Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _suppressMonitoring(self):
     if self.getProp("UseTCK"):
         trans = {}
         trans['.*HltGlobalMonitor'] = {'Enable': {"^.*$": "False"}}
         trans['.*BeetleSyncMonitor.*'] = {'Enable': {"^.*$": "False"}}
         trans['HltL0GlobalMonitor'] = {'Enable': {"^.*$": "False"}}
         hltConf = HltConf()
         hltConf.setProp("EnableMonitoring", False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __configureStreams(self):
        if self.isPropertySet('_streams'):
            return self.getProp('_streams')

        ## Stream configuration
        knownStreams = self.knownStreams()

        ## Figure out which streams we really want to enable
        from Configurables import HltConf
        sets = HltConf().settings()
        ep = 'EnabledStreams'
        enabledStreams = self.getProp(ep)
        defaultEnabled = self.getDefaultProperty(ep)
        if self.isPropertySet(ep) and enabledStreams != defaultEnabled:
            log.warning( '##########################################################')
            log.warning( 'Non-default stream configuration specified from EnabledStreams property')
            log.warning( 'This will overwrite any other setting of the streams, for example from the settings.')
        elif sets and hasattr(sets, 'Streams') and set(sets.Streams()) != set(self.getDefaultProperty(ep)):
            log.warning( '##########################################################')
            log.warning( 'Non-default stream configuration specified in Settings')
            enabledStreams = sets.Streams()

        streams = {s : (bit, None, False) for s, bit in knownStreams.iteritems()}
        for stream, expr in enabledStreams.iteritems():
            if stream not in streams:
                log.fatal("Attempt to enable a non-existent stream %s." % stream)
                raise RuntimeError
            if stream not in defaultEnabled:
                log.warning("Enabling non-default enabled stream %s." % stream)
            bit = streams[stream][0]
            streams[stream] = (bit, expr, True)

        ## Check if default enabled streams are on
        disabled = [s[0] for s in streams.iteritems() if not s[1][2] and s[0] in defaultEnabled]
        if disabled:
            log.warning( '##########################################################')
            log.warning( 'Normally enabled streams are disabled: %s.' % ', '.join(disabled) )
            log.warning( '##########################################################')

        enabled = set([k for (k, (_, _, on)) in streams.iteritems() if on])
        if  enabled != set(defaultEnabled.keys()):
            log.warning( '##########################################################' )
            log.warning( 'Non-standard stream configuration' )
            log.warning( 'Enabled:  %s' % ', '.join(s[0] for s in streams.iteritems() if s[1][2]) )
            log.warning( 'Disabled: %s' % ', '.join(s[0] for s in streams.iteritems() if not s[1][2]) )
            log.warning( '##########################################################' )

        streams = {k.capitalize() : v for k, v in streams.iteritems()}
        self.setProp('_streams', streams)
        return streams
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __apply_configuration__(self):
        if not self.isPropertySet("OutputAlgProperties"):
            self.OutputAlgProperties = self.__MDFWriterProperties

        # Configure ApplicationMgr().Outstream first, because the rest depends
        # on ThresholdSettings

        # When running online from TCK, this is all that is needed
        if self.getProp('UseTCK'):

        # Do we want to write lumi events and strip them?
        from Configurables import HltConf
        sets = HltConf().settings()
        if self.getProp("EnableLumiEventWriting"):
            self.__propFromSettings(sets, 'NanoBanks')

        # Check assignment of streams to output streams from Settings
        self.__propFromSettings(sets, 'StreamsWithBanks')

        streams = [c for c in chain.from_iterable([e[0] for e in self.getProp('StreamsWithBanks')])]
        if len(set(streams)) != len(streams):
            raise ValueError('Streams can be part of only one group in StreamsWithBanks')

        streams = self.__configureStreams()
        # Configure the routing bits and update the streams
        routingBits = self.__configureRoutingBits(streams)
        self.__configureEndSequence(streams, routingBits)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def ActiveHlt2Lines(self):
        Returns a list of active Hlt2 lines
        # Disable afterburner because it runs the reco
        from Configurables import HltConf
        HltConf().EnableHltAfterburner = False

        return ['Hlt2PassThrough']
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _config_with_hltconf(self):
        Propagate settings to HltConf

        hltConf = HltConf()

        self.setOtherProps(hltConf, [
            'ThresholdSettings', 'DataType', 'Split',
        if self.getProp("OutputLevel") < INFO:
            hltConf.setProp("Verbose", True)

        from Configurables import Hlt2Conf
        #cannot do this for the TCK right now. Ideally I want a transform which does the same as this.
        if MooreExpert().getProp("Hlt2Independent") and (
                "Hlt1TrackOption" in Hlt2Conf().__slots__
                or hasattr(Hlt2Conf(), "Hlt1TrackOption")
        ) and not Hlt2Conf().isPropertySet("Hlt1TrackOption"):
            Hlt2Conf().setProp("Hlt1TrackOption", "Rerun")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _configureOutput(self):
        if self.getProp('Split') != 'Hlt1' and self.getProp(
            self.forceOtherProps(HltConf(), ['EnableOutputStreaming'])

        from Configurables import HltOutputConf
        outputConf = HltOutputConf()
        for (op, tp) in {
                'outputFile': 'OutputFile',
                'generateConfig': 'GenerateTCK'
            outputConf.setProp(tp, self.getProp(op))
        self.forceOtherProps(outputConf, [
            'Split', 'UseTCK', 'RunOnline', 'WriterRequires',
            'EnableOutputStreaming', 'Simulation'
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def postConfigAction( self ):
        from HltLine.HltLine import hlt1Lines
        from HltLine.HltLine import hlt2Lines

        # Reconfigure the Hlt sequences
        lines1 = [ i for i in hlt1Lines() if  i.name() in self.hlt1Lines ]
        print "HLT1LINES"
        for hltLine in lines1:
            print hltLine.name()
        Sequence( "Hlt1" ).Members = [ i.configurable() for i in lines1 ]
        lines2 = [ i for i in hlt2Lines() if  i.name() in self.hlt2Lines ]
        print "HLT2LINES"
        for hltLine in lines2:
            print hltLine.name()
        print "ENDLINES"
        Sequence( "Hlt2" ).Members = [ i.configurable() for i in lines2 ]

        # Reconfigure the monitoring to expect the correct lines
        HltConf().configureHltMonitoring( lines1, lines2 )

        for hltLine in Sequence( "Hlt1" ).Members + Sequence( "Hlt2" ).Members:
                prescale = getattr( hltLine, "Prescale" )
                if hasattr( prescale, "AcceptFraction" ):
                    prescale.AcceptFraction = 1
                elif hasattr( prescale, "Code" ):
                    prescale.Code = "FALL"
                postscale = getattr( hltLine, "Postscale" )
                if hasattr( postscale, "AcceptFraction" ):
                    postscale.AcceptFraction = 1
                elif hasattr( postscale, "Code" ):
                    postscale.Code = "FALL"
            except AttributeError:

        # This is rather nasty, but required. It is possible because we don't need
        # an output file.
        Sequence( "HltEndSequence" ).Members = []
Ejemplo n.º 8
import os, sys, pkgutil, importlib
import Gaudi.Configuration

from Configurables import HltConf
conf = HltConf()
knownStreams = conf.knownStreams()

def getSettings():
    import HltSettings
    settings = {}
    for _, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(HltSettings.__path__[:2]):
        if is_pkg:
        pkg_name = HltSettings.__name__ + '.' + name
            settings[name] = getattr(importlib.import_module(pkg_name), name)()
        except ImportError as e:
        except AttributeError as e:
            print 'WARNING: Badly named settings object in %s' % pkg_name
    return settings

passed = True
sets = getSettings()
for name, settings in sets.iteritems():
    if not hasattr(settings, 'Streams'):
    for stream, rb in settings.Streams().iteritems():
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _generateConfig(self):
        from HltConf.ThresholdUtils import Name2Threshold
        settings = Name2Threshold(HltConf().getProp('ThresholdSettings'))
        svcs = MooreExpert().getProp("configServices")
        algs = MooreExpert().getProp("configAlgorithms")
        if MooreExpert().getProp('TCKpersistency').lower() in [
                'tarfile', 'zipfile', 'cdb'
            self.getConfigAccessSvc().Mode = 'ReadWrite'
            #self.getConfigAccessSvc().OutputLevel = 1

        from Configurables import HltGenConfig
        print 'requesting following  svcs: %s ' % svcs
        gen = HltGenConfig(ConfigTop=[i.rsplit('/')[-1] for i in algs],
                           ConfigSvc=[i.rsplit('/')[-1] for i in svcs],
        # make sure gen is the very first Top algorithm...
        from HltLine.HltDecodeRaw import DecodeODIN
        ApplicationMgr().TopAlg = DecodeODIN.members() + [
        ] + ApplicationMgr().TopAlg

        def genConfigAction():
            def gather(c, overrule):
                def check(config, prop, value):
                    if prop not in config.getDefaultProperties(): return False
                    if hasattr(config, prop):
                        return getattr(config, prop) == value
                    return config.getDefaultProperties()[prop] == value

                def addOverrule(config, rule):
                    if c.name() not in overrule.keys():
                        overrule[c.name()] = []
                    if rule not in overrule[c.name()]:
                        overrule[c.name()] += [rule]

                if check(c, 'HistoProduce', False):
                    addOverrule(c, 'HistoProduce:@OnlineEnv.Monitor@False')
                if c.getType() in ['FilterDesktop', 'CombineParticles'
                                   ] and check(c, 'Monitor', False):
                    addOverrule(c, 'Monitor:@OnlineEnv.Monitor@False')
                if check(c, 'Enable', False):
                    addOverrule(c, 'OutputLevel:3')
                for p in ['Members', 'Filter0', 'Filter1']:
                    if not hasattr(c, p): continue
                    x = getattr(c, p)
                    if list is not type(x): x = [x]
                    for i in x:
                        gather(i, overrule)

            from Configurables import HltGenConfig, GaudiSequencer
            HltGenConfig().Overrule = {
            gather(GaudiSequencer('Hlt'), HltGenConfig().Overrule)
            print HltGenConfig()

        from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction
from Configurables import Moore, HltConf

Moore().UseTCK = False
Ejemplo n.º 11
from Configurables import Moore, HltConf

HltConf().ThresholdSettings = "Hlt1_TrackingOnly"
Moore().UseTCK = False
Ejemplo n.º 12
Moore().EvtMax = -1
Moore().EnableTimer = True

from PRConfig.TestFileDB import test_file_db
input = test_file_db['2015HLTValidationData_L0filtered_0x0050']

Moore().CondDBtag = 'cond-20150828'
Moore().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20150724'
Moore().DataType = '2015'

from GaudiKernel.Configurable import applyConfigurableUsers

from Configurables import HltConf
conf = HltConf()
settings = HltConf().settings()

configuredStreams = settings.Streams()
knownStreams = conf.knownStreams()

from Configurables import HltRoutingBitsWriter
rb1 = HltRoutingBitsWriter('Hlt1RoutingBitsWriter')
rb2 = HltRoutingBitsWriter('Hlt2RoutingBitsWriter')

passed = True
for stream, rb in configuredStreams.iteritems():
        bit, default = knownStreams[stream]
        if bit <= 64:
            rbs = rb1.RoutingBits