Ejemplo n.º 1
  def web_listPublicDesktopStates( self ):
    up = self.__getUP()
    result = yield self.threadTask( up.listAvailableVars )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
    data = result['Value']
    paramNames = ['UserName', 'Group', 'VO', 'desktop']

    records = []
    for i in data:
      records += [dict( zip( paramNames, i ) )]
    sharedDesktops = {}
    for i in records:
      result = yield self.threadTask( up.getVarPermissions, i['desktop'] )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
      if result['Value']['ReadAccess'] == 'ALL':
        print i['UserName'], i['Group'], i
        result = yield self.threadTask( up.retrieveVarFromUser , i['UserName'], i['Group'], i['desktop'] )
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
        if i['UserName'] not in sharedDesktops:
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']] = {}
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']][i['desktop']] = json.loads( DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( result['Value'] ) ) )[0] )
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']]['Metadata'] = i
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']][i['desktop']] = json.loads( DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( result['Value'] ) ) )[0] )
          sharedDesktops[i['UserName']]['Metadata'] = i
    self.finish( sharedDesktops )
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __call__(self):
        """execute RPC stub"""
        # # decode arguments
            decode, length = DEncode.decode(self.operation.Arguments)
            self.log.debug("decoded len=%s val=%s" % (length, decode))
        except ValueError as error:
            self.operation.Error = str(error)
            self.operation.Status = "Failed"
            return S_ERROR(str(error))

        # Ensure the forwarded request is done on behalf of the request owner
        decode[0][1]["delegatedDN"] = self.request.OwnerDN
        decode[0][1]["delegatedGroup"] = self.request.OwnerGroup

        # ForwardDiset is supposed to be used with a host certificate
        useServerCertificate = gConfig.useServerCertificate()
            "/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "true")
        forward = executeRPCStub(decode)
        if not useServerCertificate:
                "/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", "false")

        if not forward["OK"]:
                "unable to execute operation",
                "'%s' : %s" % (self.operation.Type, forward["Message"]))
            self.operation.Error = forward["Message"]
            return forward
        self.log.info("DISET forwarding done")
        self.operation.Status = "Done"
        return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self):
        """It expects to find the arguments for tc.setFileStatusForTransformation in operation.Arguments"""
            setFileStatusDict = DEncode.decode(self.operation.Arguments)[0]
            self.log.debug("decoded filStatusDict=%s" % str(setFileStatusDict))
        except ValueError as error:
            self.operation.Error = str(error)
            self.operation.Status = "Failed"
            return S_ERROR(str(error))

        tc = TransformationClient()
        setStatus = tc.setFileStatusForTransformation(
            setFileStatusDict["statusDict"], setFileStatusDict["force"])

        if not setStatus["OK"]:
            errorStr = "failed to change status: %s" % setStatus["Message"]
            self.operation.Error = errorStr
            return S_ERROR(self.operation.Error)

            self.operation.Status = "Done"
            return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def extractRequestFromFileId( fileId ):
  stub = fileId[2:]
  compressType = fileId[0]
  if compressType == 'Z':
    gLogger.info( "Compressed request, uncompressing" )
      stub = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( stub )
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.error( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!", str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!: %s" % str( e ) )
      stub = zlib.decompress( stub )
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.error( "Oops! Plot request is invalid!", str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Oops! Plot request is invalid!: %s" % str( e ) )
  elif compressType == 'S':
    gLogger.info( "Base64 request, decoding" )
      stub = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( stub )
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.error( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!", str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!: %s" % str( e ) )
  elif compressType == 'R':
    #Do nothing, it's already uncompressed
    gLogger.error( "Oops! Stub type is unknown", compressType )
    return S_ERROR( "Oops! Stub type '%s' is unknown :P" % compressType )
  plotRequest, stubLength = DEncode.decode( stub )
  if len( stub ) != stubLength:
    gLogger.error( "Oops! The stub is longer than the data :P" )
    return S_ERROR( "Oops! The stub is longer than the data :P" )
  return S_OK( plotRequest )
Ejemplo n.º 5
def printOperation(indexOperation, verbose=True, onlyFailed=False):
  global output
  i, op = indexOperation
  prStr = ''
  if op.SourceSE:
    prStr += 'SourceSE: %s' % op.SourceSE
  if op.TargetSE:
    prStr += (' - ' if prStr else '') + 'TargetSE: %s' % op.TargetSE
  if prStr:
    prStr += ' - '
  prStr += 'Created %s, Updated %s' % (op.CreationTime, op.LastUpdate)
  if op.Type == 'ForwardDISET' and op.Arguments:
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode
    decode, _length = DEncode.decode(op.Arguments)
    if verbose:
      output = ''
      prettyPrint(decode, offset=10)
      prStr += '\n      Arguments:\n' + output.strip('\n')
      prStr += '\n      Service: %s' % decode[0][0]
  gLogger.always("  [%s] Operation Type='%s' ID=%s Order=%s Status='%s'%s%s" %
                 (i, op.Type,
                  op.OperationID if hasattr(op, 'OperationID') else '(not set yet)',
                  op.Order, op.Status,
                  (" Error='%s'" % op.Error) if op.Error and op.Error.strip() else "",
                  (" Catalog=%s" % op.Catalog) if op.Catalog else ""))
  if prStr:
    gLogger.always("      %s" % prStr)
  for indexFile in enumerate(op):
    if not onlyFailed or indexFile[1].Status == 'Failed':
Ejemplo n.º 6
def extractRequestFromFileId(fileId):
    stub = fileId[2:]
    compressType = fileId[0]
    if compressType == "Z":
        gLogger.info("Compressed request, uncompressing")
            # Encoding is only required for Python 2 and can be removed when Python 2 support is no longer needed
            stub = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(stub.encode())
        except Exception as e:
            gLogger.error("Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!", str(e))
            return S_ERROR("Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!: %s" % str(e))
            stub = zlib.decompress(stub)
        except Exception as e:
            gLogger.error("Oops! Plot request is invalid!", str(e))
            return S_ERROR("Oops! Plot request is invalid!: %s" % str(e))
    elif compressType == "S":
        gLogger.info("Base64 request, decoding")
            stub = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(stub)
        except Exception as e:
            gLogger.error("Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!", str(e))
            return S_ERROR("Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!: %s" % str(e))
    elif compressType == "R":
        # Do nothing, it's already uncompressed
        gLogger.error("Oops! Stub type is unknown", compressType)
        return S_ERROR("Oops! Stub type '%s' is unknown :P" % compressType)
    plotRequest, stubLength = DEncode.decode(stub)
    if len(stub) != stubLength:
        gLogger.error("Oops! The stub is longer than the data :P")
        return S_ERROR("Oops! The stub is longer than the data :P")
    return S_OK(plotRequest)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def getAlarmLog(self, alarmId):
            alarmId = int(alarmId)
        except Exception:
            return S_ERROR("Alarm id must be a non decimal number")
        sqlSel = "SELECT %s FROM `ntf_AlarmLog` WHERE AlarmId=%d ORDER BY Timestamp ASC" % (
        result = self._query(sqlSel)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        decodedRows = []
        for row in result["Value"]:
            if not row[3]:
            dec = DEncode.decode(row[3])
            decodedRows[-1][3] = dec[0]

        resultDict = {}
        resultDict["ParameterNames"] = self.__alarmLogFields
        resultDict["Records"] = decodedRows
        return S_OK(resultDict)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def plotView(self, viewRequest):
 Generate all plots for a view
     views = self.__createCatalog().getViewById(viewRequest['id'])
     if len(views) == 0:
         return S_ERROR("View does not exist")
     viewData = views[0]
     viewDefinition = DEncode.decode(str(viewData[0]))[0]
     neededVarFields = List.fromChar(viewData[1], ",")
     if len(neededVarFields) > 0:
         if 'varData' not in viewRequest:
             return S_ERROR("Missing variable fields %s!" %
                            ", ".join(neededVarFields))
         missingVarFields = []
         for neededField in neededVarFields:
             if neededField in viewRequest['varData']:
                 viewDefinition['definition'][neededField] = viewRequest[
         if len(missingVarFields) > 0:
             return S_ERROR("Missing required fields %s!" %
                            ", ".join(missingVarFields))
     return self.generatePlots(viewRequest['fromSecs'],
                               viewRequest['toSecs'], viewDefinition,
Ejemplo n.º 9
def printOperation( indexOperation, verbose = True, onlyFailed = False ):
  global output
  i, op = indexOperation
  prStr = ''
  if op.SourceSE:
    prStr += 'SourceSE: %s' % op.SourceSE
  if op.TargetSE:
    prStr += ( ' - ' if prStr else '' ) + 'TargetSE: %s' % op.TargetSE
  if prStr:
    prStr += ' - '
  prStr += 'Created %s, Updated %s' % ( op.CreationTime, op.LastUpdate )
  if op.Type == 'ForwardDISET':
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode
    decode, _length = DEncode.decode( op.Arguments )
    if verbose:
      output = ''
      prettyPrint( decode, offset = 10 )
      prStr += '\n      Arguments:\n' + output.strip( '\n' )
      prStr += '\n      Service: %s' % decode[0][0]
  gLogger.always( "  [%s] Operation Type='%s' ID=%s Order=%s Status='%s'%s%s" % ( i, op.Type, op.OperationID,
                                                                                       op.Order, op.Status,
                                                                                       ( " Error='%s'" % op.Error ) if op.Error and op.Error.strip() else "",
                                                                                       ( " Catalog=%s" % op.Catalog ) if op.Catalog else "" ) )
  if prStr:
    gLogger.always( "      %s" % prStr )
  for indexFile in enumerate( op ):
    if not onlyFailed or indexFile[1].Status == 'Failed':
      printFile( indexFile )
Ejemplo n.º 10
def getFileInfo(lfn):
  """ Retrieve the file info
  from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient
  from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode
  from DIRAC import gLogger
  fc = FileCatalogClient()
  lumi = 0
  nbevts = 0
  res  = fc.getFileUserMetadata(lfn)
  if not res['OK']:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get metadata of %s" % lfn)
    return (0,0,{})
  if res['Value'].has_key('Luminosity'):   
    lumi += float(res['Value']['Luminosity'])
  addinfo = {}
  if 'AdditionalInfo' in res['Value']:
    addinfo = res['Value']['AdditionalInfo']
    if addinfo.count("{"):
      addinfo = eval(addinfo)
      addinfo = DEncode.decode(addinfo)[0]
  if "NumberOfEvents" in res['Value'].keys():
    nbevts += int(res['Value']['NumberOfEvents'])
  return (float(lumi),int(nbevts),addinfo)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _getFileInfo(lfn):
    """ Retrieve the file info
    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalogClient import FileCatalogClient
    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode
    from DIRAC import gLogger
    fc = FileCatalogClient()
    lumi = 0
    nbevts = 0
    res = fc.getFileUserMetadata(lfn)
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get metadata of %s" % lfn)
        return (0, 0, {})
    if 'Luminosity' in res['Value']:
        lumi += float(res['Value']['Luminosity'])
    addinfo = {}
    if 'AdditionalInfo' in res['Value']:
        addinfo = res['Value']['AdditionalInfo']
        if addinfo.count("{"):
            addinfo = eval(addinfo)
            addinfo = DEncode.decode(addinfo)[0]
    if "NumberOfEvents" in res['Value'].keys():
        nbevts += int(res['Value']['NumberOfEvents'])
    return (float(lumi), int(nbevts), addinfo)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def plotView(self, viewRequest):
    Generates all plots for a view.

    :type viewRequest: dictionary
    :param viewRequest: Containing information of the view like 'id', 'fromSecs', 'toSecs', etc.
    :return: S_OK with a list of files.
        views = self.__createCatalog().getViewById(viewRequest['id'])
        if len(views) == 0:
            return S_ERROR("View does not exist")
        viewData = views[0]
        viewDefinition = DEncode.decode(str(viewData[0]))[0]
        neededVarFields = List.fromChar(viewData[1], ",")
        if len(neededVarFields) > 0:
            if 'varData' not in viewRequest:
                return S_ERROR("Missing variable fields %s!" %
                               ", ".join(neededVarFields))
            missingVarFields = []
            for neededField in neededVarFields:
                if neededField in viewRequest['varData']:
                    viewDefinition['definition'][neededField] = viewRequest[
            if len(missingVarFields) > 0:
                return S_ERROR("Missing required fields %s!" %
                               ", ".join(missingVarFields))
        return self.generatePlots(viewRequest['fromSecs'],
                                  viewRequest['toSecs'], viewDefinition,
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def receiveData( self, maxBufferSize = 0, blockAfterKeepAlive = True, idleReceive = False ):
   if self.receivedMessages:
     return self.receivedMessages.pop( 0 )
   #Buffer size can't be less than 0
   maxBufferSize = max( maxBufferSize, 0 )
     #Look either for message length of keep alive magic string
     iSeparatorPosition = self.byteStream.find( ":", 0, 10 )
     keepAliveMagicLen = len( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic )
     isKeepAlive = self.byteStream.find( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic, 0, keepAliveMagicLen ) == 0
     #While not found the message length or the ka, keep receiving
     while iSeparatorPosition == -1 and not isKeepAlive:
       retVal = self._read( 1024 )
       #If error return
       if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
         return retVal
       #If closed return error
       if not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
         return S_ERROR( "Peer closed connection" )
       #New data!
       self.byteStream += retVal[ 'Value' ]
       #Look again for either message length of ka magic string
       iSeparatorPosition = self.byteStream.find( ":", 0, 10 )
       isKeepAlive = self.byteStream.find( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic, 0, keepAliveMagicLen ) == 0
       #Over the limit?
       if maxBufferSize and len( self.byteStream ) > maxBufferSize and iSeparatorPosition == -1 :
         return S_ERROR( "Read limit exceeded (%s chars)" % maxBufferSize )
     #Keep alive magic!
     if isKeepAlive:
       gLogger.debug( "Received keep alive header" )
       #Remove the ka magic from the buffer and process the keep alive
       self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ keepAliveMagicLen: ]
       return self.__processKeepAlive( maxBufferSize, blockAfterKeepAlive )
     #From here it must be a real message!
     #Process the size and remove the msg length from the bytestream
     size = int( self.byteStream[ :iSeparatorPosition ] )
     self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ iSeparatorPosition + 1: ]
     #Receive while there's still data to be received 
     while len( self.byteStream ) < size:
       retVal = self._read( size - len( self.byteStream ), skipReadyCheck = True )
       if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
         return retVal
       if not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
         return S_ERROR( "Peer closed connection" )
       self.byteStream += retVal[ 'Value' ]
       if maxBufferSize and len( self.byteStream ) > maxBufferSize:
         return S_ERROR( "Read limit exceeded (%s chars)" % maxBufferSize )
     #Data is here! take it out from the bytestream, dencode and return
     data = self.byteStream[ :size ]
     self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ size: ]
       data = DEncode.decode( data )[0]
     except Exception, e:
       return S_ERROR( "Could not decode received data: %s" % str( e ) )
     if idleReceive:
       self.receivedMessages.append( data )
       return S_OK()
     return data
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def receiveData( self, maxBufferSize = 0, blockAfterKeepAlive = True, idleReceive = False ):
   if self.receivedMessages:
     return self.receivedMessages.pop( 0 )
   #Buffer size can't be less than 0
   maxBufferSize = max( maxBufferSize, 0 )
     #Look either for message length of keep alive magic string
     iSeparatorPosition = self.byteStream.find( ":", 0, 10 )
     keepAliveMagicLen = len( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic )
     isKeepAlive = self.byteStream.find( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic, 0, keepAliveMagicLen ) == 0
     #While not found the message length or the ka, keep receiving
     while iSeparatorPosition == -1 and not isKeepAlive:
       retVal = self._read( 1024 )
       #If error return
       if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
         return retVal
       #If closed return error
       if not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
         return S_ERROR( "Peer closed connection" )
       #New data!
       self.byteStream += retVal[ 'Value' ]
       #Look again for either message length of ka magic string
       iSeparatorPosition = self.byteStream.find( ":", 0, 10 )
       isKeepAlive = self.byteStream.find( BaseTransport.keepAliveMagic, 0, keepAliveMagicLen ) == 0
       #Over the limit?
       if maxBufferSize and len( self.byteStream ) > maxBufferSize and iSeparatorPosition == -1 :
         return S_ERROR( "Read limit exceeded (%s chars)" % maxBufferSize )
     #Keep alive magic!
     if isKeepAlive:
       gLogger.debug( "Received keep alive header" )
       #Remove the ka magic from the buffer and process the keep alive
       self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ keepAliveMagicLen: ]
       return self.__processKeepAlive( maxBufferSize, blockAfterKeepAlive )
     #From here it must be a real message!
     #Process the size and remove the msg length from the bytestream
     size = int( self.byteStream[ :iSeparatorPosition ] )
     self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ iSeparatorPosition + 1: ]
     #Receive while there's still data to be received 
     while len( self.byteStream ) < size:
       retVal = self._read( size - len( self.byteStream ), skipReadyCheck = True )
       if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
         return retVal
       if not retVal[ 'Value' ]:
         return S_ERROR( "Peer closed connection" )
       self.byteStream += retVal[ 'Value' ]
       if maxBufferSize and len( self.byteStream ) > maxBufferSize:
         return S_ERROR( "Read limit exceeded (%s chars)" % maxBufferSize )
     #Data is here! take it out from the bytestream, dencode and return
     data = self.byteStream[ :size ]
     self.byteStream = self.byteStream[ size: ]
       data = DEncode.decode( data )[0]
     except Exception, e:
       return S_ERROR( "Could not decode received data: %s" % str( e ) )
     if idleReceive:
       self.receivedMessages.append( data )
       return S_OK()
     return data
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def export_tryView( self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescriptionStub ):
     Generates plots based on a DEncoded view description
   viewDescription, _stubLength = DEncode.decode( viewDescriptionStub )
   if not 'definition' in viewDescription:
     return S_ERROR( "No plot definition given" )
   defDict = viewDescription[ 'definition' ]
   defDict[ 'sources.setup' ] = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ]
   return gServiceInterface.generatePlots( fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription )
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __decodeVar(self, data, dataTypeRE):
         dataObj, lenData = DEncode.decode(data)
     except Exception as e:
         return S_ERROR("Cannot decode data: %s" % str(e))
     if dataTypeRE:
         result = self.checkTypeRe(dataObj, dataTypeRE)
         if not result['OK']:
             return result
     return S_OK(dataObj)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __decodeVar( self, data, dataTypeRE ):
     dataObj, lenData = DEncode.decode( data )
   except Exception as e:
     return S_ERROR( "Cannot decode data: %s" % str( e ) )
   if dataTypeRE:
     result = self.checkTypeRe( dataObj, dataTypeRE )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       return result
   return S_OK( dataObj )
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def web_listAppState( self ):
   up = self.__getUP()
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.retrieveAllVars )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
   data = result[ 'Value' ]
   for k in data:
     #Unpack data
     data[ k ] = json.loads( DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( data[ k ] ) ) )[0] )
   self.finish( data )
Ejemplo n.º 19
def decode(encodedData):
    """ Decode the encoded string

      :param encodedData: encoded string

      :return: the decoded objects, encoded object length

    if os.getenv('DIRAC_USE_JSON_DECODE', 'NO').lower() in ('yes', 'true'):
            # 'null' is a special case.
            # None is encoded as 'null' as JSON
            # that DEncode would understand as None, since it starts with 'n'
            # but the length of the decoded string will not be correct
            if encodedData == 'null':
                raise Exception
            return DEncode.decode(encodedData)
        except Exception:
            return JEncode.decode(encodedData)
    return DEncode.decode(encodedData)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __call__(self):
     """ It expects to find the arguments for tc.setFileStatusForTransformation in operation.Arguments
         setFileStatusDict = DEncode.decode(self.operation.Arguments)[0]
         self.log.debug("decoded filStatusDict=%s" % str(setFileStatusDict))
     except ValueError, error:
         self.operation.Error = str(error)
         self.operation.Status = "Failed"
         return S_ERROR(str(error))
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def web_listAppState(self):
     up = self.__getUP()
     result = yield self.threadTask(up.retrieveAllVars)
     if not result['OK']:
         raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)
     data = result['Value']
     for k in data:
         #Unpack data
         data[k] = json.loads(
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def __call__( self ):
   """ It expects to find the arguments for tc.setFileStatusForTransformation in operation.Arguments
     setFileStatusDict = DEncode.decode( self.operation.Arguments )[0]
     self.log.debug( "decoded filStatusDict=%s" % str( setFileStatusDict ) )
   except ValueError, error:
     self.log.exception( error )
     self.operation.Error = str( error )
     self.operation.Status = "Failed"
     return S_ERROR( str( error ) )
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __call__( self ):
   """ execute RPC stub """
   # # decode arguments
     decode, length = DEncode.decode( self.operation.Arguments )
     self.log.debug( "decoded len=%s val=%s" % ( length, decode ) )
   except ValueError, error:
     self.log.exception( error )
     self.operation.Error = str( error )
     self.operation.Status = "Failed"
     return S_ERROR( str( error ) )
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def retrieveAllVars(self):
     rpcClient = self.__getRPCClient()
     result = rpcClient.retrieveProfileAllVars(self.profile)
     if not result["OK"]:
         return result
         encodedData = result["Value"]
         dataObj = {key: DEncode.decode(value.encode())[0] for key, value in encodedData.items()}
     except Exception as e:
         return S_ERROR("Cannot decode data: %s" % str(e))
     return S_OK(dataObj)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def export_saveView(self, viewName, viewDescriptionStub):
     Saves a view
     if not viewName:
         return S_OK("View name not valid")
     viewDescription, _stubLength = DEncode.decode(viewDescriptionStub)
     if "definition" not in viewDescription:
         return S_ERROR("No plot definition given")
     defDict = viewDescription["definition"]
     defDict["sources.setup"] = self.serviceInfoDict["clientSetup"]
     return gServiceInterface.saveView(viewName, viewDescription)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def web_loadAppState(self):
     up = self.__getUP()
         name = self.request.arguments['name'][-1]
     except KeyError as excp:
         raise WErr(400, "Missing %s" % excp)
     result = yield self.threadTask(up.retrieveVar, name)
     if not result['OK']:
         raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)
     data = result['Value']
     data, count = DEncode.decode(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(data)))
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def pythonCall(self, function, *stArgs, **stKeyArgs):
        """ call python function :function: with :stArgs: and :stKeyArgs: """

        from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode

        self.log.verbose('pythonCall:', function.__name__)

        readFD, writeFD = os.pipe()
        pid = os.fork()
        self.childPID = pid
        if pid == 0:
            self.__executePythonFunction(function, writeFD, *stArgs,
            # FIXME: the close it is done at __executePythonFunction, do we need it here?
            readSeq = self.__selectFD([readFD])
            if readSeq == False:
                return S_ERROR("Can't read from call %s" % (function.__name__))
                if len(readSeq) == 0:
                    self.log.debug('Timeout limit reached for pythonCall',

                    #HACK to avoid python bug
                    # self.wait()
                    retries = 10000
                    while os.waitpid(pid, 0) == -1 and retries > 0:
                        retries -= 1

                    return S_ERROR('%d seconds timeout for "%s" call' %
                                   (self.timeout, function.__name__))
                elif readSeq[0] == readFD:
                    retDict = self.__readFromFD(readFD)
                    os.waitpid(pid, 0)
                    if retDict['OK']:
                        dataStub = retDict['Value']
                        if not dataStub:
                            return S_ERROR(
                                "Error decoding data coming from call")
                        retObj, stubLen = DEncode.decode(dataStub)
                        if stubLen == len(dataStub):
                            return retObj
                            return S_ERROR(
                                "Error decoding data coming from call")
                    return retDict
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def web_loadAppState( self ):
   up = self.__getUP()
     name = self.request.arguments[ 'name' ][-1]
   except KeyError as excp:
     raise WErr( 400, "Missing %s" % excp )
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.retrieveVar, name )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result)
   data = result[ 'Value' ]
   data, count = DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( data ) ) )
   self.finish( data )
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def export_saveView( self, viewName, viewDescriptionStub ):
   Saves a view
   if len( viewName ) == 0:
     return S_OK( "View name not valid" )
   viewDescription, _stubLength = DEncode.decode( viewDescriptionStub )
   if not 'definition' in viewDescription:
     return S_ERROR( "No plot definition given" )
   defDict = viewDescription[ 'definition' ]
   defDict[ 'sources.setup' ] = self.serviceInfoDict[ 'clientSetup' ]
   return gServiceInterface.saveView( viewName, viewDescription )
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def retrieveAllVars(self):
     rpcClient = self.__getRPCClient()
     result = rpcClient.retrieveProfileAllVars(self.profile)
     if not result['OK']:
         return result
         encodedData = result['Value']
         dataObj = {}
         for k in encodedData:
             v, lenData = DEncode.decode(encodedData[k])
             dataObj[k] = v
     except Exception, e:
         return S_ERROR("Cannot decode data: %s" % str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def retrieveAllVars( self ):
   rpcClient = self.__getRPCClient()
   result = rpcClient.retrieveProfileAllVars( self.profile )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
     encodedData = result[ 'Value' ]
     dataObj = {}
     for k in encodedData:
       v, lenData = DEncode.decode( encodedData[k] )
       dataObj[ k ] = v
   except Exception, e:
     return S_ERROR( "Cannot decode data: %s" % str( e ) )
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def __call__( self ):
   """ execute RPC stub """
   # # decode arguments
     decode, length = DEncode.decode( self.operation.Arguments )
     # FIXME: to be removed when the problem is fixed in the LHCb HLT farm
     if 'CPUFactor_to_be_replace' in self.operation.Arguments and len( decode ) == 3 and type( decode[2] ) == type( tuple() ):
       decode = ( decode[0], decode[1], tuple( [x.replace( 'CPUFactor_to_be_replace', '0' ) for x in decode[2]] ) )
     self.log.debug( "decoded len=%s val=%s" % ( length, decode ) )
   except ValueError, error:
     self.log.exception( error )
     self.operation.Error = str( error )
     self.operation.Status = "Failed"
     return S_ERROR( str( error ) )
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def retrieveOptimizerParam(self, name):
   if not self.__jobData.jobState:
     return S_ERROR("This function can only be called inside the optimizeJob function")
   result = self.__jobData.jobState.getOptParameter(name)
   if not result['OK']:
     return result
   valenc = result['Value']
     value, encLength = DEncode.decode(valenc)
     if encLength == len(valenc):
       return S_OK(value)
   except Exception:
     self.jobLog.warn("Opt param %s doesn't seem to be dencoded %s" % (name, valenc))
   return S_OK(eval(valenc))
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def retrieveOptimizerParam(self, name):
   if not self.__jobData.jobState:
     return S_ERROR("This function can only be called inside the optimizeJob function")
   result = self.__jobData.jobState.getOptParameter(name)
   if not result['OK']:
     return result
   valenc = result['Value']
     value, encLength = DEncode.decode(valenc)
     if encLength == len(valenc):
       return S_OK(value)
   except Exception:
     self.jobLog.warn("Opt param %s doesn't seem to be dencoded %s" % (name, valenc))
   return S_OK(eval(valenc))
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def web_listPublicDesktopStates(self):
        up = self.__getUP()
        result = yield self.threadTask(up.listAvailableVars)
        if not result['OK']:
            raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)
        data = result['Value']
        paramNames = ['UserName', 'Group', 'VO', 'desktop']

        records = []
        for i in data:
            records += [dict(zip(paramNames, i))]
        sharedDesktops = {}
        for i in records:
            result = yield self.threadTask(up.getVarPermissions, i['desktop'])
            if not result['OK']:
                raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)
            if result['Value']['ReadAccess'] == 'ALL':
                print i['UserName'], i['Group'], i
                result = yield self.threadTask(up.retrieveVarFromUser,
                                               i['UserName'], i['Group'],
                if not result['OK']:
                    raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)
                if i['UserName'] not in sharedDesktops:
                    sharedDesktops[i['UserName']] = {}
                    sharedDesktops[i['UserName']][i['desktop']] = json.loads(
                    sharedDesktops[i['UserName']]['Metadata'] = i
                    sharedDesktops[i['UserName']][i['desktop']] = json.loads(
                    sharedDesktops[i['UserName']]['Metadata'] = i
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def __call__(self):
        """ It expects to find the reqID in operation.Arguments
            decode = DEncode.decode(self.operation.Arguments)
            gLogger.debug("Validating output")
        except ValueError as error:
            self.operation.Error = str(error)
            self.operation.Status = "Failed"
            return S_ERROR(str(error))

        self.operation.Status = "Done"
        return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def web_loadAppState( self ):
   self.__tc.setSetup( False )
     app = self.request.arguments[ 'app' ][-1]
     name = self.request.arguments[ 'name' ][-1]
   except KeyError as excp:
     raise WErr( 400, "Missing %s" % excp )
   up = UserProfileClient( "Web/App/%s" % app )
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.retrieveVar, name )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result)
   data = result[ 'Value' ]
   data, count = DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( data ) ) )
   self.set_header( "Content-Type", "application/json" )
   self.finish( data )
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def web_loadAppState(self):
         app = self.request.arguments['app'][-1]
         name = self.request.arguments['name'][-1]
     except KeyError as excp:
         raise WErr(400, "Missing %s" % excp)
     up = UserProfileClient("Web/App/%s" % app)
     result = yield self.threadTask(up.retrieveVar, name)
     if not result['OK']:
         raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)
     data = result['Value']
     data, count = DEncode.decode(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(data)))
     self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
Ejemplo n.º 39
  def pythonCall( self, function, *stArgs, **stKeyArgs ):
    """ call python function :function: with :stArgs: and :stKeyArgs: """

    from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode

    self.log.verbose( 'pythonCall:', function.__name__ )

    readFD, writeFD = os.pipe()
    pid = os.fork()
    self.childPID = pid
    if pid == 0:
      os.close( readFD )
      self.__executePythonFunction( function, writeFD, *stArgs, **stKeyArgs )
      # FIXME: the close it is done at __executePythonFunction, do we need it here?
      os.close( writeFD )
      os.close( writeFD )
      readSeq = self.__selectFD( [ readFD ] )
      if readSeq == False:
        return S_ERROR( "Can't read from call %s" % ( function.__name__ ) )
        if len( readSeq ) == 0:
          self.log.debug( 'Timeout limit reached for pythonCall', function.__name__ )
          self.__killPid( pid )

          #HACK to avoid python bug
          # self.wait()
          retries = 10000
          while os.waitpid( pid, 0 ) == -1 and retries > 0:
            time.sleep( 0.001 )
            retries -= 1

          return S_ERROR( '%d seconds timeout for "%s" call' % ( self.timeout, function.__name__ ) )
        elif readSeq[0] == readFD:
          retDict = self.__readFromFD( readFD )
          os.waitpid( pid, 0 )
          if retDict[ 'OK' ]:
            dataStub = retDict[ 'Value' ]
            if not dataStub:
              return S_ERROR( "Error decoding data coming from call" )
            retObj, stubLen = DEncode.decode( dataStub )
            if stubLen == len( dataStub ):
              return retObj
              return S_ERROR( "Error decoding data coming from call" )
          return retDict
        os.close( readFD )
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def _run(self):
   """Execute the download and tarring."""
   self.parameterDict = DEncode.decode(self.operation.Arguments)[0]  # tuple: dict, number of characters
   self.cacheFolder = os.path.join(self.cacheFolder, self.request.RequestName)
   for parameter, value in self.parameterDict.iteritems():
     self.log.info('Parameters: %s = %s' % (parameter, value))
   self.log.info('Cache folder: %r' % self.cacheFolder)
   self.waitingFiles = self.getWaitingFilesList()
   self.lfns = [opFile.LFN for opFile in self.waitingFiles]
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def deserialize(stub):
     dataTuple, _slen = DEncode.decode(stub)
     if len(dataTuple) != 7:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub")
     if type(dataTuple[0]) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 0")
     if type(dataTuple[1]) != types.DictType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 1")
     if type(dataTuple[2]) != types.ListType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 2")
     tdt3 = type(dataTuple[3])
     if tdt3 != types.NoneType and (tdt3 != types.TupleType
                                    and len(dataTuple[3]) != 2):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 3")
     if type(dataTuple[4]) != types.DictType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 4")
     #Insert into TQ
     if type(dataTuple[5]) != types.BooleanType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 5")
     #Dirty Keys
     if type(dataTuple[6]) != types.TupleType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 6")
     cjs = CachedJobState(dataTuple[0], skipInitState=True)
     cjs.__cache = dataTuple[1]
     cjs.__jobLog = dataTuple[2]
     dt3 = dataTuple[3]
     if dataTuple[3]:
         manifest = JobManifest()
         result = manifest.loadCFG(dt3[0])
         if not result['OK']:
             return result
         if dt3[1]:
         cjs.__manifest = manifest
     cjs.__initState = dataTuple[4]
     cjs.__insertIntoTQ = dataTuple[5]
     cjs.__dirtyKeys = set(dataTuple[6])
     return S_OK(cjs)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def deserialize(stub):
     dataTuple, _slen = DEncode.decode(stub.encode())
     if len(dataTuple) != 7:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub")
     # jid
     if not isinstance(dataTuple[0], int):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 0")
     # cache
     if not isinstance(dataTuple[1], dict):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 1")
     # trace
     if not isinstance(dataTuple[2], list):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 2")
     # manifest
     if dataTuple[3] is not None and (
             not isinstance(dataTuple[3],
                            (tuple, list)) and len(dataTuple[3]) != 2):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 3")
     # initstate
     if not isinstance(dataTuple[4], dict):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 4")
     # Insert into TQ
     if not isinstance(dataTuple[5], bool):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 5")
     # Dirty Keys
     if not isinstance(dataTuple[6], (tuple, list)):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 6")
     cjs = CachedJobState(dataTuple[0], skipInitState=True)
     cjs.__cache = dataTuple[1]
     cjs.__jobLog = dataTuple[2]
     dt3 = dataTuple[3]
     if dataTuple[3]:
         manifest = JobManifest()
         result = manifest.loadCFG(dt3[0])
         if not result["OK"]:
             return result
         if dt3[1]:
         cjs.__manifest = manifest
     cjs.__initState = dataTuple[4]
     cjs.__insertIntoTQ = dataTuple[5]
     cjs.__dirtyKeys = set(dataTuple[6])
     return S_OK(cjs)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def deserialize(stub):
     dataTuple, slen = DEncode.decode(stub)
     if len(dataTuple) != 7:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub")
     # jid
     if type(dataTuple[0]) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 0")
     # cache
     if type(dataTuple[1]) != types.DictType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 1")
     # trace
     if type(dataTuple[2]) != types.ListType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 2")
     # manifest
     tdt3 = type(dataTuple[3])
     if tdt3 != types.NoneType and (tdt3 != types.TupleType and len(dataTuple[3]) != 2):
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 3")
     # initstate
     if type(dataTuple[4]) != types.DictType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 4")
     # Insert into TQ
     if type(dataTuple[5]) != types.BooleanType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 5")
     # Dirty Keys
     if type(dataTuple[6]) != types.TupleType:
         return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 6")
     cjs = CachedJobState(dataTuple[0], skipInitState=True)
     cjs.__cache = dataTuple[1]
     cjs.__jobLog = dataTuple[2]
     dt3 = dataTuple[3]
     if dataTuple[3]:
         manifest = JobManifest()
         result = manifest.loadCFG(dt3[0])
         if not result["OK"]:
             return result
         if dt3[1]:
         cjs.__manifest = manifest
     cjs.__initState = dataTuple[4]
     cjs.__insertIntoTQ = dataTuple[5]
     cjs.__dirtyKeys = set(dataTuple[6])
     return S_OK(cjs)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def deserialize(stub):
   dataTuple, _slen = DEncode.decode(stub)
   if len(dataTuple) != 7:
     return S_ERROR("Invalid stub")
   # jid
   if not isinstance(dataTuple[0], (int, long)):
     return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 0")
   # cache
   if not isinstance(dataTuple[1], dict):
     return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 1")
   # trace
   if not isinstance(dataTuple[2], list):
     return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 2")
   # manifest
   if dataTuple[3] is not None and (not isinstance(dataTuple[3], tuple) and len(dataTuple[3]) != 2):
     return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 3")
   # initstate
   if not isinstance(dataTuple[4], dict):
     return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 4")
   # Insert into TQ
   if not isinstance(dataTuple[5], bool):
     return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 5")
   # Dirty Keys
   if not isinstance(dataTuple[6], tuple):
     return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 6")
   cjs = CachedJobState(dataTuple[0], skipInitState=True)
   cjs.__cache = dataTuple[1]
   cjs.__jobLog = dataTuple[2]
   dt3 = dataTuple[3]
   if dataTuple[3]:
     manifest = JobManifest()
     result = manifest.loadCFG(dt3[0])
     if not result['OK']:
       return result
     if dt3[1]:
     cjs.__manifest = manifest
   cjs.__initState = dataTuple[4]
   cjs.__insertIntoTQ = dataTuple[5]
   cjs.__dirtyKeys = set(dataTuple[6])
   return S_OK(cjs)
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def web_changeView( self ):
   up = self.__getUP()
     desktopName = self.request.arguments[ 'desktop' ][-1]
     view = self.request.arguments[ 'view' ][-1]
   except KeyError as excp:
     raise WErr( 400, "Missing %s" % excp )
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.retrieveVar, desktopName )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
   data = result['Value']
   oDesktop = json.loads( DEncode.decode( zlib.decompress( base64.b64decode( data ) ) )[0] )
   oDesktop[unicode( 'view' )] = unicode( view )
   oDesktop = json.dumps( oDesktop )
   data = base64.b64encode( zlib.compress( DEncode.encode( oDesktop ), 9 ) )
   result = yield self.threadTask( up.storeVar, desktopName, data )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     raise WErr.fromSERROR( result )
   self.set_status( 200 )
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def web_changeView(self):
     up = self.__getUP()
         desktopName = self.request.arguments['desktop'][-1]
         view = self.request.arguments['view'][-1]
     except KeyError as excp:
         raise WErr(400, "Missing %s" % excp)
     result = yield self.threadTask(up.retrieveVar, desktopName)
     if not result['OK']:
         raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)
     data = result['Value']
     oDesktop = json.loads(
     oDesktop[unicode('view')] = unicode(view)
     oDesktop = json.dumps(oDesktop)
     data = base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(DEncode.encode(oDesktop), 9))
     result = yield self.threadTask(up.storeVar, desktopName, data)
     if not result['OK']:
         raise WErr.fromSERROR(result)
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def plotView( self, viewRequest ):
   Generate all plots for a view
   views = self.__createCatalog().getViewById( viewRequest[ 'id' ] )
   if len( views ) == 0:
     return S_ERROR( "View does not exist" )
   viewData = views[0]
   viewDefinition = DEncode.decode( str( viewData[ 0 ] ) )[0]
   neededVarFields = List.fromChar( viewData[1], "," )
   if len( neededVarFields ) > 0:
     if not 'varData' in viewRequest:
       return S_ERROR( "Missing variable fields %s!" % ", ".join( neededVarFields ) )
     missingVarFields = []
     for neededField in neededVarFields:
       if neededField in viewRequest[ 'varData' ]:
         viewDefinition[ 'definition' ][ neededField ] = viewRequest[ 'varData' ][ neededField ]
         missingVarFields.append( neededField )
     if len( missingVarFields ) > 0:
       return S_ERROR( "Missing required fields %s!" % ", ".join( missingVarFields ) )
   return self.generatePlots( viewRequest[ 'fromSecs' ], viewRequest[ 'toSecs' ], viewDefinition, viewRequest[ 'size' ] )
Ejemplo n.º 48
  def getAlarmLog( self, alarmId ):
      alarmId = int( alarmId )
      return S_ERROR( "Alarm id must be a non decimal number" )
    sqlSel = "SELECT %s FROM `ntf_AlarmLog` WHERE AlarmId=%d ORDER BY Timestamp ASC" % ( ",".join( self.__alarmLogFields ),
                                                                  alarmId )
    result = self._query( sqlSel )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    decodedRows = []
    for row in result[ 'Value' ]:
      decodedRows.append( list( row ) )
      if not row[3]:
        decodedRows.append( list( row ) )
      dec = DEncode.decode( row[ 3 ] )
      decodedRows[-1][3] = dec[0]

    resultDict = {}
    resultDict['ParameterNames'] = self.__alarmLogFields
    resultDict['Records'] = decodedRows
    return S_OK( resultDict )
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def __listFromXML( self, dom ):
   resultList = []
   for child in dom.childNodes:
     if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
       dname = child.nodeName
       dom_dict = dom.getElementsByTagName(dname)[0]
       if dom_dict.getAttribute('element_type') == 'dictionary':
         ddict = self.__dictionaryFromXML(child)
       elif dom_dict.getAttribute('element_type') == 'list':
         resultList = self.__listFromXML(child)
       elif dom_dict.getAttribute('element_type') == 'leaf':
         value = self.__getCharacterData(child)
   for child in dom.childNodes:
     if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
       dname = child.nodeName
       dom_dict = dom.getElementsByTagName( dname )[0]
       if dom_dict.getAttribute( 'element_type' ) == 'leaf':
         value = self.__getCharacterData( child )
         resultList, ignored = DEncode.decode( value )
   return resultList
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def exec_deserializeTask(cls, taskStub):
   gLogger.info("DESERIALIZE %s" % taskStub)
   return S_OK(DEncode.decode(taskStub)[0])
Ejemplo n.º 51
def createFileInfo(fmeta):
  from DIRAC.Core.Utilities import DEncode
  if 'ProdID' in fmeta:
    del fmeta['ProdID']
  info = []
  info.append(" - Machine %s" % fmeta['Machine'])
  del fmeta['Machine']
  info.append(" - Energy %sGeV"% fmeta['Energy'])
  del fmeta['Energy']
  if 'MachineParams' in fmeta:
    info.append(' - The machine parameters are %s' % fmeta['MachineParams'])
    del fmeta['MachineParams']

  if 'EvtClass' in fmeta:
    info.append(' - Is among the %s event class' % fmeta['EvtClass'])  
    del fmeta['EvtClass']
  if 'ProcessID' in fmeta:
    info.append(' - Is the ProcessID %s' % str(fmeta['ProcessID']))
    del fmeta['ProcessID']
  elif 'GenProcessID' in fmeta:
    info.append(' - Is the GenProcessID %s' % str(fmeta['GenProcessID']))
    del fmeta['GenProcessID']
  info.append(" - Is the %s event type" % fmeta["EvtType"])
  del fmeta["EvtType"]
  if 'Polarisation' in fmeta:
    info.append(" - Has %s polarisation" % fmeta['Polarisation'])
    del fmeta["Polarisation"]
  if 'BeamParticle1' in fmeta:
    info.append(" - Beam 1 particle is %s" % fmeta['BeamParticle1'])
    info.append(" - Beam 2 particle is %s" % fmeta['BeamParticle2'])
    del fmeta['BeamParticle1']
    del fmeta['BeamParticle2']
  if 'PolarizationB1' in fmeta:
    info.append(' - Has %s polarization for Beam 1 and %s for beam 2' % 
                (fmeta['PolarizationB1'], fmeta['PolarizationB2']))
    del fmeta['PolarizationB1']
    del fmeta["PolarizationB2"]
  if 'Datatype' in fmeta:
    if fmeta['Datatype'] == 'gen':
      info.append(' - This is a generator level sample')
    elif fmeta["Datatype"] == 'SIM':
      info.append(" - This is a simulated sample")
    elif fmeta['Datatype'] in ['REC', 'DST']:
      info.append(' - This is a reconstructed sample')
      info.append(' - The datatype is unknown: %s' % fmeta['Datatype'])
    del fmeta['Datatype']
  if "SWPackages" in fmeta:
    info.append(" - Was produced with %s" % ", ".join(fmeta["SWPackages"].split(';')))
    del fmeta["SWPackages"]
  if "SoftwareTag" in fmeta:
    info.append(' - Was produced with %s' % fmeta['SoftwareTag'])
    del fmeta['SoftwareTag']
  if 'ILDConfig' in fmeta:
    info.append(' - Used the %s ILDConfig package' % fmeta["ILDConfig"])
    del fmeta["ILDConfig"]
  if 'DetectorModel' in fmeta:
    info.append(" - Using the %s detector model" % fmeta['DetectorModel'])
    del fmeta['DetectorModel']
  if 'NumberOfEvents' in fmeta:
    info.append(' - Has %s events or less per file' % fmeta['NumberOfEvents'])
    del fmeta['NumberOfEvents']
  if "CrossSection" in fmeta:
    xsec = str(fmeta["CrossSection"])
    del fmeta["CrossSection"]
    if 'CrossSectionError' in fmeta:
      xsec += " +/- "+str(fmeta["CrossSectionError"])
      del fmeta["CrossSectionError"]
    xsec += " fb" 
    info.append(" - Cross section %s" % xsec)
  if "AdditionalInfo" in fmeta:
      dinfo = DEncode.decode(fmeta["AdditionalInfo"])   
      dinfo = eval(fmeta["AdditionalInfo"])  
    info.append(" - There is some additional info:")    
    if type(dinfo) == types.TupleType:
      dinfo = dinfo[0]
    if type(dinfo) == types.DictType:
        dictinfo = dinfo
        if 'xsection' in dictinfo:
          if 'sum' in dictinfo['xsection']:
            if 'xsection' in dictinfo['xsection']['sum']:
              xsec= str(dictinfo['xsection']['sum']['xsection'])
              if 'err_xsection' in dictinfo['xsection']['sum']:
                xsec += ' +/- %s' % dictinfo['xsection']['sum']['err_xsection']
              xsec += "fb"  
              info.append('    Cross section %s' % xsec)
      info.append('    %s' % dinfo)
    del fmeta["AdditionalInfo"]
  if 'Luminosity' in fmeta:
    info.append(' - Sample corresponds to a luminosity of %sfb'%fmeta["Luminosity"])
    del fmeta['Luminosity']
  if 'Ancestors' in fmeta:
    if len(fmeta["Ancestors"]):
      info.append(" - Was produced from:")
      for anc in fmeta["Ancestors"]:
        info.append('    %s' % anc)
    del fmeta["Ancestors"]
  if 'Descendants' in fmeta:
    if len(fmeta["Descendants"]):
      info.append(" - Gave the following files:")
      for des in fmeta["Descendants"]:
        info.append('    %s' % des)
    del fmeta["Descendants"]

  if 'DetectorType' in fmeta:
    #We don't need this here
    del fmeta['DetectorType']

  if fmeta:
    info.append('Remaining metadata: %s' % str(fmeta))  
  return info
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def deserializeTask(self, taskStub):
   Tasks are received as a stream of bytes. They have to be converted from that into a usable object.
   return S_OK(DEncode.decode(taskStub)[0])
Ejemplo n.º 53
  def execute_request( self ):
    """ Takes one DISET request and forward it to the destination service
    gMonitor.addMark( "Iteration", 1 )
    if self.RequestDB:
      res = self.RequestDB.getRequest( 'diset' )
      res = self.RequestDBClient.getRequest( 'diset' )
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Failed to get request from database." )
      return S_OK()
    elif not res['Value']:
      gLogger.info( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: No requests to be executed found." )
      return S_OK()

    gMonitor.addMark( "Attempted", 1 )
    requestString = res['Value']['RequestString']
    requestName = res['Value']['RequestName']
      jobID = int( res['Value']['JobID'] )
      jobID = 0
    gLogger.info( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Obtained request %s" % requestName )

    if self.RequestDB:
      result = self.RequestDB._getRequestAttribute( 'RequestID', requestName = requestName )
      if not result['OK']:
        return S_OK( 'Can not get the request execution order' )
      requestID = result['Value']
      result = self.RequestDB.getCurrentExecutionOrder( requestID )
      result = self.RequestDBClient.getCurrentExecutionOrder( requestName )
    if result['OK']:
      currentOrder = result['Value']
      return S_OK( 'Can not get the request execution order' )

    oRequest = RequestContainer( request = requestString )
    requestAttributes = oRequest.getRequestAttributes()['Value']

    # Find the number of sub-requests from the request
    res = oRequest.getNumSubRequests( 'diset' )
    if not res['OK']:
      errStr = "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Failed to obtain number of diset subrequests."
      gLogger.error( errStr, res['Message'] )
      return S_OK()

    gLogger.info( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Found %s sub requests for job %s" % ( res['Value'], jobID ) )
    # For all the sub-requests in the request
    modified = False
    for ind in range( res['Value'] ):
      subRequestAttributes = oRequest.getSubRequestAttributes( ind, 'diset' )['Value']
      subExecutionOrder = int( subRequestAttributes['ExecutionOrder'] )
      subStatus = subRequestAttributes['Status']
      gLogger.info( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Processing sub-request %s with execution order %d" % ( ind, subExecutionOrder ) )
      if subStatus == 'Waiting' and subExecutionOrder <= currentOrder:
        operation = subRequestAttributes['Operation']
        gLogger.info( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Attempting to forward %s type." % operation )
        rpcStubString = subRequestAttributes['Arguments']
        rpcStub, length = DEncode.decode( rpcStubString )
        res = executeRPCStub( rpcStub )
        if res['OK']:
          gLogger.info( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Successfully forwarded." )
          oRequest.setSubRequestStatus( ind, 'diset', 'Done' )
          gMonitor.addMark( "Successful", 1 )
          modified = True
        elif res['Message'] == 'No Matching Job':
          gLogger.warn( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: No corresponding job found. Setting to done." )
          oRequest.setSubRequestStatus( ind, 'diset', 'Done' )
          gLogger.error( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Failed to forward request.", res['Message'] )
        gLogger.info( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Sub-request %s is status '%s' and  not to be executed." % ( ind, subRequestAttributes['Status'] ) )

    #  Generate the new request string after operation
    requestString = oRequest.toXML()['Value']
    if self.RequestDB:
      res = self.RequestDB.updateRequest( requestName, requestString )
      res = self.RequestDBClient.updateRequest( requestName, requestString )
    if res['OK']:
      gLogger.info( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Successfully updated request." )
      gLogger.error( "DISETForwardingAgent.execute: Failed to update request" )

    if modified and jobID:
      result = self.RequestDBClient.finalizeRequest( requestName, jobID )

    return S_OK()
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def updateAlarm( self, updateReq ):
   #Discover alarm identification
   idOK = False
   for field in self.__updateAlarmIdentificationFields:
     if field in updateReq:
       idOK = True
   if not idOK:
     return S_ERROR( "Need at least one field to identify which alarm to update! %s" % self.__updateAlarmIdentificationFields )
   if 'alarmKey' in updateReq:
     alarmKey = updateReq[ 'alarmKey' ]
     result = self.__getAlarmIdFromKey( alarmKey )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       self.log.error( "Could not get alarm id for key", " %s: %s" % ( alarmKey, result[ 'Value' ] ) )
       return result
     updateReq[ 'id' ] = result[ 'Value' ]
     self.log.info( "Retrieving alarm key %s maps to id %s" % ( alarmKey, updateReq[ 'id' ] ) )
   #Check fields
   for field in self.__updateAlarmMandatoryFields:
     if field not in updateReq:
       return S_ERROR( "Oops. Missing %s" % field )
   validReq = False
   for field in self.__updateAlarmAtLeastOneField:
     if field in updateReq:
       validReq = True
   if not validReq:
     return S_OK( "Requirement needs at least one of %s" % " ".join( self.__updateAlarmAtLeastOneField ) )
   author = updateReq[ 'author' ]
   followers = [ author ]
   if author not in CS.getAllUsers():
     return S_ERROR( "%s is not a known user" % author )
   result = self._escapeString( author )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   author = result[ 'Value' ]
     alarmId = int( updateReq[ 'id' ] )
     return S_ERROR( "Oops, Alarm id is not valid! (bad boy...)" )
   result = self._query( "SELECT AlarmId FROM `ntf_Alarms` WHERE AlarmId=%d" % alarmId )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   if not result[ 'Value' ]:
     return S_ERROR( "Alarm %s does not exist!" % alarmId )
   sqlFields = [ 'AlarmId', 'Author', 'Timestamp' ]
   sqlValues = [ "%d" % alarmId, author, 'UTC_TIMESTAMP()' ]
   rawComment = ""
   if 'comment' in updateReq:
     rawComment = updateReq[ 'comment' ]
     result = self._escapeString( rawComment )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       return result
     sqlFields.append( "Comment" )
     sqlValues.append( result[ 'Value' ] )
   modifications = False
   if 'modifications' in updateReq:
     modifications = updateReq[ 'modifications' ]
     result = self.__processUpdateAlarmModifications( modifications )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       return result
     alarmModsSQL, encodedMods, newFollowers = result[ 'Value' ]
     sqlFields.append( "Modifications" )
     result = self._escapeString( encodedMods )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       return result
     sqlValues.append( result[ 'Value' ] )
     if newFollowers:
       followers.extend( newFollowers )
   logSQL = "INSERT INTO `ntf_AlarmLog` (%s) VALUES (%s)" % ( ",".join( sqlFields ), ",".join( sqlValues ) )
   result = self._update( logSQL )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   modSQL = "ModTime=UTC_TIMESTAMP()"
   if modifications:
     modSQL = "%s, %s" % ( modSQL, alarmModsSQL )
   updateSQL = "UPDATE `ntf_Alarms` SET %s WHERE AlarmId=%d" % ( modSQL, alarmId )
   result = self._update( updateSQL )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   #Get notifications config
   sqlQuery = "SELECT Notifications FROM `ntf_Alarms` WHERE AlarmId=%s" % alarmId
   result = self._query( sqlQuery )
   if not result[ 'OK' ] or not result[ 'Value' ]:
     self.log.error( "Could not retrieve default notifications for alarm", "%s" % alarmId )
     return S_OK( alarmId )
   notificationsDict = DEncode.decode( result[ 'Value' ][0][0] )[0]
   for v in self.__validAlarmNotifications:
     if v not in notificationsDict:
       notificationsDict[ v ] = 0
   for follower in followers:
     result = self.modifyFollowerForAlarm( alarmId, follower, notificationsDict, overwrite = False )
     if not result[ 'OK' ]:
       varMsg = "\nFollower: %s\nAlarm: %s\nError: %s" % ( follower, alarmId, result['Message'] )
       self.log.error( "Couldn't set follower for alarm", varMsg )
   return self.__notifyAlarm( alarmId )
Ejemplo n.º 55
  if compressType == 'Z':
    gLogger.info( "Compressed request, uncompressing" )
      stub = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( stub )
    except Exception, e:
      gLogger.error( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!", str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!: %s" % str( e ) )
      stub = zlib.decompress( stub )
    except Exception, e:
      gLogger.error( "Oops! Plot request is invalid!", str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Oops! Plot request is invalid!: %s" % str( e ) )
  elif compressType == 'S':
    gLogger.info( "Base64 request, decoding" )
      stub = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( stub )
    except Exception, e:
      gLogger.error( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!", str( e ) )
      return S_ERROR( "Oops! Plot request is not properly encoded!: %s" % str( e ) )
  elif compressType == 'R':
    #Do nothing, it's already uncompressed
    gLogger.error( "Oops! Stub type '%s' is unknown :P" % compressType )
    return S_ERROR( "Oops! Stub type '%s' is unknown :P" % compressType )
  plotRequest, stubLength = DEncode.decode( stub )
  if len( stub ) != stubLength:
    gLogger.error( "Oops! The stub is longer than the data :P" )
    return S_ERROR( "Oops! The stub is longer than the data :P" )
  return S_OK( plotRequest )
Ejemplo n.º 56
 def __decodeVar( self, data, dataTypeRE ):
     dataObj, lenData = DEncode.decode( data )
   except Exception, e:
     return S_ERROR( "Cannot decode data: %s" % str( e ) )