Ejemplo n.º 1
    def MakeMultiScaleCube(self):
        if self.CubePSFScales is not None: return
        print("Making MultiScale PSFs...", file=log)
        LScales = self.GD["HMP"]["Scales"]
        if 0 in LScales: LScales.remove(0)
        LRatios = self.GD["HMP"]["Ratios"]
        NTheta = self.GD["HMP"]["NTheta"]

        _, _, nx, ny = self.SubPSF.shape
        NScales = len(LScales)
        NRatios = len(LRatios)
        CubePSFScales = np.zeros(
            (NScales + 1 + NRatios * NTheta * (NScales), nx, ny))

        Scales = np.array(LScales)
        Ratios = np.array(LRatios)

        self.ListScales = []
        CubePSFScales[0, :, :] = self.SubPSF[0, 0, :, :]
        self.ListScales.append({"ModelType": "Delta"})
        iSlice = 1

        Support = 61

        for i in range(NScales):
            Minor = Scales[i] / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.)))
            Major = Minor
            PSFGaussPars = (Major, Minor, 0.)
            CubePSFScales[iSlice, :, :] = ModFFTW.ConvolveGaussian(
                self.SubPSF, CellSizeRad=1., GaussPars=[PSFGaussPars])[0, 0]
            Gauss = ModFFTW.GiveGauss(Support,
                "ModelType": "Gaussian",
                "Model": Gauss,
                "ModelParams": PSFGaussPars,
                "Scale": i

            iSlice += 1

        Theta = np.arange(0., np.pi - 1e-3, np.pi / NTheta)

        for iScale in range(NScales):
            for ratio in Ratios:
                for th in Theta:
                    Minor = Scales[iScale] / (2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.)))
                    Major = Minor * ratio
                    PSFGaussPars = (Major, Minor, th)
                    CubePSFScales[iSlice, :, :] = ModFFTW.ConvolveGaussian(
                        self.SubPSF, CellSizeRad=1.,
                        GaussPars=[PSFGaussPars])[0, 0]
                    Max = np.max(CubePSFScales[iSlice, :, :])
                    CubePSFScales[iSlice, :, :] /= Max
                    # pylab.clf()
                    # pylab.subplot(1,2,1)
                    # pylab.imshow(CubePSFScales[0,:,:],interpolation="nearest")
                    # pylab.subplot(1,2,2)
                    # pylab.imshow(CubePSFScales[iSlice,:,:],interpolation="nearest")
                    # pylab.title("Scale = %s"%str(PSFGaussPars))
                    # pylab.draw()
                    # pylab.show(False)
                    # pylab.pause(0.1)
                    iSlice += 1
                    Gauss = ModFFTW.GiveGauss(
                        Support, CellSizeRad=1., GaussPars=PSFGaussPars) / Max
                        "ModelType": "Gaussian",
                        "Model": Gauss,
                        "ModelParams": PSFGaussPars,
                        "Scale": iScale

        # Max=np.max(np.max(CubePSFScales,axis=1),axis=1)
        # Max=Max.reshape((Max.size,1,1))
        # CubePSFScales=CubePSFScales/Max

        self.CubePSFScales = np.float32(CubePSFScales)
        self.WeightWidth = 6
        CellSizeRad = 1.
        PSFGaussPars = (self.WeightWidth, self.WeightWidth, 0.)
        self.WeightFunction = ModFFTW.GiveGauss(self.SubPSF.shape[-1],
        self.SupWeightWidth = 3. * self.WeightWidth
        print("   ... Done", file=log)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def GiveSpectralIndexMap(self, GaussPars=[(1, 1, 0)], ResidCube=None,
                             GiveComponents=False, ChannelWeights=None):

        # convert to radians
        ex, ey, pa = GaussPars
        ex *= np.pi/180/np.sqrt(2)/2
        ey *= np.pi/180/np.sqrt(2)/2
        epar = (ex + ey)/2.0
        pa = 0.0

        # get in terms of number of cells
        CellSizeRad = self.GD['Image']['Cell'] * np.pi / 648000

        # get Gaussian kernel
        GaussKern = ModFFTW.GiveGauss(self.Npix, CellSizeRad=CellSizeRad, GaussPars=(epar, epar, pa), parallel=False)

        # take FT
        Fs = np.fft.fftshift
        iFs = np.fft.ifftshift

        # evaluate model
        ModelImage = self.GiveModelImage(self.GridFreqs)

        # pad GausKern and take FT
        GaussKern = np.pad(GaussKern, self.Npad, mode='constant')
        FTshape, _ = GaussKern.shape
        from scipy import fftpack as FT
        GaussKernhat = FT.fft2(iFs(GaussKern))

        # pad and FT of ModelImage
        ModelImagehat = np.zeros((self.Nchan, FTshape, FTshape), dtype=np.complex128)
        ConvModelImage = np.zeros((self.Nchan, self.Npix, self.Npix), dtype=np.float64)
        I = slice(self.Npad, -self.Npad)
        for i in range(self.Nchan):
            tmp_array = np.pad(ModelImage[i, 0], self.Npad, mode='constant')
            ModelImagehat[i] = FT.fft2(iFs(tmp_array)) * GaussKernhat
            ConvModelImage[i] = Fs(FT.ifft2(ModelImagehat[i]))[I, I].real

        if ResidCube is not None:
            ConvModelImage += ResidCube.squeeze()
            RMS = np.std(ResidCube.flatten())
            Threshold = self.GD["SPIMaps"]["AlphaThreshold"] * RMS
            AbsModel = np.abs(ModelImage).squeeze()
            MinAbsImage = np.amin(AbsModel, axis=0)
            RMS = np.min(np.abs(MinAbsImage.flatten())) # base cutoff on smallest value in model
            Threshold = self.GD["SPIMaps"]["AlphaThreshold"] * RMS

        # get minimum along any freq axis
        MinImage = np.amin(ConvModelImage, axis=0)
        MaskIndices = np.argwhere(MinImage > Threshold)
        FitCube = ConvModelImage[:, MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]]

        if ChannelWeights is None:
            weights = np.ones(self.Nchan, dtype=np.float32)
            weights = ChannelWeights.astype(np.float32)
            if ChannelWeights.size != self.Nchan:
                import warnings
                warnings.warn("The provided channel weights are of incorrect length. Ignoring weights.", RuntimeWarning)
                weights = np.ones(self.Nchan, dtype=np.float32)

            import traceback
            from africanus.model.spi.dask import fit_spi_components
            NCPU = self.GD["Parallel"]["NCPU"]
            if NCPU:
                from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
                import dask

                import multiprocessing
                NCPU = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

            import dask.array as da
            _, ncomps = FitCube.shape
            FitCubeDask = da.from_array(FitCube.T.astype(np.float64), chunks=(ncomps//NCPU, self.Nchan))
            weightsDask = da.from_array(weights.astype(np.float64), chunks=(self.Nchan))
            freqsDask = da.from_array(np.array(self.GridFreqs).astype(np.float64), chunks=(self.Nchan))

            alpha, varalpha, Iref, varIref = fit_spi_components(FitCubeDask, weightsDask,
                                                                freqsDask, self.RefFreq,
        except Exception as e:
            traceback_str = traceback.format_exc(e)
            print("Warning - Failed at importing africanus spi fitter. This could be an issue with the dask " \
                        "version. Falling back to (slow) scipy version", file=log)
            print("Original traceback - ", traceback_str, file=log)
            alpha, varalpha, Iref, varIref = self.FreqMachine.FitSPIComponents(FitCube, self.GridFreqs, self.RefFreq)

        _, _, nx, ny = ModelImage.shape
        alphamap = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        Irefmap = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        alphastdmap = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        Irefstdmap = np.zeros([nx, ny])

        alphamap[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] = alpha
        Irefmap[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] = Iref
        alphastdmap[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] = np.sqrt(varalpha)
        Irefstdmap[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] = np.sqrt(varIref)

        if GiveComponents:
            return alphamap[None, None], alphastdmap[None, None], alpha
            return alphamap[None, None], alphastdmap[None, None]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def GiveSpectralIndexMap(self,
                             GaussPars=[(1, 1, 0)],

        # convert to radians
        ex, ey, pa = GaussPars
        ex *= np.pi / 180
        ey *= np.pi / 180
        pa *= np.pi / 180

        # get in terms of number of cells
        CellSizeRad = self.GD['Image']['Cell'] * np.pi / 648000
        # ex /= self.GD['Image']['Cell'] * np.pi / 648000
        # ey /= self.GD['Image']['Cell'] * np.pi / 648000

        # get Gaussian kernel
        GaussKern = ModFFTW.GiveGauss(self.Npix,
                                      GaussPars=(ex, ey, pa),

        # take FT
        Fs = np.fft.fftshift
        iFs = np.fft.ifftshift
        npad = self.Npad
        FTarray = self.ScaleMachine.FTMachine.xhatim.view()
        FTarray[...] = iFs(np.pad(GaussKern[None, None],
                                  ((0, 0), (0, 0), (npad, npad), (npad, npad)),
                           axes=(2, 3))

        # this puts the FT in FTarray

        # need to copy since FTarray and FTcube are views to the same array
        FTkernel = FTarray.copy()

        # evaluate model
        ModelImage = self.GiveModelImage(self.GridFreqs)

        # pad and take FT
        FTcube = self.ScaleMachine.FTMachine.Chatim.view()
        FTcube[...] = iFs(np.pad(ModelImage,
                                 ((0, 0), (0, 0), (npad, npad), (npad, npad)),
                          axes=(2, 3))

        # multiply by kernel
        FTcube *= FTkernel

        # take iFT

        I = slice(npad, -npad)

        ConvModelImage = Fs(FTcube, axes=(2, 3))[:, :, I, I].real

        ConvModelMean = np.mean(ConvModelImage.squeeze(), axis=0)

        ConvModelLow = ConvModelImage[-1, 0]
        ConvModelHigh = ConvModelImage[0, 0]

        if ResidCube is not None:
            ConvModelImage += ResidCube

        ConvModelImage = ConvModelImage.squeeze()

        RMS = np.std(ResidCube.flatten())

        Threshold = self.GD["SPIMaps"]["AlphaThreshold"] * RMS

        # get minimum along any freq axis
        MinImage = np.amin(ConvModelImage, axis=0)
        MaskIndices = np.argwhere(MinImage > Threshold)
        FitCube = ConvModelImage[:, MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]]

        # Initial guess for I0
        I0i = ConvModelMean[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]]

        # initial guess for alphas
        Ilow = ConvModelLow[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] / I0i
        Ihigh = ConvModelHigh[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] / I0i
        alphai = (np.log(Ihigh) -
                  np.log(Ilow)) / (np.log(self.GridFreqs[0] / self.RefFreq) -
                                   np.log(self.GridFreqs[-1] / self.RefFreq))

        # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # for i in xrange(self.Nchan):
        #     plt.imshow(np.where(ConvModelImage[i] > Threshold, ConvModelImage[i], 0.0))
        #     plt.show()

        if ChannelWeights is None:
            weights = np.ones(self.Nchan, dtype=np.float32)
            weights = ChannelWeights.astype(np.float32)
            if ChannelWeights.size != self.Nchan:
                import warnings
                    "The provided channel weights are of incorrect length. Ignoring weights.",
                weights = np.ones(self.Nchan, dtype=np.float32)

            import traceback
            from africanus.model.spi.dask import fit_spi_components
            NCPU = self.GD["Parallel"]["NCPU"]
            if NCPU:
                from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
                import dask

                import multiprocessing
                NCPU = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

            import dask.array as da
            _, ncomps = FitCube.shape
            FitCubeDask = da.from_array(FitCube.T.astype(np.float64),
                                        chunks=(ncomps // NCPU, self.Nchan))
            weightsDask = da.from_array(weights.astype(np.float64),
            freqsDask = da.from_array(self.GridFreqs.astype(np.float64),

            alpha, varalpha, Iref, varIref = fit_spi_components(

            # from africanus.model.spi import fit_spi_components
            # alpha, varalpha, Iref, varIref = fit_spi_components(FitCube.T.astype(np.float64), weights.astype(np.float64),
            #                                                     self.GridFreqs.astype(np.float64), self.RefFreq.astype(np.float64),
            #                                                     dtype=np.float64, I0i=I0i, alphai=alphai)
        except Exception as e:
            traceback_str = traceback.format_exc(e)
            print>>log, "Warning - Failed at importing africanus spi fitter. This could be an issue with the dask " \
                        "version. Falling back to (slow) scipy version"
            print >> log, "Original traceback - ", traceback_str
            alpha, varalpha, Iref, varIref = self.FreqMachine.FitSPIComponents(
                FitCube, self.GridFreqs, self.RefFreq)

        _, _, nx, ny = ModelImage.shape
        alphamap = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        Irefmap = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        alphastdmap = np.zeros([nx, ny])
        Irefstdmap = np.zeros([nx, ny])

        alphamap[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] = alpha
        Irefmap[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] = Iref
        alphastdmap[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] = np.sqrt(varalpha)
        Irefstdmap[MaskIndices[:, 0], MaskIndices[:, 1]] = np.sqrt(varIref)

        if GiveComponents:
            return alphamap[None, None], alphastdmap[None, None], alpha
            return alphamap[None, None], alphastdmap[None, None]