Ejemplo n.º 1
    def group_create(self, name, description,
                     expire_date=None, visibility='A'):
        """Create a group.

        :type name: str
        :param name: The groups name.

        :type description: str
        :param description: The groups description.

        :type expire_date: DateTime
        :param expire_date: The groups expiration date.

        :type visibility: str
        :param visibility: The groups visibility. Can one of:
            'A'  All
            'I'  Internal
            'N'  None
        # Perform auth-check
        self.ba.can_create_group(self.operator_id, groupname=name)

        # Check if group exists
        if Utils.get_group(self.db, 'name', name):
            raise Errors.CerebrumRPCException('Group already exists.')

        co = Factory.get('Constants')(self.db)
        gr = Factory.get('Group')(self.db)

        # Test if visibility is sane
        vis = co.GroupVisibility(visibility)
        except (Errors.NotFoundError, TypeError):
            raise Errors.CerebrumRPCException('Invalid visibility.')

        # Create the group
        # TODO: Moar try/except?
        GroupAPI.group_create(gr, self.operator_id, vis, name,
                              description, expire_date)

        # Set moderator if appropriate.
        # TODO: use the commented version when we pass the config as a dict.
        if getattr(self.config, 'GROUP_OWNER_OPSET', None):
            # Fetch operator.
            en = Utils.get_entity_by_id(self.db, self.operator_id)
            # Grant auth
            GroupAPI.grant_auth(en, gr, getattr(self.config,
        return gr.entity_id
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def group_remove_member(self, group_id_type, group_id,
                            member_id_type, member_id):
        """Remove a member from a group.

        :type group_id_type: str
        :param group_id_type: Group identifier type, 'id' or 'group_name'

        :type group_id: str
        :param group_id: Group identifier

        :type member_id_type: str
        :param member_id_type: Member identifier type, 'id' or 'account_name'

        :type member_id: str
        :param member_id: Member identifier

        :rtype: boolean
        # Get the group
        gr = Utils.get(self.db, 'group', group_id_type, group_id)

        if not gr:
            raise Errors.CerebrumRPCException(
                'Group %s:%s does not exist.' % (group_id_type, group_id))

        # Perform auth check
        self.ba.can_alter_group(self.operator_id, gr)

        # Get the member we want to add
        member = Utils.get(self.db, 'entity', member_id_type, member_id)

        if not member:
            raise Errors.CerebrumRPCException(
                'Entity %s:%s does not exist.' % (member_id_type, member_id))

        if not gr.has_member(member.entity_id):
            return False

        GroupAPI.remove_member(gr, member.entity_id)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def group_set_expire(self, group_id_type, group_id, expire_date=None):
        """Set an expire-date on a group.

        :type group_id_type: str
        :param group_id_type: Group identifier type, 'id' or 'group_name'

        :type group_id: str
        :param group_id: Group identifier

        :type expire_date: <mx.DateTime>
        :param expire_date: The expire-date to set, or None.
        # Get group
        gr = Utils.get(self.db, 'group', group_id_type, group_id)

        if not gr:
            raise Errors.CerebrumRPCException(
                'Group %s:%s does not exist.' % (group_id_type, group_id))

        # Perform auth check
        self.ba.can_alter_group(self.operator_id, gr)

        GroupAPI.set_expire_date(gr, expire_date)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def group_info(self, group_id_type, group_id):
        """Get information about a group.

        :type group_id_type: str
        :param group_id_type: Group identifier type, 'id' or 'group_name'

        :type group_id: str
        :param group_id: Group identifier
        gr = Utils.get(self.db, 'group', group_id_type, group_id)

        # Check if group exists
        if not gr:
            raise Errors.CerebrumRPCException(
                'Group %s:%s does not exist.' % (group_id_type, group_id))

        return GroupAPI.group_info(gr)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def group_list(self, group_id_type, group_id):
        """Get list of group members

        :type group_id_type: str
        :param group_id_type: Group identifier type, 'id' or 'group_name'

        :type group_id: unicode or str
        :param group_id: Group identifier

        :rtype: list(dict{'name': name or id, 'type': type})
        gr = Utils.get(self.db, 'group', group_id_type, group_id)

        # Check if group exists
        if not gr:
            raise Errors.CerebrumRPCException(
                'Group %s:%s does not exist.' % (group_id_type, group_id))

        lst = [{'name': x[1], 'type': x[0]} for x in
               map(Utils.get_entity_designator, GroupAPI.group_list(gr))]
        return lst