Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_unknown_parameters(self):
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, AES.new, self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR,
                       7, counter=self.ctr_128)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, AES.new, self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR,
                       counter=self.ctr_128, unknown=7)
     # But some are only known by the base cipher (e.g. use_aesni consumed by the AES module)
     AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=self.ctr_128, use_aesni=False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_IV_iv_attributes(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OPENPGP, self.iv_128)
        eiv = cipher.encrypt(b"")
        self.assertEqual(cipher.iv, self.iv_128)

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OPENPGP, eiv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.iv, self.iv_128)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_data_must_be_bytes(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_256, AES.MODE_SIV, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.encrypt, u'test1234567890-*')

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_256, AES.MODE_SIV, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.decrypt_and_verify,
                          u'test1234567890-*', b("xxxx"))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_unaligned_data_128(self):
        plaintexts = [ b"7777777" ] * 100

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OPENPGP, self.iv_128)
        ciphertexts = [ cipher.encrypt(x) for x in plaintexts ]
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OPENPGP, self.iv_128)
        self.assertEqual(b"".join(ciphertexts), cipher.encrypt(b"".join(plaintexts)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def decrypt(secretkey, params):
    iv = b64decode(params['iv'])
    salt = b64decode(params['salt'])
    #~ keylen = params.get('ks', 128) // 8 # FIXME use somewhere?
    taglen = params.get('ts', 64) // 8
    iterations = params.get('iter', 1000)
    data = b64decode(params['ct'])
    ciphertext = data[:-taglen]
    tag = data[-taglen:]

    if params.get('adata'):
        raise NotImplementedError('authenticated data support is not implemented')

    iv = trunc_iv(iv, ciphertext, taglen)

    hash_func = lambda k, s: HMAC.new(k, s, SHA256).digest()
    key = PBKDF2(secretkey, salt=salt, count=iterations, prf=hash_func)

    mode_str = params.get('mode', 'ccm')
    mode = dict(ccm=AES.MODE_CCM)[mode_str]
    if mode_str == 'ccm':
        cipher = AES.new(key, mode=AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=iv, mac_len=taglen)
        cipher = AES.new(key, mode=mode, iv=iv)
    decrypted = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, tag)
    return decrypted
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_aes_128(self):
        plaintext =     '6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172a' +\
                        'ae2d8a571e03ac9c9eb76fac45af8e51' +\
                        '30c81c46a35ce411e5fbc1191a0a52ef' +\
        ciphertext =    '3b3fd92eb72dad20333449f8e83cfb4a' +\
                        '7789508d16918f03f53c52dac54ed825' +\
                        '9740051e9c5fecf64344f7a82260edcc' +\
        key =           '2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c'
        iv =            '000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f'

        key = unhexlify(key)
        iv = unhexlify(iv)
        plaintext = unhexlify(plaintext)
        ciphertext = unhexlify(ciphertext)

        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.encrypt(plaintext), ciphertext)
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext), plaintext)

        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.encrypt(plaintext[:-8]), ciphertext[:-8])
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext[:-8]), plaintext[:-8])
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_unknown_parameters(self):
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, AES.new, self.key_128, self.aes_mode,
                       self.iv_128, 7)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, AES.new, self.key_128, self.aes_mode,
                       iv=self.iv_128, unknown=7)
     # But some are only known by the base cipher (e.g. use_aesni consumed by the AES module)
     AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, iv=self.iv_128, use_aesni=False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_aes_256(self):
        plaintext =     '6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172a' +\
                        'ae2d8a571e03ac9c9eb76fac45af8e51' +\
                        '30c81c46a35ce411e5fbc1191a0a52ef' +\
        ciphertext =    'dc7e84bfda79164b7ecd8486985d3860' +\
                        '4febdc6740d20b3ac88f6ad82a4fb08d' +\
                        '71ab47a086e86eedf39d1c5bba97c408' +\
        key =           '603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d77811f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4'
        iv =            '000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f'

        key = unhexlify(key)
        iv = unhexlify(iv)
        plaintext = unhexlify(plaintext)
        ciphertext = unhexlify(ciphertext)

        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.encrypt(plaintext), ciphertext)
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext), plaintext)

        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.encrypt(plaintext[:-8]), ciphertext[:-8])
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext[:-8]), plaintext[:-8])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_aes_192(self):
        plaintext =     '6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172a' +\
                        'ae2d8a571e03ac9c9eb76fac45af8e51' +\
                        '30c81c46a35ce411e5fbc1191a0a52ef' +\
        ciphertext =    'cdc80d6fddf18cab34c25909c99a4174' +\
                        'fcc28b8d4c63837c09e81700c1100401' +\
                        '8d9a9aeac0f6596f559c6d4daf59a5f2' +\
        key =           '8e73b0f7da0e6452c810f32b809079e562f8ead2522c6b7b'
        iv =            '000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f'

        key = unhexlify(key)
        iv = unhexlify(iv)
        plaintext = unhexlify(plaintext)
        ciphertext = unhexlify(ciphertext)

        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.encrypt(plaintext), ciphertext)
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext), plaintext)

        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.encrypt(plaintext[:-8]), ciphertext[:-8])
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext[:-8]), plaintext[:-8])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_valid_init_verify(self):
        # Verify path INIT->VERIFY
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        mac = cipher.digest()

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=self.nonce_96)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_hex_mac(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        mac_hex = cipher.hexdigest()
        self.assertEqual(cipher.digest(), unhexlify(mac_hex))

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=self.nonce_96)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_bytearray(self):
        data = b"1" * 16
        iv = b"\x00" * 6 + b"\xFF\xFF"

        # Encrypt
        cipher1 = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR,
        ref1 = cipher1.encrypt(data)

        cipher2 = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR,
        ref2 = cipher2.encrypt(bytearray(data))

        self.assertEqual(ref1, ref2)
        self.assertEqual(cipher1.nonce, cipher2.nonce)

        # Decrypt
        cipher3 = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR,
        ref3 = cipher3.decrypt(data)

        cipher4 = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR,
        ref4 = cipher4.decrypt(bytearray(data))

        self.assertEqual(ref3, ref4)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_nonce_parameter(self):
        # Nonce parameter becomes nonce attribute
        cipher1 = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=self.nonce_64)
        self.assertEqual(cipher1.nonce, self.nonce_64)

        counter = Counter.new(64, prefix=self.nonce_64, initial_value=0)
        cipher2 = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter)
        self.assertEqual(cipher1.nonce, cipher2.nonce)

        pt = get_tag_random("plaintext", 65536)
        self.assertEqual(cipher1.encrypt(pt), cipher2.encrypt(pt))

        # Nonce is implicitly created (for AES) when no parameters are passed
        nonce1 = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR).nonce
        nonce2 = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR).nonce
        self.assertNotEqual(nonce1, nonce2)
        self.assertEqual(len(nonce1), 8)

        # Nonce can be zero-length
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=b"")
        self.assertEqual(b"", cipher.nonce)

        # Nonce and Counter are mutually exclusive
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, AES.new, self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR,
                          counter=self.ctr_128, nonce=self.nonce_64)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_output_param(self):

        pt = b'5' * 16
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        ct = cipher.encrypt(pt)
        tag = cipher.digest()

        output = bytearray(16)
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        res = cipher.encrypt(pt, output=output)
        self.assertEqual(ct, output)
        self.assertEqual(res, None)
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        res = cipher.decrypt(ct, output=output)
        self.assertEqual(pt, output)
        self.assertEqual(res, None)
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        res, tag_out = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(pt, output=output)
        self.assertEqual(ct, output)
        self.assertEqual(res, None)
        self.assertEqual(tag, tag_out)
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        res = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ct, tag, output=output)
        self.assertEqual(pt, output)
        self.assertEqual(res, None)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _aes_CTR_cipher(key, nonce, block_index=0, little_endian=False):
    if little_endian:
        counter = Cryptodome.Util.Counter.new(
            nbits=64, prefix=nonce, initial_value=block_index, little_endian=True)
        return AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter)
        return AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=nonce, initial_value=block_index)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_invalid_multiple_decrypt_and_verify(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_256, AES.MODE_SIV, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        ct, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(self.data_128)

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_256, AES.MODE_SIV, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ct, tag)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.decrypt_and_verify, ct, tag)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_memoryview(self):
        data = b"1" * 16
        data_mv = memoryview(bytearray(data))

        # Encrypt
        key_mv = memoryview(bytearray(self.key_128))
        iv_mv = memoryview(bytearray(self.iv_128))

        cipher1 = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        ref1 = cipher1.encrypt(data)

        cipher2 = AES.new(key_mv, self.aes_mode, iv_mv)
        key_mv[:3] = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF'
        iv_mv[:3] = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF'
        ref2 = cipher2.encrypt(data_mv)

        self.assertEqual(ref1, ref2)
        self.assertEqual(cipher1.iv, cipher2.iv)

        # Decrypt
        key_mv = memoryview(bytearray(self.key_128))
        iv_mv = memoryview(bytearray(self.iv_128))

        cipher3 = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        ref3 = cipher3.decrypt(data)

        cipher4 = AES.new(key_mv, self.aes_mode, iv_mv)
        key_mv[:3] = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF'
        iv_mv[:3] = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF'
        ref4 = cipher4.decrypt(data_mv)

        self.assertEqual(ref3, ref4)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_bytearray(self):
        data = b"1" * 16
        data_ba = bytearray(data)

        # Encrypt
        key_ba = bytearray(self.key_128)
        iv_ba = bytearray(self.iv_128)

        cipher1 = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        ref1 = cipher1.encrypt(data)

        cipher2 = AES.new(key_ba, self.aes_mode, iv_ba)
        key_ba[:3] = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF'
        iv_ba[:3] = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF'
        ref2 = cipher2.encrypt(data_ba)

        self.assertEqual(ref1, ref2)
        self.assertEqual(cipher1.iv, cipher2.iv)

        # Decrypt
        key_ba = bytearray(self.key_128)
        iv_ba = bytearray(self.iv_128)

        cipher3 = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        ref3 = cipher3.decrypt(data)

        cipher4 = AES.new(key_ba, self.aes_mode, iv_ba)
        key_ba[:3] = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF'
        iv_ba[:3] = b'\xFF\xFF\xFF'
        ref4 = cipher4.decrypt(data_ba)

        self.assertEqual(ref3, ref4)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_shorter_assoc_data_than_expected(self):
        # With plaintext
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96,
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, cipher.encrypt, self.data_128)

        # With empty plaintext
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96,
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, cipher.digest)

        # With ciphertext
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96,
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, cipher.decrypt, self.data_128)

        # With empty ciphertext
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        mac = cipher.digest()

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CCM, nonce=self.nonce_96,
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, cipher.verify, mac)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test3(self):

        for keylen, taglen, result in self.tv3:

            key = bchr(0) * (keylen // 8 - 1) + bchr(taglen)
            C = b("")

            for i in range(128):
                S = bchr(0) * i

                N = long_to_bytes(3 * i + 1, 12)
                cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=N, mac_len=taglen // 8)
                C += cipher.encrypt(S) + cipher.encrypt() + cipher.digest()

                N = long_to_bytes(3 * i + 2, 12)
                cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=N, mac_len=taglen // 8)
                C += cipher.encrypt(S) + cipher.encrypt() + cipher.digest()

                N = long_to_bytes(3 * i + 3, 12)
                cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=N, mac_len=taglen // 8)
                C += cipher.encrypt() + cipher.digest()

            N = long_to_bytes(385, 12)
            cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=N, mac_len=taglen // 8)
            result2 = cipher.encrypt() + cipher.digest()
            self.assertEquals(unhexlify(b(result)), result2)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_either_encrypt_or_decrypt(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=self.ctr_128)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.decrypt, b"")

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=self.ctr_128)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.encrypt, b"")
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_loopback_128(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=self.ctr_128)
        pt = get_tag_random("plaintext", 16 * 100)
        ct = cipher.encrypt(pt)

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=self.ctr_128)
        pt2 = cipher.decrypt(ct)
        self.assertEqual(pt, pt2)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_either_encrypt_or_decrypt(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OPENPGP, self.iv_128)
        eiv = cipher.encrypt(b"")
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.decrypt, b"")

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OPENPGP, eiv)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.encrypt, b"")
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_loopback_128(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        pt = get_tag_random("plaintext", 16 * 100)
        ct = cipher.encrypt(pt)

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        pt2 = cipher.decrypt(ct)
        self.assertEqual(pt, pt2)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_loopback_128(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        pt = get_tag_random("plaintext", 16 * 100)
        ct, mac = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(pt)

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        pt2 = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ct, mac)
        self.assertEqual(pt, pt2)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_either_encrypt_or_decrypt(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.decrypt, b(""))

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.encrypt, b(""))
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_either_encrypt_or_decrypt(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.decrypt, b("xyz"))

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.encrypt, b("xyz"))
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_loopback_128(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        pt = get_tag_random("plaintext", 16 * 100)
        ct = cipher.encrypt(pt)

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        pt2 = cipher.decrypt(ct)
        self.assertEqual(pt, pt2)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def test_unaligned_data_128(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        for wrong_length in xrange(1,16):
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, cipher.encrypt, b("5") * wrong_length)

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, self.aes_mode, self.iv_128)
        for wrong_length in xrange(1,16):
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, cipher.decrypt, b("5") * wrong_length)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def initialize_cipher(self):
     """Creates the cipher-related objects needed for AES-CTR
     encryption and decryption.
     self.ctr_e = Counter.new(self.AES_block_size, initial_value=self.iv)
     self.ctr_d = Counter.new(self.AES_block_size, initial_value=self.iv)
     self.encryptor = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=self.ctr_e)
     self.decryptor = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=self.ctr_d)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def encrypt_func(plaintext, encryption_key, iv):
    #print("Character should be: ", plaintext[-1])
    cipher_obj = AES.new(encryption_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    encrypted_bytes = cipher_obj.encrypt(plaintext)
    return encrypted_bytes
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def test_valid_init_digest(self):
     # Verify path INIT->DIGEST
     cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def encryptData(self, pw, data):
     key = hashlib.sha256(pw.encode()).hexdigest()
     cipher = AES.new(key[:32].encode('utf-8'), AES.MODE_EAX)
     ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(
     return cipher, ciphertext, tag
Ejemplo n.º 34
def dumpfile(file_path):
    # 预定义key
    core_key = binascii.a2b_hex("687A4852416D736F356B496E62617857")
    meta_key = binascii.a2b_hex("2331346C6A6B5F215C5D2630553C2728")
    unpad = lambda s: s[0:-(s[-1] if type(s[-1]) == int else ord(s[-1]))]

    f = open(file_path, 'rb')

    # magic header
    header = f.read(8)
    assert binascii.b2a_hex(header) == b'4354454e4644414d'

    # key data
    f.seek(2, 1)
    key_length = f.read(4)
    key_length = struct.unpack('<I', bytes(key_length))[0]

    key_data = bytearray(f.read(key_length))
    key_data = bytes(bytearray([byte ^ 0x64 for byte in key_data]))

    cryptor = AES.new(core_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    key_data = unpad(cryptor.decrypt(key_data))[17:]
    key_length = len(key_data)

    # key box
    key_data = bytearray(key_data)
    key_box = bytearray(range(256))
    j = 0

    for i in range(256):
        j = (key_box[i] + j + key_data[i % key_length]) & 0xff
        key_box[i], key_box[j] = key_box[j], key_box[i]

    # meta data
    meta_length = f.read(4)
    meta_length = struct.unpack('<I', bytes(meta_length))[0]

    meta_data = bytearray(f.read(meta_length))
    meta_data = bytes(bytearray([byte ^ 0x63 for byte in meta_data]))
    meta_data = base64.b64decode(meta_data[22:])

    cryptor = AES.new(meta_key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    meta_data = unpad(cryptor.decrypt(meta_data)).decode('utf-8')[6:]
    meta_data = json.loads(meta_data)

    # crc32
    crc32 = f.read(4)
    crc32 = struct.unpack('<I', bytes(crc32))[0]

    # album cover
    f.seek(5, 1)
    image_size = f.read(4)
    image_size = struct.unpack('<I', bytes(image_size))[0]
    image_data = f.read(image_size)

    author_name = ""
    # media data
    if len(meta_data['artist']) == 1:
        author_name = meta_data['artist'][0][0]
        for i in range(len(meta_data['artist'])):
            if i == len(meta_data['artist']) - 1:
                author_name += meta_data['artist'][i][0]
                author_name += meta_data['artist'][i][0]
                author_name += ','
    file_name = author_name + ' - ' + meta_data['musicName'] + '.' + meta_data[
    music_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(file_path)[0], file_name)
    m = open(music_path, 'wb')

    while True:
        chunk = bytearray(f.read(0x8000))
        chunk_length = len(chunk)
        if not chunk:

        for i in range(chunk_length):
            j = (i + 1) & 0xff
            chunk[i] ^= key_box[(key_box[j] + key_box[(key_box[j] + j) & 0xff])
                                & 0xff]



    # media tag
    if meta_data['format'] == 'flac':
        audio = flac.FLAC(music_path)
        # audio.delete()
        image = flac.Picture()
        image.type = 3
        image.mime = 'image/jpeg'
        image.data = image_data
    elif meta_data['format'] == 'mp3':
        audio = mp3.MP3(music_path)
        # audio.delete()
        image = id3.APIC()
        image.type = 3
        image.mime = 'image/jpeg'
        image.data = image_data
        audio = mp3.EasyMP3(music_path)

    audio['title'] = meta_data['musicName']
    audio['album'] = meta_data['album']
    audio['artist'] = '/'.join([artist[0] for artist in meta_data['artist']])
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def decrypt_and_verify_challenge(self, challenge_url, accept=True):

        Decrypts the data packed in the challenge url, verifies
        its content, returns the parsed data as a dictionary,
        calculates and returns the signature.

        The calling method must then send the signature
        back to the server. (The reason for this control flow
        is that the challenge data must be checked in different
        scenarios, e.g. when we have a pairing the data must be
        checked by the method that simulates the pairing)

        :param challenge_url: the challenge url as sent by the server

        :returns: (challenge, signature)

            challenge has the keys

                * content_type - one of the three values CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ,
                    (all defined in this module)
                * transaction_id - used to identify the challenge
                    on the server
                * callback_url (optional) - the url to which the challenge
                    response should be set
                * user_token_id - used to identify the token in the
                    user database for which this challenge was created

            depending on the content type additional keys are present

                * for CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING: serial
                * for CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ: message
                * for CONTENT_TYPE_LOGIN: login, host

            signature is the generated user signature used to
            respond to the challenge

        challenge_data_encoded = challenge_url[len('lseqr://chal/'):]
        challenge_data = decode_base64_urlsafe(challenge_data_encoded)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # parse and verify header information in the
        # encrypted challenge data

        header = challenge_data[0:5]
        version, user_token_id = struct.unpack('<bI', header)
        self.assertEqual(version, CHALLENGE_URL_VERSION)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # get token from client token database

        token = self.tokens[user_token_id]
        server_public_key = token['server_public_key']

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # prepare decryption by seperating R from
        # ciphertext and server signature

        R = challenge_data[5:5 + 32]
        ciphertext = challenge_data[5 + 32:-64]
        server_signature = challenge_data[-64:]

        # check signature

        data = challenge_data[0:-64]
        crypto_sign_verify_detached(server_signature, data, server_public_key)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # key derivation

        secret_key_dh = dsa_to_dh_secret(self.secret_key)
        ss = calc_dh(secret_key_dh, R)
        U = SHA256.new(ss).digest()

        sk = U[0:16]
        nonce = U[16:32]

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # decrypt and verify challenge

        nonce_as_int = int_from_bytes(nonce, byteorder='big')
        ctr = Counter.new(128, initial_value=nonce_as_int)
        cipher = AES.new(sk, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
        plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # parse/check plaintext header

        # 1 - for content type
        # 8 - for transaction id
        # 8 - for time stamp
        offset = 1 + 8 + 8

        pt_header = plaintext[0:offset]
         _time_stamp) = struct.unpack('<bQQ', pt_header)

        transaction_id = u64_to_transaction_id(transaction_id)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # prepare the parsed challenge data

        challenge = {}
        challenge['content_type'] = content_type

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # retrieve plaintext data depending on content_type

        if content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_PAIRING:

            serial, callback_url, __ = plaintext[offset:].split('\x00')
            challenge['serial'] = serial

        elif content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_SIGNREQ:

            message, callback_url, __ = plaintext[offset:].split('\x00')
            challenge['message'] = message

        elif content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_LOGIN:

            login, host, callback_url, __ = plaintext[offset:].split('\x00')
            challenge['login'] = login
            challenge['host'] = host

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # prepare the parsed challenge data

        challenge['callback_url'] = callback_url
        challenge['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
        challenge['user_token_id'] = user_token_id

        # calculate signature - dependend on reject or accept mode
        if accept:

            sig_base = (
                struct.pack('<b', CHALLENGE_URL_VERSION) +
                b'ACCEPT\0' +
                server_signature + plaintext)

            sig_base = (
                struct.pack('<b', CHALLENGE_URL_VERSION) +
                b'DENY\0' +
                server_signature + plaintext)

        sig = crypto_sign_detached(sig_base, self.secret_key)
        encoded_sig = encode_base64_urlsafe(sig)

        return challenge, encoded_sig
import os
import signal

def exit_cleanly(signal, frame):
    print("Received SIGINT, exiting...")

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_cleanly)

from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
pad = lambda s: s + (16 - len(s) % 16) * chr(16 - len(s) % 16)
unpad = lambda s: s[:-ord(s[len(s) - 1:])]
encrypt = lambda msg, key: AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(
decrypt = lambda msg, key: unpad(AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB).decrypt(msg)

from base64 import b64encode
import hashlib
import hmac
import binascii

import json
jsonstr = lambda j: json.dumps(j, separators=(',', ':'))

def file_as_bytes(file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'rb') as file:
        return file.read()
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def encrypt(self, raw):
     raw = self._pad(raw)
     iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
     cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
     return base64.b64encode(iv + cipher.encrypt(raw.encode()))
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def _handle_AES(self, id):
     key_and_iv = hashlib.md5((self.SECRET_KEY + id).encode()).hexdigest().upper()
     half_keylen=len(key_and_iv) // 2
     secret_key = key_and_iv[0:half_keylen]
     iv = key_and_iv[half_keylen:]
     return AES.new(bytes(secret_key.encode('utf8')), AES.MODE_CBC, bytes(iv.encode('utf8')))
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def test_data_must_be_bytes(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.encrypt, u'test1234567890-*')

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, cipher.decrypt, u'test1234567890-*')
Ejemplo n.º 40
def aes_decrypt(data, key):
    iv = bytes(16)
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    return cipher.decrypt(data)
Ejemplo n.º 41

        key = my_socket.recv(8192)       # receives encrypted AES key
        data = my_socket.recv(4096)      # receives encrypted menu
        print(f'{"Received menu!": ^40}')
        print(f'{"Decrypting menu...": ^40}')
        # decrypting AES key to decrypt menu
        cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(aes_rsa_keypair)
        decrypted_key = cipher.decrypt(key)

        my_cipher = AES.new(decrypted_key,AES.MODE_ECB)
        decrypted_menu = unpad(my_cipher.decrypt(data),BLOCK_SIZE)
        print(f'{"Done!": ^40}')
        print(f'{"Processing menu...": ^40}')
        menu_bytes = decrypted_menu.decode()
        menu_list = []
        menu_list = menu_bytes.split("\n")
        # opening menu.xlsx
        workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(menu_file)
        menuws = workbook.add_worksheet("menu")

        for i in range(0,len(menu_list)):
        # protecting worksheet from modifications by unauthorized persons
    def test_null_encryption_decryption(self):
        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OPENPGP, self.iv_128)
        eiv = cipher.encrypt(b"")

        cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_OPENPGP, eiv)
        self.assertEqual(cipher.decrypt(b""), b"")
Ejemplo n.º 43
def CBC_MAC(P: bytes, K: bytes, IV=bytes(BS)):
    return AES.new(K, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=IV).encrypt(pad(P, BS))[-BS:]
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def decrypt(self, enc):
     enc = base64.b64decode(enc)
     iv = enc[:AES.block_size]
     cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
     return self._unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc[AES.block_size:])).decode('utf-8')
Ejemplo n.º 45
    data = PREF + userdata + SUFF
    # IV = key
    return AES.new(_KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=_KEY).encrypt(pad(data, BS))

def decrypt(ciph: bytes) -> bool:
    data = unpad(AES.new(_KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=_KEY).decrypt(ciph), BS)
    if not all(32<=b<127 for b in data):
        raise ValueError('Invalid charset', data)
    return True

if __name__=='__main__':
    ciph0 = encrypt('*'*BS)
    assert decrypt(ciph0)
    # we prepend the first block + a block of 0s
    ciph1 = ciph0[:BS] + bytes(BS) + ciph0
    # plaintext:          m0, m1, ...
    # ciphertext: c0, zz, c0, c1, ...
    # decrypted:  d0, d1, d2, d3, ...
    # we have d0 = m0 and d2 = zz ⊕ AES_decrypt(c0) = IV ⊕ m0
    # hence d0 ⊕ d2 = IV
    key = None
    except ValueError as err:
        err_msg, deciph1 = err.args
        print(err_msg, deciph1)
        key = strxor(deciph1[:BS], deciph1[2*BS:3*BS])
    assert key == _KEY
    print(unpad(AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=key).decrypt(ciph0), BS).decode())
Ejemplo n.º 46
def auth_receive(request):
    if 's' in request.GET and request.GET['s'] == "logout":
        # This was a logout request
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

    if 'i' not in request.GET:
        return HttpResponse("Missing IV in url!", status=400)
    if 'd' not in request.GET:
        return HttpResponse("Missing data in url!", status=400)

    # Set up an AES object and decrypt the data we received
    decryptor = AES.new(base64.b64decode(settings.PGAUTH_KEY), AES.MODE_CBC,
                        base64.b64decode(str(request.GET['i']), "-_"))
    s = decryptor.decrypt(base64.b64decode(str(request.GET['d']),
                                           "-_")).rstrip(b' ').decode('utf8')

    # Now un-urlencode it
        data = parse_qs(s, strict_parsing=True)
    except ValueError:
        return HttpResponse("Invalid encrypted data received.", status=400)

    # Check the timestamp in the authentication
    if (int(data['t'][0]) < time.time() - 10):
        return HttpResponse("Authentication token too old.", status=400)

    # Update the user record (if any)
        user = User.objects.get(username=data['u'][0])
        # User found, let's see if any important fields have changed
        changed = False
        if user.first_name != data['f'][0]:
            user.first_name = data['f'][0]
            changed = True
        if user.last_name != data['l'][0]:
            user.last_name = data['l'][0]
            changed = True
        if user.email != data['e'][0]:
            user.email = data['e'][0]
            changed = True
        if changed:
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        # User not found, create it!

        # NOTE! We have some legacy users where there is a user in
        # the database with a different userid. Instead of trying to
        # somehow fix that live, give a proper error message and
        # have somebody look at it manually.
        if User.objects.filter(email=data['e'][0]).exists():
            return HttpResponse(
                """A user with email %s already exists, but with
a different username than %s.

This is almost certainly caused by some legacy data in our database.
Please send an email to [email protected], indicating the username
and email address from above, and we'll manually merge the two accounts
for you.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
""" % (data['e'][0], data['u'][0]),

        if getattr(settings, 'PGAUTH_CREATEUSER_CALLBACK', None):
            res = getattr(settings, 'PGAUTH_CREATEUSER_CALLBACK')(
            # If anything is returned, we'll return that as our result.
            # If None is returned, it means go ahead and create the user.
            if res:
                return res

        user = User(

    # Ok, we have a proper user record. Now tell django that
    # we're authenticated so it persists it in the session. Before
    # we do that, we have to annotate it with the backend information.
    user.backend = "%s.%s" % (AuthBackend.__module__, AuthBackend.__name__)
    django_login(request, user)

    # Finally, check of we have a data package that tells us where to
    # redirect the user.
    if 'd' in data:
        (ivs, datas) = data['d'][0].split('$')
        decryptor = AES.new(
            AES.MODE_CBC, base64.b64decode(ivs, b"-_"))
        s = decryptor.decrypt(base64.b64decode(
            datas, "-_")).rstrip(b' ').decode('utf8')
            rdata = parse_qs(s, strict_parsing=True)
        except ValueError:
            return HttpResponse("Invalid encrypted data received.", status=400)
        if 'r' in rdata:
            # Redirect address
            return HttpResponseRedirect(rdata['r'][0])
    # No redirect specified, see if we have it in our settings
    if hasattr(settings, 'PGAUTH_REDIRECT_SUCCESS'):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.PGAUTH_REDIRECT_SUCCESS)
    return HttpResponse(
        "Authentication successful, but don't know where to redirect!",
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def test_null_encryption_decryption(self):
     for func in "encrypt", "decrypt":
         cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
         result = getattr(cipher, func)(b(""))
         self.assertEqual(result, b(""))
Ejemplo n.º 48
def encrypt(userdata: str) -> bytes:
    userdata = userdata.replace(';','";"').replace('=','"="').encode()
    data = PREF + userdata + SUFF
    # IV = key
    return AES.new(_KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=_KEY).encrypt(pad(data, BS))
Ejemplo n.º 49
def decrypt(enc, password):
    private_key = hashlib.sha256(password.encode("utf-8")).digest()
    enc = base64.b64decode(enc)
    iv = enc[:16]
    cipher = AES.new(private_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    return unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc[16:]))
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def __init__(self, cia, dev):
        keys_set = False
        key_x = 0

        # check for boot9 to get common key X
        def check_b9_file(path):
            nonlocal keys_set, key_x
            if not keys_set:
                if os.path.isfile(path):
                    key_offset = 0x5A20
                    if dev:
                        key_offset += 0x400
                    if os.path.getsize(path) == 0x10000:
                        key_offset += 0x8000
                    with open(path, 'rb') as b9:
                        key_x = int.from_bytes(b9.read(0x10), 'big')
                    keys_set = True

        check_b9_file(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.3ds/boot9.bin')
        check_b9_file(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.3ds/boot9_prot.bin')

        if not keys_set:
            sys.exit('Failed to get keys from boot9')

        # get status change, modify, and file access times
        cia_stat = os.stat(cia)
        self.g_stat = {}
        self.g_stat['st_ctime'] = int(cia_stat.st_ctime)
        self.g_stat['st_mtime'] = int(cia_stat.st_mtime)
        self.g_stat['st_atime'] = int(cia_stat.st_atime)

        # open cia and get section sizes
        self.f = open(cia, 'rb')
        # TODO: do this based off the section sizes instead of file size.
        self.cia_size = os.path.getsize(cia)
        archive_header_size, cia_type, cia_version, cert_chain_size, ticket_size, tmd_size, meta_size, content_size = struct.unpack('<IHHIIIIQ', self.f.read(0x20))

        # get offsets for sections of the CIA
        # each section is aligned to 64-byte blocks
        cert_chain_offset = new_offset(archive_header_size)
        ticket_offset = cert_chain_offset + new_offset(cert_chain_size)
        tmd_offset = ticket_offset + new_offset(ticket_size)
        content_offset = tmd_offset + new_offset(tmd_size)
        meta_offset = content_offset + new_offset(content_size)

        # read title id, encrypted titlekey and common key index
        self.f.seek(ticket_offset + 0x1DC)
        title_id = self.f.read(8)
        self.f.seek(ticket_offset + 0x1BF)
        enc_titlekey = self.f.read(0x10)
        self.f.seek(ticket_offset + 0x1F1)
        common_key_index = ord(self.f.read(1))

        # decrypt titlekey
        normalkey = keygen(key_x, int(common_key_y[common_key_index][dev], 16))
        cipher_titlekey = AES.new(normalkey, AES.MODE_CBC, title_id + (b'\0' * 8))
        self.titlekey = cipher_titlekey.decrypt(enc_titlekey)

        # get content count
        self.f.seek(tmd_offset + 0x1DE)
        content_count = int.from_bytes(self.f.read(2), 'big')

        # get offset for tmd chunks, mostly so it can be put into a tmdchunks.bin virtual file
        tmd_chunks_offset = tmd_offset + 0xB04
        tmd_chunks_size = content_count * 0x30

        # create virtual files
        self.files = {}
        self.files['/header.bin'] = {'size': archive_header_size, 'offset': 0, 'type': 'raw'}
        self.files['/cert.bin'] = {'size': cert_chain_size, 'offset': cert_chain_offset, 'type': 'raw'}
        self.files['/ticket.bin'] = {'size': ticket_size, 'offset': ticket_offset, 'type': 'raw'}
        self.files['/tmd.bin'] = {'size': tmd_size, 'offset': tmd_offset, 'type': 'raw'}
        self.files['/tmdchunks.bin'] = {'size': tmd_chunks_size, 'offset': tmd_chunks_offset, 'type': 'raw'}
        if meta_size:
            self.files['/meta.bin'] = {'size': meta_size, 'offset': meta_offset, 'type': 'raw'}
            # show icon.bin if meta size is the expected size
            # in practice this never changes, but better to be safe
            if meta_size == 0x3AC0:
                self.files['/icon.bin'] = {'size': 0x36C0, 'offset': meta_offset + 0x400, 'type': 'raw'}

        tmd_chunks_raw = self.f.read(tmd_chunks_size)

        # read chunks to generate virtual files
        current_offset = content_offset
        for chunk in [tmd_chunks_raw[i:i + 30] for i in range(0, content_count * 0x30, 0x30)]:
            content_id = chunk[0:4]
            content_index = chunk[4:6]
            content_size = int.from_bytes(chunk[8:16], 'big')
            content_is_encrypted = int.from_bytes(chunk[6:8], 'big') & 1
            filename = '/{}.{}.app'.format(content_index.hex(), content_id.hex())
            self.files[filename] = {'size': content_size, 'offset': current_offset, 'index': content_index, 'type': 'enc' if content_is_encrypted else 'raw'}
            current_offset += new_offset(content_size)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def decrypt(ciph: bytes) -> bool:
    data = unpad(AES.new(_KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=_KEY).decrypt(ciph), BS)
    if not all(32<=b<127 for b in data):
        raise ValueError('Invalid charset', data)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 52
def decrypt(message, key, iv):
	cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv )
	return cipher.decrypt(message)
Ejemplo n.º 53
def encrypt(raw, password):
    private_key = hashlib.sha256(password.encode("utf-8")).digest()
    raw = pad(raw)
    iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
    cipher = AES.new(private_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    return base64.b64encode(iv + cipher.encrypt(raw))
Ejemplo n.º 54
import base64
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES

# 补足字符串长度为16的倍数
def add_to_16(s):
    while len(s) % 16 != 0:
        s += '\0'
    return str.encode(s)  # 返回bytes

key = '1234567890123456'  # 密钥长度必须为16、24或32位,分别对应AES-128、AES-192和AES-256
text = 'abcdefg'  # 待加密文本

aes = AES.new(str.encode(key), AES.MODE_ECB)  # 初始化加密器,本例采用ECB加密模式
encrypted_text = str(base64.encodebytes(aes.encrypt(add_to_16(text))),
                     encoding='utf8').replace('\n', '')  # 加密
decrypted_text = str(
        encrypted_text, encoding='utf8'))).rstrip(b'\0').decode("utf8"))  # 解密

print('加密值:', encrypted_text)
print('解密值:', decrypted_text)
Ejemplo n.º 55
 def encrypt(self, msg):
     msg = pad(msg, AES.block_size)
     iv = get_random_bytes(16)
     cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
     return iv, cipher.encrypt(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 56
 def decrypt(self, iv, msg):
     cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
     return unpad(cipher.decrypt(msg), AES.block_size)
Ejemplo n.º 57
from  Cryptodome.Cipher  import  AES
from  Cryptodome  import  Random

# key and  plaintext  must be  bytes(), not  strings
key = b"I am a short key"
plaintext = b"Alice I love  you"

# may be public , but  must be  chosen  at  random
iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
# or , if  using ‘secrets ‘:
# iv = secrets.randbits(AES.block_size *8).to_bytes(AES.block_size , ’big ’)

# this  object  remembers  how  many  bytes  have  been  encrypted
encrypter = AES.new(key , AES.MODE_CFB , iv)

ciphertext = encrypter.encrypt(plaintext)
print("Gibberish  incoming:", ciphertext.hex())

# the  same as the  encrypter , but  initialized  anew
decrypter = AES.new(key , AES.MODE_CFB , iv)

decrypted = decrypter.decrypt(ciphertext)
if  plaintext  ==  decrypted:
    print("All good!")
Ejemplo n.º 58
 def test_block_size_128(self):
     cipher = AES.new(self.key_128, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=self.nonce_96)
     self.assertEqual(cipher.block_size, AES.block_size)
Ejemplo n.º 59
    def activation_finalyze(self, random_bytes=None):

        R = self.getR()
        params = {
            "action": "ActionFinalize",
            "mode": self.mode,
            "id": self.data.iwid,
            "lastsync": self.data.iwTsync,
            "version": "Generator-1.0/0.2.11",
            "lang": "fr",
            "ack": "",
            "macid": self.macid
        if self.mode == Otp.OTP_MODE:
            params.update({"keytype": '0', "sid": self.data.iwsecid})

        elif self.mode == Otp.ACTIVATE_MODE:
            kma_crypt = self.cipher.encrypt(
            pin_crypt = self.cipher.encrypt(self.codepin.encode("utf-8")).hex()
                "serial": self.getSerial(),
                "code": self.smsCode,
                "Kma": kma_crypt,
                "pin": pin_crypt,
                "name": "Android SDK built for x86_64 / UNKNOWN",

        xml = self.request(params)

        self.data.synchro(xml, self.generateKMA(self.codepin))

        if self.mode == Otp.OTP_MODE:
            self.defi = str(xml["defi"])
            if "J" in xml:
                logger.debug("Need another otp request")
                return Otp.OTP_TWICE
                return Otp.OK

        if "ms_n" not in xml or xml["ms_n"] == 0:
            logger.debug("no ms_n request needed")
            return Otp.OK

        if int(xml["ms_n"]) > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError
            ms_n = "0"

        self.challenge = xml["challenge"]
        self.action = "synchro"
        res = self.decode_oeap(xml["ms_key"], self.Kfact)
        temp_key = RSA.construct((int(res, 16), self.exponent))
        temp_cipher = oaep.new(temp_key, hashAlgo=Hash.SHA256)
        if random_bytes is None:
            random_bytes = token_bytes(16)
        KpubEncode = temp_cipher.encrypt(random_bytes)

        aes_cipher = AES.new(bytes.fromhex(self.generateKMA(self.codepin)),
        encodeAesFromHex = aes_cipher.encrypt(random_bytes).hex()
        self.data.iwsecval = encodeAesFromHex
        self.data.iwsecid = xml["s_id"]
        self.data.iwsecn = 1

        req_param = {
            "action": "ActionFinalize",
            "mode": Otp.MS_MODE,
            "ms_id" + ms_n: xml["ms_id"],
            "ms_val" + ms_n: KpubEncode.hex(),
            "macid": self.macid
            "id": self.data.iwid,
            "lastsync": self.data.iwTsync,
            "ms_n": 1
        xml = self.request(req_param)
        self.data.synchro(xml, self.generateKMA(self.codepin))
        return Otp.OK
Ejemplo n.º 60
 def decryptData(self, pw, ciphertext, tag, nonce):
     key = hashlib.sha256(pw.encode()).hexdigest()
     cipher = AES.new(key[:32].encode('utf-8'), AES.MODE_EAX, nonce)
     return json.loads(cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, tag))  # data