def generate(clan_tag): try: _ = int(clan_tag, 16) except ValueError: print(f'Error: "{clan_tag}" is not valid hex.') exit(1) n = len(clan_tag) while True: # Generate a private key p_hash_obj = seed = secrets.token_bytes(32) p_hash_obj.update(seed) p = p_hash_obj.digest() # Derive the public key q = PublicKey.from_valid_secret(p).format(compressed=False)[1:] # Hash public key into account address addr_hash_obj = addr_hash_obj.update(q) address = addr_hash_obj.digest()[-20:] if address.hex()[-n:] == clan_tag: print('Seed : ' + seed.hex()) print('Private key: ' + p_hash_obj.hexdigest()) print('Public key : ' + q.hex()) print('Address : ' + address.hex()) print('Never share the seed or private key with anyone!') print('Never share the seed or private key with anyone!') print('Never share the seed or private key with anyone!') break
def create_merkle_root(tx_id_set): num = len(tx_id_set) relist = [] if num == 1: return str(tx_id_set[0]) i = 0 if num % 2 == 1: tx_id_set[num] = tx_id_set[num - 1] num = num + 1 keccak_hash = while True: keccak_hash.update(str(tx_id_set[i]).encode('ascii')) tmp1 = keccak_hash.hexdigest() tmp11 = str(tmp1) keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update(str(tx_id_set[i + 1]).encode('ascii')) tmp2 = keccak_hash.hexdigest() tmp22 = str(tmp2) keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update((tmp11 + tmp22).encode('ascii')) relist.append(keccak_hash.hexdigest()) i = i + 2 if i >= num: break create_merkle_root(relist)
def get_authentication_response(self, request, as_json=False): if type(request) == str: request = json_loads(request) response = {"success": True, "data": {}} response["data"]["authenticated"] = True address = self.db.get_address(request["token"]) keccak_hash = #keccak_hash.update(rlp.encode(self.get_nonce(request["token"], address))) keccak_hash.update( self.get_nonce(request["token"], address).encode('utf-8')) nonce_hash = keccak_hash.digest() keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update(nonce_hash) nonce_hash = keccak_hash.digest() new_address = PublicKey.recover_from_msg_hash( nonce_hash, Signature(bytes.fromhex(request["signature"][2:]))).to_address() response["data"]["authenticated"] = address == new_address self.db.auth(request["token"], authenticated=response["data"]["authenticated"]) if as_json: return response return json_dumps(response)
def pubhex2address_ethereum(pubhex): """Public Key Hex -> Ethereum Address""" from Crypto.Hash import keccak pubhex_bytes = bytes.fromhex(pubhex) # address_body = keccak256((pubkey)[-20:] truncated_hashed_pubkey_bytes =, digest_bits=256).digest()[-20:] address_body = truncated_hashed_pubkey_bytes.hex() # Element-wise hex-to-hex comparison # checksum_reference = hex(keccak256(hex(address_body)))[:20] # checksummed_address_body = stringify([ a.uppercase() if c>=8 else a for (a,c) in zip(address_body, checksum_reference) ]) checksum =, digest_bits=256).hexdigest() checksum_address = '0x' for i in range(len(address_body)): address_char = address_body[i] checksum_char = checksum[i] if int(checksum_char, 16) >= 8: checksum_address += address_body[i].upper() else: checksum_address += address_body[i] # address = concat('0x', checksummed_address_body) return checksum_address
def test_update(self): pieces = [bchr(10) * 200, bchr(20) * 300] h = h.update(pieces[0]).update(pieces[1]) digest = h.digest() h = h.update(pieces[0] + pieces[1]) self.assertEqual(h.digest(), digest)
def init_validator(address): ValidatorContract = w3.eth.contract(abi=VALIDATOR_ABI, bytecode=VALIDATOR_SOL["object"]) txn_dict = {'from': address} tx_hash = ValidatorContract.constructor( Solver.CHUNK_SIZE).transact(txn_dict) tx_receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) validator_address = tx_receipt.contractAddress validator_contract = w3.eth.contract( address=validator_address, abi=VALIDATOR_ABI, ) for file_name in os.listdir('./Files'): file = open('./Files/' + file_name, 'rb') content = file.close() chunk = "" chunks = [] merkle_level = [] merkle_tree = [] size = len(content) chunks_num = int(math.ceil(len(content) / Solver.CHUNK_SIZE)) for i in range(chunks_num): chunk = content[i * Solver.CHUNK_SIZE:(i + 1) * Solver.CHUNK_SIZE] chunks.append(chunk) k = k.update(chunk) merkle_level.append(k.digest()) if chunks_num % 2: merkle_level.append(b'\x00' * 32) merkle_tree.append(merkle_level) high = 0 if chunks_num == 1: high = 1 else: high = int(math.ceil(math.log(chunks_num, 2))) for _ in range(high): prev_level = merkle_level merkle_level = [] for i in range(int(len(prev_level) / 2)): k = k.update(prev_level[2 * i]) k.update(prev_level[2 * i + 1]) merkle_level.append(k.digest()) if int(len(prev_level) / 2) % 2: merkle_level.append(b'\x00' * 32) merkle_tree.append(merkle_level) merkle_tree[-1] = [merkle_level[0]] merkle_root = merkle_level[0] file = open('./FilesData/' + file_name + '.data', 'wb') pickle.dump([chunks, merkle_tree], file) file.close() tx_hash = validator_contract.functions.add_file_info( file_name, size, merkle_root).transact(txn_dict) tx_receipt = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) return validator_address
def sig_test2(self, token, address, signature): keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update(self.get_nonce(token, address).encode('utf-8')) nonce_hash = keccak_hash.digest() keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update(nonce_hash) nonce_hash = keccak_hash.digest() new_address = PublicKey.recover_from_msg_hash( nonce_hash, Signature(bytes.fromhex(signature))).to_address() return address == new_address
def test_new_positive(self): for digest_bits in (224, 256, 384, 512): hobj = self.assertEqual(hobj.digest_size, digest_bits // 8) hobj2 = self.assertEqual(hobj2.digest_size, digest_bits // 8) for digest_bytes in (28, 32, 48, 64): hobj = self.assertEqual(hobj.digest_size, digest_bytes) hobj2 = self.assertEqual(hobj2.digest_size, digest_bytes)
def test_update_after_digest(self): msg=b("rrrrttt") # Normally, update() cannot be done after digest() h =, data=msg[:4]) dig1 = h.digest() self.assertRaises(TypeError, h.update, msg[4:]) dig2 =, data=msg).digest() # With the proper flag, it is allowed h =, data=msg[:4], update_after_digest=True) self.assertEquals(h.digest(), dig1) # ... and the subsequent digest applies to the entire message # up to that point h.update(msg[4:]) self.assertEquals(h.digest(), dig2)
def __generateParcialHashes(self,finger=None): pk = None while pk == None: try: pk = self.__getPrivateKey() except ValueError: pass ivs = [] my_file = Path(self.pathIvs) if my_file.is_file(): with open(my_file,'rb') as f: for i in range(self.numSalt): iv = ivs.append(iv) else: raise IOError('Ivs\'s file not found.') salt = self.contract.functions.getSalt().call() #lo devuelve directamente en binario! salt = cipher.decrypt(salt,pk,ivs) if finger == None: fp = FingerPrinter() finger = fp.getFingerprinting() hashes = [] for i in range(self.numSalt): k = k.update(salt[i]) k.update(finger[i].encode()) hashes.append(k.digest()) return hashes
def __generateFinalHash(self,hashes): k = for i in range(len(hashes)): k.update(hashes[i]) return k.digest()
def _decrypt_utc_aes_128_ctr(pwd: bytes, utc_data: Dict) -> bytes: """ Decrypt AES 128 CTR. Requires plain text password and Ether UTC file as JSON object. """ # Decrypt utc_cipher_data = utc_data["Crypto"] # Check that we have supported KDF cur_kdf = utc_cipher_data["kdf"] assert cur_kdf in SUPPORTED_KDFS, f"Unsupported KDF: {cur_kdf}" kdf_params = utc_cipher_data["kdfparams"] # Delegate to the KDF derived_key = SUPPORTED_KDFS[cur_kdf](pwd, kdf_params) assert len( derived_key ) == 32, f"Derived key: Expected length 32, got {len(derived_key)}" # Decryption key is only the first 16 bytes dec_key = derived_key[:16] # Convert cipher text from HEX to binary data cipher_text = binascii.unhexlify(utc_cipher_data["ciphertext"]) # Convert IV from HEX to int aes_iv_int = int(utc_cipher_data["cipherparams"]["iv"], 16) counter =, initial_value=aes_iv_int) cipher =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter) dec_priv_key = cipher.decrypt(cipher_text) # MAC in v3 is the KECCAK-256 of the last 16 bytes of the derived key and cipher text expected_mac = utc_cipher_data["mac"] keccak_256 = keccak_256.update(derived_key[-16:] + cipher_text) actual_mac = keccak_256.hexdigest() assert actual_mac == expected_mac, f"MAC error: Expected {expected_mac} != {actual_mac}" return dec_priv_key
def pubkey_to_addr(pubkey: str) -> str: pub_int = int(pubkey, 16) keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update(pub_int.to_bytes(64, 'big')) addr = keccak_hash.hexdigest() addr = '0x' + addr[-40:] return addr
def SignPayloadForm(self, requestBodyJson, extraPayload): # hash the payload msgBytes = bytearray(requestBodyJson, "utf-8") msgHashHex =, digest_bits=256).hexdigest() msgHash = bytearray.fromhex(msgHashHex) # create the signature privKey = web3.Account.from_key(self._privateKey) signature = privKey.signHash(msgHash) signatureFinal = signature.signature.hex()[2:130] if (len(signatureFinal) != 128): raise Exception("signature doesn't have length of 128") # get public key as hex pubHex = self._masterKey.public_compressed_hex newDict = dict() newDict["requestBody"] = (None, requestBodyJson, "text/plain; charset=utf-8") newDict['signature'] = (None, signatureFinal, "text/plain; charset=utf-8") newDict['publicKey'] = (None, pubHex, "text/plain; charset=utf-8") for payloadKey, payloadValue in extraPayload.items(): newDict[payloadKey] = payloadValue return newDict
def _derive_key(password: str) -> bytes: """ keccak256(password) """ passwd_bytes = password.encode() keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update(passwd_bytes) key = keccak_hash.hexdigest() return bytes.fromhex(key)
def compile_digest(topic, user, inputdata, tim, epoch=1): # protocolversion + padding 7 bytes data = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" # topic bytes data += topic # user account bytes data += user # time now little endian # time is 7 bytes, actually data += struct.pack("<L", tim) data += "\x00\x00\x00" # ... so we put the epoch on the eigth data += chr(epoch) # add the data itself data += inputdata # fire up hasher h = h.update(data) return h.digest()
def exploit(): assert w3.isConnected() latest_block = w3.eth.getBlock("latest") latest_block_hash = latest_block["hash"] keccak256 = keccak256.update(latest_block_hash)
def derive_eth_address(self, prv): public = self.point(prv) buffer = public.x.to_bytes(32, self.endianness) + public.y.to_bytes( 32, self.endianness) k = k.update(buffer) return '0x' + k.hexdigest()[24:]
def __init__(self, string, soft=True): # Get Private Key private_key = NewPrivateKey(string, soft) self.printable_pk = private_key self.private_key = unhexlify(private_key.encode('ascii')) # Generate Seed seed = mnemonic.mn_encode( self.printable_pk) # TODO Create MyEther Mnemonic Seed seed.append(mnemonic.mn_checksum(seed)) self.seed = seed self.readable_seed = self.readable_seed(seed) self.readable_seed_for_terminal_app = self.readable_seed_for_terminal_app( seed) # Get Public Key = SigningKey.from_string(self.private_key, curve=SECP256k1) self.vk = public_key_bytes = hexlify(self.vk.to_string()) # Get Ethereum Address public_key_bytes = decode(public_key_bytes, 'hex') k = k.update(public_key_bytes) raw_address = k.hexdigest() self.address = "0x" + raw_address[-40:]
def deposit(amount, net='main'): web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(nets[net]['provider'])) nonce = web3.eth.getTransactionCount(nets[net]['address']) method = b'transfer(address,uint256)' # method = b"buy()" s = s.update(method) method_hash = s.hexdigest() data = str(method_hash[:8] + fill_up_bytes(nets[net]['deposit_address'][2:]) + fill_up_bytes(format(amount, '02x'))) raw_bytes = codecs.decode(data, 'hex') result = signTransaction(nets[net]['token_contract'], 0, nets[net]['privkey'], nonce=nonce, data=raw_bytes, gas=100000, gasPrice=(web3.eth.gasPrice * 2)) if 'sign' in result: try: result = json.loads( broadcastTransaction(nets[net]['api'] + "/api", nets[net]['key'], result['sign'])) return (nets[net]['api'] + "/tx/" + result['result']) except Exception as e: print(e)
def get_keccak_512_bits(self): hash_obj = hash_obj.update(self.value) return { "digest": hash_obj.digest(), "hexdigets": hash_obj.hexdigest(), }
def test_update_after_digest(self): msg = b("rrrrttt") # Normally, update() cannot be done after digest() h =, data=msg[:4]) dig1 = h.digest() self.assertRaises(TypeError, h.update, msg[4:]) dig2 =, data=msg).digest() # With the proper flag, it is allowed h =, data=msg[:4], update_after_digest=True) self.assertEqual(h.digest(), dig1) # ... and the subsequent digest applies to the entire message # up to that point h.update(msg[4:]) self.assertEqual(h.digest(), dig2)
def test_deploy_delegation_aware_atoken(): # Dependent contracts accounts[0].deploy(ReserveLogic) accounts[0].deploy(GenericLogic) accounts[0].deploy(ValidationLogic) lending_pool = accounts[0].deploy(LendingPool) weth9 = accounts[0].deploy(WETH9) ### DelegationAwareAToken ### atoken = accounts[0].deploy( DelegationAwareAToken, lending_pool.address, weth9, ZERO_ADDRESS, 'Aave interest bearing WETH', 'aWETH', ZERO_ADDRESS ) # DelegationAwareAToken constants and getters assert atoken.POOL() == lending_pool.address assert atoken.UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS() == weth9.address assert atoken.RESERVE_TREASURY_ADDRESS() == ZERO_ADDRESS hasher = hasher.update(b'Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)') assert str(atoken.PERMIT_TYPEHASH())[2:] == hasher.hexdigest()
def signPayloadDict(self, requestBodyJson): # hash the payload msgBytes = bytearray(requestBodyJson, "utf-8") msgHashHex =, digest_bits=256).hexdigest() msgHash = bytearray.fromhex(msgHashHex) # create the signature privKey = web3.Account.from_key(self._privateKey) signature = privKey.signHash(msgHash) # signatureFinal = format(signature.r, 'x') + format(signature.s, 'x') signatureFinal = signature.signature.hex()[2:130] if len(signatureFinal) != 128: raise Exception("signature doesn't have the length of 128") # get public key as hex pubHex = self._masterKey.public_compressed_hex newDict = dict() newDict["requestBody"] = requestBodyJson newDict["signature"] = signatureFinal newDict["publicKey"] = pubHex newDict["hash"] = msgHashHex return newDict
def del_eth_address(self, token='', private_key=''): # Create Address Object. private_key = self.remove0xHeader(private_key) privKey = eth_keys.keys.PrivateKey(binascii.unhexlify(private_key)) address = privKey.public_key.to_checksum_address() keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update(address.encode()) hash_msg = keccak_hash.digest() signature = privKey.sign_msg_hash(hash_msg) payload = self.makeJsonRpcRequest(API_DEL_ETH_ADDRESS, token) payload["params"]["address"] = address payload["params"]["public_key"] = self.remove0xHeader(privKey.public_key.to_hex()) payload["params"]["signature"] = self.formSignature(signature.to_hex()) res = requestsPost( self.config['api_end_point'], data=json.dumps(payload)) if res.status_code != 200: return False data = res.json() if data['id'] != payload['id']: return False if data["result"]["err_code"] == 0: return True else: return False
def sha3_256(data): if isinstance(data, str): d = bytes(data, "utf-8") else: d = bytes(data) return, data=d).digest()
def createMetadatakeyAndKeystring(self, folder): folder = folder folderKey = Helper.getFolderHDKey(self._masterKey, folder) metaDataKey = Helper.getMetaDataKey(folderKey) keyString =, "utf-8"), digest_bits=256).hexdigest() return {"metadataKey": metaDataKey, "keyString": keyString}
def get_by_name(self, name): id_ = self.name_to_id(name) res = self.__get_raw(id_) hash_obj =[0].encode("utf8"), digest_bits=256) hash_str = "0x" + hash_obj.hexdigest()[:13] res.append(hash_str) return res
def __oauth_challenge_calculate(self, challenge_data): if challenge_data['algorithm']['name'] != 'hashcash' : logging.error('unknown proof-of-work algorithm') return None prefix = '0' * challenge_data['complexity'] hashcash_str = '%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:' % ( challenge_data['algorithm']['version'], challenge_data['complexity'], challenge_data['timestamp'], challenge_data['algorithm']['resourse'], challenge_data['algorithm']['extension'], challenge_data['random_string']) hashcash_str = hashcash_str.encode('utf-8') pow_number = 0 while True: keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update(hashcash_str+str(pow_number).encode('utf-8')) digest = keccak_hash.hexdigest() if digest.startswith(prefix): return pow_number pow_number = pow_number + 1
def cmd_passwordSearch(): # initialize a string password = input("\n Enter your password:"******"\nSHA3-224 Hash: ", obj_sha3_224.hexdigest()) print("\nSHA3-256 Hash: ", obj_sha3_256.hexdigest()) print("\nSHA3-384 Hash: ", obj_sha3_384.hexdigest()) print("\nSHA3-512 Hash: ", obj_sha3_512.hexdigest()) print("\nSHA3-keccak-512 Hash: ", keccak_hash.hexdigest()) sha3k512 = keccak_hash.hexdigest() sub_pass = sha3k512[0:10] #print("First 10 characters from the password:"******"" + sub_pass) json_data = json.loads(response.text) print("\nOutput:", json_data)
def SignPayloadForm(self, requestBodyJson, extraPayload): # hash the payload msgBytes = bytearray(requestBodyJson, "utf-8") msgHashHex =, digest_bits=256).hexdigest() msgHash = bytearray.fromhex(msgHashHex) # create the signature privKey = web3.Account.from_key(self._privateKey) signature = privKey.signHash(msgHash) # signature2 = format(signature.r, 'x') + format(signature.s, 'x') signatureFinal = signature.signature.hex()[2:130] # signatureFinal = "685789e0865e9ac9f81c6629d6e069eb104e171d15e68d3085d8e44b3b8954df2f0dd358a8797826ea2584632cc17effaea85317cf2baac3fd8f1f3b884bde6b" if (len(signatureFinal) != 128): raise Exception("signature doesn't has the length of 128") # print(signatureFinal) # get public key as hex pubHex = self._masterKey.public_compressed_hex newDict = dict() newDict["requestBody"] = (None, requestBodyJson, "text/plain; charset=utf-8") newDict['signature'] = (None, signatureFinal, "text/plain; charset=utf-8") newDict['publicKey'] = (None, pubHex, "text/plain; charset=utf-8") # newDict["hash"] = msgHashHex for payloadKey, payloadValue in extraPayload.items(): newDict[payloadKey] = payloadValue return newDict
def test_digest(self): h = digest = h.digest() # hexdigest does not change the state self.assertEqual(h.digest(), digest) # digest returns a byte string self.failUnless(isinstance(digest, type(b("digest"))))
def test_hex_digest(self): mac = digest = mac.digest() hexdigest = mac.hexdigest() # hexdigest is equivalent to digest self.assertEqual(hexlify(digest), tobytes(hexdigest)) # hexdigest does not change the state self.assertEqual(mac.hexdigest(), hexdigest) # hexdigest returns a string self.failUnless(isinstance(hexdigest, type("digest")))
def test_new_negative(self): # needs digest size self.assertRaises(TypeError, h = # Either bits or bytes can be specified self.assertRaises(TypeError,, digest_bytes=64, digest_bits=512) # Range self.assertRaises(ValueError,, digest_bytes=0) self.assertRaises(ValueError,, digest_bytes=1) self.assertRaises(ValueError,, digest_bytes=65) self.assertRaises(ValueError,, digest_bits=0) self.assertRaises(ValueError,, digest_bits=1) self.assertRaises(ValueError,, digest_bits=513)
def test_update_negative(self): h = self.assertRaises(TypeError, h.update, u"string")
def sha3_256(x): return, data=x.encode()).digest() except:
""") scrypt = None try: import bitcoin except ImportError: sys.stderr.write(""" Failed to import bitcoin. This is not a fatal error but does mean that you will not be able to determine the address from your wallet file. """) import binascii import struct from math import ceil from Crypto.Hash import keccak sha3_256 = lambda x:, data=x) from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Util import Counter # TODO: make it compatible! SCRYPT_CONSTANTS = { "n": 262144, "r": 1, "p": 8, "dklen": 32 } PBKDF2_CONSTANTS = {
def new_test(self, data=data, hobj =, data=data) self.assertEqual(hobj.digest(), result)
def keccak_256(data): return, data=data)
# Implements a version of try: from Crypto.Hash import keccak sha3 = lambda x:, data=x).digest() except ImportError: import sha3 as _sha3 sha3 = lambda x: _sha3.sha3_256(x).digest() NUM_SUBKEYS = 32 DEPTH = 32 def iterate_hash(msg, n): for i in range(n): msg = sha3(msg) return msg class LamportSigner(): def __init__(self, key, depth): self.indexcount = 2**depth self.priv = key self.keys = [] self.pubs = [] for i in range(self.indexcount): subkeys = [sha3(key + bytes([i // 256, i % 256, j])) for j in range(NUM_SUBKEYS + 1)] self.keys.append(subkeys) pubs = [iterate_hash(k, DEPTH) for k in subkeys[:-1]] + [iterate_hash(subkeys[-1], DEPTH * NUM_SUBKEYS)] self.pubs.append(b''.join(pubs)) if i % 256 == 255: print("Finished %d out of %d privkeys" % ((i + 1), self.indexcount)) self.merkle_nodes = [0] * self.indexcount + [sha3(x) for x in self.pubs]
def test_long_512(self): test_vectors = load_tests("keccak", "LongMsgKAT_512.txt") for result, data, desc in test_vectors: data = tobytes(data) hobj =, data=data) self.assertEqual(hobj.hexdigest(), result)
try: from Crypto.Hash import keccak sha3_256 = lambda x:, data=x).digest() sha3_512 = lambda x:, data=x) except: import sha3 as _sha3 sha3_256 = lambda x: _sha3.sha3_256(x).digest() sha3_512 = lambda x: _sha3.sha3_512(x).digest() from rlp.utils import decode_hex, encode_hex import sys WORD_BYTES = 4 # bytes in word DATASET_BYTES_INIT = 2 ** 30 # bytes in dataset at genesis DATASET_BYTES_GROWTH = 2 ** 23 # growth per epoch (~7 GB per year) CACHE_BYTES_INIT = 2 ** 24 # Size of the dataset relative to the cache CACHE_BYTES_GROWTH = 2 ** 17 # Size of the dataset relative to the cache EPOCH_LENGTH = 30000 # blocks per epoch MIX_BYTES = 128 # width of mix HASH_BYTES = 64 # hash length in bytes DATASET_PARENTS = 256 # number of parents of each dataset element CACHE_ROUNDS = 3 # number of rounds in cache production ACCESSES = 64 # number of accesses in hashimoto loop FNV_PRIME = 0x01000193 def fnv(v1, v2): return (v1 * FNV_PRIME ^ v2) % 2 ** 32
def mk_contract_address(sender, nonce): keccak_hash = keccak_hash.update(rlp.encode([normalize_address(sender), nonce])) return keccak_hash.hexdigest()[24:]
def test_new_positive2(self): digest1 ="\x90"), digest_bytes=64).digest() digest2 ="\x90")).digest() self.assertEqual(digest1, digest2)
def test_short_384(self): test_vectors = load_tests("keccak", "ShortMsgKAT_384.txt") for result, data, desc in test_vectors: data = tobytes(data) hobj =, data=data) self.assertEqual(hobj.hexdigest(), result)