Ejemplo n.º 1
localCfg = LocalConfiguration()

caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals['__name__']

i = 0
if caller != '__main__':
    # This is for the case when, for example, you run a DIRAC script from within pytest
    gLogger.debug("Called from module", caller)
    for arg in sys.argv:
        if os.path.basename(arg).replace('.py', '') == caller.split('.')[-1]:
        i += 1

i = 0 if i == len(sys.argv) else i
scriptName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[i]).replace('.py', '')
localCfg.firstOptionIndex = i + 1

gIsAlreadyInitialized = False

def parseCommandLine(script=False,
    if gIsAlreadyInitialized:
        return False

    return initialize(script, ignoreErrors, initializeMonitor, True)

def initialize(script=False,
Ejemplo n.º 2
  gLogger.debug("Called from module", caller)
  # Loop over until one of the argument is the caller, that is the DIRAC script
  for arg in sys.argv:
    # if the form is "pytest test-dirac-do-something.py::class::method", we
    # need to isolate the test-dirac-do-something.py
    arg = arg.split('::')[0]
    if os.path.basename(arg).replace('.py', '') == caller.split('.')[-1]:
    i += 1

# If we reached the end, assume the caller is the first argument
i = 0 if i == len(sys.argv) else i
# Same thing here, get rid of the pytest specific class:meth options
scriptName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[i].split('::')[0]).replace('.py', '')
# The first argument DIRAC should parse is the next one
localCfg.firstOptionIndex = i + 1
gIsAlreadyInitialized = False

def parseCommandLine(script=False, ignoreErrors=False, initializeMonitor=False):
  if gIsAlreadyInitialized:
    return False

  return initialize(script, ignoreErrors, initializeMonitor, True)

def initialize(script=False, ignoreErrors=False, initializeMonitor=False, enableCommandLine=False):
  global scriptName, gIsAlreadyInitialized

  # Please do not call initialize in every file