def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.user = User() self.idcon = "" self.user.idmail = StringVar() self.user.password = StringVar() self.user.nom = StringVar() self.user.age = IntVar() self.user.niveau = "" self.user.score = 0 self.acf = Frame(self.master, padx=30, pady=30) self.qcpf = Frame(self.master, padx=30, pady=30) self.crf = Frame(self.master, padx=30, pady=30) self.widgets()
def get_one_by_id(self, id): if id == None or id < 0: return None self.cursor.execute("SELECT * from projekt.user where id=%d ;" % id) records_user = self.cursor.fetchone() if records_user == None: return None new_user = User() = records_user[0] = records_user[1] new_user.surename = records_user[2] new_user.login = records_user[3] new_user.password = records_user[4] new_user.lastlogin = records_user[5] new_user.lastlogintime = records_user[6] return new_user
def test_update_parameter_none(self): user = User() = 1 = 'Tomas' user.surename = 'Krystof' user.login = '******' user.password = None result = self.user_repository.update(user) self.assertEqual(result, None)
def test_user_delete_valid(self): user = User() = 3 = 'Johny' user.surename = 'Knoxville' user.login = '******' user.password = 12345 self.user_repository.add_new_user(user) self.user_repository.user_delete(3)
def test_add_new_user_parameter_none(self): user = User() = 2 = None user.surename = 'Sochan' user.login = '******' user.password = 12345 result = self.user_repository.add_new_user(user) self.assertEqual(result, None)
def get_all(self): self.cursor.execute("SELECT * from projekt.user ;") records_user = self.cursor.fetchall() if records_user == None: return None user_list = [] for user in records_user: new_user = User() = user[0] = user[1] new_user.surename = user[2] new_user.login = user[3] new_user.password = user[4] new_user.lastlogin = user[5] new_user.lastlogintime = user[6] user_list.append(new_user) return user_list
def user_select(self, login_result, pass_result): if login_result == None or pass_result == None: return None user_select_query = "SELECT * from projekt.user where login=%s and password=%s" parameters = (str(login_result), str(pass_result)) self.cursor.execute(user_select_query, parameters) selected_user = self.cursor.fetchone() if selected_user != None: new_user = User() = selected_user[0] = selected_user[1] new_user.surename = selected_user[2] new_user.login = selected_user[3] new_user.password = selected_user[4] new_user.lastlogin = selected_user[5] new_user.lastlogintime = selected_user[6] return new_user else: return None
def test_add_new_user_valid(self): user = User() = 2 = 'Jaroslav' user.surename = 'Sochan' user.login = '******' user.password = 12345 self.user_repository.add_new_user(user) self.assertEqual(, 2) self.assertEqual(, 'Jaroslav') self.assertEqual(user.surename, 'Sochan') self.assertEqual(user.login, 'Jaro') self.assertEqual(user.password, 12345)
def test_update_valid(self): user = User() = 1 = 'Tomas' user.surename = 'Krystof' user.login = '******' user.password = 1234 self.user_repository.update(user) self.assertEqual(, 1) self.assertEqual(, 'Tomas') self.assertEqual(user.surename, 'Krystof') self.assertEqual(user.login, 'Toso') self.assertEqual(user.password, 1234)
from Classes.user import User # Put in a counter of users, to see what user of the app is currently in. We're gonna have to input FILE I/O # for eachUser in UserLog.txt # create and load next user # return User User1 = User() def helloWorld(statement): # 1-1 && 1-2 print(f"Here's your statement: {statement}") def getNameAge(UserNumber): # 1-3 userInput = input(f"Alpha001: Username: "******"Alpha001: Shorter Username: " # Needs reset of input functionality UserNumber.userName = userInput age = input(f'Alpha001: Age: ') if age:
).upper().strip() if resp != 'Y' or resp != 'YES': bank = get_bank() continue except ValueError: print('Please input a number') continue def get_date_created(): while True: resp = input('When was this account created? Please insert date in the format: (Month-Day-Year) ') \ .strip().split('-') try: created = datetime.datetime(int(resp[2]), int(resp[0]), int(resp[1])) return created except ValueError: print( 'Date of Birth not entered in correct format. Please try again.' ) continue account1 = Account(1, 134562, 352.89, 'test1', 8) x = user1 = User('Jaxon', 'Terrell', 'test1', 'hhrS15513', x, 123456789, '*****@*****.**', 1) account = add_account(user1) print(account)
def setUp(self): self.user = User("spiderman", "*****@*****.**", "maryJaneparker") self.new_recipe = Recipes("Rolex recipe", "Obtain ingredients - eggs and chapatis", "546")
class userTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.user = User("spiderman", "*****@*****.**", "maryJaneparker") self.new_recipe = Recipes("Rolex recipe", "Obtain ingredients - eggs and chapatis", "546") #Test if the user has Username Variable def test_username(self): self.assertEqual(self.user.username, "spiderman", msg="Username is invalid") #Test if the user has Email Variable def test_emailaddress(self): self.assertEqual(, "*****@*****.**", msg="Email is Invalid") #Test if the user has Password Variable def test_password(self): self.assertEqual(self.user.password, "maryJaneparker", msg="Password is invaid") #Test if the User can be registered def test_registerUser(self): self.user.registerUser( ["spiderman", "*****@*****.**", "maryJaneparker"]) self.assertEqual( self.user.database, [["spiderman", "*****@*****.**", "maryJaneparker"]], msg="User Not Registered") #Test Import of Recipes class to make sure the user can interact with a recipe def test_recipe_class(self): self.assertIsInstance(self.new_recipe, Recipes, msg='Object is not an instance of the class') #Test if user can create a recipe def test_create_recipe(self): self.assertTrue(self.user.create_recipe(self.new_recipe)) def test_recipe_to_create_already_exists(self): recipe1 = Recipes("Rolex recipe", "Obtain ingredients - eggs and chapatis", "546") = {"546": recipe1} self.assertFalse(self.user.create_recipe(recipe1)) def test_new_recipe_stored_in_dictionary(self): self.assertEqual(type(self.user.get_recipes()), dict, msg='Output is not a dictionary') def test_a_recipe_is_returned_when_an_id_is_specified(self): recipe1 = Recipes("Rolex recipe", "Obtain ingredients - eggs and chapatis", "546") = {"546": recipe1} self.assertEqual(self.user.get_recipe("546"), recipe1) def test_none_is_returned_for_recipe_doesnot_exist(self): self.assertIsNone(self.user.get_recipe("Sandwich")) def test_edit_recipe(self): self.user.create_recipe(self.new_recipe) self.assertTrue( self.user.edit_recipe("Sandwich", "Obtain ingredients-bread ,salads,bacon", "546")) def test_recipe_to_edit_doesnt_exists(self): recipe1 = Recipes("Rolex recipe", "Obtain ingredients - eggs and chapatis", "546") self.user.create_recipe(recipe1) self.assertFalse( self.user.edit_recipe("Sandwich", "Obtain ingredients-bread ,salads,bacon", "548")) def test_del_recipe(self): self.user.create_recipe(self.new_recipe) self.assertTrue(self.user.del_recipe("546")) def test_recipe_to_delete_doesnt_exists(self): recipe1 = Recipes("Rolex recipe", "Obtain ingredients - eggs and chapatis", "546") self.user.create_recipe(recipe1) self.assertFalse(self.user.del_recipe("548"))
class main(): def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.user = User() self.idcon = "" self.user.idmail = StringVar() self.user.password = StringVar() self.user.nom = StringVar() self.user.age = IntVar() self.user.niveau = "" self.user.score = 0 self.acf = Frame(self.master, padx=30, pady=30) self.qcpf = Frame(self.master, padx=30, pady=30) self.crf = Frame(self.master, padx=30, pady=30) self.widgets() def set_date(self): temps = self.times = temps.hour * 360 + temps.minute * 60 = self.iddate = * 10000 + * 100 + def difDate( self, dat ): #prend une date en parametre et retourne la difference avec la date actuelle en jours pour compter le nombre jours d'inactivite dif = - dat dif = dif.days return dif def login(self): find_user = ("SELECT * FROM user WHERE idmail = ? AND password = ?") cursur.execute(find_user, [(self.user.idmail.get()), (self.user.password.get())]) if cursur.fetchall(): #Message d'acceuil self.set_date() #recuperer la date d'aujourd'hui find_niveau = ("SELECT niveau FROM user WHERE idmail = ? ") cursur.execute(find_niveau, [(self.user.idmail.get())]) niveau = cursur.fetchone() #recuperer son niveau find_score = ("SELECT score FROM user WHERE idmail = ?") cursur.execute(find_score, [(self.user.idmail.get())]) score = cursur.fetchone() #recuperer son score find_nom = ("SELECT nom FROM user WHERE idmail = ?") cursur.execute(find_nom, [(self.user.idmail.get())]) nom = cursur.fetchone() #recuperer son nom find_dateid = ( "SELECT iddate FROM session WHERE idmail = ? ORDER BY iddate DESC" ) cursur.execute(find_dateid, [(self.user.idmail.get())]) dateid = cursur.fetchone( ) #recuperer l'id de sa derniere date de connection if dateid != None: find_dateid = ("SELECT * FROM date WHERE iddate = ? ") cursur.execute(find_dateid, [(dateid[0])]) dates = cursur.fetchone() dat = date(dates[3], dates[2], dates[1]) if score != None: if self.iddate == dateid[0]: concat = "Bienvenue " + nom[ 0] + "\nDerniere connexion : Aujourdhui\nScore actuel : " + str( score[0]) + "\nNiveau : " + str(niveau[0]) ms.showinfo("Bonjour", concat) else: inactif = self.difDate(dat) if inactif == 1: concat = "Bienvenue " + nom[ 0] + "\nDerniere connexion : Hier\n" + "Score actuel : " + str( score[0]) + "\nNiveau : " + str(niveau[0]) else: concat = "Bienvenue " + nom[ 0] + "\nDerniere connexion :/!\ Il y'a " + str( inactif ) + " jour(s)\nScore actuel : " + str( score[0]) + "\nNiveau : " + str(niveau[0]) ms.showinfo("Bonjour", concat) else: concat = "Bienvenue a bord\nJe pense que c'est votre premiere fois ici\nO_0 Allez au travail !!" ms.showinfo("Hello !", concat) #Insertion des donnees de la date find_date = ("SELECT * FROM date WHERE iddate = ? ") cursur.execute(find_date, [(self.iddate)]) if cursur.fetchall(): pass else: insert_date = ( "INSERT INTO date(iddate,jour,mois,annee) VALUES (?,?,?,?)" ) cursur.execute(insert_date, [(self.iddate), (, (, (]) db.commit() #Insertion des donnees de la session insert_session = ( "INSERT INTO session(idsession,idmail,iddate,heureConnect,heureDeconnect) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)" ) cursur.execute(insert_session, [(None), (self.user.idmail.get()), (self.iddate), (self.times), (None)]) db.commit() self.acceuil() else: ms.showerror("Oops!! ", "Nom d'utilisateur ou Mot de passe incorrect !") #re-initialisation a leurs valeurs par defaut self.user.idmail.set("") self.user.password.set("") def new_user(self): find_user = ("SELECT * FROM user WHERE idmail = ? ") cursur.execute(find_user, [(self.user.idmail.get())]) if cursur.fetchall(): ms.showerror("Oops", "Nom d'utilisateur existant") else: try: mypassword = self.user.gen_password(10) insert = "INSERT INTO user(idmail,password,nom,age,niveau,score) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)" cursur.execute(insert, [(self.user.idmail.get()), (mypassword), (self.user.nom.get()), (self.user.age.get()), (self.user.set_niveau(self.user.age.get())), (0)]) db.commit() ms.showinfo("Success!!", "Compte cree avec succes") concat = "Mot de passe genere : " + mypassword + "\n/!\ A ne pas communiquer" ms.showinfo("Success!!", concat) self.log() except: ms.showinfo( "Erreurs rencontres", "Conseil:\n-L'age saisi est une valeur entiere\n-L'age est compris entre [1,18[" ) #re-initialisation a leurs valeurs par defaut self.user.idmail.set("") self.user.password.set("") self.user.nom.set("") self.user.age.set(0) self.user.niveau = "" self.user.score = 0 def acceuil(self): self.idcon = self.user.idmail.get() self.user.password.set("") self.logf.pack_forget() self.head['text'] = " Genie en Herbe | Acceuil" self.acf.pack() def qpc(self): self.acf.pack_forget() self.head['text'] = " Questions pour un Champion" self.qcpf.pack() def game1qpc(self): age = 0 self.chiffre = Chiffre(self.master) self.chiffre.idmail = self.idcon self.chiffre.acceuil = self.acf find_user = ("SELECT age FROM user WHERE idmail = ? ") cursur.execute(find_user, [(self.idcon)]) age = cursur.fetchone() find_niveau = ("SELECT niveau FROM user WHERE idmail = ? ") cursur.execute(find_niveau, [(self.idcon)]) test_niveau = cursur.fetchone() if age[0] > 9: niveau = "Niveau : " + str(test_niveau[0]) ms.showinfo("Acces autorise", niveau) self.qcpf.pack_forget() self.chiffre.widgets() else: niveau = "Votre niveau : " + str( test_niveau[0]) + " ne vous permet pas d'acceder a ce jeu" ms.showerror("Niveau Insuffisant", niveau) def math(self): self.acf.pack_forget() self.head['text'] = " Mathematiques " self.mathf.pack() def game2math(self): self.mathf.pack_forget() self.calcul = Calcul(self.master) self.calcul.acceuil = self.acf self.calcul.idmail = self.idcon self.calcul.widgets() def log(self): self.user.idmail.set("") self.user.password.set("") self.crf.pack_forget() self.head['text'] = " LOGIN " self.logf.pack() def cr(self): self.user.idmail.set("") self.user.password.set("") self.user.nom.set("") self.user.age.set(0) self.user.niveau = "" self.user.score = 0 self.head['text'] = " CREATION DE COMPTE " self.logf.pack_forget() self.crf.pack() def widgets(self): self.head = Label(root, text=" Genie En Herbe | Connection", width=30, font=('bold', 15)) self.head.pack() #Debut Interface de connection self.logf = Frame(self.master, padx=30, pady=30) Label(self.logf, text="M@il: ", width=15, font=('bold', 14), padx=10, pady=10).grid(row=0, sticky=W) Entry(self.logf, textvariable=self.user.idmail, width=25, font=('calibri', 13)).grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E) Label(self.logf, text="Password: "******"*").grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E) Button(self.logf, text=" Login ", width=15, fg='green', font=('bold', 14), command=self.login).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) Button(self.logf, text=" Inscription ", width=15, fg='grey', font=('bold', 14),, column=1, sticky=E) self.logf.pack() #Fin Interface de connection #Debut Interface creation de compte Label(self.crf, text="Fullname: ", width=15, font=('bold', 14), padx=10, pady=10).grid(sticky=W) Entry(self.crf, textvariable=self.user.nom, width=25, font=('calibri', 13)).grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E) Label(self.crf, text="M@il: ", width=15, font=('bold', 14), padx=10, pady=10).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Entry(self.crf, textvariable=self.user.idmail, width=25, font=('calibri', 13)).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E) Label(self.crf, text="Age: ", width=15, font=('bold', 14), padx=10, pady=10).grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W) Entry(self.crf, textvar=self.user.age, width=25, font=('calibri', 13)).grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=E) Button(self.crf, text=" Retour -> ", width=15, fg='red', font=('bold', 14), command=self.log).grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=W) Button(self.crf, text=" Valider ", width=15, fg='green', font=('bold', 14), command=self.new_user).grid(row=6, column=1, sticky=E) Label(self.crf, text="/!\ NB : Mot de passe genere", padx=10, pady=10, fg='red', font=('cambria', 10)).grid(row=7) #Fin Interface creation de compte #Debut Interface d'acceuil Button(self.acf, text=" Mathematiques ", width=30, padx=10, pady=15, fg='green', font=('calibri', 14), command=self.math).grid(sticky=W) Button(self.acf, text=" Questions pour un champion ", width=30, padx=10, pady=15, fg='blue', font=('calibri', 14), command=self.qpc).grid(row=1, sticky=W) #Fin Interface d'acceuil #Debut Interface questions pour un champion Button(self.qcpf, text=" Chiffre a Lettre ", width=40, padx=40, pady=10, font=('calibri', 14), command=self.game1qpc).grid(sticky=W) #Fin Interface #Debut Interface Mathematiques self.mathf = Frame(self.master, padx=30, pady=30) Button(self.mathf, text=" Calcul Mental ", width=40, padx=40, pady=10, font=('calibri', 14), command=self.game2math).grid(sticky=W)
break if result_user_change == 'yes': result_user_del = input( 'Do you want to delete an user? type yes or no: ') if result_user_del == 'yes': result_user_delete = input( 'Type id of the user you want to delete: ') result = user_repository.user_delete(result_user_delete) result_user_in = input( 'Do you want to add an user? type yes or no: ') if result_user_in == 'no': break if result_user_in == 'yes': user = User() book = Book() = input('Type id of the user you want to add: ') = input('Type name of the user you want to add: ') user.surename = input( 'Type surename of the user you want to add: ') user.login = input('Type login of the user you want to add: ') user.password = input( 'Type password of the user you want to add: ') user_repository.add_new_user(user) book.name_of_the_book = input( 'Type new book for the new user here: ') = input('Type author for the book: ') book_repository.add_new_book(book)