Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, service):

        self.__name = service and service.getName() or ""

        self.path = path = service and service.getPath()

        #self.isLink = os.path.islink(path)
        self.isfile = os.path.isfile(path)
        isreal = os.path.isdir(path)
        ext = path and os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower()
        self.isdir = isreal and hasattr(service,
                                        "ext") and ext == "DIR" or False

        #TODO dynamic or not
        #if config.EMC.movie_metaload.value:
        meta = path and MetaList(path)
        #	meta = None

        #TODO dynamic or not
        #if config.EMC.movie_eitload.value:
        eit = path and EitList(path)
        #	eit = None

        # Information which we need later
        self.__cutlist = path and CutList(path) or []  #TODO dynamic or not

        self.__size = self.isfile and os.stat(path).st_size \
              or self.isdir and config.EMC.directories_info.value and self.getFolderSize(path) \
              or None
        #TODO or isdvd

        self.__mtime = self.isfile and hasattr(service, "date") and mktime(
            )) or None  #long(os.stat(path).st_mtime) or 0
        #TODO show same time as list
        #TODO or isdir but show only start date

        self.__reference = service or ""
        self.__rec_ref_str = meta and meta.getMetaServiceReference() or ""

        #TODO dynamic or not
        self.__shortdescription = meta and meta.getMetaDescription() \
                   or eit and eit.getEitShortDescription() \
                   or self.__name
        self.__tags = meta and meta.getMetaTags() or ""

        self.__eventname = meta and meta.getMetaName() \
                 or eit and eit.getEitName() \
                 or self.__name

        #TODO dynamic or not
        #self.__extendeddescription = meta and meta.getMetaDescription() \
        #															or eit and eit.getEitDescription() \
        #															or ""
        ## meta file has no extendeddescrition
        #		self.__extendeddescription = eit and eit.getEitDescription() \
        #																	or meta and meta.getMetaDescription() \
        #																	or ""

        #Show txt-Information in ExtendedDescription if meta but no eit
        self.__extendeddescription = eit and eit.getEitDescription() \
                       or ""
        #No Description in *.eit file or no *.eit file exists
        #Try reading description from *.txt file
        if not self.__extendeddescription:

            exts = [".txt"]
            txtpath = getInfoFile(path, exts)[1]

            if os.path.exists(txtpath):
                txtdescarr = open(txtpath).readlines()
                txtdesc = ""
                for line in txtdescarr:
                    txtdesc += line
                self.__extendeddescription = txtdesc

            elif config.EMC.show_path_extdescr.value:
                if config.EMC.movie_real_path.value:
                    desc = os.path.realpath(path)
                    desc = path

                # Very bad but there can be both encodings
                # E2 recordings are always in utf8
                # User files can be in cp1252
                #TODO Is there no other way?
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                        desc = path.decode("cp1252").encode("utf-8")
                    except UnicodeDecodeError:
                        desc = path.decode("iso-8859-1").encode("utf-8")
                self.__extendeddescription = desc
                #				self.__extendeddescription = "No eit or txt file found"
                self.__extendeddescription = ""

        self.__id = 0

        #TODO move upto ServiceInfo
        service.cueSheet = self.cueSheet
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, service):

        self.__name = service and service.getName() or ""

        self.path = path = service and service.getPath()

        self.isfile = os.path.isfile(path)
        self.isdir = os.path.isdir(path)
        ext = path and os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower()

        meta = path and MetaList(path)
        eit = path and EitList(path)

        # Information which we need later
        self.__cutlist = path and CutList(path) or []

        self.__size = self.isfile and os.stat(path).st_size or self.isdir and (
            or config.EMC.directories_size_skin.value
        ) and self.getFolderSize(path) or None

        self.__mtime = self.isfile and hasattr(service, "date") and mktime(
            service.date.timetuple()) or None

        self.__reference = service or ""
        self.__rec_ref_str = meta and meta.getMetaServiceReference() or ""

        self.__shortdescription = meta and meta.getMetaDescription(
        ) or eit and eit.getEitShortDescription() or ""

        self.__tags = meta and meta.getMetaTags() or ""

        self.__eventname = meta and meta.getMetaName(
        ) or eit and eit.getEitName() or self.__name

        self.__extendeddescription = eit and eit.getEitDescription() or ""

        #No Description in *.eit file or no *.eit file exists
        #Try reading description from *.txt file
        if not self.__extendeddescription:

            exts = [".txt"]
            txtpath = getInfoFile(path, exts)[1]

            # read the playlist-entrys to show the list as overview
            if ext == ".e2pls":
                from EMCPlayList import readPlaylist
                plistdesc = ""
                plist = readPlaylist(service.getPath())
                for x in plist:
                    plistdesc += x
                self.__extendeddescription = plistdesc

                if os.path.exists(txtpath):
                    txtdescarr = open(txtpath).readlines()
                    txtdesc = ""
                    for line in txtdescarr:
                        txtdesc += line
                    self.__extendeddescription = txtdesc

                elif config.EMC.show_path_extdescr.value:
                    if config.EMC.movie_real_path.value:
                        desc = os.path.realpath(path)
                        desc = path

                    # Very bad but there can be both encodings
                    # E2 recordings are always in utf8
                    # User files can be in cp1252
                    #TODO Is there no other way?
                    except UnicodeDecodeError:
                            desc = path.decode("cp1252").encode("utf-8")
                        except UnicodeDecodeError:
                            desc = path.decode("iso-8859-1").encode("utf-8")
                    self.__extendeddescription = desc
                    self.__extendeddescription = ""

        self.__id = 0

        service.cueSheet = self.cueSheet
	def __init__(self, session, playlist, playall=None, lastservice=None):
		# The CutList must be initialized very first  
		Screen.__init__(self, session)
		# Skin
		self.skinName = "EMCMediaCenter"
		skin = None
		CoolWide = getDesktop(0).size().width()
		if CoolWide == 720:
			skin = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/CoolSkin/EMCMediaCenter_720.xml"
		elif CoolWide == 1024:
			skin = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/CoolSkin/EMCMediaCenter_1024.xml"
		elif CoolWide == 1280:
			skin = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/CoolSkin/EMCMediaCenter_1280.xml"
		if skin:
			Cool = open(skin)
			self.skin = Cool.read()

		self.serviceHandler = ServiceCenter.getInstance()

		# EMC Source
		self["Service"] = EMCCurrentService(session.nav, self)
		# Events
		self.__event_tracker = ServiceEventTracker(screen=self, eventmap=
		# Disabled for tests
		# If we enable them, the sound will be delayed for about 2 seconds ?
				iPlayableService.evStart: self.__serviceStarted,
				iPlayableService.evStopped: self.__serviceStopped,
				#iPlayableService.evEnd: self.__evEnd,
				#iPlayableService.evEOF: self.__evEOF,
				#iPlayableService.evUser: self.__timeUpdated,
				#iPlayableService.evUser+1: self.__statePlay,
				#iPlayableService.evUser+2: self.__statePause,
				iPlayableService.evUser+3: self.__osdFFwdInfoAvail,
				iPlayableService.evUser+4: self.__osdFBwdInfoAvail,
				#iPlayableService.evUser+5: self.__osdStringAvail,
				iPlayableService.evUser+6: self.__osdAudioInfoAvail,
				iPlayableService.evUser+7: self.__osdSubtitleInfoAvail,
				iPlayableService.evUser+8: self.__chapterUpdated,
				iPlayableService.evUser+9: self.__titleUpdated,
				iPlayableService.evUser+11: self.__menuOpened,
				iPlayableService.evUser+12: self.__menuClosed,
				iPlayableService.evUser+13: self.__osdAngleInfoAvail
			# Keymap
	#		self["SeekActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarSeekActions", 							-1 higher priority
	#		self["MovieListActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarMovieListActions", 		0
	#		self["ShowHideActions"] = ActionMap( ["InfobarShowHideActions"] ,  								0
	#		self["EPGActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarEPGActions",									0
	#		self["CueSheetActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, actionmap,											1 lower priority
	#		self["InstantExtensionsActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarExtensions", 	1 lower priority
	#		self["NumberActions"] = NumberActionMap( [ "NumberActions"],											0 Set by EMC to 2 very lower priority 
	#		self["TeletextActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarTeletextActions",				0 Set by EMC to 2 very lower priority 
	#		self["MenuActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarMenuActions",  							0 Set by EMC to 2 very lower priority 
		if config.EMC.movie_exit.value:
			self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "CoolPlayerActions",
					"leavePlayer":	(self.leavePlayer, 		_("Stop playback")),
				}) # default priority
			self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "CoolPlayerActions2",
					"leavePlayer":	(self.leavePlayer, 		_("Stop playback")),
				}) # default priority
		self["DVDPlayerPlaybackActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "EMCDVDPlayerActions",
				"dvdMenu": (self.enterDVDMenu, _("show DVD main menu")),
				#"showInfo": (self.showInfo, _("toggle time, chapter, audio, subtitle info")),
				"nextChapter": (self.nextChapter, _("forward to the next chapter")),
				"prevChapter": (self.prevChapter, _("rewind to the previous chapter")),
				"nextTitle": (self.nextTitle, _("jump forward to the next title")),
				"prevTitle": (self.prevTitle, _("jump back to the previous title")),
				"dvdAudioMenu": (self.enterDVDAudioMenu, _("(show optional DVD audio menu)")),
				"nextAudioTrack": (self.nextAudioTrack, _("switch to the next audio track")),
				"nextSubtitleTrack": (self.nextSubtitleTrack, _("switch to the next subtitle language")),
				"nextAngle": (self.nextAngle, _("switch to the next angle")),
			}, 1) # lower priority
		# Only enabled if playing a dvd
		self["DVDMenuActions"] = ActionMap(["WizardActions"],
				"left": self.keyLeft,
				"right": self.keyRight,
				"up": self.keyUp,
				"down": self.keyDown,
				"ok": self.keyOk,
				"back": self.keyBack,
			}, 2) # lower priority
		# Only enabled during DVD Menu
		self["GeneralPlayerPlaybackActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "EMCGeneralPlayerActions",
				"showExtensions": (self.openExtensions, _("view extensions...")),
				"EMCGreen":	(self.CoolAVSwitch,			_("Format AVSwitch")),
				"seekFwd": (self.seekFwd, _("Seek forward")),
				"seekBack": (self.seekBack, _("Seek backward")),
				"movieInfo": (self.infoMovie, _("Movie information")),
			}, 2) # lower priority
		self["MenuActions"].prio = 2
		if "TeletextActions" in self:
			self["TeletextActions"].prio = 2
		self["NumberActions"].prio = 2
		# Cover Anzeige
		self["Cover"] = Pixmap()
		# DVD Player
		self["audioLabel"] = Label("")
		self["subtitleLabel"] = Label("")
		self["angleLabel"] = Label("")
		self["chapterLabel"] = Label("")
		self["anglePix"] = Pixmap()
		self.last_audioTuple = None
		self.last_subtitleTuple = None
		self.last_angleTuple = None
		self.totalChapters = 0
		self.currentChapter = 0
		self.totalTitles = 0
		self.currentTitle = 0
		self.in_menu = None
		self.dvdScreen = None
		# Further initialization
		self.firstStart = True
		self.stopped = False
		self.closedByDelete = False
		self.closeAll = False
		self.lastservice = lastservice or self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference()
		self.playlist = playlist
		self.playall = playall
		self.playcount = -1
		self.service = None
		self.picload = ePicLoad()
		# Record events
		except Exception, e:
			emcDebugOut("[EMCMediaCenter] Record observer add exception:\n" + str(e))
    def __init__(self, session, playlist, playall=None, lastservice=None):

        # The CutList must be initialized very first
        Screen.__init__(self, session)

        # Skin
        self.skinName = "EMCMediaCenter"
        skin = None
        CoolWide = getDesktop(0).size().width()
        if CoolWide == 720:
            skin = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/CoolSkin/EMCMediaCenter_720.xml"
        elif CoolWide == 1024:
            skin = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/CoolSkin/EMCMediaCenter_1024.xml"
        elif CoolWide == 1280:
            skin = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EnhancedMovieCenter/CoolSkin/EMCMediaCenter_1280.xml"
        if skin:
            Cool = open(skin)
            self.skin = Cool.read()

        self.serviceHandler = ServiceCenter.getInstance()

        # EMC Source
        self["Service"] = EMCCurrentService(session.nav, self)

        # Events
        self.__event_tracker = ServiceEventTracker(
                # Disabled for tests
                # If we enable them, the sound will be delayed for about 2 seconds ?
                #iPlayableService.evEnd: self.__evEnd,
                #iPlayableService.evEOF: self.__evEOF,
                #iPlayableService.evUser: self.__timeUpdated,
                #iPlayableService.evUser+1: self.__statePlay,
                #iPlayableService.evUser+2: self.__statePause,
                iPlayableService.evUser + 3:
                iPlayableService.evUser + 4:
                #iPlayableService.evUser+5: self.__osdStringAvail,
                iPlayableService.evUser + 6:
                iPlayableService.evUser + 7:
                iPlayableService.evUser + 8:
                iPlayableService.evUser + 9:
                iPlayableService.evUser + 11:
                iPlayableService.evUser + 12:
                iPlayableService.evUser + 13:

        # Keymap
        #		self["SeekActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarSeekActions", 							-1 higher priority
        #		self["MovieListActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarMovieListActions", 		0
        #		self["ShowHideActions"] = ActionMap( ["InfobarShowHideActions"] ,  								0
        #		self["EPGActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarEPGActions",									0
        #		self["CueSheetActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, actionmap,											1 lower priority
        #		self["InstantExtensionsActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarExtensions", 	1 lower priority
        #		self["NumberActions"] = NumberActionMap( [ "NumberActions"],											0 Set by EMC to 2 very lower priority
        #		self["TeletextActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarTeletextActions",				0 Set by EMC to 2 very lower priority
        #		self["MenuActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarMenuActions",  							0 Set by EMC to 2 very lower priority
        if config.EMC.movie_exit.value:
            self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "CoolPlayerActions", {
                "leavePlayer": (self.leavePlayer, _("Stop playback")),
            })  # default priority
            self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "CoolPlayerActions2", {
                "leavePlayer": (self.leavePlayer, _("Stop playback")),
            })  # default priority

        self["DVDPlayerPlaybackActions"] = HelpableActionMap(
                "dvdMenu": (self.enterDVDMenu, _("show DVD main menu")),
                #"showInfo": (self.showInfo, _("toggle time, chapter, audio, subtitle info")),
                (self.nextChapter, _("forward to the next chapter")),
                (self.prevChapter, _("rewind to the previous chapter")),
                (self.nextTitle, _("jump forward to the next title")),
                (self.prevTitle, _("jump back to the previous title")),
                (self.enterDVDAudioMenu, _("(show optional DVD audio menu)")),
                (self.nextAudioTrack, _("switch to the next audio track")),
                 _("switch to the next subtitle language")),
                "nextAngle": (self.nextAngle, _("switch to the next angle")),
            1)  # lower priority
        # Only enabled if playing a dvd

        self["DVDMenuActions"] = ActionMap(
            ["WizardActions"], {
                "left": self.keyLeft,
                "right": self.keyRight,
                "up": self.keyUp,
                "down": self.keyDown,
                "ok": self.keyOk,
                "back": self.keyBack,
            }, 2)  # lower priority
        # Only enabled during DVD Menu

        self["GeneralPlayerPlaybackActions"] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, "EMCGeneralPlayerActions", {
                (self.openExtensions, _("view extensions...")),
                "EMCGreen": (self.CoolAVSwitch, _("Format AVSwitch")),
                "seekFwd": (self.seekFwd, _("Seek forward")),
                "seekBack": (self.seekBack, _("Seek backward")),
                "movieInfo": (self.infoMovie, _("Movie information")),
            }, 2)  # lower priority

        self["MenuActions"].prio = 2
        if "TeletextActions" in self:
            self["TeletextActions"].prio = 2
        self["NumberActions"].prio = 2

        # Cover Anzeige
        self["Cover"] = Pixmap()

        # DVD Player
        self["audioLabel"] = Label("")
        self["subtitleLabel"] = Label("")
        self["angleLabel"] = Label("")
        self["chapterLabel"] = Label("")
        self["anglePix"] = Pixmap()
        self.last_audioTuple = None
        self.last_subtitleTuple = None
        self.last_angleTuple = None
        self.totalChapters = 0
        self.currentChapter = 0
        self.totalTitles = 0
        self.currentTitle = 0
        self.in_menu = None
        self.dvdScreen = None

        # Further initialization
        self.firstStart = True
        self.stopped = False
        self.closedByDelete = False
        self.closeAll = False

        self.lastservice = lastservice or self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference(
        self.playlist = playlist
        self.playall = playall
        self.playcount = -1
        self.service = None

        self.picload = ePicLoad()

        # Record events
        except Exception, e:
            emcDebugOut("[EMCMediaCenter] Record observer add exception:\n" +