Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():

    print("Generating parameters...\n")
    print("e = 3\n")

    p1, q1 = getPrimePair()
    p2, q2 = getPrimePair()
    p3, q3 = getPrimePair()
    e = 3
    n1 = p1 * q1  #667

    n2 = p2 * q2  #1927
    n3 = p3 * q3  #3127

    if (GCD(n1, n2) != 1 or GCD(n1, n3) != 1 or GCD(n2, n3) != 1):
        print("NE OK")

    print("p = ", p1)
    print("q = ", q1)
    print("n = ", n1)

    print("p = ", p2)
    print("q = ", q2)
    print("n = ", n2)

    print("p = ", p3)
    print("q = ", q3)
    print("n = ", n3)
    #k = 0
    #path = str(input("\nInput filepath: "))
    encryptFile('wallpapers1.jpg', e, n1, n2, n3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _common_module_attack(n, e_b, d_b, e_a):

    N = (e_b * d_b) - 1  # 1) N <- (e_b*d_b)-1
    f, s = get_f_s_from_N(N)  #    N = (2^f)*s

    a = randint(1, n - 1)  # 2) a <- rand (Z/nZ)
    b = pow(int(a), int(s), int(n))  #    b <- a^s (mod n)
    print("b = ", b)
    l_and_t_found = False
    print("start finding l")
    l = find_l(b, int(n))

    while (not l_and_t_found):  # 3) b^(2^l) = 1 (mod n)
        #    if (b^(2^(l-1)) = -1 (mod n))
        pow_b = pow(2, l - 1)  #       new rand a, go to 2)
        if (pow(b, pow_b, n) == -1):  #    else
            a = randint(1, n - 1)  #       t <- b^(2^(l-1)) (mod n)
            b = pow(a, s, n)
            l = find_l(b)
            t = pow(b, pow_b, n)
            l_and_t_found = True

    p = GCD(t + 1, n)  # 4) p <- gcd(t+1,n)
    q = GCD(t - 1, n)  #    q <- gcd(t-1,n)

    f_n_2 = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    d_a = inverse(e_a, f_n_2)
    while (d_a == d_b):
        d_a = inverse(e_b, f_n_2)
    if d_b != d_a:
        print("Attack for common module: Success")
        print("Attack for common module: Failed")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def enc(self, m):
        assert m < self.n
        assert m >= 0

        r = getRandomRange(0, self.n)

        assert GCD(r, self.n) == 1

        return pow(self.g, m, self.n2) * pow(r, self.n, self.n2) % self.n2
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _generate_a(r):
    e = 0
    d = 0
    some = True
    while (some == True):
        e = randint(1, r - 1)
        if (GCD(e, r) == 1):
            d = inverse(e, r)
            if ((e * d) % r == 1):
                some = False
    print("a = ", e)
    print("a_1 = ", d)
    return e, d
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _vinner_attack():

    print("Generating vulnerable parameters...")
    n, e_a, d_a = generate_e_d_P2()
    print("n = ", n)
    print("e_a = ", e_a)
    print("d_a = ", d_a)

    l = round(log2(n))
    a_i = []
    if e_a < n:

    _continuedFraction(e_a, n, a_i)  # 1) (e/n) -> [0; a0, a1, ... al]
    p_i = []
    q_i = []

    d = 0
    i = 1  # 2) for i = 1, ... , l
    #       pi/qi
    while i < len(a_i):

        new_p_i = a_i[i] * p_i[i] + p_i[i - 1]  # pi = ai*p_i-1 + p_i-2
        new_q_i = a_i[i] * q_i[i] + q_i[i - 1]  # qi = ai*q_i-1 + q_i-2
        nod = GCD(new_p_i, new_q_i)
        new_p_i //= nod
        new_q_i //= nod

        m = randint(pow(2, 5), pow(2, 16))
        m_q = pow(m, new_q_i * e_a, n)  # (m^e)^qi =? m (mod n)

        if (m_q == m):
            d = new_q_i
        i = i + 1
        if i == len(a_i):
            d = new_q_i
    if (d == d_a):
        print("d_a = ", d_a)
        print("d = ", d)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
def good_parameters():
    p, q = getPrimePair()
    n = p * q
    f_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    while (True):
        e = randint(1, f_n - 1)
        if (GCD(e, f_n) == 1):
            d = inverse(e, f_n)
            if 36 * pow(d, 4) > n:

    print("p = {}".format(p))
    print("q = {}".format(q))
    print("n = {}".format(n))
    print("e = {}".format(e))
    print("d = {}".format(d))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _pollard(L, p, q, a, b, p_x, p_y, q_x, q_y):

    print("q = ", q)
    print("a = ", a)
    print("p = ", p)
    print("p_x = ", p_x)
    print("p_y = ", p_y)
    a_j = [None] * L
    b_j = [None] * L
    R_j_x = [None] * L
    R_j_y = [None] * L
    alg = 1
    while True:
        #print(" ---> STEP #3: Genetating a_j, b_j, R_j...")
        #a_j = [0 for i in range(L+1)]
        #b_j = [0 for i in range(L+1)]
        #R_j_x = [0 for i in range(L+1)]
        #R_j_y = [0 for i in range(L+1)]
        for j in range(L):  #while j<=L:
            a_j[j] = randint(2, q - 1)
            b_j[j] = randint(2, q - 1)
            #print("               a[{j}] = ", a_j[j])
            #print("               b[{j}] = ", b_j[j])
            ###print("a_j*P = (",p_x,", ",p_y,") * ",a_j[j])
            aP_x, aP_y = _mul_points(p_x, p_y, a_j[j], a, b, p)
            #print("GOt aP = (",aP_x, " ", aP_y, ")")
            ###print("b_j*Q = (", q_x,", ",q_y,") * ",b_j[j])
            bQ_x, bQ_y = _mul_points(q_x, q_y, b_j[j], a, b, p)
            #print("GOt bQ = (",bQ_x, " ", bQ_y, ")")
            ###print("R_j = a_j*P + b_j*Q = (",aP_x,", ",aP_y,") + (",bQ_x,", ",bQ_y,")")
            R_j_x[j], R_j_y[j] = sum(aP_x, aP_y, bQ_x, bQ_y, a, b, p)
            #print("               R[{j}] = <", R_j_x[j],", ",R_j_y[j],">")
            j = j + 1

        #print(" ---> STEP #4: Genetating alpha, beta, T...")
        alpha = randint(2, q - 1)
        betta = randint(2, q - 1)
        #print("               alpha' = ", alpha)
        #print("               betta' = ", betta)

        alphaP_x, alphaP_y = _mul_points(p_x, p_y, alpha, a, b, p)
        bettaQ_x, bettaQ_y = _mul_points(q_x, q_y, betta, a, b, p)

        T_x, T_y = sum(alphaP_x, alphaP_y, bettaQ_x, bettaQ_y, a, b, p)
        #print("               T' = <", T_x,", ",T_y,">")

        _T_x = T_x
        _T_y = T_y
        _alpha = alpha
        _betta = betta

        #print(" ---> STEP #5: While T' != T''...")
        cycle = 1
        while True:

            j = H(T_x, L)
            T_x, T_y = sum(T_x, T_y, R_j_x[j], R_j_y[j], a, b, p)
            ###print("#",cycle,":   f^i(P) = (",T_x,", ",T_y,")")
            alpha = (alpha + a_j[j]) % q
            betta = (betta + b_j[j]) % q
            #print("               T' = <", T_x,", ",T_y,">")
            #print("               alpha' = ", alpha)
            #print("               betta' = ", betta)

            j = H(_T_x, L)
            _T_x, _T_y = sum(_T_x, _T_y, R_j_x[j], R_j_y[j], a, b, p)
            _alpha = (_alpha + a_j[j]) % q
            _betta = (_betta + b_j[j]) % q
            j = H(_T_x, L)
            _T_x, _T_y = sum(_T_x, _T_y, R_j_x[j], R_j_y[j], a, b, p)
            _alpha = (_alpha + a_j[j]) % q
            _betta = (_betta + b_j[j]) % q
            ###print("#",cycle,":   f^2i(P) = (",_T_x,", ",_T_y,")")
            #print("               T'' = <", _T_x,", ",_T_y,">")
            #print("               alpha'' = ", _alpha)
            #print("               betta'' = ", _betta)

            if T_x == _T_x and T_y == _T_y:
                #print("               At step ",cycle," T' == T'' !!!")
            cycle = cycle + 1

        #print(" ---> STEP #6: Checking if alpha'==alpha'' and betta'==betta''...")
        if alpha == _alpha or betta == _betta:
            #print("               alpha'==alpha'' or betta'==betta'' !!!")
            #print("               Chose another L !!!")
            d = -1
            #return False
            alg = alg + 1
            if GCD(_betta - betta, q) == 1:
                d = (alpha - _alpha) * invert(_betta - betta, q) % q
                print("               alpha'!=alpha'' and betta'!=betta'' !!!")
                print("               FOUND D !!!")
                print("               d = ", d)

                print("\n ---> Checking...")
                print("Calculating Q=dP...")
                tmp_x, tmp_y = _mul_points(p_x, p_y, d, a, b, p)
                print("Initial Q = <", q_x, ", ", q_y, ">")
                print("Calculd Q = <", tmp_x, ", ", tmp_y, ">")

                if (q_x == tmp_x and q_y == tmp_y):
                    print("d found on #", alg)
                    return True
            alg = alg + 1

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 8
def kto(n1, n2, n3, c1, c2, c3, iv_fromCipher, kol):
    print("IV = ", iv_fromCipher)
    if (GCD(n1, n2) != 1 or GCD(n1, n3) != 1 or GCD(n3, n2) != 1):
        print('wrong ni ')
        return False
    M_0 = n1 * n2 * n3
    #print("n1*n2*n3 = ",n1," * ",n2," * ",n3," = ",M_0)
    #print("c1 = ", c1)
    #print("c2 = ", c2)
    #print("c3 = ", c3)
    M_1 = M_0 // n1
    M_2 = M_0 // n2
    M_3 = M_0 // n3
    #print("M1 = ", M_1)
    #print("M2 = ", M_2)
    #print("M3 = ", M_3)

    M_1_y = M_1 % n1
    M_2_y = M_2 % n2
    M_3_y = M_3 % n3
    #print("b1 = ", M_1_y)
    #print("b2 = ", M_2_y)
    #print("b3 = ", M_3_y)

    y1, y2, y3 = 1, 1, 1

    while (y1 <= n1):
        if (M_1_y * y1) % n1 == c1:
        y1 += 1

    while (y2 <= n2):
        if (M_2_y * y2) % n2 == c2:
        y2 += 1

    while (y3 <= n3):
        if (M_3_y * y3) % n3 == c3:
        y3 += 1

    x = (M_1 * y1 + M_2 * y2 + M_3 * y3) % M_0
    print("x = ", x)

    gmpy2.get_context().precision = 200
    m = int(gmpy2.root(x, 3))
    print("m = ", m)

    print("x^(1/3) ", round(pow(x, 1 / 3)))
    decryptedKey_S = m.to_bytes(16, 'big')
    print('Dec Key s = ', decryptedKey_S)

    b = bytearray()
    with open('~tmp' + "wallpapers1.jpg.ecrypted", 'rb') as file:
        data = file.read()
        decryptedText = AES_data_Decryption(data, decryptedKey_S,
        print("kol = ", kol)
        print("len(cip) = ", len(decryptedText))
        kol2 = len(decryptedText)
    # i=0
    # while i<kol:
    #     b.append(decryptedText[i])
    #     i=i+1
    #pad(data,AES.block_size), decryptedKey_S, iv_fromCipher)
    #decryptedText = unpad(decryptedText, AES.block_size)

    os.remove('~tmp' + "wallpapers1.jpg.ecrypted")

    output = open("wallpapers1.jpg.encrypted" + '.decrypted', 'wb')
Ejemplo n.º 9

conn.recvuntil('My seed is')
seed = parse_onion(
    conn.recvuntil('You should use my seed first!').strip()[:-29].decode())
k1n = pow(1 << 1023, 3) - bytes_to_long(bytes.fromhex(seed))
conn.recvuntil('your onion')
onion = parse_onion(
    conn.recvuntil('You can now use your seed').strip()[:-25].decode())
onion = bytes_to_long(bytes.fromhex(onion))
k2n = pow(
    onion, 3**8997, k1n
) - 4479489484355608421114884561136888556243290994469299069799978201927583742360321890761754986543214231552
n = GCD(k1n, k2n)
while True:
    if n % 2 == 0:
        n = n // 2
    elif n % 3 == 0:
        n = n // 3
    elif n % 5 == 0:
        n = n // 5
    elif n % 7 == 0:
        n = n // 7
print("n = ", n)
conn.recvuntil('seed: ')