Ejemplo n.º 1
def find_size(label, max_label=None, verbose=False):
    """Find size given object shapes as a labled image

  label : array, str or Source
    Labeled image in which each object has its own label.
  max_label : int or None
    Maximal label to include, if None use all label.
  verbose : bool
    Print progress info.
  sizes : array
    Measured intensities 

    if verbose:
        timer = tmr.Timer()
        hdict.pprint(head='Size detection:', max_label=max_label)

    label = io.as_source(label)

    if max_label is None:
        max_label = int(label.max())

    sizes = scipy.ndimage.measurements.sum(np.ones(label.shape, dtype=bool),
                                           index=np.arange(1, max_label + 1))

    if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time(head='Size detection')

    return sizes
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _test():
    import ClearMap.Utils.HierarchicalDict as hdict

    d = dict(x=10, y=100, z=dict(a=10, b=20))
    print(hdict.get(d, 'z_a'))
    hdict.set(d, 'z_c_q', 42)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_intensity(source, label, max_label=None, method='sum', verbose=False):
    """Find integrated intensity given object shapes as labled image.
  source : array, str, or Source
    Source to measure intensities from.
  label : array, str, or Source
    Labeled image with a separate label for each object.
  max_label : int or None
    Maximal label to include. If None use all.
  method : {'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min'}
    Method to use to measure the intensities in each object's area.
  verbose : bool 
    If True, print progress information.
  intensities : array
    Measured intensities. 

    if verbose:
        timer = tmr.Timer()
        hdict.pprint(head='Intensity detection:',

    source = io.as_source(source).array
    label = io.as_source(label)

    if max_label is None:
        max_label = label.max()

    if method.lower() == 'sum':
        measure = scipy.ndimage.measurements.sum
    elif method.lower() == 'mean':
        measure = scipy.ndimage.measurements.mean
    elif method.lower() == 'max':
        measure = scipy.ndimage.measurements.maximum
    elif method.lower() == 'min':
        measure = scipy.ndimage.measurements.minimum
        raise RuntimeError('Unkown method %r!' % (method, ))

    intensities = measure(label,
                          index=np.arange(1, max_label + 1))

    if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time(head='Intensity detection')

    return intensities
Ejemplo n.º 4
def grey_reconstruct(source,
    """Calculates the grey reconstruction of the image 
  source : array
    The source image data.
  method : 'dilation' or 'erosion' or None
    The mehtjod to use, if None return original image.
  shape : in or tuple
    Shape of the strucuturing element for the grey reconstruction.
  verbose : boo;
    If True, print progress info.

  reconstructed: array
    Grey reconstructed image.
  The reconstruction is done slice by slice along the z-axis.

    if verbose:
        timer = tmr.Timer()
        hdict.pprint(head='Grey reconstruction', method=method, shape=shape)

    if method is None:
        return source

    if sink is None:
        sink = np.empty(source.shape, dtype=source.dtype)

    # background subtraction in each slice
    selem = se.structure_element(form='Disk', shape=shape,
    for z in range(source.shape[2]):
        #img[:,:,z] = img[:,:,z] - grey_opening(img[:,:,z], structure = structureElement('Disk', (30,30)));
        #img[:,:,z] = img[:,:,z] - morph.grey_opening(img[:,:,z], structure = self.structureELement('Disk', (150,150)));
        sink[:, :, z] = source[:, :, z] - reconstruct(
            source[:, :, z], mask=mask[:, :, z], method=method, selem=selem)

    if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time('Grey reconstruction')

    return sink
Ejemplo n.º 5
def find_maxima(source, h_max=None, shape=5, threshold=None, verbose=None):
    """Find local and extended maxima in an image.
  source : array
    The source data.
  h_max : float or None
    H parameter for the initial h-Max transform.
    If None, do not perform a h-max transform.
  shape : int or tuple
    Shape for the structure element for the local maxima filter.
  threshold : float or None
    If float, include only maxima larger than this threshold.
  verbose : bool
    Print progress info.
  maxima : array
    Binary image with True pixel at extended maxima.
  This routine performs a h-max transfrom, followed by a local maxima search 
  and thresholding of the maxima.
  See also
  :func:`h_max_transform`, :func:`local_max`
    if verbose:
        timer = tmr.Timer()
        hdict.pprint(head='Find Maxima:',

    # extended maxima
    maxima = h_max_transform(source, h_max=h_max)

    #local maxima
    maxima = local_max(maxima, shape=shape)

    if not threshold is None:
        maxima = np.logical_and(maxima, source >= threshold)

    if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time(head='Find Maxima')

    return maxima
Ejemplo n.º 6
def detect_shape(source, seeds, threshold=None, verbose=False):
    """Detect object shapes by generatng a labeled image from seeds.
  source : array, str or Source
    Source image.
  seeds : array, str or Source
    Cell centers as point coordinates.
  threshold : float or None
    Threshold to determine mask for watershed, pixel below this are
    treated as background. If None, the seeds are expanded indefinately.
  verbose :bool
    If True, print progress info.
  shapes : array
    Labeled image, where each label indicates a object. 

    if verbose:
        timer = tmr.Timer()
        hdict.pprint(head='Shape detection', threshold=threshold)

    source = io.as_source(source).array
    seeds = io.as_source(seeds)

    if threshold is None:
        mask = None
        mask = source > threshold

    peaks = vox.voxelize(seeds,
                         weights=np.arange(1, seeds.shape[0] + 1)).array
    shapes = skimage.morphology.watershed(-source, peaks, mask=mask)
    #shapes = watershed_ift(-source.astype('uint16'), peaks);
    #shapes[numpy.logical_not(mask)] = 0;

    if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time('Shape detection')

    return shapes
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __str__(self, ident=None, with_children=False):
        if ident is None:
            ident = ''

        s = ''
        if with_children and isinstance(self.children, list):
            for c in self.children:
                s = s + '\n' + c.__str__(ident=ident + '  ')

        h = ident + self.name + '\n' + ident + '=' * len(self.name) + '\n'

        s = h + hdict.write(self.data, head=ident[:-1]) + '\n' + s

        return s
Ejemplo n.º 8
def detect_cells_block(source, parameter=default_cell_detection_parameter):
    """Detect cells in a Block."""

    #initialize parameter and slicings
    verbose = parameter.get('verbose', False)
    if verbose:
        prefix = 'Block %s: ' % (source.info(), )
        total_time = tmr.Timer(prefix)

    base_slicing = source.valid.base_slicing
    valid_slicing = source.valid.slicing
    valid_lower = source.valid.lower
    valid_upper = source.valid.upper
    lower = source.lower

    parameter_intensity = parameter.get('intensity_detection', None)
    measure_to_array = dict()
    if parameter_intensity:
        parameter_intensity = parameter_intensity.copy()
        measure = parameter_intensity.pop('measure', [])
        if measure is None:
            measure = []
        for m in measure:
            measure_to_array[m] = None

    if 'source' in measure_to_array:
        measure_to_array['source'] = source

    # correct illumination
    parameter_illumination = parameter.get('illumination_correction', None)
    if parameter_illumination:
        parameter_illumination = parameter_illumination.copy()
        if verbose:
            timer = tmr.Timer(prefix)
                         head=prefix + 'Illumination correction')
        save = parameter_illumination.pop('save', None)

        corrected = ic.correct_illumination(source, **parameter_illumination)

        if save:
            save = io.as_source(save)
            save[base_slicing] = corrected[valid_slicing]

        if verbose:
            timer.print_elapsed_time('Illumination correction')
        corrected = np.array(source.array)

    if 'illumination' in measure_to_array:
        measure_to_array['illumination'] = corrected

    #background subtraction
    parameter_background = parameter.get('background_correction', None)
    if parameter_background:
        parameter_background = parameter_background.copy()
        if verbose:
            timer = tmr.Timer(prefix)
                         head=prefix + 'Background removal')
        save = parameter_background.pop('save', None)

        background = remove_background(corrected, **parameter_background)

        if save:
            save = io.as_source(save)
            save[base_slicing] = corrected[valid_slicing]

        if verbose:
            timer.print_elapsed_time('Illumination correction')
        background = corrected

    del corrected

    if 'background' in measure_to_array:
        measure_to_array['background'] = background

    # equalize
    parameter_equalize = parameter.get('equalization', None)
    if parameter_equalize:
        parameter_equalize = parameter_equalize.copy()
        if verbose:
            timer = tmr.Timer(prefix)
            hdict.pprint(parameter_equalize, head=prefix + 'Equalization:')

        save = parameter_equalize.pop('save', None)

        equalized = equalize(background, mask=None, **parameter_equalize)

        if save:
            save = io.as_source(save)
            save[base_slicing] = equalized[valid_slicing]

        if verbose:

        equalized = background

    del background

    if 'equalized' in measure_to_array:
        measure_to_array['equalized'] = equalized

    #DoG filter
    parameter_dog_filter = parameter.get('dog_filter', None)
    if parameter_dog_filter:
        parameter_dog_filter = parameter_dog_filter.copy()
        if verbose:
            timer = tmr.Timer(prefix)
            hdict.pprint(parameter_dog_filter, head=prefix + 'DoG filter:')

        save = parameter_dog_filter.pop('save', None)

        dog = dog_filter(equalized, **parameter_dog_filter)

        if save:
            save = io.as_source(save)
            save[base_slicing] = dog[valid_slicing]

        if verbose:
            timer.print_elapsed_time('DoG filter')

        dog = equalized

    del equalized

    if 'dog' in measure_to_array:
        measure_to_array['dog'] = dog

    #Maxima detection
    parameter_maxima = parameter.get('maxima_detection', None)
    parameter_shape = parameter.get('shape_detection', None)

    if parameter_shape or parameter_intensity:
        if not parameter_maxima:
                prefix +
                'Warning: maxima detection needed for shape and intensity detection!'
            parameter_maxima = dict()

    if parameter_maxima:
        parameter_maxima = parameter_maxima.copy()
        if verbose:
            timer = tmr.Timer(prefix)
            hdict.pprint(parameter_maxima, head=prefix + 'Maxima detection:')

        save = parameter_maxima.pop('save', None)
        valid = parameter_maxima.pop('valid', None)

        # extended maxima
        maxima = md.find_maxima(source.array,

        if save:
            save = io.as_source(save)
            save[base_slicing] = maxima[valid_slicing]

        #center of maxima
        if parameter_maxima['h_max']:
            centers = md.find_center_of_maxima(source,
            centers = ap.where(maxima).array

        if verbose:
            timer.print_elapsed_time('Maxima detection')

        #correct for valid region
        if valid:
            ids = np.ones(len(centers), dtype=bool)
            for c, l, u in zip(centers.T, valid_lower, valid_upper):
                ids = np.logical_and(ids, np.logical_and(l <= c, c < u))
            centers = centers[ids]
            del ids

    del dog, maxima

    results = (centers, )

    #cell shape detection
    if parameter_shape:
        parameter_shape = parameter_shape.copy()
        if verbose:
            timer = tmr.Timer(prefix)
            hdict.pprint(parameter_shape, head=prefix + 'Shape detection:')

        save = parameter_shape.pop('save', None)

        # shape detection
        shape = sd.detect_shape(source,

        if save:
            save = io.as_source(save)
            save[base_slicing] = shape[valid_slicing]

        #size detection
        max_label = centers.shape[0]
        sizes = sd.find_size(shape, max_label=max_label)
        valid = sizes > 0

        if verbose:
            timer.print_elapsed_time('Shape detection')

        results += (sizes, )

        valid = None
        shape = None

    #cell intensity detection
    if parameter_intensity:
        parameter_intensity = parameter_intensity.copy()
        if verbose:
            timer = tmr.Timer(prefix)
                         head=prefix + 'Intensity detection:')

        if not shape is None:
            r = parameter_intensity.pop('shape', 3)
            if isinstance(r, tuple):
                r = r[0]

        for m in measure:
            if shape is not None:
                intensity = sd.find_intensity(measure_to_array[m],
                intensity = me.measure_expression(measure_to_array[m],

            results += (intensity, )

        if verbose:
            timer.print_elapsed_time('Shape detection')

    if valid is not None:
        results = tuple(r[valid] for r in results)

    #correct coordinate offsets of blocks
    results = (results[0] + lower, ) + results[1:]

    #correct shapes for merging
    results = tuple(r[:, None] if r.ndim == 1 else r for r in results)

    if verbose:
        total_time.print_elapsed_time('Cell detection')


    return results
Ejemplo n.º 9
def binarize_block(source, sink, parameter = default_binarization_parameter):
  """Binarize a Block."""
  #initialize parameter and slicings
  verbose = parameter.get('verbose', False);
  if verbose:
    prefix = 'Block %s: ' % (source.info(),);
    total_time = tmr.Timer(prefix);
  max_bin = parameter.get('max_bin', MAX_BIN);
  base_slicing = sink.valid.base_slicing;
  valid_slicing = source.valid.slicing;

  #initialize binary status for inspection
  binary_status = parameter.get('binary_status', None);
  if binary_status:
    binary_status = io.as_source(binary_status);
    binary_status = binary_status[base_slicing];
  parameter_clip = parameter.get('clip', None);        
  if parameter_clip:
    parameter_clip = parameter_clip.copy();
    if verbose:
      timer = tmr.Timer(prefix);
      hdict.pprint(parameter_clip, head = prefix + 'Clipping:')
    parameter_clip.update(norm=max_bin, dtype=DTYPE);
    save = parameter_clip.pop('save', None);   
    clipped, mask, high, low = clip(source, **parameter_clip);  
    not_low = np.logical_not(low);
    if save:
      save = io.as_source(save);
      save[base_slicing] = clipped[valid_slicing];
    if binary_status is not None:
      binary_status[high[valid_slicing]] += BINARY_STATUS['High']
      sink[valid_slicing] = high[valid_slicing]; 

    del high, low
    if verbose:
    clipped = source
    mask = not_low = np.ones(source.shape, dtype=bool);
    #high = low = np.zeros(source.shape, dtype=bool);
    #low = np.zeros(source.shape, dtype=bool);
    #not_low = np.logical_not(low); 
  #active arrays: clipped, mask, not_low

  #lightsheet correction
  parameter_lightsheet = parameter.get('lightsheet', None);                                
  if parameter_lightsheet:
    parameter_lightsheet = parameter_lightsheet.copy();
    if verbose:
      timer = tmr.Timer(prefix);
      hdict.pprint(parameter_lightsheet, head = prefix + 'Lightsheet:')                        
    save = parameter_lightsheet.pop('save', None);                      
    corrected = lc.correct_lightsheet(clipped, mask=mask, max_bin=max_bin, **parameter_lightsheet);
    if save:
      save = io.as_source(save);
      save[base_slicing] = corrected[valid_slicing];
    if verbose:
    corrected = clipped;
  del clipped
  #active arrays: corrected, mask, not_low
  #median filter
  parameter_median = parameter.get('median', None);
  if parameter_median:
    parameter_median = parameter_median.copy();
    if verbose:
      timer = tmr.Timer(prefix);
      hdict.pprint(parameter_median, head = prefix + 'Median:')    
    save = parameter_median.pop('save', None);      
    median = rnk.median(corrected, max_bin=max_bin, mask=not_low, **parameter_median);                              
    if save:
      save = io.as_source(save);
      save[base_slicing] = median[valid_slicing];
    if verbose:
    median = corrected;
  del corrected, not_low;
  #active arrays: median, mask
  #pseudo deconvolution
  parameter_deconvolution = parameter.get('deconvolve', None);
  if parameter_deconvolution:
    parameter_deconvolution = parameter_deconvolution.copy();
    if verbose:
      timer = tmr.Timer(prefix);
      hdict.pprint(parameter_deconvolution, head = prefix + 'Deconvolution:')
    save = parameter_deconvolution.pop('save', None);
    threshold = parameter_deconvolution.pop('threshold', None);  
    if binary_status is not None:
      binarized = binary_status > 0;
      binarized = sink[:];
    deconvolved = deconvolve(median, binarized[:], **parameter_deconvolution)
    del binarized
    if save:
      save = io.as_source(save);
      save[base_slicing] = deconvolved[valid_slicing];
    if verbose:
    if threshold:
      binary_deconvolved = deconvolved > threshold;
      if binary_status is not None:
        binary_status[binary_deconvolved[valid_slicing]] += BINARY_STATUS['Deconvolved'];
        sink[valid_slicing] += binary_deconvolved[valid_slicing];
      del binary_deconvolved
      if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time('Deconvolution: binarization');   
    deconvolved = median;
  #active arrays: median, mask, deconvolved
  parameter_adaptive = parameter.get('adaptive', None);
  if parameter_adaptive:
    parameter_adaptive = parameter_adaptive.copy();
    if verbose:
      timer = tmr.Timer(prefix);
      hdict.pprint(parameter_adaptive, head = prefix + 'Adaptive:')    
    save = parameter_adaptive.pop('save', None);
    adaptive = threshold_adaptive(deconvolved, **parameter_adaptive)
    if save:
      save = io.as_source(save);
      save[base_slicing] = adaptive[valid_slicing];
    binary_adaptive = deconvolved > adaptive;
    if binary_status is not None:
      binary_status[binary_adaptive[valid_slicing]] += BINARY_STATUS['Adaptive'];
      sink[valid_slicing] += binary_adaptive[valid_slicing];
    del binary_adaptive, adaptive;
    if verbose:
  del deconvolved
  #active arrays: median, mask
  # equalize 
  parameter_equalize = parameter.get('equalize', None);
  if parameter_equalize: 
    parameter_equalize = parameter_equalize.copy();
    if verbose:
      timer = tmr.Timer(prefix);
      hdict.pprint(parameter_equalize, head = prefix + 'Equalization:')    
    save = parameter_equalize.pop('save', None);
    threshold = parameter_equalize.pop('threshold', None);  

    equalized = equalize(median, mask=mask, **parameter_equalize);
    if save:
      save = io.as_source(save);
      save[base_slicing] = equalized[valid_slicing];
    if verbose:
    if threshold:
      binary_equalized = equalized > threshold
      if binary_status is not None:
        binary_status[binary_equalized[valid_slicing]] += BINARY_STATUS['Equalized'];
        sink[valid_slicing] += binary_equalized[valid_slicing];
      #prepare equalized for use in vesselization
      parameter_vesselization = parameter.get('vesselize', None);
      if parameter_vesselization and parameter_vesselization.get('background', None):  
        equalized[binary_equalized] = threshold;
        equalized = float(max_bin-1) / threshold * equalized;
      del binary_equalized
      if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time('Equalization: binarization');
    equalized = median;
  del median
  #active arrays: mask, equalized
  # smaller vessels /capilarries
  parameter_vesselization = parameter.get('vesselize', None);
  if parameter_vesselization:
    parameter_vesselization = parameter_vesselization.copy();
    if verbose:
      timer = tmr.Timer(prefix);
      hdict.pprint(parameter_vesselization, head = prefix + 'Vesselization:')    
    parameter_background = parameter_vesselization.get('background', None)
    parameter_background = parameter_background.copy();
    if parameter_background:
      save = parameter_background.pop('save', None);
      equalized = np.array(equalized, dtype = 'uint16');
      background = rnk.percentile(equalized, max_bin=max_bin, mask=mask, **parameter_background);
      tubeness = equalized - np.minimum(equalized, background);  
      del background                  
      if save:
        save = io.as_source(save);
        save[base_slicing] = tubeness[valid_slicing];
      tubeness = equalized;
    parameter_tubeness = parameter_vesselization.get('tubeness', {})
    tubeness = tubify(tubeness, **parameter_tubeness);
    save = parameter_vesselization.get('save', None);
    if save:
      save = io.as_source(save);
      save[base_slicing] = tubeness[valid_slicing];
    if verbose:
    threshold = parameter_vesselization.get('threshold', None);
    if threshold:      
      binary_vesselized = tubeness > threshold;
      if binary_status is not None:
        binary_status[binary_vesselized[valid_slicing]] += BINARY_STATUS['Tube'];
        sink[valid_slicing] += binary_vesselized[valid_slicing];
      del binary_vesselized 
      if verbose:
        timer.print_elapsed_time('Vesselization: binarization');   
    del tubeness
  del equalized, mask
  #active arrays: None
  #fill holes  
  parameter_fill = parameter.get('fill', None);
  if parameter_fill:
    parameter_fill = parameter_fill.copy();
    if verbose:
      timer = tmr.Timer(prefix);
      #hdict.pprint(parameter_fill, head = 'Filling:')    
    if binary_status is not None:
      foreground = binary_status > 0;
      filled = ndi.morphology.binary_fill_holes(foreground);
      binary_status[np.logical_and(filled, np.logical_not(foreground))] += BINARY_STATUS['Fill'];
      del foreground, filled
      filled = ndi.morphology.binary_fill_holes(sink[:]);
      sink[valid_slicing] += filled[valid_slicing]; 
      del filled
    if verbose:

  if binary_status is not None:
    sink[valid_slicing] = binary_status[valid_slicing] > 0;

  #smooth binary  
  parameter_smooth = parameter.get('smooth', None);
  if parameter_smooth:
    parameter_smooth = parameter_smooth.copy();
    if verbose:
      timer = tmr.Timer(prefix);
      hdict.pprint(parameter_smooth, head = prefix + 'Smoothing:')    
    smoothed = bs.smooth_by_configuration(sink, sink=None, processes=1, **parameter_smooth);
    sink[valid_slicing] = smoothed[valid_slicing]; 
    del smoothed;
    if verbose:
  if verbose:
  return None;
Ejemplo n.º 10
def correct_illumination(source, flatfield = None, background = None, scaling = None, dtype = None, verbose = False):
  """Correct illumination and background.
  source : array, str, or Source
    The image to correct for illumination.
  sink : array, str, Source, or None
    The sink to write results to.
  flatfield : str, array, Source or None
    The flatfield estimate. If None, no flat field correction is done.
  background : str, array, Source or None
    The background estimate. If None, backgorund is assumed to be zero.
  scaling : float, 'max', 'mean' or None
    Scale the corrected result by this factor. If 'max' or 'mean' scale the 
    result to match the 'max' or 'mean'. If None, dont scale the result.
  processes : int or None
    Number of processes to use. If None use macimal available.
  verbose : bool
    If true, print progrss infomration.
  corrected : array
    Illumination corrected image.
  The intensity image :math:`I(x)` given a flat field :math:`F(x)` and 
  a background :math:`B(x)` image is corrected to :math:`C(x)` as:
  .. math:
      C(x) = \\frac{I(x) - B(x)}{F(x) - B(x)}
  If the background is not given :math:`B(x) = 0`. 
  The correction is done slice by slice assuming the data was collected with 
  a light sheet microscope.
  The image is finally optionally scaled.
  [1] Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging, p 421        
  See Also
  if background is not None:
    background = io.as_source(background);
  if flatfield is None:
    return source; 
  if flatfield is True:
    # default flatfield correction
    flatfield = default_flat_field_line_file_name;
  if isinstance(flatfield, str):
    flatfield = io.as_source(flatfield);
  if flatfield.ndim == 1:
    flatfield = flatfield_from_line(flatfield, source.shape[1]);
  if flatfield.shape[:2] != source.shape[:2]:
      raise ValueError("The flatfield shape %r does not match the source shape %r!" % (flatfield.shape[:2],  source.shape[:2]));
  flatfield = io.as_source(flatfield);
  if verbose:    
    timer = tmr.Timer();
    hdict.pprint(head = 'Illumination correction:', flatfield=flatfield, background=background, scaling=scaling);  
  #initilaize source
  source = io.as_source(source);
  if dtype is None:
    dtype = source.dtype;
  # rescale factor
  flatfield = flatfield.array.astype(dtype);
  if scaling is True:
    scaling = "mean";
  if isinstance(scaling, str):
    if scaling.lower() == "mean":
      # scale back by average flat field correction:
      scaling = flatfield.mean();
    elif scaling.lower() == "max":
      scaling = flatfield.max();
      raise RuntimeError('Scaling not "max" or "mean" but %r!' % (scaling,));
  # illumination correction in each slice
  corrected = np.array(source.array, dtype=dtype)
  if background is None:
    for z in range(source.shape[2]):
      corrected[:,:,z] = source[:,:,z] / flatfield;
    if background.shape != flatfield.shape:
      raise RuntimeError("Illumination correction: background does not match source shape: %r vs %r!" % (background.shape,  source[:,:,0].shape));        
    background = background.array.astype('float32');
    flatfield = (flatfield - background);
    for z in range(source.shape[2]):
      corrected[:,:,z] = (source[:,:,z] - background) / flatfield;
  if not scaling is None:
    corrected= corrected * scaling;
  if verbose:
    timer.print_elapsed_time('Illumination correction');    
  return corrected 
Ejemplo n.º 11
    'source', 'background'
cell_detection_parameter['verbose'] = False

# Save cell_detection_parameter.p
fname = '/jukebox/witten/Chris/data/clearmap2/utilities/cell_detection_parameter.p'
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(cell_detection_parameter, f)
cell_detection_parameter = None

# Load and print cell_detection_parameter.p
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
    cell_detection_parameter = pickle.load(f)
print('path                    : ' + fname)

# Set ClearMap2 cell detection filter thresholds
cell_detection_filter = {}
cell_detection_filter['x'] = (None, None)
cell_detection_filter['y'] = (None, None)
cell_detection_filter['z'] = (None, None)
cell_detection_filter['size'] = (20, None)
cell_detection_filter['intensity'] = (None, None)
cell_detection_filter['region'] = (None, None)

# Save cell_detection_filters.p
fname = '/jukebox/witten/Chris/data/clearmap2/utilities/cell_detection_filter.p'
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(cell_detection_filter, f)