def creaTab(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu.opcion("book", _("Polyglot book"), Iconos.Libros()) menu.separador() menu.opcion("dbase", _("Database"), Iconos.Database()) resp = menu.lanza() pos = 0 if resp == "book": book = self.seleccionaLibro() if book: tabbook = TabBook(self, book, self.configuracion) self.liTabs.append((resp, tabbook)) pos = len(self.liTabs) - 1 self.tabs.nuevaTab(tabbook, book.nombre, pos) self.tabs.setTabIcon(pos, Iconos.Libros()) self.setPosicion(self.partida, self.njg, pos) elif resp == "dbase": nomfichgames = QTVarios.selectDB(self, self.configuracion, False, True) if nomfichgames: dbSTAT = DBgames.TreeSTAT(nomfichgames + "_s1") tabdb = TabDatabase(self, self.procesador, dbSTAT) self.liTabs.append((resp, tabdb)) pos = len(self.liTabs) - 1 self.setPosicion(self.partida, self.njg, pos) nombre = os.path.basename(nomfichgames)[:-4] self.tabs.nuevaTab(tabdb, nombre, pos) self.tabs.setTabIcon(pos, Iconos.Database()) self.tabs.activa(pos)
def importarSummary(self, ventana, partidabase, ficheroSummary, depth, siWhite, onlyone, minMoves): titulo = _("Importing the summary of a database") bp = QTUtil2.BarraProgreso1(ventana, titulo) bp.ponTotal(0) bp.ponRotulo(_X(_("Reading %1"), os.path.basename(ficheroSummary))) bp.mostrar() dbSTAT = DBgames.TreeSTAT(ficheroSummary) if depth == 0: depth = 99999 pvBase = partidabase.pv() len_partidabase = len(partidabase) liPartidas = [] def hazPV(lipv_ant): if bp.siCancelado(): return n_ant = len(lipv_ant) siWhite1 = n_ant % 2 == 0 pv_ant = " ".join(lipv_ant) if n_ant else "" liChildren = dbSTAT.children(pv_ant, False) if len(liChildren) == 0 or len(lipv_ant) > depth: p = Partida.Partida() p.leerLIPV(lipv_ant) if len(p) > len_partidabase: liPartidas.append(p) bp.ponTotal(len(liPartidas)) bp.pon(len(liPartidas)) return if siWhite1 == siWhite: tt_max = 0 limax = [] for alm in liChildren: tt = alm.W + alm.B + alm.O + alm.D if tt > tt_max: tt_max = tt limax = [alm] elif tt == tt_max and not onlyone: limax.append(alm) liChildren = limax for alm in liChildren: li = lipv_ant[:] li.append(alm.move) hazPV(li) hazPV(pvBase.split(" ") if pvBase else []) bp.ponRotulo(_("Writing...")) self.guardaPartidas("%s,%s" % (_("Database summary"), os.path.basename(ficheroSummary)), liPartidas) bp.cerrar() return True
def __init__(self, wParent, procesador): icono = Iconos.DatabaseC() extparam = "database" titulo = _("Database of complete games") QTVarios.WDialogo.__init__(self, wParent, titulo, icono, extparam) self.procesador = procesador self.configuracion = procesador.configuracion self.dbGames = DBgames.DBgames(self.configuracion.ficheroDBgames) dicVideo = self.recuperarDicVideo() self.bookGuide = BookGuide.BookGuide(self) self.wsummary = WBG_Summary.WSummary(procesador, self, self.dbGames, siMoves=False) self.wgames = WBG_Games.WGames(procesador, self, self.dbGames, self.wsummary, siMoves=False) self.registrarGrid(self.wsummary.grid) self.registrarGrid(self.wgames.grid) self.ultFocus = None = Controles.Tab(), _("Games")), _("Summary")) self.infoMove = WBG_InfoMove.WInfomove(self, siMoves=False) self.splitter = splitter = QtGui.QSplitter() splitter.addWidget( splitter.addWidget(self.infoMove) layout = Colocacion.H().control(splitter).margen(5) self.setLayout(layout) self.recuperarVideo(anchoDefecto=1200, altoDefecto=600) if not dicVideo: dicVideo = { 'SPLITTER': [800, 380], 'TREE_1': 25, 'TREE_2': 25, 'TREE_3': 50, 'TREE_4': 661, } sz = dicVideo.get("SPLITTER", None) if sz: self.splitter.setSizes(sz) self.inicializa()
def tg_importar_DB(self): path = QTVarios.select_ext(self, "lcg") if not path: return None dlTmp = QTVarios.ImportarFicheroDB(self) dbn = DBgames.DBgames(path) self.dbGames.appendDB(dbn, range(dbn.all_reccount()), dlTmp) self.actualiza(True) self.wsummary.reset()
def tg_exportar_DB(self): resp = self.tg_exportar("lcg") if not resp: return li, modo, path = resp if modo == "w" and Util.existeFichero(path): Util.borraFichero(path) Util.borraFichero(path+"_s1") dlTmp = QTVarios.ImportarFicheroDB(self) dbn = DBgames.DBgames(path) dbn.appendDB(self.dbGames, li, dlTmp)
def cambiaDBgames(self, fich): self.dbGames.close() self.dbGames = DBgames.DBgames(self.configuracion.ficheroDBgames) self.setdbGames() self.wsummary.actualizaPV("")
def file(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu.opcion("saveas", _("Save a copy"), Iconos.GrabarComo()) menu.separador() menu.opcion("restorefrom", _("Restore from"), Iconos.Recuperar()) menu.separador() submenu = menu.submenu(_("Create new"), Iconos.Nuevo()) submenu.opcion("new_UNED", _("UNED chess school"), Iconos.Uned()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("new_UWE", _("Uwe Auerswald"), Iconos.Uwe()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("new_SM", _("Singular moves"), Iconos.Singular()) menu.separador() submenu = menu.submenu(_("Export to"), Iconos.DatabaseMas()) submenu.opcion("save_pgn", _("A PGN file"), Iconos.FichPGN()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("save_db", _("Database"), Iconos.DatabaseC()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp is None: return if resp == "saveas": liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=160) liGen.append((config, "")) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Name"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.GrabarComo()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado fich = nombre = liResp[0] if nombre.lower()[-4:] != ".wsm": fich += ".wsm" path = os.path.join(self.configuracion.carpeta, fich) ok = True if Util.existeFichero(path): ok = QTUtil2.pregunta( self, _X( _("The file %1 already exists, what do you want to do?" ), fich), etiSi=_("Overwrite"), etiNo=_("Cancel")) if ok: shutil.copy(self.dbwashing.file, path) elif resp == "restorefrom": li = [] for fich in os.listdir(self.configuracion.carpeta): if fich.endswith(".wsm") and fich != self.dbwashing.filename: li.append(fich[:-4]) if not li: QTUtil2.mensaje(self, _("There is no file")) return menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) for fich in li: menu.opcion(fich, fich, Iconos.PuntoRojo()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp: if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, "%s\n%s" % (_("Current data will be removed and overwritten."), _("Are you sure?"))): shutil.copy( os.path.join(self.configuracion.carpeta, resp + ".wsm"), self.dbwashing.file) self.wreload = True self.guardarVideo() self.accept() elif resp.startswith("new_"): tactic = resp[4:] if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, "%s\n%s" % (_("Current data will be removed and overwritten."), _("Are you sure?"))): self.wreload = True self.guardarVideo() self.accept() elif resp.startswith("save_"): def other_pc(): for engine in self.washing.liEngines: if engine.state == Washing.ENDED: game = self.dbwashing.restoreGame(engine) pc = Partida.PartidaCompleta() pc.leeOtra(game) dt = if else Util.hoy() if engine.color: white = self.configuracion.jugador black = engine.nombre result = "1-0" whiteelo = str(self.configuracion.elo) blackelo = engine.elo else: black = self.configuracion.jugador white = engine.nombre result = "0-1" blackelo = str(self.configuracion.elo) whiteelo = engine.elo tags = [ ["Site", "Lucas Chess"], ["Event", _("The Washing Machine")], ["Date", "%d-%d-%d" % (dt.year, dt.month,], ["White", white], ["Black", black], ["WhiteElo", whiteelo], ["BlackElo", blackelo], ["Result", result], ] ap = game.apertura if ap: tags.append(["ECO",]) tags.append(["Opening", ap.trNombre]) pc.setTags(tags) yield pc if resp == "save_db": ext = "lcg" path = QTUtil2.salvaFichero( self, _("Database of complete games"), self.configuracion.ficheroDBgames, _("File") + " %s (*.%s)" % (ext, ext), False) if path: if not path.lower().endswith(".lcg"): path += ".lcg" me = QTUtil2.mensEspera.inicio(self, _("Saving...")) dbn = DBgames.DBgames(path) for pc in other_pc(): dbn.inserta(pc) QTUtil2.mensaje(self, _X(_("Saved to %1"), path)) else: w = PantallaSavePGN.WSaveVarios(self, self.configuracion) if w.exec_(): ws = PantallaSavePGN.FileSavePGN(self, w.dic_result) if for n, pc in enumerate(other_pc()): if n or not ws.is_new: ws.write("\n\n") ws.write(pc.pgn()) ws.close() ws.um_final()
def cambiaDBgames(self, fich): self.dbGames.close() self.dbGames = DBgames.DBgames(self.configuracion.ficheroDBgames) self.setdbGames()
def __init__(self, wParent, procesador, fenM2inicial=None, pvInicial=None): icono = Iconos.BookGuide() extparam = "edicionMyOwnBook" titulo = _("Personal Opening Guide") QTVarios.WDialogo.__init__(self, wParent, titulo, icono, extparam) self.procesador = procesador self.configuracion = procesador.configuracion self.fenM2inicial = fenM2inicial self.pvInicial = pvInicial self.bookGuide = BookGuide.BookGuide(self) self.dbGames = DBgames.DBgames(self.configuracion.ficheroDBgames) dicVideo = self.recuperarDicVideo() self.wmoves = WBG_Moves.WMoves(procesador, self) self.wsummary = WBG_Summary.WSummary(procesador, self, self.dbGames) self.wgames = WBG_Games.WGames(procesador, self, self.dbGames, self.wsummary) self.registrarGrid(self.wsummary.grid) self.registrarGrid(self.wgames.grid) self.ultFocus = None self.splitterMoves = QtGui.QSplitter(self) self.splitterMoves.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) self.splitterMoves.addWidget(self.wmoves) self.splitterMoves.addWidget(self.wsummary) = Controles.Tab(), _("Moves")), _("Games")) self.infoMove = WBG_InfoMove.WInfomove(self) self.splitter = splitter = QtGui.QSplitter(self) splitter.addWidget(self.infoMove) splitter.addWidget( layout = Colocacion.H().control(splitter).margen(5) self.setLayout(layout) self.wmoves.tree.setFocus() self.recuperarVideo(anchoDefecto=1175) if not dicVideo: dicVideo = { 'SPLITTER': [380, 816], 'TREE_1': 25, 'TREE_2': 25, 'TREE_3': 50, 'TREE_4': 661, 'SPLITTERMOVES': [344, 244] } sz = dicVideo.get("SPLITTER", None) if sz: self.splitter.setSizes(sz) for x in range(1, 6): w = dicVideo.get("TREE_%d" % x, None) if w: self.wmoves.tree.setColumnWidth(x, w) self.inicializa()
def conversion_complete(filepath): db = DBgames.DBgames(filepath) conversion(db)