Ejemplo n.º 1
def getproxy(args = None):
    a = NetProcess()
    a.Host = 'www.hao123.com'
    errmsg = ''
    myproxy = SProxy()
    ip_list = myproxy.renew_proxy()
    newitems = 0
    for item in ip_list:
            ishave = Proxy.objects.filter(ip = str(item))
            if ishave.count() > 0:
            a.Proxy = item
            res = a.GetResFromRequest('GET', "http://www.hao123.com/", 'utf-8', use_proxy=True)
            if isinstance(res, str):
                newitems += 1
                newproxy = Proxy()
                newproxy.ip = item
                newproxy.is_online = True
                newproxy.is_used = False
                newproxy.req_times = 0
                newproxy.get_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        except Exception, e:
            errmsg = str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def checkproxy(args = None):
    a = NetProcess()
    useless = 0
    off = Proxy.objects.filter(is_online = False).delete()
    oters = Proxy.objects.all()
    print oters.count()
    for item in oters:
        a.Proxy = item.ip
        res = a.GetResFromRequest('GET', "http://napos.ele.me/login", 'utf-8', use_proxy=True)
        if not isinstance(res, str):
            print 'del ' + item.ip
            useless += 1
            # print res
            print item.ip + ' connect success'
    content = '代理检验完成,删除无效代理' + str(useless) + '个'
    print content
    newlog = CronLog()
    newlog.ltype = 2
    newlog.content = content
    newlog.status = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
class SProxy(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.HttpR = NetProcess()
        self.XICIURL = 'http://www.xici.net.co/nn/'
        self.KUAI = 'http://www.kuaidaili.com/free/inha/'
        self.CNPROXY = 'http://cn-proxy.com/'
        self.ip_list = []

    def open_file(self, filename):
        with open(filename, 'r') as f1:
            html = ''
            line = f1.readline()
            while line:
                html += line
                line = f1.readline()
        return html

    def get_proxy_from_xici(self):
        flag = 0
        # self.HttpR.Host = 'www.xici.net.co'
        for j in range(1, 4):
                res = self.HttpR.GetResFromRequest('GET',
                                                   self.XICIURL + str(j),
                if res is None:
                    flag += 1
                soup = BeautifulSoup(res)
                tr_res = soup.findAll('tr')
                # print len(tr_res)
                for i in range(1, len(tr_res)):
                    td_res = tr_res[i].findAll('td')
                    ip = str(td_res[2].string) + ':' + str(td_res[3].string)
            except Exception, e:
                print e
        if flag == 3:
            return False
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, merchantid, use_proxy=False):
     self.net = NetProcess()
     self.__use_proxy = False
     if use_proxy:
         self.__use_proxy = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Ele(object):
    def __init__(self, merchantid, use_proxy=False):
        self.net = NetProcess()
        self.__use_proxy = False
        if use_proxy:
            self.__use_proxy = True
        # self.net.Host = 'napos.ele.me'

    # def catcheorder(self, merchant):
    #     thiscount = 0
    #     # self.net.Referer = 'http://napos.ele.me/'
    #     print 'catcheele'
    #     # self.set_proxy(merchant)
    #     if not self.iflogin(merchant):
    #         res = self.loginele(merchant)
    #         if res is None or res is False:
    #             return None
    #     # cur_list = Merchant.objects.filter(id = self.merchantid)
    #     cache_list = CatcheData.objects.filter(merchant = merchant)
    #     cache = cache_list[0]
    #     self.net.SetCookie(str(cache.ele_cookie))
    #     tn = str(time.time())[0:10] + '000'
    #     requrl = 'http://napos.ele.me/order/list?list=unprocessed_waimai&t=' + tn
    #     html = self.net.GetResFromRequest('GET', requrl, 'utf-8')
    #     print html
    #     # with open('abc.txt', 'r') as f1:
    #     #     line = f1.readline()
    #     #     while line:
    #     #         html += line
    #     #         line = f1.readline()
    #     # print html
    #     if not isinstance(html, str):
    #         newlog = RunTimeLog()
    #         newlog.content = '爬虫抓单失败'
    #         newlog.err_message = str(html)
    #         newlog.status = False
    #         newlog.ltype = 18
    #         newlog.merchant = merchant
    #         newlog.save()
    #         # check_proxy_times(str(self.net.Proxy))
    #         return None
    #     # reset_proxy_times(str(self.net.Proxy))
    #     soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
    #     intro = soup.find('ul', attrs={'id': 'list_items'})
    #     if intro is None:
    #         notlogin = soup.find('label', attrs={'for': 'tab1'})
    #         if notlogin is not None:
    #             self.cookie = None
    #         print 'no new orders, login failed'
    #         return False
    #     res = intro.findAll('li')
    #     if len(res) == 0:
    #         print 'no new orders'
    #         return False
    #     thiscount = int(DayOrder.objects.filter(merchant=merchant, platform=2).count()) + 1
    #     totalcount = int(DayOrder.objects.filter(merchant=merchant).count()) + 1
    #     # print 'start: ' + str(thiscount)
    #     for item in res:
    #         print item
    #         neworder = DayOrder()
    #         onpay = False
    #         yu_time = item.find('a', attrs={'rel': 'tipsy'})
    #         process_num = item.find('span', attrs={'class': 'process_num'})
    #         detail = item.find('p', attrs={'class': 'list_addr'})
    #         note = item.find('p', attrs={'class': 'list_description'})
    #         price = item.find('p', attrs={'class': 'list_price'})
    #         menu = item.find('div', attrs={'class': 'menu_content'})
    #         orderid = item['orderid']
    #         print orderid
    #         ifhave = DayOrder.objects.filter(order_id_old = str(orderid))
    #         if ifhave.count() > 0:
    #         # print 'break'
    #         # print auto_id + 1
    #             continue
    #         timestamp = item['createdat']
    #         online = item['online-pay']
    #         if note is not None:
    #             note = note.string[2:]
    #         if online != '':
    #             onpay = True
    #         phone = item.find('p', attrs={'class': 'list_customer'})
    #         formattime = time.localtime(float(timestamp))
    #         datetimee = datetime.datetime(*formattime[:6])
    #         timee = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', formattime)
    #         newid = createAlinOrderNum(2, merchant.id, thiscount)
    #         thiscount += 1
    #         qrres = createqr(1, newid)
    #         time.sleep(1)
    #         if yu_time.has_attr('explain'):
    #             res = re.findall(r'([0-9,:, ,-]+)', str(yu_time['explain']))
    #             if len(res) > 0:
    #                 yutt = time.strptime(str(res[0]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    #                 yudatetime = datetime.datetime(*yutt[:6])
    #                 neworder.send_time = yudatetime
    #             else:
    #                 neworder.send_time = datetimee
    #         else:
    #             neworder.send_time = datetimee
    #         address = detail.string[3:]
    #         neworder.address = address[1:]
    #         neworder.order_id_alin = newid
    #         neworder.order_id_old = orderid
    #         neworder.origin_price = price.string[1:]
    #         neworder.real_price = price.string[1:]
    #         orderphone = phone.string[3:]
    #         phonelist = orderphone.split(',')
    #         neworder.phone = phonelist[0]
    #         neworder.order_time = datetimee
    #         neworder.status = 1
    #         neworder.promotion = 'nothing'
    #         neworder.day_num = str(totalcount)
    #         neworder.pay = onpay
    #         if note is None:
    #             neworder.note = ''
    #         else:
    #             neworder.note = note
    #         if len(phonelist) > 1:
    #             neworder.note += '应急电话:%s' % phonelist[1]
    #         neworder.platform = 2
    #         neworder.qr_path = qrres
    #         neworder.merchant = merchant
    #         neworder.plat_num = str(process_num.string)
    #         neworder.save()
    #         print timee
    #         print orderid
    #         print phone.string[3:]
    #         print price.string[1:]
    #         print address
    #         dishname = menu.findAll(attrs = {'class': 'dishname'})
    #         dishcount = menu.findAll(attrs = {'class': 'item_quantity'})
    #         dishprice = menu.findAll(attrs = {'class': 'item_price'})
    #         for i in range(0, len(dishname)):
    #             newdish = Dish()
    #             newdish.dish_name = str(dishname[i].string)
    #             newdish.dish_count = int(dishcount[i].string)
    #             newdish.dish_price = float(dishprice[i].string)
    #             newdish.order = DayOrder.objects.get(order_id_alin = newid)
    #             newdish.save()
    #     return True

    def catcheorder(self, merchant):
        thiscount = 0
        # self.net.Referer = 'http://napos.ele.me/'
        print 'catcheele'
        # self.set_proxy(merchant)
        if not self.iflogin(merchant):
            res = self.loginele(merchant)
            if res is None or res is False:
                return None
        # cur_list = Merchant.objects.filter(id = self.merchantid)
        cache_list = CatcheData.objects.filter(merchant=merchant)
        cache = cache_list[0]
        tn = str(time.time())[0:10] + '000'
        requrl = 'http://napos.ele.me/order/list?list=unprocessed_waimai&t=' + tn
        if self.__use_proxy:
            print 'use proxy catche'
            html = self.net.GetResFromRequest('GET', requrl, 'utf-8', use_proxy=True)
            html = self.net.GetResFromRequest('GET', requrl, 'utf-8')
        print html
        # with open('abc.txt', 'r') as f1:
        #     line = f1.readline()
        #     while line:
        #         html += line
        #         line = f1.readline()
        if not isinstance(html, str):
            newlog = RunTimeLog()
            newlog.content = '爬虫抓单失败'
            newlog.err_message = str(html)
            newlog.status = False
            newlog.ltype = 18
            newlog.merchant = merchant
            if self.__use_proxy:
            return None
        if self.__use_proxy:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
        intro = soup.find('ul', attrs={'id': 'list_items'})
        if intro is None:
            notlogin = soup.find('label', attrs={'for': 'tab1'})
            if notlogin is not None:
                self.cookie = None
            print 'no new orders, login failed'
            return False
        res = soup.findAll('div', attrs={'id': 'order_json_data'})
        if len(res) == 0:
            print 'no new orders'
            return False
        thiscount = int(DayOrder.objects.filter(merchant=merchant, platform=2).count()) + 1
        totalcount = int(DayOrder.objects.filter(merchant=merchant).count()) + 1
        # print 'start: ' + str(thiscount)
        print len(res)
        for item in res:
            # print item
            onpay = False
            jsonres = simplejson.loads(item.string)
            if_book = jsonres['isBook']
            delivertime = jsonres['deliverTime']
            orderid = jsonres['id']
            price = jsonres['total']
            ordertime = jsonres['createdAt']
            phone = str(jsonres['phone']).split(',')
            plat_num = jsonres['restaurantNumber']
            address = unicode(jsonres['address']).encode('unicode_escape').decode('unicode_escape')
            note = jsonres['description']
            onpay = jsonres['isOnlinePayment']
            print orderid
            ifhave = DayOrder.objects.filter(order_id_old = str(orderid))
            if ifhave.count() > 0:
            if len(phone) > 1:
                note += '应急电话:%s' % phone[1]
                phone = phone[0]
                phone = phone[0]
            newid = createAlinOrderNum(2, merchant.id, thiscount)
            thiscount += 1
            qrres = createqr(1, newid)
            ordertime_t = time.strptime(str(ordertime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            ordertime_datetime = datetime.datetime(*ordertime_t[:6])
            neworder = DayOrder(order_id_alin=newid, order_id_old=orderid, phone=phone, pay=onpay, address=address, platform=2, plat_num=plat_num, note=note, origin_price=price, real_price=price, status=1, order_time=ordertime_datetime, day_num=totalcount, qr_path=qrres)
            if if_book:
                # print len(delivertime)
                deliver_u  = str(delivertime).replace('分', '').replace('点', '')
                deliver_s = deliver_u.encode('unicode_escape').decode('unicode_escape')
                # print deliver_s
                date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                date += ' ' + deliver_s
                deliver_t = time.strptime(str(date), "%Y-%m-%d %H%M")
                deliver_datetime = datetime.datetime(*deliver_t[:6])
                neworder.send_time = deliver_datetime
                neworder.send_time = ordertime_datetime
            neworder.merchant = merchant
            dishs = jsonres['items']
            norder = DayOrder.objects.get(order_id_alin=newid)
            for itm in dishs:
                dishname = unicode(itm['name']).encode('unicode_escape').decode('unicode_escape')
                dishcount = itm['quantity']
                dishprice = float(itm['price'])
                newdish = Dish(dish_name=dishname, dish_price=dishprice, dish_count=dishcount)
                newdish.order = norder
        return True

    def iflogin(self, merchant):
        cache_list = CatcheData.objects.filter(merchant=merchant)
        if cache_list.count() > 0:
            cache = cache_list[0]
            if cache.ele_cookie != '':
                return True
            return False
            return False

    def loginele(self, curmet):
        # self.set_proxy(curmet)
        # self.net.Referer = 'http://napos.ele.me/login'
        print 'loginele'
        user = str(curmet.ele_account)
        passwd = str(curmet.ele_passwd)
        de_pass = Decrypt(passwd)
        postdic = {'username': user, 'password': de_pass}
        # print 'login ele'
        if self.__use_proxy:
            print 'use proxy login'
            html = self.net.GetResFromRequest('POST', 'http://napos.ele.me/auth/doLogin', 'utf-8', postdic, use_proxy=True)
            html = self.net.GetResFromRequest('POST', 'http://napos.ele.me/auth/doLogin', 'utf-8', postdic)
        # print 'login end'
        if not isinstance(html, str):
            newlog = RunTimeLog()
            newlog.content = '饿了么登陆失败'
            newlog.merchant = curmet
            newlog.err_message = str(html)
            newlog.ltype = 15
            newlog.status = False
            if self.__use_proxy:
            if self.__use_proxy:
            res_json = simplejson.loads(html)
            if res_json['success'] is False:
                errmsg = unicode(res_json['message'])
                curmet.ele_message = errmsg.encode('unicode_escape').decode('unicode_escape')
                curmet.ele_status = False
                newlog = RunTimeLog()
                newlog.content = '饿了么登陆失败'
                newlog.merchant = curmet
                newlog.err_message = errmsg
                newlog.ltype = 15
                return False
            elif res_json['success'] is True:
                # if self.net.Cookies['SSID'] == 'nothing find':
                #     res = self.loginele()
                #     return res
                curmet.ele_status = True
                cache_list = CatcheData.objects.filter(merchant = curmet)
                print str(self.net.OutPutCookie())
                if cache_list.count() > 0:
                    cache = cache_list[0]
                    cache.ele_cookie = str(self.net.OutPutCookie())
                    cache = CatcheData()
                    cache.ele_cookie = str(self.net.OutPutCookie())
                    cache.merchant = curmet
                return True

    def ensureorder(self, curmet, order):
        # curmet_list = Merchant.objects.filter(id = self.merchantid)
        # if curmet_list.count() == 0:
        #     return None
        # self.set_proxy(curmet)
        if not self.iflogin(curmet):
            res = self.loginele(curmet)
            if res is None or res is False:
                return None
        cache_list = CatcheData.objects.filter(merchant = curmet)
        cache = cache_list[0]
        requrl = 'http://napos.ele.me/order/processOrder/id/' + str(order) + '/category/1'
        if self.__use_proxy:
            print 'use proxy ensure'
            html = self.net.GetResFromRequest('GET', requrl, 'utf-8', use_proxy=True)
            html = self.net.GetResFromRequest('GET', requrl, 'utf-8')
        if not isinstance(html, str):
            newlog = RunTimeLog()
            newlog.content = '确认饿了没订单失败'
            newlog.status = False
            newlog.err_message = str(html)
            newlog.ltype = 16
            newlog.merchant = curmet
            return False
        if str(html) == '0':
            newlog = RunTimeLog()
            newlog.content = '确认饿了没订单失败'
            newlog.status = False
            newlog.err_message = str(order) + html
            newlog.ltype = 16
            newlog.merchant = curmet
            return False
        return True

    def refuseorder(self, curmet, order):
        # self.set_proxy(curmet)
        if not self.iflogin(curmet):
            res = self.loginele(curmet)
            if res is None or res is False:
                return None
        cache_list = CatcheData.objects.filter(merchant = curmet)
        cache = cache_list[0]
        requrl = 'http://napos.ele.me/order/setInvalid/id/' + str(order) + '/category/1?type=6&remark='
        if self.__use_proxy:
            print 'use proxy refuse'
            html = self.net.GetResFromRequest('GET', requrl, 'utf-8', use_proxy=True)
            html = self.net.GetResFromRequest('GET', requrl, 'utf-8')
        if not isinstance(html, str):
            newlog = RunTimeLog()
            newlog.content = '拒绝饿了么订单失败'
            newlog.status = False
            newlog.err_message = str(html)
            newlog.ltype = 17
            newlog.merchant = curmet
            return False
        if str(html) == '0':
            newlog = RunTimeLog()
            newlog.content = '拒绝饿了么订单失败'
            newlog.ltype = 17
            newlog.err_message = str(order) + html
            newlog.status = False
            newlog.merchant = curmet
            return False
        return True

    def set_proxy(self, curmet):
        ip = distriproxy(str(curmet))
        if isinstance(ip, str):
            self.net.Proxy = str(ip)
            print 'no proxy, use real ip'
            self.__use_proxy = False
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     self.HttpR = NetProcess()
     self.XICIURL = 'http://www.xici.net.co/nn/'
     self.KUAI = 'http://www.kuaidaili.com/free/inha/'
     self.CNPROXY = 'http://cn-proxy.com/'
     self.ip_list = []