Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _exercise_primitive(self, rsaObj):
        # Since we're using a randomly-generated key, we can't check the test
        # vector, but we can make sure encryption and decryption are inverse
        # operations.
        ciphertext = a2b_hex(self.ciphertext)

        # Test decryption
        plaintext = rsaObj.decrypt((ciphertext,))

        # Test encryption (2 arguments)
        (new_ciphertext2,) = rsaObj.encrypt(plaintext, b(""))
        self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(ciphertext), b2a_hex(new_ciphertext2))

        # Test blinded decryption
        blinding_factor = Random.new().read(len(ciphertext) - 1)
        blinded_ctext = rsaObj.blind(ciphertext, blinding_factor)
        blinded_ptext = rsaObj.decrypt((blinded_ctext,))
        unblinded_plaintext = rsaObj.unblind(blinded_ptext, blinding_factor)
        self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(plaintext), b2a_hex(unblinded_plaintext))

        # Test signing (2 arguments)
        signature2 = rsaObj.sign(ciphertext, b(""))
        self.assertEqual((bytes_to_long(plaintext),), signature2)

        # Test verification
        self.assertEqual(1, rsaObj.verify(ciphertext, (bytes_to_long(plaintext),)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _check_encryption(self, rsaObj):
        plaintext = a2b_hex(self.plaintext)
        ciphertext = a2b_hex(self.ciphertext)

        # Test encryption (2 arguments)
        (new_ciphertext2,) = rsaObj.encrypt(plaintext, b(""))
        self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(ciphertext), b2a_hex(new_ciphertext2))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _check_decryption(self, paillierObj):
        plaintext = a2b_hex(self.plaintext)
        ciphertext = a2b_hex(self.ciphertext)

        # Test plain decryption
        new_plaintext = paillierObj.decrypt((ciphertext,))
        self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(plaintext), b2a_hex(new_plaintext))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _exercise_primitive(self, paillierObj):
        # Since we're using a randomly-generated key, we can't check the test
        # vector, but we can make sure encryption and decryption are inverse
        # operations.

        plaintext = a2b_hex(self.plaintext)

        # Test encryption
        ciphertext = paillierObj.encrypt(plaintext, b(""))

        # Test decryption
        new_plaintext2 = paillierObj.decrypt((ciphertext))
        self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(plaintext), b2a_hex(new_plaintext2))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _check_decryption(self, rsaObj):
        plaintext = a2b_hex(self.plaintext)
        ciphertext = a2b_hex(self.ciphertext)

        # Test plain decryption
        new_plaintext = rsaObj.decrypt((ciphertext,))
        self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(plaintext), b2a_hex(new_plaintext))

        # Test blinded decryption
        blinding_factor = Random.new().read(len(ciphertext) - 1)
        blinded_ctext = rsaObj.blind(ciphertext, blinding_factor)
        blinded_ptext = rsaObj.decrypt((blinded_ctext,))
        unblinded_plaintext = rsaObj.unblind(blinded_ptext, blinding_factor)
        self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(plaintext), b2a_hex(unblinded_plaintext))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _check_decryption(self, rsaObj):
        plaintext = a2b_hex(self.plaintext)
        ciphertext = a2b_hex(self.ciphertext)

        # Test plain decryption
        new_plaintext = rsaObj.decrypt((ciphertext, ))
        self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(plaintext), b2a_hex(new_plaintext))

        # Test blinded decryption
        blinding_factor = Random.new().read(len(ciphertext) - 1)
        blinded_ctext = rsaObj.blind(ciphertext, blinding_factor)
        blinded_ptext = rsaObj.decrypt((blinded_ctext, ))
        unblinded_plaintext = rsaObj.unblind(blinded_ptext, blinding_factor)
        self.assertEqual(b2a_hex(plaintext), b2a_hex(unblinded_plaintext))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def encrypt(self, password):
     cryptor = AES.new(self.key_one, self.mode, self.key_two)
     # 这里密钥key 长度必须为16(AES-128)、24(AES-192)、或32(AES-256)Bytes 长度.目前AES-128足够用
     length = 16
     count = len(password)
     add = length - (count % length)
     text = password + ('\0' * add)
     ciphertext = cryptor.encrypt(text)
     # 因为AES加密时候得到的字符串不一定是ascii字符集的,输出到终端或者保存时候可能存在问题
     # 所以这里统一把加密后的字符串转化为16进制字符串
     return b2a_hex(ciphertext)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class DSATest(unittest.TestCase):
    # Test vector from "Appendix 5. Example of the DSA" of
    # "Digital Signature Standard (DSS)",
    # U.S. Department of Commerce/National Institute of Standards and Technology
    # FIPS 186-2 (+Change Notice), 2000 January 27.
    # http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips186-2/fips186-2-change1.pdf

    y = _sws(
        b("""19131871 d75b1612 a819f29d 78d1b0d7 346f7aa7 7bb62a85
                9bfd6c56 75da9d21 2d3a36ef 1672ef66 0b8c7c25 5cc0ec74
                858fba33 f44c0669 9630a76b 030ee333"""))

    g = _sws(
        b("""626d0278 39ea0a13 413163a5 5b4cb500 299d5522 956cefcb
                3bff10f3 99ce2c2e 71cb9de5 fa24babf 58e5b795 21925c9c
                c42e9f6f 464b088c c572af53 e6d78802"""))

    p = _sws(
        b("""8df2a494 492276aa 3d25759b b06869cb eac0d83a fb8d0cf7
                cbb8324f 0d7882e5 d0762fc5 b7210eaf c2e9adac 32ab7aac
                49693dfb f83724c2 ec0736ee 31c80291"""))

    q = _sws(b("""c773218c 737ec8ee 993b4f2d ed30f48e dace915f"""))

    x = _sws(b("""2070b322 3dba372f de1c0ffc 7b2e3b49 8b260614"""))

    k = _sws(b("""358dad57 1462710f 50e254cf 1a376b2b deaadfbf"""))
    k_inverse = _sws(b("""0d516729 8202e49b 4116ac10 4fc3f415 ae52f917"""))
    m = b2a_hex(b("abc"))
    m_hash = _sws(b("""a9993e36 4706816a ba3e2571 7850c26c 9cd0d89d"""))
    r = _sws(b("""8bac1ab6 6410435c b7181f95 b16ab97c 92b341c0"""))
    s = _sws(b("""41e2345f 1f56df24 58f426d1 55b4ba2d b6dcd8c8"""))

    def setUp(self):
        global DSA, Random, bytes_to_long, size
        from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA
        from Crypto import Random
        from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, inverse, size

        self.dsa = DSA

    def test_generate_1arg(self):
        """DSA (default implementation) generated key (1 argument)"""
        dsaObj = self.dsa.generate(1024)
        pub = dsaObj.publickey()

    def test_generate_2arg(self):
        """DSA (default implementation) generated key (2 arguments)"""
        dsaObj = self.dsa.generate(1024, Random.new().read)
        pub = dsaObj.publickey()

    def test_construct_4tuple(self):
        """DSA (default implementation) constructed key (4-tuple)"""
        (y, g, p, q) = [
            for param in (self.y, self.g, self.p, self.q)
        dsaObj = self.dsa.construct((y, g, p, q))

    def test_construct_5tuple(self):
        """DSA (default implementation) constructed key (5-tuple)"""
        (y, g, p, q, x) = [
            for param in (self.y, self.g, self.p, self.q, self.x)
        dsaObj = self.dsa.construct((y, g, p, q, x))

    def _check_private_key(self, dsaObj):
        # Check capabilities
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.has_private())
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.can_sign())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_encrypt())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_blind())

        # Check dsaObj.[ygpqx] -> dsaObj.key.[ygpqx] mapping
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.y, dsaObj.key.y)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.g, dsaObj.key.g)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.p, dsaObj.key.p)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.q, dsaObj.key.q)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.x, dsaObj.key.x)

        # Sanity check key data
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.p > dsaObj.q)  # p > q
        self.assertEqual(160, size(dsaObj.q))  # size(q) == 160 bits
        self.assertEqual(0, (dsaObj.p - 1) % dsaObj.q)  # q is a divisor of p-1
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.y, pow(dsaObj.g, dsaObj.x,
                                       dsaObj.p))  # y == g**x mod p
        self.assertEqual(1, 0 < dsaObj.x < dsaObj.q)  # 0 < x < q

    def _check_public_key(self, dsaObj):
        k = a2b_hex(self.k)
        m_hash = a2b_hex(self.m_hash)

        # Check capabilities
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.has_private())
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.can_sign())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_encrypt())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_blind())

        # Check dsaObj.[ygpq] -> dsaObj.key.[ygpq] mapping
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.y, dsaObj.key.y)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.g, dsaObj.key.g)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.p, dsaObj.key.p)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.q, dsaObj.key.q)

        # Check that private parameters are all missing
        self.assertEqual(0, hasattr(dsaObj, 'x'))
        self.assertEqual(0, hasattr(dsaObj.key, 'x'))

        # Sanity check key data
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.p > dsaObj.q)  # p > q
        self.assertEqual(160, size(dsaObj.q))  # size(q) == 160 bits
        self.assertEqual(0, (dsaObj.p - 1) % dsaObj.q)  # q is a divisor of p-1

        # Public-only key objects should raise an error when .sign() is called
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, dsaObj.sign, m_hash, k)

        # Check __eq__ and __ne__
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.publickey() == dsaObj.publickey(),
                         True)  # assert_
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.publickey() != dsaObj.publickey(),
                         False)  # failIf

    def _test_signing(self, dsaObj):
        k = a2b_hex(self.k)
        m_hash = a2b_hex(self.m_hash)
        r = bytes_to_long(a2b_hex(self.r))
        s = bytes_to_long(a2b_hex(self.s))
        (r_out, s_out) = dsaObj.sign(m_hash, k)
        self.assertEqual((r, s), (r_out, s_out))

    def _test_verification(self, dsaObj):
        m_hash = a2b_hex(self.m_hash)
        r = bytes_to_long(a2b_hex(self.r))
        s = bytes_to_long(a2b_hex(self.s))
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.verify(m_hash, (r, s)))
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.verify(m_hash + b("\0"), (r, s)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _encrypt(self, passwd, key_file):
     (cipher,) = self.rsa_obj.encrypt(passwd, b'')
     return b2a_hex(cipher)