def GET(self): DBLinks = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) outStr = sendMyHeader("Presets") SQLStr = f""" select RID, {C.QUERIESINTITLE} from {C.QUERIESINTABLENAME};""" SQLRows, SQLNumRows = DB.getSqlAll(DBLinks, SQLStr) outStr += f""" <table> """ rowCount = 0 for thisRow in SQLRows: rowState = rowCount % 1 outStr += f"""</tr> """ if int(thisRow[C.RID]) == int(C.DEFQUERYNUM): outStr += f"""<td class="close0r0">default</td> """ else: outStr += f"""<td class="r1"><a href="setDefault/?QUERYNUM={thisRow[C.RID]}"> make default</a></td> """ outStr += f""" <td class="r{rowState}"> <a href="quakes?STARTRECNUM=0&QUERYNUM={thisRow[C.RID]}">{thisRow[C.QUERIESINTITLE]}</a> </td> </tr> """ # end of for thisRow outStr += f""" </table> """ return outStr
def doAFile(thisFilename, myEventID=""): global fileEntry, usefulName, moreUsefulName, usefulBit, moreUsefulBit, dirPFX DBLinks = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) # FDUseful = open(usefulName, "w") # FDUseful.write(f"""USEFULPREFIX = {C.OBSSTR}{C.NEWLINE}""") # FDUseful.flush() # FDUseful.close() for prefix, the_type, value in IJ.parse(open(thisFilename)): if prefix == "" or prefix is None: continue if prefix.find(myEventID) > -1 and myEventID != "": prefix = prefix.replace(myEventID, "$EVENTID$") thisTuple = (prefix, the_type, value) # itemList.append(thisTuple) if DB.checkUpdatePrefix(DBLinks, prefix) is False: emptyPFXDict = C.PREFIXEMPTYDICT() emptyPFXDict[C.PFXlastSeen] = TDS.nowStrSql( emptyPFXDict[C.PFXfirstSeen] = TDS.nowStrSql( emptyPFXDict[C.PFXprefixStr] = prefix emptyPFXDict[C.PFXkeyType] = the_type DB.insertDict(DBLinks, C.GEOJSONPREFIXTABLENAME, emptyPFXDict, C.MYFIELDTYPESDICT) # FDUseful = open(usefulName, "ta") # outStr = f"""{C.TABSTR}{C.DQTSTR}{COMBO}{C.DQTSTR},{C.NEWLINE}""" # FDUseful.write(outStr) # FDUseful.flush() # FDUseful.close() FDMoreUseful = open(moreUsefulName, "ta") outStr = f"""({C.DQTSTR}{prefix}{C.DQTSTR}, {C.DQTSTR}{the_type}{C.DQTSTR}, C.TYPE, """ outStr += f"""{C.DQTSTR}headerName{C.DQTSTR}, SQLDEFAULT, SCNDEFAULT,),{C.NEWLINE}""" FDMoreUseful.write(f"""{str(thisTuple)}{C.NEWLINE}""") FDMoreUseful.flush() FDMoreUseful.close()
def GET(self): global myCurrentQueries myCurrentQueries = C.QUERIESINGLOBALDEFAULTS DBLinks = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) outStr = sendMyHeader("Presets") SQLStr = f""" select RID, {C.QUERIESINTITLE} from {C.QUERIESINTABLENAME};""" SQLRows, SQLNumRows = DB.getSqlAll(DBLinks, SQLStr) outStr += f""" <table> """ rowCount = 0 for thisRow in SQLRows: rowState = rowCount % 1 outStr += f""" <tr> <td class="r{rowState}"> <a href="quakes?STARTNUM=0&QUERYNUM={thisRow[C.RID]}">{thisRow[C.QUERIESINTITLE]}</a> </td> </tr> """ # end of for thisRow outStr += f""" </table> """ return outStr
def GET(self): DBLinks = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) myInput = web.input(QUERYNUM=C.DEFQUERYNUM) newDefault = myInput[C.QUERYNUM] outStr = sendMyHeader("set default query number") SQLStr = f""" select RID from queriesIn where RID = {newDefault};""" SQLRowDict = DB.getSqlOne(DBLinks, SQLStr) if SQLRowDict is None: outStr += f""" <span class = "fp">that was a fail<br /></span> </body> </html>""" return outStr outStr += f""" <span class="close0r0"><br /> setting {newDefault} as the new DEFAULTQUERYNUM and returning to presets<br /> </body> </html> """ C.DEFQUERYNUM = newDefault C.PUTDEFQRID() web.seeother(f"""""") return outStr
def GET(self): global myCurrentQueries DBLinks = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) myInput = web.input(STARTRECNUM=0, QUERYNUM=1) if myInput[C.QUERYNUM] != myCurrentQueries[C.QUERYNUM]: myCurrentQueries = C.QUERIESINGLOBALDEFAULTS myCurrentQueries[C.STARTRECNUM] = myInput[C.STARTRECNUM] myCurrentQueries[C.QUERYNUM] = myInput[C.QUERYNUM] myCurrentQueries[C.ROWNUM] = 0 SQLStr = f""" select * from {C.QUERIESINTABLENAME} where {C.RID} = {myCurrentQueries[C.QUERYNUM]};""" SQLRowsDict = DB.getSqlOne(DBLinks, SQLStr) myCurrentQueries = DB.upgradeDBToGQI(SQLRowsDict, C.QUERIESINGLOBALDEFAULTS) outStr = sendMyHeader( f"{myCurrentQueries[C.QUERIESINTITLE]} {__file__}") SQLStr = f""" {myCurrentQueries[C.SQLSELECT]} {myCurrentQueries[C.SQLWHERE]} {myCurrentQueries[C.SQLGROUPBY]} {myCurrentQueries[C.SQLORDERBY]} """ SQLStr += DB.saneMakeSqlLimitStr(myCurrentQueries[C.STARTRECNUM]) + ";" SQLRowsDict, SQLNumRows = DB.getSqlAll(DBLinks, SQLStr) myCurrentQueries[C.NUMROWS] = SQLNumRows myCurrentQueries[C.PGNUM] = int( int(myCurrentQueries[C.STARTRECNUM]) / C.NUMROWSPERPG) + 1 myCurrentQueries[C.OFPGS] = int( int(myCurrentQueries[C.NUMROWS]) / C.NUMROWSPERPG) + 1 # theseRows = DB.upgradeDBToGQIMany(SQLRowsDict, C.QUERIESINGLOBALDEFAULTS) outStr += "<table>\n" for thisRow in SQLRowsDict: thisRow = DB.DTfixThisLineToDisplay(thisRow) lastRow = thisRow outStr += DB.makeTableRow(thisRow, myCurrentQueries, 0) myCurrentQueries[C.ROWNUM] += 1 outStr += DB.makeTableRow(lastRow, myCurrentQueries, 1) outStr += """ </table> <span class="fp">bottom of the page</span> </body> </html> """ return outStr
def __main__(): thisRowNum = 0 addedRows = 0 # set file names appropriately so we can dev alongside use global listOfPropertyKeys, listOfGeoKeys, listOfFileKeys, listOfMetaKeys, listOf1stKeys global listOfFeatureKeys with open(thisFilename, "r") as FIn: GJLI = GJ.load(FIn) addKeys(GJLI, "listOfFileKeys") myFileEntry = C.GEOJSONFILEENTRYEMPTYSQL() myFileEntry[C.fileType] = GJLI[C.type_] if myFileEntry[C.fileType] == "FeatureCollection": try: myMetadata = GJLI[C.metadata] myFileEntry[C.metaGeneratedTime] = TDS.TS2ISO( myMetadata[C.generated]) print( f"""records returned {GJLI["metadata"]["count"]}/{len(GJLI[C.features])} generated {myFileEntry[C.metaGeneratedTime]}""") addKeys(myMetadata, "listOfMetaKeys") except KeyError: myMetadata = None myFileEntry[C.metaGeneratedTime] = "" try: myFeatures = GJLI[C.features] except KeyError: myFeatures = None try: myBoundingBox = GJLI[C.bbox] except KeyError: myBoundingBox = None if myMetadata is not None: myFileEntry[C.metaGeneratedTime] = TDS.TS2ISO( myMetadata[C.generated]) for srcKey, destKey in C.METADATAEMPTY().items(): try: myFileEntry[destKey] = myMetadata[srcKey] except KeyError: myFileEntry[destKey] = destKey else: myMetadata = C.METADATAEMPTY() for srcKey, destKey in myMetadata.items(): myFileEntry[destKey] = myMetadata[srcKey] if myBoundingBox is not None: TBBox = C.BBOXEMPTY() for srcKey, destKey in TBBox.items(): try: myFileEntry[destKey] = myBoundingBox[srcKey] except KeyError: myFileEntry[destKey] = destKey SQLResult = DB.insertDict(DBLINKS, C.GEOJSONFILEENTRYTABLENAME, myFileEntry, C.MYFIELDTYPESDICT) if SQLResult is not None: print(f""" something went wrong inserting a file entry row {str(myFileEntry)} GJLI {str(GJLI)} SQLResult {str(SQLResult)} """) exit(1) myFileEntry[C.RID] = DB.getInsertID(DBLINKS) for thisFeature in myFeatures: addKeys(thisFeature, listOfFeatureKeys) myEventEntry = C.GEOGJSONEVENTSDEFAULTSQL() myProperties = thisFeature[] addKeys(myProperties, "listOfPropertyKeys") myGeometry = thisFeature[C.geometry] addKeys(myGeometry, "listOfGeoKeys") myEventEntry[C.featureType] = thisFeature[C.type_] myEventEntry[C.fileEntryRID] = myFileEntry[C.RID] myEventEntry[C.eventID] = thisFeature[C.id_] myEventEntry[C.geoLon] = myGeometry[C.coordinates][C.BBMINLON] myEventEntry[C.geoLat] = myGeometry[C.coordinates][C.BBMINLAT] myEventEntry[C.geoDepth] = myGeometry[C.coordinates][C.BBMINDEPTH] myEventEntry[C.geoType] = myGeometry[C.type_] myEventEntry[C.featureType] = thisFeature[C.type_] for sourceKey, destKey in C.GEOJSONFIELDNAMES.items(): myEventEntry[destKey] = myProperties[sourceKey] if C.MYFIELDTYPESDICT[sourceKey] == "varchar": if not isinstance(myProperties[sourceKey], str): myEventEntry[destKey] = str(myProperties[sourceKey]) if myEventEntry[destKey] is None: myEventEntry[destKey] = 0 if C.MYFIELDTYPESDICT[destKey] == "datetime": myEventEntry[destKey] = TDS.TS2ISO(myEventEntry[destKey]) thisRowNum += 1 if (thisRowNum % 200) == 0: print(".", end="") SQLStr = f"""select * from {C.GEOJSONEVENTSTABLENAME} where {C.eventID} = "{myEventEntry[C.eventID]}";""" SQLRows, numRows = DB.getSqlAll(DBLINKS, SQLStr) myToUpdate = False if numRows > 0: for testEvent in SQLRows: returnedUpdate = TDS.toStr(testEvent[C.propUpdatedZ]) entryDate = TDS.toStr(myEventEntry[C.propUpdatedZ]) if returnedUpdate == entryDate: myToUpdate = True break if myToUpdate is True: # we have it already, return to looking continue SQLResult = DB.insertDict(DBLINKS, myTableName, myEventEntry, C.MYFIELDTYPESDICT) if SQLResult is None: addedRows += 1 # end of for * in myFeatures # end of with geojson file # os.remove(thisFilename) print(f""" listOfFileKeys {len(listOfFileKeys)} {str(listOfFileKeys)} listOf1stKeys {len(listOf1stKeys)} {str(listOf1stKeys)} listOfMetaKeys {len(listOfMetaKeys)} {str(listOfMetaKeys)} listOfGeoKeys {len(listOfGeoKeys)} {str(listOfGeoKeys)} listOfFeatureKeys {len(listOfFeatureKeys)} {str(listOfFeatureKeys)} listOfPropertyKeys {len(listOfPropertyKeys)} {str(listOfPropertyKeys)} rows added {addedRows} """)
from dataStuff import timeDateStuff as TDS from DBStuff import DBStuff as DB myOffset = 0 gc.enable() # thisUrl = "[hour day week month].[csv geojson]" if myOffset == 0: thisUrl = "" elif myOffset > 0: thisUrl = f"""""" thisUrl += f"""&endtime=2019-11-01&offset={myOffset}""" # elif myOffset == -1: # reserved for detail queries and then I can go out both directions for further expansion if needed thisRowNum = 0 DBLINKS = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) # 4 listOfFileKeys = ['type', 'metadata', 'bbox', 'features'] # 4 listOf1stKeys = ['type', 'id', 'geometry', 'properties'] # 8 listOfMetaKeys = [ 'generated', 'url', 'title', 'status', 'api', 'count', 'limit', 'offset' ] # 2 listOfGeoKeys = ['type', 'coordinates'] # 0 listOfFeatureKeys = [] # 26 listOfPropertyKeys = [ 'mag', 'place', 'time', 'updated', 'tz', 'url', 'detail', 'felt', 'cdi',
import os from sys import argv import gc import geojson as GJ # from import Iterable as IT from dataStuff import constants as C from dataStuff import webStuff as WEB from dataStuff import timeDateStuff as TDS from DBStuff import DBStuff as DB from dataStuff import dataStuff as DS gc.enable() DBLINKS = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) # thisUrl = "[hour day week month].csv" # geojson in case that ever becomes reality #[hour day week month].geojson # # # myOffset = 10000 # thisUrl = """ 00:00:00""" # thisUrl += """&endtime=2020-05-21 23:59:59&minmagnitude=-1&eventtype=earthquake,acoustic noise,acoustic_noise""" # thisUrl += """,anthropogenic_event,building collapse,chemical explosion,chemical_explosion,collapse""" # thisUrl += """,eq,experimental explosion,explosion,ice quake,induced or triggered event,""" # thisUrl += """industrial explosion,landslide,meteor,meteorite,mine collapse,mine_collapse""" # thisUrl += """,mining explosion,mining_explosion,not reported,not_reported,nuclear explosion""" # thisUrl += """,nuclear_explosion,other event,other_event,quarry,quarry blast,quarry_blast""" # thisUrl += """,rock burst,Rock Slide,rockslide,rock_burst,snow_avalanche,sonic boom,sonicboom,sonic_boom""" # thisUrl += f""",volcanic eruption,volcanic explosion&orderby=time&limit=10000&offset={myOffset}"""
from dataStuff import constants as C from DBStuff import DBStuff as DB DBLinks = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) # SQLRows = DBLinks[C.DBCURSOR].fetchall() # DBLinks[C.DBCONNECTION].handle_unread_result() SQLStr = f"""select EQID, count(EQID) as CEQID from USGSData where PLACE like "%Utah%";""" SQLRows = DB.getSqlAll(DBLinks, SQLStr) if SQLRows: for key, value in SQLRows.items(): print(f"{key}: {value},", end=" ") print("") DB.doClose(DBLinks)
def GET(self): global myCurrentQueries DBLinks = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) myInput = web.input(STARTRECNUM=0, QUERYNUM=C.DEFQUERYNUM) # C.QUERYLOADED (-1) if from select the parts # C.QUERYFROMPRESET (1) if from presets # C.QUERYEMPTY (0) if anything else if myInput[C.QUERYNUM] != myCurrentQueries[C.QUERYNUM]: myCurrentQueries = C.QUERIESINDEFAULTS() myCurrentQueries[C.QUERYNUM] = myInput[C.QUERYNUM] # C.QUERYLOADED if set by any of the query building parts, # C.QUERYFROMPRESET if loaded from a preset # C.QUERYEMPTY if "empty" myCurrentQueries[C.ISLOADED] = C.QUERYEMPTY myCurrentQueries[C.STARTRECNUM] = myInput[C.STARTRECNUM] myCurrentQueries[C.QUERYNUM] = myInput[C.QUERYNUM] myCurrentQueries[C.ROWNUM] = 0 if myCurrentQueries[C.ISLOADED] != C.QUERYLOADED: SQLStr = f""" select * from {C.QUERIESINTABLENAME} where {C.RID} = {myCurrentQueries[C.QUERYNUM]};""" SQLRowsDict = DB.getSqlOne(DBLinks, SQLStr) myCurrentQueries = DB.upgradeDBToGQI(SQLRowsDict, myCurrentQueries) myCurrentQueries[C.ISLOADED] = 1 C.REGIONNAMESDICT[C.REGION0NAME] = myCurrentQueries[C.REGION0NAME] C.REGIONNAMESDICT[C.REGION1NAME] = myCurrentQueries[C.REGION1NAME] C.REGIONNAMESDICT[C.REGION2NAME] = myCurrentQueries[C.REGION2NAME] C.REGIONNAMESDICT[C.REGION3NAME] = myCurrentQueries[C.REGION3NAME] C.REGIONDESCRIPTIONSDICT[C.REGION0DESCRIPTION] = myCurrentQueries[ C.REGION0DESCRIPTION] C.REGIONDESCRIPTIONSDICT[C.REGION1DESCRIPTION] = myCurrentQueries[ C.REGION1DESCRIPTION] C.REGIONDESCRIPTIONSDICT[C.REGION2DESCRIPTION] = myCurrentQueries[ C.REGION2DESCRIPTION] C.REGIONDESCRIPTIONSDICT[C.REGION3DESCRIPTION] = myCurrentQueries[ C.REGION3DESCRIPTION] outStr = sendMyHeader(f"""{myCurrentQueries[C.QUERIESINTITLE]}""", f"""styleChunk.css""") SQLStr = f""" {myCurrentQueries[C.SQLSELECT]} {myCurrentQueries[C.SQLWHERE]} {myCurrentQueries[C.SQLGROUPBY]} {myCurrentQueries[C.SQLHAVING]} {myCurrentQueries[C.SQLORDERBY]} """ SQLStr += DB.saneMakeSqlLimitStr(myCurrentQueries[C.STARTRECNUM]) + ";" SQLRowsDict, SQLNumRows = DB.getSqlAll(DBLinks, SQLStr) myCurrentQueries[C.NUMROWS] = SQLNumRows myCurrentQueries[C.PGNUM] = int( int(myCurrentQueries[C.STARTRECNUM]) / C.NUMROWSPERPG) + 1 myCurrentQueries[C.OFPGS] = int( int(myCurrentQueries[C.NUMROWS]) / C.NUMROWSPERPG) + 1 # theseRows = DB.upgradeDBToGQIMany(SQLRowsDict, C.QUERIESINGLOBALDEFAULTS) outStr += f""" <span class="labels"><br />current SQLStr<br />{SQLStr}<br /></span><br /> """ outStr += "<table>\n" if myCurrentQueries[C.NUMROWS] < 1: outStr += f""" <tr> <td class="close0r0">no entries found</td> <td class="close3r0"><a href="menu">click for the menu</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="close3r1"><a href="presets">presets</a></td> <td class="close2r0"><a href="quakes/?QUERYNUM={C.DEFQUERYNUM}&STARTRECNUM=0"> for the default preset</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="close2r1"><a href="stop">stop the server</a></td> <td class="close1r0">{TDS.nowStrSql()}</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> """ return outStr for thisRow in SQLRowsDict: thisRow = DB.DTfixThisLineToDisplay(thisRow) lastRow = thisRow outStr += DB.makeTableRow(thisRow, myCurrentQueries, 0) myCurrentQueries[C.ROWNUM] += 1 outStr += DB.makeTableRow(lastRow, myCurrentQueries, 1) outStr += f""" </table> {DB.makeDistance()} <span class="fp">bottom of the page</span> </body> </html> """ return outStr
import gc from csv import reader import os from sys import argv from dataStuff import constants as C from dataStuff import webStuff as WEB from dataStuff import timeDateStuff as TDS from DBStuff import DBStuff as DB from dataStuff import dataStuff as DS gc.enable() DBLINKS = DB.doOpen(C.SQLCONFIG) myLocation = argv[0] # thisUrl = "[hour day week month].csv" # geojson in case that ever becomes reality thisUrl = C.CSVFEEDALL("hour") # thisUrl = "" # set csv file names appropriately so we can dev alongside use if myLocation.find("DEV") > -1: thisFilename = "/home/will/.cache/earthquakesUSGS/" + TDS.nowStr() + ".DEV.USGS.csv" else: thisFilename = "/home/will/.cache/earthquakesUSGS/" + TDS.nowStr() + ".USGS.csv" if len(argv) == 1: