def plot_lens_bodies(plots): """Plots the positions of the lens bodies in the lens plane.""" caustic1 = caus(lens=plots[0], solver='SG12') caustic2 = caus(lens=plots[1], solver='SG12') caustic1.plot_lens_bodies() caustic2.plot_lens_bodies()
def make_plot(): for p in plot: for plot_type in plot_types: if plot_type == 'num_images': p.plot_num_images(errors_only=False, save=False, print_errors=True) caustic = caus(lens=p, solver='SG12') caustic.plot_caustic(s=1, color='yellow', lw=0) if plot_type == 'magn': p.plot_magnification(outliers=False, log_colorbar=True, cutoff=cutoff, save=False) caustic = caus(lens=p, solver='SG12') #caustic.plot_caustic(s=1, color='blue') if plot_type == 'num_iamges_coeff': p.plot_num_images_coeff(color_magn=True, log_colorbar=True, save=False) if plot_type == 'magn_coeff': p.plot_magn_coeff(color_num=True, cutoff=cutoff, outliers=False, save=False) if plot_type == 'coeff': p.plot_coefficients(cutoff=cutoff, log_colorbar=False, outliers=False, save=False) if plot_type == 'coeff_tstat': p.plot_coeff_tstat(cutoff=None, outliers=False, sample_res=sample_res, save=False) if plot_type == 'position_tstat': p.plot_position_tstat(cutoff=None, outliers=False, sample_res=sample_res, save=False) if plot_type == 'fits': p.write_to_fits()
def plot_num_images(plots, num_images_params): """Plots a map of the number of images for a TripleLens object.""" plots[0].plot_num_images(**num_images_params) caustic = caus(lens=plots[0], solver='SG12') caustic.plot_caustic(points=10000, s=1, color='red', lw=0) plots[1].plot_num_images(**num_images_params) caustic = caus(lens=plots[1], solver='SG12') caustic.plot_caustic(points=10000, s=1, color='red', lw=0)
def plot_magnification(plots, magn_params, show_caustic): """Plots a magnification map for a TripleLens object.""" plots[0].plot_magnification(**magn_params) caustic = caus(lens=plots[0], solver='SG12') if show_caustic: caustic.plot_caustic(points=10000, s=1, color='red', lw=0) plots[1].plot_magnification(**magn_params) caustic = caus(lens=plots[1], solver='SG12') if show_caustic: caustic.plot_caustic(points=10000, s=1, color='red', lw=0)
def plot_trajectory(plot, param_str, v_e, t0, u0, theta1cm, t_start, t_stop): """ Plots the source trajectory, determined by the TripleLens object in a Rhie (2002) configuration, and by varaibles unpacked from source_dict. """ z0 = u0 * (math.cos(math.pi / 2. - theta1cm) + 1.j * math.sin(math.pi / 2. - theta1cm)) t_traj = np.linspace(t_start, t_stop, 1000) z_traj = z0 + (t_traj - t0) * v_e * (math.cos(theta1cm) + 1.j * math.sin(theta1cm)) x_traj = z_traj.real y_traj = z_traj.imag caustic = caus(lens=plot, solver='SG12') caustic.plot_caustic(points=10000, s=1, color='red', lw=0) plt.scatter(x_traj, y_traj, color='blue', s=1, lw=0) plt.xlim(min(x_traj), max(x_traj)) plt.ylim(min(y_traj), max(y_traj)) plt.title('{} Trajectory with Caustics'.format(param_str)) plt.xlabel('Position - Real') plt.ylabel('Position - Imaginary')
def plot_images(): num_outer_plots = len(ps_mass_ratios) * len(mp_mass_ratios) num_inner_plots = len(origins) * len(solvers) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) outer = gridspec.GridSpec(len(ps_mass_ratios), len(mp_mass_ratios), wspace=0.25, hspace=0.38) param = [[None] * num_inner_plots for j in range(num_outer_plots)] plot = [[None] * num_inner_plots for j in range(num_outer_plots)] for (i, q2), (j, q1) in product(enumerate(mp_mass_ratios), enumerate(ps_mass_ratios)): outer_idx = j + i * len(mp_mass_ratios) inner = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(len(origins), len(solvers), subplot_spec=outer[outer_idx], wspace=0.1, hspace=0.25) for (k, origin), (l, solver) in product(enumerate(origins), enumerate(solvers)): inner_idx = l + k * len(solvers) (m, n) = (outer_idx, inner_idx) # Initialize each triple lens system with the TripleLens class. param[m][n] = ({ 's2': s2, 's1': s1, 'phi': phi, 'q2': q2, 'q1': q1, 'res': res, 'origin': origin, 'region': region, 'region_lim': region_lim, 'solver': solver, 'SFD': SFD, 'system': system, 'plot_frame': plot_frame, 'refine_region': refine_region }) plot[m][n] = TL(**param[m][n]) roots = plot[m][n].get_roots(x=0., y=0.) accepted_images = plot[m][n].get_accepted_solutions(x=0., y=0.) rejected_images = [] for root in roots: if root in accepted_images: continue else: rejected_images.append(root) accepted_images = np.array(accepted_images) rejected_images = np.array(rejected_images) caustic = caus(lens=plot[m][n], solver='SG12') z1 = caustic.z1 z2 = caustic.z2 z3 = caustic.z3 ax = plt.subplot(inner[n]) fig.add_subplot(ax) s = 15 # sc = ax.scatter(z1.real, z1.imag, marker='*', s=10*s, color='blue', lw=0) # sc = ax.scatter(z2.real, z2.imag, marker='o', s=4*s, color='blue', lw=0) # sc = ax.scatter(z3.real, z3.imag, marker='o', s=s, color='blue', lw=0) sc = ax.scatter(accepted_images.real, accepted_images.imag, s=s, color='black', lw=0) sc = ax.scatter(rejected_images.real, rejected_images.imag, s=s, color='red', lw=0) # caustic.plot_caustic(s=1, color='orange', points=5000, lw=0) plt.xlim(-5, 5) plt.ylim(-5, 5) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # ax.axes.text(4.5, 4.5, 'num accepted: {}'.format(len(accepted_images)), ha='center', # va='center', fontsize=8) get_plot_text(plot, fig) if save_fig: file_name = '../../Tables/TL/soln_slvr_q_{}_.png'.format(system) save_png(file_name) if show_fig:
def get_triple_lens_plot(save_fig=False, show_fig=True, arrow_on=False, caustic_on=False): param = [] plot = [] param = (({ 's1': s1, 's2': s2, 'q1': q1, 'q2': q2, 'system': system, 'origin': origin, 'solver': solver, 'phi': phi, 'plot_frame': plot_frame, 'SFD': SFD })) plot = (TL(**param)) causticUL = caus(lens=plot) z1 = causticUL.z1 z2 = causticUL.z2 z3 = causticUL.z3 plt.scatter(z1.real, z1.imag, s=2000, color='red', marker='*') plt.scatter(z2.real, z2.imag, s=1000, color='blue') if system == 'SPM': plt.scatter(z3.real, z3.imag, s=400, color='purple') else: plt.scatter(z3.real, z3.imag, s=(q2 / q1) * 1000, color='blue') if arrow_on: ax = plt.axes() ax.arrow(z2.real - 0.05, z2.imag, z1.real - z2.real + 0.1, z1.imag - z2.imag, width=1e-6, length_includes_head=True, head_width=2e-2, head_length=5e-2, fc='k', ec='k') ax.arrow(z1.real + 0.05, z1.imag, z2.real - z1.real - 0.1, z1.imag - z2.imag, width=1e-6, length_includes_head=True, head_width=2e-2, head_length=5e-2, fc='k', ec='k') dx = (z3.real - z2.real) dy = (z3.imag - z2.imag) ax.arrow(z2.real + 0.10 * dx, z2.imag + 0.10 * dy, 0.8 * (dx), 0.8 * (dy), width=1e-6, length_includes_head=True, head_width=1.5e-2, head_length=3e-2, fc='k', ec='k') ax.arrow(z3.real - 0.10 * dx, z3.imag - 0.10 * dy, -0.8 * (dx), -0.8 * (dy), width=1e-6, length_includes_head=True, head_width=1.5e-2, head_length=3e-2, fc='k', ec='k') if caustic_on: caustic = caus(lens=plot) caustic.plot_caustic(s=1, lw=0, color='orange') title = 'Triple Lens System' got_plot_adjustments(title=title) if save_fig: name = 'TL_model' _save_fig(name, arrow_on, caustic_on) if show_fig: else: plt.clf()
def get_binary_lens_plot(save_fig=False, show_fig=True, arrow_on=True, caustic_on=False): param = [] plot = [] param = (({ 's': s, 'q': q, 'origin': origin, 'solver': solver, 'plot_frame': plot_frame, 'refine_region': refine_region, 'SFD': SFD })) plot = (BL(**param)) causticUL = caus(lens=plot) z1 = causticUL.z1 z2 = causticUL.z2 plt.scatter(z1.real, z1.imag, s=1000, color='blue') plt.scatter(z2.real, z2.imag, s=2000, color='red', marker='*') if arrow_on: ax = plt.axes() ax.arrow(z2.real + 0.05, z2.imag, z1.real - z2.real - 0.1, z1.imag - z2.imag, width=1e-6, length_includes_head=True, head_width=2e-2, head_length=5e-2, fc='k', ec='k') ax.arrow(z1.real - 0.05, z1.imag, z2.real - z1.real + 0.1, z1.imag - z2.imag, width=1e-6, length_includes_head=True, head_width=2e-2, head_length=5e-2, fc='k', ec='k') if caustic_on: caustic = caus(lens=plot) caustic.plot_caustic(s=1, lw=0, color='orange') title = 'Binary Lens System' got_plot_adjustments(title=title) if save_fig: name = 'BL_model' _save_fig(name, arrow_on, caustic_on) if show_fig: else: plt.clf()
def num_images_demo(): param = [[None] * len(origins) for j in range(len(mass_ratios))] plot = [[None] * len(origins) for j in range(len(mass_ratios))] fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(mass_ratios), len(origins)) for (i, q) in enumerate(mass_ratios): for (j, origin) in enumerate(origins): idx = 1 + j + len(origins)*i # Initialize each binary lens system with the BinaryLens class. param[i][j] = ({'s': s, 'q': q, 'res': res, 'origin': origin, 'region': region, 'region_lim': region_lim, 'solver': solver, 'SFD': SFD, 'refine_region': refine_region}) plot[i][j] = BL(**param[i][j]) # Use our two base colormaps orng = blues = # Get the list values from each colormap ornglist = [orng(i) for i in range(orng.N)] # This list contains 256 colors. blueslist = [blues(i) for i in range(blues.N)] # This list contains 256 colors. # Select the regions of the colormaps we want, and slice them together. start = 0 jump = 24 clist = np.linspace(start, start+8*jump, 6) # Slicing points for merged list. clist = [int(val) for val in clist] # Convert the list into integers. # Create the new list with segments of the Oranges and Blues colormaps. colorlist = (ornglist[clist[0]:clist[3]] + blueslist[clist[2]:clist[3]] + ornglist[clist[4]:clist[5]] + blueslist[clist[4]:clist[5]]) # Create new colormap. cmap_images = LinSegCmap.from_list('Custom cmap', colorlist, 256) # Discretize the colormap. bounds = np.linspace(-0.5, 5.5, 7) # This is the discretized boundary. norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap_images.N) # This is the scale. ticks = np.linspace(0,5,6) # These are the tickmark locations. kwargs = plot[i][j].check_kwargs() kwargs['cmap'] = cmap_images kwargs['norm'] = norm kwargs['s'] = 1 kwargs['lw'] = 0 plot[i][j].get_position_arrays() plot[i][j].get_num_images_array() (x, y, num_images) = (plot[i][j].x_array, plot[i][j].y_array, plot[i][j].num_images) # Create and adjust the plots appropriately. ax[i][j] = plt.subplot(len(mass_ratios), len(origins), idx) sc = ax[i][j].scatter(x, y, c=num_images, vmin=0, vmax=5, **kwargs) caustic = caus(lens=plot[i][j], solver='SG12') caustic.plot_caustic(s=1, color='yellow', points=5000, lw=0) get_plot_parameters(plot=plot[i][j], ax=ax[i][j], i=i, j=j) # Add an axis for the color bar. cbar = fig.add_axes([0.08, 0.895, 0.60, 0.05]) num_color = plt.colorbar(sc, cax=cbar, cmap=kwargs['cmap'], ticks=ticks, orientation='horizontal') num_color.set_label('Number of Images', fontsize=12+len(origins), labelpad=-62) cbar.axes.tick_params(labelsize=12) get_plot_text(plot, fig) # Save the plot as a .png file. if save_fig: file_name = '../../Tables/images_origin_.png' save_png(file_name) if show_fig:
def make_plot(): for p in plot: for plot_type in plot_types: if plot_type == 'num_images': p.plot_num_images(errors_only=False, save=False, print_errors=False, s=3) caustic = caus(lens=p, solver='SG12') caustic.plot_caustic(points=10000, s=1, color='red', lw=0) if plot_type == 'magn': #FIXME: Caustic does not show up properly on magnification plots p.plot_magnification(outliers=False, log_colorbar=True, cutoff=None, save=False) caustic = caus(lens=p, solver='SG12') # caustic.plot_caustic(s=1, color='red', lw=0) if plot_type == 'lens_bodies': caustic = caus(lens=plot[0], solver='SG12') caustic.plot_lens_bodies() caustic.plot_caustic(s=1, color='red', lw=0) if plot_type == 'num_images_coeff': p.plot_num_images_coeff(color_magn=TPrue, log_colorbar=True, region='caustic', region_lim=None, save=False) if plot_type == 'magn_coeff': p.plot_magn_coeff(color_num=True, cutoff=cutoff, outliers=False, region=region, region_lim=region_lim, save=False) if plot_type == 'coeff': p.plot_coefficients(cutoff=cutoff, log_colorbar=False, outliers=False, region=region, region_lim=region_lim, save=False) if plot_type == 'coeff_tstat': p.plot_coeff_tstat(cutoff=None, outliers=False, region=region, region_lim=region_lim, sample_res=sample_res, save=False) if plot_type == 'position_tstat': p.plot_position_tstat(cutoff=None, outliers=False, region=region, region_lim=region_lim, sample_res=sample_res, save=False) if plot_type == 'fits': p.write_to_fits()