def main(self): """ Data parsing/processing section""" # parse input data strip=Parse(self.input) parsed_data=strip.getStripText() # Parse input data need_compress_catagory=strip.getNeedCompreeCatagory() # Check which catagories need group grouped_data=strip.getGroupedParsedData() # Group data """ Cuboid construction section """ #Create cuboid division_factor=3 min_sup=len(grouped_data)/division_factor # Iceberg condition cuboid=Cuboid(strip.getRowConuter(), min_sup) oneDimensionTable=cuboid.getOneDimensionTable() # Conduct 1-D aggregate compressedBaseTable=cuboid.getCompressedBaseTable(grouped_data, need_compress_catagory) # Construct compressed base table """ Star tree/table construction section""" #Construct star tree and star table s_t=Cubing(compressedBaseTable) root=s_t.starCubing() #s_t.constructStarTree() """ Test/Output section """ # test results t=Test() t.testParsedData(parsed_data) # Test if parsed data is correct t.testNeedCompressCatagory(need_compress_catagory) # Test which catagory needs compress t.testGroupedParsedData(grouped_data) # Test grouped data t.testOneDimensionAggregatation(oneDimensionTable,need_compress_catagory, min_sup) # Test 1-D aggregation t.testCompressedBaseTable(compressedBaseTable) # Test node-ordered compressed base table t.testStarTree(root,0,s_t.count,'')
def load_map(map): y = 0 for line in map: x = 0 for tile in line: if tile == "#": objects.append( Cuboid(TILE_SIZE * x, TILE_SIZE * y, 0, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE * 2, (64, 100, 64))) x += 1 y += 1
def importObjects(filePath: str): i = 0 objects = [] with open(os.path.join(__location__, filePath), "r") as inFile: lines = for line in lines: if (len(line) > 0) and (line[0] != '#'): name, parameters = line.split('(', 1) name = name.strip() parameters = parameters.strip()[:-1] if (name == 'Cuboid'): p = re.findall(r"\([ -]*\d+ *\,[ -]*\d+ *\,[ -]*\d+ *\)", parameters) color = str(re.findall(r"[a-zA-Z]+", parameters)[0]) try: position, dimension = p[0], p[1] position = re.findall(r"-*\w+", position) dimension = re.findall(r"-*\w+", dimension) position = [float(x) for x in position] dimension = [float(x) for x in dimension] try: objects.append( Cuboid( Vector3(position[0], position[1], position[2]), Vector3(dimension[0], dimension[1], dimension[2]), Vector3(0, 0, 0), [color])) i += 1 except: raise Exception("Niepowodzenie utworzenia obiektu") except Exception as err: raise Exception(err) else: raise Exception("Figura o podanej nazwie nie istnieje") return objects
from Sphere import Sphere from Cuboid import Cuboid spRadius = float(input()) spColor = str(input()) cuLength = float(input()) cuWidth = float(input()) cuHeight = float(input()) cuColor = str(input()) sp = Sphere(spRadius, spColor) cu = Cuboid(cuLength, cuWidth, cuHeight, cuColor) print( str(sp) + ":(%d),%.1f,%s" % (sp.getRadius(), sp.getVolume(), sp.getColor())) print( str(cu) + ":(%d,%d,%d),%.1f,%s" % (cu.getLength(), cu.getWidth(), cu.getHeight(), cu.getVolume(), cu.getColor()))
from Sphere import Sphere from Cuboid import Cuboid radius = int(input()) scolor = str(input()) l = float(input()) w = float(input()) h = float(input()) ccolor = str(input()) sphere = Sphere(radius) sphere.setColor(scolor) cuboid = Cuboid(l, w, h) cuboid.setColor(ccolor) print("{}({}),{},{}".format(sphere.__str__(), sphere.getRadius(), round(sphere.getVolume(), 1), sphere.getColor())) print("{}({},{},{}),{},{}".format(cuboid.__str__(), int(cuboid.getLength()), int(cuboid.getWidth()), int(cuboid.getHeight()), round(cuboid.getVolume(), 1), cuboid.getColor()))
from Shape import Shape from Cuboid import Cuboid from Sphere import Sphere #main inp = [] for i in range(6): inp.append(input()) sphere = Sphere(int(inp[0]), inp[1]) cubiod = Cuboid(int(inp[2]), int(inp[3]), int(inp[4]), inp[5]) print("{}:({}),{},{}".format(str(sphere), sphere.getRadius(), sphere.getVolume(), sphere.getColor())) print("{}:({},{},{}),{},{}".format(str(cubiod), cubiod.getLength(), cubiod.getWidth(), cubiod.getHeight(), cubiod.getVolume(), cubiod.getColor()))
from Cuboid import Cuboid from Sphere import Sphere radius = int(input()) c1 = input() length = float(input()) width = float(input()) height = float(input()) c2 = input() sphere = Sphere(radius, c1) cuboid = Cuboid(length, width, height, c2) print("{}({}),{},{}".format(sphere.__str__(), sphere.getRadius(), sphere.getVolume(), sphere.getColor())) print("{}({},{},{}),{},{}".format(cuboid.__str__(), int(cuboid.getLength()), int(cuboid.getWidth()), int(cuboid.getHeight()), cuboid.getVolume(), cuboid.getColor()))
from Shape import Shape from Sphere import Sphere from Cuboid import Cuboid list = [] for i in range(6): list.append(input()) a = Sphere(int(list[0])) b = Shape(list[1]) c = Cuboid(int(list[2]), int(list[3]), int(list[4])) f = Shape(list[5]) print(str(a), ":(", a.getRadius(), "),", round(a.getVolume(), 1), ",", b.getColor()) print(str(c), ":(", c.getLength(), ",", c.getWidth(), ",", c.getHeight(), "),", c.getVolume(), ",", f.getColor(), sep='')