Ejemplo n.º 1
def write_color_annotation(filename, annotation_file=None):
    """Creates a rgb image from the atlas color data.
  filename : str
    The name of the color palette file.
  annotation_file : str
    File name of the atals annotation. 
  filename : str
    The name of the file to which the color atlas was written.
    #load atlas and convert to order
    if annotation_file is None:
        annotation_file = annotation.annotation_file
    atlas = np.array(io.read(annotation_file), dtype=int)
    atlas = convert_label(atlas, key='id', value='order', method='map')

    #apply color map
    cm = color_map(alpha=False, as_int=True)
    atlas = cm[atlas]

    return io.write(filename, atlas)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def overlayLabel(dataSource,
    """Overlay a gray scale image with colored labeled image
        dataSouce (str or array): volumetric image data
        labelSource (str or array): labeled image to be overlayed on the image data
        sink (str or None): destination for the overlayed image
        alpha (float or False): transparency
        labelColorMap (str or object): color map for the labels
        x, y, z (all or tuple): sub-range specification
        (array or str): figure handle
    See Also:

    label = io.readData(labelSource, x=x, y=y, z=z)
    image = io.readData(dataSource, x=x, y=y, z=z)

    lmax = labelSource.max()

    if lmax <= 1:
        carray = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1]])
        cm = mpl.cm.get_cmap(labelColorMap)
        cNorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=1, vmax=int(lmax))
        carray = mpl.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=cm)
        carray = carray.to_rgba(np.arange(1, int(lmax + 1)))

    if alpha == False:
        carray = np.concatenate(([[0, 0, 0, 1]], carray), axis=0)
        carray = np.concatenate(([[1, 1, 1, 1]], carray), axis=0)

    cm = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(carray)
    carray = cm(label)
    carray = carray.take([0, 1, 2], axis=-1)

    if alpha == False:
        cimage = (label == 0) * image
        cimage = np.repeat(cimage, 3)
        cimage = cimage.reshape(image.shape + (3, ))
        cimage = cimage.astype(carray.dtype)
        cimage += carray
        cimage = np.repeat(image, 3)
        cimage = cimage.reshape(image.shape + (3, ))
        cimage = cimage.astype(carray.dtype)
        cimage *= carray

    return io.writeData(sink, cimage)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def filter_cells(source, sink, thresholds):
    """Filter a array of detected cells according to the thresholds.
  source : str, array or Source
    The source for the cell data.
  sink : str, array or Source
    The sink for the results.
  thresholds : dict
    Dictionary of the form {name : threshold} where name refers to the 
    column in the cell data and threshold can be None, a float 
    indicating a minimal threshold or a tuple (min,max) where min,max can be
    None or a minimal and maximal threshold value.
  sink : str, array or Source
    The thresholded cell data.
    source = io.as_source(source)

    ids = np.ones(source.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    for k, t in thresholds.items():
        if t:
            if not isinstance(t, (tuple, list)):
                t = (t, None)
            if t[0] is not None:
                ids = np.logical_and(ids, t[0] <= source[k])
            if t[1] is not None:
                ids = np.logical_and(ids, t[1] > source[k])
    cells_filtered = source[ids]

    return io.write(sink, cells_filtered)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def deformation_distance(deformation_field, sink = None, scale = None):
  """Compute the distance field from a deformation vector field.
  deformation_field : str or array
    Source of the deformation field determined by :func:`deformation_field`.
  sink : str or None
    Image sink to save the deformation field to.
  scale : tuple or None
    Scale factor for each dimension, if None = (1,1,1).
  deformation_distannce : array or st
    Array or file name of the deformation distance data.
  deformation_field = io.read(deformation_field);
  df = np.square(deformation_field);
  if not scale is None:
      for i in range(3):
          df[:,:,:,i] = df[:,:,:,i] * (scale[i] * scale[i]);
  df = np.sqrt(np.sum(df, axis = 3));
  return io.write(sink, df);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def setSource(self, source, index = all):
    #initialize sources and axis settings

    if index is all:  
      if isinstance(source, tuple):
        source = list(source);
      if not isinstance(source, list):
        source = [source];
      if self.nsources != len(source):
        raise RuntimeError('Number of sources does not match!');
      source  = [io.as_source(s) for s in source];
      index = range(self.nsources);
      s = self.sources;
      s[index] = io.as_source(source);
      source = s;
      index = [index];
    for i in index:
      s = source[i];
      if s.shape != self.source_shape:
        raise RuntimeError('Shape of sources does not match!');
      if s.dtype == bool:
        self.sources[i] = s.view('uint8');
      if s.ndim == 2:
        s.shape = s.shape + (1,);
      if s.ndim != 3:
        raise RuntimeError('Sources dont have dimensions 2 or 3 but %d in source %d!' % (s.ndim, i));
    self.sources = source;
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _test():
  import numpy as np
  import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d
  import ClearMap.Tests.Files as tsf
  import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Experts.Vasculature as vasc
  source = np.array(tsf.source('vls')[:300,:300,80:120]);
  source[:,:,[0,-1]] = 0;
  source[:,[0,-1],:] = 0;
  source[[0,-1],:,:] = 0;
  bpar = vasc.default_binarization_parameter.copy();
  bpar['clip']['clip_range'] = (150, 7000)
  bpar['as_memory'] = True
  #bpar['binary_status'] = 'binary_status.npy'
  ppar = vasc.default_processing_parameter.copy();
  ppar['processes'] = 10;
  ppar['size_max'] = 10;
  binary = vasc.binarize(source, sink=sink, binarization_parameter=bpar, processing_parameter = ppar) 
  p3d.plot([source, binary])

  import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
  pppar = vasc.default_postprocessing_parameter.copy();
  pppar['smooth']['iterations'] = 3;
  smoothed = vasc.postprocess(binary, postprocessing_parameter=pppar)
  p3d.plot([binary, smoothed])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def moveTeraStitcherStackToFileList(source, sink, deleteDirectory = True, verbose = True):
  """Moves image files from TeraSticher file structure to a list of files
    source (str): base directory of the TeraStitcher files
    sink (str): regular expression of the files to copy to
    verbose (bool): show progress

    str: sink regular expression
  fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(source, '*/*/*'));
  fns = natsort.natsorted(fns);
  for i,f in enumerate(fns):
    fn = filelist.fileExpressionToFileName(sink, i);
    if verbose:
      print '%s -> %s' % (f,fn)
    shutil.move(f, fn);
  if deleteDirectory:
    p,_ = os.path.split(fns[0]);
    p = p.split(os.path.sep);
    p = p[:-2];
    p = os.path.sep.join(p);
  return sink;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def create(self, ftype, dtype = None, shape = None, order = None, 
                  file_type_to_name = None, directory = None, expression = None, 
                  values = None, prefix = None, extension = None, debug = None, **kwargs):
   filename = self.filename(ftype=ftype,  file_type_to_name=file_type_to_name,
                            directory=directory, expression=expression, 
                            values=values, prefix=prefix, 
                            debug=debug, **kwargs)
   io.create(filename, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order)
   return filename
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def create_debug(self, ftype, slicing, debug = None, **kwargs):
   if debug is None:
     debug = self.debug;
   if debug is None:
     debug = 'debug';
   self.debug = None;
   source = io.as_source(self.filename(ftype, **kwargs));
   self.debug = debug;
   return io.write(self.filename(ftype, **kwargs), np.asarray(source[slicing], order='F'));
Ejemplo n.º 10
def find_intensity(source, label, max_label=None, method='sum', verbose=False):
    """Find integrated intensity given object shapes as labled image.
  source : array, str, or Source
    Source to measure intensities from.
  label : array, str, or Source
    Labeled image with a separate label for each object.
  max_label : int or None
    Maximal label to include. If None use all.
  method : {'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min'}
    Method to use to measure the intensities in each object's area.
  verbose : bool 
    If True, print progress information.
  intensities : array
    Measured intensities. 

    if verbose:
        timer = tmr.Timer()
        hdict.pprint(head='Intensity detection:',

    source = io.as_source(source).array
    label = io.as_source(label)

    if max_label is None:
        max_label = label.max()

    if method.lower() == 'sum':
        measure = scipy.ndimage.measurements.sum
    elif method.lower() == 'mean':
        measure = scipy.ndimage.measurements.mean
    elif method.lower() == 'max':
        measure = scipy.ndimage.measurements.maximum
    elif method.lower() == 'min':
        measure = scipy.ndimage.measurements.minimum
        raise RuntimeError('Unkown method %r!' % (method, ))

    intensities = measure(label,
                          index=np.arange(1, max_label + 1))

    if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time(head='Intensity detection')

    return intensities
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _test():
  import ClearMap.Settings as settings 
  import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
  import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d;
  import ClearMap.Alignment.Resampling as res
  from importlib import reload
  r = res.resample_shape(source_shape=(100,200,300), sink_shape=(50,50,30));
  print('resampled source_shape=%r, sink_shape=%r, source_resolution=%r, sink_resolution=%r' % r)
  r = res.resample_shape(source_shape=(100,200,300), source_resolution=(2,2,2), sink_resolution=(10,2,1))
  print('resampled source_shape=%r, sink_shape=%r, source_resolution=%r, sink_resolution=%r' % r)
  source = io.join(settings.test_data_path, 'Resampling/test.tif')
  sink   = io.join(settings.test_data_path, "Resampling/resampled.npy")
  source = io.join(settings.test_data_path, 'Tif/sequence/sequence<Z,4>.tif')
  sink = io.join(settings.test_data_path, "Resampling/resampled_sequence.tif")  
  source_shape, sink_shape, source_res, sink_res = res.resample_shape(source_shape=io.shape(source), source_resolution=(1.,1.,1.), sink_resolution=(1.6,1.6,2))
  axes_order = res._axes_order(None, source_shape, sink_shape);
  resampled = res.resample(source, sink, source_resolution=(1.,1.,1.), sink_resolution = (1.6,1.6,2), orientation=None, processes=None);
  inverse = res.resample_inverse(resampled, sink=None, resample_source=source, source_resolution=(1,1,1), sink_resolution = (10,10,2), orientation=None, processes='serial')
  p3d.plot([source, inverse])

  resampled = res.resample(source, sink, source_resolution=(1,1,1), sink_resolution = (10,10,2), orientation=(2,-1,3), processes=None);
  inverse = res.resample_inverse(resampled, sink=None, resample_source=source, source_resolution=(1,1,1), sink_resolution = (10,10,2), orientation=(2,-1,3), processes=None)
  p3d.plot([source, inverse])
  resampled = res.resample(source, sink=None, source_resolution=(1.6,1.6,2), sink_shape=(10,20,30), orientation=None, processes=None)
  # ponints
  points = res.np.array([[0,0,0], [1,1,1], [1,2,3]], dtype=float);
  resampled_points = res.resample_points(points, resample_source=source , resample_sink=sink, orientation=None)

  inverse_points = res.resample_points_inverse(resampled_points, resample_source=source , resample_sink=sink, orientation=None)
  print(res.np.allclose(points, inverse_points))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def overlayPoints(dataSource,
                  pointColor=[1, 0, 0],
    """Overlay points on 3D data and return as color image
        dataSouce (str or array): volumetric image data
        pointSource (str or array): point data to be overlayed on the image data
        pointColor (array): RGB color for the overlayed points
        x, y, z (all or tuple): sub-range specification
        (str or array): image overlayed with points
    See Also:
    data = io.readData(dataSource, x=x, y=y, z=z)
    points = io.readPoints(pointSource, x=x, y=y, z=z, shift=True)
    #print data.shape

    if not pointColor is None:
        dmax = data.max()
        dmin = data.min()
        if dmin == dmax:
            dmax = dmin + 1
        cimage = np.repeat((data - dmin) / (dmax - dmin), 3)
        cimage = cimage.reshape(data.shape + (3, ))

        if data.ndim == 2:
            for p in points:  # faster version using voxelize ?
                cimage[p[0], p[1], :] = pointColor
        elif data.ndim == 3:
            for p in points:  # faster version using voxelize ?
                cimage[p[0], p[1], p[2], :] = pointColor
            raise RuntimeError(
                'overlayPoints: data dimension %d not suported' % data.ndim)

        cimage = vox.voxelize(points, data.shape, method='Pixel')
        cimage = cimage.astype(data.dtype) * data.max()
        data.shape = data.shape + (1, )
        cimage.shape = cimage.shape + (1, )
        cimage = np.concatenate((data, cimage), axis=3)

    #print cimage.shape
    return io.writeData(sink, cimage)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def resampleXY(source,
    """Resample a 2d image slice
    This routine is used for resampling a large stack in parallel in xy or xz direction.
        source (str or array): 2d image source
        dataSizeSink (tuple): size of the resmapled image
        sink (str or None): location for the resmapled image
        interpolation (str): interpolation method to use: 'linear' or None (nearest pixel)
        out (stdout): where to write progress information
        vebose (bool): write progress info if true
        array or str: resampled data or file name

    #out.write("Input: %s Output: " % (inputFile, soutputFile))
    data = io.readData(source)
    dataSize = data.shape

    #print dataSize, dataSizeSink

    if data.ndim != 2:
        raise RuntimeError('resampleXY: expects 2d image source, found %dd' %
    #print sagittalImageSize;

    #dataSizeSink = tuple([int(math.ceil(dataSize[i] *  resolutionSource[i]/resolutionSink[i])) for i in range(2)]);
    if verbose:
        out.write(("resampleData: Imagesize: %d, %d " %
                   (dataSize[0], dataSize[1])) +
                  ("Resampled Imagesize: %d, %d" %
                   (dataSizeSink[0], dataSizeSink[1])))
        #out.write(("resampleData: Imagesize: %d, %d " % dataSize) + ("Resampled Imagesize: %d, %d" % (outputSize[1], outputSize[0])))

    # note: cv2.resize reverses x-Y axes
    interpolation = fixInterpolation(interpolation)
    sinkData = cv2.resize(data, (dataSizeSink[1], dataSizeSink[0]),
    #sinkData = cv2.resize(data,  outputSize);
    #sinkData = scipy.misc.imresize(sagittalImage, outputImageSize, interp = 'bilinear'); #normalizes images -> not usefull for stacks !

    #out.write("resampleData: resized Image size: %d, %d " % sinkData.shape)

    return io.writeData(sink, sinkData)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test():
    import numpy as np
    import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
    import ClearMap.Analysis.Measurements.MeasureRadius as mr

    data = 10 - np.abs(10 - np.arange(0, 21))
    search = mr.search_indices_sphere(radius=[10, 10, 10])

    points = np.array([10])
    d, i = mr.measure_radius(data,

    data = np.random.rand(*(30, 40, 50))
    io.write('data.npy', data)

    points = np.array([np.random.randint(0, s, size=10) for s in data.shape]).T
    d, i = mr.measure_radius(data,

    data = np.zeros((30, 40, 50), dtype=int)
    data[10:20, 15:25, 10:20] = 1
    data[15, 20, 15] = 2

    import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot3d as p3d

    points = np.array([[15, 20, 15], [4, 4, 4]])
    d, i = mr.measure_radius(data,
Ejemplo n.º 15
def write(filename, source, header=None, **kwargs):
    """Write  data into to raw/mhd file pair

  filename : str
    The file name of the raw/mhd file.
  source : source specification
    The source to write as mhd/raw file.
  filename : str
    The filename of the mhd file.
    import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
    fext = io.file_extension(filename)
    if fext == "raw":
        header_name = filename[:-3] + 'mhd'
        raw_name = filename
    elif fext == 'mhd':
        header_name = filename
        raw_name = filename[:-3] + 'raw'
        header_name = filename + '.mhd'
        raw_name = filename + '.raw'

    hdm_header = header_from_source(source, header=header)

    write_header(header_name, hdm_header)
    write_raw(raw_name, source)

    return header_name
Ejemplo n.º 16
def write_header_from_source(source, filename=None, header=None):
    """Create a mhd header file for a source file.
  source : Source specification
    Source file or class to create a mhd header file for.
  filename : str or None
    Filename of the mhd file. If None, the source location with extension 'mhd' is used.
  header : dict or None
    Optional additional entries for the header file.
  filename : str
    The filename of the mhd header.
    import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
    source = io.as_source(source)

    mhd_header = header_from_source(source, header=header)

    if filename is None:
        filename = source.location + '.mhd'

    return write_header(filename, mhd_header)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def flatfield_from_line(line, shape, axis = 0, dtype = float):
  """Creates a 2d flat field image from a 1d line of estimated intensities.
  line : array
    Array of intensities along the specified axis.
  shape : tuple
    Shape of the resulting image.
  axis : int
    Axis of the flat field line estimate.
  flatfield : array 
    Full 2d flat field.
  line = io.as_source(line);
  if isinstance(shape, int):
    shape = (line.shape[0], shape) if axis == 0 else (shape, line.shape[0]);
  if shape[axis] != line.shape[0]:
    raise ValueError('Line shape %d does not match image shape %d!' % (line.shape[0], shape[axis]));
  shape = shape[axis];
  flatfield = np.array([line.array] * shape, dtype=dtype)
  if axis == 1:
    flatfield = flatfield.T;
  return flatfield;
Ejemplo n.º 18
def border_indices(source):
    """Returns the flat indices of the border pixels in source"""

    ndim = source.ndim
    shape = source.shape
    strides = io.element_strides(source)

    border = []
    for d in range(ndim):
        offsets = tuple(0 if i > d else 1 for i in range(ndim))
        for c in [0, shape[d] - 1]:
            sl = tuple(
                slice(o, None if o == 0 else -o) if i != d else c
                for i, o in enumerate(offsets))
            where = np.where(np.logical_not(source[sl]))
            n = len(where[0])
            if n > 0:
                indices = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)
                l = 0
                for k in range(ndim):
                    if k == d:
                        indices += strides[k] * c
                        indices += strides[k] * (where[l] + offsets[k])
                        l += 1
    return np.concatenate(border)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def read_group(sources, combine=True, **args):
    """Turn a list of sources for data into a numpy stack.
  sources : list of str or sources
     The sources to combine.
  combine : bool
    If true combine the sources to ndarray, oterhwise return a list.
  group : array or list
    The gorup data.

    #check if stack already:
    if isinstance(sources, np.ndarray):
        return sources

    #read the individual files
    group = []
    for f in sources:
        data = io.as_source(f, **args).array
        data = np.reshape(data, (1, ) + data.shape)

    if combine:
        return np.vstack(group)
        return group
Ejemplo n.º 20
def write_color_palette(filename=None):
    """Creates a pal or lut file for imaris or imagej based on label colors of atlas.
  filename : str
    The name of the color palette file.
  filename : str
    The name of the file to which the color palette was written.

    cm = color_map(alpha=False, as_int=True)

    fext = io.file_extension(filename)
    if fext == 'pal':
        col.write_PAL(filename, cm)
    elif fext == 'lut':
        col.write_LUT(filename, cm)
        raise RuntimeError('color pallete format: %s not lut or pal' % fext)

    return filename
Ejemplo n.º 21
def voxelizeOrientations(points,
                         size=(5, 5, 5),
    """Converts a list of points into an volumetric image array
        points (array): point data array
        orientations (array): point data array
        dataSize (tuple): size of final image
        sink (str, array or None): the location to write or return the resulting voxelization image, if None return array    
        (array): volumetric data of orientation statistics

    if dataSize is None:
        dataSize = tuple(
            int(math.ceil(points[:, i].max())) for i in range(points.shape[1]))
    elif isinstance(dataSize, str):
        dataSize = io.dataSize(dataSize)

    if weights is not None:
        orts = (orientations.T * weights).T
        orts = orientations

    data = orc.voxelizeOrientations(points, orts, dataSize[0], dataSize[1],
                                    dataSize[2], size[0], size[1], size[2])

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def as_memory_block(self):
     source = io.as_source(self.as_memory())
     return Block(source=source,
Ejemplo n.º 23
def find_size(label, max_label=None, verbose=False):
    """Find size given object shapes as a labled image

  label : array, str or Source
    Labeled image in which each object has its own label.
  max_label : int or None
    Maximal label to include, if None use all label.
  verbose : bool
    Print progress info.
  sizes : array
    Measured intensities 

    if verbose:
        timer = tmr.Timer()
        hdict.pprint(head='Size detection:', max_label=max_label)

    label = io.as_source(label)

    if max_label is None:
        max_label = int(label.max())

    sizes = scipy.ndimage.measurements.sum(np.ones(label.shape, dtype=bool),
                                           index=np.arange(1, max_label + 1))

    if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time(head='Size detection')

    return sizes
Ejemplo n.º 24
def block_axes(source, axes=None):
    """Determine the axes for block processing from source order.
  source : array or Source
    The source on which the block processing is used.
  axes : list or None
    The axes over which to split the block processing.
   axes : list or None
    The axes over which to split the block processing.
    if axes is all:
        axes = [d for d in range(source.ndim)]
    if axes is not None:
        if np.max(axes) >= source.ndim or np.min(axes) < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'Axes specification %r for source with dimnesion %d not valid!'
                % (axes, source.ndim))
        return axes

    source = io.as_source(source)
    if source.order == 'F':
        axes = [source.ndim - 1]
        axes = [0]

    return axes
Ejemplo n.º 25
def detect_shape(source, seeds, threshold=None, verbose=False):
    """Detect object shapes by generatng a labeled image from seeds.
  source : array, str or Source
    Source image.
  seeds : array, str or Source
    Cell centers as point coordinates.
  threshold : float or None
    Threshold to determine mask for watershed, pixel below this are
    treated as background. If None, the seeds are expanded indefinately.
  verbose :bool
    If True, print progress info.
  shapes : array
    Labeled image, where each label indicates a object. 

    if verbose:
        timer = tmr.Timer()
        hdict.pprint(head='Shape detection', threshold=threshold)

    source = io.as_source(source).array
    seeds = io.as_source(seeds)

    if threshold is None:
        mask = None
        mask = source > threshold

    peaks = vox.voxelize(seeds,
                         weights=np.arange(1, seeds.shape[0] + 1)).array
    shapes = skimage.morphology.watershed(-source, peaks, mask=mask)
    #shapes = watershed_ift(-source.astype('uint16'), peaks);
    #shapes[numpy.logical_not(mask)] = 0;

    if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time('Shape detection')

    return shapes
Ejemplo n.º 26
def label_points(points,
    """Label points according to the annotation in the labeled image file.
  points : array 
    Array of nxdim point coordinates to be labeled.
  annotation_file : str
    File name of the atals annotation.
  invalid : int
    Label for invalid points.
  key : str
    The key of the label, by default the order of the labels.
  label : array
    Label of the points corresponding to the given key.
    n_points = points.shape[0]
    n_dim = points.shape[1]

    if annotation_file is None:
        annotation_file = annotation.annotation_file

    atlas = io.read(annotation_file)
    atlas = np.array(atlas, dtype=int)
    atlas_shape = atlas.shape

    label = np.full(n_points, invalid, dtype=int)

    points_int = np.asarray(points, dtype=int)
    for d in range(n_dim):
        if d == 0:
            valid = np.logical_and(points_int[:, d] >= 0,
                                   points_int[:, d] < atlas_shape[d])
            valid = np.logical_and(
                np.logical_and(points_int[:, d] >= 0,
                               points_int[:, d] < atlas_shape[d]))

    indices = [points_int[valid, d] for d in range(n_dim)]
    label[valid] = atlas[indices]

    if key != 'id' or level is not None:
        label[valid] = convert_label(label[valid],

    return label
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def initializeSources(self, source, scale=None, axis=None, update=True):
        #initialize sources and axis settings
        if isinstance(source, tuple):
            source = list(source)
        if not isinstance(source, list):
            source = [source]
        self.nsources = len(source)
        self.sources = [io.as_source(s) for s in source]

        # avoid bools
        for i, s in enumerate(self.sources):
            if s.dtype == bool:
                self.sources[i] = s.view('uint8')

        # # ensure 3d images
        # for i,s in enumerate(self.sources):
        #   if s.ndim == 2:
        #     s = s.view();
        #     s.shape = s.shape + (1,);
        #     self.sources[i] = s;
        #   if s.ndim != 3:
        #     raise RuntimeError('Sources dont have dimensions 2 or 3 but %d in source %d!' % (s.ndim, i));

        # source shapes
        self.source_shape = self.shape3d(self.sources[0].shape)
        for s in self.sources:
            if s.ndim > 3:
                raise RuntimeError('Source has %d > 3 dimensions: %r!' %
                                   (s.ndim, s))
            if self.shape3d(s.shape) != self.source_shape:
                raise RuntimeError('Sources shape %r vs %r in source %r!' %
                                   (self.source_shape, s.shape, s))

        self.source_shape2 = np.array(
            np.array(self.source_shape, dtype=float) / 2, dtype=int)
        # for i,s in enumerate(self.sources):

        # slicing
        if axis is None:
            axis = 2
        self.source_axis = axis
        self.source_index = self.source_shape2

        # scaling
        if scale is None:
            scale = np.ones(3)
            scale = np.array(scale)
        scale = np.hstack([scale, [1] * 3])[:3]
        self.source_scale = scale
        #print(self.source_shape, self.source_scale)

Ejemplo n.º 28
def plot_3d(source,
    """Plot 3d volume.
  source : array
    The 3d volume.
  title : str or None
    Window title.
  view : view or None
    Add plot to this view. if given.
  view : view
    The view of the plot.
    #VolumePlot3D = vispy.scene.visuals.create_visual_node(vispy.visuals.VolumeVisual)
    VolumePlot3D = vispy.scene.visuals.create_visual_node(vvi.VolumeVisual)

    title = title if title is not None else 'plot_3d'
    #center = (np.array(source.shape) // 2);
    view = initialize_view(view, title=title, fov=0,
                           depth_value=10**8)  #, center=center)

    style = dict(cmap=grays_alpha(),

    source = io.as_source(source)[:]
    if source.dtype == bool:
        source = source.view(dtype='uint8')

    source = source.transpose([2, 1, 0])

    p = VolumePlot3D(source, parent=view.scene, **style)

    if center_view:

    return p
Ejemplo n.º 29
def _initialize_source(source, as_source = False, as_1d = False, return_shape = False, return_strides = False):
  """Initialize a source for parallel array processing.
  source : source specification
    The source to initialize.
  as_source : bool
    If True, return source as Source class. If false, a buffer compatible with
    cython memory views is returned.
  return_shape : bool
    If True, also return shape of the source.
  return_strides : bool
    If True, also return the element strides of the source.
  source : Source or buffer
    The intialized source.
  shape : tuple of int
    Shape of the source.
  return_Strides : tuple of int
    Element strides of the source. 
  source = io.as_source(source)

  if return_shape:
    shape = source.shape;
  if return_strides:
    strides = source.element_strides;
  if not as_source:
    #make sure the source is a buffer compatible with cython memoryviews
    source = source.as_buffer();

  if source.dtype == bool:
    source = source.view('uint8');  

  if as_1d:
    source = source.reshape(-1, order = 'A');

  result = (source,);  
  if return_shape:
    result += (shape,);
  if return_strides:
    result += (strides,);
  if len(result) == 1:
    return result[0];
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 30
def resampleXY(source, dataSizeSink, sink = None, interpolation = 'linear', out = sys.stdout, verbose = True):
    """Resample a 2d image slice
    This routine is used for resampling a large stack in parallel in xy or xz direction.
        source (str or array): 2d image source
        dataSizeSink (tuple): size of the resmapled image
        sink (str or None): location for the resmapled image
        interpolation (str): interpolation method to use: 'linear' or None (nearest pixel)
        out (stdout): where to write progress information
        vebose (bool): write progress info if true
        array or str: resampled data or file name
    #out.write("Input: %s Output: " % (inputFile, soutputFile))
    data = io.readData(source);
    dataSize = data.shape;
    #print dataSize, dataSizeSink    
    if data.ndim != 2:
        raise RuntimeError('resampleXY: expects 2d image source, found %dd' % data.ndim)
    #print sagittalImageSize;
    #dataSizeSink = tuple([int(math.ceil(dataSize[i] *  resolutionSource[i]/resolutionSink[i])) for i in range(2)]);
    if verbose:
        out.write(("resampleData: Imagesize: %d, %d " % (dataSize[0], dataSize[1])) + ("Resampled Imagesize: %d, %d" % (dataSizeSink[0], dataSizeSink[1])))
        #out.write(("resampleData: Imagesize: %d, %d " % dataSize) + ("Resampled Imagesize: %d, %d" % (outputSize[1], outputSize[0])))
    # note: cv2.resize reverses x-Y axes
    interpolation = fixInterpolation(interpolation)
    sinkData = cv2.resize(data,  (dataSizeSink[1], dataSizeSink[0]), interpolation = interpolation);
    #sinkData = cv2.resize(data,  outputSize);
    #sinkData = scipy.misc.imresize(sagittalImage, outputImageSize, interp = 'bilinear'); #normalizes images -> not usefull for stacks !
    #out.write("resampleData: resized Image size: %d, %d " % sinkData.shape)
    return io.writeData(sink, sinkData);
Ejemplo n.º 31
def _test():
    """Tests for the Resampling Module"""
    import ClearMap.Alignment.Resampling as self
    from ClearMap.Settings import ClearMapPath as basedir
    import iDISCO.IO.IO as io
    import os, numpy

    fn = os.path.join(
        'Test/Data/OME/16-17-27_0_8X-s3-20HF_UltraII_C00_xyz-Table Z\d{4}.ome.tif'
    outfn = os.path.join(basedir, "Test/Data/Resampling/test.mhd")

    print "Making resampled stack " + outfn
    print "source datasize %s" % str(io.dataSize(fn))
    data = self.resampleData(fn,
                             resolutionSource=(1, 1, 1),
                             orientation=(1, 2, 3),
                             resolutionSink=(10, 10, 2))
    print data.shape
    io.writeData(outfn, data)

    data = self.resampleData(fn,
                             dataSizeSink=(50, 70, 10),
                             orientation=(1, 2, 3))
    print data.shape
    io.writeData(outfn, data)

    dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink, resolutionSource, resolutionSink = self.resampleDataSize(
        dataSizeSource=(100, 200, 303),
        resolutionSource=(1, 1, 1),
        resolutionSink=(5, 5, 5),
        orientation=(1, 2, 3))

    print dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink, resolutionSource, resolutionSink

    points = numpy.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1],
    points = points.astype('float')
    pr = self.resamplePoints(points,
                             dataSizeSink=(50, 70, 10),
                             orientation=(1, 2, 3))
    print pr

    pri = self.resamplePointsInverse(pr,
                                     dataSizeSink=(50, 70, 10),
                                     orientation=(-1, 2, 3))
    print pri

    result = self.resampleDataInverse(
        os.path.join(basedir, 'Test/Data/OME/resample_\d{4}.ome.tif'),
    print result
Ejemplo n.º 32
def sagittalToCoronalData(source, sink = None):
    """Change from saggital to coronal orientation
        source (str or array): source data to be reoriented
        sink (str or None): destination for reoriented image
        str or array: reoriented data
    source = io.readData(source);
    d = source.ndim;
    if d < 3:
        raise RuntimeError('sagittalToCoronalData: 3d image required!');
    tp = range(d);
    tp[0:3] = [2,0,1];
    source = source.transpose(tp);
    source = source[::-1];
    #source = source[::-1,:,:];
    return io.writeData(sink, source);
Ejemplo n.º 33
def _resampleXYParallel(arg):
    """Resampling helper function to use for parallel resampling of image slices"""
    fileSource = arg[0];
    fileSink = arg[1];
    dataSizeSink = arg[2];
    interpolation = arg[3];
    ii = arg[4];
    nn = arg[5];
    verbose = arg[6];
    pw = ProcessWriter(ii);
    if verbose:
        pw.write("resampleData: resampling in XY: image %d / %d" % (ii, nn))
    data = numpy.squeeze(io.readData(fileSource, z = ii));
    resampleXY(data, sink = fileSink, dataSizeSink = dataSizeSink, interpolation = interpolation, out = pw, verbose = verbose);
Ejemplo n.º 34
def _test():
    """Tests for the Resampling Module"""
    import ClearMap.Alignment.Resampling as self
    from ClearMap.Settings import ClearMapPath as basedir 
    import iDISCO.IO.IO as io
    import os, numpy

    fn = os.path.join(basedir, 'Test/Data/OME/16-17-27_0_8X-s3-20HF_UltraII_C00_xyz-Table Z\d{4}.ome.tif');
    outfn = os.path.join(basedir, "Test/Data/Resampling/test.mhd")
    print "Making resampled stack " + outfn
    print "source datasize %s" % str(io.dataSize(fn));
    data = self.resampleData(fn, sink = None, resolutionSource = (1,1,1), orientation = (1,2,3), resolutionSink = (10,10,2));
    print data.shape
    io.writeData(outfn, data)   

    data = self.resampleData(fn, sink = None, dataSizeSink = (50,70,10), orientation = (1,2,3));
    print data.shape
    io.writeData(outfn, data)   

    dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink, resolutionSource, resolutionSink = self.resampleDataSize(dataSizeSource = (100,200, 303), dataSizeSink = None, 
                                                                                      resolutionSource = (1,1,1), resolutionSink = (5,5,5), orientation = (1,2,3));

    print dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink, resolutionSource, resolutionSink

    points = numpy.array([[0,0,0], [1,1,1], io.dataSize(fn)]);
    points = points.astype('float')
    pr = self.resamplePoints(points, dataSizeSource = fn, dataSizeSink = (50,70,10), orientation = (1,2,3))
    print pr

    pri = self.resamplePointsInverse(pr, dataSizeSource = fn, dataSizeSink = (50,70,10), orientation = (-1,2,3))
    print pri

    result = self.resampleDataInverse(outfn, os.path.join(basedir, 'Test/Data/OME/resample_\d{4}.ome.tif'), dataSizeSource = fn);
    print result
Ejemplo n.º 35
def resamplePointsInverse(pointSource, pointSink = None, dataSizeSource = None, dataSizeSink = None, orientation = None, resolutionSource = (4.0625, 4.0625, 3), resolutionSink = (25, 25, 25), **args):
    """Resample points from the coordinates of the resampled image to the original data

    The resampling of points here corresponds to he resampling of an image in :func:`resampleDataInverse`
        pointSource (str or array): image to be resampled
        pointSink (str or None): destination of resampled image
        orientation (tuple): orientation specified by permuation and change in sign of (1,2,3)
        dataSizeSource (str, tuple or None): size of the data source
        dataSizeSink (str, tuple or None): target size of the resampled image
        resolutionSource (tuple): resolution of the source image (in length per pixel)
        resolutionSink (tuple): resolution of the resampled image (in length per pixel)
        (array or str): data or file name of inversely resampled points

        * resolutions are assumed to be given for the axes of the intrinsic 
          orientation of the data and reference as when viewed by matplotlib or ImageJ
        * orientation: permuation of 1,2,3 with potential sign, indicating which 
          axes map onto the reference axes, a negative sign indicates reversal 
          of that particular axes
        * only a minimal set of information to detremine the resampling parameter 
          has to be given, e.g. dataSizeSource and dataSizeSink
    orientation = fixOrientation(orientation);
    #datasize of data source
    if isinstance(dataSizeSource, basestring):
        dataSizeSource = io.dataSize(dataSizeSource);
    dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink, resolutionSource, resolutionSink = resampleDataSize(dataSizeSource = dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink = dataSizeSink, 
                                                                                      resolutionSource = resolutionSource, resolutionSink = resolutionSink, orientation = orientation);
    points = io.readPoints(pointSource);
    dataSizeSinkI = orientDataSizeInverse(dataSizeSink, orientation);
    #resolutionSinkI = orientResolutionInverse(resolutionSink, orientation);
    #scaling factors
    scale = [float(dataSizeSource[i]) / float(dataSizeSinkI[i]) for i in range(3)];
    #print scale

    rpoints = points.copy();    
    #invert axis inversion and permutations    
    if not orientation is None:
        #invert permuation
        iorientation = inverseOrientation(orientation);
        per = orientationToPermuation(iorientation);
        rpoints = rpoints[:,per];
        for i in range(3):
            if iorientation[i] < 0:
                rpoints[:,i] = dataSizeSinkI[i] - rpoints[:,i];
    #scale points
    for i in range(3):   
        rpoints[:,i] = rpoints[:,i] * scale[i];    
    return io.writePoints(pointSink, rpoints);
Ejemplo n.º 36
def resampleData(source, sink = None,  orientation = None, dataSizeSink = None, resolutionSource = (4.0625, 4.0625, 3), resolutionSink = (25, 25, 25), 
                 processingDirectory = None, processes = 1, cleanup = True, verbose = True, interpolation = 'linear', **args):
    """Resample data of source in resolution and orientation
        source (str or array): image to be resampled
        sink (str or None): destination of resampled image
        orientation (tuple): orientation specified by permuation and change in sign of (1,2,3)
        dataSizeSink (tuple or None): target size of the resampled image
        resolutionSource (tuple): resolution of the source image (in length per pixel)
        resolutionSink (tuple): resolution of the resampled image (in length per pixel)
        processingDirectory (str or None): directory in which to perform resmapling in parallel, None a temporary directry will be created
        processes (int): number of processes to use for parallel resampling
        cleanup (bool): remove temporary files
        verbose (bool): display progress information
        interpolation (str): method to use for interpolating to the resmapled image
        (array or str): data or file name of resampled image

        * resolutions are assumed to be given for the axes of the intrinsic 
          orientation of the data and reference as when viewed by matplotlib or ImageJ
        * orientation: permuation of 1,2,3 with potential sign, indicating which 
          axes map onto the reference axes, a negative sign indicates reversal 
          of that particular axes
        * only a minimal set of information to detremine the resampling parameter 
          has to be given, e.g. dataSizeSource and dataSizeSink
    orientation = fixOrientation(orientation);
    if isinstance(dataSizeSink, basestring):
        dataSizeSink = io.dataSize(dataSizeSink);

    #orient actual resolutions onto reference resolution    
    dataSizeSource = io.dataSize(source);
    dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink, resolutionSource, resolutionSink = resampleDataSize(dataSizeSource = dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink = dataSizeSink, 
                                                                                      resolutionSource = resolutionSource, resolutionSink = resolutionSink, orientation = orientation);
    dataSizeSinkI = orientDataSizeInverse(dataSizeSink, orientation);
    #print dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink, resolutionSource, resolutionSink, dataSizeSinkI
    #rescale in x y in parallel
    if processingDirectory == None:
        processingDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp();     
    interpolation = fixInterpolation(interpolation);
    nZ = dataSizeSource[2];
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes);
    argdata = [];
    for i in range(nZ):
        argdata.append( (source, os.path.join(processingDirectory, 'resample_%04d.tif' % i), dataSizeSinkI, interpolation, i, nZ, verbose) );  
        #print argdata[i]
    pool.map(_resampleXYParallel, argdata);
    #rescale in z
    fn = os.path.join(processingDirectory, 'resample_%04d.tif' % 0);
    data = io.readData(fn);
    zImage = numpy.zeros((dataSizeSinkI[0], dataSizeSinkI[1], nZ), dtype = data.dtype);    
    for i in range(nZ):
        if verbose and i % 10 == 0:
            print "resampleData; reading %d/%d" % (i, nZ);
        fn = os.path.join(processingDirectory, 'resample_%04d.tif' % i);
        zImage[:,:, i] = io.readData(fn);

    resampledData = numpy.zeros(dataSizeSinkI, dtype = zImage.dtype);

    for i in range(dataSizeSinkI[0]):
        if verbose and i % 25 == 0:
            print "resampleData: processing %d/%d" % (i, dataSizeSinkI[0])
        #resampledImage[:, iImage ,:] =  scipy.misc.imresize(zImage[:,iImage,:], [resizedZAxisSize, sagittalImageSize[1]] , interp = 'bilinear'); 
        #cv2.resize takes reverse order of sizes !
        resampledData[i ,:, :] =  cv2.resize(zImage[i,:,:], (dataSizeSinkI[2], dataSizeSinkI[1]), interpolation = interpolation);
        #resampledData[i ,:, :] =  cv2.resize(zImage[i,:, :], (dataSize[1], resizedZSize));

    #account for using (z,y,x) array representation -> (y,x,z)
    #resampledData = resampledData.transpose([1,2,0]);
    #resampledData = resampledData.transpose([2,1,0]);
    if cleanup:

    if not orientation is None:
        per = orientationToPermuation(orientation);
        resampledData = resampledData.transpose(per);
        #reverse orientation after permuting e.g. (-2,1) brings axis 2 to first axis and we can reorder there
        if orientation[0] < 0:
            resampledData = resampledData[::-1, :, :];
        if orientation[1] < 0:
            resampledData = resampledData[:, ::-1, :]; 
        if orientation[2] < 0:
            resampledData = resampledData[:, :, ::-1];
        #bring back from y,x,z to z,y,x
        #resampledImage = resampledImage.transpose([2,0,1]);
    if verbose:
        print "resampleData: resampled data size: " + str(resampledData.shape)  
    if sink == []:
        if io.isFileExpression(source):
            sink = os.path.split(source);
            sink = os.path.join(sink[0], 'resample_\d{4}.tif');
        elif isinstance(source, basestring):
            sink = source + '_resample.tif';
            raise RuntimeError('resampleData: automatic sink naming not supported for non string source!');
    return io.writeData(sink, resampledData);
Ejemplo n.º 37

g1 = stat.readDataGroup(group1);
g2 = stat.readDataGroup(group2);

#Generated average and standard deviation maps
g1a = numpy.mean(g1,axis = 0);
g1s = numpy.std(g1,axis = 0);

g2a = numpy.mean(g2,axis = 0);
g2s = numpy.std(g2,axis = 0);

io.writeData(os.path.join(baseDirectory, 'group1_mean.raw'), rsp.sagittalToCoronalData(g1a));
io.writeData(os.path.join(baseDirectory, 'group1_std.raw'), rsp.sagittalToCoronalData(g1s));

io.writeData(os.path.join(baseDirectory, 'group2_fast_mean.raw'), rsp.sagittalToCoronalData(g2a));
io.writeData(os.path.join(baseDirectory, 'group2_fast_std.raw'), rsp.sagittalToCoronalData(g2s));

#Generate the p-values map
#pcutoff: only display pixels below this level of significance
pvals, psign = stat.tTestVoxelization(g1.astype('float'), g2.astype('float'), signed = True, pcutoff = 0.05);

#color the p-values according to their sign (defined by the sign of the difference of the means between the 2 groups)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def resampleDataInverse(sink, source = None, dataSizeSource = None, orientation = None, resolutionSource = (4.0625, 4.0625, 3), resolutionSink = (25, 25, 25), 
                        processingDirectory = None, processes = 1, cleanup = True, verbose = True, interpolation = 'linear', **args):
    """Resample data inversely to :func:`resampleData` routine
        sink (str or None): image to be inversly resampled (=sink in :func:`resampleData`)
        source (str or array): destination for inversly resmapled image (=source in :func:`resampleData`)
        dataSizeSource (tuple or None): target size of the resampled image
        orientation (tuple): orientation specified by permuation and change in sign of (1,2,3)
        resolutionSource (tuple): resolution of the source image (in length per pixel)
        resolutionSink (tuple): resolution of the resampled image (in length per pixel)
        processingDirectory (str or None): directory in which to perform resmapling in parallel, None a temporary directry will be created
        processes (int): number of processes to use for parallel resampling
        cleanup (bool): remove temporary files
        verbose (bool): display progress information
        interpolation (str): method to use for interpolating to the resmapled image
        (array or str): data or file name of resampled image

        * resolutions are assumed to be given for the axes of the intrinsic 
          orientation of the data and reference as when viewed by matplotlib or ImageJ
        * orientation: permuation of 1,2,3 with potential sign, indicating which 
          axes map onto the reference axes, a negative sign indicates reversal 
          of that particular axes
        * only a minimal set of information to detremine the resampling parameter 
          has to be given, e.g. dataSizeSource and dataSizeSink
    orientation = fixOrientation(orientation);
    #assume we can read data fully into memory
    resampledData = io.readData(sink);

    dataSizeSink = resampledData.shape;
    if isinstance(dataSizeSource, basestring):
        dataSizeSource = io.dataSize(dataSizeSource);

    dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink, resolutionSource, resolutionSink = resampleDataSize(dataSizeSource = dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink = dataSizeSink, 
                                                                                      resolutionSource = resolutionSource, resolutionSink = resolutionSink, orientation = orientation);

    #print (dataSizeSource, dataSizeSink, resolutionSource, resolutionSink )
    dataSizeSinkI = orientDataSizeInverse(dataSizeSink, orientation);
    #flip axes back and permute inversely
    if not orientation is None:
        if orientation[0] < 0:
            resampledData = resampledData[::-1, :, :];
        if orientation[1] < 0:
            resampledData = resampledData[:, ::-1, :]; 
        if orientation[2] < 0:
            resampledData = resampledData[:, :, ::-1];

        peri = inverseOrientation(orientation);
        peri = orientationToPermuation(peri);
        resampledData = resampledData.transpose(peri);
    # upscale in z
    interpolation = fixInterpolation(interpolation);
    resampledDataXY = numpy.zeros((dataSizeSinkI[0], dataSizeSinkI[1], dataSizeSource[2]), dtype = resampledData.dtype);    
    for i in range(dataSizeSinkI[0]):
        if verbose and i % 25 == 0:
            print "resampleDataInverse: processing %d/%d" % (i, dataSizeSinkI[0])

        #cv2.resize takes reverse order of sizes !
        resampledDataXY[i ,:, :] =  cv2.resize(resampledData[i,:,:], (dataSizeSource[2], dataSizeSinkI[1]), interpolation = interpolation);

    # upscale x, y in parallel
    if io.isFileExpression(source):
        files = source;
        if processingDirectory == None:
            processingDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp();   
        files = os.path.join(sink[0], 'resample_\d{4}.tif');
    io.writeData(files, resampledDataXY);
    nZ = dataSizeSource[2];
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes);
    argdata = [];
    for i in range(nZ):
        argdata.append( (source, fl.fileExpressionToFileName(files, i), dataSizeSource, interpolation, i, nZ) );  
    pool.map(_resampleXYParallel, argdata);
    if io.isFileExpression(source):
        return source;
        data = io.convertData(files, source);
        if cleanup:
        return data;