.loadConfig( self.options.config, self.args )
            self.requestarea, self.requestname, self.logfile = createWorkArea(self.logger,
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'workArea', None),
                                                                              getattr(self.configuration.General, 'requestName', None))
            if self.options.voRole  is None and hasattr(self.configuration, 'User'):
                self.voRole  = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole',  '')
            if self.options.voGroup is None and hasattr(self.configuration, 'User'):
                self.voGroup = getattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup', '')
            if (self.options.voRole  is not None) and (hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voRole' )):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO role specified in the configuration file. Using VO role \"%s\" "
                if self.voRole == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO role) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voRole)
            if (self.options.voGroup is not None) and (hasattr(self.configuration, 'User') and hasattr(self.configuration.User, 'voGroup')):
                msg = "Ignoring the VO group specified in the configuration file. Using VO group \"%s\" "
                if self.voGroup == '': msg += "(i.e. no VO group) "
                msg += "as specified in the command line."
                self.logger.info(msg % self.voGroup)
            if getattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publication', None) and \
               not getattr(self.configuration.General, 'transferOutput', self.requestmapper['saveoutput']['default']):
                msg = "Crab configuration problem: Data.publication is ON, but General.transferOutput is OFF.\n"
                msg += "Publication can not be performed if the output files are not transferred to a permanent storage."
                raise ConfigurationException("Incompatible configuration options Data.publication and General.transferOutput")

        ##if we get an input task we load the cache and set the url from it

        if hasattr(self.options, 'task') and self.options.task:

        ## if the server url isn't already set we check the args and then the config
        if not hasattr(self, 'serverurl') and self.requiresREST:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = self.serverInstance()
        elif not self.requiresREST:
            self.instance, self.serverurl = None, None

        #logging user command and optin use for debuging purpose
        self.logger.debug('Command use: %s' % self.name)
        self.logger.debug('Options use: %s' % cmdargs)
        if self.requiresREST:
            self.checkversion(self.getUrl(self.instance, resource='info'))
            self.uri = self.getUrl(self.instance)
        self.logger.debug("Instance is %s" %(self.instance))
        self.logger.debug("Server base url is %s" %(self.serverurl))
        if self.requiresREST:
            self.logger.debug("Command url %s" %(self.uri))