Ejemplo n.º 1
def DESMAC(message, key, ssc):
    "iso 9797-1 Algorithm 3 (Retail MAC)"
    # DES for all blocks
    # DES3 for last block

    tdesa = DES.new(key[0:8], DES.MODE_ECB, DES_IV)
    tdesb = DES.new(key[8:16], DES.MODE_ECB, DES_IV)
    if ssc:
        mac = tdesa.encrypt(ToBinary(ssc))
        mac = DES_IV
    message += PADBlock('')
    for y in range(len(message) / 8):
        current = message[y * 8:(y * 8) + 8]
        left = right = ''
        for x in range(len(mac)):
            left += '%02x' % ord(mac[x])
            right += '%02x' % ord(current[x])
        machex = '%016x' % xor(int(left, 16), int(right, 16))
        # print machex
        mac = tdesa.encrypt(ToBinary(machex))
        # print mac
    mac = tdesb.decrypt(mac)

    return tdesa.encrypt(mac)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mac(key, msg):
    # Source: PKI for machine readable travel document offering
    #        ICC read-only access
    # Release:1.1
    # October 01,2004
    # p46 of 57

    #        print 'MAC'
    #        print '---'

    size = len(msg) / 8
    y = "\x00" * 8
    tdesa = DES.new(key[0:8], DES.MODE_CBC, y)
    #        print 'IV: ' + binToHexRep(y)

    for i in range(size):
        #            print 'x' + str(i) + ': ' + binToHexRep(msg[i*8:i*8+8])
        y = tdesa.encrypt(msg[i * 8 : i * 8 + 8])
    #            print 'y' + str(i) + ': ' + binToHexRep(y)

    tdesb = DES.new(key[8:16])
    tdesa = DES.new(key[0:8])

    b = tdesb.decrypt(y)
    #        print 'b: ' + binToHexRep(b)
    a = tdesa.encrypt(b)
    #        print 'a: ' + binToHexRep(a)

    return a
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    print 'enter input:'
    inp = sys.stdin.readline()
    inp = _normalize(inp, 16)
    key8 = get_random_bytes(8)
    key16 = get_random_bytes(16)
    iv8 = get_random_bytes(8)
    iv16 = get_random_bytes(16)
    print 'key8\t', _to_hex(key8)
    print 'key16\t', _to_hex(key16)
    print 'iv8\t', _to_hex(iv8)
    print 'iv16\t', _to_hex(iv16)
    print 'DES, ECB mode'
    des = DES.new(key8, DES.MODE_ECB)
    enc = des.encrypt(inp)
    print '\tencoded:', _to_hex(enc)
    print '\tentropy:', _entropy_hex(_to_hex(enc))
    print 'DES, CBC mode'
    des = DES.new(key8, DES.MODE_CBC, iv8)
    enc = des.encrypt(inp)
    print '\tencoded:', _to_hex(enc)
    print '\tentropy:', _entropy_hex(_to_hex(enc))
    print 'AES, ECB mode'
    aes = AES.new(key16, AES.MODE_ECB)
    enc = aes.encrypt(inp)
    print '\tencoded:', _to_hex(enc)
    print '\tentropy:', _entropy_hex(_to_hex(enc))
    print 'DES, CBC mode'
    aes = AES.new(key16, AES.MODE_CBC, iv16)
    enc = aes.encrypt(inp)
    print '\tencoded:', _to_hex(enc)
    print '\tentropy:', _entropy_hex(_to_hex(enc))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def encrypt_change(old, new):
    """Encrypt old and new passwords for a DND change password
    request.  Returns a tuple consisting of the old password encrypted
    using the new one as a key, and the new password encrypted using
    the old one as a key, both encoded as a string of ASCII octal
    digits as required by the DND protocol.

    old   -- Old cleartext password (str)
    new   -- New cleartext password (str)
    if len(old) < DES.key_size:
        pad = chr(0) * (DES.key_size - len(old))
        old += pad
    if len(new) < DES.key_size:
        pad = chr(0) * (DES.key_size - len(new))
        new += pad
    okey = DES.new(old, DES.MODE_ECB)
    nkey = DES.new(new, DES.MODE_ECB)
    old_w_new = nkey.encrypt(old); del(nkey)
    new_w_old = okey.encrypt(new); del(okey)
    return (encode_octal(old_w_new), encode_octal(new_w_old))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def DeCrypt(str):
    global DES_KEY
    global RSA_CACHE

    size  = len(str)
    if size < 32 + 2:
        return str
    keylen = size - 32 - 2
    KeyId = str[0:2]
    DesData = str[2+keylen:]

    if keylen > 0:
        rsadeskey = str[2:2+keylen].decode("hex")
        dk = RSA_CACHE.get(rsadeskey)
        if dk == None:            
            rsapri = ImportRsaPriKey(KeyId)
            dk = rsapri.decrypt(rsadeskey)
            RSA_CACHE[rsadeskey] = dk

        des = DES.new(dk, DES.MODE_ECB)
        dd = des.decrypt(DesData.decode("hex"))

        return dd.lstrip('0')
        if not DES_KEY:
            DES_KEY = ImportDesKey(KeyId)

        des = DES.new(DES_KEY, DES.MODE_ECB)
        dd = des.decrypt(DesData.decode("hex"))
        return dd.lstrip('0')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def instantiateClassDesLib(self):
     if self.DES_KEY == '':
         showerror(title='ERROR', message='No Key! Please enter the DES Key first.')
         iv = Random.get_random_bytes(8)
         self.DES_INSTANCE1 = DES.new(self.DES_KEY, DES.MODE_CFB, iv)
         self.DES_INSTANCE2 = DES.new(self.DES_KEY, DES.MODE_CFB, iv)
         self.DES_INSTANCE_FLAG = True
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __removeDESLayer(self, cryptedHash, rid):
        Key1,Key2 = self.__cryptoCommon.deriveKey(int(rid))

        Crypt1 = DES.new(Key1, DES.MODE_ECB)
        Crypt2 = DES.new(Key2, DES.MODE_ECB)

        decryptedHash = Crypt1.decrypt(cryptedHash[:8]) + Crypt2.decrypt(cryptedHash[8:])

        return decryptedHash
Ejemplo n.º 8
def removeDESLayer(cryptedHash, rid):
    Key1, Key2 = deriveKey(rid)

    Crypt1 = DES.new(Key1, DES.MODE_ECB)
    Crypt2 = DES.new(Key2, DES.MODE_ECB)

    decryptedHash = Crypt1.decrypt(cryptedHash[:8]) + Crypt2.decrypt(cryptedHash[8:])

    return decryptedHash
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: dukpt.py Proyecto: PaulSec/DET
    def derive_key(self, ipek, ksn):
        """Derive a unique key given the ipek and ksn

        Keyword arguments:
        ipek (BitArray) -- Initial Pin Encryption Key
        ksn (BitArray)  -- Key Serial Number
        c_mask       = BitArray(hex='0xc0c0c0c000000000c0c0c0c000000000')
        ksn_offset   = 2
        ctr_offset   = -3
        right_offset = 8

        # Registers taken from documentation
        curkey = ipek
        ksnr   = BitArray(bytes=ksn.bytes[ksn_offset:])
        r3     = self.copy_counter(ksnr)
        r8     = self.reset_counter(ksnr.bytes)
        sr     = BitArray(hex='0x100000')
        while (sr.bytes[0] != '\x00') or (sr.bytes[1] != '\x00') or (sr.bytes[2] != '\x00'):
            tmp = self.copy_counter(sr)
            tmp = tmp & r3
            if (tmp.bytes[0] != '\x00') or (tmp.bytes[1] != '\x00') or (tmp.bytes[2] != '\x00'): 
                # Step 2
                n_ctr = BitArray(bytes=r8.bytes[ctr_offset:]) | sr
                r8    = BitArray(bytes=r8.bytes[:ctr_offset]+n_ctr.bytes)
                # Step 3
                r8a   = r8 ^ BitArray(bytes=curkey.bytes[right_offset:])
                # Step 4
                cipher = DES.new(curkey.bytes[:DES.key_size], DES.MODE_ECB)
                r8a    = BitArray(bytes=cipher.encrypt(r8a.bytes))
                # Step 5
                r8a = BitArray(bytes=curkey.bytes[right_offset:]) ^ r8a

                # Step 6
                curkey = curkey ^ c_mask
                # Step 7
                r8b = BitArray(bytes=curkey.bytes[right_offset:]) ^ r8
                # Step 8
                cipher = DES.new(curkey.bytes[:DES.key_size], DES.MODE_ECB)
                r8b    = BitArray(bytes=cipher.encrypt(r8b.bytes))
                # Step 9
                r8b = BitArray(bytes=curkey.bytes[right_offset:]) ^ r8b

                # Step 10 / 11
                curkey = BitArray(bytes=r8b.bytes+r8a.bytes)

            sr >>= 1
        self._cur_key = curkey
        return curkey
Ejemplo n.º 10
def ChallengeResponse(challenge, NTHash):
        """ Return Challenge Response""" 
        key1 = expand_key(NTHash[0:7])
        key2 = expand_key(NTHash[7:14])
        key3 = expand_key(NTHash[14:16]+"\x00"*5) 
        cr1 = (DES.new(key1, DES.MODE_ECB)).encrypt(challenge)
        cr2 = (DES.new(key2, DES.MODE_ECB)).encrypt(challenge)
        cr3 = (DES.new(key3, DES.MODE_ECB)).encrypt(challenge)
        return (cr1 + cr2 + cr3)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def decrypt_single_salted_hash(rid, hbootkey, enc_hash, lmntstr, salt):
    if enc_hash == "":
        return ""
    (des_k1,des_k2) = sid_to_key(rid)
    d1 = DES.new(des_k1, DES.MODE_ECB)
    d2 = DES.new(des_k2, DES.MODE_ECB)
    cipher = AES.new(hbootkey[:16], AES.MODE_CBC, salt)
    obfkey = cipher.decrypt(enc_hash)
    hash = d1.decrypt(obfkey[:8]) + d2.decrypt(obfkey[8:16])

    return hash
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def retailMac(self, data):
     '''Compute the Retail MAC for an APDU'''
     paddingSize = 8 - ((len(data) / 2) % 8)
     workData = data + "8000000000000000"[0:paddingSize * 2]
     des = DES.new(self.toBinaryDES(self.cmacKey[0:16]), DES.MODE_CBC, self.toBinaryDES("0000000000000000"))
     res = des.encrypt(self.toBinaryDES(workData))
     lastBlock = res[len(res) - 8:]
     des = DES.new(self.toBinaryDES(self.cmacKey[16:32]), DES.MODE_ECB)
     lastBlock = des.decrypt(lastBlock)
     des = DES.new(self.toBinaryDES(self.cmacKey[0:16]), DES.MODE_ECB)
     return self.toHexDES(des.encrypt(lastBlock))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def getPackets(self):
     # values do not matter at all
     datakey = "\x96\x03\xc7\xc0\x53\x37\xd2\xf0"
     firstiv = "\x08\xd9\xcb\xd4\xc1\x5e\xc0\xff"
     keycrypter = DES.new(self.getKEK(), DES.MODE_ECB)
     key = keycrypter.encrypt(datakey)
     datacrypter = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_CBC, firstiv)
     # to be obtained from http://users.physik.fu-berlin.de/~mkarcher/ATRAC/LP2.wav
     file = open("/tmp/LP2.wav")
     data = file.read(testframes*192)
     return [(datakey,firstiv,datacrypter.encrypt(data))]
Ejemplo n.º 14
def decrypt_single_hash(rid, hbootkey, enc_hash, lmntstr):
    (des_k1, des_k2) = sid_to_key(rid)
    d1 = DES.new(des_k1, DES.MODE_ECB)
    d2 = DES.new(des_k2, DES.MODE_ECB)

    md5 = MD5.new()
    md5.update(hbootkey[:0x10] + pack("<L", rid) + lmntstr)
    rc4_key = md5.digest()
    rc4 = ARC4.new(rc4_key)
    obfkey = rc4.encrypt(enc_hash)
    hash = d1.decrypt(obfkey[:8]) + d2.decrypt(obfkey[8:])

    return hash
Ejemplo n.º 15
def try_to_crack_hash(input_hash):
    if "NETLM" in input_hash:
        user, remainder = input_hash.split(":")
        ignore, hash_type, server_challenge, lmhash = remainder.split("$")
        server_challenge = server_challenge.decode('hex')
        lmhash = lmhash.decode('hex')
        for password in dictionary:
            opassword = password
            password = password.upper()
            if len(password) > 14:
                password = password[:14]
            password += "\x00" * (14 - len(password))
            part_1 = password[:7]
            d_1 = DES.new(des_7_to_8(part_1), DES.MODE_ECB)

            part_2 = password[7:]
            d_2 = DES.new(des_7_to_8(part_2), DES.MODE_ECB)

            lm = d_1.encrypt("KGS!@#$%") + d_2.encrypt("KGS!@#$%")

            p_1 = des_7_to_8(lm[:7])
            p_2 = des_7_to_8(lm[7:14])
            p_3 = des_7_to_8(lm[14:] + "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")

            pd_1 = DES.new(p_1, DES.MODE_ECB)
            pd_2 = DES.new(p_2, DES.MODE_ECB)
            pd_3 = DES.new(p_3, DES.MODE_ECB)

            if pd_1.encrypt(server_challenge) + pd_2.encrypt(server_challenge) + pd_3.encrypt(server_challenge) == \
                return opassword
    elif "NETNTLM" in input_hash:
        user, remainder = input_hash.split(":")
        ignore, hash_type, server_challenge, ntlmhash = remainder.split("$")
        server_challenge = server_challenge.decode('hex')
        ntlmhash = ntlmhash.decode('hex')
        for password in (i.encode('utf-16le') for i in dictionary):
            lm = hlnew("md4", password).digest()
            p_1 = des_7_to_8(lm[:7])
            p_2 = des_7_to_8(lm[7:14])
            p_3 = des_7_to_8(lm[14:] + "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")

            pd_1 = DES.new(p_1, DES.MODE_ECB)
            pd_2 = DES.new(p_2, DES.MODE_ECB)
            pd_3 = DES.new(p_3, DES.MODE_ECB)
            if pd_1.encrypt(server_challenge) + pd_2.encrypt(server_challenge) + pd_3.encrypt(server_challenge) == \
                return password.decode('utf-16le')
        user, ignore, domain, server_challenge, nthash, remainder = input_hash.split(":")
        user = user.upper().encode('utf-16le')
        domain = domain.encode('utf-16le')
        server_challenge = server_challenge.decode('hex')
        nthash = nthash.decode('hex')
        remainder = remainder.decode('hex')
        for password in (i.encode('utf-16le') for i in dictionary):
            if hmnew(hmnew(hlnew("md4", password).digest(), user + domain).digest(), server_challenge + remainder).digest() == nthash:
                return password.decode('utf-16le')
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def calcMAC_1d( self, s, zResetICV = False ):
     " Pad string and calculate MAC according to B.1.2.2 - " +\
         "Single DES plus final 3DES """
     e = DES.new( self.ses_C_MAC[:8], DES.MODE_ECB )
     d = DES.new( self.ses_C_MAC[8:], DES.MODE_ECB )
     s = pad80( s )
     q = len( s ) / 8
     h = zResetICV and ZERO8 or self.icv
     for i in xrange(q):
         h = e.encrypt( bxor( h, s[8*i:8*(i+1)] ))
     h = d.decrypt( h )
     h = e.encrypt( h )
     self.icv = ( self.i & M_ICV_ENC ) and self.k_icv.encrypt( h ) or h
     return h
Ejemplo n.º 17
def findPassword(CCH16, CCR24):

	# Prepare arguments for processing
	CCH16 = HexToByte(CCH16)
	CCR24 = CCR24.replace(':', ' ')
	CCR24 = CCR24.upper()
	timer = 0
	print "\n--< This may take a while..."
	print "--< Each dot below represents 10,000 attempted passwords."
	print "\n--< Cracking",
	for guess in dictionary:

		# Track/display timer
		timer += 1
		if timer%10000 == 0:
			print ".",
		# Create nt_hash for this guess using MD4 hashing algorithm.
		guess = guess.strip()					# Remove newline ('\n')
		uGuess = guess.encode('utf-16-le')		# Convert to utf-16le
		nt_hash = MD4.new(uGuess).hexdigest()
		# Split nt_hash into three DES keys.
		# Add the parity bits to the DES keys to make them 8-bytes each.
		des_key_1 = HexToByte(addParity(nt_hash[0:14]))
		des_key_2 = HexToByte(addParity(nt_hash[14:28]))
		des_key_3 = HexToByte(addParity(nt_hash[28:] + "0000000000"))

		# Create DES encryption objects with keys.
		des_1 = DES.new(des_key_1, DES.MODE_ECB)
		des_2 = DES.new(des_key_2, DES.MODE_ECB)
		des_3 = DES.new(des_key_3, DES.MODE_ECB)
		# Calculate 24-byte Client Challenge Response for this guess 
		# with the DES objects and the 16-byte Client Challenge Hash.
		ccr24_part1 = des_1.encrypt(CCH16)
		ccr24_part2 = des_2.encrypt(CCH16)
		ccr24_part3 = des_3.encrypt(CCH16)
		ccr24_guess = ByteToHex(ccr24_part1 + ccr24_part2 + ccr24_part3)
		#print "   ccr24 --> ", ccr24_guess  #DEBUG
		#print "CCR24 -----> ", CCR24, "\n"  #DEBUG
		# Compare the guess (ccr24_guess) with the original (CCR24).
		if ccr24_guess == CCR24:
			return guess
	# If no password found, return None
	return "FAILED - dictionary exhausted..."
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __decryptHash(self, rid, cryptedHash, constant):
        # Section Encrypting an NT or LM Hash Value with a Specified Key
        # plus hashedBootKey stuff
        Key1,Key2 = self.__cryptoCommon.deriveKey(rid)

        Crypt1 = DES.new(Key1, DES.MODE_ECB)
        Crypt2 = DES.new(Key2, DES.MODE_ECB)

        rc4Key = self.MD5( self.__hashedBootKey[:0x10] + pack("<L",rid) + constant )
        rc4 = ARC4.new(rc4Key)
        key = rc4.encrypt(cryptedHash)

        decryptedHash = Crypt1.decrypt(key[:8]) + Crypt2.decrypt(key[8:])

        return decryptedHash
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def transform(self, dt_input, dt_key1=None, dt_key2=None, dt_iv=None, dt_mode='dec'):
     '''Return DES transformed output'''
     des = DES.new(str(dt_key1), DES.MODE_ECB)
     if dt_mode == 'dec':
         return des.decrypt(str(dt_input))
         return des.encrypt(str(dt_input))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def keysFinder(games, queue):
	chars = range(48, 58, 2)  + range(97, 123,2);
	keys = [];
	for game in games:
		found = False;
		bingame = binascii.unhexlify(game);
		for i in chars:
			for j in chars:
				for k in chars:
					for l in chars:
						key = chr(i)+chr(j)+chr(k)+chr(l);
						x = DES.new(key+'0000');
						dec = x.decrypt(bingame);
						# If it starts with Key= search for Puzzle
						if (dec[:4] == 'Key='):
							if (dec.count('Puzzle')>0):
								found = True;
								splitted = dec.split(' & ');
								puzzlekey = splitted[0].split('=')[1];
								keys += [puzzlekey];
					if found:
				if found:
			if found: 
		if not found:
			raise BaseException("Key not found");
	# Put found keys in the queue
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def decrypt(self, ct):
     ct = ct.decode("hex")
     # Extract iv from ciphertext
     iv = ct[:BS]
     ct = ct[BS:]
     cipher = DES.new(self.key, DES.MODE_CFB, iv)
     return unpad(cipher.decrypt(ct))
Ejemplo n.º 22
	def rafraichir( self ):
		self.afficher( u"Récupération de la liste des émissions..." )
		# On remet a 0 la liste des fichiers
		# On recupere la page qui contient les donnees chiffrees
		pageEmissionsChiffree = self.API.getPage( "http://www.m6replay.fr/catalogue/catalogueWeb3.xml" )
		# N.B. : La page http://www.m6replay.fr/catalogue/catalogueWeb4.xml semble contenir
		#        des videos non presentent sur le site...
		#        Il faudrait voir ce qu'il en retourne (pourquoi ne sont-elles pas sur le site ? les liens fonctionnent-ils ?)
		# Classe pour dechiffrer la page
		decryptor = DES.new( "ElFsg.Ot", DES.MODE_ECB )
		# Page des emissions dechiffree
		pageEmissions = decryptor.decrypt( base64.decodestring( pageEmissionsChiffree ) )
		# On cherche la fin du fichier XML
		finXML = pageEmissions.find( "</template_exchange_WEB>" ) + len( "</template_exchange_WEB>" )
		# On enleve ce qui est apres la fin du fichier XML
		pageEmissions = pageEmissions[ : finXML ]
		# Handler
		handler = M6ReplayHandler( self.listeFichiers )
		# On parse le fichier xml
		xml.sax.parseString( pageEmissions, handler )
		self.sauvegarderCache( self.listeFichiers )
		self.afficher( "Fichier sauvegarde" )
    def decryptData(self, decryptKey, privParameters, encryptedData):
        if DES is None:
            raise error.StatusInformation(

        snmpEngineBoots, snmpEngineTime, salt = privParameters
        if len(salt) != 8:
            raise error.StatusInformation(
        # noop

        desKey, iv = self.__getDecryptionKey(decryptKey, salt)

        # ->
        if len(encryptedData) % 8 != 0:
            raise error.StatusInformation(

        desObj = DES.new(desKey, DES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        return desObj.decrypt(encryptedData.asOctets())
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _do_tdes_test(self, file_name):
        test_vectors = load_tests(("Crypto", "SelfTest", "Cipher", "test_vectors", "TDES"),
                                  "TDES CBC KAT",
                                  { "count" : lambda x: int(x) } )

        direction = None
        for tv in test_vectors:

            # The test vector file contains some directive lines
            if isinstance(tv, str):
                direction = tv

            self.description = tv.desc
            if hasattr(tv, "keys"):
                cipher = DES.new(tv.keys, self.des_mode, tv.iv)
                if tv.key1 != tv.key3:
                    key = tv.key1 + tv.key2 + tv.key3  # Option 3
                    key = tv.key1 + tv.key2            # Option 2
                cipher = DES3.new(key, self.des3_mode, tv.iv)

            if direction == "[ENCRYPT]":
                self.assertEqual(cipher.encrypt(tv.plaintext), tv.ciphertext)
            elif direction == "[DECRYPT]":
                self.assertEqual(cipher.decrypt(tv.ciphertext), tv.plaintext)
                assert False
Ejemplo n.º 25
	def rafraichir( self ):
		logger.debug( "récupération de la liste des chaines, des émissions et des fichiers" )
		# Remet a 0 la liste des fichiers
		# Recupere la page qui contient les infos sur M6
		pageInfos = self.getPage( self.urlInfosXML )
		# Extrait l'URL du catalogue
		try :
			urlCatalogue = re.findall( "http://www.m6replay.fr/catalogue/\w+.xml", pageInfos )[ 0 ]
			print urlCatalogue
			logger.error( "impossible de recuperer l'URL du catalogue" )
		# Recupere le catalogue chiffre
		catalogue = self.getPage( urlCatalogue )		
		# Classe pour dechiffrer le catalogue
		decryptor = DES.new( "ElFsg.Ot", DES.MODE_ECB )
		# Page des emissions (catalogue dechiffre)
		pageEmissions = decryptor.decrypt( base64.decodestring( catalogue ) )
		# Cherche la fin du fichier XML
		finXML = pageEmissions.find( "</template_exchange_WEB>" ) + len( "</template_exchange_WEB>" )
		# Enleve ce qui est apres la fin du fichier XML
		pageEmissions = pageEmissions[ : finXML ]
		# Handler
		handler = M6ReplayHandler( self.listeFichiers )
		# Parse le fichier xml
		try :
			xml.sax.parseString( pageEmissions, handler )
			logger.error( "impossible de parser le fichier XML" )
		# Sauvegarde la liste dans le cache
		self.sauvegarderCache( self.listeFichiers )
		logger.debug( "liste des programmes sauvegardée" )
Ejemplo n.º 26
	def decToken(cls,token,skey):
			token=token.replace(" ","+")
			to = base64.b64decode(token)
			#to = to.decode('uft-8')
			#logging.info('decToken type')
			if len(token)%8>0:
				token = token + ' '*(8-len(token)%8)			

			if len(skey)%8>0:
				skey = skey + ' '*(8-len(skey)%8)

			obj = DES.new(skey,DES.MODE_ECB)
			if to[0]:

		except Exception, e:
		 	return re
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def spremi(self):
        if  uiGeneriraj.comboBox.currentIndex()== 0:
            uiGeneriraj.labelIspis.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("FormGeneriraj", "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" color:#006400;\">Uspješno generiran </span></p><p><span style=\" color:#ff0000;\">simetrični ključ</span></p></body></html>", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))

            sifra = "".join( [random.choice(string.digits+string.letters) for i in xrange(8)] )
            obj = DES.new(sifra, DES.MODE_ECB)

            uiGeneriraj.labelIspis.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("FormGeneriraj", "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" color:#006400;\">Uspješno generirani </span></p><p><span style=\" color:#ff0000;\">asimetrični ključevi</span></p></body></html>", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))

            random_generator = Random.new().read
            key = RSA.generate(1024, random_generator)
            publicKey = key.publickey()


Ejemplo n.º 28
def encrypt(pwd):
    obj = DES.new('abcdefgh', DES.MODE_ECB)
    if len(pwd) % 8 != 0:
        # will have to pad to next multiple of 8
        newLen = ((len(pwd)/8) + 1) * 8
        pads = newLen - len(pwd)
        return (obj.encrypt(pwd + 'X'*pads), pads)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def DES_celler(message, key, *args, **kwargs):
	"""DES test celler

	block size 8 bytes
	key size 8 bytes
	from Crypto.Cipher import DES
	from Crypto import Random

	bsize = DES.block_size
	ksize = DES.key_size
	if debug:
		print (
			"Cipher:	DES\n" +
			"Block Size: {0}\n"
			"Key Size: {1}\n"
			"Mode:	{2}\n"
		).format(bsize, ksize, 'ECB')

	iv = Random.new().read(bsize)
	des = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB, iv)
	# pad the message
	_message = PKCS7.pad(message, bsize) 
	cipher = des.encrypt(_message)
	out = kwargs.pop('out', '')
	if out:
		save_encrypt(cipher, out)
	message_ = des.decrypt(cipher)
	# depad the message
	message_ = message_[:-bsize] + PKCS7.depad(message_[-bsize:], bsize)
	return message == message_
Ejemplo n.º 30
def bits_decrypt(bits, password, ngoodbits):
    from Crypto.Cipher import DES

    obj = DES.new(password, DES.MODE_ECB)
    # convert to string
    cypher = bits2string(bits)
    # decrypt
    plain = obj.decrypt(cypher)
    # print('d:Plain (padded): %r' % plain)
    # extra stuff
    ngood_bytes = nbytes_to_hold(ngoodbits)
    nextra_bytes = len(plain) - ngood_bytes
    # print('d:removing %d pad chars' % nextra_bytes)
    extra_chars = plain[-nextra_bytes:]
    assert len(extra_chars) == nextra_bytes
    if extra_chars != PAD_CHAR * nextra_bytes:
        msg = (
            "While decrypting, obtained plain %r of len %d. "
            "I'm looking for %d bits, "
            "which takes %d bytes, giving %d extra bytes. The extra "
            "stuff is %r, which is not all %r."
            % (plain, len(plain), ngoodbits, ngood_bytes, nextra_bytes, extra_chars, PAD_CHAR)
        raise ValueError(msg)
    interesting_chars = plain[:-nextra_bytes]
    interesting_bits = string2bits(interesting_chars)
    goodbits = interesting_bits[:ngoodbits]
    return np.array(goodbits)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def encrypt(self, str):
     cryptor = DES.new(self.__key, self.__mode, self.__iv)
     return self._encode(cryptor.encrypt(self._pad(str)))
Ejemplo n.º 32
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
import base64

def pad(s):
    return s + (8 - len(s) % 8) * chr(8 - len(s) % 8)

msg = "The cake is a lie!\n"
key = "1337DEADBEEF1664".decode('hex')
iv = "0102030405060708".decode('hex')
cipher = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_CBC, iv)
print base64.encodestring(cipher.encrypt(pad(msg)))
Ejemplo n.º 33
#Name: Greg Self
#Project: DES Encrytion and Decrytion
#Description- This is a program that demonstrates how DES is executed in python.
#The user is able to enter in a piece of text and it is encrypted
#The encrypted text is printed first
#Followed by the decrypted text

# Please Note to run this program you must install Crypto.Cipher Library
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
storeDES = DES.new('12345678', DES.MODE_ECB)
text = raw_input("Enter a message to be enctypted:")
#finding length of input
#logic for offset
#total slots to fill is 8, will be filled with blank spaces as fillers
offset=store % 8
#newtext = text
if offset!= 0:
    while i<filler:
        text=text+str(" ")

cipher_text = storeDES.encrypt(text)
print("This is the cipher text:")
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def descypt(self, s):
     # 解密
     cipherX = DES.new(self.key, DES.MODE_CBC)
     bytedt = base64.b64decode(s)
     y = cipherX.decrypt(bytedt)
     return str(y, 'UTF-8').strip('\0')
Ejemplo n.º 35
def ds_decrypt_single_hash(rid, enc_hash):
    (des_k1,des_k2) = sid_to_key(rid)
    d1 = DES.new(des_k1, DES.MODE_ECB)
    d2 = DES.new(des_k2, DES.MODE_ECB)
    hash = d1.decrypt(enc_hash[:8]) + d2.decrypt(enc_hash[8:])
    return hash
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def des_decode(self, des_str):
     if self.mode == DES.MODE_ECB:
         obj = DES.new(self.key, self.mode)
         obj = DES.new(self.key, self.mode, self.iv)
     return self.unpad(obj.decrypt(des_str).decode('utf8', errors='ignore'))
Ejemplo n.º 37
fps_holder = pygame.time.Clock()
game_menu = (pygame.image.load('data/pictures/game_menu_s.png'),

pictures = {
    '1tree1': pygame.image.load('data/pictures/1tree1.png'),
    'tree1': pygame.image.load('data/pictures/tree1.png'),
    '1tree2': pygame.image.load('data/pictures/1tree2.png'),
    'tree2': pygame.image.load('data/pictures/tree2.png')

save_meta = b'ru74Atbb'
save_meta1 = DES.new(save_meta, DES.MODE_ECB)
del save_meta

# пока так
x_hero = 700
y_hero = 500
map_number = [0, 0]
sound_button = False
music_button = False
camera_mode = 0

# цикл главное меню
while menu_flag:
    window.blit(menu_back, (0, 0))  # фон
    # обработка событий
    for event in pygame.event.get():
Ejemplo n.º 38
def super_encryption(plaintext, key):
    ct = ""
    cipher = DES.new(key)
    for a_letter in plaintext:
        ct += cipher.encrypt(a_letter * 8)
    return ct
Ejemplo n.º 39
plaintext = b'docendo discimus '
plen = bs - divmod(len(plaintext),bs)[1]
padding = [plen]*plen
padding = pack('b'*plen, *padding)
bs = pycrypto_blowfish.block_size
cipher = pycrypto_blowfish.new(key, pycrypto_blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv)
msg = iv + cipher.encrypt(plaintext + padding)
bs = pycryptodomex_blowfish.block_size
cipher = pycryptodomex_blowfish.new(key, pycryptodomex_blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv)
msg = iv + cipher.encrypt(plaintext + padding)

key = b'-8B key-'
plaintext = b'We are no longer the knights who say ni!'
nonce = Random.new().read(pycrypto_des.block_size/2)
ctr = Counter.new(pycrypto_des.block_size*8/2, prefix=nonce)
cipher = pycrypto_des.new(key, pycrypto_des.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
msg = nonce + cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
nonce = Random.new().read(pycryptodomex_des.block_size/2)
ctr = Counter.new(pycryptodomex_des.block_size*8/2, prefix=nonce)
cipher = pycryptodomex_des.new(key, pycryptodomex_des.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
msg = nonce + cipher.encrypt(plaintext)

key = b'Super secret key'
plaintext = b'Encrypt me'
cipher = pycrypto_xor.new(key)
msg = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
cipher = pycryptodomex_xor.new(key)
msg = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)

cipher = Cipher(algorithms.ARC4(key), mode=None, backend=default_backend())
encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def __init__(self):
     self._des = DES.new('afh9Adas')
Ejemplo n.º 41
def crypt_data(file_data, des_key, is_string=False):
    if is_string:
        file_data = file_data.encode('utf-8')
    return DES.new(des_key, DES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(pad_pkcs5(file_data))
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def des_encode(self, messages):
     if self.mode == DES.MODE_ECB:
         obj = DES.new(self.key, self.mode)
         obj = DES.new(self.key, self.mode, self.iv)
     return obj.encrypt(self.pad(messages))
Ejemplo n.º 43
def decrypt(ciphertext,key,mode):
	encobj = DES.new(key,mode)
	return encobj.decrypt(ciphertext)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def get_clear_pin_block(self, pinblock):
     key = DES.new(bytes.fromhex(self.decrypt_workingkey()))
     pin_block = key.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(pinblock))
     return pin_block.hex()
Ejemplo n.º 45
def enc(plaintext, key):
    cipher = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB)
    return base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(plaintext))
Ejemplo n.º 46
        block = decrypted

    if i == 0:
        intermediate = xor64d(block, IV)
        intermediate = xor64d(block, shared_data[offset - block_size:offset])

    output_data[offset:offset + block_size] = intermediate

if __name__ == "__main__":
    plain_text = "alamakot" * 10000
    key = "haslo123"
    IV = get_random_bytes(8)
    block_size = 8
    no_blocks = len(plain_text) // block_size

    start = time.time()
    encryptedCBC = encrypt_CBC_serial(key, plain_text)
    print('CBC Encrypt time serial: ', (time.time() - start))

    des = DES.new(key, IV=IV)
    shared_data = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_ubyte, encryptedCBC)
    output_data = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_ubyte, encryptedCBC)
    pool = mp.Pool(8)

    start = time.time()
    pool.map(de_mapper, range(no_blocks))
    print('CBC Decrypt time para: ', time.time() - start)
Ejemplo n.º 47
from itertools import product

from Crypto.Cipher import DES

key = string.digits
key = [key[i] for i in range(0, len(key), 2)]
# print(list(map(ord, list(key))))

for iter_key in product(key, repeat=8):
    des = DES.new(''.join(iter_key), DES.MODE_ECB)
    ciphertext = bytes.fromhex(message_hex)
    plaintext = des.decrypt(ciphertext)
    if plaintext.decode() == message:
Ejemplo n.º 48

if ((len(shellcode)/8)==0):
 print("boo no padding is required")
 padding = 8 * ((len(shellcode)/8)+1) - len(shellcode)
 shellcode = shellcode + "\x90"*padding
 print("Padding needed , appended  "+str(padding)+"""  \\x90 bytes""")

cipher = DES.new("aaaaaaaa")
encrypted_data = cipher.encrypt(shellcode)

enc2 = ""
output= ""

for i in bytearray(encrypted_data):
 enc2+= "%02x," %(i & 0xff)
 output += "\\x"
 output += '%02x'% i

print("Encrypted Shellcode")
 def encrypt(self, plain_text):
     plain_text = self.__pad(plain_text)
     iv = Random.new().read(self.block_size)
     cipher = DES.new(self.key, DES.MODE_CBC, iv)
     encrypted_text = cipher.encrypt(plain_text.encode())
     return b64encode(iv + encrypted_text).decode("utf-8")
Ejemplo n.º 50
def brute_force_des(cryptogram: bytes, key_alphabet=range(256)) -> None:
    entropy_threshold = 0.965

    possible_keys = product(key_alphabet, repeat=8)
    for k in possible_keys:
        k = codes_to_str(k)

        des = DES.new(k, DES.MODE_ECB)
        recovered = des.decrypt(cryptogram)

        e = entropy(recovered)
        if e < entropy_threshold:
            print('\nZnaleziono rozwiązanie!\n')
            print(f'Klucz: {k}')
            print(f'Wiadomość: {recovered}')

    print(f'Nie znaleziono rozwiązania')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    key = 'abcabdbb'
    data = padd_data(poem.encode(), 8)

    des = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB)
    cryptogram = des.encrypt(data)

    keyAlphabet = list(range(ord('a'), ord('e') + 1))
    # bruteforceDES(cryptogram, keyAlphabet)

Ejemplo n.º 51
def DES_decrypt(cipher, key, iv):
    block_size = DES.block_size
    d = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    return d.decrypt(cipher).decode('ascii')
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def auth(self, auth_type, password=None):

        major, minor = int(self.version[6]), int(self.version[10])

        if auth_type == "None":
            if major == 4 or (major == 3 and minor >= 8):
                self.authenticated = True
            elif major == 3 and minor == 7:
                self.authenticated = True
                return 0, 'OK'
                self.authenticated = True
                return 0, 'OK'
        elif auth_type == "VNC Authentication":
            if major == 4 or (major == 3 and minor >= 7):

            challenge = self.sock.recv(16)

            if len(challenge) != 16:
                raise VNCException("Wrong challenge length")

            logging.debug('challenge: %s' % challenge)
            password = password.ljust(8, '\x00')[:8] # make sure it is 8 chars long, zero padded

            key = self.gen_key(password)
            logging.debug('key: %s' % key)

            des = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB)
            enc = des.encrypt(challenge)

            logging.debug('enc: %s' % enc)

        resp = self.sock.recv(4)
        logging.debug('resp: %s' % repr(resp))

        response_code = ord(resp[3:4])
        mesg = resp[8:].decode('ascii', 'ignore')

        if response_code == 0:
            self.authenticated = True
            return response_code, 'OK'
            if major == 4 or (major == 3 and minor >= 8):
                resp = self.sock.recv(4)

                msg_len = int.from_bytes(resp, byteorder="big")
                resp = self.sock.recv(msg_len)

                msg = resp.decode("utf-8")
                return response_code, msg

                if response_code == 1:
                    return response_code, "failed"
                elif response_code == 2:
                    return response_code, "failed, too many attempts"
                    raise VNCException('Unknown response: %d' % (code))
Ejemplo n.º 53
def des_decrypt(ciphertext, key):
    byteKey = str.encode(key)
    des = DES.new(byteKey, DES.MODE_ECB)
    plain = des.decrypt(ciphertext).decode()
    return plain
Ejemplo n.º 54
#DES cipher example
#Mostafa Dahshan <https://github.com/mdahshan>


from Crypto.Cipher import DES

key = bytes.fromhex('0102030405060708')
cipher = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB)
x = bytes.fromhex('000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F')
y = cipher.encrypt(x)
z = cipher.decrypt(y)
Ejemplo n.º 55
import csv, sys
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
import MySQLdb as mdb
import sys
import urllib2
import urllib
import os
import subprocess
import time

obj = DES.new('abcdefgh', DES.MODE_ECB)
#filename = '/home/abdelbar/encryption/csvfile.csv'

    con = mdb.connect('localhost', 'root', '066abde', 'crypt')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT VERSION()")
    ver = cur.fetchone()
    print "Database version : %s " % ver
except mdb.Error, e:
    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])

csvfiles = [
    os.path.join(root, name)
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/home/abdelbar/encryption/')
    for name in files if name.endswith((".csv"))

def criptage(filename):
Ejemplo n.º 56
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
import binascii

key = open('key').read()
iv = '66642069'
cipher = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_OFB, iv)
plaintext = open('plain.txt').read()
msg = iv + cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
with open('destiny.enc', 'w') as f:
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def importKey(self, externKey, passphrase=None):
        """Import an RSA key (public or private half), encoded in standard form.

        :Parameter externKey:
            The RSA key to import, encoded as a string.

            An RSA public key can be in any of the following formats:

            - X.509 `subjectPublicKeyInfo` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
            - `PKCS#1`_ `RSAPublicKey` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
            - OpenSSH (textual public key only)

            An RSA private key can be in any of the following formats:

            - PKCS#1 `RSAPrivateKey` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
            - `PKCS#8`_ `PrivateKeyInfo` DER SEQUENCE (binary or PEM encoding)
            - OpenSSH (textual public key only)

            For details about the PEM encoding, see `RFC1421`_/`RFC1423`_.
            In case of PEM encoding, the private key can be encrypted with DES or 3TDES according to a certain ``pass phrase``.
            Only OpenSSL-compatible pass phrases are supported.
        :Type externKey: string

        :Parameter passphrase:
            In case of an encrypted PEM key, this is the pass phrase from which the encryption key is derived.
        :Type passphrase: string
        :Return: An RSA key object (`_RSAobj`).

        :Raise ValueError/IndexError/TypeError:
            When the given key cannot be parsed (possibly because the pass phrase is wrong).

        .. _RFC1421: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt
        .. _RFC1423: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1423.txt
        .. _`PKCS#1`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt
        .. _`PKCS#8`: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt
        externKey = tobytes(externKey)
        if passphrase is not None:
            passphrase = tobytes(passphrase)

        if externKey.startswith(b('-----')):
            # This is probably a PEM encoded key
            lines = externKey.replace(b(" "), b('')).split()
            keyobj = None

            # The encrypted PEM format
            if lines[1].startswith(b('Proc-Type:4,ENCRYPTED')):
                DEK = lines[2].split(b(':'))
                if len(DEK) != 2 or DEK[0] != b('DEK-Info') or not passphrase:
                    raise ValueError("PEM encryption format not supported.")
                algo, salt = DEK[1].split(b(','))
                salt = binascii.a2b_hex(salt)
                import Crypto.Hash.MD5
                from Crypto.Cipher import DES, DES3
                from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF1
                if algo == b("DES-CBC"):
                    # This is EVP_BytesToKey in OpenSSL
                    key = PBKDF1(passphrase, salt, 8, 1, Crypto.Hash.MD5)
                    keyobj = DES.new(key, Crypto.Cipher.DES.MODE_CBC, salt)
                elif algo == b("DES-EDE3-CBC"):
                    # Note that EVP_BytesToKey is note exactly the same as PBKDF1
                    key = PBKDF1(passphrase, salt, 16, 1, Crypto.Hash.MD5)
                    key += PBKDF1(key + passphrase, salt, 8, 1,
                    keyobj = DES3.new(key, Crypto.Cipher.DES3.MODE_CBC, salt)
                    raise ValueError("Unsupport PEM encryption algorithm.")
                lines = lines[2:]

            der = binascii.a2b_base64(b('').join(lines[1:-1]))
            if keyobj:
                der = keyobj.decrypt(der)
                padding = bord(der[-1])
                der = der[:-padding]
            return self._importKeyDER(der)

        if externKey.startswith(b('ssh-rsa ')):
            # This is probably an OpenSSH key
            keystring = binascii.a2b_base64(externKey.split(b(' '))[1])
            keyparts = []
            while len(keystring) > 4:
                l = struct.unpack(">I", keystring[:4])[0]
                keyparts.append(keystring[4:4 + l])
                keystring = keystring[4 + l:]
            e = bytes_to_long(keyparts[1])
            n = bytes_to_long(keyparts[2])
            return self.construct([n, e])
        if bord(externKey[0]) == 0x30:
            # This is probably a DER encoded key
            return self._importKeyDER(externKey)

        raise ValueError("RSA key format is not supported")
Ejemplo n.º 58
from Crypto.Cipher import DES

if __name__ == "__main__":
    key = b"zapatito"
    iv = b"zapatote"
    cipher = DES.new(key=key, mode=DES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv)
    cipher2 = DES.new(key=key, mode=DES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv)

    with open("tux.bmp", "rb") as image:
        clear_image = image.read()

    mod = len(clear_image) % 8
    aux = clear_image[64:-mod]

    encrypted_image = cipher.encrypt(aux)

    encrypted_image = clear_image[0:64] + encrypted_image + clear_image[-mod:]

    with open("tux_cbc.bmp", "wb") as new_image:

    with open("tux_cbc.bmp", "rb") as image:
        clear_image = image.read()

    mod = len(clear_image) % 8
    aux = clear_image[64:-mod]

    encrypted_image = cipher2.decrypt(aux)

    encrypted_image = clear_image[0:64] + encrypted_image + clear_image[-mod:]
Ejemplo n.º 59
def des_decrypt_transform(data, key, mode, iv):
	des = DES.new(key, mode, iv)
	return des.decrypt(data)
Ejemplo n.º 60
 def __init__(self, key):
     from Crypto.Cipher import DES
     self.des = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB)