Ejemplo n.º 1
################## Particle gun setup
_pi = 3.14159

from Configurables import  MomentumRangeParticleGun
pgun = MomentumRangeParticleGun("ParticleGun_Electron")
pgun.PdgCodes = [11]
pgun.MomentumMin = momentum * GeV
pgun.MomentumMax = momentum * GeV
pgun.PhiMin = 0
pgun.PhiMax = 2 * _pi
pgun.ThetaMin = thetaMin * _pi / 180.
pgun.ThetaMax = thetaMax * _pi / 180.

from Configurables import GenAlg
genalg_pgun = GenAlg()
genalg_pgun.SignalProvider = pgun 
genalg_pgun.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter()

################## Simulation setup
# Detector geometry
from Configurables import GeoSvc
geoservice = GeoSvc("GeoSvc")
# if FCC_DETECTORS is empty, this should use relative path to working directory
path_to_detector = os.environ.get("FCCDETECTORS", "")
Ejemplo n.º 2
from Configurables import GaussSmearVertex
smeartool = GaussSmearVertex()
smeartool.xVertexSigma = 0.5 * units.mm
smeartool.yVertexSigma = 0.5 * units.mm
smeartool.zVertexSigma = 40.0 * units.mm
smeartool.tVertexSigma = 180.0 * units.picosecond

from Configurables import ConstPtParticleGun
pgun_tool = ConstPtParticleGun()
pgun_tool.PdgCodes = [13]
pgun_tool.PhiMin = 0.0
pgun_tool.PhiMax = constants.twopi

from Configurables import GenAlg
genalg_pgun = GenAlg()
genalg_pgun.SignalProvider = ConstPtParticleGun('ToolSvc.ConstPtParticleGun')
genalg_pgun.VertexSmearingTool = smeartool
genalg_pgun.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [genalg_pgun]

from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter()
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.genparticles.Path = "GenParticlesAll"
hepmc_converter.genvertices.Path = "GenVertices"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [hepmc_converter]

from Configurables import GenParticleFilter
### Filters generated particles
# accept is a list of particle statuses that should be accepted
genfilter = GenParticleFilter("StableParticleFilter")
Ejemplo n.º 3
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

# Data service
from Configurables import FCCDataSvc
podioevent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")

from Configurables import MomentumRangeParticleGun
from GaudiKernel import PhysicalConstants as constants
guntool = MomentumRangeParticleGun()
guntool.ThetaMin = 0
guntool.ThetaMax = 2 * constants.pi
guntool.PdgCodes = [11]
from Configurables import GenAlg
gen = GenAlg()
gen.SignalProvider = guntool
gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

# reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles
from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter")
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.genparticles.Path = "allGenParticles"
hepmc_converter.genvertices.Path = "allGenVertices"

# DD4hep geometry service
# Parses the given xml file
from Configurables import GeoSvc
geoservice = GeoSvc(
Ejemplo n.º 4
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

from Configurables import HepMCFileReader, GenAlg

readertool = HepMCFileReader("ReaderTool")
readertool.Filename = "Test/TestGeometry/data/testHepMCrandom.dat"
reader = GenAlg("Reader")
reader.SignalProvider = readertool
reader.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter

hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter")
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.genparticles.Path = "allGenParticles"
hepmc_converter.genvertices.Path = "allGenVertices"

from Configurables import HepMCDumper

hepmc_dump = HepMCDumper("hepmc")
hepmc_dump.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"

from Configurables import GeoSvc

geoservice = GeoSvc(

from Configurables import SimG4Svc

geantservice = SimG4Svc("SimG4Svc",
Ejemplo n.º 5
podioEvent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [podioEvent]
ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = INFO

# Pythia generator
from Configurables import PythiaInterface

pythia8gentool = PythiaInterface()
pythia8gentool.Filename = "Pythia_ee_ZH_Htautau.cmd"

# Write the HepMC::GenEvent to the data service
from Configurables import GenAlg

pythia8gen = GenAlg()
pythia8gen.SignalProvider = pythia8gentool
pythia8gen.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [pythia8gen]

# Reads an HepMC::GenEvent from the data service and writes a collection of EDM Particles
from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter

hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter("Converter")
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.hepmcStatusList = []  # convert particles with all statuses
hepmc_converter.genparticles.Path = "genParticles"
hepmc_converter.genvertices.Path = "genVertices"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [hepmc_converter]

# FCC event-data model output -> define objects to be written out
from Configurables import PodioOutput
Ejemplo n.º 6
pgun2_pion.PdgCodes = [211]
pgun2_pion.MomentumMin = 20 * GeV
pgun2_pion.MomentumMax = 20 * GeV
pgun2_pion.PhiMin = 0
pgun2_pion.PhiMax = 2 * _pi
# corresponds to -0.17 < eta < 0.17
pgun2_pion.ThetaMin = 80 * _pi / 180.
pgun2_pion.ThetaMax = 100 * _pi / 180.

from Configurables import ConstPileUp
pileuptool = ConstPileUp()
pileuptool.numPileUpEvents = 1

from Configurables import GenAlg
genalg_pgun = GenAlg()
genalg_pgun.SignalProvider = pgun1_electron
genalg_pgun.PileUpProvider = pgun2_pion
genalg_pgun.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
genalg_pgun.PileUpTool = pileuptool

from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter()
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.genparticles.Path = "GenParticles"
hepmc_converter.genvertices.Path = "GenVertices"

###################################################### Simulation setup

from Configurables import GeoSvc
geoservice = GeoSvc(