Ejemplo n.º 1
def stats(param):
    nom = param["nom"]
    if nom != "None":
        nom = sql.nom_ID(nom)
        ID = sql.get_SuperID(nom, param["name_pl"])
        ID = sql.get_SuperID(param["ID"], param["name_pl"])
    lang = param["lang"]
    if ID == "Error 404":
        msg = [
            lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "WarningMsg", None, False, 0)
        return msg
    PlayerID = sql.get_PlayerID(ID, "gems")
    msg = []
    desc = sql.valueAt(PlayerID, "all", "statgems")
    if desc != 0:
        for x in desc:
    return msg
Ejemplo n.º 2
def addxp(ID, nb, nameDB):
    balXP = sql.valueAtNumber(ID, "xp", nameDB)
    if balXP != None:
        ns = balXP + int(nb)
        if ns <= 0:
            ns = 0
        sql.updateField(ID, "xp", ns, nameDB)
        return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def save(self):
     with SQLite() as db:
             INSERT INTO locations
             VALUES (NULL, ?)
             ''', (self.title, ))
         return self
Ejemplo n.º 4
def durability(PlayerID, outil):
    # gestion de la durabilité d'un outil
    nb = int(sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, outil, "inventory"))
    if nb > 0:
        sql.add(PlayerID, outil, -1, "durability")
        if sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, outil, "durability") <= 0:
            for c in objetOutil:
                if c.nom == outil:
                    sql.add(PlayerID, outil, c.durabilite, "durability")
            sql.add(PlayerID, outil, -1, "inventory")
            return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: user.py Proyecto: Metodii/TP
 def find_by_email(email):
     if not email:
         return None
     with SQLite() as db:
         row = db.execute(
             'SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = ?',
         if row:
             return User(*row)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: post.py Proyecto: Metodii/TP
    def all(available_from=None, available_to=None):
        with SQLite() as db:
            rows = db.execute('SELECT * FROM post').fetchall()
            if available_from=="undefined":

            if available_to=="undefined":

            if not available_from or not available_to:
                return [Post(*row) for row in rows]

            return [Post(*row) for row in rows if (
                datetime.datetime.strptime(row[7], "%Y-%m-%d").date() <= datetime.datetime.strptime(available_from, "%Y-%m-%d").date() and
                datetime.datetime.strptime(row[8], "%Y-%m-%d").date() >= datetime.datetime.strptime(available_to, "%Y-%m-%d").date())]
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: post.py Proyecto: Metodii/TP
 def save(self):
     with SQLite() as db:
             INSERT INTO post 
             VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
             ''', (
         return self
Ejemplo n.º 8
def testInvTaille(ID):
    """Verifie si l'inventaire est plein """
    inv = sql.valueAt(ID, "all", "inventory")
    tailletot = 0
    if inv != 0:
        for c in objetOutil:
            for x in inv:
                if c.nom == str(x[1]):
                    if int(x[0]) > 0:
                        tailletot += c.poids * int(int(x[0]))

        for c in objetItem:
            for x in inv:
                if c.nom == str(x[1]):
                    if int(x[0]) > 0:
                        tailletot += c.poids * int(int(x[0]))

    if tailletot <= invMax:
        return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 9
def checklevel(ID):
    lang = sql.valueAtNumber(ID, "LANG", "IDs")
    if lang == None:
        lang = "EN"
    if ID == "Error 404":
        msg = [
            lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "WarningMsg", None, False, 0)
        return msg
    PlayerID = sql.get_PlayerID(ID, "gems")
    # print(PlayerID)
    msg = []
    S = success.checkSuccess(PlayerID, lang)
        lvl = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, "lvl", "gems")
        xp = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, "xp", "gems")
        palier = lvlPalier(lvl)
        desc = ""
        if xp >= palier:
            lvl = lvl + 1
            sql.updateField(PlayerID, "lvl", lvl, "gems")
            desc = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "level", [lvl], False, 0)
            nbG = 100 * lvl
            sql.addGems(PlayerID, nbG)
            desc += lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "level", [nbG], False, 1)
            msg.append("Level UP")
            msg.append("Level OK")
        if S != []:
        print("Level >> Le joueur n'existe pas.")
        msg.append("Level NOK")
        msg.append("Le joueur n'existe pas")
    return msg
Ejemplo n.º 10
def end_season():
    recupere le nombre de gems et le nombre de gems dans la banque,
    stock ces valeurs dans la base de donnée (table seasons) et met
    ces 2 valeurs a 0 + supprime tous les items a prix fixe dans l'inventaire
    res = load_dates()
    nbs = res["total"]
    nb_invest = 0  # Nombre de joueur considéré comme ayant joué
    bank_tot = 0  # Total de la banque
    for i in range(1, sql.taille("gems") + 1):
        # Récupération des données par Joueur
        IDs = sql.userID(i, "gems")
        IDd = IDs[1]
        IDm = IDs[2]
        if IDd is not None:
            SuperID = sql.get_SuperID(IDd, "discord")
        elif IDm is not None:
            SuperID = sql.get_SuperID(IDd, "messenger")
            SuperID = 0
        PlayerID = sql.get_PlayerID(SuperID)
        solde = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, "gems", "gems")
        bank = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, "Solde", "bank")

        # Valeurs nécessaires au multiplicateur
        if solde != 100:
            nb_invest = nb_invest + 1
            bank_tot = bank_tot + bank

        # Sauvegarde des valeurs de la saison en  cours par Joueur
        save = sql.add(PlayerID, "idseasons", nbs, "seasons")
        if save != 404 and save != 102:
            sql.updateField(PlayerID, "gem", [solde, nbs], "seasons")
            sql.updateField(PlayerID, "bank", [bank, nbs], "seasons")
            # Reset solde de gems et solde de la banque
            sql.updateField(PlayerID, "gems", 100, "gems")
            sql.updateField(PlayerID, "Solde", 0, "bank")
            # Reset dans l'inventaire des objets à prix fixe du marché
            for x in GI.exception:
                if x != "bank_upgrade":
                    sql.updateField(PlayerID, x, 0, "inventory")
            # reset dans l'inventaire des objets événementiels
            for x in GF.ObjetEventEnd:
                if x != "bank_upgrade":
                    sql.updateField(PlayerID, x, 0, "inventory")
    with open('core/saisons.json', 'r') as fp:
        dict = json.load(fp)
    dict["total"] = nbs + 1
    with open('core/saisons.json', 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(dict, fp, indent=4)
    return True, nb_invest, bank_tot
Ejemplo n.º 11
def gift(PlayerID, lang, param=False):
    desc = ""
    jour = dt.date.today()
    nbgift = r.randint(-3, 3)

    if param:
        nbgift = r.randint(0, 2)
        if nbgift > 0:
            sql.add(PlayerID, "lootbox_gift", nbgift, "inventory")
            sql.add(PlayerID, ["boxes", "lootbox | gift | gain"], nbgift,
            desc = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "lootbox", [nbgift], False, 6)

    elif (jour.month == 12 and jour.day >= 22) and (jour.month == 12
                                                    and jour.day <= 25):
        if nbgift > 0:
            sql.add(PlayerID, "lootbox_gift", nbgift, "inventory")
            sql.add(PlayerID, ["boxes", "lootbox | gift | gain"], nbgift,
            desc = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "lootbox", [nbgift], False, 3)

    elif (jour.month == 12 and jour.day >= 30) or (jour.month == 1
                                                   and jour.day <= 2):
        if nbgift > 0:
            sql.add(PlayerID, "lootbox_gift", nbgift, "inventory")
            sql.add(PlayerID, ["boxes", "lootbox | gift | gain"], nbgift,
            desc = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "lootbox", [nbgift], False, 4)

    return desc
Ejemplo n.º 12
def exec_commands(c):
    Va se charger d'exécuter toutes les commandes

    params :
    dict c => message

    return :
    dict => name_c, name_p, name_pl, reponse
    # On récupère tous les modules dans gems
    list_here = gems.list_GG_module

    packets_list = list()
    function_dict = dict()
    res = dict()

    for i in list_here:
        # On exclut les magic func
        if "gems" in i:

    for j in packets_list:
        tmp_list = list()
        tmp = dir(eval("gems." + j))

        for k in tmp:
        function_dict[str(j)] = tmp_list

    commande = c["name_c"]
    file_c = ""

    for mod_name in packets_list:
        if commande in function_dict[mod_name]:
            # Où a été trouvé la commande
            file_c = mod_name
            file_c = None

    # S'il a trouvé une commande
    if file_c is not None:
        commande_forgee = "getattr(eval(file_c), commande)"
            c["param_c"]["name_pl"] = c["name_pl"]
            if c["name_pl"] != "Admin":
                ID = sql.get_SuperID(c["name_p"], c["name_pl"])
                ID = sql.get_SuperID(c["name_p"], "discord")
            if ID != "Error 404":
                c["param_c"]["lang"] = sql.valueAtNumber(ID, "LANG", "IDs")
                c["param_c"]["PlayerID"] = sql.get_PlayerID(ID, "gems")
                c["param_c"]["lang"] = "EN"
            commande_forgee = commande_forgee + '(' + str(c["param_c"]) + ')'
        except KeyError:
        # Appelle la fonction

        if ID != "Error 404" or commande == "connect" or commande == "begin":
            # try:
            ret = eval(commande_forgee)
            res["reponse"] = ret
        # except:
        #     res["reponse"] = ["WarningMsg", c["param_c"]["lang"], lang_P.forge_msg(c["param_c"]["lang"], "WarningMsg", None, False, 1)]
            res["reponse"] = [
                "WarningMsg", c["param_c"]["lang"],
                lang_P.forge_msg(c["param_c"]["lang"], "WarningMsg", None,
                                 False, 0)

        res["name_c"] = commande
        res["name_p"] = c["name_p"]
        res["name_pl"] = c["name_pl"]
        res = None

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: user.py Proyecto: Metodii/TP
 def create(self):
     with SQLite() as db:
             INSERT INTO user (email, password)
             VALUES (?, ?)''', (self.email, self.password))
         return self
Ejemplo n.º 14
from core import level as lvl
from core import manage_seasons as MS
import manage_commands as mc
from languages import lang

# Ouverture du port
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
check = True
msg = ""
VERSION = open("core/version.txt").read().replace("\n", "")

# Initialisation
print('\nGet Gems - Server ' + VERSION)
flag = sql.checkField()
if flag == 0:
    print("SQL >> Aucun champ n'a été ajouté, supprimé ou modifié.")
elif "add" in flag:
    print("SQL >> Un ou plusieurs champs ont été ajoutés à la DB.")
elif "sup" in flag:
    print("SQL >> Un ou plusieurs champs ont été supprimés de la DB.")
elif "type" in flag:
    print("SQL >> Un ou plusieurs type ont été modifié sur la DB.")

sql.newPlayer(GF.idGetGems, "gems", "discord", "Get Gems")
sql.newPlayer(GF.idBaBot, "gems", "discord", "BaBot")

Ejemplo n.º 15
def success(param):
    lang = param["lang"]
    PlayerID = param["PlayerID"]
    msg = []
    result = []
    dict = {}
    i = -1
    for x in objetSuccess:
        if x.id > i:
            i = x.id
        dict[x.id] = x.sid
    for i in range(0, i + 1):
        iS = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, i, "success")
        for x in objetSuccess:
            arg = None
            if x.id == i:
                type = x.type.split("|")
                if type[0] == "gems" or type[0] == "daily":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, "{0}".format(type[1]),
                    if type[0] == "gems":
                        arg = None
                        arg = [x.objectif]

                elif type[0] == "broken":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                        "{0} | broken | {1}".format(type[1],
                                                    type[2]), "statgems")
                    arg = [
                        x.objectif, type[2], "{idmoji[gem_" + type[2] + "]}"

                elif type[0] == "mine" or type[0] == "dig" or type[0] == "fish":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                        PlayerID, "{0} | item | {1}".format(type[0], type[1]),
                    arg = [
                        x.objectif, type[1], "{idmoji[gem_" + type[1] + "]}"

                elif type[0] == "buy" or type[0] == "sell":
                    if (type[0] == "buy"
                            or type[0] == "sell") and type[1] != "total":
                        myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                            "{0} | item | {1}".format(type[0],
                                                      type[1]), "statgems")
                        arg = [
                            x.objectif, type[1],
                            "{idmoji[gem_" + type[1] + "]}"
                        myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                            PlayerID, "{0} | {1}".format(type[0], type[1]),
                        arg = [x.objectif]

                elif type[0] == "gamble" or type[0] == "stealing" or type[
                        0] == "slots":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                        PlayerID, "{0} | {1}".format(type[0], type[1]),
                    arg = [x.objectif]

                elif type[0] == "pay":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID,
                                               "pay | {0}".format(type[1]),
                    arg = [x.objectif]

                elif type[0] == "forge":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                        PlayerID, "forge | item | {0}".format(type[1]),
                    arg = [
                        x.objectif, type[1], "{idmoji[gem_" + type[1] + "]}"

                elif type[0] == "hothouse" or type[0] == "ferment" or type[
                        0] == "cooking":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                        PlayerID, "{0} | {1} | item | {2}".format(
                            type[0], type[1], type[2]), "statgems")
                    if type[2] in GI.objetEmoji:
                        idmoji = ":{0}:".format(type[2])
                        idmoji = "<:gem_{0}:{1}>".format(
                            type[2], "{idmoji[gem_" + type[2] + "]}")
                    arg = [x.objectif, type[2], idmoji]

                elif type[0] == "inv":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, "{0}".format(type[1]),
                    if type[1] in GI.objetEmoji:
                        idmoji = ":{0}:".format(type[1])
                        idmoji = "<:gem_{0}:{1}>".format(
                            type[1], "{idmoji[gem_" + type[1] + "]}")
                    arg = [x.objectif, type[1], idmoji]

                if x.sid == iS + 1:
                        lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                         [GF.ChiffreRomain(x.sid)], False,
                    desc = "{0} | `{1}`/`{2}`".format(
                        lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success desc", arg, False,
                                         x.desc), myStat, x.objectif)
                elif iS == dict[i] and x.sid == iS:
                    desc = "{0} | **_{1}_**".format(
                        lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success desc", arg, False,
                        lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success", None, False, 2))
                        lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                         [GF.ChiffreRomain(x.sid)], False,
    return msg
Ejemplo n.º 16
import random as r
import datetime as dt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from DB import TinyDB as DB, SQLite as sql
import json
from gems import gemsItems as GI, gemsStats as GS
from languages import lang as lang_P

idBaBot = 604776153458278415
idGetGems = 620558080551157770
    PlayerID_GetGems = sql.get_PlayerID(sql.get_SuperID(idGetGems, "discord"))
    PlayerID_Babot = sql.get_PlayerID(sql.get_SuperID(idBaBot, "discord"))
    PlayerID_GetGems = 1
    PlayerID_Babot = 2

# Taille max de l'Inventaire
invMax = 5000

# Définition des classes
class Item:
    def __init__(self, nom, vente, achat, poids, type):
        self.nom = nom
        self.vente = vente
        self.achat = achat
        self.poids = poids
        self.type = type
Ejemplo n.º 17
def loadItem(F=False):
    jour = dt.date.today()

    # Récupere le multiplicateur
    m = 1
    if jour.day == 5 or jour.day == 13 or jour.day == 20:
        path = "core/saisons.json"
        with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)
        m = data["mult"]
        if m <= 0:
            m = 1

    if F:
    global ObjetEventEnd
    ObjetEventEnd = []
    # ========== Items ==========

    global objetItem
    objetItem = [
        Item("cobblestone", m * itemBourse("cobblestone", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("cobblestone", "achat"), 4, "minerai"),
        Item("iron", m * itemBourse("iron", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("iron", "achat"), 10, "minerai"),
        Item("gold", m * itemBourse("gold", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("gold", "achat"), 20, "minerai"),
        Item("diamond", m * itemBourse("diamond", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("diamond", "achat"), 40, "minerai"),
        Item("emerald", m * itemBourse("emerald", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("emerald", "achat"), 50, "minerai"),
        Item("ruby", m * itemBourse("ruby", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("ruby", "achat"), 70, "minerai"),
        Item("fish", m * itemBourse("fish", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("fish", "achat"), 2, "poisson"),
        Item("tropicalfish", m * itemBourse("tropicalfish", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("tropicalfish", "achat"), 8, "poisson"),
        Item("blowfish", m * itemBourse("blowfish", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("blowfish", "achat"), 8, "poisson"),
        Item("octopus", m * itemBourse("octopus", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("octopus", "achat"), 16, "poisson"),
        Item("seed", m * itemBourse("seed", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("seed", "achat"), 0.5, "plante"),
        Item("cacao", m * itemBourse("cacao", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("cacao", "achat"), 1, "plante"),
        Item("potato", m * itemBourse("potato", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("potato", "achat"), 1, "plante"),
        Item("oak", m * itemBourse("oak", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("oak", "achat"), 50, "plante"),
        Item("spruce", m * itemBourse("spruce", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("spruce", "achat"), 70, "plante"),
        Item("palm", m * itemBourse("palm", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("palm", "achat"), 60, "plante"),
        Item("wheat", m * itemBourse("wheat", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("wheat", "achat"), 3, "plante"),
        Item("grapes", m * itemBourse("grapes", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("grapes", "achat"), 1, "emoji"),
        Item("wine_glass", m * itemBourse("wine_glass", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("wine_glass", "achat"), 2, "emoji"),
        Item("beer", m * itemBourse("beer", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("beer", "achat"), 2, "emoji"),
        Item("chocolate", m * itemBourse("chocolate", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("chocolate", "achat"), 3, "consommable"),
        Item("fries", m * itemBourse("fries", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("fries", "achat"), 30, "consommable"),
        Item("cookie", m * itemBourse("cookie", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("cookie", "achat"), 1, "emoji"),
        Item("candy", m * itemBourse("candy", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("candy", "achat"), 1, "emoji"),
        Item("lollipop", m * itemBourse("lollipop", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("lollipop", "achat"), 2, "emoji"),
        Item("backpack", m * itemBourse("backpack", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("backpack", "achat"), -200, "special"),
        Item("hyperpack", m * itemBourse("hyperpack", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("hyperpack", "achat"), -2000, "special"),
        Item("fishhook", m * itemBourse("fishhook", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("fishhook", "achat"), 1, "special")

    if not (jour.month == 10 and jour.day >= 22) or (jour.month == 11
                                                     and jour.day <= 10):
        for one in GI.ObjetHalloween:
    if not (jour.month == 12 and jour.day >= 20) or (jour.month == 1
                                                     and jour.day <= 14):
        for one in GI.ObjetChristmas:

    objetItem += [
        Item("pumpkin", m * itemBourse("pumpkin", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("pumpkin", "achat"), 5, "halloween"),
        Item("pumpkinpie", m * itemBourse("pumpkinpie", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("pumpkinpie", "achat"), 30, "halloween")

    objetItem += [
        Item("cupcake", m * itemBourse("cupcake", "vente"),
             m * itemBourse("cupcake", "achat"), 10, "christmas")

    # ========== Outils ==========

    global objetOutil
    objetOutil = [
        Outil("fishingrod", itemBourse("fishingrod", "vente"),
              itemBourse("fishingrod", "achat"), 25, 100, ""),
        Outil("pickaxe", itemBourse("pickaxe", "vente"),
              itemBourse("pickaxe", "achat"), 15, 75, ""),
        Outil("iron_pickaxe", itemBourse("iron_pickaxe", "vente"),
              itemBourse("iron_pickaxe", "achat"), 70, 200, "forge"),
        Outil("diamond_pickaxe", itemBourse("diamond_pickaxe", "vente"),
              itemBourse("diamond_pickaxe", "achat"), 150, 450, "forge"),
        Outil("shovel", itemBourse("shovel", "vente"),
              itemBourse("shovel", "achat"), 10, 35, ""),
        Outil("iron_shovel", itemBourse("iron_shovel", "vente"),
              itemBourse("iron_shovel", "achat"), 60, 100, "forge"),
        Outil("diamond_shovel", itemBourse("diamond_shovel", "vente"),
              itemBourse("diamond_shovel", "achat"), 120, 240, "forge"),
        Outil("planting_plan", itemBourse("planting_plan", "vente"),
              itemBourse("planting_plan", "achat"), 4, 4, "consommable"),
        Outil("barrel", itemBourse("barrel", "vente"),
              itemBourse("barrel", "achat"), 3, 3, "consommable"),
        Outil("furnace", itemBourse("furnace", "vente"),
              itemBourse("furnace", "achat"), 2, 2, "consommable"),
        Outil("bank_upgrade", itemBourse("bank_upgrade", "vente"),
              itemBourse("bank_upgrade", "achat"), 10000, None, "bank")

    # ========== Loot Box ==========

    global objetBox
    objetBox = [
        Box("commongems", "Gems Common", 30, 10, 50, "gems", 1),
        Box("raregems", "Gems Rare", 300, 100, 500, "gems", 2),
        Box("legendarygems", "Gems Legendary", 3000, 1000, 5000, "gems", 4),
        Box("gift", "Items en folie", 50000, 100, 100000, "gems", 3),
        Box("gift_heart", "Cadeau de la Saint Valentin", 0, 10000, 50000, "",

    if sql.spam(PlayerID_GetGems, couldown_8h, "bourse", "gems"):
        sql.updateComTime(PlayerID_GetGems, "bourse", "gems")
        for x in objetItem:
        for x in objetOutil:
Ejemplo n.º 18
def admin(param):
    fct = param["fct"]
    arg2 = param["arg2"]
    arg3 = param["arg3"]
    arg4 = param["arg4"]
    msg = []
    if fct == "playerid":
        if arg2 == "None":
            platform = param["name_pl"]
            platform = arg2
        platform = param["name_pl"]
    if param["name_pl"] == "Admin" and fct != "playerid":
        PlayerID = int(param["ID"])
        lang = "EN"
        ID = sql.get_SuperID(int(param["ID"]), platform)
        lang = param["lang"]
        if ID == "Error 404":
            msg = [
                lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "WarningMsg", None, False, 0)
            return msg
        PlayerID = sql.get_PlayerID(ID, "gems")

    if fct == "init":
    elif fct == "update":
        # arg2 = nameDB | arg3 = fieldName | arg4 = fieldValue
        desc = sql.updateField(PlayerID, arg3, arg4, arg2)
    elif fct == "add":
        # arg2 = nameDB | arg3 = nameElem | arg4 = nbElem
        desc = sql.add(PlayerID, arg3, arg4, arg2)
    elif fct == "value":
        # arg2 = nameDB | arg3 = nameElem
        desc = sql.valueAt(PlayerID, arg3, arg2)
    elif fct == "gems":
        # arg2 = nb gems
        desc = sql.addGems(PlayerID, arg2)
    elif fct == "spinelles":
        # arg2 = nb spinelles
        desc = sql.addSpinelles(PlayerID, arg2)
    elif fct == "balance total" or fct == 'balancetotal':
        desc = "Balance total"
        desc += "\n{}:gem:".format(sql.countTotalGems())
        spinelleidmoji = "{idmoji[spinelle]}"
        desc += "\n{0}<:spinelle:{1}>".format(sql.countTotalSpinelles(),
    elif fct == "playerid":
        desc = "PlayerID: {}".format(PlayerID)
        desc = ":regional_indicator_s::regional_indicator_q::regional_indicator_l:"

    msg.append("Admin {}".format(fct))
    return msg
Ejemplo n.º 19
def startKit(ID):
    gems = sql.valueAtNumber(ID, "gems", "gems")
    if gems == 0:
        sql.addGems(ID, 100)
        sql.add(ID, "pickaxe", 1, "inventory")
        sql.add(ID, "fishingrod", 1, "inventory")
        sql.add(ID, "shovel", 1, "inventory")
        sql.add(ID, "pickaxe", 20, "durability")
        sql.add(ID, "fishingrod", 20, "durability")
        sql.add(ID, "shovel", 20, "durability")
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def all():
     with SQLite() as db:
         rows = db.execute('SELECT * FROM locations').fetchall()
         return [Locations(*row) for row in rows]
Ejemplo n.º 21
def lootbox(PlayerID, lang, param=False):
    desc = ""

    D = r.randint(-40, 40)
    if D == 0:
        sql.add(PlayerID, "lootbox_legendarygems", 1, "inventory")
        sql.add(PlayerID, ["boxes", "lootbox | legendary gems | gain"], 1,
        desc = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "lootbox", ["{idmoji[gem_lootbox]}"],
                                False, 2)
    elif (D == 10) or (D == -10):
        sql.add(PlayerID, "lootbox_raregems", 1, "inventory")
        sql.add(PlayerID, ["boxes", "lootbox |  rare gems | gain"], 1,
        desc = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "lootbox", ["{idmoji[gem_lootbox]}"],
                                False, 1)
    elif (D >= 29 and D <= 31) or (D >= -31 and D <= -29):
        sql.add(PlayerID, "lootbox_commongems", 1, "inventory")
        sql.add(PlayerID, ["boxes", "lootbox | common gems | gain"], 1,
        desc = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "lootbox", ["{idmoji[gem_lootbox]}"],
                                False, 0)
    elif param:
        desc = gift(PlayerID, lang, True)

    return desc
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def drop():
     with SQLite() as db:
         db.execute("DELETE FROM locations")
Ejemplo n.º 23
def itemBourse(item, type):
    """Version 3.0 | Attribue les prix de la bourse """
    # récupération du fichier de sauvegarde de la bourse
    with open('gems/bourse.json', 'r') as fp:
        dict = json.load(fp)
    temp = dict[item]
    # Récuperation de la valeur courante
    if type == "vente":
        pnow = temp["vente"]
    elif type == "achat":
        pnow = temp["achat"]
    PrixMini = 2

    # Verification pour l'actualisation de la bourse
    if sql.spam(PlayerID_GetGems, couldown_8h, "bourse", "gems"):
        # Gestion des exceptions
        if item in GI.exception:
            return pnow
        if item in ObjetEventEnd:
            return pnow

        # Récuperation prix d'origine | prix mini | prix maxi
        taux = 0.9
        for c in GI.PrixItem:
            if c.nom == item:
                if type == "vente":
                    pdef = c.vente
                    pmini = c.vente - (c.vente * taux)
                    pmaxi = c.vente + (c.vente * taux)
                elif type == "achat":
                    pdef = c.achat
                    pmini = c.achat - (c.achat * taux)
                    pmaxi = c.achat + (c.achat * taux)
        for c in GI.PrixOutil:
            if c.nom == item:
                if type == "vente":
                    pdef = c.vente
                    pmini = c.vente - (c.vente * taux)
                    pmaxi = c.vente + (c.vente * taux)
                elif type == "achat":
                    pdef = c.achat
                    pmini = c.achat - (c.achat * taux)
                    pmaxi = c.achat + (c.achat * taux)

        pdef = int(pdef)
        if pmini <= PrixMini:
            pmini = PrixMini
            pmini = int(pmini)
        pmaxi = int(pmaxi)
        # print("============================================\n=== {0} >>> {1}".format(type, item))
        # print("Prix défaut: {0}\nPrix mini: {1}\nPrix maxi: {2}".format(pdef, pmini, pmaxi))

        # Fonctionnement de la bourse
        DcrackB = r.randint(1, 1000)
        # crack boursier négatif
        if DcrackB <= 5:
            taux = 0.85
            Prix = int(pnow - (pnow * taux))
        # crack boursier positif
        elif DcrackB >= 985 or (pnow < 4 and DcrackB >= 900):
            if pnow <= 50:
                taux = 10
            elif pnow <= 7:
                taux = 50
                taux = 5
            Prix = int(pnow + (pnow * taux))
        # évolution de la bourse normale (entre -10% et +10% de la valeur courante)
            if pnow > pmaxi:
                pourcentage = r.randint(-20, -5)
            elif pnow <= pmini:
                pourcentage = r.randint(15, 30)
            elif (pnow > (pmaxi - pdef * 0.3)) or (pnow <
                                                   (pmini + pdef * 0.3)):
                pourcentage = r.randint(-20, 20)
                if pnow > 10:
                    pourcentage = r.randint(-10, 10)
                    pourcentage = r.randint(-5, 20)
            Prix = int(pnow + ((pnow * pourcentage) // 100))
        if Prix < PrixMini:
            Prix = PrixMini
        # print("\nAncien prix: {1}\nNouveau prix: {0}\n".format(Prix, pnow))

        # La valeur de vente ne peux etre supérieur à la valeur d'achat
        if type == "vente":
            if Prix > temp["achat"]:
                Prix = temp["achat"]
            temp["vente"] = Prix
            temp["precVente"] = pnow
        # La valeur d'achat ne peux être inférieur à la valeur de vente
        elif type == "achat":
            if Prix < temp["vente"]:
                Prix = temp["vente"]
            temp["achat"] = Prix
            temp["precAchat"] = pnow
        # actualisation du fichier de sauvegarde de la bourse
        dict[item] = temp
        with open('gems/bourse.json', 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(dict, fp, indent=4)
        return Prix
        return pnow
Ejemplo n.º 24
def checkSuccess(PlayerID, lang):
    result = []
    i = -1
    for x in objetSuccess:
        if x.id > i:
            i = x.id
    myStat = 0
    for i in range(0, i + 1):
        iS = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, i, "success")
        for x in objetSuccess:
            if x.id == i and x.sid == iS + 1:
                type = x.type.split("|")
                nom = ""

                if type[0] == "gems" or type[0] == "daily":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, "{0}".format(type[1]),
                    if myStat >= x.objectif:
                        nom = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                               False, x.titre)

                elif type[0] == "broken":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                        "{0} | broken | {1}".format(type[1],
                                                    type[2]), "statgems")
                    if myStat >= x.objectif:
                        nom = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                               False, x.titre)

                elif type[0] == "mine" or type[0] == "dig" or type[0] == "fish":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                        PlayerID, "{0} | item | {1}".format(type[0], type[1]),
                    if myStat >= x.objectif:
                        nom = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                               False, x.titre)

                elif type[0] == "buy" or type[0] == "sell" or type[
                        0] == "gamble" or type[0] == "stealing":
                    if (type[0] == "buy"
                            or type[0] == "sell") and type[1] != "total":
                        myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                            "{0} | item | {1}".format(type[0],
                                                      type[1]), "statgems")
                        myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                            PlayerID, "{0} | {1}".format(type[0], type[1]),
                    if myStat >= x.objectif:
                        nom = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                               False, x.titre)

                elif type[0] == "hothouse" or type[0] == "ferment" or type[
                        0] == "cooking":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                        PlayerID, "{0} | {1} | item | {2}".format(
                            type[0], type[1], type[2]), "statgems")
                    if myStat >= x.objectif:
                        nom = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                               False, x.titre)

                elif type[0] == "forge":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(
                        PlayerID, "forge | item | {0}".format(type[1]),
                    if myStat >= x.objectif:
                        nom = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                               False, x.titre)

                elif type[0] == "pay":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID,
                                               "pay | {0}".format(type[1]),
                    if myStat >= x.objectif:
                        nom = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                               False, x.titre)

                elif type[0] == "inv":
                    myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, "{0}".format(type[1]),
                    if myStat >= x.objectif:
                        nom = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre",
                                               False, x.titre)

#                 elif type[0] == "":
#                     myStat = sql.valueAtNumber(PlayerID, "", "statgems")
#                     if myStat >= x.objectif:
#                         nom = lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success titre", [GF.ChiffreRomain(x.sid)], False, x.titre)

                if nom != "":
                    sql.add(PlayerID, i, 1, "success")
                    desc = "{0}".format(
                        lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success", [nom], False, 0))
                    if iS == 0:
                        iS = 1
                    gain = r.randint(1, 3) * (6 * (iS))
                    lvl.addxp(PlayerID, gain, "gems")
                    desc = "{0} XP".format(
                        lang_P.forge_msg(lang, "success", [gain], False, 1))
                    if iS > 2:
                        desc += GF.lootbox(PlayerID, lang, True)
                    return result
    return result