def favoriteDeal(self, deal, customer):
            # Check if the customer has already favorited this deal (select from Favorites).
            query = """SELECT count(*) FROM Favorites 
                    WHERE cid='{cid}' and did='{did}'""".format(
                cid=customer.getCid(), did=deal.getDid())
            result = DBUtils.getVar(self._conn, query)

            # If so, return. You can only favorite once per deal
            if (result > 0):
                print("{name} has already favorited this deal".format(

            # Add favorite to favorite table, (linking customer and the deal)
            query = """INSERT INTO Favorites VALUES (%s, %s)"""
            DBUtils.executeUpdate(self._conn, query,
                                  (customer.getCid(), deal.getDid()))

            # Get the business associated with the deal
            query = """
                SELECT bid from Deals where dealId='{did}'
            busID = DBUtils.getVar(self._conn, query)

            # Update business's num favorites
            query = """UPDATE Business SET numFavouritedDeals = numFavouritedDeals + 1
                    WHERE businessId='{bid}'
            DBUtils.executeUpdate(self._conn, query)
            print("Deal favorited! Check your profile.")
        except psycopg2.Error as e:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def saveEmployeeRoles(self, fullname, managername, rolename, startdate,

            if (enddate == None):
                print("Must Specify an end date")
                return False
            roleid = DBUtils.getRow(
                self._conn, "select roleid from roles where rolename like '" +
                str(rolename) + "'")
            employeeid = DBUtils.getRow(
                "select employeeid from (SELECT E.EmployeeID, E.FirstName, E.LastName, CONCAT(E.FirstName, ' ' , E.LastName) AS FULLNAME FROM  Employees E JOIN EmployeeRoles ER ON E.EmployeeID = ER.EmployeeID JOIN Roles R ON ER.RoleID = R.RoleID WHERE E.isEmployeed = 0) as data where fullname like '"
                + str(fullname) + "'")
            managerid = DBUtils.getRow(
                "select ManagerID from (SELECT E.ManagerID, (SELECT FullName FROM Managers where ManagerID = E.ManagerID) AS ManagerName FROM  Employees E JOIN EmployeeRoles ER ON E.EmployeeID = ER.EmployeeID JOIN Roles R ON ER.RoleID = R.RoleID WHERE E.isEmployeed = 0) as data where ManagerName like '"
                + str(managername) + "'")
            query = "update employeeroles set roleid = " + str(
                roleid[0]) + ", startdate = '" + str(
                    startdate) + "', enddate = '" + str(
                        enddate) + "' where employeeid = " + str(employeeid[0])
            DBUtils.executeUpdate(self._conn, query)
            query = "update employees set managerid = " + str(
                managerid[0]) + " where employeeid = " + str(employeeid[0])
            DBUtils.executeUpdate(self._conn, query)
            return True
        except psycopg2.Error as e:
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def registerIndividual(self, newContactInfo, newClient):
            query = """
					insert into Contact_Info (street, city, zip, state) values (%s,%s,%s,%s)
                self._conn, query,
                (newContactInfo.getStreet(), newContactInfo.getCity(),
                 newContactInfo.getZip(), newContactInfo.getState()))
            cid = DBUtils.getVar(self._conn,
                                 "select max(cid) from Contact_Info")
            i_issue = DBUtils.getVar(
                self._conn, "select iid from Issues where name='%s'" %
            worker_ssn = DBUtils.getVar(
                self._conn, "select ssn from Social_Workers where name='%s'" %
            query = """
					insert into Individuals (ssn, name, date_joined, issue, social_worker, sw_since, contact_info) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)
                self._conn, query,
                (newClient.getSSN().strip(), newClient.getName(),
                 newClient.getDateJoined().strftime('%m-%d-%Y'), i_issue,
                 newClient.getWorkerSince().strftime('%m-%d-%Y'), cid))
        except psycopg2.Error as e:
        return newClient
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def updateRoles(self, EngineOilSpendingAmount, EngineOilBuyingAmount,
                 CrudeOilSpendingAmount, CrudeOilBuyingAmount,
                 MotorOilSpendingAmount, MotorOilBuyingAmount,
                 GasolineBuyingAmount, GasolineSpendingAmount,
                 PetroleumSpendingAmount, PetroleumBuyingAmount,
                 InternalSpendingBudget, RoleNameT):
     query = "update roles set EngineOilSpendingAmount = %s, EngineOilBuyingAmount = %s,CrudeOilSpendingAmount = %s,CrudeOilBuyingAmount = %s,MotorOilSpendingAmount = %s,MotorOilBuyingAmount = %s,GasolineBuyingAmount = %s,GasolineSpendingAmount = %s,PetroleumSpendingAmount = %s,PetroleumBuyingAmount = %s,InternalSpendingBudget = %s where RoleName = %s"
     DBUtils.executeUpdate(self._conn, query,
                           (EngineOilSpendingAmount, EngineOilBuyingAmount,
                            CrudeOilSpendingAmount, CrudeOilBuyingAmount,
                            MotorOilSpendingAmount, MotorOilBuyingAmount,
                            GasolineBuyingAmount, GasolineSpendingAmount,
                            PetroleumSpendingAmount, PetroleumBuyingAmount,
                            InternalSpendingBudget, RoleNameT))
    def rateDeal(self, deal, customer, value):
            # Check if the customer has already rated this deal (select from Ratings)
            query = """SELECT count(*) FROM Ratings 
                    WHERE cid='{cid}' and did='{did}'
                    """.format(cid=customer.getCid(), did=deal.getDid())
            result = DBUtils.getVar(self._conn, query)
            # If so, the rating should be updated
            if result > 0:
                print("You have already rated this deal")

            # User rating is new and has to be added
            query = """INSERT INTO Ratings VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
            DBUtils.executeUpdate(self._conn, query,
                                  (customer.getCid(), deal.getDid(), value))

            # Update deal's average rating
            # 1) Count the number of ratings this now deal has
            query = """SELECT count(*) FROM Ratings 
                    WHERE did='{did}'""".format(did=deal.getDid())
            num_ratings = DBUtils.getVar(
                self._conn, query
            )  # (At least one at this point since new rating was added)

            # 2) Get previous average rating
            query = """SELECT avgRating FROM Deals 
                    WHERE dealId='{did}'""".format(did=deal.getDid())
            previous_avg = DBUtils.getVar(self._conn, query)

            if previous_avg is not None:
                # 3a) Calculate updated average.
                new_avg = (previous_avg + value) / (num_ratings)
                # 3b) Set average.
                new_avg = value

            # 4) Update deal's average rating
            query = """UPDATE Deals SET avgRating = {new_avg}
                    WHERE dealId='{did}'
                    """.format(did=deal.getDid(), new_avg=new_avg)

            DBUtils.executeUpdate(self._conn, query)
            print("Deal rated!")
        except psycopg2.Error as e:
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def saveNewRoles2(self, RoleNameT, EngineOilSpendingAmount,
                   EngineOilBuyingAmount, CrudeOilSpendingAmount,
                   CrudeOilBuyingAmount, MotorOilSpendingAmount,
                   MotorOilBuyingAmount, GasolineBuyingAmount,
                   GasolineSpendingAmount, PetroleumSpendingAmount,
                   PetroleumBuyingAmount, InternalSpendingBudget):
     cnt = DBUtils.getVar(
         self._conn, "select count(*) from roles where rolename like '" +
         str(RoleNameT) + "'")
     if (RoleNameT is not None):
         if (len(str(RoleNameT)) > 0):
             if (cnt == 0):
                 query = "insert into roles (RoleName,EngineOilSpendingAmount,EngineOilBuyingAmount,CrudeOilSpendingAmount,CrudeOilBuyingAmount,MotorOilSpendingAmount,MotorOilBuyingAmount,GasolineBuyingAmount,GasolineSpendingAmount,PetroleumSpendingAmount,PetroleumBuyingAmount,InternalSpendingBudget) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
                     self._conn, query,
                     (RoleNameT, EngineOilSpendingAmount,
                      EngineOilBuyingAmount, CrudeOilSpendingAmount,
                      CrudeOilBuyingAmount, MotorOilSpendingAmount,
                      MotorOilBuyingAmount, GasolineBuyingAmount,
                      GasolineSpendingAmount, PetroleumSpendingAmount,
                      PetroleumBuyingAmount, InternalSpendingBudget))