Ejemplo n.º 1
    def execute(self, message, user, params):
        tick = Updates.current_tick()
        # Galaxy Scan
        if params.group(5) is None:

#            Access Control:
#            Uncomment this and change "group" to the lowest group that can request galscans.
#            if not user.is_group():
#                message.alert("Insufficient access for galaxy scans.")
#                return

            galaxy = Galaxy.load(*params.group(1,3))
            if galaxy is None:
                message.alert("No galaxy with coords %s:%s" % params.group(1,3))
            planets = galaxy.planets
            galscan = Config.has_option("Misc", "galscans") and Config.getboolean("Misc", "galscans")
            planet = Planet.load(*params.group(1,3,5))
            if planet is None:
                message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" % params.group(1,3,5))
            planets = [planet]
            galscan = False

        # Scan Quota
        if Config.has_section("ScanQuota"):
            opts = Config.options("ScanQuota") 
            q = []
            for o in opts:
                if int(o) >= user.access:
            if q:
                ScanQuota = Config.getint("ScanQuota", str(min(q)))
                reqs = session.query(Request.id).filter(Request.requester_id == user.id).filter(Request.tick == tick).count()
                if (reqs + len(planets) * len(params.group(6).upper())) > ScanQuota:
                    message.reply("This request will exceed your scan quota for this tick (%d scans remaining). " % (ScanQuota - reqs) +\
                                  "Try searching with !planet, !dev, !unit, !news, !jgp, !au.")

        dists = int(params.group(7) or 0)
        galdists = []

        mergescans = (not galscan) and (Config.has_option("Misc", "maxscans") and len(planets)*len(params.group(6)) > Config.getint("Misc", "maxscans"))

        for planet in planets:
            if galscan or mergescans:
                galdists.append(planet.intel.dists if planet.intel else 0)
                if len(galdists) < len(planets):
            types = 0
            for scantype in params.group(6).upper():
                # Reject requests for incoming scans
                if not PA.getboolean(scantype, "request"):
                    message.alert("%s scans cannot be requested." % (PA.get(scantype, "name")))
                types += 1
                if galscan or mergescans:
                    # Request the scans
                    for i in range(len(planets)):
                        request = self.request(message, user, planets[i], scantype, galdists[i], galscan or mergescans)
                    # Inform the requester    
                    if galscan and (message.get_chan() != self.scanchan()):
                        message.reply("Requested a Galaxy %s Scan of %s:%s. !request cancel %s:%s to cancel the request." % (request.type, planet.x, planet.y, 
                                                                                                                             request.id-len(planets)+1, request.id))
                    # Check for existing scans
                    scan = planet.scan(scantype)
                    if scan and request.tick - scan.tick < PA.getint(scantype,"expire"):
                        message.reply("%s Scan of %s:%s:%s is already available from %s ticks ago: %s. !request cancel %s if this is suitable." % (
                                                                        scantype, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.tick - scan.tick, scan.link, request.id,))
                        # Cancel requests with a 0-tick old scan, if required
                        if (request.tick == scan.tick):
                            req0age = Config.getint("Misc", "req0agej") if request.scantype == "J" else Config.getint("Misc", "req0age")
                            if req0age == 1:
                               Q = session.query(Request).filter(Request.tick == request.tick).filter(Request.planet_id == request.planet_id)
                               Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype == request.scantype).filter(Request.requester_id == request.requester_id)
                               if Q.count() == 1:
                                   request.active = False
                                   message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan. If you really need a newer one, repeat your scan request." % (request.id))
                                   message.privmsg("Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (request.id), self.scanchan())
                            elif req0age == 0:
                                request.active = False
                                message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan." % (request.id))
                                message.privmsg("Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (request.id), self.scanchan())

                    # Tell the scanners
                    requester = user.name if not Config.getboolean("Misc", "anonscans") else "Anon"
                    if galscan:
                        message.privmsg("[%s:%s] %s requested a Galaxy %s Scan of %s:%s Max Dists(i:%s%s) " % (request.id-len(planets)+1, request.id, requester, 
                                        request.type, planet.x, planet.y, max(galdists), 
                                        "/r:%s" % dists if dists > 0 else "") + Config.get("URL", "reqgscan") % (planet.x, planet.y) , self.scanchan())
                    request = self.request(message, user, planet, scantype, dists)
                    if message.get_chan() != self.scanchan():
                        message.reply("Requested a %s Scan of %s:%s:%s. !request cancel %s to cancel the request." % (request.type, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.id,))

                    # Check for existing scans
                    scan = planet.scan(scantype)
                    if scan and request.tick - scan.tick < PA.getint(scan.scantype,"expire"):
                        message.reply("%s Scan of %s:%s:%s is already available from %s ticks ago: %s. !request cancel %s if this is suitable." % (
                                                                        scantype, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.tick - scan.tick, scan.link, request.id,))
                        # Cancel requests with a 0-tick old scan, if required
                        if (request.tick == scan.tick):
                            req0age = Config.getint("Misc", "req0agej") if request.scantype == "J" else Config.getint("Misc", "req0age")
                            if req0age == 1:
                               Q = session.query(Request).filter(Request.tick == request.tick).filter(Request.planet_id == request.planet_id)
                               Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype == request.scantype).filter(Request.requester_id == request.requester_id)
                               if Q.count() == 1:
                                   request.active = False
                                   message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan. If you really need a newer one, repeat your scan request." % (request.id))
                                   message.privmsg("Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (request.id), self.scanchan())
                            elif req0age == 0:
                                request.active = False
                                message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan." % (request.id))
                                message.privmsg("Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (request.id), self.scanchan())

            if mergescans:
                message.reply("Requested %d scans. !request cancel %s:%s to cancel the request." % (len(planets) * types, request.id-len(planets)*types+1, request.id))
                message.privmsg("[%s:%s] %s requested %d scans (%s) Max Dists(i:%s%s). !request links for details " % (request.id-len(planets)*types+1, request.id, 
                                requester, len(planets)*types, params.group(6).upper(), max(galdists), "/r:%s" % dists if dists > 0 else ""), self.scanchan())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def execute(self, message, user, params):
        tick = Updates.current_tick()
        # Galaxy Scan
        if params.group(5) is None:

            #            Access Control:
            #            Uncomment this and change "group" to the lowest group that can request galscans.
            #            if not user.is_group():
            #                message.alert("Insufficient access for galaxy scans.")
            #                return

            galaxy = Galaxy.load(*params.group(1, 3))
            if galaxy is None:
                message.alert("No galaxy with coords %s:%s" % params.group(1, 3))
            planets = galaxy.planets
            galscan = Config.has_option("Misc", "galscans") and Config.getboolean("Misc", "galscans")
            planet = Planet.load(*params.group(1, 3, 5))
            if planet is None:
                message.alert("No planet with coords %s:%s:%s" % params.group(1, 3, 5))
            planets = [planet]
            galscan = False

        # Scan Quota
        if Config.has_section("ScanQuota"):
            opts = Config.options("ScanQuota")
            q = []
            for o in opts:
                if int(o) >= user.access:
            if q:
                ScanQuota = Config.getint("ScanQuota", str(min(q)))
                reqs = (
                    .filter(Request.requester_id == user.id)
                    .filter(Request.tick == tick)
                if (reqs + len(planets) * len(params.group(6).upper())) > ScanQuota:
                        "This request will exceed your scan quota for this tick (%d scans remaining). "
                        % (ScanQuota - reqs)
                        + "Try searching with !planet, !dev, !unit, !news, !jgp, !au."

        dists = int(params.group(7) or 0)
        galdists = []

        mergescans = (not galscan) and (
            Config.has_option("Misc", "maxscans")
            and len(planets) * len(params.group(6)) > Config.getint("Misc", "maxscans")

        for planet in planets:
            if galscan or mergescans:
                galdists.append(planet.intel.dists if planet.intel else 0)
                if len(galdists) < len(planets):
            types = 0
            for scantype in params.group(6).upper():
                # Reject requests for incoming scans
                if not PA.getboolean(scantype, "request"):
                    message.alert("%s scans cannot be requested." % (PA.get(scantype, "name")))
                types += 1
                if galscan or mergescans:
                    # Request the scans
                    for i in range(len(planets)):
                        request = self.request(message, user, planets[i], scantype, galdists[i], galscan or mergescans)
                    # Inform the requester
                    if galscan and (message.get_chan() != self.scanchan()):
                            "Requested a Galaxy %s Scan of %s:%s. !request cancel %s:%s to cancel the request."
                            % (request.type, planet.x, planet.y, request.id - len(planets) + 1, request.id)
                    # Check for existing scans
                    scan = planet.scan(scantype)
                    if scan and request.tick - scan.tick < PA.getint(scantype, "expire"):
                            "%s Scan of %s:%s:%s is already available from %s ticks ago: %s. !request cancel %s if this is suitable."
                            % (scantype, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.tick - scan.tick, scan.link, request.id)
                        # Cancel requests with a 0-tick old scan, if required
                        if request.tick == scan.tick:
                            req0age = (
                                Config.getint("Misc", "req0agej")
                                if request.scantype == "J"
                                else Config.getint("Misc", "req0age")
                            if req0age == 1:
                                Q = (
                                    .filter(Request.tick == request.tick)
                                    .filter(Request.planet_id == request.planet_id)
                                Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype == request.scantype).filter(
                                    Request.requester_id == request.requester_id
                                if Q.count() == 1:
                                    request.active = False
                                        "Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan. If you really need a newer one, repeat your scan request."
                                        % (request.id)
                                        "Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (request.id), self.scanchan()
                            elif req0age == 0:
                                request.active = False
                                message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan." % (request.id))
                                    "Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (request.id), self.scanchan()

                    # Tell the scanners
                    requester = user.name if not Config.getboolean("Misc", "anonscans") else "Anon"
                    if galscan:
                            "[%s:%s] %s requested a Galaxy %s Scan of %s:%s Max Dists(i:%s%s) "
                            % (
                                request.id - len(planets) + 1,
                                "/r:%s" % dists if dists > 0 else "",
                            + Config.get("URL", "reqgscan") % (planet.x, planet.y),
                    request = self.request(message, user, planet, scantype, dists)
                    if message.get_chan() != self.scanchan():
                            "Requested a %s Scan of %s:%s:%s. !request cancel %s to cancel the request."
                            % (request.type, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.id)

                    # Check for existing scans
                    scan = planet.scan(scantype)
                    if scan and request.tick - scan.tick < PA.getint(scan.scantype, "expire"):
                            "%s Scan of %s:%s:%s is already available from %s ticks ago: %s. !request cancel %s if this is suitable."
                            % (scantype, planet.x, planet.y, planet.z, request.tick - scan.tick, scan.link, request.id)
                        # Cancel requests with a 0-tick old scan, if required
                        if request.tick == scan.tick:
                            req0age = (
                                Config.getint("Misc", "req0agej")
                                if request.scantype == "J"
                                else Config.getint("Misc", "req0age")
                            if req0age == 1:
                                Q = (
                                    .filter(Request.tick == request.tick)
                                    .filter(Request.planet_id == request.planet_id)
                                Q = Q.filter(Request.scantype == request.scantype).filter(
                                    Request.requester_id == request.requester_id
                                if Q.count() == 1:
                                    request.active = False
                                        "Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan. If you really need a newer one, repeat your scan request."
                                        % (request.id)
                                        "Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (request.id), self.scanchan()
                            elif req0age == 0:
                                request.active = False
                                message.reply("Request %s cancelled due to an existing scan." % (request.id))
                                    "Cancelled scan request %s due to existing scan" % (request.id), self.scanchan()

            if mergescans:
                    "Requested %d scans. !request cancel %s:%s to cancel the request."
                    % (len(planets) * types, request.id - len(planets) * types + 1, request.id)
                    "[%s:%s] %s requested %d scans (%s) Max Dists(i:%s%s). !request links for details "
                    % (
                        request.id - len(planets) * types + 1,
                        len(planets) * types,
                        "/r:%s" % dists if dists > 0 else "",