Ejemplo n.º 1
def _test():

    import numpy as np
    from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer
    import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.ParallelIO as pio

    #dat = np.random.rand(2000,2000,1000) > 0.5;
    #dat = np.random.rand(1000,1000,500) > 0.5;
    #dat = np.random.rand(1000,1000,500);
    dat = np.random.rand(200, 300, 400)

    filename = 'test.npy'
    timer = Timer()
    np.save(filename, dat)
    timer.print_elapsed_time('Numpy saving data of size %d' % dat.size)

    filename2 = 'test2.npy'
    timer = Timer()
    pio.write(filename2, dat, processes=4, blocks=4, verbose=False)
    timer.print_elapsed_time('ParallelIO writing data of size %d' % dat.size)

    timer = Timer()
    dat2 = np.load(filename)
    timer.print_elapsed_time('Numpy loading data of size %d' % dat.size)
    print(np.all(dat == dat2))

    timer = Timer()
    dat3 = pio.read(filename, verbose=True)
    timer.print_elapsed_time('ParallelIO reading data of size %d' % dat2.size)
    print(np.all(dat3 == dat))

Ejemplo n.º 2
def _test():

    import numpy as np
    from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer
    import ClearMap.ParallelProcessing.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld
    from importlib import reload

    #dat = np.random.rand(2000,2000,1000) > 0.5;
    #dat = np.random.rand(1000,1000,500) > 0.5;
    dat = np.random.rand(200, 300, 400) > 0.5
    #datan = io.MMP.writeData('test.npy', dat);

    dat = np.load('data.npy')
    xyz1 = np.load('points.npy')

    s = ld.sum(dat)
    print(s == np.sum(s))

    timer = Timer()
    xyz = ld.where(dat)
    #parallel: elapsed time: 0:00:25.807

    timer = Timer()
    xyz1 = np.vstack(np.where(dat)).T
    #numpy: elapsed time: 0:05:45.590

    d0 = np.zeros(dat.shape, dtype=bool)
    d1 = np.zeros(dat.shape, dtype=bool)

    d0[xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2]] = True
    d1[xyz1[:, 0], xyz1[:, 1], xyz1[:, 2]] = True
    np.all(d0 == d1)

    dat2 = np.array(np.random.rand(1000, 1000, 1000) > 0, dtype='bool')
    filename = 'test.npy'
    np.save(filename, dat2)

    filename = '/disque/raid/vasculature/4X-test2/170824_IgG_2/170824_IgG_16-23-46/rank_threshold.npy'

    timer = Timer()
    ldat = ld.load(filename, verbose=True)
    #load: elapsed time: 0:00:04.867

    timer = Timer()
    ldat2 = np.load(filename)
    #numpy: elapsed time: 0:00:27.982

    np.all(ldat == ldat2)

    timer = Timer()
    xyz = ld.where(ldat)
    #parallel: elapsed time: 0:07:25.698

    lldat = ldat.reshape(-1, order='A')
    timer = Timer()
    xyz = ld.where(lldat)
    timer.printElapsedTime('parallel 1d')
    #parallel 1d: elapsed time: 0:00:49.034

    timer = Timer()
    xyz = np.where(ldat)

    import os

    filename = './ClearMap/Test/Skeletonization/test_bin.npy'
    timer = Timer()
    ldat = ld.load(filename, shared=True, verbose=True)


    import numpy as np
    from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer
    import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld

    filename = 'test_save.npy'

    dat = np.random.rand(100, 200, 100)

    ld.save(filename, dat)

    dat2 = ld.load(filename)

    np.all(dat == dat2)


    import numpy as np
    from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer
    import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld

    dat = np.zeros(100, dtype=bool)
    dat2 = dat.copy()

    indices = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 42])

    ld.setValue(dat, indices, True, cutoff=0)

    dat2[indices] = True
    np.all(dat2 == dat)

    d = ld.take(dat, indices, cutoff=0)

    import numpy as np
    from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer
    import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld

    pts = np.array([0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 11], dtype=int)

    ld.neighbours(pts, -10)

    import numpy as np
    from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer
    import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld
    import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.StructureElement as sel

    dat = np.random.rand(30, 40, 50) > 0.5
    mask = sel.structureElement('Disk', (5, 5, 5))
    indices = np.where(dat.reshape(-1))[0]
    c_id = len(indices) / 2
    c = indices[c_id]
    xyz = np.unravel_index(c, dat.shape)
    l = np.array(mask.shape) / 2
    r = np.array(mask.shape) - l
    dlo = [max(0, xx - ll) for xx, ll in zip(xyz, l)]
    dhi = [min(xx + rr, ss) for xx, rr, ss in zip(xyz, r, dat.shape)]
    mlo = [-min(0, xx - ll) for xx, ll in zip(xyz, l)]
    mhi = [
        mm + min(0, ss - xx - rr)
        for xx, rr, ss, mm in zip(xyz, r, dat.shape, mask.shape)

    nbh = dat[dlo[0]:dhi[0], dlo[1]:dhi[1], dlo[2]:dhi[2]]
    nbhm = np.logical_and(
        nbh, mask[mlo[0]:mhi[0], mlo[1]:mhi[1], mlo[2]:mhi[2]] > 0)
    nxyz = np.where(nbhm)
    nxyz = [nn + dl for nn, dl in zip(nxyz, dlo)]
    nbi = np.ravel_multi_index(nxyz, dat.shape)

    nbs = ld.findNeighbours(indices, c_id, dat.shape, dat.strides, mask)

    print(np.all(nbs == nbi))

    dat = np.random.rand(30, 40, 50) > 0.5
    indices = np.where(dat.reshape(-1))[0]
    c_id = len(indices) / 2
    c = indices[c_id]
    xyz = np.unravel_index(c, dat.shape)
    l = np.array([2, 2, 2])
    r = l + 1
    dlo = [max(0, xx - ll) for xx, ll in zip(xyz, l)]
    dhi = [min(xx + rr, ss) for xx, rr, ss in zip(xyz, r, dat.shape)]
    nbh = dat[dlo[0]:dhi[0], dlo[1]:dhi[1], dlo[2]:dhi[2]]
    nxyz = np.where(nbh)
    nxyz = [nn + dl for nn, dl in zip(nxyz, dlo)]
    nbi = np.ravel_multi_index(nxyz, dat.shape)

    nbs = ld.findNeighbours(indices, c_id, dat.shape, dat.strides, tuple(l))

    print(np.all(nbs == nbi))


    import numpy as np
    from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer
    import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld

    data = np.random.rand(100)
    values = np.random.rand(50)
    indices = np.arange(50)
    ld.setArray(data, indices, values, cutoff=1)
    print(np.all(data[:50] == values))

    import numpy as np
    from ClearMap.Utils.Timer import Timer
    import ClearMap.DataProcessing.LargeData as ld

    m = np.array([1, 3, 6, 7, 10])
    i = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9])

    o = ld.match(m, i)

    o2 = [np.where(i == l)[0][0] for l in m]