Ejemplo n.º 1
 def cheetah_render(content, params):
     return CTemplate(content, searchList=[params]).respond()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _generate_attributes(self, video_file, video_work_dir):
        Run actual sun_attributes code on video, outputting a file that is the
        concatenation of frame feature products (checkpoint file) and returning
        the resultant matrix. The output file will be a numpy binary file
        storing a 2D array object.

        If the output file already exists, we will assume that the work as
        already been completed and will load and return that file's matrix.

        :raises RuntimeError: Couldn't create raw scores due to error in
            runtime. This can either be due to frame extraction failure or
            failure at running the SUN attributes executable.

        :param video_file: Video for processing
        :type video_file: str
        :param video_work_dir: Directory to store work in
        :type video_work_dir: str
        :return: 2D numpy array object that is the combined frame feature
            vectors, or attribute scores. If None is returned, that means scores
            couldn't be produced on this video.
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray

        # video frame extraction
        # extracting jpb because the MATLAB code only works with jpg files
        # apparently...
        # exiting failure if no frames extracted.
        frame2img, _ = self.mp4_extract_video_frames(video_file, 'jpg')

        # run output vars
        f_result_output_dir = osp.join(video_work_dir, 'frame_results')
        output_files = {}
        tmp_output_files = {}  # tmp version of output_files map
        of_not_present = []  # frames for which no non-temp output present

        # Predict output files we will need for images specified/produced
        # If one or more of the predicted output files doesn't exist in
        # their predicted location, queue it to be processed.
        for frame, img_file in sorted(frame2img.items()):
            output_files[frame] = osp.join(f_result_output_dir,
                                           'frm%06d.features' % frame)
            tmp_output_files[frame] = \
            if not osp.isfile(output_files[frame]):

        # Only create a work file and process if anything actually needs to
        # be processed
        if of_not_present:
            # remove old temp files if present (i don't know what the MATLAB
            # code might do with a partially written file, i.e. if it will
            # append to it or not)
            self._log.debug("removing pre-existing temp frame work files")
            for f in tmp_output_files.values():
                if osp.isfile(f):

            # Create actual work file, overwriting any that might already be
            # present.
            work_file = osp.join(video_work_dir, 'sa_work_file.txt')
            with open(work_file, 'w') as wfile:
                for frame in of_not_present:
                    wfile.write("%s,%s\n" % (frame2img[frame],

            # Generating configuration file from template, overwriting an
            # existing one if present (things may be different).
            config_file = osp.join(video_work_dir, 'sa_config.xml')
            sa_tmp_folder = \
                self.create_dir(osp.join(video_work_dir, 'sa_tmp'))
            sl = {'sa_src_dir': self._sa_src_dir,
                  'working_dir': sa_tmp_folder}
            with open(config_file, 'w') as cfile:

            run_args = [self._sa_runner, self._mcr_root, work_file,
            self._log.debug("call: %s", ' '.join(run_args))
            log_file = osp.join(video_work_dir, 'last_run.log')
            with open(log_file, 'w') as lf:
                # MATLAB is known to rarely timeout indefinitely. Using ex
                start = time.time()
                p = subprocess.Popen(run_args, stdout=lf, stderr=lf)
                while p.poll() is None:
                    # check if timeout exceeded, kicking the bucket if so
                    if (time.time() - start) > self._matlab_run_timeout_seconds:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "MATLAB processing exceeded configured timeout "
                            "(%.1f minutes). Check run log file for possible "
                            "details as to why: %s",
                            self._matlab_run_timeout_seconds / 60.0, log_file

            if p.returncode != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to process sun_attributes "
                                   "for video %s with return code %s. "
                                   "Check log file: %s"
                                   % (video_file, str(p.returncode), log_file))

            # Run successful, check that configured tmp files exist and
            # rename them to the official output names.
            for frame in of_not_present:
                if not osp.isfile(tmp_output_files[frame]):
                    raise RuntimeError("sun_attributes failed to produce "
                                       "output for requested frame %d. "
                                       "Check that it is actually present "
                                       "in the generated work file (%s) "
                                       "as well as check the log file (%s)."
                                       % (frame, work_file, log_file))
                os.rename(tmp_output_files[frame], output_files[frame])

            # Remove temp work files generated by sun_attributes
            self._log.debug("removing sa temp working directory")

        # Combination
        # First, need to construct the combined matrix, which is just each
        # frame's results stacked from top to bottom in frame order.
        self._log.debug("creating raw combined features matrix")
        combined_matrix = []
        for frm, features_file in sorted(output_files.items()):
            self._log.debug("-> adding frame %d : %s", frm, features_file)
        combined_matrix = np.array(combined_matrix)  # make 2D array of list

        return combined_matrix