Ejemplo n.º 1
 def dumps(self, obj, signingPrivateKey, receipientPublicKey, eccCurve ,pickler=pickle):
     '''Pickle and Encrypt a Python Object with AES / Encrypt AES Key with Receipient Public ECC Key / Signs Pickle with Sender Private Key'''
     cryptoWrapper = CryptoWrapper();
     encryptedPickle, aesKey = cryptoWrapper.aesEncrypt(self.picklePad + pickler.dumps(obj))
     pickleSignature = cryptoWrapper.eccSign(signingPrivateKey, eccCurve, encryptedPickle)
     encryptedKey = cryptoWrapper.eccEncrypt(receipientPublicKey, eccCurve, aesKey)
     return encryptedPickle, encryptedKey, pickleSignature
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __verifyPickle__(self, encryptedPickle, verificationKey, eccCurve, signature):
     '''Veryify Pickle Authenticity with RSA Signature - Return True if good Signature'''
     crypto = CryptoWrapper()
     if crypto.eccVerify(verificationKey, eccCurve, encryptedPickle, signature) is False:
         raise Exception('Could not Verify Pickle')
         return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def loads(self, encryptedPickle, encryptedKey, pickleSignature, receipientPrivateKey, verificationKey, eccCurve, pickler=pickle):
     '''Checks Pickle Signature / Decrypts AES Key and Pickle and Loads Object'''
     cryptoWrapper = CryptoWrapper()
         self.__verifyPickle__(encryptedPickle, verificationKey, eccCurve, pickleSignature)
         print 'Invalid Pickle - Not Decrypting'
         raise Exception('Pickle Fails Signature Verification')
     aesKey = cryptoWrapper.eccDecrypt(receipientPrivateKey, eccCurve, encryptedKey)
     pickle = cryptoWrapper.aesDecrypt(aesKey, encryptedPickle)
     # simple integrity check to verify that we got meaningful data
     assert pickle.startswith(self.picklePad), "unexpected header"
     return pickler.loads(pickle[len(self.picklePad):])
Ejemplo n.º 4
            self.__verifyPickle__(encryptedPickle, verificationKey, eccCurve, pickleSignature)
            print 'Invalid Pickle - Not Decrypting'
            raise Exception('Pickle Fails Signature Verification')
        aesKey = cryptoWrapper.eccDecrypt(receipientPrivateKey, eccCurve, encryptedKey)
        pickle = cryptoWrapper.aesDecrypt(aesKey, encryptedPickle)
        # simple integrity check to verify that we got meaningful data
        assert pickle.startswith(self.picklePad), "unexpected header"
        return pickler.loads(pickle[len(self.picklePad):])
if __name__ == '__main__':
    '''Usage Examples'''
    '''Instatiation of Crypto Wrapper - Generate Signing Key Pair and RSA Key Pair'''
    crypto = CryptoWrapper()
    signingKey, verificationKey, eccSignCurve = crypto.eccGenerate()
    receipientPrivateKey, receipientPublicKey, eccCryptoCurve = crypto.eccGenerate()
    '''Instatiation of Brine Module - Dumps Python object into Encyrpted Pickle'''
    dict = {'object': 'to be', 'pickled': 'test case'}
    brine = Brine()
    encryptedPickle, encryptedKey, pickleSignature = brine.dumps(dict, signingKey, receipientPublicKey, eccSignCurve)
    '''Unencrypt Pickle Object and Return object'''
    unpickledObject = brine.loads(encryptedPickle, encryptedKey, pickleSignature, receipientPrivateKey, verificationKey, eccSignCurve)
    print unpickledObject