Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_pseudo_atoms(atomlist, confined=True, orbital_set="valence"):
    load radial parts of valence or core orbitals for each atom

    confined    :  if True, the confined orbitals are loaded instead
                   of the free ones
    orbital_set :  load either 'core' or 'valence' orbitals

    qnumbers    :  dictionary with list of quantum numbers (n-1,l,m)
                   of the loaded orbitals for each atom type
    radial_wfn  :  dictionary with list of splines evaluating the
                   radial wavefunctions for each atom type
    atomtypes = list(set([Zi for (Zi, posi) in atomlist]))
    # radial wavefunctions of orbitals for each atom
    radial_wfn = {}
    # quantum numbers (n-1,l,m) of orbitals for each atom
    qnumbers = {}
    for Zi in atomtypes:
        # load radial orbitals of pseudo atoms
        confined_atom, free_atom = import_pseudo_atom(Zi)
        if confined == True:
            atom = confined_atom
            atom = free_atom

        # Which orbitals (core or valence) should be loaded?
        if orbital_set == "core":
            # find indices of core orbitals
            core_orbitals = []
            for i, occ in enumerate(atom.orbital_occupation):
                if (occ > 0) and not (i in atom.valence_orbitals):
                    # Core orbitals are occupied orbitals that
                    # do not form part of the valence set.

            orbital_indices = core_orbitals
        elif orbital_set == "valence":
            orbital_indices = atom.valence_orbitals
            # by default valence orbitals are loaded
            orbital_indices = atom.valence_orbitals

        qnumbers[Zi] = []
        radial_wfn[Zi] = []
        for i in orbital_indices:
            R_spl = spline_wavefunction(atom.r, \
            n, l = atom.nshell[i], atom.angular_momenta[i]
            for m in range(-l, l + 1):
                qnumbers[Zi].append((n - 1, l, m))
    return qnumbers, radial_wfn
def load_pseudo_atoms_scattering(atomlist,
    find the continuum orbitals at the photokinetic energy E for each atom type
    present in the molecule. The density of the pseudoatoms are read from file and
    the continuum orbitals are calculated by solving the radial Schroedinger equation
    for a single electron in the effective atomic potential of the cation (electrostatic + xc).
    The radial grid on which the continuum orbital is calculated can be specified using
    the keywords rmin, rmax and Npts.

    lmax is the angular momentum of the highest shell
    atomtypes = list(set([Zi for (Zi, posi) in atomlist]))
    valorbs = {}
    radial_val = {}
    phase_shifts = {}
    for Zi in atomtypes:
        # load pseudo atoms
        at = pseudo_atoms_list[Zi - 1]
        # cation
        Nelec = at.Z - unscreened_charge
        atomdft = PseudoAtomDFT(at.Z, Nelec, numerov_conv, en_conv)
        atomdft.setRadialGrid(rmin, rmax, Npts)
        atomdft.initialDensityGuess((at.r, at.radial_density * Nelec / at.Z))

        # definition of valence shell
        valorbs[Zi] = []
        radial_val[Zi] = []
        phase_shifts[Zi] = []
        # compute scattering orbitals
        for l in range(
                0, lmax +
                1):  # each atom has an s-, 3 p-, 5-d,  ... scattering orbitals
            delta_l, u_l = atomdft.KS_pot.scattering_state(E, l)
            R_spl = spline_wavefunction(
                ug_asymptotic=CoulombWave(E, atomdft.KS_pot.unscreened_charge,
                                          l, delta_l))
            n = np.inf
            for m in range(-l, l + 1):
                valorbs[Zi].append((n, l, m))
    return valorbs, radial_val, phase_shifts
Ejemplo n.º 3
def load_pseudo_atoms_old(atomlist, confined=True):
    atomtypes = list(set([Zi for (Zi, posi) in atomlist]))
    radial_val = {}
    valorbs = {}
    for Zi in atomtypes:
        # load radial orbitals of pseudo atoms
        confined_atom, free_atom = import_pseudo_atom(Zi)
        if confined == True:
            atom = confined_atom
            atom = free_atom
        # definition of valence shell
        valorbs[Zi] = []
        radial_val[Zi] = []
        for i in atom.valence_orbitals:
            R_spl = spline_wavefunction(atom.r, \
            n, l = atom.nshell[i], atom.angular_momenta[i]
            for m in range(-l, l + 1):
                valorbs[Zi].append((n - 1, l, m))
    return valorbs, radial_val
    def getSKIntegrals(self, d, grid, E):
        k = np.sqrt(2 * E)
        wavelength = 2.0 * np.pi / k

        Npts = 25000  # number of radial grid points
        rmin = 0.0
        # make sure the grid is large enough so that the amplitude of the radial wavefunction
        # is close to that of the asymptotic solution
        rmax = 500.0 + 2.0 * wavelength
        print "rmax = %s bohr" % rmax

        # E is the energy of the scattering state
        R_valence1 = self.A1.getValenceOrbitals()
        R_valence2 = self.A2.getValenceOrbitals()
        # for the second atom the unbound orbitals are calculated
        # in the effective potential of the atom
        Z2 = self.A2.atom.Z
        at = pseudo_atoms_list[Z2 - 1]
        # cation, Nelec = Z - 1
        Nelec = at.Z - 0.99999
        atomdft = PseudoAtomDFT(at.Z, Nelec, numerov_conv, en_conv)
        atomdft.setRadialGrid(rmin, rmax, Npts)
        atomdft.initialDensityGuess((at.r, at.radial_density * Nelec / at.Z))
        en2 = E
        # effective potentials
        Veff1_spl = self.A1.getEffectivePotential()
        Veff2_spl = self.A2.getEffectivePotential()

        self.S = {}
        self.H = {}
        self.PhaseShifts = {}
        self.d = d

        # overlaps and hamiltonian matrix elements
        for i in T.index2tau.keys():
            l1, m1, l2, m2 = T.index2tau[i]
            print "l1=%s m1=%s l2=%s m2=%s" % (l1, m1, l2, m2)
            if (not R_valence1.has_key(l1)):
            if (not R_valence2.has_key(l2)):
                # only add scattering orbitals if there is also a bound
                # orbital with the same l
                #  H: 1s bound      => only s scattering state
                #  C: 2s,2p bound   => s and p scattering states
            en1, R1_spl = R_valence1[l1]
            # compute scattering orbital
            delta_l2, u_l2 = atomdft.KS_pot.scattering_state(en2, l2)
            R2_spl = spline_wavefunction(atomdft.getRadialGrid(), u_l2)

            # integration on two center polar grid
            olap = []
            Hpart = []
            for k, dk in enumerate(self.d):
                rhos, zs, areas = grid[0][k], grid[1][k], grid[2][k]
                s,h,p1,p2 = integrands_tau((zs,rhos),dk/2.0, \
                        en1,l1,m1,R1_spl,Veff1_spl,self.A1.atom.r0, \
                norm1 = sum(p1 * areas)
                norm2 = sum(p2 * areas)
                #                print "norm1 = %s" % norm1
                #                print "norm2 = %s" % norm2
                olap.append(sum(s * areas))
                Hpart.append(sum(h * areas))
            olap = np.array(olap)
            Hpart = np.array(Hpart)
            self.S[(l1, l2, i)] = olap
            #            self.H[(l1,l2,i)] = en2*olap + Hpart
            self.H[(l1, l2, i)] = en1 * olap + Hpart
            self.PhaseShifts[l2] = delta_l2
        # dipoles
        print "DIPOLES"
        self.Dipole = {}
        for i in Tdip.index2tau.keys():
            l1, m1, lM, mM, l2, m2 = Tdip.index2tau[i]
            print "l1=%s m1=%s l2=%s m2=%s" % (l1, m1, l2, m2)
            if not R_valence1.has_key(l1):
            if (not R_valence2.has_key(l2)):
                # only add scattering orbitals if there is also a bound
                # orbital with the same l
                #  H: 1s bound      => only s scattering state
                #  C: 2s,2p bound   => s and p scattering states
            en1, R1_spl = R_valence1[l1]
            # compute scattering orbital
            delta_l2, u_l2 = atomdft.KS_pot.scattering_state(en2, l2)
            R2_spl = spline_wavefunction(atomdft.getRadialGrid(), u_l2)

            # integration on two center polar grid
            Dippart = []
            for k, dk in enumerate(self.d):
                rhos, zs, areas = grid[0][k], grid[1][k], grid[2][k]
                if dk > 3.0:
                    from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,show
                    plot(rhos, zs, "o")
                dip = integrands_tau_dipole((zs,rhos),dk/2.0, \
                        l1,m1,R1_spl, lM,mM, l2,m2,R2_spl)
                Dippart.append(sum(dip * areas))
            Dippart = np.array(Dippart)
            self.Dipole[(l1, l2, i)] = Dippart

        return self.S, self.H, (self.Dipole)
    def getSKIntegrals(self, d, grid, E):
        k = np.sqrt(2 * E)
        wavelength = 2.0 * np.pi / k

        Npts = 25000  # number of radial grid points
        rmin = 0.0
        rmax = 500.0 + 2.0 * wavelength

        # E is the energy of the scattering state
        Z1 = self.A1.atom.Z
        at1 = pseudo_atoms_list[Z1 - 1]
        atomdft1 = PseudoAtomDFT(at1.Z, at1.Z, numerov_conv, en_conv)
        atomdft1.setRadialGrid(rmin, rmax, Npts)
        atomdft1.initialDensityGuess((at1.r, at1.radial_density))
        en1 = E
        # for the second atom the unbound orbitals are calculated
        # in the effective potential of the atom
        Z2 = self.A2.atom.Z
        at2 = pseudo_atoms_list[Z2 - 1]
        atomdft2 = PseudoAtomDFT(at2.Z, at2.Z, numerov_conv, en_conv)
        atomdft2.setRadialGrid(rmin, rmax, Npts)
        atomdft2.initialDensityGuess((at2.r, at2.radial_density))
        en2 = E
        # effective potentials
        Veff1_spl = self.A1.getEffectivePotential()
        Veff2_spl = self.A2.getEffectivePotential()

        self.S = {}
        self.H = {}
        self.d = d

        # overlaps and hamiltonian matrix elements
        for i in T.index2tau.keys():
            l1, m1, l2, m2 = T.index2tau[i]
            print "l1 = %s  m1 = %s  l2 = %s  m2 = %s" % (l1, m1, l2, m2)
            # compute scattering orbital on atom 1
            delta_l1, u_l1 = atomdft1.KS_pot.scattering_state(en1, l1)
            R1_spl = spline_wavefunction(atomdft1.getRadialGrid(), u_l1)
            # compute scattering orbital on atom 2
            delta_l2, u_l2 = atomdft2.KS_pot.scattering_state(en2, l2)
            R2_spl = spline_wavefunction(atomdft2.getRadialGrid(), u_l2)

            # integration on two center polar grid
            olap = []
            Hpart = []
            for k, dk in enumerate(self.d):
                rhos, zs, areas = grid[0][k], grid[1][k], grid[2][k]
                s,h,p1,p2 = integrands_tau((zs,rhos),dk/2.0, \
                        en1,l1,m1,R1_spl,Veff1_spl,self.A1.atom.r0, \
                norm1 = sum(p1 * areas)
                norm2 = sum(p2 * areas)
                #                print "norm1 = %s" % norm1
                #                print "norm2 = %s" % norm2
                olap.append(sum(s * areas))
                Hpart.append(sum(h * areas))
            olap = np.array(olap)
            Hpart = np.array(Hpart)
            self.S[(l1, l2, i)] = olap
            #            self.H[(l1,l2,i)] = en2*olap + Hpart
            self.H[(l1, l2, i)] = en1 * olap + Hpart
            self.PhaseShifts[(l1, l2)] = np.exp(1.0j * (-delta_l1 + delta_l2))
        # dipoles
        self.Dipole = {}

        for i in Tdip.index2tau.keys():
            l1, m1, lM, mM, l2, m2 = Tdip.index2tau[i]
            # compute scattering orbital on atom 1
            delta_l1, u_l1 = atomdft1.KS_pot.scattering_state(en1, l1)
            R1_spl = spline_wavefunction(atomdft1.getRadialGrid(), u_l1)
            # compute scattering orbital on atom 2
            delta_l2, u_l2 = atomdft2.KS_pot.scattering_state(en2, l2)
            R2_spl = spline_wavefunction(atomdft2.getRadialGrid(), u_l2)

            # integration on two center polar grid
            Dippart = []
            for k, dk in enumerate(self.d):
                rhos, zs, areas = grid[0][k], grid[1][k], grid[2][k]
                if dk > 3.0:
                    from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,show
                    plot(rhos, zs, "o")
                dip = integrands_tau_dipole((zs,rhos),dk/2.0, \
                        l1,m1,R1_spl, lM,mM, l2,m2,R2_spl)
                Dippart.append(sum(dip * areas))
            Dippart = np.array(Dippart)
            self.Dipole[(l1, l2, i)] = Dippart

        return self.S, self.H, (self.Dipole)