Ejemplo n.º 1
def udp_broadcaster():

	global port, broadcast_hash, priv_key, old_hash

	# create socket
	broadcast_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)
	broadcast_socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1)

	# create new ephID and generate recv_shares
	priv_key, broadcast_id = generate_ephid()
	broadcast_id_recv_shares = Shamir.split(3, 6, broadcast_id)
	# hash of ephid
	broadcast_hash = sha256(broadcast_id).hexdigest()

	# print recv_shares and id
	print_id(broadcast_id, broadcast_id_recv_shares)

	# timer
	start_time = time.time()
	broadcast_timer = 10		# 10 seconds
	id_timer = 60				# 1 minute
	curr_timer = time.time() - start_time

	while True:

		# broadcast id every 10 seconds
		if curr_timer > broadcast_timer and len(broadcast_id_recv_shares) != 0:
			print(f"[TASK 3A] Broadcasting shares: {broadcast_id_recv_shares[0][0], hexlify(broadcast_id_recv_shares[0][1])}")
			send_str = str(broadcast_id_recv_shares[0][0]) + "|" + hexlify(broadcast_id_recv_shares[0][1]).decode() + "|" + broadcast_hash
			broadcast_socket.sendto(send_str.encode('utf-8'), ('', port))
			broadcast_timer += 10

		# create new id every minute
		elif curr_timer > id_timer:
			# create new ephID and generate recv_shares
			priv_key, broadcast_id = generate_ephid()
			broadcast_id_recv_shares = Shamir.split(3, 6, broadcast_id)
			# hash of ephid
			old_hash = broadcast_hash
			broadcast_hash = sha256(broadcast_id).hexdigest()

			# print recv_shares and id
			print_id(broadcast_id, broadcast_id_recv_shares)

			# set timer
			id_timer += 60

		# update timer
		curr_timer = time.time() - start_time
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def chop(self, min_shards, shards):
        self.shares = Shamir.split(min_shards, shards, self.kekHex)

        for share in self.shares:
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test1(self):
     # Test splitting
     shares = Shamir.split(2, 3, bchr(90)*16)
     self.assertEqual(len(shares), 3)
     for index in xrange(3):
         self.assertEqual(shares[index][0], index+1)
         self.assertEqual(len(shares[index][1]), 16)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def change_format(self):
     msg = []
     tmp = shamir.split(3, 6, self.encmgr.pub_key)
     for i in tmp:
         add = str(i[0]).encode('utf-8') + ' '.encode('utf-8') + i[1]
     return msg
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_shares(filename, content):
    key = get_random_bytes(16)
    shares = Shamir.split(2, 3, key)
    share_dict = {}

    for idx, share in shares:
        share_dict["%d" % idx] = hexlify(share)

    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_EAX)
    ct, tag = cipher.encrypt(content), cipher.digest()

    try_count = 0
    while try_count < 10:
        tmp_filename = secrets.token_hex()
        if not check_if_filename_duplicated(tmp_filename):
            file_content = cipher.nonce + tag + ct
            with open(PATH + tmp_filename, "wb") as fo:
                fo.write(cipher.nonce + tag + ct)

            insert_db(filename, tmp_filename, share_dict)
        try_count += 1

    if try_count >= 10:
        return {}, "error"

    return share_dict, tmp_filename
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test1(self):
     # Test splitting
     shares = Shamir.split(2, 3, bchr(90) * 16)
     self.assertEqual(len(shares), 3)
     for index in range(3):
         self.assertEqual(shares[index][0], index + 1)
         self.assertEqual(len(shares[index][1]), 16)
    def test4(self):
        # Loopback split/recombine (SSSS)
        secret = unhexlify(b("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"))

        shares = Shamir.split(2, 3, secret, ssss=True)

        secret2 = Shamir.combine(shares[:2], ssss=True)
        self.assertEqual(secret, secret2)
    def test3(self):
        # Loopback split/recombine
        secret = unhexlify(b("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"))

        shares = Shamir.split(2, 3, secret)

        secret2 = Shamir.combine(shares[:2])
        self.assertEqual(secret, secret2)

        secret3 = Shamir.combine([shares[0], shares[2]])
        self.assertEqual(secret, secret3)
def _split_128b_bytestring_into_shares(secret: bytes, shares_count: int,
                                       threshold_count: int) -> list:
    """Split a bytestring of exactly 128 bits into shares.

        :param bytestring: bytestring to split
        :param shares_count: number of shares to create
        :param threshold_count: number of shares needed to reconstitute the secret

        :return: list of tuples (index, share)"""

    assert len(secret) == 16
    shares = Shamir.split(k=threshold_count, n=shares_count, secret=secret)
    assert len(shares) == shares_count, shares
    return shares
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test3(self):
        # Loopback split/recombine
        secret = unhexlify(b("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"))

        shares = Shamir.split(2, 3, secret)

        secret2 = Shamir.combine(shares[:2])
        self.assertEqual(secret, secret2)

        secret3 = Shamir.combine([ shares[0], shares[2] ])
        self.assertEqual(secret, secret3)

        secret4 = Shamir.combine(shares)
        self.assertEqual(secret, secret4) # One share too many
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main():
    # Encryption Process
    # We will use padding because pycryptodome sss supports 16 bytes
    key = get_random_bytes(16)
    key_padded = pad(key, 32)
    key_sol = Web3.toHex(key_padded)
    key_hash = Web3.solidityKeccak(['bytes32'], [key_sol])
    shares = Shamir.split(2, 5, key)

    print("************* ENCRYPTION ************")
    print("Generating Shamir Secrets")
    print("Padded Key Generated = ", key_sol)
    print("Hash Generated = ", key_hash.hex())
    print("Shamir Shares")

    for idx, share in shares:
        print("{}-{}".format(idx, Web3.toHex(share)))

    # Decryption Process
    print("************* DECRYPTION ************")

    # Get shares
    new_shares = []
    for x in range(2):
        inp = input("Input Share: ")
        inp = inp.strip()  # clean white space
        idx, key = inp.split('-')
        byte_key = Web3.toBytes(hexstr=key)
        new_shares.append((int(idx), byte_key))

    # Get Key
    re_key = Shamir.combine(new_shares)
    re_key_pad = pad(re_key, 32)
    re_key_hash = Web3.solidityKeccak(['bytes32'], [re_key_pad])

    print("Key reconstructed = ", Web3.toHex(re_key))
    print("Padded key = ", Web3.toHex(re_key_pad))
    print("Hash Generated = ", Web3.toHex(re_key_hash))
    print("Hash Match = {}".format(re_key_hash == key_hash))
    def test5(self):
        # Detect duplicate shares
        secret = unhexlify(b("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"))

        shares = Shamir.split(2, 3, secret)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Shamir.combine, (shares[0], shares[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def generateKeyShares(self, key):
     return Shamir.split(self.F + 1, self.N, key)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def generate_shares(secret):
    return Shamir.split(3, 6, secret)
Ejemplo n.º 15
import random

from Crypto.Protocol.SecretSharing import Shamir as shamir
msg = 'ABCDGERT23456780'
msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
shares = shamir.split(3, 6, msg, ssss=True)
pool_1 = random.sample(shares, 3)
pool_2 = random.sample(shares, 2)
pool_3 = random.sample(shares, 4)
tmp = []
count = 1
for i in pool_3:
    shit = (count, i[1])
    count = count + 1
remake_1 = shamir.combine(pool_1)
remake_2 = shamir.combine(pool_2)
remake_3 = shamir.combine(pool_3)
remake_4 = shamir.combine(tmp)
what = []
for i in pool_1:
    add = str(i[0]).encode('utf-8') + ' '.encode('utf-8') + i[1]

for i in what:
    # print(len(i[2:]))

print(remake_1, remake_2)
# from binascii import hexlify
# from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
# from Crypto.Protocol.SecretSharing import Shamir
# message = '我是大帅哥!'
# key = message.encode('utf-8')
# print(key)
# shares = Shamir.split(2, 5, key)
# for idx, share in shares:
#     print("Index #%d: %s" % (idx, hexlify(share)))

from binascii import hexlify
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Protocol.SecretSharing import Shamir

#from sss import Shamir
message = '我是大帅哥!'
key = message.encode('utf-8')
shares = Shamir.split(2, 5, key)
for idx, share in shares:
    print("Index #%d: %s" % (idx, hexlify(share)))

Ejemplo n.º 17
    def send_file(self, filename, port_list=None, ip=None, shamir_on=True):
        if ip == None:
            ip = self.CNC
        if port_list == None:
            port_list = self.PORTLIST

        comms = [Communication(ip, port) for port in port_list]
        sockets = [comm.create_socket() for comm in comms]

        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
            plain_data = f.read()

        encrypted_data = encrypt_message(plain_data, b"", self.dh_sharedkey)
        counter = 0
        left = len(encrypted_data)  # amount of data left to be sent

        self.send_file_info(filename, left, shamir_on=shamir_on)

        msg_type, result = TCP_Listener.get_next_message()
        if msg_type == 2:
            filecounter = result
            print("Filecounter received: ", filecounter)

        while True:
            size = 16

            if (left // size):
                sent = size
                sent = left % size

            bytes_read = encrypted_data[counter * size:counter * size + size]

            if len(bytes_read) != 0 and len(bytes_read) != 16:
                bytes_read += b'\x00' * (16 - len(bytes_read))

            if len(bytes_read) == 0:  # break when there's nothing to be sent

            if shamir_on:
                shares = Shamir.split(2, 3, bytes_read)
                for ctr, (idx, share) in enumerate(shares):
                    packet = bytearray()
                    packet.extend(bytearray((counter).to_bytes(4, 'big')))
                    packet.extend(bytearray((idx).to_bytes(4, 'big')))
                    packet.extend(bytearray((filecounter).to_bytes(4, 'big')))
                packet = bytearray()
                idx = 10  # Random value for shamir on/off check on the receiver end
                packet.extend(bytearray((counter).to_bytes(4, 'big')))
                packet.extend(bytearray((idx).to_bytes(4, 'big')))
                packet.extend(bytearray((filecounter).to_bytes(4, 'big')))
                ctr = random.randint(0, 2)

            left -= (sent)  # update amount of data that will be sent
            counter += 1

        for socket in sockets:
Ejemplo n.º 18
    return (ciphertext, aes_cipher.nonce, auth_tag)

def decrypt_AES_GCM(encrypted_msg, secret_key):
    (ciphertext, nonce, auth_tag) = encrypted_msg
    aes_cipher = AES.new(secret_key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
    plaintext = aes_cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, auth_tag)
    return plaintext

message = b'a message to sign via AES-GCM'

secret_key = get_random_bytes(16)
print(f'Secret key:\n\t{binascii.hexlify(secret_key)}')

shares = Shamir.split(2, 5, secret_key)
print('Shared keys:')
for idx, share in shares:
    print(f'\t{binascii.hexlify(share)} ({idx})')

encrypted_msg = encrypt_AES_GCM(message, secret_key)
print('Encrypted message and parameters:')
print(f'\tAES with Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)')
print(f'\t{binascii.hexlify(encrypted_msg[0])} (ciphertext)')
print(f'\t{binascii.hexlify(encrypted_msg[1])} (nonce)')
print(f'\t{binascii.hexlify(encrypted_msg[2])} (auth_tag)')

combined_secret_key = Shamir.combine([shares[2], shares[4]])
decrypted_msg = decrypt_AES_GCM(encrypted_msg, combined_secret_key)
print('Decrypted message:')
Ejemplo n.º 19
from Crypto.Protocol.SecretSharing import Shamir
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes

text = 'hello world'

password = input("Type ascii")
print("it is....")

for ch in text:
    print(ord(ch), end="")
    #print(str(ch), end='')

for k in password:
    d = []
    s = list(enumerate(d, start=0))
    iv = [get_random_bytes(d) for x in range(2)]
    res = Shamir.split(2, 5, iv)
    #print (ord(k))
Ejemplo n.º 20
        pt += "x"
    return (pt)

    "\nHuiHui Industries is on a hiring spree of freshers for the role of a true Assistant to the Network Administrator."
print("Their test is very basic. Wanna try?\n")

flag = "xxxxx cjumz evlz{Y0u_4r3_h1r3d}ctf fwmadug "
key = "huiRandom_Keyhui".encode()
cipher = aes.new(key, aes.MODE_ECB)
encrypted_flag = binascii.hexlify(cipher.encrypt(pad(flag).encode())).decode()

n = random.randint(20, 24)
shares = Shamir.split(19, n, key, ssss=True)
score = 0

for i in range(n):
    cipher = aes.new(shares[i][1], aes.MODE_ECB)
    random_pt = PTs[random.randint(0, 24)]
    encrypted_random_pt = binascii.hexlify(

    ED = random.randint(0, 1)

    if ED == 0:
        print("haiyaa! Encrypt this: ")
        print("using:", binascii.hexlify(shares[i][1]).decode())