Ejemplo n.º 1
                    self.log.debug("%s: Valid signs: %s/%s" % (inner_path, valid_signs, signs_required))
                    return valid_signs >= signs_required
                else:  # Old style signing
                    return CryptBitcoin.verify(sign_content, self.site.address, sign)

            except Exception, err:
                self.log.error("Verify sign error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
                return False

        else:  # Check using sha512 hash
            file_info = self.getFileInfo(inner_path)
            if file_info:
                if "sha512" in file_info:
                    hash_valid = CryptHash.sha512sum(file) == file_info["sha512"]
                elif "sha1" in file_info:  # Backward compatibility
                    hash_valid = CryptHash.sha1sum(file) == file_info["sha1"]
                    hash_valid = False
                if file_info.get("size", 0) != file.tell():
                        "%s file size does not match %s <> %s, Hash: %s" %
                        (inner_path, file.tell(), file_info.get("size", 0), hash_valid)
                    return False
                return hash_valid

            else:  # File not in content.json
                self.log.error("File not in content.json: %s" % inner_path)
                return False

    def addOptionalFile(self, inner_path):
Ejemplo n.º 2
                        self.log.debug("%s: Valid signs: %s/%s" % (inner_path, valid_signs, signs_required))
                    return valid_signs >= signs_required
                else:  # Old style signing
                    return CryptBitcoin.verify(sign_content, self.site.address, sign)

            except Exception, err:
                self.log.error("Verify sign error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
                return False

        else:  # Check using sha512 hash
            file_info = self.getFileInfo(inner_path)
            if file_info:
                if "sha512" in file_info:
                    hash_valid = CryptHash.sha512sum(file) == file_info["sha512"]
                elif "sha1" in file_info:  # Backward compatibility
                    hash_valid = CryptHash.sha1sum(file) == file_info["sha1"]
                    hash_valid = False
                if file_info.get("size", 0) != file.tell():
                        "%s file size does not match %s <> %s, Hash: %s" %
                        (inner_path, file.tell(), file_info.get("size", 0), hash_valid)
                    return False
                return hash_valid

            else:  # File not in content.json
                self.log.error("File not in content.json: %s" % inner_path)
                return False

    def addOptionalFile(self, inner_path):
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def signContent(self, privatekey=None):
        if not self.content:  # New site
                "Site not exits yet, loading default content.json values...")
            self.content = {
                "files": {},
                "title": "%s - ZeroNet_" % self.address,
                "sign": "",
                "modified": 0.0,
                "description": "",
                "address": self.address,
                "ignore": "",
                "zeronet_version": config.version
            }  # Default content.json

        self.log.info("Opening site data directory: %s..." % self.directory)

        hashed_files = {}

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.directory):
            for file_name in files:
                file_path = self.getPath("%s/%s" % (root, file_name))

                if file_name == "content.json" or (
                        self.content["ignore"] and re.match(
                            file_path.replace(self.directory + "/", ""))
                ):  # Dont add content.json and ignore regexp pattern definied in content.json
                    self.log.info("- [SKIPPED] %s" % file_path)
                    sha1sum = CryptHash.sha1sum(
                        file_path)  # Calculate sha1 sum of file
                    sha512sum = CryptHash.sha512sum(
                        file_path)  # Calculate sha512 sum of file
                    inner_path = re.sub("^%s/" % re.escape(self.directory), "",
                    self.log.info("- %s (SHA512: %s)" % (file_path, sha512sum))
                    hashed_files[inner_path] = {
                        "sha1": sha1sum,
                        "sha512": sha512sum,
                        "size": os.path.getsize(file_path)

        # Generate new content.json
        self.log.info("Adding timestamp and sha512sums to new content.json...")

        content = self.content.copy()  # Create a copy of current content.json
        content["address"] = self.address
        content["files"] = hashed_files  # Add files sha512 hash
        content["modified"] = time.time()  # Add timestamp
        content["zeronet_version"] = config.version  # Signer's zeronet version
        del (content["sign"])  # Delete old sign

        # Signing content
        from Crypt import CryptBitcoin

        self.log.info("Verifying private key...")
        privatekey_address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey)
        if self.address != privatekey_address:
            return self.log.error(
                "Private key invalid! Site address: %s, Private key address: %s"
                % (self.address, privatekey_address))

        self.log.info("Signing modified content.json...")
        sign_content = json.dumps(content, sort_keys=True)
        sign = CryptBitcoin.sign(sign_content, privatekey)
        content["sign"] = sign

        # Saving modified content.json
        self.log.info("Saving to %s/content.json..." % self.directory)
        open("%s/content.json" % self.directory,
             "w").write(json.dumps(content, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

        self.log.info("Site signed!")
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def sign(self, inner_path="content.json", privatekey=None, filewrite=True):
        content = self.contents.get(inner_path)
        if not content:  # Content not exits yet, load default one
            self.log.info("File %s not exits yet, loading default values..." %
            content = {"files": {}, "signs": {}}  # Default content.json
            if inner_path == "content.json":  # Its the root content.json, add some more fields
                content["title"] = "%s - ZeroNet_" % self.site.address
                content["description"] = ""
                content["signs_required"] = 1
                content["ignore"] = ""

        directory = self.toDir(self.site.getPath(inner_path))
        self.log.info("Opening site data directory: %s..." % directory)

        hashed_files = {}
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
            for file_name in files:
                file_path = self.site.getPath("%s/%s" %
                                              (root.strip("/"), file_name))
                file_inner_path = re.sub(re.escape(directory), "", file_path)

                if file_name == "content.json" or (
                        and re.match(content["ignore"], file_inner_path)
                ) or file_name.startswith(
                ):  # Ignore content.json, definied regexp and files starting with .
                    self.log.info("- [SKIPPED] %s" % file_inner_path)
                    sha512sum = CryptHash.sha512sum(
                        file_path)  # Calculate sha512 sum of file
                    self.log.info("- %s (SHA512: %s)" %
                                  (file_inner_path, sha512sum))
                    hashed_files[file_inner_path] = {
                        "sha512": sha512sum,
                        "size": os.path.getsize(file_path)
                    if inner_path == "content.json":  # Backward compatibility to root conten.json
                            "sha1"] = CryptHash.sha1sum(file_path)

        # Generate new content.json
        self.log.info("Adding timestamp and sha512sums to new content.json...")

        new_content = content.copy()  # Create a copy of current content.json
        new_content["files"] = hashed_files  # Add files sha512 hash
        new_content["modified"] = time.time()  # Add timestamp
        if inner_path == "content.json":
            new_content["address"] = self.site.address
            new_content["zeronet_version"] = config.version
            new_content["signs_required"] = content.get("signs_required", 1)

        from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
        self.log.info("Verifying private key...")
        privatekey_address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey)
        valid_signers = self.getValidSigners(inner_path)
        if privatekey_address not in valid_signers:
            return self.log.error(
                "Private key invalid! Valid signers: %s, Private key address: %s"
                % (valid_signers, privatekey_address))
        self.log.info("Correct %s in valid signers: %s" %
                      (privatekey_address, valid_signers))

        if inner_path == "content.json" and privatekey_address == self.site.address:  # If signing using the root key sign the valid signers
            new_content["signers_sign"] = CryptBitcoin.sign(
                "%s:%s" %
                (new_content["signs_required"], ",".join(valid_signers)),
            if not new_content["signers_sign"]:
                self.log.info("Old style address, signers_sign is none")

        self.log.info("Signing %s..." % inner_path)

        if "signs" in new_content:
            del (new_content["signs"])  # Delete old signs
        if "sign" in new_content:
            del (new_content["sign"]
                 )  # Delete old sign (backward compatibility)

        sign_content = json.dumps(new_content, sort_keys=True)
        sign = CryptBitcoin.sign(sign_content, privatekey)
        #new_content["signs"] = content.get("signs", {}) # TODO: Multisig
        if sign:  # If signing is successful (not an old address)
            new_content["signs"] = {}
            new_content["signs"][privatekey_address] = sign

        if inner_path == "content.json":  # To root content.json add old format sign for backward compatibility
            oldsign_content = json.dumps(new_content, sort_keys=True)
            new_content["sign"] = CryptBitcoin.signOld(oldsign_content,

        if filewrite:
            self.log.info("Saving to %s..." % inner_path)
                      open(self.site.getPath(inner_path), "w"),

        self.log.info("File %s signed!" % inner_path)

        if filewrite:  # Written to file
            return True
        else:  # Return the new content
            return new_content
Ejemplo n.º 5
                )  # Dump the json to string to remove whitepsace

                return CryptBitcoin.verify(sign_content, self.address, sign)
            except Exception, err:
                self.log.error("Verify sign error: %s" %
                return False

        else:  # Check using sha1 hash
            if self.content and inner_path in self.content["files"]:
                if "sha512" in self.content["files"][
                        inner_path]:  # Use sha512 to verify if possible
                    return CryptHash.sha512sum(
                        file) == self.content["files"][inner_path]["sha512"]
                else:  # Backward compatiblity
                    return CryptHash.sha1sum(
                        file) == self.content["files"][inner_path]["sha1"]

            else:  # File not in content.json
                self.log.error("File not in content.json: %s" % inner_path)
                return False

    # Verify all files sha512sum using content.json
    def verifyFiles(self, quick_check=False):  # Fast = using file size
        bad_files = []
        if not self.content:  # No content.json, download it first
                          update=True)  # Force update to fix corrupt file
            self.loadContent()  # Reload content.json
        for inner_path in self.content["files"].keys():
            file_path = self.getPath(inner_path)
            if not os.path.isfile(file_path):