class ResourceStatusClient:


    def __init__(self, serviceIn=None, timeout=None):
        """ Constructor of the ResourceStatusClient class
        if serviceIn == None:
            self.rsS = RPCClient("ResourceStatus/ResourceStatus", timeout=timeout)
            self.rsS = serviceIn


    def getServiceStats(self, granularity, name):
    Returns simple statistics of active, probing and banned services of a site;

        string, has to be 'Site'

        string - a service name

      { 'Active':xx, 'Probing':yy, 'Banned':zz, 'Total':xyz }

        if granularity not in ("Site", "Sites"):
            raise InvalidRes, where(self, self.getServiceStats)

        res = self.rsS.getServiceStats(name)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getServiceStats) + " " + res["Message"]

        #    return res[ 'Value' ]
        return res


    def getResourceStats(self, granularity, name):
    Returns simple statistics of active, probing and banned resources of a site or a service;

        string, should be in ('Site', 'Service')

        string, name of site or service

      { 'Active':xx, 'Probing':yy, 'Banned':zz, 'Total':xyz }

        res = self.rsS.getResourceStats(granularity, name)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getResourceStats) + " " + res["Message"]

        # return res[ 'Value' ]
        return res


    def getStorageElementsStats(self, granularity, name, access):
    Returns simple statistics of active, probing and banned storageElements of a site or a resource;

        string, should be in ['Site', 'Resource']

        string, name of site or resource

        string, either Read or Write

      { 'Active':xx, 'Probing':yy, 'Banned':zz, 'Total':xyz }

        res = self.rsS.getStorageElementsStats(granularity, name, access)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getStorageElementsStats) + " " + res["Message"]

        # return res[ 'Value' ]
        return res


    def getPeriods(self, granularity, name, status, hours):
    Returns a list of periods of time where name was in status

        'Periods':[list of periods]
        # da migliorare!

        if granularity not in ValidRes:
            raise InvalidRes, where(self, self.getPeriods)

        res = self.rsS.getPeriods(granularity, name, status, hours)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getPeriods) + " " + res["Message"]

        # return { 'Periods' : res[ 'Value' ] }
        return res


    def getGeneralName(self, granularity, name, toGranularity):
    Returns simple statistics of active, probing and banned storageElements of a site or a resource;

        string, should be a ValidRes

        string, name of site or resource

        string, should be a ValidRes

      { 'Active':xx, 'Probing':yy, 'Banned':zz, 'Total':xyz }

        res = self.rsS.getGeneralName(granularity, name, toGranularity)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getGeneralName) + " " + res["Message"]

        # return res[ 'Value' ]
        return res


    def getMonitoredStatus(self, granularity, names):
    Returns RSS status of names (could be a string or a list of strings)

        string, should be a ValidRes

        string or dict, name(s) of the ValidRes


        if not isinstance(names, list):
            names = [names]

        statusList = []

        for name in names:
            if granularity in ("Site", "Sites"):
                res = self.rsS.getSitesStatusWeb({"SiteName": name}, [], 0, 1)
            elif granularity in ("Service", "Services"):
                res = self.rsS.getServicesStatusWeb({"ServiceName": name}, [], 0, 1)
            elif granularity in ("Resource", "Resources"):
                res = self.rsS.getResourcesStatusWeb({"ResourceName": name}, [], 0, 1)
            elif granularity in ("StorageElementRead", "StorageElementsRead"):
                res = self.rsS.getStorageElementsStatusWeb({"StorageElementName": name}, [], 0, 1, "Read")
            elif granularity in ("StorageElementWrite", "StorageElementsWrite"):
                res = self.rsS.getStorageElementsStatusWeb({"StorageElementName": name}, [], 0, 1, "Write")
                raise InvalidRes, where(self, self.getMonitoredStatus)

            if not res["OK"]:
                raise RSSException, where(self, self.getMonitoredStatus) + " " + res["Message"]
                    if granularity in ("Resource", "Resources"):
                except IndexError:
                    return S_ERROR(None)

        return S_OK(statusList)


    def getGridSiteName(self, granularity, name):
    Returns the grid site name (what is in GOC BD)

        string, should be a ValidRes

        string, name of site or resource

        res = self.rsS.getGridSiteName(granularity, name)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getGridSiteName) + " " + res["Message"]

        # return res[ 'Value' ]
        return res


    def getResourcesList(self):
    Returns the list of resources in the RSS DB


        res = self.rsS.getResourcesList()
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getResourcesList) + " " + res["Message"]
        # return res[ 'Value' ]
        return res


    def getStorageElementsList(self, access):
    Returns the list of storage elements in the RSS DB


        res = self.rsS.getStorageElementsList(access)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getStorageElementsList) + " " + res["Message"]
        # return res[ 'Value' ]
        return res


    def getServicesList(self):
    Returns the list of services in the RSS DB


        res = self.rsS.getServicesList()
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getServicesList) + " " + res["Message"]

        return res


    def getSitesList(self):
    Returns the list of sites in the RSS DB


        res = self.rsS.getSitesList()
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getSitesList) + " " + res["Message"]

        return res


    def getStorageElement(self, name, access):

        subaccess = access

        if access == "Remove":
            subaccess = "Read"

        res = self.rsS.getStorageElement(name, subaccess)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getStorageElement) + " " + res["Message"]

        if res["Value"]:

            res = res["Value"]

            if res[0].endswith("ARCHIVE") and (access == "Read" or access == "Remove"):
                status = gConfig.getValue("/Resources/StorageElements/%s/%sAccess" % (name, access))

                if status:
                    res[1] = status
                    return S_ERROR("StorageElement %s, access %s not found" % (name, access))

            return S_OK(res)
            return S_ERROR("Unknown SE")


    def setStorageElementStatus(self, name, status, reason, token, access):

        res = self.rsS.setStorageElementStatus(name, status, reason, token, access)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.setStorageElementStatus) + " " + res["Message"]

        return S_OK()


    #  def updateStorageElement( self, name , access, status ):

    #    se = self.rsS.getStorageElement( name, access )

    #    self.addOrModifyStorageElement(  )


    def getResource(self, name, access):

        res = self.rsS.getResource(name, access)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getResource) + " " + res["Message"]

        if res["Value"]:
            return S_OK(res["Value"][0])
            return S_ERROR("Unknown Resource")


    def getService(self, name, access):

        res = self.rsS.getService(name, access)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getService) + " " + res["Message"]

        if res["Value"]:
            return S_OK(res["Value"][0])
            return S_ERROR("Unknown Service")


    def getSite(self, name, access):

        res = self.rsS.getSite(name, access)
        if not res["OK"]:
            raise RSSException, where(self, self.getSite) + " " + res["Message"]

        if res["OK"] and res["Value"]:
            return S_OK(res["Value"][0])

            return S_ERROR("Unknown Site")
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ResourceStatusClient:


  def __init__(self, serviceIn = None, timeout = None):
    """ Constructor of the ResourceStatusClient class
    if serviceIn == None:
      self.rsS = RPCClient("ResourceStatus/ResourceStatus", timeout = timeout)
      self.rsS = serviceIn


  def getServiceStats(self, granularity, name):
    Returns simple statistics of active, probing and banned services of a site;

        string, has to be 'Site'

        string - a service name

      { 'Active':xx, 'Probing':yy, 'Banned':zz, 'Total':xyz }

    if granularity not in ('Site', 'Sites'):
      raise InvalidRes, where(self, self.getServiceStats)

    res = self.rsS.getServiceStats(name)
    if not res['OK']:
      raise RSSException, where(self, self.getServiceStats) + " " + res['Message']

    return res['Value']


  def getResourceStats(self, granularity, name):
    Returns simple statistics of active, probing and banned resources of a site or a service;

        string, should be in ('Site', 'Service')

        string, name of site or service

      { 'Active':xx, 'Probing':yy, 'Banned':zz, 'Total':xyz }

    res = self.rsS.getResourceStats(granularity, name)
    if not res['OK']:
      raise RSSException, where(self, self.getResourceStats) + " " + res['Message']

    return res['Value']


  def getStorageElementsStats(self, granularity, name):
    Returns simple statistics of active, probing and banned storageElements of a site or a resource;

        string, should be in ['Site', 'Resource']

        string, name of site or resource

      { 'Active':xx, 'Probing':yy, 'Banned':zz, 'Total':xyz }

    res = self.rsS.getStorageElementsStats(granularity, name)
    if not res['OK']:
      raise RSSException, where(self, self.getStorageElementsStats) + " " + res['Message']

    return res['Value']


  def getPeriods(self, granularity, name, status, hours):
    Returns a list of periods of time where name was in status

        'Periods':[list of periods]
    #da migliorare!

    if granularity not in ValidRes:
      raise InvalidRes, where(self, self.getPeriods)

    res = self.rsS.getPeriods(granularity, name, status, hours)
    if not res['OK']:
      raise RSSException, where(self, self.getPeriods) + " " + res['Message']

    return {'Periods':res['Value']}


  def getGeneralName(self, granularity, name, toGranularity):
    Returns simple statistics of active, probing and banned storageElements of a site or a resource;

        string, should be a ValidRes

        string, name of site or resource

        string, should be a ValidRes

      { 'Active':xx, 'Probing':yy, 'Banned':zz, 'Total':xyz }

    res = self.rsS.getGeneralName(granularity, name, toGranularity)
    if not res['OK']:
      raise RSSException, where(self, self.getGeneralName) + " " + res['Message']

    return res['Value']


  def getMonitoredStatus(self, granularity, names):
    Returns RSS status of names (could be a string or a list of strings)

        string, should be a ValidRes

        string or dict, name(s) of the ValidRes


    if not isinstance(names, list):
      names = [names]

    statusList = []

    for name in names:
      if granularity in ('Site', 'Sites'):
        res = self.rsS.getSitesStatusWeb({'SiteName':name}, [], 0, 1)
      elif granularity in ('Service', 'Services'):
        res = self.rsS.getServicesStatusWeb({'ServiceName':name}, [], 0, 1)
      elif granularity in ('Resource', 'Resources'):
        res = self.rsS.getResourcesStatusWeb({'ResourceName':name}, [], 0, 1)
      elif granularity in ('StorageElement', 'StorageElements'):
        res = self.rsS.getStorageElementsStatusWeb({'StorageElementName':name}, [], 0, 1)
        raise InvalidRes, where(self, self.getMonitoredStatus)

      if not res['OK']:
        raise RSSException, where(self, self.getMonitoredStatus) + " " + res['Message']
          if granularity in ('Resource', 'Resources'):
        except IndexError:
          return None

    return statusList


#  def getCachedAccountingResult(self, name, plotType, plotName):
#    """
#    Returns a cached accounting plot
#    :Parameters:
#      `name`
#        string, should be the name of the res
#      `plotType`
#        string, plot type
#      `plotName`
#        string, should be the plot name
#    :returns:
#      a plot
#    """
#    res = self.rsS.getCachedAccountingResult(name, plotType, plotName)
#    if not res['OK']:
#      raise RSSException, where(self, self.getCachedAccountingResult) + " " + res['Message']
#    return res['Value']


#  def getCachedResult(self, name, commandName, value, opt_ID = 'NULL'):
#    """
#    Returns a cached result;
#    :Parameters:
#      `name`
#        string, name of site or resource
#      `commandName`
#        string
#      `value`
#        string
#      `opt_ID`
#        optional string
#    :returns:
#      (result, )
#    """
#    res = self.rsS.getCachedResult(name, commandName, value, opt_ID)
#    if not res['OK']:
#      raise RSSException, where(self, self.getCachedResult) + " " + res['Message']
#    return res['Value']


#  def getCachedIDs(self, name, commandName):
#    """
#    Returns a cached result;
#    :Parameters:
#      `name`
#        string, name of site or resource
#      `commandName`
#        string
#    :returns: (e.g.)
#      [78805473L, 78805473L, 78805473L, 78805473L]
#    """
#    res = self.rsS.getCachedIDs(name, commandName)
#    if not res['OK']:
#      raise RSSException, where(self, self.getCachedIDs) + " " + res['Message']
#    ID_list = [x for x in res['Value']]
#    return ID_list


  def getGridSiteName(self, granularity, name):
    Returns the grid site name (what is in GOC BD)

        string, should be a ValidRes

        string, name of site or resource

    res = self.rsS.getGridSiteName(granularity, name)
    if not res['OK']:
      raise RSSException, where(self, self.getGridSiteName) + " " + res['Message']

    return res['Value']