Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test(self):
        """ test case """
        graph = FTSGraph("ftsGraph", self.ftsHistoryViews)

        self.assertEqual(type(graph), FTSGraph, "c'tor failed")

        site = graph.findSiteForSE("CERN-FOO")
        self.assertEqual(site["OK"], False,
                         "findSiteForSE call failed for unknown SE")

        sourceSite = graph.findSiteForSE("CERN-USER")
        self.assertEqual(sourceSite["OK"], True,
                         "findSiteForSE call failed for target SE")

        targetSite = graph.findSiteForSE("RAL-USER")
        self.assertEqual(targetSite["OK"], True,
                         "findSiteForSE call failed for source SE")

        route = graph.findRoute("RAL-USER", "CERN-USER")
        self.assertEqual(route["OK"], True,
                         "findRoute failed for known source and target SEs")

        route = graph.findRoute("RAL-FOO", "CERN-BAR")
        self.assertEqual(route["OK"], False,
                         "findRoute failed for unknown source and target SEs")
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def test( self ):
    """ test case """
    graph = FTSGraph( "ftsGraph",  self.ftsHistoryViews )

    self.assertEqual( type( graph ), FTSGraph, "c'tor failed" )

    site = graph.findSiteForSE( "CERN-FOO" )
    self.assertEqual( site["OK"], False, "findSiteForSE call failed for unknown SE" )

    sourceSite = graph.findSiteForSE( "CERN-USER" )
    self.assertEqual( sourceSite["OK"], True, "findSiteForSE call failed for target SE" )

    targetSite = graph.findSiteForSE( "RAL-USER" )
    self.assertEqual( targetSite["OK"], True, "findSiteForSE call failed for source SE" )

    route = graph.findRoute( "RAL-USER", "CERN-USER" )
    self.assertEqual( route["OK"], True, "findRoute failed for known source and target SEs" )

    route = graph.findRoute( "RAL-FOO", "CERN-BAR" )
    self.assertEqual( route["OK"], False, "findRoute failed for unknown source and target SEs" )
Ejemplo n.º 3
class FTSAgent(AgentModule):
  .. class:: FTSAgent

  Agent propagating Scheduled request to Done or Failed state in the FTS system.

  Requests and associated FTSJobs (and so FTSFiles) are kept in cache.

    # # fts graph refresh in seconds
    # # SE R/W access refresh in seconds
    RW_REFRESH = 600
    # # placeholder for max job per channel
    # # min threads
    # # max threads
    MAX_THREADS = 10
    # # files per job
    # # MAX FTS transfer per FTSFile
    MAX_ATTEMPT = 256
    # # stage flag
    STAGE_FILES = False
    # # replica manager
    __replicaManager = None
    # # placeholder for FTS client
    __ftsClient = None
    # # placeholder for request client
    __requestClient = None
    # # placeholder for resources helper
    __resources = None
    # # placeholder for RSS client
    __rssClient = None
    # # placeholder for FTSGraph
    __ftsGraph = None
    # # graph regeneration time delta
    __ftsGraphValidStamp = None
    # # r/w access valid stamp
    __rwAccessValidStamp = None
    # # placeholder for threadPool
    __threadPool = None
    # # update lock
    __updateLock = None
    # # se cache
    __seCache = dict()
    # # request cache
    __reqCache = dict()

    def updateLock(self):
        """ update lock """
        if not self.__updateLock:
            self.__updateLock = LockRing().getLock("FTSAgentLock")
        return self.__updateLock

    def requestClient(cls):
        """ request client getter """
        if not cls.__requestClient:
            cls.__requestClient = ReqClient()
        return cls.__requestClient

    def ftsClient(cls):
        """ FTS client """
        if not cls.__ftsClient:
            cls.__ftsClient = FTSClient()
        return cls.__ftsClient

    def replicaManager(cls):
        """ replica manager getter """
        if not cls.__replicaManager:
            cls.__replicaManager = ReplicaManager()
        return cls.__replicaManager

    def rssClient(cls):
        """ RSS client getter """
        if not cls.__rssClient:
            cls.__rssClient = ResourceStatus()
        return cls.__rssClient

    def getSE(cls, seName):
        """ keep SEs in cache """
        if seName not in cls.__seCache:
            cls.__seCache[seName] = StorageElement(seName)
        return cls.__seCache[seName]

    def getRequest(cls, reqName):
        """ keep Requests in cache """
        if reqName not in cls.__reqCache:
            getRequest = cls.requestClient().getRequest(reqName)
            if not getRequest["OK"]:
                return getRequest
            getRequest = getRequest["Value"]
            if not getRequest:
                return S_ERROR("request of name '%s' not found in ReqDB" %
            cls.__reqCache[reqName] = getRequest

        return S_OK(cls.__reqCache[reqName])

    def putRequest(cls, request):
        """ put request back to ReqDB

    :param Request request: Request instance

    also finalize request if status == Done
        # # put back request
        put = cls.requestClient().putRequest(request)
        if not put["OK"]:
            return put
        # # finalize first is possible
        if request.Status == "Done" and request.JobID:
            finalizeRequest = cls.requestClient().finalizeRequest(
                request.RequestName, request.JobID)
            if not finalizeRequest["OK"]:
                request.Status = "Scheduled"
        # # del request from cache
        if request.RequestName in cls.__reqCache:
            del cls.__reqCache[request.RequestName]
        return S_OK()

    def putFTSJobs(cls, ftsJobsList):
        """ put back fts jobs to the FTSDB """
        for ftsJob in ftsJobsList:
            put = cls.ftsClient().putFTSJob(ftsJob)
            if not put["OK"]:
                return put
        return S_OK()

    def updateFTSFileDict(ftsFilesDict, toUpdateDict):
        """ update :ftsFilesDict: with FTSFiles in :toUpdateDict: """
        for category, ftsFileList in ftsFilesDict.items():
            for ftsFile in toUpdateDict.get(category, []):
                if ftsFile not in ftsFileList:
        return ftsFilesDict

#  def resources( self ):
#    """ resource helper getter """
#    if not self.__resources:
#      self.__resources = Resources()
#    return self.__resources

    def threadPool(self):
        """ thread pool getter """
        if not self.__threadPool:
            self.__threadPool = ThreadPool(self.MIN_THREADS, self.MAX_THREADS)
        return self.__threadPool

    def resetFTSGraph(self):
        """ create fts graph """
        log = gLogger.getSubLogger("ftsGraph")

        ftsHistory = self.ftsClient().getFTSHistory()
        if not ftsHistory["OK"]:
            log.error("unable to get FTS history: %s" % ftsHistory["Message"])
            return ftsHistory
        ftsHistory = ftsHistory["Value"]

            self.__ftsGraph = FTSGraph("FTSGraph", ftsHistory)

        log.debug("FTSSites: %s" % len(self.__ftsGraph.nodes()))
        for i, site in enumerate(self.__ftsGraph.nodes()):
            log.debug(" [%02d] FTSSite: %-25s FTSServer: %s" %
                      (i, site.name, site.FTSServer))
        log.debug("FTSRoutes: %s" % len(self.__ftsGraph.edges()))
        for i, route in enumerate(self.__ftsGraph.edges()):
                " [%02d] FTSRoute: %-25s Active FTSJobs (Max) = %s (%s)" %
                (i, route.routeName, route.ActiveJobs,
        # # save graph stamp
        self.__ftsGraphValidStamp = datetime.datetime.now(
        ) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.FTSGRAPH_REFRESH)

        # # refresh SE R/W access
        # # save rw access stamp
        self.__rwAccessValidStamp = datetime.datetime.now(
        ) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.RW_REFRESH)

        return S_OK()

    def initialize(self):
        """ agent's initialization """

        log = self.log.getSubLogger("initialize")

        self.FTSGRAPH_REFRESH = self.am_getOption("FTSGraphValidityPeriod",
        log.info("FTSGraph validity period       = %s s" %
        self.RW_REFRESH = self.am_getOption("RWAccessValidityPeriod",
        log.info("SEs R/W access validity period = %s s" % self.RW_REFRESH)

        self.STAGE_FILES = self.am_getOption("StageFiles", self.STAGE_FILES)
        log.info("Stage files before submission  = %s" % {
            True: "yes",
            False: "no"

        self.MAX_ACTIVE_JOBS = self.am_getOption("MaxActiveJobsPerRoute",
        log.info("Max active FTSJobs/route       = %s" % self.MAX_ACTIVE_JOBS)
        self.MAX_FILES_PER_JOB = self.am_getOption("MaxFilesPerJob",
        log.info("Max FTSFiles/FTSJob            = %d" %

        self.MAX_ATTEMPT = self.am_getOption("MaxTransferAttempts",
        log.info("Max transfer attempts          = %s" % self.MAX_ATTEMPT)

        # # thread pool
        self.MIN_THREADS = self.am_getOption("MinThreads", self.MIN_THREADS)
        self.MAX_THREADS = self.am_getOption("MaxThreads", self.MAX_THREADS)
        minmax = (abs(self.MIN_THREADS), abs(self.MAX_THREADS))
        self.MIN_THREADS, self.MAX_THREADS = min(minmax), max(minmax)
        log.info("ThreadPool min threads         = %s" % self.MIN_THREADS)
        log.info("ThreadPool max threads         = %s" % self.MAX_THREADS)

        log.info("initialize: creation of FTSGraph...")
        createGraph = self.resetFTSGraph()
        if not createGraph["OK"]:
            log.error("initialize: %s" % createGraph["Message"])
            return createGraph

        # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
        # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
        # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
        self.am_setOption('shifterProxy', 'DataManager')
        log.info("will use DataManager proxy")

        # # gMonitor stuff here
                                  "Attempted requests executions", "FTSAgent",
                                  "Requests/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
                                  "Successful requests executions", "FTSAgent",
                                  "Requests/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
        gMonitor.registerActivity("RequestsFail", "Failed requests executions",
                                  "FTSAgent", "Requests/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM)

        gMonitor.registerActivity("FTSJobsSubAtt", "FTSJobs creation attempts",
                                  "FTSAgent", "Created FTSJobs/min",
                                  "FTSJobs submitted successfully", "FTSAgent",
                                  "Successful FTSJobs submissions/min",
                                  "FTSJobs submissions failed", "FTSAgent",
                                  "Failed FTSJobs submissions/min",

        gMonitor.registerActivity("FTSJobsMonAtt", "FTSJobs monitored",
                                  "FTSAgent", "FTSJobs/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
                                  "FTSJobs monitored successfully", "FTSAgent",
                                  "FTSJobs/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM)
        gMonitor.registerActivity("FTSJobsMonFail", "FTSJobs attempts failed",
                                  "FTSAgent", "FTSJobs/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM)

                                  "Failed FTS monitor executions", "FTSAgent",
                                  "Execution/mins", gMonitor.OP_SUM)

        pollingTime = self.am_getOption("PollingTime", 60)
        for status in list(FTSJob.INITSTATES + FTSJob.TRANSSTATES +
                           FTSJob.FAILEDSTATES + FTSJob.FINALSTATES):
            gMonitor.registerActivity("FTSJobs%s" % status,
                                      "FTSJobs %s" % status, "FTSAgent",
                                      "FTSJobs/cycle", gMonitor.OP_ACUM,

                                  "Average FTSJobs per request", "FTSAgent",
                                  "FTSJobs/Request", gMonitor.OP_MEAN)
        gMonitor.registerActivity("FTSFilesPerJob", "FTSFiles per FTSJob",
                                  "FTSAgent", "Number of FTSFiles per FTSJob",
                                  "Average FTSFiles size per FTSJob",
                                  "Average submitted size per FTSJob",
        return S_OK()

    def finalize(self):
        """ finalize processing """
        log = self.log.getSubLogger("finalize")
        for request in self.__reqCache.values():
            put = self.requestClient().putRequest(request)
            if not put["OK"]:
                log.error("unable to put back request '%s': %s" %
                          (request.RequestName, put["Message"]))
        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        """ one cycle execution """
        log = gLogger.getSubLogger("execute")
        # # reset FTSGraph if expired
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        if now > self.__ftsGraphValidStamp:
            log.info("resetting expired FTS graph...")
            resetFTSGraph = self.resetFTSGraph()
            if not resetFTSGraph["OK"]:
                log.error("FTSGraph recreation error: %s" %
                return resetFTSGraph
            self.__ftsGraphValidStamp = now + datetime.timedelta(
        # # update R/W access in FTSGraph if expired
        if now > self.__rwAccessValidStamp:
            log.info("updating expired R/W access for SEs...")
                self.__rwAccessValidStamp = now + datetime.timedelta(

        requestNames = self.requestClient().getRequestNamesList(["Scheduled"])
        if not requestNames["OK"]:
            log.error("unable to read scheduled request names: %s" %
            return requestNames
        if not requestNames["Value"]:
            requestNames = self.__reqCache.keys()
            requestNames = [req[0] for req in requestNames["Value"]]
            requestNames = list(set(requestNames + self.__reqCache.keys()))

        if not requestNames:
            log.info("no 'Scheduled' requests to process")
            return S_OK()

        log.info("found %s requests to process:" % len(requestNames))
        log.info(" => from internal cache: %s" % (len(self.__reqCache)))
        log.info(" =>   new read from RMS: %s" %
                 (len(requestNames) - len(self.__reqCache)))

        for requestName in requestNames:
            request = self.getRequest(requestName)
            if not request["OK"]:
            request = request["Value"]
            sTJId = request.RequestName
            while True:
                queue = self.threadPool().generateJobAndQueueIt(
                    self.processRequest, args=(request, ), sTJId=sTJId)
                if queue["OK"]:
                    log.info("request '%s' enqueued for execution" % sTJId)
                    gMonitor.addMark("RequestsAtt", 1)

        # # process all results
        return S_OK()

    def processRequest(self, request):
        """ process one request

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request
        log = self.log.getSubLogger(request.RequestName)

        operation = request.getWaiting()
        if not operation["OK"]:
                "unable to find 'Scheduled' ReplicateAndRegister operation in request"
            return self.putRequest(request)
        operation = operation["Value"]
        if operation.Type != "ReplicateAndRegister":
                "operation to be executed is not a ReplicateAndRegister but %s"
                % operation.Type)
            return self.putRequest(request)
        if operation.Status != "Scheduled":
                "operation in a wrong state, expecting 'Scheduled', got %s" %
            return self.putRequest(request)

        # # select  FTSJobs, by default all in TRANS_STATES and INIT_STATES
        ftsJobs = self.ftsClient().getFTSJobsForRequest(request.RequestID)
        if not ftsJobs["OK"]:
            return ftsJobs
        ftsJobs = ftsJobs["Value"] if ftsJobs["Value"] else []

        # # dict keeping info about files to reschedule, submit, fail and register
        ftsFilesDict = dict([(k, list())
                             for k in ("toRegister", "toSubmit", "toFail",
                                       "toReschedule", "toUpdate")])

        if ftsJobs:
            log.info("==> found %s FTSJobs to monitor" % len(ftsJobs))
            # # PHASE 0 = monitor active FTSJobs
            for ftsJob in ftsJobs:
                monitor = self.__monitorJob(request, ftsJob)
                if not monitor["OK"]:
                    log.error("unable to monitor FTSJob %s: %s" %
                              (ftsJob.FTSJobID, monitor["Message"]))
                    ftsJob.Status = "Submitted"
                ftsFilesDict = self.updateFTSFileDict(ftsFilesDict,

            log.info("monitoring of FTSJobs completed")
            for key, ftsFiles in ftsFilesDict.items():
                if ftsFiles:
                    log.debug(" => %s FTSFiles to %s" %
                              (len(ftsFiles), key[2:].lower()))

        # # PHASE ONE - check ready replicas
        missingReplicas = self.__checkReadyReplicas(request, operation)
        if not missingReplicas["OK"]:
            missingReplicas = missingReplicas["Value"]
            for opFile in operation:
                # Actually the condition below should never happen... Change printout for checking
                if opFile.LFN not in missingReplicas and opFile.Status != 'Done':
                    log.warn("Should be set! %s is replicated at all targets" %
                    opFile.Status = "Done"

        toFail = ftsFilesDict.get("toFail", [])
        toReschedule = ftsFilesDict.get("toReschedule", [])
        toSubmit = ftsFilesDict.get("toSubmit", [])
        toRegister = ftsFilesDict.get("toRegister", [])
        toUpdate = ftsFilesDict.get("toUpdate", [])

        # # PHASE TWO = Failed files? -> make request Failed and return
        if toFail:
                "==> found %s 'Failed' FTSFiles, request execution cannot proceed..."
                % len(toFail))
            for opFile in operation:
                for ftsFile in toFail:
                    if opFile.FileID == ftsFile.FileID:
                        opFile.Error = ftsFile.Error
                        opFile.Status = "Failed"
            operation.Error = "%s files are missing any replicas" % len(toFail)
            # # requets.Status should be Failed at this stage "Failed"
            if request.Status == "Failed":
                request.Error = "ReplicateAndRegister %s failed" % operation.Order
                log.error("request is set to 'Failed'")
                return self.putRequest(request)

        # # PHASE THREE - update Waiting#SourceSE FTSFiles
        if toUpdate:
            log.info("==> found %s possible FTSFiles to update..." %
            byTarget = {}
            for ftsFile in toUpdate:
                if ftsFile.TargetSE not in byTarget:
                    byTarget.setdefault(ftsFile.TargetSE, [])
            for targetSE, fileIDList in byTarget.items():
                update = self.ftsClient().setFTSFilesWaiting(
                    operation.OperationID, targetSE, fileIDList)
                if not update["OK"]:
                    log.error("update FTSFiles failed: %s" % update["Message"])

        # # PHASE FOUR - add 'RegisterReplica' Operations
        if toRegister:
                "==> found %s Files waiting for registration, adding 'RegisterReplica' operations"
            registerFiles = self.__register(request, operation, toRegister)
            if not registerFiles["OK"]:
                log.error("unable to create 'RegisterReplica' operations: %s" %
            if request.Status == "Waiting":
                    "request is in 'Waiting' state, will put it back to RMS")
                return self.putRequest(request)

        # # PHASE FIVE - reschedule operation files
        if toReschedule:
            log.info("==> found %s Files to reschedule" % len(toReschedule))
            rescheduleFiles = self.__reschedule(request, operation,
            if not rescheduleFiles["OK"]:
            if request.Status == "Waiting":
                    "request is in 'Waiting' state, will put it back to ReqDB")
                return self.putRequest(request)

        # # PHASE SIX - read Waiting ftsFiles and submit new FTSJobs
        ftsFiles = self.ftsClient().getFTSFilesForRequest(
            request.RequestID, ["Waiting"])
        if not ftsFiles["OK"]:
            retryIds = list(set([ftsFile.FTSFileID for ftsFile in toSubmit]))
            for ftsFile in ftsFiles["Value"]:
                if ftsFile.FTSFileID not in retryIds:

        # # submit new ftsJobs
        if operation.Status == "Scheduled" and toSubmit:
            log.info("==> found %s FTSFiles to submit" % len(toSubmit))
            submit = self.__submit(request, operation, toSubmit)
            if not submit["OK"]:
                ftsJobs += submit["Value"]

        # # status change? - put back request
        if request.Status != "Scheduled":
            put = self.putRequest(request)
            if not put["OK"]:
                log.error("unable to put back request: %s" % put["Message"])
                return put

        # #  put back jobs
        if ftsJobs:
            putJobs = self.putFTSJobs(ftsJobs)
            if not putJobs["OK"]:
                log.error("unable to put back FTSJobs: %s" %
                return putJobs

        return S_OK()

    def __reschedule(self, request, operation, toReschedule):
        """ reschedule list of :toReschedule: files in request for operation :operation:

    :param Request request:
    :param Operation operation:
    :param list toReschedule: list of FTSFiles
        log = self.log.getSubLogger("%s/reschedule" % request.RequestName)
        log.info("found %s files to reschedule" % len(toReschedule))

        for opFile in operation:
            for ftsFile in toReschedule:
                if opFile.FileID == ftsFile.FileID:
                    opFile.Status = "Waiting"

        toSchedule = []

        # # filter files
        for opFile in operation.getWaitingFilesList():

            replicas = self.__filterReplicas(opFile)
            if not replicas["OK"]:
            replicas = replicas["Value"]

            if not replicas["Valid"] and replicas["Banned"]:
                    "unable to schedule '%s', replicas only at banned SEs" %

            validReplicas = replicas["Valid"]
            bannedReplicas = replicas["Banned"]

            if not validReplicas and bannedReplicas:
                    "unable to schedule '%s', replicas only at banned SEs" %

            if validReplicas:
                validTargets = list(
                    set(operation.targetSEList) - set(validReplicas))
                if not validTargets:
                    log.info("file %s is already present at all targets" %
                    opFile.Status = "Done"
                    (opFile.toJSON()["Value"], validReplicas, validTargets))

        # # do real schedule here
        if toSchedule:

            ftsSchedule = self.ftsClient().ftsSchedule(request.RequestID,
            if not ftsSchedule["OK"]:
                return ftsSchedule

            ftsSchedule = ftsSchedule["Value"]
            for fileID in ftsSchedule["Successful"]:
                for opFile in operation:
                    if fileID == opFile.FileID:
                        opFile.Status = "Scheduled"

            for fileID, reason in ftsSchedule["Failed"]:
                for opFile in operation:
                    if fileID == opFile.FileID:
                        opFile.Error = reason

        return S_OK()

    def __submit(self, request, operation, toSubmit):
        """ create and submit new FTSJobs using list of FTSFiles

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request instance
    :param list ftsFiles: list of FTSFile instances

    :return: [ FTSJob, FTSJob, ...]
        log = self.log.getSubLogger("%s/submit" % request.RequestName)

        bySourceAndTarget = {}
        for ftsFile in toSubmit:
            if ftsFile.SourceSE not in bySourceAndTarget:
                bySourceAndTarget.setdefault(ftsFile.SourceSE, {})
            if ftsFile.TargetSE not in bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE]:
                    ftsFile.TargetSE, [])

        ftsJobs = []

        for source, targetDict in bySourceAndTarget.items():

            for target, ftsFileList in targetDict.items():

                log.info("found %s files to submit from %s to %s" %
                         (len(ftsFileList), source, target))

                route = self.__ftsGraph.findRoute(source, target)
                if not route["OK"]:
                route = route["Value"]

                sourceRead = route.fromNode.SEs[source]["read"]
                if not sourceRead:
                    log.error("SourceSE %s is banned for reading right now" %

                targetWrite = route.toNode.SEs[target]["write"]
                if not targetWrite:
                    log.error("TargetSE %s is banned for writing right now" %

                if route.ActiveJobs > route.toNode.MaxActiveJobs:
                        "unable to submit new FTS job, max active jobs reached"

                # # create FTSJob
                ftsJob = FTSJob()
                ftsJob.RequestID = request.RequestID
                ftsJob.OperationID = operation.OperationID
                ftsJob.SourceSE = source
                ftsJob.TargetSE = target

                sourceSE = self.getSE(source)
                sourceToken = sourceSE.getStorageParameters("SRM2")
                if not sourceToken["OK"]:
                    log.error("unable to get sourceSE '%s' parameters: %s" %
                              (source, sourceToken["Message"]))
                ftsJob.SourceToken = sourceToken["Value"].get("SpaceToken", "")

                targetSE = self.getSE(target)
                targetToken = targetSE.getStorageParameters("SRM2")
                if not targetToken["OK"]:
                    log.error("unable to get targetSE '%s' parameters: %s" %
                              (target, targetToken["Message"]))
                ftsJob.TargetToken = targetToken["Value"].get("SpaceToken", "")

                ftsJob.FTSServer = route.toNode.FTSServer

                for ftsFile in ftsFileList:
                    ftsFile.Attempt += 1
                    ftsFile.Error = ""

                submit = ftsJob.submitFTS2(self.STAGE_FILES)
                if not submit["OK"]:
                    log.error("unable to submit FTSJob: %s" %

                log.info("FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" %
                         (ftsJob.FTSGUID, ftsJob.FTSServer))

                # # update statuses for job files
                for ftsFile in ftsJob:
                    ftsFile.FTSGUID = ftsJob.FTSGUID
                    ftsFile.Status = "Submitted"
                    ftsFile.Attempt += 1

                # # update graph route
                    route.ActiveJobs += 1


        log.info("%s new FTSJobs have been submitted" % len(ftsJobs))
        return S_OK(ftsJobs)

    def __monitorJob(self, request, ftsJob):
        """ execute FTSJob.monitorFTS2 for a given :ftsJob:
        if ftsJob is in a final state, finalize it

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request instance
    :param FTSJob ftsJob: FTSDB.FTSJob instance
        log = self.log.getSubLogger("%s/monitor/%s" %
                                    (request.RequestName, ftsJob.FTSGUID))
        log.info("FTSJob '%s'@'%s'" % (ftsJob.FTSGUID, ftsJob.FTSServer))

        # # this will be returned
        ftsFilesDict = dict([(k, list())
                             for k in ("toRegister", "toSubmit", "toFail",
                                       "toReschedule", "toUpdate")])

        monitor = ftsJob.monitorFTS2()
        if not monitor["OK"]:
            gMonitor.addMark("FTSMonitorFail", 1)
            if "getTransferJobSummary2: Not authorised to query request" in monitor[
                log.error("FTSJob not known (expired on server?)")
                for ftsFile in ftsJob:
                    ftsFile.Status = "Waiting"
                    ftsFilesDict["toSubmit"] = ftsFile
                return S_OK(ftsFilesDict)
            return monitor

        monitor = monitor["Value"]
        log.info("FTSJob Status = %s Completeness = %s" %
                 (ftsJob.Status, ftsJob.Completeness))

        # # monitor status change
        gMonitor.addMark("FTSJobs%s" % ftsJob.Status, 1)

        if ftsJob.Status in FTSJob.FINALSTATES:
            finalizeFTSJob = self.__finalizeFTSJob(request, ftsJob)
            if not finalizeFTSJob["OK"]:
                return finalizeFTSJob
            ftsFilesDict = self.updateFTSFileDict(ftsFilesDict,

        return S_OK(ftsFilesDict)

    def __finalizeFTSJob(self, request, ftsJob):
        """ finalize FTSJob

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request instance
    :param FTSJob ftsJob: FTSDB.FTSJob instance
        log = self.log.getSubLogger("%s/monitor/%s/finalize" %
                                    (request.RequestName, ftsJob.FTSJobID))
        log.info("finalizing FTSJob %s@%s" %
                 (ftsJob.FTSGUID, ftsJob.FTSServer))

        # # this will be returned
        ftsFilesDict = dict([(k, list())
                             for k in ("toRegister", "toSubmit", "toFail",
                                       "toReschedule", "toUpdate")])

        monitor = ftsJob.monitorFTS2(full=True)
        if not monitor["OK"]:
            return monitor

        # # split FTSFiles to different categories
        processFiles = self.__filterFiles(ftsJob)
        if not processFiles["OK"]:
            return processFiles
        ftsFilesDict = self.updateFTSFileDict(ftsFilesDict,

        # # send accounting record for this job
        self.__sendAccounting(ftsJob, request.OwnerDN)

        # # update graph - remove this job from graph
        route = self.__ftsGraph.findRoute(ftsJob.SourceSE, ftsJob.TargetSE)
        if route["OK"]:
                route["Value"].ActiveJobs -= 1

        log.info("FTSJob is finalized")

        return S_OK(ftsFilesDict)

    def __filterFiles(self, ftsJob):
        """ process ftsFiles from finished ftsJob

    :param FTSJob ftsJob: monitored FTSJob instance
        # # lists for different categories
        toUpdate = []
        toReschedule = []
        toRegister = []
        toSubmit = []
        toFail = []

        # # loop over files in fts job
        for ftsFile in ftsJob:
            # # successful files
            if ftsFile.Status == "Finished":
                if ftsFile.Error == "AddCatalogReplicaFailed":
            if ftsFile.Status == "Failed":
                if ftsFile.Error == "MissingSource":
                    if ftsFile.Attempt < self.MAX_ATTEMPT:
                        ftsFile.Error = "Max attempts reached"

        return S_OK({
            "toUpdate": toUpdate,
            "toSubmit": toSubmit,
            "toRegister": toRegister,
            "toReschedule": toReschedule,
            "toFail": toFail

    def __register(self, request, operation, toRegister):
        """ add RegisterReplica operation

    :param Request request: request instance
    :param Operation transferOp: 'ReplicateAndRegister' operation for this FTSJob
    :param list toRegister: [ FTSDB.FTSFile, ... ] - files that failed to register
        log = self.log.getSubLogger("%s/registerFiles" % request.RequestName)

        byTarget = {}
        for ftsFile in toRegister:
            if ftsFile.TargetSE not in byTarget:
                byTarget.setdefault(ftsFile.TargetSE, [])
        log.info("will create %s 'RegisterReplica' operations" % len(byTarget))

        for target, ftsFileList in byTarget.items():
                "creating 'RegisterReplica' operation for targetSE %s with %s files..."
                % (target, len(ftsFileList)))
            registerOperation = Operation()
            registerOperation.Type = "RegisterReplica"
            registerOperation.Status = "Waiting"
            registerOperation.TargetSE = target
            targetSE = self.getSE(target)
            for ftsFile in ftsFileList:
                opFile = File()
                opFile.LFN = ftsFile.LFN
                pfn = targetSE.getPfnForProtocol(ftsFile.TargetSURL,
                if not pfn["OK"]:
                opFile.PFN = pfn["Value"]
            request.insertBefore(registerOperation, operation)

        return S_OK()

    def __sendAccounting(ftsJob, ownerDN):
        """ prepare and send DataOperation to AccouringDB """

        dataOp = DataOperation()

        accountingDict = dict()
        accountingDict["OperationType"] = "ReplicateAndRegister"

        username = getUsernameForDN(ownerDN)
        if not username["OK"]:
            username = ownerDN
            username = username["Value"]

        accountingDict["User"] = username
            "Protocol"] = "FTS3" if 'fts3' in ftsJob.FTSServer.lower(
            ) else 'FTS'
        accountingDict['ExecutionSite'] = ftsJob.FTSServer

        accountingDict['RegistrationTime'] = ftsJob._regTime
        accountingDict['RegistrationOK'] = ftsJob._regSuccess
        accountingDict['RegistrationTotal'] = ftsJob._regTotal

        accountingDict["TransferOK"] = len(
            [f for f in ftsJob if f.Status in FTSFile.SUCCESS_STATES])
        accountingDict["TransferTotal"] = len(ftsJob)
        accountingDict["TransferSize"] = ftsJob.Size - ftsJob.FailedSize
        accountingDict["FinalStatus"] = ftsJob.Status
        accountingDict["Source"] = ftsJob.SourceSE
        accountingDict["Destination"] = ftsJob.TargetSE

        dt = ftsJob.LastUpdate - ftsJob.SubmitTime
        transferTime = dt.days * 86400 + dt.seconds
        accountingDict["TransferTime"] = transferTime
        # accountingDict['TransferTime'] = sum( [f._duration for f in ftsJob])

    def __checkReadyReplicas(self, request, operation):
        """ check ready replicas for transferOperation """
        log = self.log.getSubLogger("%s/checkReadyReplicas" %

        targetSESet = set(operation.targetSEList)

        # # { LFN: [ targetSE, ... ] }
        missingReplicas = {}

        scheduledFiles = dict([(opFile.LFN, opFile) for opFile in operation
                               if opFile.Status in ("Scheduled", "Waiting")])
        # # get replicas
        replicas = self.replicaManager().getCatalogReplicas(

        if not replicas["OK"]:
            return replicas
        replicas = replicas["Value"]

        fullyReplicated = 0
        missingSEs = {}
        for successfulLFN in replicas["Successful"]:
            reps = set(replicas['Successful'][successfulLFN])
            if targetSESet.issubset(reps):
                log.info("%s has been replicated to all targets" %
                fullyReplicated += 1
                scheduledFiles[successfulLFN].Status = "Done"
                missingReplicas[successfulLFN] = sorted(targetSESet - reps)
                ses = ",".join(missingReplicas[successfulLFN])
                missingSEs[ses] = missingSEs.setdefault(ses, 0) + 1
                log.verbose("%s is still missing at %s" % (successfulLFN, ses))
        if fullyReplicated:
            log.info("%d new files have been replicated to all targets" %
        if missingSEs:
            for ses in missingSEs:
                log.info("%d replicas still missing at %s" %
                         (missingSEs[ses], ses))

        reMissing = re.compile("no such file or directory")
        for failedLFN, errStr in replicas["Failed"].items():
            scheduledFiles[failedLFN].Error = errStr
            if reMissing.search(errStr.lower()):
                log.error("%s is missing, setting its status to 'Failed'" %
                scheduledFiles[failedLFN].Status = "Failed"
                log.warn("unable to read replicas for %s: %s" %
                         (failedLFN, errStr))

        return S_OK(missingReplicas)

    def __filterReplicas(self, opFile):
        """ filter out banned/invalid source SEs """
        log = self.log.getSubLogger("filterReplicas")

        ret = {"Valid": [], "Banned": [], "Bad": []}

        replicas = self.replicaManager().getActiveReplicas(opFile.LFN)
        if not replicas["OK"]:
        reNotExists = re.compile("not such file or directory")
        replicas = replicas["Value"]
        failed = replicas["Failed"].get(opFile.LFN, "")
        if reNotExists.match(failed.lower()):
            opFile.Status = "Failed"
            opFile.Error = failed
            return S_ERROR(failed)

        replicas = replicas["Successful"][
            opFile.LFN] if opFile.LFN in replicas["Successful"] else {}

        for repSEName in replicas:

            repSE = self.getSE(repSEName)

            pfn = repSE.getPfnForLfn(opFile.LFN)
            if not pfn["OK"]:
                log.warn("unable to create pfn for %s lfn: %s" %
                         (opFile.LFN, pfn["Message"]))
            pfn = pfn["Value"]

            repSEMetadata = repSE.getFileMetadata(pfn, singleFile=True)
            if not repSEMetadata["OK"]:
            repSEMetadata = repSEMetadata["Value"]

            seChecksum = repSEMetadata["Checksum"].replace(
                "x", "0").zfill(8) if "Checksum" in repSEMetadata else None
            if opFile.Checksum and opFile.Checksum != seChecksum:
                self.log.warn(" %s checksum mismatch: %s %s:%s" %
                              (opFile.LFN, opFile.Checksum, repSE, seChecksum))
            # # if we're here repSE is OK

        return S_OK(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class FTSStrategy( object ):
  .. class:: FTSStrategy

  helper class to create replication forest for a given file and it's replicas using
  several different strategies
  # # make it singleton
  __metaclass__ = DIRACSingleton
  # # list of supported strategies
  __supportedStrategies = [ 'Simple', 'DynamicThroughput', 'Swarm', 'MinimiseTotalWait' ]
  # # FTS graph
  __ftsGraph = None
  # # lock
  __graphLock = None
  # # resources
  __resources = None
  # # rss client
  __rssClient = None
  # # acceptable failure rate
  acceptableFailureRate = 75
  # # acceptable failed files
  acceptableFailedFiles = 5
  # # scheduling type
  schedulingType = "Files"

  def __init__( self, csPath = None, ftsSites = None, ftsHistoryViews = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param str csPath: CS path
    :param list ftsSites: list of FTSSites
    :param list ftsHistoryViews: list of FTSHistoryViews
    # ## config path
    self.csPath = csPath
    # # fts sites
    ftsSites = ftsSites if ftsSites else []
    # # history views
    ftsHistoryViews = ftsHistoryViews if ftsHistoryViews else []
    # # own sub logger
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "FTSStrategy", child = True )
    self.log.setLevel( gConfig.getValue( self.csPath + "/LogLevel", "DEBUG" ) )
    for ftsSite in ftsSites:
      self.log.info( "FTSSite: %-16s FTSServer=%s" % ( ftsSite.Name, ftsSite.FTSServer ) )

    # # CS options
    self.log.info( "Supported strategies = %s" % ", ".join( self.supportedStrategies ) )
    self.activeStrategies = gConfig.getValue( "%s/%s" % ( self.csPath, "ActiveStrategies" ), ["MinimiseTotalWait"] )
    self.log.info( "ActiveStrategies = %s" % ", ".join( self.activeStrategies ) )
    self.numberOfStrategies = len( self.activeStrategies )
    self.log.info( "Number of active strategies = %s" % self.numberOfStrategies )
    self.sigma = gConfig.getValue( "%s/%s" % ( self.csPath, "HopSigma" ), 5 )
    self.log.info( "HopSigma = %s" % self.sigma )
    self.schedulingType = gConfig.getValue( "%s/%s" % ( self.csPath, "SchedulingType" ), "Files" )
    self.log.info( "SchedulingType = %s" % self.schedulingType )
    self.acceptableFailureRate = gConfig.getValue( "%s/%s" % ( self.csPath, "AcceptableFailureRate" ), 75 )
    self.log.info( "AcceptableFailureRate = %s" % self.acceptableFailureRate )
    self.acceptableFailedFiles = gConfig.getValue( "%s/%s" % ( self.csPath, "AcceptableFailedFiles" ), 5 )
    self.log.info( "AcceptableFailedFiles = %s" % self.acceptableFailedFiles )
    # # chosen strategy
    self.chosenStrategy = 0
    # dispatcher
    self.strategyDispatcher = { "MinimiseTotalWait" : self.minimiseTotalWait,
                                "DynamicThroughput" : self.dynamicThroughput,
                                "Simple" : self.simple,
                                "Swarm" : self.swarm }

    self.ftsGraph = FTSGraph( "FTSGraph",
                              self.schedulingType )

    # for node in self.ftsGraph.nodes():
    #  self.log.debug( node )
    # for edge in self.ftsGraph.edges():
    #  self.log.debug( edge )

    # # if we land here everything is OK
    self.log.info( "%s has been constructed" % self.__class__.__name__ )

  def graphLock( cls ):
    """ get graph lock """
    if not cls.__graphLock:
      cls.__graphLock = LockRing().getLock( "FTSGraphLock" )
    return cls.__graphLock

  def resetGraph( cls, ftsHistoryViews ):
    """ reset graph

    :param list ftsHistoryViews: list of FTSHistoryViews
    ftsGraph = None
      ftsGraph = FTSGraph( "FTSGraph",
                           cls.schedulingType )
      if ftsGraph:
        cls.ftsGraph = ftsGraph
    return S_OK()

  def updateRWAccess( self ):
    """ update RW access in FTS graph """
    updateRWAccess = S_OK()
      updateRWAccess = self.ftsGraph.updateRWAccess()
      if not updateRWAccess["OK"]:
        self.log.error( updateRWAccess["Message"] )
    return updateRWAccess

  def addTreeToGraph( self, replicationTree = None, size = 0.0 ):
    """ update rw access for nodes (sites) and size anf files for edges (channels) """
    replicationTree = replicationTree if replicationTree else {}
    size = size if size else 0.0
    if replicationTree:
        for route in self.ftsGraph.edges():
          if route.routeName in replicationTree:
            route.WaitingSize += size
            route.WaitingFiles += 1
    return S_OK()

  def simple( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs ):
    """ simple strategy - one source, many targets

    :param list sourceSEs: list with only one sourceSE name
    :param list targetSEs: list with target SE names
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    # # make targetSEs list unique
    if len( sourceSEs ) != 1:
      return S_ERROR( "simple: wrong argument supplied for sourceSEs, only one sourceSE allowed" )
    sourceSE = sourceSEs[0]
    tree = {}
    for targetSE in targetSEs:
      route = self.ftsGraph.findRoute( sourceSE, targetSE )
      if not route["OK"]:
        return S_ERROR( route["Message"] )
      route = route["Value"]
      if not route.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"]:
        return S_ERROR( "simple: sourceSE '%s' in banned for reading right now" % sourceSE )
      if not route.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"]:
        return S_ERROR( "simple: targetSE '%s' is banned for writing right now" % targetSE )
      if route.name in tree:
        return S_ERROR( "simple: unable to create replication tree, route '%s' cannot be used twice" % \
                          route.name )
      tree[route.name] = { "Ancestor" : False, "SourceSE" : sourceSE,
                           "TargetSE" : targetSE, "Strategy" : "Simple" }

    return S_OK( tree )

  def swarm( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs ):
    """ swarm strategy - one target, many sources, pick up the fastest

    :param list sourceSEs: list of source SE
    :param str targetSEs: on element list with name of target SE
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    tree = {}
    routes = []
    if len( targetSEs ) > 1:
      return S_ERROR( "swarm: wrong argument supplied for targetSEs, only one targetSE allowed" )
    targetSE = targetSEs[0]
    # # find channels
    for sourceSE in sourceSEs:
      route = self.ftsGraph.findRoute( sourceSE, targetSE )
      if not route["OK"]:
        self.log.warn( "swarm: %s" % route["Message"] )
      routes.append( ( sourceSE, route["Value"] ) )
    # # exit - no channels
    if not routes:
      return S_ERROR( "swarm: unable to find FTS routes between '%s' and '%s'" % ( ",".join( sourceSEs ), targetSE ) )
    # # filter out non active channels
    routes = [ ( sourceSE, route ) for sourceSE, route in routes
                 if route.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"] and route.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"] and
                 route.timeToStart < float( "inf" ) ]
    # # exit - no active channels
    if not routes:
      return S_ERROR( "swarm: no active routes found between %s and %s" % ( sourceSEs, targetSE ) )

    # # find min timeToStart
    minTimeToStart = float( "inf" )
    selSourceSE = selRoute = None
    for sourceSE, route in routes:
      if route.timeToStart < minTimeToStart:
        minTimeToStart = route.timeToStart
        selSourceSE = sourceSE
        selRoute = route

    if not selSourceSE:
      return S_ERROR( "swarm: no active routes found between %s and %s" % ( sourceSEs, targetSE ) )

    tree[selRoute.name] = { "Ancestor" : False, "SourceSE" : selSourceSE,
                            "TargetSE" : targetSE, "Strategy" : "Swarm" }
    return S_OK( tree )

  def minimiseTotalWait( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs ):
    """ find dag minimizing start time

    :param list sourceSEs: list of avialable source SEs
    :param list targetSEs: list of target SEs
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    tree = {}
    primarySources = sourceSEs
    while targetSEs:
      minTimeToStart = float( "inf" )
      channels = []
      self.log.verbose( "minimiseTotalWait: searching routes between %s and %s" % ( ",".join( sourceSEs ),
                                                                                 ",".join( targetSEs ) ) )
      for targetSE in targetSEs:
        for sourceSE in sourceSEs:
          ftsChannel = self.ftsGraph.findRoute( sourceSE, targetSE )
          if not ftsChannel["OK"]:
            self.log.warn( "minimiseTotalWait: %s" % ftsChannel["Message"] )
          ftsChannel = ftsChannel["Value"]
          channels.append( ( ftsChannel, sourceSE, targetSE ) )

      if not channels:
        msg = "minimiseTotalWait: FTS route between these SEs are not defined"
        self.log.error( msg )
        return S_ERROR( msg )

      self.log.verbose( "minimiseTotalWait: found %s candidate routes, checking RSS status" % len( channels ) )

      for ch, s, t in channels:
        self.log.verbose( "%s %s %s" % ( ch.routeName, ch.fromNode.SEs[s]["read"], ch.toNode.SEs[t]["write"] ) )

      channels = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels
                   if channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"] and channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"]
                   and channel.timeToStart < float( "inf" ) ]

      if not channels:
        self.log.error( "minimiseTotalWait: no active FTS routes found" )
        return S_ERROR( "minimiseTotalWait: no active FTS routes found" )

      candidates = []
      for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels:
        timeToStart = channel.timeToStart
        if sourceSE not in primarySources:
          timeToStart += self.sigma
        # # local found
        if channel.fromNode == channel.toNode:
          self.log.debug( "minimiseTotalWait: found local route '%s'" % channel.routeName )
          candidates = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) ]
        if timeToStart <= minTimeToStart:
          minTimeToStart = timeToStart
          candidates = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) ]
        elif timeToStart == minTimeToStart:
          candidates.append( ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) )

      if not candidates:
        return S_ERROR( "minimiseTotalWait: unable to find candidate FTS routes minimizing total wait time" )

      random.shuffle( candidates )
      selChannel, selSourceSE, selTargetSE = candidates[0]
      ancestor = False
      for routeName, treeItem in tree.items():
        if selSourceSE in treeItem["TargetSE"]:
          ancestor = treeItem["TargetSE"]
      tree[selChannel.routeName] = { "Ancestor" : ancestor, "SourceSE" : selSourceSE,
                                     "TargetSE" : selTargetSE, "Strategy" : "MinimiseTotalWait" }
      sourceSEs.append( selTargetSE )
      targetSEs.remove( selTargetSE )

    return S_OK( tree )

  def dynamicThroughput( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs ):
    """ dynamic throughput - many sources, many targets - find dag minimizing overall throughput

    :param list sourceSEs: list of available source SE names
    :param list targetSE: list of target SE names
    :param str lfn: logical file name
    tree = {}
    primarySources = sourceSEs
    timeToSite = {}
    while targetSEs:
      minTimeToStart = float( "inf" )
      channels = []
      for targetSE in targetSEs:
        for sourceSE in sourceSEs:
          ftsChannel = self.ftsGraph.findRoute( sourceSE, targetSE )
          if not ftsChannel["OK"]:
            self.log.warn( "dynamicThroughput: %s" % ftsChannel["Message"] )
          ftsChannel = ftsChannel["Value"]
          channels.append( ( ftsChannel, sourceSE, targetSE ) )
      # # no candidate channels found
      if not channels:
        msg = "dynamicThroughput: FTS routes between %s and %s are not defined" % ( ",".join( sourceSEs ),
                                                                                    ",".join( targetSEs ) )
        self.log.error( msg )
        return S_ERROR( msg )
      # # filter out already used channels
      channels = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels
                   if channel.routeName not in tree ]
      if not channels:
        msg = "dynamicThroughput: all FTS routes between %s and %s are already used in tree" % ( ",".join( sourceSEs ),
                                                                                                 ",".join( targetSEs ) )
        self.log.error( msg )
        return S_ERROR( msg )
      # # filter out non-active channels
      self.log.debug( "dynamicThroughput: found %s candidate routes, checking activity" % len( channels ) )
      channels = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels
                   if channel.fromNode.SEs[sourceSE]["read"] and channel.toNode.SEs[targetSE]["write"]
                  and channel.timeToStart < float( "inf" ) ]
      if not channels:
        self.log.warn( "dynamicThroughput: active candidate routes not found" )
        return S_ERROR( "dynamicThroughput: no active candidate FTS routes found" )

      candidates = []
      selTimeToStart = None
      for channel, sourceSE, targetSE in channels:
        timeToStart = channel.timeToStart
        if sourceSE not in primarySources:
          timeToStart += self.sigma
        if sourceSE in timeToSite:
          timeToStart += timeToSite[sourceSE]
        # # local found
        if channel.fromNode == channel.toNode:
          self.log.debug( "dynamicThroughput: found local route '%s'" % channel.channelName )
          candidates = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) ]
          selTimeToStart = timeToStart
        if timeToStart <= minTimeToStart:
          selTimeToStart = timeToStart
          minTimeToStart = timeToStart
          candidates = [ ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) ]
        elif timeToStart == minTimeToStart:
          candidates.append( ( channel, sourceSE, targetSE ) )

      if not candidates:
        return S_ERROR( "dynamicThroughput: unable to find candidate FTS routes" )

      random.shuffle( candidates )
      selChannel, selSourceSE, selTargetSE = candidates[0]
      ancestor = False
      for routeName, treeItem in tree.items():
        if selSourceSE in treeItem["TargetSE"]:
          ancestor = treeItem["TargetSE"]
      tree[selChannel.name] = { "Ancestor": ancestor, "SourceSE": selSourceSE,
                                "TargetSE": selTargetSE, "Strategy": "DynamicThroughput" }

      timeToSite[selTargetSE] = selTimeToStart
      sourceSEs.append( selTargetSE )
      targetSEs.remove( selTargetSE )

    return S_OK( tree )

  def reset( self ):
    """ reset :chosenStrategy:

    :param self: self reference
    self.chosenStrategy = 0

  def supportedStrategies( self ):
    """ Get supported strategies.

    :param self: self reference
    return self.__supportedStrategies

  def replicationTree( self, sourceSEs, targetSEs, size, strategy = None ):
    """ get replication tree

    :param str lfn: LFN
    :param list sourceSEs: list of sources SE names to use
    :param list targetSEs: list of target SE names to use
    :param long size: file size
    :param str strategy: strategy name
    # # get strategy
    strategy = strategy if strategy else self.__selectStrategy()
    if strategy not in self.activeStrategies:
      return S_ERROR( "replicationTree: inactive or unsupported strategy '%s'" % strategy )

    self.log.verbose( "replicationTree: strategy=%s sourceSEs=%s targetSEs=%s size=%s" % \
                     ( strategy, sourceSEs, targetSEs, size ) )
    # # fire action from dispatcher
    tree = self.strategyDispatcher[strategy]( sourceSEs, targetSEs )
    if not tree["OK"]:
      self.log.error( "replicationTree: %s" % tree["Message"] )
      return tree
    # # update graph edges
    self.log.verbose( "replicationTree: %s" % tree["Value"] )
    update = self.addTreeToGraph( replicationTree = tree["Value"], size = size )
    if not update["OK"]:
      self.log.error( "replicationTree: unable to update FTS graph: %s" % update["Message"] )
      return update
    return tree

  def __selectStrategy( self ):
    """ If more than one active strategy use one after the other.

    :param self: self reference
    chosenStrategy = self.activeStrategies[self.chosenStrategy]
    self.chosenStrategy += 1
    if self.chosenStrategy == self.numberOfStrategies:
      self.chosenStrategy = 0
    return chosenStrategy
Ejemplo n.º 5
class FTSAgent( AgentModule ):
  .. class:: FTSAgent

  Agent propagating Scheduled request to Done or Failed state in the FTS system.

  Requests and associated FTSJobs (and so FTSFiles) are kept in cache.

  # # fts graph refresh in seconds
  # # SE R/W access refresh in seconds
  RW_REFRESH = 600
  # # placeholder for max job per channel
  # # min threads
  # # max threads
  # # files per job
  # # MAX FTS transfer per FTSFile
  # # stage flag
  # # replica manager
  __replicaManager = None
  # # placeholder for FTS client
  __ftsClient = None
  # # placeholder for request client
  __requestClient = None
  # # placeholder for resources helper
  __resources = None
  # # placeholder for RSS client
  __rssClient = None
  # # placeholder for FTSGraph
  __ftsGraph = None
  # # graph regeneration time delta
  __ftsGraphValidStamp = None
  # # r/w access valid stamp
  __rwAccessValidStamp = None
  # # placeholder for threadPool
  __threadPool = None
  # # update lock
  __updateLock = None
  # # se cache
  __seCache = dict()
  # # request cache
  __reqCache = dict()

  def updateLock( self ):
    """ update lock """
    if not self.__updateLock:
      self.__updateLock = LockRing().getLock( "FTSAgentLock" )
    return self.__updateLock

  def requestClient( cls ):
    """ request client getter """
    if not cls.__requestClient:
      cls.__requestClient = ReqClient()
    return cls.__requestClient

  def ftsClient( cls ):
    """ FTS client """
    if not cls.__ftsClient:
      cls.__ftsClient = FTSClient()
    return cls.__ftsClient

  def replicaManager( cls ):
    """ replica manager getter """
    if not cls.__replicaManager:
      cls.__replicaManager = ReplicaManager()
    return cls.__replicaManager

  def rssClient( cls ):
    """ RSS client getter """
    if not cls.__rssClient:
      cls.__rssClient = ResourceStatus()
    return cls.__rssClient

  def getSE( cls, seName ):
    """ keep SEs in cache """
    if seName not in cls.__seCache:
      cls.__seCache[seName] = StorageElement( seName )
    return cls.__seCache[seName]

  def getRequest( cls, reqName ):
    """ keep Requests in cache """
    if reqName not in cls.__reqCache:
      getRequest = cls.requestClient().getRequest( reqName )
      if not getRequest["OK"]:
        return getRequest
      getRequest = getRequest["Value"]
      if not getRequest:
        return S_ERROR( "request of name '%s' not found in ReqDB" % reqName )
      cls.__reqCache[reqName] = getRequest

    return S_OK( cls.__reqCache[reqName] )

  def putRequest( cls, request ):
    """ put request back to ReqDB

    :param Request request: Request instance

    also finalize request if status == Done
    # # put back request
    put = cls.requestClient().putRequest( request )
    if not put["OK"]:
      return put
    # # finalize first is possible
    if request.Status == "Done" and request.JobID:
      finalizeRequest = cls.requestClient().finalizeRequest( request.RequestName, request.JobID )
      if not finalizeRequest["OK"]:
        request.Status = "Scheduled"
    # # del request from cache
    if request.RequestName in cls.__reqCache:
      del cls.__reqCache[ request.RequestName ]
    return S_OK()

  def putFTSJobs( cls, ftsJobsList ):
    """ put back fts jobs to the FTSDB """
    for ftsJob in ftsJobsList:
      put = cls.ftsClient().putFTSJob( ftsJob )
      if not put["OK"]:
        return put
    return S_OK()

  def updateFTSFileDict( ftsFilesDict, toUpdateDict ):
    """ update :ftsFilesDict: with FTSFiles in :toUpdateDict: """
    for category, ftsFileList in ftsFilesDict.items():
      for ftsFile in toUpdateDict.get( category, [] ):
        if ftsFile not in ftsFileList:
          ftsFileList.append( ftsFile )
    return ftsFilesDict

#  def resources( self ):
#    """ resource helper getter """
#    if not self.__resources:
#      self.__resources = Resources()
#    return self.__resources

  def threadPool( self ):
    """ thread pool getter """
    if not self.__threadPool:
      self.__threadPool = ThreadPool( self.MIN_THREADS, self.MAX_THREADS )
    return self.__threadPool

  def resetFTSGraph( self ):
    """ create fts graph """
    log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "ftsGraph" )

    ftsHistory = self.ftsClient().getFTSHistory()
    if not ftsHistory["OK"]:
      log.error( "unable to get FTS history: %s" % ftsHistory["Message"] )
      return ftsHistory
    ftsHistory = ftsHistory["Value"]

      self.__ftsGraph = FTSGraph( "FTSGraph", ftsHistory )

    log.debug( "FTSSites: %s" % len( self.__ftsGraph.nodes() ) )
    for i, site in enumerate( self.__ftsGraph.nodes() ):
      log.debug( " [%02d] FTSSite: %-25s FTSServer: %s" % ( i, site.name, site.FTSServer ) )
    log.debug( "FTSRoutes: %s" % len( self.__ftsGraph.edges() ) )
    for i, route in enumerate( self.__ftsGraph.edges() ):
      log.debug( " [%02d] FTSRoute: %-25s Active FTSJobs (Max) = %s (%s)" % ( i,
                                                                             route.toNode.MaxActiveJobs ) )
    # # save graph stamp
    self.__ftsGraphValidStamp = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta( seconds = self.FTSGRAPH_REFRESH )

    # # refresh SE R/W access
    # # save rw access stamp
    self.__rwAccessValidStamp = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta( seconds = self.RW_REFRESH )

    return S_OK()

  def initialize( self ):
    """ agent's initialization """

    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "initialize" )

    self.FTSGRAPH_REFRESH = self.am_getOption( "FTSGraphValidityPeriod", self.FTSGRAPH_REFRESH )
    log.info( "FTSGraph validity period       = %s s" % self.FTSGRAPH_REFRESH )
    self.RW_REFRESH = self.am_getOption( "RWAccessValidityPeriod", self.RW_REFRESH )
    log.info( "SEs R/W access validity period = %s s" % self.RW_REFRESH )

    self.STAGE_FILES = self.am_getOption( "StageFiles", self.STAGE_FILES )
    log.info( "Stage files before submission  = %s" % {True: "yes", False: "no"}[bool( self.STAGE_FILES )] )

    self.MAX_ACTIVE_JOBS = self.am_getOption( "MaxActiveJobsPerRoute", self.MAX_ACTIVE_JOBS )
    log.info( "Max active FTSJobs/route       = %s" % self.MAX_ACTIVE_JOBS )
    self.MAX_FILES_PER_JOB = self.am_getOption( "MaxFilesPerJob", self.MAX_FILES_PER_JOB )
    log.info( "Max FTSFiles/FTSJob            = %d" % self.MAX_FILES_PER_JOB )

    self.MAX_ATTEMPT = self.am_getOption( "MaxTransferAttempts", self.MAX_ATTEMPT )
    log.info( "Max transfer attempts          = %s" % self.MAX_ATTEMPT )

    # # thread pool
    self.MIN_THREADS = self.am_getOption( "MinThreads", self.MIN_THREADS )
    self.MAX_THREADS = self.am_getOption( "MaxThreads", self.MAX_THREADS )
    minmax = ( abs( self.MIN_THREADS ), abs( self.MAX_THREADS ) )
    self.MIN_THREADS, self.MAX_THREADS = min( minmax ), max( minmax )
    log.info( "ThreadPool min threads         = %s" % self.MIN_THREADS )
    log.info( "ThreadPool max threads         = %s" % self.MAX_THREADS )

    log.info( "initialize: creation of FTSGraph..." )
    createGraph = self.resetFTSGraph()
    if not createGraph["OK"]:
      log.error( "initialize: %s" % createGraph["Message"] )
      return createGraph

    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/DataManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'DataManager' )
    log.info( "will use DataManager proxy" )

    # # gMonitor stuff here
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "RequestsAtt", "Attempted requests executions",
                               "FTSAgent", "Requests/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "RequestsOK", "Successful requests executions",
                               "FTSAgent", "Requests/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "RequestsFail", "Failed requests executions",
                               "FTSAgent", "Requests/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )

    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSJobsSubAtt", "FTSJobs creation attempts",
                               "FTSAgent", "Created FTSJobs/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSJobsSubOK", "FTSJobs submitted successfully",
                               "FTSAgent", "Successful FTSJobs submissions/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSJobsSubFail", "FTSJobs submissions failed",
                               "FTSAgent", "Failed FTSJobs submissions/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )

    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSJobsMonAtt", "FTSJobs monitored",
                               "FTSAgent", "FTSJobs/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSJobsMonOK", "FTSJobs monitored successfully",
                               "FTSAgent", "FTSJobs/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSJobsMonFail", "FTSJobs attempts failed",
                               "FTSAgent", "FTSJobs/min", gMonitor.OP_SUM )

    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSMonitorFail", "Failed FTS monitor executions",
                               "FTSAgent", "Execution/mins", gMonitor.OP_SUM )

    pollingTime = self.am_getOption( "PollingTime", 60 )
      gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSJobs%s" % status, "FTSJobs %s" % status ,
                                 "FTSAgent", "FTSJobs/cycle", gMonitor.OP_ACUM, pollingTime )

    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FtSJobsPerRequest", "Average FTSJobs per request",
                               "FTSAgent", "FTSJobs/Request", gMonitor.OP_MEAN )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSFilesPerJob", "FTSFiles per FTSJob",
                               "FTSAgent", "Number of FTSFiles per FTSJob", gMonitor.OP_MEAN )
    gMonitor.registerActivity( "FTSSizePerJob", "Average FTSFiles size per FTSJob",
                               "FTSAgent", "Average submitted size per FTSJob", gMonitor.OP_MEAN )
    return S_OK()

  def finalize( self ):
    """ finalize processing """
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "finalize" )
    for request in self.__reqCache.values():
      put = self.requestClient().putRequest( request )
      if not put["OK"]:
        log.error( "unable to put back request '%s': %s" % ( request.RequestName, put["Message"] ) )
    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):
    """ one cycle execution """
    log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "execute" )
    # # reset FTSGraph if expired
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    if now > self.__ftsGraphValidStamp:
      log.info( "resetting expired FTS graph..." )
      resetFTSGraph = self.resetFTSGraph()
      if not resetFTSGraph["OK"]:
        log.error( "FTSGraph recreation error: %s" % resetFTSGraph["Message"] )
        return resetFTSGraph
      self.__ftsGraphValidStamp = now + datetime.timedelta( seconds = self.FTSGRAPH_REFRESH )
    # # update R/W access in FTSGraph if expired
    if now > self.__rwAccessValidStamp:
      log.info( "updating expired R/W access for SEs..." )
        self.__rwAccessValidStamp = now + datetime.timedelta( seconds = self.RW_REFRESH )

    requestNames = self.requestClient().getRequestNamesList( [ "Scheduled" ] )
    if not requestNames["OK"]:
      log.error( "unable to read scheduled request names: %s" % requestNames["Message"] )
      return requestNames
    if not requestNames["Value"]:
      requestNames = self.__reqCache.keys()
      requestNames = [ req[0] for req in requestNames["Value"] ]
      requestNames = list( set ( requestNames + self.__reqCache.keys() ) )

    if not requestNames:
      log.info( "no 'Scheduled' requests to process" )
      return S_OK()

    log.info( "found %s requests to process:" % len( requestNames ) )
    log.info( " => from internal cache: %s" % ( len( self.__reqCache ) ) )
    log.info( " =>   new read from RMS: %s" % ( len( requestNames ) - len( self.__reqCache ) ) )

    for requestName in requestNames:
      request = self.getRequest( requestName )
      if not request["OK"]:
        log.error( request["Message"] )
      request = request["Value"]
      sTJId = request.RequestName
      while True:
        queue = self.threadPool().generateJobAndQueueIt( self.processRequest,
                                                         args = ( request, ),
                                                         sTJId = sTJId )
        if queue["OK"]:
          log.info( "request '%s' enqueued for execution" % sTJId )
          gMonitor.addMark( "RequestsAtt", 1 )
        time.sleep( 1 )

    # # process all results
    return S_OK()

  def processRequest( self, request ):
    """ process one request

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( request.RequestName )

    operation = request.getWaiting()
    if not operation["OK"]:
      log.error( "unable to find 'Scheduled' ReplicateAndRegister operation in request" )
      return self.putRequest( request )
    operation = operation["Value"]
    if operation.Type != "ReplicateAndRegister":
      log.error( "operation to be executed is not a ReplicateAndRegister but %s" % operation.Type )
      return self.putRequest( request )
    if operation.Status != "Scheduled":
      log.error( "operation in a wrong state, expecting 'Scheduled', got %s" % operation.Status )
      return self.putRequest( request )

    # # select  FTSJobs, by default all in TRANS_STATES and INIT_STATES
    ftsJobs = self.ftsClient().getFTSJobsForRequest( request.RequestID )
    if not ftsJobs["OK"]:
      log.error( ftsJobs["Message"] )
      return ftsJobs
    ftsJobs = ftsJobs["Value"] if ftsJobs["Value"] else []

    # # dict keeping info about files to reschedule, submit, fail and register
    ftsFilesDict = dict( [ ( k, list() ) for k in ( "toRegister", "toSubmit", "toFail", "toReschedule", "toUpdate" ) ] )

    if ftsJobs:
      log.info( "==> found %s FTSJobs to monitor" % len( ftsJobs ) )
      # # PHASE 0 = monitor active FTSJobs
      for ftsJob in ftsJobs:
        monitor = self.__monitorJob( request, ftsJob )
        if not monitor["OK"]:
          log.error( "unable to monitor FTSJob %s: %s" % ( ftsJob.FTSJobID, monitor["Message"] ) )
          ftsJob.Status = "Submitted"
        ftsFilesDict = self.updateFTSFileDict( ftsFilesDict, monitor["Value"] )

      log.info( "monitoring of FTSJobs completed" )
      for key, ftsFiles in ftsFilesDict.items():
        if ftsFiles:
          log.debug( " => %s FTSFiles to %s" % ( len( ftsFiles ), key[2:].lower() ) )

    # # PHASE ONE - check ready replicas
    missingReplicas = self.__checkReadyReplicas( request, operation )
    if not missingReplicas["OK"]:
      log.error( missingReplicas["Message"] )
      missingReplicas = missingReplicas["Value"]
      for opFile in operation:
        # Actually the condition below should never happen... Change printout for checking
        if opFile.LFN not in missingReplicas and opFile.Status != 'Done':
          log.warn( "Should be set! %s is replicated at all targets" % opFile.LFN )
          opFile.Status = "Done"

    toFail = ftsFilesDict.get( "toFail", [] )
    toReschedule = ftsFilesDict.get( "toReschedule", [] )
    toSubmit = ftsFilesDict.get( "toSubmit", [] )
    toRegister = ftsFilesDict.get( "toRegister", [] )
    toUpdate = ftsFilesDict.get( "toUpdate", [] )

    # # PHASE TWO = Failed files? -> make request Failed and return
    if toFail:
      log.error( "==> found %s 'Failed' FTSFiles, request execution cannot proceed..." % len( toFail ) )
      for opFile in operation:
        for ftsFile in toFail:
          if opFile.FileID == ftsFile.FileID:
            opFile.Error = ftsFile.Error
            opFile.Status = "Failed"
      operation.Error = "%s files are missing any replicas" % len( toFail )
      # # requets.Status should be Failed at this stage "Failed"
      if request.Status == "Failed":
        request.Error = "ReplicateAndRegister %s failed" % operation.Order
        log.error( "request is set to 'Failed'" )
        return self.putRequest( request )

    # # PHASE THREE - update Waiting#SourceSE FTSFiles
    if toUpdate:
      log.info( "==> found %s possible FTSFiles to update..." % ( len( toUpdate ) ) )
      byTarget = {}
      for ftsFile in toUpdate:
        if ftsFile.TargetSE not in byTarget:
          byTarget.setdefault( ftsFile.TargetSE, [] )
        byTarget[ftsFile.TargetSE].append( ftsFile.FileID )
      for targetSE, fileIDList in byTarget.items():
        update = self.ftsClient().setFTSFilesWaiting( operation.OperationID, targetSE, fileIDList )
        if not update["OK"]:
          log.error( "update FTSFiles failed: %s" % update["Message"] )

    # # PHASE FOUR - add 'RegisterReplica' Operations
    if toRegister:
      log.info( "==> found %s Files waiting for registration, adding 'RegisterReplica' operations" )
      registerFiles = self.__register( request, operation, toRegister )
      if not registerFiles["OK"]:
        log.error( "unable to create 'RegisterReplica' operations: %s" % registerFiles["Message"] )
      if request.Status == "Waiting":
        log.info( "request is in 'Waiting' state, will put it back to RMS" )
        return self.putRequest( request )

    # # PHASE FIVE - reschedule operation files
    if toReschedule:
      log.info( "==> found %s Files to reschedule" % len( toReschedule ) )
      rescheduleFiles = self.__reschedule( request, operation, toReschedule )
      if not rescheduleFiles["OK"]:
        log.error( rescheduleFiles["Message"] )
      if request.Status == "Waiting":
        log.info( "request is in 'Waiting' state, will put it back to ReqDB" )
        return self.putRequest( request )

    # # PHASE SIX - read Waiting ftsFiles and submit new FTSJobs
    ftsFiles = self.ftsClient().getFTSFilesForRequest( request.RequestID, [ "Waiting" ] )
    if not ftsFiles["OK"]:
      log.error( ftsFiles["Message"] )
      retryIds = list( set ( [ ftsFile.FTSFileID for ftsFile in toSubmit ] ) )
      for ftsFile in ftsFiles["Value"]:
        if ftsFile.FTSFileID not in retryIds:
          toSubmit.append( ftsFile )
          retryIds.append( ftsFile.FTSFileID )

    # # submit new ftsJobs
    if operation.Status == "Scheduled" and toSubmit:
      log.info( "==> found %s FTSFiles to submit" % len( toSubmit ) )
      submit = self.__submit( request, operation, toSubmit )
      if not submit["OK"]:
        log.error( submit["Message"] )
        ftsJobs += submit["Value"]

    # # status change? - put back request
    if request.Status != "Scheduled":
      put = self.putRequest( request )
      if not put["OK"]:
        log.error( "unable to put back request: %s" % put["Message"] )
        return put

    # #  put back jobs
    if ftsJobs:
      putJobs = self.putFTSJobs( ftsJobs )
      if not putJobs["OK"]:
        log.error( "unable to put back FTSJobs: %s" % putJobs["Message"] )
        return putJobs

    return S_OK()

  def __reschedule( self, request, operation, toReschedule ):
    """ reschedule list of :toReschedule: files in request for operation :operation:

    :param Request request:
    :param Operation operation:
    :param list toReschedule: list of FTSFiles
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "%s/reschedule" % request.RequestName )
    log.info( "found %s files to reschedule" % len( toReschedule ) )

    for opFile in operation:
      for ftsFile in toReschedule:
        if opFile.FileID == ftsFile.FileID:
          opFile.Status = "Waiting"

    toSchedule = []

    # # filter files
    for opFile in operation.getWaitingFilesList():

      replicas = self.__filterReplicas( opFile )
      if not replicas["OK"]:
      replicas = replicas["Value"]

      if not replicas["Valid"] and replicas["Banned"]:
        log.warn( "unable to schedule '%s', replicas only at banned SEs" % opFile.LFN )

      validReplicas = replicas["Valid"]
      bannedReplicas = replicas["Banned"]

      if not validReplicas and bannedReplicas:
        log.warn( "unable to schedule '%s', replicas only at banned SEs" % opFile.LFN )

      if validReplicas:
        validTargets = list( set( operation.targetSEList ) - set( validReplicas ) )
        if not validTargets:
          log.info( "file %s is already present at all targets" % opFile.LFN )
          opFile.Status = "Done"
        toSchedule.append( ( opFile.toJSON()["Value"], validReplicas, validTargets ) )

    # # do real schedule here
    if toSchedule:

      ftsSchedule = self.ftsClient().ftsSchedule( request.RequestID,
                                                  toSchedule )
      if not ftsSchedule["OK"]:
        self.log.error( ftsSchedule["Message"] )
        return ftsSchedule

      ftsSchedule = ftsSchedule["Value"]
      for fileID in ftsSchedule["Successful"]:
        for opFile in operation:
          if fileID == opFile.FileID:
            opFile.Status = "Scheduled"

      for fileID, reason in ftsSchedule["Failed"]:
        for opFile in operation:
          if fileID == opFile.FileID:
            opFile.Error = reason

    return S_OK()

  def __submit( self, request, operation, toSubmit ):
    """ create and submit new FTSJobs using list of FTSFiles

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request instance
    :param list ftsFiles: list of FTSFile instances

    :return: [ FTSJob, FTSJob, ...]
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "%s/submit" % request.RequestName )

    bySourceAndTarget = {}
    for ftsFile in toSubmit:
      if ftsFile.SourceSE not in bySourceAndTarget:
        bySourceAndTarget.setdefault( ftsFile.SourceSE, {} )
      if ftsFile.TargetSE not in bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE]:
        bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE].setdefault( ftsFile.TargetSE, [] )
      bySourceAndTarget[ftsFile.SourceSE][ftsFile.TargetSE].append( ftsFile )

    ftsJobs = []

    for source, targetDict in bySourceAndTarget.items():

      for target, ftsFileList in targetDict.items():

        log.info( "found %s files to submit from %s to %s" % ( len( ftsFileList ), source, target ) )

        route = self.__ftsGraph.findRoute( source, target )
        if not route["OK"]:
          log.error( route["Message"] )
        route = route["Value"]

        sourceRead = route.fromNode.SEs[source]["read"]
        if not sourceRead:
          log.error( "SourceSE %s is banned for reading right now" % source )

        targetWrite = route.toNode.SEs[target]["write"]
        if not targetWrite:
          log.error( "TargetSE %s is banned for writing right now" % target )

        if route.ActiveJobs > route.toNode.MaxActiveJobs:
          log.warn( "unable to submit new FTS job, max active jobs reached" )

        # # create FTSJob
        ftsJob = FTSJob()
        ftsJob.RequestID = request.RequestID
        ftsJob.OperationID = operation.OperationID
        ftsJob.SourceSE = source
        ftsJob.TargetSE = target

        sourceSE = self.getSE( source )
        sourceToken = sourceSE.getStorageParameters( "SRM2" )
        if not sourceToken["OK"]:
          log.error( "unable to get sourceSE '%s' parameters: %s" % ( source, sourceToken["Message"] ) )
        ftsJob.SourceToken = sourceToken["Value"].get( "SpaceToken", "" )

        targetSE = self.getSE( target )
        targetToken = targetSE.getStorageParameters( "SRM2" )
        if not targetToken["OK"]:
          log.error( "unable to get targetSE '%s' parameters: %s" % ( target, targetToken["Message"] ) )
        ftsJob.TargetToken = targetToken["Value"].get( "SpaceToken", "" )

        ftsJob.FTSServer = route.toNode.FTSServer

        for ftsFile in ftsFileList:
          ftsFile.Attempt += 1
          ftsFile.Error = ""
          ftsJob.addFile( ftsFile )

        submit = ftsJob.submitFTS2( self.STAGE_FILES )
        if not submit["OK"]:
          log.error( "unable to submit FTSJob: %s" % submit["Message"] )

        log.info( "FTSJob '%s'@'%s' has been submitted" % ( ftsJob.FTSGUID, ftsJob.FTSServer ) )

        # # update statuses for job files
        for ftsFile in ftsJob:
          ftsFile.FTSGUID = ftsJob.FTSGUID
          ftsFile.Status = "Submitted"
          ftsFile.Attempt += 1

        # # update graph route
          route.ActiveJobs += 1

        ftsJobs.append( ftsJob )

    log.info( "%s new FTSJobs have been submitted" % len( ftsJobs ) )
    return S_OK( ftsJobs )

  def __monitorJob( self, request, ftsJob ):
    """ execute FTSJob.monitorFTS2 for a given :ftsJob:
        if ftsJob is in a final state, finalize it

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request instance
    :param FTSJob ftsJob: FTSDB.FTSJob instance
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "%s/monitor/%s" % ( request.RequestName, ftsJob.FTSGUID ) )
    log.info( "FTSJob '%s'@'%s'" % ( ftsJob.FTSGUID, ftsJob.FTSServer ) )

    # # this will be returned
    ftsFilesDict = dict( [ ( k, list() ) for k in ( "toRegister", "toSubmit", "toFail", "toReschedule", "toUpdate" ) ] )

    monitor = ftsJob.monitorFTS2()
    if not monitor["OK"]:
      gMonitor.addMark( "FTSMonitorFail", 1 )
      log.error( monitor["Message"] )
      if "getTransferJobSummary2: Not authorised to query request" in monitor["Message"]:
        log.error( "FTSJob not known (expired on server?)" )
        for ftsFile in ftsJob:
          ftsFile.Status = "Waiting"
          ftsFilesDict["toSubmit"] = ftsFile
        return S_OK( ftsFilesDict )
      return monitor

    monitor = monitor["Value"]
    log.info( "FTSJob Status = %s Completeness = %s" % ( ftsJob.Status, ftsJob.Completeness ) )

    # # monitor status change
    gMonitor.addMark( "FTSJobs%s" % ftsJob.Status, 1 )

    if ftsJob.Status in FTSJob.FINALSTATES:
      finalizeFTSJob = self.__finalizeFTSJob( request, ftsJob )
      if not finalizeFTSJob["OK"]:
        log.error( finalizeFTSJob["Message"] )
        return finalizeFTSJob
      ftsFilesDict = self.updateFTSFileDict( ftsFilesDict, finalizeFTSJob["Value"] )

    return S_OK( ftsFilesDict )

  def __finalizeFTSJob( self, request, ftsJob ):
    """ finalize FTSJob

    :param Request request: ReqDB.Request instance
    :param FTSJob ftsJob: FTSDB.FTSJob instance
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "%s/monitor/%s/finalize" % ( request.RequestName, ftsJob.FTSJobID ) )
    log.info( "finalizing FTSJob %s@%s" % ( ftsJob.FTSGUID, ftsJob.FTSServer ) )

    # # this will be returned
    ftsFilesDict = dict( [ ( k, list() ) for k in ( "toRegister", "toSubmit", "toFail", "toReschedule", "toUpdate" ) ] )

    monitor = ftsJob.monitorFTS2( full = True )
    if not monitor["OK"]:
      log.error( monitor["Message"] )
      return monitor

    # # split FTSFiles to different categories
    processFiles = self.__filterFiles( ftsJob )
    if not processFiles["OK"]:
      log.error( processFiles["Message"] )
      return processFiles
    ftsFilesDict = self.updateFTSFileDict( ftsFilesDict, processFiles["Value"] )

    # # send accounting record for this job
    self.__sendAccounting( ftsJob, request.OwnerDN )

    # # update graph - remove this job from graph
    route = self.__ftsGraph.findRoute( ftsJob.SourceSE, ftsJob.TargetSE )
    if route["OK"]:
        route["Value"].ActiveJobs -= 1

    log.info( "FTSJob is finalized" )

    return S_OK( ftsFilesDict )

  def __filterFiles( self, ftsJob ):
    """ process ftsFiles from finished ftsJob

    :param FTSJob ftsJob: monitored FTSJob instance
    # # lists for different categories
    toUpdate = []
    toReschedule = []
    toRegister = []
    toSubmit = []
    toFail = []

    # # loop over files in fts job
    for ftsFile in ftsJob:
      # # successful files
      if ftsFile.Status == "Finished":
        if ftsFile.Error == "AddCatalogReplicaFailed":
          toRegister.append( ftsFile )
        toUpdate.append( ftsFile )
      if ftsFile.Status == "Failed":
        if ftsFile.Error == "MissingSource":
          toReschedule.append( ftsFile )
          if ftsFile.Attempt < self.MAX_ATTEMPT:
            toSubmit.append( ftsFile )
            toFail.append( ftsFile )
            ftsFile.Error = "Max attempts reached"

    return S_OK( { "toUpdate": toUpdate,
                   "toSubmit": toSubmit,
                   "toRegister": toRegister,
                   "toReschedule": toReschedule,
                   "toFail": toFail } )

  def __register( self, request, operation, toRegister ):
    """ add RegisterReplica operation

    :param Request request: request instance
    :param Operation transferOp: 'ReplicateAndRegister' operation for this FTSJob
    :param list toRegister: [ FTSDB.FTSFile, ... ] - files that failed to register
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "%s/registerFiles" % request.RequestName )

    byTarget = {}
    for ftsFile in toRegister:
      if ftsFile.TargetSE not in byTarget:
        byTarget.setdefault( ftsFile.TargetSE, [] )
      byTarget[ftsFile.TargetSE].append( ftsFile )
    log.info( "will create %s 'RegisterReplica' operations" % len( byTarget ) )

    for target, ftsFileList in byTarget.items():
      log.info( "creating 'RegisterReplica' operation for targetSE %s with %s files..." % ( target,
                                                                                            len( ftsFileList ) ) )
      registerOperation = Operation()
      registerOperation.Type = "RegisterReplica"
      registerOperation.Status = "Waiting"
      registerOperation.TargetSE = target
      targetSE = self.getSE( target )
      for ftsFile in ftsFileList:
        opFile = File()
        opFile.LFN = ftsFile.LFN
        pfn = targetSE.getPfnForProtocol( ftsFile.TargetSURL, "SRM2", withPort = False )
        if not pfn["OK"]:
        opFile.PFN = pfn["Value"]
        registerOperation.addFile( opFile )
      request.insertBefore( registerOperation, operation )

    return S_OK()

  def __sendAccounting( ftsJob, ownerDN ):
    """ prepare and send DataOperation to AccouringDB """

    dataOp = DataOperation()
    dataOp.setStartTime( fromString( ftsJob.SubmitTime ) )
    dataOp.setEndTime( fromString( ftsJob.LastUpdate ) )

    accountingDict = dict()
    accountingDict["OperationType"] = "ReplicateAndRegister"

    username = getUsernameForDN( ownerDN )
    if not username["OK"]:
      username = ownerDN
      username = username["Value"]

    accountingDict["User"] = username
    accountingDict["Protocol"] = "FTS3" if 'fts3' in ftsJob.FTSServer.lower() else 'FTS'
    accountingDict['ExecutionSite'] = ftsJob.FTSServer

    accountingDict['RegistrationTime'] = ftsJob._regTime
    accountingDict['RegistrationOK'] = ftsJob._regSuccess
    accountingDict['RegistrationTotal'] = ftsJob._regTotal

    accountingDict["TransferOK"] = len( [ f for f in ftsJob if f.Status in FTSFile.SUCCESS_STATES ] )
    accountingDict["TransferTotal"] = len( ftsJob )
    accountingDict["TransferSize"] = ftsJob.Size - ftsJob.FailedSize
    accountingDict["FinalStatus"] = ftsJob.Status
    accountingDict["Source"] = ftsJob.SourceSE
    accountingDict["Destination"] = ftsJob.TargetSE

    dt = ftsJob.LastUpdate - ftsJob.SubmitTime
    transferTime = dt.days * 86400 + dt.seconds
    accountingDict["TransferTime"] = transferTime
    # accountingDict['TransferTime'] = sum( [f._duration for f in ftsJob])
    dataOp.setValuesFromDict( accountingDict )

  def __checkReadyReplicas( self, request, operation ):
    """ check ready replicas for transferOperation """
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "%s/checkReadyReplicas" % request.RequestName )

    targetSESet = set( operation.targetSEList )

    # # { LFN: [ targetSE, ... ] }
    missingReplicas = {}

    scheduledFiles = dict( [ ( opFile.LFN, opFile ) for opFile in operation
                              if opFile.Status in ( "Scheduled", "Waiting" ) ] )
    # # get replicas
    replicas = self.replicaManager().getCatalogReplicas( scheduledFiles.keys() )

    if not replicas["OK"]:
      self.log.error( replicas["Message"] )
      return replicas
    replicas = replicas["Value"]

    fullyReplicated = 0
    missingSEs = {}
    for successfulLFN in replicas["Successful"]:
      reps = set( replicas['Successful'][successfulLFN] )
      if targetSESet.issubset( reps ):
        log.info( "%s has been replicated to all targets" % successfulLFN )
        fullyReplicated += 1
        scheduledFiles[successfulLFN].Status = "Done"
        missingReplicas[successfulLFN] = sorted( targetSESet - reps )
        ses = ",".join( missingReplicas[ successfulLFN ] )
        missingSEs[ses] = missingSEs.setdefault( ses, 0 ) + 1
        log.verbose( "%s is still missing at %s" % ( successfulLFN, ses ) )
    if fullyReplicated:
      log.info( "%d new files have been replicated to all targets" % fullyReplicated )
    if missingSEs:
      for ses in missingSEs:
        log.info( "%d replicas still missing at %s" % ( missingSEs[ses], ses ) )

    reMissing = re.compile( "no such file or directory" )
    for failedLFN, errStr in replicas["Failed"].items():
      scheduledFiles[failedLFN].Error = errStr
      if reMissing.search( errStr.lower() ):
        log.error( "%s is missing, setting its status to 'Failed'" % failedLFN )
        scheduledFiles[failedLFN].Status = "Failed"
        log.warn( "unable to read replicas for %s: %s" % ( failedLFN, errStr ) )

    return S_OK( missingReplicas )

  def __filterReplicas( self, opFile ):
    """ filter out banned/invalid source SEs """
    log = self.log.getSubLogger( "filterReplicas" )

    ret = { "Valid" : [], "Banned" : [], "Bad" : [] }

    replicas = self.replicaManager().getActiveReplicas( opFile.LFN )
    if not replicas["OK"]:
      log.error( replicas["Message"] )
    reNotExists = re.compile( "not such file or directory" )
    replicas = replicas["Value"]
    failed = replicas["Failed"].get( opFile.LFN , "" )
    if reNotExists.match( failed.lower() ):
      opFile.Status = "Failed"
      opFile.Error = failed
      return S_ERROR( failed )

    replicas = replicas["Successful"][opFile.LFN] if opFile.LFN in replicas["Successful"] else {}

    for repSEName in replicas:

      repSE = self.getSE( repSEName )

      pfn = repSE.getPfnForLfn( opFile.LFN )
      if not pfn["OK"]:
        log.warn( "unable to create pfn for %s lfn: %s" % ( opFile.LFN, pfn["Message"] ) )
        ret["Banned"].append( repSEName )
      pfn = pfn["Value"]

      repSEMetadata = repSE.getFileMetadata( pfn, singleFile = True )
      if not repSEMetadata["OK"]:
        self.log.warn( repSEMetadata["Message"] )
        ret["Banned"].append( repSEName )
      repSEMetadata = repSEMetadata["Value"]

      seChecksum = repSEMetadata["Checksum"].replace( "x", "0" ).zfill( 8 ) if "Checksum" in repSEMetadata else None
      if opFile.Checksum and opFile.Checksum != seChecksum:
        self.log.warn( " %s checksum mismatch: %s %s:%s" % ( opFile.LFN,
                                                             seChecksum ) )
        ret["Bad"].append( repSEName )
      # # if we're here repSE is OK
      ret["Valid"].append( repSEName )

    return S_OK( ret )