Ejemplo n.º 1
class WindowRectTracker:
    Keeps track of the window rectangle when moving/resizing.
    Gtk only updates the position and size asynchrounously on
    configure events and hidden windows return invalid values.
    Auto-show et al need valid values from get_position and
    get_size at all times.
    def __init__(self):
        self._window_rect = None
        self._origin = None
        self._client_offset = (0, 0)
        self._screen_orientation = None
        self._save_position_timer = Timer()

        # init detection of screen "rotation"
        screen = self.get_screen()
        screen.connect('size-changed', self.on_screen_size_changed)

    def cleanup(self):

    def move(self, x, y):
        Overload Gtk.Window.move to reliably keep track of
        the window position.
        Gtk.Window.move(self, x, y)

    def resize(self, w, h):
        Overload Gtk.Window.size to reliably keep track of
        the window size.
        Gtk.Window.resize(self, w, h)

    def move_resize(self, x, y, w, h):
        win = self.get_window()
        if win:
            win.move_resize(x, y, w, h)

    def get_position(self):
        if self._window_rect is None:
            return Gtk.Window.get_position(self)
            return self._window_rect.get_position()

    def get_size(self):
        if self._window_rect is None:
            return Gtk.Window.get_size(self)
            return self._window_rect.get_size()

    def get_origin(self):
        if self._origin is None:
            origin = self.get_window().get_origin()
            if len(origin) == 3:   # What is the first parameter for? Gdk bug?
                origin = origin[1:]
            return origin
            return self._origin

    def get_client_offset(self):
        return self._client_offset

    def get_rect(self):
        return self._window_rect

    def is_visible(self):
        """ This is overloaded in KbdWindow """
        return Gtk.Window.get_visible(self)

    def on_screen_size_changed(self, screen):
        """ detect screen rotation (tablets)"""

        # Give the screen time to settle, the window manager
        # may block the move to previously invalid positions and
        # when docked the slide transition may be drowned out by all
        # the action in other processes.
        Timer(1.5, self.on_screen_size_changed_delayed, screen)

    def on_screen_size_changed_delayed(self, screen):

    def get_screen_orientation(self):
        Current orientation of the screen (tablet rotation).
        Only the aspect ratio is taken into account at this time.
        This appears to cover more cases than looking at monitor rotation,
        in particular with multi-monitor screens.
        screen = self.get_screen()
        if screen.get_width() >= screen.get_height():
            return Orientation.LANDSCAPE
            return Orientation.PORTRAIT

    def update_window_rect(self):
        Call this on configure event, the only time when
        get_position, get_size, etc. can be trusted.
        visible = self.is_visible()
        if visible:
            pos  = Gtk.Window.get_position(self)
            size = Gtk.Window.get_size(self)
            origin      = self.get_window().get_origin()
            if len(origin) == 3:   # What is the first parameter for? Gdk bug?
                origin = origin[1:]

            self._window_rect = Rect.from_position_size(pos, size)
            self._origin = origin
            self._client_offset = (origin[0] - pos[0], origin[1] - pos[1]) 
            self._screen_orientation = self.get_screen_orientation()

    def restore_window_rect(self, startup = False):
        Restore window size and position.
        # Run pending save operations now, so they don't
        # interfere with the window rect after it was restored.

        orientation = self.get_screen_orientation()
        rect = self.read_window_rect(orientation)

        self._screen_orientation = orientation
        self._window_rect = rect
        _logger.debug("restore_window_rect {rect}, {orientation}" \
                      .format(rect = rect, orientation = orientation))

        # Give the derived class a chance to modify the rect,
        # for example to correct the position for auto-show.
        rect = self.on_restore_window_rect(rect)
        self._window_rect = rect

        # move/resize the window
        if startup:
            # gnome-shell doesn't take kindly to an initial move_resize().
            # The window ends up at (0, 0) on and goes back there
            # repeatedly when hiding and unhiding.
            self.set_default_size(rect.w, rect.h)
            self.move(rect.x, rect.y)
            self.move_resize(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h)

        # Initialize shadow variables with valid values so they
        # don't get taken from the unreliable window.
        # Fixes bad positioning of the very first auto-show.
        if startup:
            self._window_rect = rect.copy()
            # Ignore frame dimensions; still better than asking the window.
            self._origin      = rect.left_top()
            self._screen_orientation = self.get_screen_orientation()

    def on_restore_window_rect(self, rect):
        return rect

    def save_window_rect(self, orientation = None, rect = None):
        Save window size and position.
        if orientation is None:
            orientation = self._screen_orientation
        if rect is None:
            rect = self._window_rect

        # Give the derived class a chance to modify the rect,
        # for example to override it for auto-show.
        rect = self.on_save_window_rect(rect)

        self.write_window_rect(orientation, rect)

        _logger.debug("save_window_rect {rect}, {orientation}" \
                      .format(rect = rect, orientation = orientation))

    def on_save_window_rect(self, rect):
        return rect

    def read_window_rect(self, orientation, rect):
        Read orientation dependent rect.
        Overload this in derived classes.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def write_window_rect(self, orientation, rect):
        Write orientation dependent rect.
        Overload this in derived classes.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def start_save_position_timer(self):
        Trigger saving position and size to gsettings
        Delay this a few seconds to avoid excessive disk writes.

        Remember the current rect and rotation as the screen may have been
        rotated when the saving happens.
        self._save_position_timer.start(5, self.save_window_rect,

    def stop_save_position_timer(self):
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TouchInput:
    Unified handling of multi-touch sequences and conventional pointer input.
    GESTURE_DETECTION_SPAN = 100 # [ms] until two finger tap&drag is detected
    GESTURE_DELAY_PAUSE = 3000   # [ms] Suspend delayed sequence begin for this
                                 # amount of time after the last key press.
    delay_sequence_begin = True  # No delivery, i.e. no key-presses after
                                 # gesture detection, but delays press-down.

    def __init__(self):
        self._input_sequences = {}
        self._touch_events_enabled = self.is_touch_enabled()
        self._multi_touch_enabled  = config.keyboard.touch_input == \
        self._gestures_enabled     = self._touch_events_enabled
        self._last_event_was_touch = False
        self._last_sequence_time = 0

        self._gesture = NO_GESTURE
        self._gesture_begin_point = (0, 0)
        self._gesture_begin_time = 0
        self._gesture_detected = False
        self._gesture_cancelled = False
        self._num_tap_sequences = 0
        self._gesture_timer = Timer()

        self._order_timer = Timer()
        self._queued_events = []

                 config.keyboard.event_handling == EventHandlingEnum.GTK,

        self._pytime_start = None
        self._evtime_start = None

    def cleanup(self):
        if self._device_manager:
            self._device_manager = None

    def init_event_handling(self, use_gtk, use_raw_events):
        if use_gtk:
            # GTK event handling
            self._device_manager = None
            event_mask = Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | \
                              Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | \
                              Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | \
                              Gdk.EventMask.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | \
            if self._touch_events_enabled:
                event_mask |= Gdk.EventMask.TOUCH_MASK


            self.connect("button-press-event",   self._on_button_press_event)
            self.connect("button_release_event", self._on_button_release_event)
            self.connect("motion-notify-event",  self._on_motion_event)
            self.connect("touch-event",          self._on_touch_event)

            # XInput event handling
            self._device_manager = XIDeviceManager()

            devices = self._device_manager.get_slave_pointer_devices()
            _logger.warning("listening to XInput devices: {}" \
                         .format([(d.name, d.id, d.get_config_string()) \
                                  for d in devices]))

            # Select events af all slave pointer devices
            if use_raw_events:
                event_mask = XIEventMask.RawButtonPressMask | \
                             XIEventMask.RawButtonReleaseMask | \
                if self._touch_events_enabled:
                    event_mask |= XIEventMask.RawTouchMask
                event_mask = XIEventMask.ButtonPressMask | \
                             XIEventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | \
                if self._touch_events_enabled:
                    event_mask |= XIEventMask.TouchMask

            for device in devices:

            self._selected_devices = devices
            self._selected_device_ids = [d.id for d in devices]
            self._use_raw_events = use_raw_events

    def _device_event_handler(self, event):
        Handler for XI2 events.
        if not event.device_id in self._selected_device_ids:

        #print("device {}, xi_type {}, type {}, point {} {}, xid {}" \
         #     .format(event.device_id, event.xi_type, event.type, event.x, event.y, event.xid_event))

        win = self.get_window()
        if not win:

        # Reject initial initial presses/touch_begins outside our window.
        # Allow all subsequent ones to simulate grabbing the device.
        if not self._input_sequences:
            # Is the hit window ours?
            # Note: only initial clicks and taps supply a valid window id.
            xid_event = event.xid_event
            if xid_event != 0 and \
                xid_event != win.get_xid():

        # Convert from root to window relative coordinates.
        # We don't get window coordinates for more than the first touch.
        rx, ry = win.get_root_coords(0, 0)
        event.x = event.x_root - rx
        event.y = event.y_root - ry

        event_type = event.xi_type

        if self._use_raw_events:
            if event_type == XIEventType.RawMotion:
                self._on_motion_event(self, event)

            elif event_type == XIEventType.RawButtonPress:
                self._on_button_press_event(self, event)

            elif event_type == XIEventType.RawButtonRelease:
                self._on_button_release_event(self, event)

            elif event_type == XIEventType.RawTouchBegin or \
                 event_type == XIEventType.RawTouchUpdate or \
                 event_type == XIEventType.RawTouchEnd:
                self._on_touch_event(self, event)
            if event_type == XIEventType.Motion:
                self._on_motion_event(self, event)

            elif event_type == XIEventType.ButtonPress:
                self._on_button_press_event(self, event)

            elif event_type == XIEventType.ButtonRelease:
                self._on_button_release_event(self, event)

            elif event_type == XIEventType.TouchBegin or \
                 event_type == XIEventType.TouchUpdate or \
                 event_type == XIEventType.TouchEnd:
                self._on_touch_event(self, event)

    def is_touch_enabled(self):
        return config.keyboard.touch_input != TouchInputEnum.NONE

    def has_input_sequences(self):
        """ Are any clicks/touches still ongoing? """
        return bool(self._input_sequences)

    def last_event_was_touch(self):
        """ Was there just a touch event? """
        return self._last_event_was_touch

    def has_touch_source(self, event):
        source_device = event.get_source_device()
        source = source_device.get_source()
        return source == Gdk.InputSource.TOUCHSCREEN

    def _on_button_press_event(self, widget, event):
        if self._touch_events_enabled and \

        sequence = InputSequence()
        sequence.primary = True
        self._last_event_was_touch = False


    def _on_motion_event(self, widget, event):
        if self._touch_events_enabled and \

        sequence = self._input_sequences.get(POINTER_SEQUENCE)
        if sequence is None:
            sequence = InputSequence()
            sequence.primary = True

        self._last_event_was_touch = False

    def _on_button_release_event(self, widget, event):
        sequence = self._input_sequences.get(POINTER_SEQUENCE)
        if not sequence is None:
            sequence.point      = (event.x, event.y)
            sequence.root_point = (event.x_root, event.y_root)
            sequence.time       = event.get_time()


    def _on_touch_event(self, widget, event):
        if not self.has_touch_source(event):

        touch = event.touch
        id = str(touch.sequence)
        self._last_event_was_touch = True

        event_type = event.type
        if event_type == Gdk.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN:
            if self._pytime_start == None:
                self._pytime_start = time.time()
                self._evtime_start = event.get_time()
            sequence = InputSequence()
            sequence.init_from_touch_event(touch, id)
            if len(self._input_sequences) == 0:
                sequence.primary = True
            for ev, qseq in self._queued_events:
                if qseq.time < event.get_time():
                    #print("Yielded to queued")
                    self._queued_events.remove((ev, qseq))


        elif event_type == Gdk.EventType.TOUCH_UPDATE:
            sequence = self._input_sequences.get(id)
            if not sequence is None:
                sequence.point      = (touch.x, touch.y)
                sequence.root_point = (touch.x_root, touch.y_root)
                sequence.time       = event.get_time()
                sequence.updated    = time.time()


            if event_type == Gdk.EventType.TOUCH_END:

            elif event_type == Gdk.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL:

            sequence = self._input_sequences.get(id)
            if not sequence is None:
                sequence.time       = event.get_time()

    def _delayed_release(self):
        for ev, seq in self._queued_events:
            if ev ==  Gdk.EventType.TOUCH_END:
            #elif ev ==  Gdk.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN:
        return False

    def _input_sequence_begin(self, sequence):
        """ Button press/touch begin """
        first_sequence = len(self._input_sequences) == 0

        if first_sequence or \
            self._input_sequences[sequence.id] = sequence

            if not self._gesture_detected:
                if first_sequence and \
                   self._multi_touch_enabled and \
                   self.delay_sequence_begin and \
                   sequence.time - self._last_sequence_time > \
                    # Delay the first tap; we may have to stop it
                    # from reaching the keyboard.
                    self._gesture_timer.start(self.GESTURE_DETECTION_SPAN / 1000.0,
                                              sequence, sequence.point)

                    # Tell the keyboard right away.

        self._last_sequence_time = sequence.time

    def on_delayed_sequence_begin(self, sequence, point):
        if not self._gesture_detected: # work around race condition
            sequence.point = point # return to the original begin point
            self._gesture_cancelled = True
        return False

    def deliver_input_sequence_begin(self, sequence):
        sequence.delivered = True

    def _input_sequence_update(self, sequence):
        """ Pointer motion/touch update """
        if not sequence.state & BUTTON123_MASK or \
           not self.in_gesture_detection_delay(sequence):
            self._gesture_timer.finish()  # don't run begin out of order

    def _input_sequence_end(self, sequence):
        """ Button release/touch end """
        self._gesture_timer.finish()  # run delayed sequence before end
        if sequence.id in self._input_sequences:
            del self._input_sequences[sequence.id]

            if sequence.delivered:
                self._gesture_timer.finish()  # run delayed sequence before end

        if self._input_sequences:

        self._last_sequence_time = sequence.time

    def _discard_stuck_input_sequences(self):
        Input sequence handling requires guaranteed balancing of
        begin, update and end events. There is no indication yet this
        isn't always the case, but still, at this time it seems like a
        good idea to prepare for the worst.
        -> Clear out aged input sequences, so Onboard can start from a
        fresh slate and not become terminally unresponsive.
        expired_time = time.time() - 30
        for id, sequence in list(self._input_sequences.items()):
            if sequence.updated < expired_time:
                _logger.warning("discarding expired input sequence " + str(id))
                del self._input_sequences[id]

    def in_gesture_detection_delay(self, sequence):
        span = sequence.time - self._gesture_begin_time
        return span < self.GESTURE_DETECTION_SPAN

    #FIXME later
    #tap Gestures should not swallow sequences
    #Drag gestures should send cancel events
    def _gesture_sequence_begin(self, sequence):
        return True
        if self._num_tap_sequences == 0:
            self._gesture = NO_GESTURE
            self._gesture_detected = False
            self._gesture_cancelled = False
            self._gesture_begin_point = sequence.point
            self._gesture_begin_time = sequence.time # event time
            if self.in_gesture_detection_delay(sequence) and \
               not self._gesture_cancelled:
                self._gesture_timer.stop()  # cancel delayed sequence begin
                self._gesture_detected = True
        self._num_tap_sequences += 1

    def _gesture_sequence_update(self, sequence):
        return True
        if self._gesture_detected and \
           sequence.state & BUTTON123_MASK and \
           self._gesture == NO_GESTURE:
            point = sequence.point
            dx = self._gesture_begin_point[0] - point[0]
            dy = self._gesture_begin_point[1] - point[1]
            d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy

            # drag gesture?
            if d2 >= DRAG_GESTURE_THRESHOLD2:
                num_touches = len(self._input_sequences)
                self._gesture = DRAG_GESTURE
        return True

    def _gesture_sequence_end(self, sequence):
        return True
        if len(self._input_sequences) == 1: # last sequence of the gesture?
            if self._gesture_detected:
                gesture = self._gesture

                if gesture == NO_GESTURE:
                    # tap gesture?
                    elapsed = sequence.time - self._gesture_begin_time
                    if elapsed <= 300:

                elif gesture == DRAG_GESTURE:

            self._num_tap_sequences = 0

    def on_tap_gesture(self, num_touches):
        return False

    def on_drag_gesture_begin(self, num_touches):
        return False

    def on_drag_gesture_end(self, num_touches):
        return False