Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def resurrect(self, ctx):
        """Restore life to the bot.  What magic is this?"""
        # Check for role requirements
        requiredRole = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,
        if requiredRole == "":
            #admin only
            if not await Utils.is_admin_reply(ctx): return
            #role requirement
            if not any(x for x in ctx.author.roles if str(x.id) == str(
                    requiredRole)) and not Utils.is_admin(ctx):
                return await ctx.send(
                    "You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command."

        iskill = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed")
        if not iskill:
            return await ctx.send(
                'Trying to bring back the *already-alive* - well aren\'t you special!'

        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed", False)
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Hunger", "0")
        killedBy = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "KilledBy")
        killedBy = DisplayName.memberForID(killedBy, ctx.guild)
        await ctx.send(
            'Guess who\'s back??\n\n*{}* may have tried to keep me down - but I *just keep coming back!*'
Ejemplo n.º 2
 async def message(self, message):
     # Check the message and see if we should allow it
     ctx = await self.bot.get_context(message)
     if not ctx.guild:
         # Don't restrict in pm
     if not ctx.command:
         # No command - no need to check
     # Get the list of blocked commands
     dis_com = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "DisabledCommands")
     if ctx.command.name in dis_com:
         # Check if we're going to override
         admin_allow = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,
         badmin_allow = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,
         # Check if we're admin and bot admin
         is_admin = Utils.is_admin(ctx)
         is_badmin = Utils.is_bot_admin_only(ctx)
         # Check if we override
         if (is_admin and admin_allow) or (is_badmin and badmin_allow):
         # React if needed
         to_react = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,
         if to_react:
             await message.add_reaction("🚫")
         # We have a disabled command - ignore it
         return {'Ignore': True, 'Delete': False}
Ejemplo n.º 3
    async def kill(self, ctx):
        """Kill the bot... you heartless soul."""
        # Check for role requirements
        requiredRole = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,
        if requiredRole == "":
            #admin only
            if not await Utils.is_admin_reply(ctx): return
            #role requirement
            if not any(x for x in ctx.author.roles if str(x.id) == str(
                    requiredRole)) and not Utils.is_admin(ctx):
                return await ctx.send(
                    "You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command."

        iskill = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed")
        if iskill:
            killedby = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "KilledBy")
            killedby = DisplayName.memberForID(killedby, ctx.guild)
            return await ctx.send(
                'I am *already* kill...\n\n*{}* did it...'.format(

        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed", True)
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "KilledBy", author.id)
        await ctx.send('I am kill...\n\n*{}* did it...'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 4
 async def _can_run(self, ctx, reply=True):
     # Check if we're admin - and if not, check if bot admins can run this
     # and if we're bot admin
     if Utils.is_admin(ctx): return True
     if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,"BotAdminAsAdmin",False) and Utils.is_bot_admin_only(ctx): return True
     msg = "┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nKamu tidak memiliki hak untuk menggunakan command ini."
     em = discord.Embed(color = 0XFF8C00, description = msg)
     em.set_footer(text = "{}".format(ctx.author), icon_url = "{}".format(ctx.author.avatar_url))
     if reply: await ctx.send(embed = em)
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
    async def kill(self, ctx):
        """Bunuh botnya(Admin-server only)
        Dasar manusia tidak punya perasaan!"""
        # Check for role requirements
        requiredRole = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,

        # isOwner = self.settings.isOwner(ctx.author)
        # if isOwner == False:
        #     msgText = ["Hus hus..\nFitur ini sedang dalam tahap pengambangan"]
        #     msg = random.choice(msgText)
        #     return await ctx.send(msg)

        if requiredRole == "":
            #admin only
            if not await Utils.is_admin_reply(ctx): return
            #role requirement
            if not any(x for x in ctx.author.roles if str(x.id) == str(
                    requiredRole)) and not Utils.is_admin(ctx):
                em = discord.Embed(
                    "> ┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\n> Kamu tidak memiliki izin untuk menggunakan command ini"
                    name="⚠ ADMIN ONLY",
                em.set_footer(text="Request by : {}".format(ctx.author.name),
                return await ctx.send(embed=em)

        iskill = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed")
        if iskill:
            killedby = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "KilledBy")
            killedby = DisplayName.memberForID(killedby, ctx.guild)
            msg = 'Aku telah dibunuh...\n*{}* Pelakunya...'.format(
            em = discord.Embed(color=0XFF8C00, description="{}".format(msg))
            return await ctx.send(embed=em)

        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed", True)
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "KilledBy", author.id)
        msg = 'Aku telah dibunuh...\n*{}* Pelakunya...'.format(
        em = discord.Embed(color=0XFF8C00, description="{}".format(msg))
        await ctx.send(embed=em)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 async def _can_run(self, ctx, reply=True):
     # Check if we're admin - and if not, check if bot admins can run this
     # and if we're bot admin
     if Utils.is_admin(ctx): return True
     if self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "BotAdminAsAdmin",
                                    False) and Utils.is_bot_admin_only(ctx):
         return True
     if reply:
         await ctx.send(
             "You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command."
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 7
	async def drbeer(self, ctx):
		"""Put yourself in your place."""
		if not Utils.is_admin(ctx): return

		beerList = ["Hey, yall. Quit ya horsin' around now. Can't you see I'm busy tryin'a shoot'n all them summersquash?",
					"Now I don't know how to use all them 5-dollah words y'all sprayin' around, but sure seems to me like y'all need to mind your peas and queues.",
					"As long as I can keep practicin' and protectin' all my favorite amendments, like the second and thirty-first, I am all dandy.",
					"Woah there, buckaroo! That's a mighty harsh language from someone communicating through a tube in the ocean over the internets.",
					"Now, I don't mind y'all people, but you keep botherin' me when I'm tryin'a enjoy my cold Bud in this beautiful, patriotic sunset. Haven't yall folks got better things to do then keep arguing and snicker in' around when y'all should be worried about the government and the N, S & A listenin'?",
					"Well, my daddy always said a man is only as good as his words and the thrust and torque of his good ole John Deere."]
		# Remove original message
		await ctx.message.delete()
		# Say new message
		await ctx.send(random.choice(beerList))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    async def resurrect(self, ctx):
        """Menghidupkan bot yang telah mati.(Admin-server only)"""
        # Check for role requirements
        requiredRole = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,
        # isOwner = self.settings.isOwner(ctx.author)
        # if isOwner == False:
        #     msgText = ["Hus hus..\nFitur ini sedang dalam tahap pengambangan"]
        #     msg = random.choice(msgText)
        #     return await ctx.send(msg)
        if requiredRole == "":
            #admin only
            if not await Utils.is_admin_reply(ctx): return
            #role requirement
            if not any(x for x in ctx.author.roles if str(x.id) == str(
                    requiredRole)) and not Utils.is_admin(ctx):
                msg = "┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nKamu tidak memiliki izin untuk menggunakan command ini."
                em = discord.Embed(color=0XFF8C00,
                return await ctx.send(embed=em)

        iskill = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed")
        if not iskill:
            em = discord.Embed(
                "┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nAku masih hidup.\nuntuk apa kamu menggunakan command ini?"
            return await ctx.send(embed=em)

        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed", False)
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Hunger", "0")
        killedby = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "KilledBy")
        killedby = DisplayName.memberForID(killedby, ctx.guild)
        msg = 'Tebak siapa yang kembali??\nMungkin *{}* akan membunuhku lagi!*'.format(
        em = discord.Embed(color=0XFF8C00, description="{}".format(msg))
        await ctx.send(embed=em)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    async def feed(self, ctx, food: int = None):
        """Memberi makan bot dengan XP yang kalian miliki!"""
        # feed the bot, and maybe you'll get something in return!
        msg = '`{}feed [Jumlah XP]`'.format(ctx.prefix)
        em = discord.Embed(
            description="> Memberi makan bot dengan XP yang kalian miliki!"
            "> **Panduan**"
            "> {}".format(msg))
        if food == None:
            return await channel.send(embed=em)

        if not type(food) == int:
            return await channel.send(embed=em)

        isAdmin = Utils.is_admin(ctx)
        isBotAdmin = Utils.is_bot_admin_only(ctx)
        botAdminAsAdmin = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,
        adminUnlim = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "AdminUnlimited")
        reserveXP = self.settings.getUserStat(ctx.author, ctx.guild,
        minRole = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "MinimumXPRole")
        requiredXP = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "RequiredXPRole")
        isKill = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed")
        hunger = int(self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "Hunger"))
        xpblock = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "XpBlockArray")

        approve = True
        decrement = True

        # Check Food

        if food > int(reserveXP):
            approve = False
            msg = '┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nKamu tidak dapat memberi ku makan dengan xp *{:,}*\nKamu hanya memiliki *{:,}* xp tersimpan!'.format(
                food, reserveXP)

        if food < 0:
            msg = '(҂⌣̀_⌣́) kamu tidak bisa memberiku makan dengan xp kurang dari 0.\nKamu pikir itu lucu?!'
            approve = False
            # Avoid admins gaining xp
            decrement = False

        if food == 0:
            msg = '┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nKamu tidak dapat memberi ku makan dengan xp *0*'
            approve = False

        # RequiredXPRole
        if not self._can_xp(ctx.author, ctx.guild):
            approve = False
            msg = '┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nKamu tidak memiliki permission untuk memberiku makan.'

        # Check bot admin
        if isBotAdmin and botAdminAsAdmin:
            # Approve as admin
            approve = True
            if adminUnlim:
                # No limit
                decrement = False
                if food < 0:
                    # Don't decrement if negative
                    decrement = False
                if food > int(reserveXP):
                    # Don't approve if we don't have enough
                    msg = '┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nKamu tidak dapat memberi ku makan dengan xp *{:,}*\nKamu hanya memiliki *{:,}* xp tersimpan!'.format(
                        food, reserveXP)
                    approve = False

        # Check admin last - so it overrides anything else
        if isAdmin:
            # No limit - approve
            approve = True
            if adminUnlim:
                # No limit
                decrement = False
                if food < 0:
                    # Don't decrement if negative
                    decrement = False
                if food > int(reserveXP):
                    # Don't approve if we don't have enough
                    msg = '┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nKamu tidak dapat memberi ku makan dengan *{:,} xp*\nKamu hanya memiliki *{:,}* xp tersimpan!'.format(
                        food, reserveXP)
                    approve = False

        # Check if we're blocked
        if ctx.author.id in xpblock:
            msg = "┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nKamu tidak dapat memberi makan bot!"
            approve = False
            if any(x for x in ctx.author.roles if x.id in xpblock):
                msg = "┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌\nRole kamu tidak dapat memberi makan bot!"
                approve = False

        if approve:
            # Feed was approved - let's take the XPReserve right away
            # Apply food - then check health
            hunger -= food

            self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Hunger", hunger)
            takeReserve = -1 * food
            if decrement:
                self.settings.incrementStat(ctx.author, ctx.guild, "XPReserve",

            if isKill:
                # Bot's dead...
                msg = '*{}* Secara perlahan memberikan *{:,} xp* kepada *{}* yang telah mati...\nApakah mungkin akan bangkit suatu saat nanti?'.format(
                    DisplayName.name(ctx.author), food,
                    DisplayName.serverNick(self.bot.user, ctx.guild))
                em = discord.Embed(color=0XFF8C00,
                return await ctx.send(embed=em)

            # Bet more, less chance of winning, but more winnings!
            chanceToWin = 50
            payout = int(food * 2)

            # 1/chanceToWin that user will win - and payout is double the food
            randnum = random.randint(1, chanceToWin)
            if randnum == 1:
                # YOU WON!!
                self.settings.incrementStat(ctx.author, ctx.guild, "XP",
                msg = '*{}* Secara perlahan memberikan *{:,} xp* kepada *{}* yang telah mati...\nApakah mungkin akan bangkit suatu saat nanti?*'.format(
                    DisplayName.name(ctx.author), food, int(payout))

                # Got XP - let's see if we need to promote
                await CheckRoles.checkroles(ctx.author, ctx.channel,
                                            self.settings, self.bot)
                msg = '*{}* Memberi ku makan dengan *{:,} xp!*\nTerima kasih banyak!!'.format(
                    ctx.author, food)

            if hunger <= -150:
                # Kill the bot here
                self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed", True)
                self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "KilledBy",
                msg = '{}\n\nAku dibunuh...\n\n*{}* pelakunya...'.format(
                    msg, DisplayName.name(ctx.author.id))
            elif hunger <= -100:
                msg = '{}\n\nApakah kamu mencoba membunuh ku?\nBerhentilah jika kamu memiliki hati!'.format(
            elif hunger <= -75:
                msg = '{}\n\n(; ̄д ̄)\nAku sudah terlalu gemuk sekarangdan kesehatan ku menurun.\n Apa kamu memikirkan kesehatan ku??'.format(
            elif hunger <= -50:
                msg = '{}\n\n(; ̄д ̄) Aku obesitas.\nMakanan adalah musuh ku sekarang.'.format(
            elif hunger <= -25:
                msg = '{}\n\n(; ̄д ̄)\nAku gemuk.\noke waktunya diet?'.format(
            elif hunger <= -10:
                msg = '{}\n\n(; ̄д ̄)\nAku gemuk.\nAku akan bertambah semakin gemuk jika kamu terus memberiku makan.'.format(
            elif hunger <= -1:
                msg = '{}\n\n(;*´Д`)ノ\nAku sudah kenyang.\nAku harus berhenti makan untuk sejenak...'.format(
            elif hunger == 0:
                msg = '{}\n\n(;*´Д`)ノ\nJika kamu terus memberiku makan, aku akan menjadi gemuk...'.format(
        em = discord.Embed(color=0XFF8C00, description="{}".format(msg))
        await ctx.send(embed=em)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    async def feed(self, ctx, food: int = None):
        """Feed the bot some xp!"""
        # feed the bot, and maybe you'll get something in return!
        msg = 'Usage: `{}feed [xp reserve feeding]`'.format(ctx.prefix)
        if food == None:
            return await channel.send(msg)

        if not type(food) == int:
            return await channel.send(msg)

        isAdmin = Utils.is_admin(ctx)
        isBotAdmin = Utils.is_bot_admin_only(ctx)
        botAdminAsAdmin = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild,
        adminUnlim = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "AdminUnlimited")
        reserveXP = self.settings.getUserStat(ctx.author, ctx.guild,
        minRole = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "MinimumXPRole")
        requiredXP = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "RequiredXPRole")
        isKill = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed")
        hunger = int(self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "Hunger"))
        xpblock = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "XpBlockArray")

        approve = True
        decrement = True

        # Check Food

        if food > int(reserveXP):
            approve = False
            msg = 'You can\'t feed me *{:,}*, you only have *{:,}* xp reserve!'.format(
                food, reserveXP)

        if food < 0:
            msg = 'You can\'t feed me less than nothing! You think this is funny?!'
            approve = False
            # Avoid admins gaining xp
            decrement = False

        if food == 0:
            msg = 'You can\'t feed me *nothing!*'
            approve = False

        # RequiredXPRole
        if not self._can_xp(ctx.author, ctx.guild):
            approve = False
            msg = 'You don\'t have the permissions to feed me.'

        # Check bot admin
        if isBotAdmin and botAdminAsAdmin:
            # Approve as admin
            approve = True
            if adminUnlim:
                # No limit
                decrement = False
                if food < 0:
                    # Don't decrement if negative
                    decrement = False
                if food > int(reserveXP):
                    # Don't approve if we don't have enough
                    msg = 'You can\'t feed me *{:,}*, you only have *{:,}* xp reserve!'.format(
                        food, reserveXP)
                    approve = False

        # Check admin last - so it overrides anything else
        if isAdmin:
            # No limit - approve
            approve = True
            if adminUnlim:
                # No limit
                decrement = False
                if food < 0:
                    # Don't decrement if negative
                    decrement = False
                if food > int(reserveXP):
                    # Don't approve if we don't have enough
                    msg = 'You can\'t feed me *{:,}*, you only have *{:,}* xp reserve!'.format(
                        food, reserveXP)
                    approve = False

        # Check if we're blocked
        if ctx.author.id in xpblock:
            msg = "You can't feed the bot!"
            approve = False
            if any(x for x in ctx.author.roles if x.id in xpblock):
                msg = "Your role cannot feed the bot!"
                approve = False

        if approve:
            # Feed was approved - let's take the XPReserve right away
            # Apply food - then check health
            hunger -= food

            self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Hunger", hunger)
            takeReserve = -1 * food
            if decrement:
                self.settings.incrementStat(ctx.author, ctx.guild, "XPReserve",

            if isKill:
                # Bot's dead...
                msg = '*{}* carelessly shoves *{:,} xp* into the carcass of *{}*... maybe resurrect them first next time?'.format(
                    DisplayName.name(ctx.author), food,
                    DisplayName.serverNick(self.bot.user, ctx.guild))
                return await ctx.send(msg)

            # Bet more, less chance of winning, but more winnings!
            chanceToWin = 50
            payout = int(food * 2)

            # 1/chanceToWin that user will win - and payout is double the food
            randnum = random.randint(1, chanceToWin)
            if randnum == 1:
                # YOU WON!!
                self.settings.incrementStat(ctx.author, ctx.guild, "XP",
                msg = '*{}\'s* offering of *{:,}* has made me feel *exceptionally* generous.  Please accept this *magical* package with *{:,} xp!*'.format(
                    DisplayName.name(ctx.author), food, int(payout))

                # Got XP - let's see if we need to promote
                await CheckRoles.checkroles(ctx.author, ctx.channel,
                                            self.settings, self.bot)
                msg = '*{}* fed me *{:,} xp!* Thank you, kind soul! Perhaps I\'ll spare you...'.format(
                    DisplayName.name(ctx.author), food)

            if hunger <= -150:
                # Kill the bot here
                self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "Killed", True)
                self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "KilledBy",
                msg = '{}\n\nI am kill...\n\n*{}* did it...'.format(
                    msg, DisplayName.name(ctx.author))
            elif hunger <= -100:
                msg = '{}\n\nYou *are* going to kill me...  Stop *now* if you have a heart!'.format(
            elif hunger <= -75:
                msg = '{}\n\nI\'m looking fat to an extremely unhealthy degree... maybe you should think about *my* health?'.format(
            elif hunger <= -50:
                msg = '{}\n\nI\'m obese :( ... Eating is my enemy right now.'.format(
            elif hunger <= -25:
                msg = '{}\n\nI\'m kinda fat... Diet time?'.format(msg)
            elif hunger <= -10:
                msg = '{}\n\nI\'m getting pudgy... I may get fat if you keep going.'.format(
            elif hunger <= -1:
                msg = '{}\n\nI\'m getting stuffed... maybe I should take a break from eating...'.format(
            elif hunger == 0:
                msg = '{}\n\nIf you keep feeding me, I *may* get fat...'.format(

        await ctx.send(msg)