Ejemplo n.º 1
    def updateGrade(self, discipline, studentID, grade):
        updates a Grade's grade
        Input: discipline - string, the name of the discipline that the student must be added to
               studentID - positive integer, the ID of the student to add to a discipline
               grade - float, 1<= grade <= 10, the grade to be updated
        Output: if such a Grade exists, it is updated
        Exceptions: raises DisciplineException if the given discipline's name does not exist in DisciplineRepository
                    raises StudentException if the given student's ID does not exist in StudentRepository
                    raises GradeException if a Grade with the given discipline and studentID does not exist
        # remove undo indexes
        self.__operations = self.__operations[0:self.__index]

        if self.__disRepo.findByName(discipline) == None:
            raise DisciplineException("There is no Discipline with name " +
                                      discipline + "!")
        if self.__stuRepo.findByID(studentID) == None:
            raise StudentException("The is no Student with ID " +
                                   str(studentID) + "!")

        # get the grade before update
        oldGrade = deepcopy(
            self.__repo.findByDisciplineAndStudentID(discipline, studentID))

        self.__repo.updateGrade(discipline, studentID, grade)

        # if no exceptions were raised => record the operation for undo
        newGrade = deepcopy(
            self.__repo.findByDisciplineAndStudentID(discipline, studentID))
        self.__operations.append(UpdateOperation(oldGrade, newGrade))
        self.__index += 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def updateStudent(self, ID, newName):
        updates a Student from the register, using the given ID
        Input: ID - positive integer, the ID of the Student be updated
               newName - the new name of the student
        Output: if such a Student exists, it is updated
        Exceptions: raises StudentException if a Student with the given ID does not exist
        self.__operations = self.__operations[0:self.__index]

        oldStudent = deepcopy(self.__repo.findBysID(ID))

        self.__repo.update(ID, newName)

        newStudent = deepcopy(self.__repo.findBysID(ID))

        self.__operations.append(UpdateOperation(oldStudent, newStudent))
        self.__index += 1
    def updateDiscipline(self, ID, newName):
        updates a Discipline from the register, using the given ID
        Input: ID - positive integer, the ID of the Discipline to be updated
               newName - the new name of the discipline
        Output: if such a Discipline exists, it is updated
        Exceptions: raises DisciplineException if a Discipline with the given ID does not exists
        self.__operations = self.__operations[0:self.__index]

        oldDiscipline = deepcopy(self.__repo.findBydID(ID))

        self.__repo.update(ID, newName)

        newDiscipline = deepcopy(self.__repo.findBydID(ID))

        self.__operations.append(UpdateOperation(oldDiscipline, newDiscipline))
        self.__index += 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def updateStudent(self, ID, newName):
        updates a Student from the register, using its ID
        Input: ID - positive integer, the ID of the Student that must be updated
               newName - the name of the new student
        Output: if such a Student exists, it is updated
        Exceptions: raises StudentException if a Student with the given ID does not exist
        # remove undo indexes
        self.__operations = self.__operations[0:self.__index]

        # get the student before update
        oldStudent = deepcopy(self.__repo.findByID(ID))

        self.__repo.update(ID, newName)

        # if no exceptions were raised => record the operation for undo
        newStudent = deepcopy(self.__repo.findByID(ID))
        self.__operations.append(UpdateOperation(oldStudent, newStudent))
        self.__index += 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def updateDiscipline(self, name, newTeacherName):
        updates a Discipline from the register, using its name
        Input: name - positive integer, the name of the Discipline that must be updated
               newTeacherName - the name of the new teacher
        Output: if such a Discipline exists, it is updated
        Exceptions: raises DisciplineException if a Discipline with the given name does not exist
        # remove undo indexes
        self.__operations = self.__operations[0:self.__index]

        # get the discipline before update
        oldDiscipline = deepcopy(self.__repo.findByName(name))

        self.__repo.update(name, newTeacherName)

        # if no exceptions were raised => record the operation for undo
        newDiscipline = deepcopy(self.__repo.findByName(name))

        self.__operations.append(UpdateOperation(oldDiscipline, newDiscipline))
        self.__index += 1