Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, filename):

        # Define gravitational constant as global variable
        self.G = const.G.to(u.kpc**3 / u.Msun / u.Gyr**2).value

        # Define centers of mass for M31 and M33 by calling CoM function
        M31COM = CenterOfMass('C:/Users/Jimmy/400B_Lilly/M31_000.txt', 2)
        M33COM = CenterOfMass('C:/Users/Jimmy/400B_Lilly/M33_000.txt', 2)

        M31_COMP = M31COM.COM_P(0.1, 2)  # delta = 0.1, VolDec = 2
        M31_COMV = M31COM.COM_V(M31_COMP[0], M31_COMP[1], M31_COMP[2])

        M33_COMP = M33COM.COM_P(0.1, 4)  # delta = 0.1, VolDec = 4
        M33_COMV = M33COM.COM_V(M33_COMP[0], M33_COMP[1], M33_COMP[2])

        # Calculate relative position and velocity of M31 and M33
        self.r0 = (M33_COMP - M31_COMP).value
        self.v0 = (M33_COMV - M31_COMV).value

        # Assign filename to variable
        self.filename = filename

        # Scale lengths and masses for each component of M31
        self.rdisk = 5.0  # in kpc
        self.Mdisk = 1e12 * ComponentMass(
            'C:/Users/Jimmy/400B_Lilly/M31_000.txt', 2).value  # in Msun

        self.rbulge = 1.0  # in kpc
        self.Mbulge = 1e12 * ComponentMass(
            'C:/Users/Jimmy/400B_Lilly/M31_000.txt', 3).value  # in Msun

        self.rhalo = 61.5  # in kpc
        self.Mhalo = 1e12 * ComponentMass(
            'C:/Users/Jimmy/400B_Lilly/M31_000.txt', 1).value  # in Msun
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,outfile):
        outfile = string containing the filename to write orbit data to
        # save output file name for later
        self.outfile = outfile

        ### get the gravitational constant (the value is 4.498502151575286e-06)
        self.G = const.G.to(u.kpc**3/u.Msun/u.Gyr**2).value

        ### get the current pos/vel of M33
        M33COM = CenterOfMass('M33_000.txt',2)
        # store the position VECTOR of the M33 COM
        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 4
        M33COMP = M33COM.COM_P(delta,VolDec)
        # store the velocity VECTOR of the M33 COM
        M33COMV = M33COM.COM_V(*M33COMP)

        # these are astropy quantities, we would like to get rid of the units
        M33COMP = M33COMP.value
        M33COMV = M33COMV.value

        ### get the current pos/vel of M31
        M31COM = CenterOfMass('M31_000.txt',2)
        # store the position VECTOR of the M31 COM
        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 2
        M31COMP = M31COM.COM_P(delta,VolDec)
        # store the velocity VECTOR of the M31 COM
        M31COMV = M31COM.COM_V(*M31COMP)

        # these are astropy quantities, we would like to get rid of the units
        M31COMP = M31COMP.value
        M31COMV = M31COMV.value

        # store the relative position and velocity of M33 w.r.t. M31
        self.r0 = M33COMP - M31COMP
        self.v0 = M33COMV - M31COMV

        ### get the mass of each component in M31
        # disk
        self.rdisk = 5 # kpc
        self.Mdisk = ComponentMass('M31_000.txt',2)*1e12 # Msun

        # bulge
        self.rbulge = 1 # kpc
        self.Mbulge = ComponentMass('M31_000.txt',3)*1e12 # Msun

        # halo
        self.rhalo = 60 # kpc
        self.Mhalo = ComponentMass('M31_000.txt',1)*1e12 # Msun
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, filename):
        """ Initialize the class with the current properties of M33 
        input: filename, string denoting the name of the file in which the output orbit will be stored """

        # get the gravitational constant (the value is 4.498502151575286e-06)
        self.G = const.G.to(u.kpc**3 / u.Msun / u.Gyr**2).value

        # store the output file name
        self.filename = filename

        # get the current pos/vel of M33 relative to M31
        M33_COM = CenterOfMass("M33_000.txt", 2)
        self.r0 = M33_COM.COM_P(
            0.1, 4
        )  # equivalently could have set self.x self.y self.z to each component.
        self.v0 = M33_COM.COM_V(self.r0[0], self.r0[1], self.r0[2]).value
        self.r0 = self.r0.value

        M31_COM = CenterOfMass("M31_000.txt", 2)
        M31_r0 = M31_COM.COM_P(0.1, 2)
        self.r0 -= M31_r0.value  #  subtract out the M31 COM Position from the previously defined values
        self.v0 -= M31_COM.COM_V(M31_r0[0], M31_r0[1], M31_r0[2]).value
        # subtract out the M31 COM velocity from the previously defined values

        # get the mass of each component in M31
        # disk
        self.rdisk = 5.0  # set the scale length
        self.Mdisk = ComponentMass("M31_000.txt", 2) * 1e12

        # bulge
        self.rbulge = 1.0  # set the bulge scale length
        self.Mbulge = ComponentMass("M31_000.txt", 3) * 1e12

        # Halo
        self.rhalo = 61.58  # use the Hernquist scale length (a) computed in HW5
        self.Mhalo = ComponentMass("M31_000.txt", 1) * 1e12

        ### ADD M33 HALO MASS HERE ####
        self.M33halo = ComponentMass("M33_000.txt", 1) * 1e12

        ### ADD M31 CIRCULAR SPEED HERE ###
        self.Vc = 230  #km/s

        ### Fudge factor ##
        self.fudge = 0.5
Ejemplo n.º 4
def OrbitCOM(galaxy,start,end,n):
    """function that loops over all the desired snapshots to compute the COM pos and vel as a function of time
           galaxy  the name of the galaxy e.g. "MW"
           start   initial SnapNumber  e.g. 0
           end     final SnapNumber  e.g. 100
           n       integer indicating the frequency with which the snapshots are read in;  n should not be 0
    returns:  file with COM pos/vel of a galaxy at snapshots over the range (start, end+n, n) 
                     columns t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz for n snapshots
    # compose the filename for output
    #fileout = "Orbit_" + galaxy + ".txt"
    fileout = 'Orbit_%s.txt'%(galaxy)   # filename to store output

    #  set tolerance and VolDec for calculating COM_P in CenterOfMass
    delta, VolDec = 0.1, 2.0
    # for M33 that is stripped more, use different values for VolDec
    if galaxy is "M33": 
        delta, VolDec = 0.1, 4.0
    # generate the snapshot id sequence and check if the input is eligible
    snap_ids = np.arange(start, end+n, n)
    if snap_ids.size == 0:
        raise ValueError("Cannot build a sequence using the input, start = ", 
                         start, "end = ", end, "n = ", n)
    # initialize the array for orbital info: t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz of COM
    orbit = np.zeros([snap_ids.size, 7])
    # a for loop 
    for i, snap_id in enumerate(snap_ids): # loop over files
        # compose the data filename (be careful about the folder)
        filename = "VLowRes/" + galaxy + "_VLowRes/" + galaxy +  "_{:03d}".format(snap_id) + ".txt"
        # Initialize an instance of CenterOfMass class, using disk particles
        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)
        # Store the COM pos and vel. Remember that now COM_P required VolDec
        COM_pos = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        COM_vel = COM.COM_V(COM_pos[0],COM_pos[1], COM_pos[2])
        # store the time, pos, vel in ith element of the orbit array,  without units (.value) 
        # note that you can store 
        # a[i] = var1, *tuple(array1)
        orbit[i] = COM.time.value, *tuple(COM_pos.value), *tuple(COM_vel.value)
        # print snap_id to see the progress
    # write the data to a file
    # we do this because we don't want to have to repeat this process 
    # this code should only have to be called once per galaxy.
    np.savetxt(fileout, orbit, fmt = "%11.3f"*7, comments='#',
                      .format('t', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def CumDispersion(self, rArray):
        # Takes as input an array of radii
        # Returns the cumulative velocity dispersion within the stars enclosed
        COM_Object = CenterOfMass(self.filename, 2)
        VX_COM, VY_COM, VZ_COM = COM_Object.COM_V(1.0)
        X_COM, Y_COM, Z_COM = COM_Object.COM_P(
            1.0)  # Finds the center of mass coordinates of the galaxy

        typeIndex = np.where(self.data['type'] == 3)  # Selects bulge particles

        radii = self.distance(self.x, X_COM, self.y, Y_COM, self.z, Z_COM)
        # Creates an array to hold distances of particles from the COM
        dispersions = np.zeros(len(rArray))  # Creates our result array

        for index in range(len(rArray)):
            # Loops over rArray to find enclosed dispersion
            indices = np.where(radii < rArray[index])
            dispersions[index] = self.dispersion(self.data[indices], VX_COM,
                                                 VY_COM, VZ_COM)

        return dispersions
Ejemplo n.º 6
def OrbitCom(galaxy, start, end, n=5):
    """function that loops over all the desired snapshots to compute the COM pos and vel as a function of time.
    galaxy name ie: "MW", start: first snapshot to be read, end: last snapshot to be read, n: intervals to return the COM
    We will compute up to snapshot 800 and we will outpu values in intervals of n=5      
    computes the timen and COM position and velocity vectors of a given a galaxy in each snapshot
    saves that output into a file.

    # compose the filename for output
    fileout = "Orbit_" + galaxy + ".txt"

    #  set tolerance and VolDec for calculating COM_P in CenterOfMass
    # for M33 that is stripped more, use different values for VolDec

    if (galaxy == 'M33'):
        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 4

        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 2

    # generate the snapshot id sequence
    # it is always a good idea to also check if the input is eligible (not required)
    snap_ids = np.arange(start, end + 1, step=n)

    # initialize the array for orbital info: t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz of COM

    orbit = np.zeros((snap_ids.size, 7))

    # a for loop
    for i, snap_id in enumerate(snap_ids):

        # compose the data filename (be careful about the folder)
        # inputs to recontruct the filenumber to the value "000"
        ilbl = '000' + str(snap_id)
        # remove all but the last 3 digits
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
        filename = "%s_" % (galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'

        # Initialize an instance of CenterOfMass class, using disk particles

        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)

        # Store the COM pos and vel. Remember that now COM_P required VolDec
        COM_P = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        COM_V = COM.COM_V(COM_P[0], COM_P[1], COM_P[2])

        # store the time, pos, vel in ith element of the orbit array,  without units (.value)
        # note that you can store
        # a[i] = var1, *tuple(array1)

        orbit[i] = COM.time.value / 1000, *tuple(COM_P.value), *tuple(

        # print snap_id to see the progress

    # write the data to a file
    # we do this because we don't want to have to repeat this process
    # this code should only have to be called once per galaxy.
    np.savetxt(fileout, orbit, fmt = "%11.3f"*7, comments='#',
                      .format('t', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz'))
Ejemplo n.º 7
# MW_000.txt and MW_400.txt
# If you don't have enough space on your computer you can use the low res files.

# In[ ]:

# Load in disk particles centered on the MW
# this is from the HighRes data files on nimoy so it might take a bit of time to load
# you can use the low res files if this is taking too long or if you don't have enough space on your computer
COM = CenterOfMass("MW_000.txt", 2)

# In[ ]:

# Compute COM of the MW at the new position using disk particles
COMP = COM.COM_P(0.1, 2)
# Determine positions of disk particles relative to COM
MW_Disk_x = COM.x - COMP[0].value
MW_Disk_y = COM.y - COMP[1].value

# Also store the disk velocity in the y direction
MW_Disk_vy = COM.vy - COMV[1].value

# In[ ]:

# Plot the disk of the MW with contours.

# MW Disk Density
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))

Ejemplo n.º 8
def OrbitCOM(galaxy, start, end, n):
    # Inputs:
    #     galaxy = name of galaxy (MW, M31, or M33)
    #     start = number of first snapshot
    #     end = number of last snapshot
    #     n = intervals at which to return COM

    # Returns:
    #     COM_P = position of center of mass of galaxy
    #     COM_V = velocity of center of mass of galaxy

    # compose the filename for output
    fileout = "C:/Users/Jimmy/400B_Lilly/Homeworks/Homework6/Orbit_{0}.txt".format(

    #  set tolerance and VolDec for calculating COM_P in CenterOfMass
    # for M33 that is stripped more, use different values for VolDec
    if galaxy == 'M33':
        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 4
        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 5

    # generate the snapshot id sequence
    # it is always a good idea to also check if the input is eligible (not required)
    snap_ids = np.arange(start, end, n)

    # initialize the array for orbital info: t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz of COM
    orbit = np.zeros([len(snap_ids), 7])

    # Loop to calculate COM pos. and vel. at each snapshot
    for i, snap_id in enumerate(snap_ids):

        # compose the data filename (be careful about the folder)
        # Add string of filenumber to value 000
        ilbl = '000' + str(snap_id)

        # Remove all but last 3 digits of string
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]

        # Assign filename based on snapshot and galaxy inputs
        filename = 'C:/Users/Jimmy/Downloads/' + '%s/' % (galaxy) + '%s_' % (
            galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'

        # Initialize an instance of CenterOfMass class, using disk particles
        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)

        # Store the COM pos and vel. Remember that now COM_P required VolDec
        COM_P = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        COM_V = COM.COM_V(COM_P[0], COM_P[1], COM_P[2])

        # store the time, pos, vel in ith element of the orbit array,  without units (.value)
        # note that you can store: a[i] = var1, *tuple(array1)
        orbit[i] = COM.time.value / 1000, *tuple(COM_P.value), *tuple(

        # print snap_id to see the progress
        print('Calculating COM info for ' + str(snap_id))

    # write the data to a file
    # we do this because we don't want to have to repeat this process
    # this code should only have to be called once per galaxy.
Ejemplo n.º 9
def OrbitCOM(galaxy, start, end, n):
    """function that loops over all the desired snapshots to compute the COM pos and vel as a function of time.
        galaxy = string containing galaxy name
        start = first snapshot #
        end = last snapshot #
        n = length of the intervals (in snapshots)
        an array with columns: time, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz
        each row contains calculations for 1 snapshot

    # compose the filename for output
    fileout = "Orbit_" + galaxy + ".txt"

    # set tolerance and VolDec for calculating COM_P in CenterOfMass
    # for M33 that is stripped more, use different values for VolDec
    if galaxy == 'M33':
        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 4
        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 2

    # generate the snapshot id sequence
    # check if the input is eligible
    snap_ids = np.arange(start, end, n)
    if (len(snap_ids) == 0):
        sys.exit("no snapshots included in given range")

    # initialize the array for orbital info: t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz of COM
    orbit = np.zeros([len(snap_ids), 7])

    # loop over snapshots
    for i, snap_id in enumerate(snap_ids):
        # compose the data filename
        # add a string of the filenumber to the value “000”
        ilbl = '000' + str(snap_id)
        # remove all but the last 3 digits
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
        filename = "VLowRes/" + "%s_" % (galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'

        # Initialize an instance of CenterOfMass class, using disk particles
        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)  # 2 for disk particles
        # Store the COM pos and vel. Remember that now COM_P required VolDec
        COMP = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        COMV = COM.COM_V(*COMP)

        # store the time, pos, vel in ith element of the orbit array,  without units (.value)
        # note that you can store
        # a[i] = var1, *tuple(array1)
        t = COM.time.value / 1000  # units Gyr
        COMP = COMP.value
        COMV = COMV.value
        orbit[i] = t, *tuple(COMP), *tuple(COMV)

        # print snap_id to see the progress

    # write the data to a file
    # we do this because we don't want to have to repeat this process
    # this code should only have to be called once per galaxy.
    np.savetxt(fileout, orbit, fmt = "%11.3f"*7, comments='#',
                      .format('t', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz'))