Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_captcha_image(request):
    """Return a captcha image.
    Can't think of a good way to tie IDs of generated images to the form input field
    Instead timestamp each and have a timeout checked on submission.  
    User could potentially have a large array of captcha solutions per session.
    So will also cull the list here when it gets big.

    response = HttpResponse()
    response['Content-type'] = "image/png"
    g = PseudoGimpy()
    i = g.render()
    i.save(response, "png")
    safe_solutions = [sha1(s).hexdigest() for s in g.solutions]
        if len(request.session['captcha_solns']) > 100:
            for (sol, createtime) in request.session['captcha_solns']:
                if ((datetime.datetime.now() - createtime) >
                    request.session['captcha_solns'].remove((sol, createtime))

            "Adding solution:%s to session, number of solutions stored: %s" %
            (safe_solutions, len(request.session['captcha_solns'])))
            (safe_solutions, datetime.datetime.now()))
        #Need explicit save here because we don't add a new element and
    except KeyError:
        request.session['captcha_solns'] = [(safe_solutions,
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 2
def captcha_image(request):
    # set the HttpResponse
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='image/png')
    g = PseudoGimpy()
    i = g.render()
    i.save(response, 'png')
    solutions = g.solutions
    request.session[CAPTCHA_SOLUTIONS] = solutions
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 3
def serve_captcha(request):
    """Serve a random CAPTCHA image and remember the expected answer by
    storing it in the session.

    g = PseudoGimpy()
    answer_plain_text = g.solutions[0]
    enc = save_answer(request, answer_plain_text)
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png")
    im = g.render()
    im.save(response, "PNG", optimize=True)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getChallenge():
    Returns a string, which should be placed as a hidden field
    on a web form. This string identifies a particular challenge,
    and is needed later for:
        - retrieving the image file for viewing the challenge, via
          call to getImageData()
        - testing a response to the challenge, via call to testSolution()

    The format of the string is::

        base64(id+":"+expirytime+":"+sha1(id, answer, expirytime, secret))

        - id is a pseudo-random id identifying this challenge instance, and
          used to locate the temporary file under which the image is stored
        - expirytime is unixtime in hex
        - answer is the plaintext string of the word on the challenge picture
        - secret is the secret signing key 'captchaSecretKey
    # get a CAPTCHA object
    g = PseudoGimpy()

    # retrieve text solution
    answer = g.solutions[0]

    # generate a unique id under which to save it
    id = _generateId(answer)

    # save the image to disk, so it can be delivered from the
    # browser's next request
    i = g.render()
    path = _getImagePath(id)
    f = file(path, "wb")
    i.save(f, "jpeg")

    # compute 'key'
    key = _encodeKey(id, answer)
    return key
Ejemplo n.º 5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# A very simple example that creates a random image from the
# PseudoGimpy CAPTCHA, saves and shows it, and prints the list
# of solutions. Normally you would call testSolutions rather
# than reading this list yourself.
from Captcha.Visual.Tests import PseudoGimpy

g = PseudoGimpy()
i = g.render()