Ejemplo n.º 1
def listTileEntities(raster, outpath, feature):
        entities ID list of tile

        in :
            raster : bi-band raster (classification - clump)
            outpath : out directory
            feature : feature of tile from shapefile

        out :
            tile_id : list with ID


    # Classification and Clump opening
    datas_classif, xsize_classif, ysize_classif, projection_classif, transform_classif = fu.readRaster(raster, True, 1)
    datas_clump, xsize_clump, ysize_clump, projection_clump, transform_clump = fu.readRaster(raster, True, 2)

    # Generate pixel coordinates of square feature corresponding to raster transform
    cols_xmin_decoup, cols_xmax_decoup, cols_ymin_decoup, cols_ymax_decoup = cellCoords(feature, transform_classif)

    # subset raster data array based on feature coordinates
    tile_classif = datas_classif[cols_ymin_decoup:cols_ymax_decoup, cols_xmin_decoup:cols_xmax_decoup]
    tile_id_all = datas_clump[cols_ymin_decoup:cols_ymax_decoup, cols_xmin_decoup:cols_xmax_decoup]

    del datas_classif, datas_clump

    # entities ID list of tile (except nodata and sea)
    tile_id = np.unique(np.where(((tile_classif > 1) & (tile_classif < 250)), tile_id_all, 0)).tolist()

    # delete 0 value
    tile_id = [int(x) for x in tile_id if x != 0]

    return tile_id
def storeRasterInArray(rasters):
    """Store list of raster or multi-band raster in a ndarray


    rasters : list
        list of rasters to analyse



    # get raster size with first raster file
    data = fut.readRaster(rasters[0], False)

    # get rasters or bands number
    if len(rasters) == 1:
        nbbands = fut.getRasterNbands(rasters[0])

    elif len(rasters) > 1:
        nbbands = len(rasters)

    # Set a empty ndarrays with same dimension as input rasters
    outdata = np.zeros([data[1], data[0], nbbands])

    # Populate output ndarrays
    if len(rasters) == 1:
        for nbband in range(nbbands):
            outdata[:, :, nbband] = fut.readRaster(rasters[0], True,
                                                   nbband + 1)[0]

    elif len(rasters) > 1:
        for idx, raster in enumerate(rasters):
            outdata[:, :, idx] = fut.readRaster(raster, True)[0]
        raise Exception("No input raster provided to store in Numpy array")

    return outdata
Ejemplo n.º 3
def grid_generate(outname, xysize, epsg=2154, raster=None, coordinates=None):
    Grid generation from raster.
    in :
        outname : out name of grid
        raster : raster name
        xysize : coefficient for tile size
    out : 
    if raster is not None:
        xsize, ysize, projection, transform = fut.readRaster(raster, False, 1)

        xmin = float(transform[0])
        xmax = float((transform[0] + transform[1] * xsize))
        ymin = float((transform[3] + transform[5] * ysize))
        ymax = float(transform[3])
        xmin = float(coordinates[0])
        xmax = float(coordinates[1])
        ymin = float(coordinates[2])
        ymax = float(coordinates[3])

    xSize = (xmax - xmin) / xysize
    intervalX = np.arange(xmin, xmax + xSize, xSize)

    ySize = (ymax - ymin) / xysize
    intervalY = np.arange(ymin, ymax + ySize, ySize)

    # create output file
    createPolygonShape(outname, epsg, 'ESRI Shapefile')
    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
    shape = driver.Open(outname, 1)
    outLayer = shape.GetLayer()
    featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn()

    # create grid cel
    countcols = 0
    while countcols < len(intervalX) - 1:
        countrows = 0
        while countrows < len(intervalY) - 1:
            # create vertex
            ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
            ring.AddPoint(intervalX[countcols], intervalY[countrows])
            ring.AddPoint(intervalX[countcols], intervalY[countrows + 1])
            ring.AddPoint(intervalX[countcols + 1], intervalY[countrows + 1])
            ring.AddPoint(intervalX[countcols + 1], intervalY[countrows])
            ring.AddPoint(intervalX[countcols], intervalY[countrows])
            poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)

            # add new geom to layer
            outFeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn)

            ymin = intervalY[countrows]
            countrows += 1

        xmin = intervalX[countcols]
        countcols += 1

    # Close DataSources

    print("Grid has %s tiles" % (int(xysize * xysize)))

    return int(xysize * xysize)