Ejemplo n.º 1
  def test_01_parse( self ):
    """ pfnparse and pfnparse_old

    :param self: self reference

    for pfn, result in self.pfns.items():
      self.assertEqual( pfnparse( pfn )['OK'], result['OK'] )
      self.assertEqual( pfnparse( pfn ).get('Errno'), result.get('Errno') )
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def getJobStatus(self, jobIDList):
        """ Get status of the jobs in the given list
        hostDict = {}
        for job in jobIDList:
            result = pfnparse(job)
            if not result['OK']:
            host = result['Value']['Host']
            hostDict.setdefault(host, [])

        resultDict = {}
        failed = []
        for host, jobIDList in hostDict.items():
            result = self._getJobStatusOnHost(jobIDList, host)
            if not result['OK']:

        for job in failed:
            if not job in resultDict:
                resultDict[job] = 'Unknown'

        return S_OK(resultDict)
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def __generatePfnDict( self, lfns, storage ):
    """ Generates a dictionnary (pfn : lfn ), where the pfn are constructed
        from the lfn using the getProtocolPfn method of the storage plugins.
        :param: lfns : dictionnary {lfn:whatever}
        :returns dictionnary {constructed pfn : lfn}
    self.log.verbose( "StorageElement.__generatePfnDict: generating pfn dict for %s lfn in %s." % ( len( lfns ), self.name ) )

    pfnDict = {}  # pfn : lfn
    failed = {}  # lfn : string with errors
    for lfn in lfns:

      if ":" in lfn:
        errStr = "StorageElement.__generatePfnDict: received a pfn as input. It should not happen anymore, please check your code"
        self.log.verbose( errStr, lfn )
      res = pfnparse( lfn )  # pfnparse can take an lfn as input, it will just fill the path and filename
      if not res['OK']:
        errStr = "StorageElement.__generatePfnDict: Failed to parse supplied LFN."
        self.log.debug( errStr, "%s: %s" % ( lfn, res['Message'] ) )
        if lfn not in failed:
          failed[lfn] = ''
        failed[lfn] = "%s %s" % ( failed[lfn], errStr )
        res = storage.getProtocolPfn( res['Value'], True )
        if not res['OK']:
          errStr = "StorageElement.__generatePfnDict %s." % res['Message']
          self.log.debug( errStr, 'for %s' % ( lfn ) )
          if lfn not in failed:
            failed[lfn] = ''
          failed[lfn] = "%s %s" % ( failed[lfn], errStr )
          pfnDict[res['Value']] = lfn
    res = S_OK( pfnDict )
    res['Failed'] = failed
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __generatePfnDict(self, pfns, storage):
     """ whatever, it creates PFN dict  """
     pfnDict = {}
     failed = {}
     for pfn in pfns:
         res = pfnparse(pfn)
         if not res['OK']:
             errStr = "__generatePfnDict: Failed to parse supplied PFN."
             self.log.error(errStr, "%s: %s" % (pfn, res['Message']))
             if pfn not in failed:
                 failed[pfn] = ''
             failed[pfn] = "%s %s" % (failed[pfn], errStr)
             res = storage.getProtocolPfn(res['Value'], True)
             if not res['OK']:
                 errStr = "__generatePfnDict %s." % res['Message']
                 self.log.error(errStr, 'for %s' % (pfn))
                 if pfn not in failed:
                     failed[pfn] = ''
                 failed[pfn] = "%s %s" % (failed[pfn], errStr)
                 pfnDict[res['Value']] = pfn
     res = S_OK(pfnDict)
     res['Failed'] = failed
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def __putFile( self, src_file, dest_url ):
    res = pfnparse( src_file )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    localCache = False
    srcDict = res['Value']
    if srcDict['Protocol'] in ['dips', 'dip']:
      localCache = True
      srcSEURL = srcDict['Protocol'] + '://' + srcDict['Host'] + ':' + srcDict['Port'] + srcDict['WSUrl']
      transferClient = TransferClient( srcSEURL )
      res = transferClient.receiveFile( srcDict['FileName'], os.path.join( srcDict['Path'], srcDict['FileName'] ) )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      src_file = srcDict['FileName']

    if not os.path.exists( src_file ):
      errStr = "DIPStorage.__putFile: The source local file does not exist."
      gLogger.error( errStr, src_file )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    sourceSize = getSize( src_file )
    if sourceSize == -1:
      errStr = "DIPStorage.__putFile: Failed to get file size."
      gLogger.error( errStr, src_file )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    transferClient = TransferClient( self.url )
    res = transferClient.sendFile( src_file, dest_url, token = self.checkSum )
    if localCache:
      os.unlink( src_file )
    if res['OK']:
      return S_OK( sourceSize )
      return res
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def killJob( self, jobIDs ):
   """ Kill specified jobs
   jobIDList = list( jobIDs )
   if type( jobIDs ) == type( ' ' ):
     jobIDList = [jobIDs]
   hostDict = {}
   for job in jobIDList:      
     result = pfnparse( job )
     if not result['OK']:
     host = result['Value']['Host']
     hostDict[host].append( job )
   failed = []  
   for host,jobIDList in hostDict.items():      
     result = self._killJobOnHost( jobIDList, host )
     if not result['OK']:
       failed.extend( jobIDList )
       message = result['Message']
   if failed:
     result = S_ERROR(message) 
     result['Failed'] = failed
     result = S_OK()
   return result       
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def getPfnPath(self, pfn):
        """  Get the part of the PFN path below the basic storage path.
         This path must coincide with the LFN of the file in order to be compliant with the LHCb conventions.
        if not self.valid:
            return S_ERROR(self.errorReason)
        res = pfnparse(pfn)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        fullPfnPath = '%s/%s' % (res['Value']['Path'],

        # Check all available storages and check whether the pfn is for that protocol
        pfnPath = ''
        for storage in self.storages:
            res = storage.isPfnForProtocol(pfn)
            if res['OK']:
                if res['Value']:
                    res = storage.getParameters()
                    saPath = res['Value']['Path']
                    if not saPath:
                        # If the sa path doesn't exist then the pfn path is the entire string
                        pfnPath = fullPfnPath
                        if re.search(saPath, fullPfnPath):
                            # Remove the sa path from the fullPfnPath
                            pfnPath = fullPfnPath.replace(saPath, '')
            if pfnPath:
                return S_OK(pfnPath)
        # This should never happen. DANGER!!
        errStr = "StorageElement.getPfnPath: Failed to get the pfn path for any of the protocols!!"
        return S_ERROR(errStr)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __getURLPath(self, url):
        """  Get the part of the URL path below the basic storage path.
         This path must coincide with the LFN of the file in order to be compliant with the DIRAC conventions.
        log = self.log.getSubLogger('__getURLPath')
        log.verbose("Getting path from url in %s." % self.name)
        if not self.valid:
            return S_ERROR(self.errorReason)
        res = pfnparse(url)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        fullURLPath = '%s/%s' % (res['Value']['Path'],

        # Check all available storages and check whether the url is for that protocol
        urlPath = ''
        for storage in self.storages:
            res = storage.isNativeURL(url)
            if res['OK']:
                if res['Value']:
                    parameters = storage.getParameters()
                    saPath = parameters['Path']
                    if not saPath:
                        # If the sa path doesn't exist then the url path is the entire string
                        urlPath = fullURLPath
                        if re.search(saPath, fullURLPath):
                            # Remove the sa path from the fullURLPath
                            urlPath = fullURLPath.replace(saPath, '')
            if urlPath:
                return S_OK(urlPath)
        # This should never happen. DANGER!!
        errStr = "Failed to get the url path for any of the protocols!!"
        return S_ERROR(errStr)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __putFile(self, src_file, dest_url):
        res = pfnparse(src_file)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        localCache = False
        srcDict = res['Value']
        if srcDict['Protocol'] in ['dips', 'dip']:
            localCache = True
            srcSEURL = srcDict['Protocol'] + '://' + srcDict[
                'Host'] + ':' + srcDict['Port'] + srcDict['WSUrl']
            transferClient = TransferClient(srcSEURL)
            res = transferClient.receiveFile(
                os.path.join(srcDict['Path'], srcDict['FileName']))
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            src_file = srcDict['FileName']

        if not os.path.exists(src_file):
            errStr = "DIPStorage.__putFile: The source local file does not exist."
            gLogger.error(errStr, src_file)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        sourceSize = getSize(src_file)
        if sourceSize == -1:
            errStr = "DIPStorage.__putFile: Failed to get file size."
            gLogger.error(errStr, src_file)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        transferClient = TransferClient(self.url)
        res = transferClient.sendFile(src_file, dest_url, token=self.checkSum)
        if localCache:
        if res['OK']:
            return S_OK(sourceSize)
            return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _getKeyFromURL(self, url):
        """Extract the Key from the URL.
        The key is basically the LFN without trailing slash

        I despise such path mangling, expecially after all the efforts to
        get ride of such method. However, since in the case of S3 we need
        to go back and forth between URL and LFN (for finding keys, checking
        accesses in the gw, etc), there is no other option...

        :param url: s3 url
        :returns: S_OK(key) / S_ERROR

        res = pfnparse(url, srmSpecific=False)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res

        splitURL = res["Value"]

        # The path originally looks like '/bucket/lhcb/user/c/chaen
        # We remove the trailing slash, and get the relative path
        # of bucket/lhcb/user/c/chaen starting from bucket,
        # which gives you basically the LFN without trailing slash
        path = os.path.relpath(splitURL["Path"].lstrip("/"), start=self.bucketName)

        key = os.path.join(path, splitURL["FileName"])

        return S_OK(key)
Ejemplo n.º 11
  def __getURLPath(self, url):
    """  Get the part of the URL path below the basic storage path.
         This path must coincide with the LFN of the file in order to be compliant with the DIRAC conventions.
    log = self.log.getSubLogger('__getURLPath')
    log.verbose("Getting path from url in %s." % self.name)
    if not self.valid:
      return S_ERROR(self.errorReason)
    res = pfnparse(url)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    fullURLPath = '%s/%s' % (res['Value']['Path'], res['Value']['FileName'])

    # Check all available storages and check whether the url is for that protocol
    urlPath = ''
    for storage in self.storages:
      res = storage.isNativeURL(url)
      if res['OK']:
        if res['Value']:
          parameters = storage.getParameters()
          saPath = parameters['Path']
          if not saPath:
            # If the sa path doesn't exist then the url path is the entire string
            urlPath = fullURLPath
            if re.search(saPath, fullURLPath):
              # Remove the sa path from the fullURLPath
              urlPath = fullURLPath.replace(saPath, '')
      if urlPath:
        return S_OK(urlPath)
    # This should never happen. DANGER!!
    errStr = "Failed to get the url path for any of the protocols!!"
    return S_ERROR(errStr)
Ejemplo n.º 12
  def getPfnPath( self, pfn ):
    """  Get the part of the PFN path below the basic storage path.
         This path must coincide with the LFN of the file in order to be compliant with the LHCb conventions.
    if not self.valid:
      return S_ERROR( self.errorReason )
    res = pfnparse( pfn )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    fullPfnPath = '%s/%s' % ( res['Value']['Path'], res['Value']['FileName'] )

    # Check all available storages and check whether the pfn is for that protocol
    pfnPath = ''
    for storage in self.storages:
      res = storage.isPfnForProtocol( pfn )
      if res['OK']:
        if res['Value']:
          res = storage.getParameters()
          saPath = res['Value']['Path']
          if not saPath:
            # If the sa path doesn't exist then the pfn path is the entire string
            pfnPath = fullPfnPath
            if re.search( saPath, fullPfnPath ):
              # Remove the sa path from the fullPfnPath
              pfnPath = fullPfnPath.replace( saPath, '' )
      if pfnPath:
        return S_OK( pfnPath )
    # This should never happen. DANGER!!
    errStr = "getPfnPath: Failed to get the pfn path for any of the protocols!!"
    self.log.error( errStr )
    return S_ERROR( errStr )
Ejemplo n.º 13
  def getJobStatus ( self, jobIDList ):
    """ Get status of the jobs in the given list
    hostDict = {}
    for job in jobIDList:
      result = pfnparse( job )
      if not result['OK']:
      host = result['Value']['Host']
      hostDict[host].append( job )

    resultDict = {}
    failed = []  
    for host,jobIDList in hostDict.items():
      result = self._getJobStatusOnHost( jobIDList, host )
      if not result['OK']:
        failed.extend( jobIDList )
      resultDict.update( result['Value'] ) 
    for job in failed:
      if not job in resultDict:
        resultDict[job] = 'Unknown'

    return S_OK( resultDict )
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def killJob(self, jobIDs):
        """ Kill specified jobs
        jobIDList = list(jobIDs)
        if type(jobIDs) == type(' '):
            jobIDList = [jobIDs]

        hostDict = {}
        for job in jobIDList:
            result = pfnparse(job)
            if not result['OK']:
            host = result['Value']['Host']
            hostDict.setdefault(host, [])

        failed = []
        for host, jobIDList in hostDict.items():
            result = self._killJobOnHost(jobIDList, host)
            if not result['OK']:
                message = result['Message']

        if failed:
            result = S_ERROR(message)
            result['Failed'] = failed
            result = S_OK()

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __generatePfnDict( self, pfns, storage ):
   """ whatever, it creates PFN dict  """
   pfnDict = {}
   failed = {}
   for pfn in pfns:
     res = pfnparse( pfn )
     if not res['OK']:
       errStr = "__generatePfnDict: Failed to parse supplied PFN."
       self.log.error( errStr, "%s: %s" % ( pfn, res['Message'] ) )
       if pfn not in failed:
         failed[pfn] = ''
       failed[pfn] = "%s %s" % ( failed[pfn], errStr )
       res = storage.getProtocolPfn( res['Value'], True )
       if not res['OK']:
         errStr = "__generatePfnDict %s." % res['Message']
         self.log.error( errStr, 'for %s' % ( pfn ) )
         if pfn not in failed:
           failed[pfn] = ''
         failed[pfn] = "%s %s" % ( failed[pfn], errStr )
         pfnDict[res['Value']] = pfn
   res = S_OK( pfnDict )
   res['Failed'] = failed
   return res
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_01_parse(self):
        """ pfnparse and pfnparse_old

    :param self: self reference

        for pfn, result in self.pfns.items():
            self.assertEqual(pfnparse(pfn), result)
Ejemplo n.º 17
  def test_01_parse( self ):
    """ pfnparse and pfnparse_old

    :param self: self reference
    for pfn, result in self.pfns.items():
      self.assertEqual( pfnparse( pfn ), result )
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _getJobStatusOnHost(self, jobIDList, host=None):
        """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs
        #    self.log.verbose( '*** getUnitJobStatus %s - %s\n' % ( jobIDList, host) )

        resultDict = {}
        ssh = SSH(host=host, parameters=self.ceParameters)
        jobDict = {}
        for job in jobIDList:
            result = pfnparse(job)
            if result["OK"]:
                stamp = result["Value"]["FileName"]
                self.log.error("Invalid job id", job)
            jobDict[stamp] = job
        stampList = jobDict.keys()

        cmd = "bash --login -c '%s/%s job_status %s %s %s'" % (
        result = ssh.sshCall(30, cmd)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        sshStatus = result["Value"][0]
        sshStdout = result["Value"][1]
        sshStderr = result["Value"][2]

        if sshStatus == 0:
            outputLines = sshStdout.strip().replace("\r", "").split("\n")
                index = outputLines.index("============= Start output ===============")
                outputLines = outputLines[index + 1 :]
                return S_ERROR("Invalid output from job get status: %s" % outputLines[0])
                status = int(outputLines[0])
                return S_ERROR("Failed local batch job status: %s" % outputLines[0])
            if status != 0:
                message = "Unknown reason"
                if len(outputLines) > 1:
                    message = outputLines[1]
                return S_ERROR("Failed job kill, reason: %s" % message)
                for line in outputLines[1:]:
                    jbundle = line.split(":::")
                    if len(jbundle) == 2:
                        resultDict[jobDict[jbundle[0]]] = jbundle[1]
            return S_ERROR("\n".join([sshStdout, sshStderr]))

        #    self.log.verbose( ' !!! getUnitJobStatus will return : %s\n' % resultDict )
        return S_OK(resultDict)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def getGridSRMs( vo, bdiiInfo = None, srmBlackList = None, unUsed = False ):
  result = ldapService( serviceType = 'SRM', vo = vo )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  srmBdiiDict = result['Value']

  knownSRMs = set()
  if srmBlackList is not None:
    knownSRMs = knownSRMs.union( set( srmBlackList ) )

  siteSRMDict = {}
  for srm in srmBdiiDict:
    endPoint = srm.get( 'GlueServiceEndpoint', '')
    srmHost = ''
    if endPoint:
      result = pfnparse( endPoint )
      if not result['OK']:
      srmHost = result['Value']['Host']
    if not srmHost:
    if srmHost in knownSRMs:
    if unUsed:
      result = getDIRACSesForSRM( srmHost )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      diracSEs = result['Value']
      if diracSEs:
        # If it is a known SRM and only new SRMs are requested, continue
    site = srm.get( 'GlueForeignKey', '' ).replace( 'GlueSiteUniqueID=', '' )     
    siteSRMDict.setdefault( site, {} )
    siteSRMDict[site][srmHost] = srm
  if bdiiInfo is None:    
    result = getBdiiSEInfo( vo )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    seBdiiDict = result['Value']
    seBdiiDict = bdiiInfo  
  srmSeDict = {}  
  for site in siteSRMDict:
    srms = siteSRMDict[site].keys()
    for srm in srms:
      if seBdiiDict.get( site, {} ).get( 'SEs', {} ).get( srm, {} ):
        srmSeDict.setdefault( site, {} )
        srmSeDict[site].setdefault( srm, {} )
        srmSeDict[site][srm]['SRM'] = siteSRMDict[site][srm]
        srmSeDict[site][srm]['SE'] = seBdiiDict[site]['SEs'][srm]    
  return S_OK( srmSeDict ) 
Ejemplo n.º 20
def getGridSRMs( vo, bdiiInfo = None, srmBlackList = None, unUsed = False ):
  result = ldapService( serviceType = 'SRM', vo = vo )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  srmBdiiDict = result['Value']

  knownSRMs = set()
  if srmBlackList is not None:
    knownSRMs = knownSRMs.union( set( srmBlackList ) )

  siteSRMDict = {}
  for srm in srmBdiiDict:
    endPoint = srm.get( 'GlueServiceEndpoint', '')
    srmHost = ''
    if endPoint:
      result = pfnparse( endPoint )
      if not result['OK']:
      srmHost = result['Value']['Host']
    if not srmHost:
    if srmHost in knownSRMs:
    if unUsed:
      result = getDIRACSesForSRM( srmHost )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      diracSEs = result['Value']
      if diracSEs:
        # If it is a known SRM and only new SRMs are requested, continue
    site = srm.get( 'GlueForeignKey', '' ).replace( 'GlueSiteUniqueID=', '' )     
    siteSRMDict.setdefault( site, {} )
    siteSRMDict[site][srmHost] = srm
  if bdiiInfo is None:    
    result = getBdiiSEInfo( vo )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    seBdiiDict = result['Value']
    seBdiiDict = bdiiInfo  
  srmSeDict = {}  
  for site in siteSRMDict:
    srms = siteSRMDict[site].keys()
    for srm in srms:
      if seBdiiDict.get( site, {} ).get( 'SEs', {} ).get( srm, {} ):
        srmSeDict.setdefault( site, {} )
        srmSeDict[site].setdefault( srm, {} )
        srmSeDict[site][srm]['SRM'] = siteSRMDict[site][srm]
        srmSeDict[site][srm]['SE'] = seBdiiDict[site]['SEs'][srm]    
  return S_OK( srmSeDict ) 
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _getJobStatus(self, jobIDList):
        """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs

        resultDict = {}
        jobDict = {}
        for job in jobIDList:
            result = pfnparse(job)
            if result['OK']:
                stamp = result['Value']['FileName']
                self.log.error('Invalid job id', job)
            jobDict[stamp] = job
        stampList = jobDict.keys()

        cmdTuple = [
            self.finalScript, 'job_status', '#'.join(stampList), self.infoArea,

        result = systemCall(10, cmdTuple)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        status = result['Value'][0]
        stdout = result['Value'][1]
        stderr = result['Value'][2]

        # Examine results of the job status
        if status == 0:
            outputLines = stdout.strip().replace('\r', '').split('\n')
                index = outputLines.index(
                    '============= Start output ===============')
                outputLines = outputLines[index + 1:]
                return S_ERROR("Invalid output from CE get status: %s" %
                status = int(outputLines[0])
                return S_ERROR("Failed to get CE status: %s" % outputLines[0])
            if status != 0:
                message = "Unknown reason"
                if len(outputLines) > 1:
                    message = outputLines[1]
                return S_ERROR('Failed to get CE status, reason: %s' % message)
            for line in outputLines[1:]:
                if ':::' in line:
                    jbundle = line.split(':::')
                    if (len(jbundle) == 2):
                        resultDict[jobDict[jbundle[0]]] = jbundle[1]
            return S_ERROR('\n'.join([stdout, stderr]))

        return S_OK(resultDict)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def isPfnForProtocol(self, pfn):
     res = pfnparse(pfn)
     if not res['OK']:
         return res
     pfnDict = res['Value']
     if pfnDict['Protocol'] == self.protocol:
         return S_OK(True)
         return S_OK(False)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def isPfnForProtocol( self, pfn ):
   res = pfnparse( pfn )
   if not res['OK']:
     return res
   pfnDict = res['Value']
   if pfnDict['Protocol'] == self.protocol:
     return S_OK( True )
     return S_OK( False )
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _getJobStatusOnHost(self, jobIDList, host=None):
        """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs
        #    self.log.verbose( '*** getUnitJobStatus %s - %s\n' % ( jobIDList, host) )

        resultDict = {}
        ssh = SSH(host=host, parameters=self.ceParameters)
        jobDict = {}
        for job in jobIDList:
            result = pfnparse(job)
            if result['OK']:
                stamp = result['Value']['FileName']
                self.log.error('Invalid job id', job)
            jobDict[stamp] = job
        stampList = jobDict.keys()

        cmd = "bash --login -c '%s/%s job_status %s %s %s'" % (
            self.sharedArea, self.controlScript, '#'.join(stampList),
            self.infoArea, self.ceParameters['SSHUser'])
        result = ssh.sshCall(10, cmd)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        sshStatus = result['Value'][0]
        sshStdout = result['Value'][1]
        sshStderr = result['Value'][2]

        if sshStatus == 0:
            outputLines = sshStdout.strip().replace('\r', '').split('\n')
                index = outputLines.index(
                    '============= Start output ===============')
                outputLines = outputLines[index + 1:]
                return S_ERROR("Invalid output from job get status: %s" %
                status = int(outputLines[0])
                return S_ERROR("Failed local batch job status: %s" %
            if status != 0:
                message = "Unknown reason"
                if len(outputLines) > 1:
                    message = outputLines[1]
                return S_ERROR('Failed job kill, reason: %s' % message)
                for line in outputLines[1:]:
                    jbundle = line.split(':::')
                    if (len(jbundle) == 2):
                        resultDict[jobDict[jbundle[0]]] = jbundle[1]
            return S_ERROR('\n'.join([sshStdout, sshStderr]))

#    self.log.verbose( ' !!! getUnitJobStatus will return : %s\n' % resultDict )
        return S_OK(resultDict)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def isPfnForProtocol(self, pfn):
     res = pfnparse(pfn)
     if not res["OK"]:
         return res
     pfnDict = res["Value"]
     if pfnDict["Protocol"] == self.protocol:
         return S_OK(True)
         return S_OK(False)
Ejemplo n.º 26
  def test_02_default_parse( self ):
    """ pfnparse and pfnparse_old

    :param self: self reference

    for pfn, result in self.default_pfns.items():
      parseResult = pfnparse( pfn, srmSpecific = False )
      self.assertEqual( parseResult['OK'], result['OK'] )
      if result['OK']:
        self.assertEqual( parseResult['Value'], result['Value'] )
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def isNativeURL(self, url):
        """Check if URL :url: is valid for :self.protocol:

        :param self: self reference
        :param str url: URL
        res = pfnparse(url, srmSpecific=self.srmSpecificParse)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        urlDict = res["Value"]
        return S_OK(urlDict["Protocol"] == self.protocolParameters["Protocol"])
Ejemplo n.º 28
  def test_02_default_parse( self ):
    """ pfnparse and pfnparse_old

    :param self: self reference

    for pfn, result in self.default_pfns.iteritems():
      parseResult = pfnparse( pfn, srmSpecific = False )
      self.assertEqual( parseResult['OK'], result['OK'] )
      if result['OK']:
        self.assertEqual( parseResult['Value'], result['Value'] )
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def isNativeURL(self, url):
        """ Check if URL :url: is valid for :self.protocol:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str url: URL
        res = pfnparse(url)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        urlDict = res['Value']
        return S_OK(urlDict['Protocol'] == self.protocolParameters['Protocol'])
Ejemplo n.º 30
  def isNativeURL( self, url ):
    """ Check if URL :url: is valid for :self.protocol:

    :param self: self reference
    :param str url: URL
    res = pfnparse( url, srmSpecific = self.srmSpecificParse )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    urlDict = res['Value']
    return S_OK( urlDict['Protocol'] == self.protocolParameters['Protocol'] )
Ejemplo n.º 31
  def test_01_srm_parse( self ):
    """ pfnparse and pfnparse_old

    :param self: self reference

    for pfn, result in self.srm_pfns.items():
      parseResult = pfnparse( pfn )
      self.assertEqual( parseResult['OK'], result['OK'] )
      if result['OK']:
        self.assertEqual( parseResult['Value'], result['Value'] )
Ejemplo n.º 32
  def test_01_srm_parse( self ):
    """ pfnparse and pfnparse_old

    :param self: self reference

    for pfn, result in self.srm_pfns.iteritems():
      parseResult = pfnparse( pfn )
      self.assertEqual( parseResult['OK'], result['OK'] )
      if result['OK']:
        self.assertEqual( parseResult['Value'], result['Value'] )
Ejemplo n.º 33
  def _getJobStatus( self, jobIDList ):
    """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs

    resultDict = {}
    jobDict = {}
    for job in jobIDList:
      result = pfnparse( job )
      if result['OK']:
        stamp = result['Value']['FileName']
        self.log.error( 'Invalid job id', job )
      jobDict[stamp] = job
    stampList = jobDict.keys()

    cmdTuple = [ self.finalScript, 'job_status', '#'.join( stampList ), self.infoArea, self.userName ]

    result = systemCall( 10, cmdTuple )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    status = result['Value'][0]
    stdout = result['Value'][1]
    stderr = result['Value'][2]

    # Examine results of the job status
    if status == 0:
      outputLines = stdout.strip().replace( '\r', '' ).split( '\n' )
        index = outputLines.index( '============= Start output ===============' )
        outputLines = outputLines[index + 1:]
        return S_ERROR( "Invalid output from CE get status: %s" % outputLines[0] )
        status = int( outputLines[0] )
        return S_ERROR( "Failed to get CE status: %s" % outputLines[0] )
      if status != 0:
        message = "Unknown reason"
        if len( outputLines ) > 1:
          message = outputLines[1]
        return S_ERROR( 'Failed to get CE status, reason: %s' % message )
      for line in outputLines[1:]:
          if ':::' in line:
            jbundle = line.split( ':::' )
            if ( len( jbundle ) == 2 ):
              resultDict[jobDict[jbundle[0]]] = jbundle[1]
      return S_ERROR( '\n'.join( [stdout, stderr] ) )

    return S_OK( resultDict )
Ejemplo n.º 34
  def _getJobOutputFiles( self, jobID ):
    """ Get output file names for the specific CE 
    result = pfnparse( jobID )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    jobStamp = result['Value']['FileName']
    host = result['Value']['Host']

    output = '%s/DIRACPilot.o%s' % ( self.batchOutput, jobStamp )
    error = '%s/DIRACPilot.e%s' % ( self.batchError, jobStamp )

    return S_OK( (jobStamp,host,output,error) )
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def _getJobOutputFiles(self, jobID):
        """ Get output file names for the specific CE 
        result = pfnparse(jobID)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        jobStamp = result['Value']['FileName']
        host = result['Value']['Host']

        output = '%s/DIRACPilot.o%s' % (self.batchOutput, jobStamp)
        error = '%s/DIRACPilot.e%s' % (self.batchError, jobStamp)

        return S_OK((jobStamp, host, output, error))
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def _getJobOutputFiles(self, jobID):
        """ Get output file names for the specific CE 
        result = pfnparse(jobID)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        jobStamp = result["Value"]["FileName"]
        host = result["Value"]["Host"]

        output = "%s/%s.out" % (self.batchOutput, jobStamp)
        error = "%s/%s.err" % (self.batchError, jobStamp)

        return S_OK((jobStamp, host, output, error))
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def _killJobOnHost(self, jobIDList, host=None):
        """ Kill the jobs for the given list of job IDs
        resultDict = {}
        ssh = SSH(host=host, parameters=self.ceParameters)
        jobDict = {}
        for job in jobIDList:
            result = pfnparse(job)
            if result['OK']:
                stamp = result['Value']['FileName']
                self.log.error('Invalid job id', job)
            jobDict[stamp] = job
        stampList = jobDict.keys()

        cmd = "bash --login -c '%s/%s kill_job %s %s'" % (
            self.sharedArea, self.controlScript, '#'.join(stampList),
        result = ssh.sshCall(10, cmd)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        sshStatus = result['Value'][0]
        sshStdout = result['Value'][1]
        sshStderr = result['Value'][2]

        # Examine results of the job submission
        if sshStatus == 0:
            outputLines = sshStdout.strip().replace('\r', '').split('\n')
                index = outputLines.index(
                    '============= Start output ===============')
                outputLines = outputLines[index + 1:]
                return S_ERROR("Invalid output from job kill: %s" %
                status = int(outputLines[0])
                return S_ERROR("Failed local batch job kill: %s" %
            if status != 0:
                message = "Unknown reason"
                if len(outputLines) > 1:
                    message = outputLines[1]
                return S_ERROR('Failed job kill, reason: %s' % message)
            return S_ERROR('\n'.join([sshStdout, sshStderr]))

        return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def _killJobOnHost(self, jobIDList, host=None):
        """ Kill the jobs for the given list of job IDs
        resultDict = {}
        ssh = SSH(host=host, parameters=self.ceParameters)
        jobDict = {}
        for job in jobIDList:
            result = pfnparse(job)
            if result["OK"]:
                stamp = result["Value"]["FileName"]
                self.log.error("Invalid job id", job)
            jobDict[stamp] = job
        stampList = jobDict.keys()

        cmd = "bash --login -c '%s/%s kill_job %s %s'" % (
        result = ssh.sshCall(10, cmd)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        sshStatus = result["Value"][0]
        sshStdout = result["Value"][1]
        sshStderr = result["Value"][2]

        # Examine results of the job submission
        if sshStatus == 0:
            outputLines = sshStdout.strip().replace("\r", "").split("\n")
                index = outputLines.index("============= Start output ===============")
                outputLines = outputLines[index + 1 :]
                return S_ERROR("Invalid output from job kill: %s" % outputLines[0])
                status = int(outputLines[0])
                return S_ERROR("Failed local batch job kill: %s" % outputLines[0])
            if status != 0:
                message = "Unknown reason"
                if len(outputLines) > 1:
                    message = outputLines[1]
                return S_ERROR("Failed job kill, reason: %s" % message)
            return S_ERROR("\n".join([sshStdout, sshStderr]))

        return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def _killJobs(self, jobIDList, host=None):
        """ Kill the jobs for the given list of job IDs
        resultDict = {}
        jobDict = {}
        for job in jobIDList:
            result = pfnparse(job)
            if result['OK']:
                stamp = result['Value']['FileName']
                self.log.error('Invalid job id', job)
            jobDict[stamp] = job
        stampList = jobDict.keys()

        cmdTuple = [
            self.finalScript, 'kill_job', '#'.join(stampList), self.infoArea
        result = systemCall(10, cmdTuple)

        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        status = result['Value'][0]
        stdout = result['Value'][1]
        stderr = result['Value'][2]

        # Examine results of the job submission
        if status != 0:
            outputLines = stdout.strip().replace('\r', '').split('\n')
                index = outputLines.index(
                    '============= Start output ===============')
                outputLines = outputLines[index + 1:]
                return S_ERROR("Invalid output from kill Job: %s" %
                status = int(outputLines[0])
                return S_ERROR("Failed to kill Job: %s" % outputLines[0])
            if status != 0:
                message = "Unknown reason"
                if len(outputLines) > 1:
                    message = outputLines[1]
                return S_ERROR('Failed to kill Job, reason: %s' % message)
            return S_ERROR('\n'.join([stdout, stderr]))

        return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def __addDoubleSlash(self, res):
        """ Utilities to add the double slash between the host(:port) and the path

        :param res: DIRAC return structure which contains an URL if S_OK
        :return: DIRAC structure with corrected URL
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        url = res['Value']
        res = pfnparse(url, srmSpecific=self.srmSpecificParse)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        urlDict = res['Value']
        urlDict['Path'] = '/' + urlDict['Path']
        return pfnunparse(urlDict, srmSpecific=self.srmSpecificParse)
Ejemplo n.º 41
  def __addDoubleSlash( self, res ):
    """ Utilities to add the double slash between the host(:port) and the path

        :param res: DIRAC return structure which contains an URL if S_OK
        :return: DIRAC structure with corrected URL
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    url = res['Value']
    res = pfnparse( url, srmSpecific = self.srmSpecificParse )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    urlDict = res['Value']
    urlDict['Path'] = '/' + urlDict['Path']
    return pfnunparse( urlDict, srmSpecific = self.srmSpecificParse )
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def updateURL(self, url, withWSUrl=False):
        """Update the URL according to the current SE parameters"""
        result = pfnparse(url, srmSpecific=self.srmSpecificParse)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        urlDict = result["Value"]

        urlDict["Protocol"] = self.protocolParameters["Protocol"]
        urlDict["Host"] = self.protocolParameters["Host"]
        urlDict["Port"] = self.protocolParameters["Port"]
        urlDict["WSUrl"] = ""
        if withWSUrl:
            urlDict["WSUrl"] = self.protocolParameters["WSUrl"]

        return pfnunparse(urlDict, srmSpecific=self.srmSpecificParse)
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def getJobStatus(self, jobIDList):
        """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs

        resultDict = {}
        ssh = SSH(parameters=self.ceParameters)

        for jobList in breakListIntoChunks(jobIDList, 100):

            jobDict = {}
            for job in jobList:
                result = pfnparse(job)
                if result['OK']:
                    stamp = result['Value']['FileName'].split('.')[0]
                    self.log.error('Invalid job id', job)
                jobDict[stamp] = job
            stampList = jobDict.keys()

            cmd = ['qstat', ' '.join(stampList)]
            result = ssh.sshCall(10, cmd)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

            status = result['Value'][0]
            if status == -1:
                return S_ERROR('Timeout while SSH call')
            elif status != 0:
                return S_ERROR('Error while SSH call')
            output = result['Value'][1].replace('\r', '')
            lines = output.split('\n')
            for job in jobDict:
                resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown'
                for line in lines:
                    if line.find(job) != -1:
                        if line.find('Unknown') != -1:
                            resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown'
                            torqueStatus = line.split()[4]
                            if torqueStatus in ['E', 'C']:
                                resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Done'
                            elif torqueStatus in ['R']:
                                resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Running'
                            elif torqueStatus in ['S', 'W', 'Q', 'H', 'T']:
                                resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Waiting'

        return S_OK(resultDict)
Ejemplo n.º 44
  def getJobStatus( self, jobIDList ):
    """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs

    resultDict = {}
    ssh = SSH( parameters = self.ceParameters )

    for jobList in breakListIntoChunks( jobIDList, 100 ):
      jobDict = {}
      for job in jobList:
        result = pfnparse( job )
        if result['OK']:
          stamp = result['Value']['FileName'].split('.')[0] 
          self.log.error( 'Invalid job id', job )
        jobDict[stamp] = job
      stampList = jobDict.keys() 

      cmd = [ 'qstat', ' '.join( stampList ) ]
      result = ssh.sshCall( 10, cmd )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      status = result['Value'][0]
      if status == -1:
        return S_ERROR( 'Timeout while SSH call' )
      elif status != 0:
        return S_ERROR( 'Error while SSH call' )
      output = result['Value'][1].replace( '\r', '' )
      lines = output.split( '\n' )
      for job in jobDict:
        resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown'
        for line in lines:
          if line.find( job ) != -1:
            if line.find( 'Unknown' ) != -1:
              resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown'
              torqueStatus = line.split()[4]
              if torqueStatus in ['E', 'C']:
                resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Done'
              elif torqueStatus in ['R']:
                resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Running'
              elif torqueStatus in ['S', 'W', 'Q', 'H', 'T']:
                resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Waiting'

    return S_OK( resultDict )
Ejemplo n.º 45
  def updateURL( self, url, withWSUrl = False ):
    """ Update the URL according to the current SE parameters
    result = pfnparse( url, srmSpecific = self.srmSpecificParse )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    urlDict = result['Value']

    urlDict['Protocol'] = self.protocolParameters['Protocol']
    urlDict['Host'] = self.protocolParameters['Host']
    urlDict['Port'] = self.protocolParameters['Port']
    urlDict['WSUrl'] = ''
    if withWSUrl:
      urlDict['WSUrl'] = self.protocolParameters['WSUrl']

    return pfnunparse( urlDict, srmSpecific = self.srmSpecificParse )
Ejemplo n.º 46
  def _isInputURL( self, url ):
    """ Check if the given url can be taken as input

    :param self: self reference
    :param str url: URL
    res = pfnparse( url )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    urlDict = res['Value']

    # Special case of 'file' protocol which can be just a URL
    if not urlDict['Protocol'] and 'file' in self.protocolParameters['InputProtocols']:
      return S_OK( True )

    return S_OK( urlDict['Protocol'] == self.protocolParameters['Protocol'] )
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def updateURL(self, url, withWSUrl=False):
        """ Update the URL according to the current SE parameters
        result = pfnparse(url, srmSpecific=self.srmSpecificParse)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        urlDict = result['Value']

        urlDict['Protocol'] = self.protocolParameters['Protocol']
        urlDict['Host'] = self.protocolParameters['Host']
        urlDict['Port'] = self.protocolParameters['Port']
        urlDict['WSUrl'] = ''
        if withWSUrl:
            urlDict['WSUrl'] = self.protocolParameters['WSUrl']

        return pfnunparse(urlDict, srmSpecific=self.srmSpecificParse)
Ejemplo n.º 48
  def _isInputURL(self, url):
    """ Check if the given url can be taken as input

    :param self: self reference
    :param str url: URL
    res = pfnparse(url)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    urlDict = res['Value']

    # Special case of 'file' protocol which can be just a URL
    if not urlDict['Protocol'] and 'file' in self.protocolParameters['InputProtocols']:
      return S_OK(True)

    return S_OK(urlDict['Protocol'] == self.protocolParameters['Protocol'])
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def __getSinglePfnForProtocol(self, pfn, protocol, withPort=True):
        """ Transform the input pfn into a pfn with the given protocol for the Storage Element.
      :param pfn : input PFN
      :param protocol : string or list of string of the protocol we want
      :param withPort : includes the port in the returned pfn
            "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: Getting pfn for given protocols in %s."
            % self.name)

        # This test of the available protocols could actually be done in getPfnForProtocol once for all
        # but it is safer to put it here in case we decide to call this method internally (which I doubt!)
        res = self.getProtocols()
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        if type(protocol) == StringType:
            protocols = [protocol]
        elif type(protocol) == ListType:
            protocols = protocol
            errStr = "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: Supplied protocol must be string or list of strings."
            self.log.debug(errStr, "%s %s" % (protocol, self.name))
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        availableProtocols = res['Value']
        protocolsToTry = []
        for protocol in protocols:
            if protocol in availableProtocols:
                errStr = "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: Requested protocol not available for SE."
                self.log.debug(errStr, '%s for %s' % (protocol, self.name))
        if not protocolsToTry:
            errStr = "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: None of the requested protocols were available for SE."
            self.log.debug(errStr, '%s for %s' % (protocol, self.name))
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        # Check all available storages for required protocol then contruct the PFN
        for storage in self.storages:
            res = storage.getParameters()
            if res['Value']['ProtocolName'] in protocolsToTry:
                res = pfnparse(pfn)
                if res['OK']:
                    res = storage.getProtocolPfn(res['Value'], withPort)
                    if res['OK']:
                        return res
        errStr = "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: Failed to get PFN for requested protocols."
        self.log.debug(errStr, "%s for %s" % (protocols, self.name))
        return S_ERROR(errStr)
Ejemplo n.º 50
  def __getSinglePfnForProtocol( self, pfn, protocol, withPort = True ):
    """ Transform the input pfn into a pfn with the given protocol for the Storage Element.
      :param pfn : input PFN
      :param protocol : string or list of string of the protocol we want
      :param withPort : includes the port in the returned pfn
    self.log.verbose( "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: Getting pfn for given protocols in %s." % self.name )

    # This test of the available protocols could actually be done in getPfnForProtocol once for all
    # but it is safer to put it here in case we decide to call this method internally (which I doubt!)
    res = self.getProtocols()
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    if type( protocol ) == StringType:
      protocols = [protocol]
    elif type( protocol ) == ListType:
      protocols = protocol
      errStr = "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: Supplied protocol must be string or list of strings."
      self.log.debug( errStr, "%s %s" % ( protocol, self.name ) )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    availableProtocols = res['Value']
    protocolsToTry = []
    for protocol in protocols:
      if protocol in availableProtocols:
        protocolsToTry.append( protocol )
        errStr = "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: Requested protocol not available for SE."
        self.log.debug( errStr, '%s for %s' % ( protocol, self.name ) )
    if not protocolsToTry:
      errStr = "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: None of the requested protocols were available for SE."
      self.log.debug( errStr, '%s for %s' % ( protocol, self.name ) )
      return S_ERROR( errStr )
    # Check all available storages for required protocol then contruct the PFN
    for storage in self.storages:
      res = storage.getParameters()
      if res['Value']['ProtocolName'] in protocolsToTry:
        res = pfnparse( pfn )
        if res['OK']:
          res = storage.getProtocolPfn( res['Value'], withPort )
          if res['OK']:
            return res
    errStr = "StorageElement.getSinglePfnForProtocol: Failed to get PFN for requested protocols."
    self.log.debug( errStr, "%s for %s" % ( protocols, self.name ) )
    return S_ERROR( errStr )
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def _isInputURL(self, url):
        """Check if the given url can be taken as input

        :param self: self reference
        :param str url: URL
        res = pfnparse(url)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return res
        urlDict = res["Value"]

        # Special case of 'file' protocol which can be just a URL
        if not urlDict["Protocol"] and "file" in self.protocolParameters[
            return S_OK(True)

        return S_OK(urlDict["Protocol"] == self.protocolParameters["Protocol"])
Ejemplo n.º 52
  def _killJobs( self, jobIDList, host = None ):
    """ Kill the jobs for the given list of job IDs
    resultDict = {}
    jobDict = {}
    for job in jobIDList:
      result = pfnparse( job )
      if result['OK']:
        stamp = result['Value']['FileName']
        self.log.error( 'Invalid job id', job )
      jobDict[stamp] = job
    stampList = jobDict.keys()

    cmdTuple = [ self.finalScript, 'kill_job', '#'.join( stampList ), self.infoArea ]
    result = systemCall( 10, cmdTuple )

    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    status = result['Value'][0]
    stdout = result['Value'][1]
    stderr = result['Value'][2]

    # Examine results of the job submission
    if status != 0:
      outputLines = stdout.strip().replace( '\r', '' ).split( '\n' )
        index = outputLines.index( '============= Start output ===============' )
        outputLines = outputLines[index + 1:]
        return S_ERROR( "Invalid output from kill Job: %s" % outputLines[0] )
        status = int( outputLines[0] )
        return S_ERROR( "Failed to kill Job: %s" % outputLines[0] )
      if status != 0:
        message = "Unknown reason"
        if len( outputLines ) > 1:
          message = outputLines[1]
        return S_ERROR( 'Failed to kill Job, reason: %s' % message )
      return S_ERROR( '\n'.join( [stdout, stderr] ) )

    return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 53
  def __putFile(self, src_file, dest_url):
    res = pfnparse(src_file)
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    localCache = False
    srcDict = res['Value']
    if srcDict['Protocol'] in ['dips', 'dip']:
      # Make the service URL from the file URL by stripping off the file part
      serviceDict = dict(srcDict)
      serviceDict['Path'] = '/'.join(srcDict['Path'].split('/')[:3])
      serviceDict['FileName'] = ''
      res = pfnunparse(serviceDict)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      srcSEURL = res['Value']
      localCache = True
      transferClient = TransferClient(srcSEURL)
      res = transferClient.receiveFile(
          srcDict['FileName'], os.path.join(
              srcDict['Path'], srcDict['FileName']))
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      src_file = srcDict['FileName']

    if not os.path.exists(src_file):
      errStr = "DIPStorage.__putFile: The source local file does not exist."
      gLogger.error(errStr, src_file)
      return S_ERROR(errStr)
    sourceSize = getSize(src_file)
    if sourceSize == -1:
      errStr = "DIPStorage.__putFile: Failed to get file size."
      gLogger.error(errStr, src_file)
      return S_ERROR(errStr)
    transferClient = TransferClient(self.url)
    res = transferClient.sendFile(src_file, dest_url, token=self.checkSum)
    if localCache:
    if res['OK']:
      return S_OK(sourceSize)
      return res
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def __putFile(self, src_file, dest_url):
        res = pfnparse(src_file)
        if not res['OK']:
            return res
        localCache = False
        srcDict = res['Value']
        if srcDict['Protocol'] in ['dips', 'dip']:
            # Make the service URL from the file URL by stripping off the file part
            serviceDict = dict(srcDict)
            serviceDict['Path'] = '/'.join(srcDict['Path'].split('/')[:3])
            serviceDict['FileName'] = ''
            res = pfnunparse(serviceDict)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            srcSEURL = res['Value']
            localCache = True
            transferClient = TransferClient(srcSEURL)
            res = transferClient.receiveFile(
                os.path.join(srcDict['Path'], srcDict['FileName']))
            if not res['OK']:
                return res
            src_file = srcDict['FileName']

        if not os.path.exists(src_file):
            errStr = "DIPStorage.__putFile: The source local file does not exist."
            gLogger.error(errStr, src_file)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        sourceSize = getSize(src_file)
        if sourceSize == -1:
            errStr = "DIPStorage.__putFile: Failed to get file size."
            gLogger.error(errStr, src_file)
            return S_ERROR(errStr)
        transferClient = TransferClient(self.url)
        res = transferClient.sendFile(src_file, dest_url, token=self.checkSum)
        if localCache:
        if res['OK']:
            return S_OK(sourceSize)
            return res
Ejemplo n.º 55
 def _checkLFNPFNConvention(self, lfn, pfn, se):
     """ Check that the PFN corresponds to the LFN-PFN convention
     # Check if the PFN corresponds to the LFN convention
     if pfn == lfn:
         return S_OK()
     lfn_pfn = True  # flag that the lfn is contained in the pfn
     if (len(pfn) < len(lfn)) or (pfn[-len(lfn):] != lfn):
         return S_ERROR('PFN does not correspond to the LFN convention')
     if not pfn.endswith(lfn):
         return S_ERROR()
     # Check if the pfn corresponds to the SE definition
     result = self._getStorageElement(se)
     if not result['OK']:
         return result
     selement = result['Value']
     res = pfnparse(pfn)
     if not res['OK']:
         return res
     pfnDict = res['Value']
     protocol = pfnDict['Protocol']
     pfnpath = pfnDict['Path']
     result = selement.getStorageParameters(protocol)
     if not result['OK']:
         return result
     seDict = result['Value']
     sePath = seDict['Path']
     ind = pfnpath.find(sePath)
     if ind == -1:
         return S_ERROR(
             'The given PFN %s does not correspond to the %s SE definition'
             % (pfn, se))
     # Check the full LFN-PFN-SE convention
     lfn_pfn_se = True
     if lfn_pfn:
         seAccessDict = dict(seDict)
         seAccessDict['Path'] = sePath + '/' + lfn
         check_pfn = pfnunparse(seAccessDict)
         if check_pfn != pfn:
             return S_ERROR('PFN does not correspond to the LFN convention')
     return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 56
  def isURL( self, path ):
    """ Guess if the path looks like a URL

    :param self: self reference
    :param string path: input file LFN or URL
    :returns boolean: True if URL, False otherwise
    if self.basePath and path.startswith( self.basePath ):
      return S_OK( True )

    result = pfnparse( path, srmSpecific = self.srmSpecificParse )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    if len( result['Value']['Protocol'] ) != 0:
      return S_OK( True )

    if result['Value']['Path'].startswith( self.basePath ):
      return S_OK( True )

    return S_OK( False )
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def isURL(self, path):
        """ Guess if the path looks like a URL

    :param self: self reference
    :param string path: input file LFN or URL
    :returns boolean: True if URL, False otherwise
        if self.basePath and path.startswith(self.basePath):
            return S_OK(True)

        result = pfnparse(path)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        if len(result['Value']['Protocol']) != 0:
            return S_OK(True)

        if result['Value']['Path'].startswith(self.basePath):
            return S_OK(True)

        return S_OK(False)
Ejemplo n.º 58
    def isURL(self, path):
        """Guess if the path looks like a URL

        :param self: self reference
        :param string path: input file LFN or URL
        :returns boolean: True if URL, False otherwise
        if self.basePath and path.startswith(self.basePath):
            return S_OK(True)

        result = pfnparse(path, srmSpecific=self.srmSpecificParse)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        if len(result["Value"]["Protocol"]) != 0:
            return S_OK(True)

        if result["Value"]["Path"].startswith(self.basePath):
            return S_OK(True)

        return S_OK(False)
Ejemplo n.º 59
 def _checkLFNPFNConvention(self, lfn, pfn, se):
     """ Check that the PFN corresponds to the LFN-PFN convention
     # Check if the PFN corresponds to the LFN convention
     if pfn == lfn:
         return S_OK()
     lfn_pfn = True  # flag that the lfn is contained in the pfn
     if (len(pfn) < len(lfn)) or (pfn[-len(lfn) :] != lfn):
         return S_ERROR("PFN does not correspond to the LFN convention")
     if not pfn.endswith(lfn):
         return S_ERROR()
     # Check if the pfn corresponds to the SE definition
     result = self._getStorageElement(se)
     if not result["OK"]:
         return result
     selement = result["Value"]
     res = pfnparse(pfn)
     if not res["OK"]:
         return res
     pfnDict = res["Value"]
     protocol = pfnDict["Protocol"]
     pfnpath = pfnDict["Path"]
     result = selement.getStorageParameters(protocol)
     if not result["OK"]:
         return result
     seDict = result["Value"]
     sePath = seDict["Path"]
     ind = pfnpath.find(sePath)
     if ind == -1:
         return S_ERROR("The given PFN %s does not correspond to the %s SE definition" % (pfn, se))
     # Check the full LFN-PFN-SE convention
     lfn_pfn_se = True
     if lfn_pfn:
         seAccessDict = dict(seDict)
         seAccessDict["Path"] = sePath + "/" + lfn
         check_pfn = pfnunparse(seAccessDict)
         if check_pfn != pfn:
             return S_ERROR("PFN does not correspond to the LFN convention")
     return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 60
 def getPfnForProtocol( self, pfn, protocol, withPort = True ):
   """ Transform the input pfn into another with the given protocol for the Storage Element.
   res = self.getProtocols()
   if not res['OK']:
     return res
   if type( protocol ) == StringType:
     protocols = [protocol]
   elif type( protocol ) == ListType:
     protocols = protocol
     errStr = "getPfnForProtocol: Supplied protocol must be string or list of strings."
     self.log.error( errStr, "%s %s" % ( protocol, self.name ) )
     return S_ERROR( errStr )
   availableProtocols = res['Value']
   protocolsToTry = []
   for protocol in protocols:
     if protocol in availableProtocols:
       protocolsToTry.append( protocol )
       errStr = "getPfnForProtocol: Requested protocol not available for SE."
       self.log.debug( errStr, '%s for %s' % ( protocol, self.name ) )
   if not protocolsToTry:
     errStr = "getPfnForProtocol: None of the requested protocols were available for SE."
     self.log.error( errStr, '%s for %s' % ( protocol, self.name ) )
     return S_ERROR( errStr )
   # Check all available storages for required protocol then contruct the PFN
   for storage in self.storages:
     res = storage.getParameters()
     if res['Value']['ProtocolName'] in protocolsToTry:
       res = pfnparse( pfn )
       if res['OK']:
         res = storage.getProtocolPfn( res['Value'], withPort )
         if res['OK']:
           return res
   errStr = "getPfnForProtocol: Failed to get PFN for requested protocols."
   self.log.error( errStr, "%s for %s" % ( protocols, self.name ) )
   return S_ERROR( errStr )