Ejemplo n.º 1
class Badger:
    def __init__(self, fcClient=False):
        """Internal initialization of Badger API.
        if not fcClient:
            _fcType = "DataManagement/FileCatalog"
            self.client = FileCatalogClient(_fcType)
            self.client = fcClient
        # self.besclient = FileCatalogClient('DataManagement/DatasetFileCatalog')

    def __createQuery(metaSelections):
        need the function then,need not import
        from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.FileCatalogClientCLI import FileCatalogClientCLI

    def getDatasetNamePrefix(self):
        """descide the prefix of a datasetName"""
        prefix = ""
        result = getProxyInfo(False, False)
        if result["OK"]:
            userGroup = result["Value"]["group"]
            if userGroup == "bes_user":
                prefix = "User_"
            elif userGroup == "production":
                prefix = "Proc_"
            return prefix
            return prefix

    def getFilenamesByLocaldir(self, localDir):
        """ get all files under the given dir
        result = [/bes3fs/offline/data/663-1/4260/dst/121215/filename1,
        fileList = []
        for rootdir, subdirs, files in os.walk(localDir):
            for name in files:
                fullPath = os.path.join(rootdir, name)
        return fileList

    def __getFileAttributes(self, fullPath):
        """ get all attributes of the given file,return a attribute dict.
        if os.path.exists(fullPath):
            type = judgeType(fullPath)
            if type == "all":
                obj = DataAll(fullPath)
            elif type == "others":
                obj = Others(fullPath)
            elif type == None:
                errorMes = "name if %s is not correct" % fullPath
                print "cannot get attributes of %s" % fullPath
                attributes = {}
                return attributes
                # raise TypeError(errorMes)
            attributes = obj.getAttributes()
            # attributes['date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime())
            attributes = {}

        return attributes

    def testFunction(self):
        result = self.__getFileAttributes(
        print result

    def __registerDir(self, dir):
        """Internal function to register a new directory in DFC .
           Returns True for success, False for failure.
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.createDirectory(dir)
        if result["OK"]:
            if result["Value"]["Successful"]:
                if result["Value"]["Successful"].has_key(dir):
                    return S_OK()
                elif result["Value"]["Failed"]:
                    if result["Value"]["Failed"].has_key(dir):
                        print "Failed to create directory %s:%s" % (dir, result["Value"]["Failed"][dir])
                        return S_ERROR(result)
                return S_ERROR(result)
            print "Failed to create directory %s:%s" % (dir, result["Message"])
            return S_ERROR(result)

    def __registerFileMetadata(self, lfn, attributes):
        """Internal function to set metadata values on a given lfn. 
          Returns True for success, False for failure.
        metadataDict = {}
        metadataDict["runL"] = attributes["runL"]
        metadataDict["runH"] = attributes["runH"]
        metadataDict["status"] = attributes["status"]
        metadataDict["eventNumber"] = attributes["eventNumber"]
        metadataDict["count"] = attributes["count"]
        result = self.client.setMetadata(lfn, metadataDict)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR()
            return S_OK()

    def __registerDirMetadata(self, dir, metaDict):
        """Internal function to set metadata to a directory
           Returns True for success, False for failure.
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.setMetadata(dir, metaDict)
        if result["OK"]:
            return S_OK()
            message = "Error for setting metadata %s to %s: %s" % (metaDict, dir, result["Message"])
            return S_ERROR("Message")

    def __dirExists(self, dir, parentDir):
        """ Internal function to check whether 'dir' is the subdirectory of 'parentDir'
            Returns 1 for Yes, 0 for NO
        fc = self.client
        dir_exists = 0
        result = fc.listDirectory(parentDir)
        if result["OK"]:
            for i, v in enumerate(result["Value"]["Successful"][parentDir]["SubDirs"]):
                if v == dir:
                    dir_exists = 1
            print "Failed to list subdirectories of %s:%s" % (parentDir, result["Message"])

        return dir_exists

    def __registerSubDirs(self, dirs_dict, dirs_meta):
        """Internal function to create directories in dirs_dict
           Returns True for sucess, False for failure
        creation_ok = True

        for dir in dirs_dict:
            if (dir != "dir_file") & (dir != "dir_data_mc"):
                if self.__registerDir(dirs_meta[dir][0])["OK"]:
                    result = self.__registerDirMetadata(dirs_meta[dir][0], {dir.split("_")[1]: dirs_meta[dir][1]})
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        creation_ok = False
                    print "Failed to create %s" % dir
                    creation_ok = False
                if not self.__registerDir(dirs_meta[dir])["OK"]:
                    print "Failed to create %s" % dir
                    creation_ok = False

        return creation_ok

    def registerHierarchicalDir(self, metaDict, rootDir="/bes"):
           Create a hierarchical directory according the metadata dictionary
           Return created directory  for sucess,if this directory has been created, return this existing directory .

           Structure of the hierarchical directory:
           for real data:/bes/File/resonance/boss version/data/eventType/round
           for mc data:/bes/File/resonance/boss version/mc/eventType/round/streamId
           The eventType of all real datas is all. 

           >>>metaDict = {'dataType': 'dst', 'eventType': 'all', 'streamId': 'stream0','resonance': 'psipp', 'round':'round01','bossVer': '6.6.1'}
        # Save about 20 lines compared with last one
        fc = self.client

        dir_exists = 0
        # 0 for failure,1 for success,2 for existing directory
        creation_OK = 0
        lastDirMetaDict = {"dataType": metaDict["dataType"], "streamId": metaDict["streamId"]}

        dir_file = rootDir + "/File"
        dir_resonance = dir_file + "/" + metaDict["resonance"]
        dir_bossVer = dir_resonance + "/" + metaDict["bossVer"]

        if metaDict["streamId"] == "stream0":
            dir_data_mc = dir_bossVer + "/data"
            dir_data_mc = dir_bossVer + "/mc"
        dir_eventType = dir_data_mc + "/" + metaDict["eventType"]
        dir_round = dir_eventType + "/" + metaDict["round"]
        dir_streamId = dir_round + "/" + metaDict["streamId"]

        # if dir_round has been created,create_round=1
        create_round = 0

        dirs_dict = ["dir_file", "dir_resonance", "dir_bossVer", "dir_data_mc", "dir_eventType", "dir_round"]
        dirs_meta = {
            "dir_file": dir_file,
            "dir_data_mc": dir_data_mc,
            "dir_resonance": [dir_resonance, metaDict["resonance"]],
            "dir_bossVer": [dir_bossVer, metaDict["bossVer"]],
            "dir_eventType": [dir_eventType, metaDict["eventType"]],
            "dir_round": [dir_round, metaDict["round"]],
        dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_file, rootDir)
        if not dir_exists:
            result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
            if result:
                create_round = 1
            dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_resonance, dir_file)
            if not dir_exists:
                dirs_dict = dirs_dict[1:]
                result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                if result:
                    create_round = 1
                dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_bossVer, dir_resonance)
                if not dir_exists:
                    dirs_dict = dirs_dict[2:]
                    result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                    if result:
                        create_round = 1
                    dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_data_mc, dir_bossVer)
                    if not dir_exists:
                        dirs_dict = dirs_dict[3:]
                        result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                        if result:
                            create_round = 1
                        dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_eventType, dir_data_mc)
                        if not dir_exists:
                            dirs_dict = dirs_dict[4:]
                            result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                            if result:
                                create_round = 1
                            dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_round, dir_eventType)
                            if not dir_exists:
                                dirs_dict = dirs_dict[5:]
                                result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                                if result:
                                    create_round = 1
                                create_round = 1

        if create_round:
            if metaDict["streamId"] != "stream0":
                dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_streamId, dir_round)
                if not dir_exists:
                    if self.__registerDir(dir_streamId)["OK"]:
                        result = self.__registerDirMetadata(dir_streamId, {"streamId": metaDict["streamId"]})
                        if result["OK"]:
                            result = self.__registerDirMetadata(dir_streamId, lastDirMetaDict)
                            if result["OK"]:
                                creation_OK = 1
                    creation_OK = 2
                result = self.__registerDirMetadata(dir_round, lastDirMetaDict)
                if result["OK"]:
                    creation_OK = 1

        if (creation_OK == 1) | (creation_OK == 2):
            if metaDict["streamId"] == "stream0":
                return dir_round
                return dir_streamId

    # dir options
    def removeDir(self, dir):
        """remove the dir include files and subdirs
        result = self.client.listDirectory(dir)
        if result["OK"]:
            if not result["Value"]["Successful"][dir]["Files"] and not result["Value"]["Successful"][dir]["SubDirs"]:
                # print 'no file and subDirs in this dir'
                return S_OK()
                if result["Value"]["Successful"][dir]["Files"]:
                    for file in result["Value"]["Successful"][dir]["Files"]:
                    for subdir in result["Value"]["Successful"][dir]["SubDirs"]:

    def listDir(self, dir):
        """list the files under the given DFC dir"""
        fileList = []
        result = self.client.listDirectory(dir)
        if result["OK"]:
            if result["Value"]["Successful"][dir]["Files"]:
                fileList = result["Value"]["Successful"][dir]["Files"].keys()
            print "no files under this dir"
        return fileList

    def getDirMetaVal(self, dir):
        """list the registed metadata value of the given dir"""
        result = self.client.getDirectoryMetadata(dir)
        if result["OK"]:
            return result["Value"]
            print "Failed to get meta Value of the directory"
            return {}

    # meta fields operations
    def addNewFields(self, fieldName, fieldType, metaType="-d"):
        """add new fields,if metaType is '-f',add file field,
        fileType is datatpye in MySQL notation
        result = self.client.addMetadataField(fieldName, fieldType, metaType)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK()

    def deleteMetaField(self, fieldName):
        """delete a exist metafield"""
        result = self.client.deleteMetadataField(fieldName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK()

    def getAllFields(self):
        """get all meta fields,include file metafield and dir metafield.
        result = self.client.getMetadataFields()
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR(result["Message"])
            return result["Value"]

    def registerFileMetadata(self, lfn, metaDict):

        """Add file level metadata to an entry
           True for success, False for failure
           (maybe used to registerNewMetadata
           >>>lfn = '/bes/File/psipp/6.6.1/data/all/exp1/run_0011414_All_file001_SFO-1'
           >>>entryDict = {'runL':1000,'runH':898898}
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.setMetadata(lfn, metaDict)
        if result["OK"]:
            return S_OK()
            print "Error:%s" % (result["Message"])
            return S_ERROR(result["Message"])

    # File Options
    def registerFile(self, lfn, dfcAttrDict):
        """Register a new file in the DFC.
        # TODO:need more tests,if directory of file doesn't exist,
        # addFile will create it without setting any metadata(lin lei)
        # need to check whether directory of file exists in dfc?(lin lei)
        # pass
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.addFile({lfn: dfcAttrDict})
        if result["OK"]:
            if result["Value"]["Successful"]:
                if result["Value"]["Successful"].has_key(lfn):
                    return S_OK()
            elif result["Value"]["Failed"]:
                if result["Value"]["Failed"].has_key(lfn):
                    print "Failed to add this file:", result["Value"]["Failed"][lfn]
                    return S_ERROR()
            print "Failed to add this file :", result["Message"]
            return S_ERROR()
        # need to register file (inc. creating appropriate directory
        # if it doesn't already exist; and register metadata for that
        # file / directory
        # Q: how / where to pass the metadata?

    def getFileMetaVal(self, lfn):
        """get the File Meta Value of given file

        result = self.client.getFileUserMetadata(lfn)
        if result["OK"]:
            return result["Value"]
            print "Failed to get meta Value of this file"
            return {}

    def reCalcCount(self, fileList, plus=True):
        """calculate the value of metadata 'count',when a file contain in a dataset
      count+1,when del a dataset,then all file in this dataset count -1
      default plus=True,means count+1,if count-1,set plus=False 
      return the value of count, count = -1 means error.
      NOTE:this function should only be called when create or delete a dataset.
        countDict = {}
        if type(fileList) != type([]):
            fileList = [fileList]
        for file in fileList:
            result = self.getFileMetaVal(file)
            if len(result) != 0:
                count = result["count"]
                if plus:
                    count += 1
                    if count > 0:
                        count -= 1
                cDict = {"count": count}
                self.registerFileMetadata(file, cDict)
                countDict[file] = count
                print "Failed reCalculate value of count of file %s" % file
                countDict[file] = -1

        return countDict

    def removeFile(self, lfn):
        """remove file on DFC
        result = self.client.removeFile(lfn)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK()

    def getPFN(self, lfn):
        """get replicas by lfn"""
        result = self.client.getReplicas(lfn)
        # print result
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK(result["Value"]["Successful"][lfn]["IHEPD-USER"])

    def getSize(self, lfns):
        """get the size of the given lfn"""
        result = self.client.getFileSize(lfns)
        if result["OK"]:
            if result["Value"]["Successful"]:
                retVal = result["Value"]["Successful"]
            retVal = {}
        return retVal

    def getFilesByMetadataQuery(self, query):
        """Return a list of LFNs satisfying given query conditions.

           Example usage:
           >>> brunH_GT_29756adger.getFilesByMetadataQuery('resonance=jpsi bossVer=6.5.5 round=exp1')
           ['/bes/File/jpsi/6.5.5/data/all/exp1/file1', .....]

        # TODO: checking of output, error catching

        fc = self.client
        # TODO: calling the FileCatalog CLI object and its private method
        # is not a good way of doing this! but use it to allow construction of
        # the query meantime, until createQuery is made a public method
        cli = FileCatalogClientCLI(fc)
        metadataDict = cli._FileCatalogClientCLI__createQuery(query)
        result = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metadataDict, "/")
        if result["OK"]:
            lfns = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metadataDict, "/")["Value"]
            return lfns
            print "ERROR: No files found which match query conditions."
            return None

    def uploadAndRegisterFiles(self, fileList, SE="IHEPD-USER", guid=None, ePoint=""):
        """upload a set of files to SE and register it in DFC.
        user input the directory of localfile.
          ePoint is the energy point,for scan data
        we can treat localDir as a kind of datasetName.

        result_OK = 1
        errorList = []
        # fileList = self.getFilenamesByLocaldir(localDir)
        for fullpath in fileList:
            # get the attributes of the file
            fileAttr = self.__getFileAttributes(fullpath)
            if len(fileAttr) == 0:
                print "failed to get file %s attributes" % fullpath
                return S_ERROR("failed to get file attributes")
            # create dir and set dirMetadata to associated dir
            lastDir = self.registerHierarchicalDir(fileAttr, rootDir="/bes")
            dirMeta = self.getDirMetaVal(lastDir)
            if not (dirMeta.has_key("jobOptions") or dirMeta.has_key("description")):
                lastDirMetaDict = {}
                lastDirMetaDict["jobOptions"] = fileAttr["jobOptions"]
                lastDirMetaDict["description"] = fileAttr["description"]
                    self.__registerDirMetadata(lastDir, lastDirMetaDict)
            if len(ePoint):
                lastDir = lastDir + os.sep + ePoint
            lfn = lastDir + os.sep + fileAttr["LFN"]
            # upload and register file.
            dirac = Dirac()
            result = dirac.addFile(lfn, fullpath, SE, guid, printOutput=True)
            # register file metadata
            if not result["OK"]:
                print "ERROR %s" % (result["Message"])
                # return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
                result_OK = 0
                result = self.__registerFileMetadata(lfn, fileAttr)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    result_OK = 0
                    print "failed to register file metadata"
        if result_OK:
            return S_OK()
            return S_ERROR(errorList)

    def downloadFilesByFilelist(self, fileList, destDir=""):
        """downLoad a set of files form SE.
        use getFilesByFilelist() get a list of lfns and download these files.
        fileList get from function getFilesByDatesetName()

           Example usage:
        errorDict = {}
        dirac = Dirac()
        # fileList = self.getFilesByDatasetName(dataset_name)
        for lfn in fileList:
            result = dirac.getFile(lfn, destDir, printOutput=False)
            if not result["OK"]:
                errorDict[lfn] = result["Message"]
        if errorDict:
            serr = S_ERROR()
            serr["errorDict"] = errorDict
            return serr
            return S_OK("File download successfully.")

    # dataset functions
    def registerDataset(self, datasetName, path, conditions):
        """Register a new dataset in DFC. Takes dataset name and string with
           conditions for new dataset as arguments.
           datasetname format:  
           type(conditions) is str,like "resonance=jpsi bossVer=655 round=round1"
        fc = self.client
        cli = FileCatalogClientCLI(fc)
        metadataDict = cli._FileCatalogClientCLI__createQuery(conditions)
        metadataDict["Path"] = path
        result = fc.addDataset(datasetName, metadataDict)
        if not result["OK"]:
            print ("Error: %s" % result["Message"])
            return S_ERROR()
            print "Added dataset %s with conditions %s" % (datasetName, conditions)
            return S_OK()

    def getDatasetDescription(self, datasetName):
        """Return a string containing a description of metadata with which 
           the given dataset was defined.
           Example usage:
           >>> result = badger.getDatasetDescription('psipp_661_data_all_exp2')
        result = self.client.getDatasetParameters(datasetName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            print "ERROR: failed to get status of dataset:", result["Message"]
            parDict = result["Value"]
        for par, value in parDict.items():
            print par.rjust(20), ":", value

    def getDatasetMetadata(self, datasetName):
        """Return a dict containing a description of metadata with which 
           the given dataset was defined.
           Example usage:
           >>> result = badger.getDatasetMetadata('psipp_661_data_all_exp2')
        result = self.client.getDatasetParameters(datasetName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            print "ERROR: failed to get status of dataset:", result["Message"]
            return S_ERROR(result["Message"])
            parDict = result["Value"]
            return S_OK(parDict)

    def removeDataset(self, datasetName):
        """remove a dataset
        result = self.client.removeDataset(datasetName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            print "ERROR: failed to remove dataset:", result["Message"]
            print "Successfully removed dataset", datasetName

    def checkDataset(self, datasetName):
        """ check if the dataset parameters are still valid
        result = self.client.checkDataset(datasetName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            print "ERROR: failed to check dataset:", result["Message"]
            changeDict = result["Value"]
            if not changeDict:
                print "Dataset is not changed"
                print "Dataset changed:"
                for par in changeDict:
                    print "   ", par, ": ", changeDict[par][0], "->", changeDict[par][1]

    def updateDataset(self, datasetName):
        """ Update the given dataset parameters
        result = self.client.updateDataset(datasetName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            print "ERROR: failed to update dataset:", result["Message"]
            print "Successfully updated dataset", datasetName

    def freezeDataset(self, datasetName):
        """ Freeze the given dataset
        result = self.client.freezeDataset(datasetName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            print "ERROR: failed to freeze dataset:", result["Message"]
            print "Successfully frozen dataset", datasetName

    def releaseDataset(self, datasetName):
        """ Release the given dataset
        result = self.client.releaseDataset(datasetName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            print "ERROR: failed to release dataset:", result["Message"]
            print "Successfully released dataset", datasetName

    def getFilesByDatasetName(self, datasetName):
        """Return a list of LFNs in the given dataset.
           Example usage:
           >>> badger.getFilesByDatasetName('psipp_661_data_all_exp2')
           ['/bes/File/psipp/6.6.1/data/all/exp2/file1', .....]

        fc = self.client
        result = returnSingleResult(fc.getDatasetFiles(datasetName))
        if result["OK"]:
            lfns = result["Value"]
            return S_OK(lfns)
            print "ERROR: Dataset", datasetName, " not found"
            return S_ERROR(result)

    def listDatasets(self):
        """list the exist dataset"""
        datasetName = ""
        result = self.client.getDatasets(datasetName)
        if not result["OK"]:
            print "ERROR:failed to get datasets"

        datasetDict = result["Value"]
        for dName in datasetDict.keys():
            print dName

    def checkDatasetIntegrity():
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Badger:
    def __init__(self, fcClient=False):
        """Internal initialization of Badger API.
        if not fcClient:
            _fcType = 'DataManagement/FileCatalog'
            self.client = FileCatalogClient(_fcType)
            self.client = fcClient
        self.besclient = FileCatalogClient('DataManagement/DatasetFileCatalog')

    def __getFilenamesByLocaldir(self, localDir):
        """ get all files under the given dir
        result = [/bes3fs/offline/data/663-1/4260/dst/121215/filename1,
        fileList = []
        for rootdir, subdirs, files in os.walk(localDir):
            for name in files:
                fullPath = os.path.join(rootdir, name)

        return fileList

    def __getFileAttributes(self, fullPath):
        """ get all attributes of the given file,return a attribute dict.
        if os.path.exists(fullPath):
            type = judgeType(fullPath)
            if type == "all":
                obj = DataAll(fullPath)
            elif type == "others":
                obj = Others(fullPath)
            elif type == None:
                errorMes = "name if %s is not correct" % fullPath
                print "cannot get attributes of %s" % fullPath
                return S_ERROR(errorMes)
            attributes = obj.getAttributes()
            attributes['date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',

        return attributes

    def testFunction(self):
        result = self.__getFilenamesByLocaldir(
        for item in result:
            print item
        print len(result)

    def __registerDir(self, dir):
        """Internal function to register a new directory in DFC .
           Returns True for success, False for failure.
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.createDirectory(dir)
        if result['OK']:
            if result['Value']['Successful']:
                if result['Value']['Successful'].has_key(dir):
                    return S_OK()
                elif result['Value']['Failed']:
                    if result['Value']['Failed'].has_key(dir):
                        print 'Failed to create directory %s:%s' % (
                            dir, result['Value']['Failed'][dir])
                        return S_ERROR()
            print 'Failed to create directory %s:%s' % (dir, result['Message'])
            return S_ERROR()

    def __registerFileMetadata(self, lfn, attributes):
        """Internal function to set metadata values on a given lfn. 
          Returns True for success, False for failure.
        metadataDict = {}
        metadataDict['dataType'] = attributes['dataType']
        metadataDict['runL'] = attributes['runL']
        metadataDict['runH'] = attributes['runH']
        metadataDict['status'] = attributes['status']
        metadataDict['description'] = attributes['description']
        metadataDict['date'] = attributes['date']
        metadataDict['LFN'] = attributes['LFN']
        metadataDict['PFN'] = attributes['PFN']
        metadataDict['eventNum'] = attributes['eventNum']
        metadataDict['fileSize'] = attributes['fileSize']
        result = self.client.setMetadata(lfn, metadataDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR()
            return S_OK()

    def __registerDirMetadata(self, dir, metaDict):
        """Internal function to set metadata to a directory
           Returns True for success, False for failure.
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.setMetadata(dir, metaDict)
        if result['OK']:
            return S_OK()
            print("Error for setting metadata %s to %s: %s" %
                  (metaDict, dir, result['Message']))
            return S_ERROR(result['Message'])

    def __dirExists(self, dir, parentDir):
        """ Internal function to check whether 'dir' is the subdirectory of 'parentDir'
            Returns 1 for Yes, 0 for NO
        fc = self.client
        dir_exists = 0
        result = fc.listDirectory(parentDir)
        if result['OK']:
            for i, v in enumerate(
                if v == dir:
                    dir_exists = 1
            print 'Failed to list subdirectories of %s:%s' % (
                parentDir, result['Message'])

        return dir_exists

    def __registerSubDirs(self, dirs_dict, dirs_meta):
        """Internal function to create directories in dirs_dict
           Returns True for sucess, False for failure
        creation_ok = True

        for dir in dirs_dict:
            if (dir != 'dir_file') & (dir != 'dir_data_mc'):
                if self.__registerDir(dirs_meta[dir][0])['OK']:
                    result = self.__registerDirMetadata(
                        {dir.split('_')[1]: dirs_meta[dir][1]})
                    if not result['OK']:
                        creation_ok = False
                    print 'Failed to create %s' % dir
                    creation_ok = False
                if not self.__registerDir(dirs_meta[dir])['OK']:
                    print 'Failed to create %s' % dir
                    creation_ok = False

        return creation_ok

    def registerHierarchicalDir(self, metaDict, rootDir='/bes'):
           Create a hierarchical directory according the metadata dictionary
           Return created directory  for sucess,if this directory has been created, return this existing directory .

           Structure of the hierarchical directory:
           for real data:/bes/File/resonance/boss version/data/eventType/round
           for mc data:/bes/File/resonance/boss version/mc/eventType/round/streamId
           The eventType of all real datas is all. 

           >>>metaDict = {'dataType': 'dst', 'eventType': 'all', 'streamId': 'stream0','resonance': 'psipp', 'round':'round01','bossVer': '6.6.1'}
        #Save about 20 lines compared with last one
        fc = self.client

        dir_exists = 0
        #0 for failure,1 for success,2 for existing directory
        creation_OK = 0
        lastDirMetaDict = {
            'dataType': metaDict['dataType'],
            'streamId': metaDict['streamId']

        dir_file = rootDir + '/File'
        dir_resonance = dir_file + '/' + metaDict['resonance']
        dir_bossVer = dir_resonance + '/' + metaDict['bossVer']

        if metaDict['streamId'] == 'stream0':
            dir_data_mc = dir_bossVer + '/data'
            dir_data_mc = dir_bossVer + '/mc'
        dir_eventType = dir_data_mc + '/' + metaDict['eventType']
        dir_round = dir_eventType + '/' + metaDict['round']
        dir_streamId = dir_round + '/' + metaDict['streamId']

        # if dir_round has been created,create_round=1
        create_round = 0

        dirs_dict = [
            'dir_file', 'dir_resonance', 'dir_bossVer', 'dir_data_mc',
            'dir_eventType', 'dir_round'
        dirs_meta = {
            'dir_file': dir_file,
            'dir_data_mc': dir_data_mc,
            'dir_resonance': [dir_resonance, metaDict['resonance']],
            'dir_bossVer': [dir_bossVer, metaDict['bossVer']],
            'dir_eventType': [dir_eventType, metaDict['eventType']],
            'dir_round': [dir_round, metaDict['round']]

        dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_file, rootDir)
        if not dir_exists:
            result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
            if result:
                create_round = 1
            dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_resonance, dir_file)
            if not dir_exists:
                dirs_dict = dirs_dict[1:]
                result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                if result:
                    create_round = 1
                dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_bossVer, dir_resonance)
                if not dir_exists:
                    dirs_dict = dirs_dict[2:]
                    result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                    if result:
                        create_round = 1
                    dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_data_mc, dir_bossVer)
                    if not dir_exists:
                        dirs_dict = dirs_dict[3:]
                        result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                        if result:
                            create_round = 1
                        dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_eventType,
                        if not dir_exists:
                            dirs_dict = dirs_dict[4:]
                            result = self.__registerSubDirs(
                                dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                            if result:
                                create_round = 1
                            dir_exists = self.__dirExists(
                                dir_round, dir_eventType)
                            if not dir_exists:
                                dirs_dict = dirs_dict[5:]
                                result = self.__registerSubDirs(
                                    dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                                if result:
                                    create_round = 1
                                create_round = 1

        if create_round:
            if metaDict['streamId'] != "stream0":
                dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_streamId, dir_round)
                if not dir_exists:
                    if self.__registerDir(dir_streamId)['OK']:
                        result = self.__registerDirMetadata(
                            dir_streamId, {'streamId': metaDict['streamId']})
                        if result['OK']:
                            result = self.__registerDirMetadata(
                                dir_streamId, lastDirMetaDict)
                            if result['OK']:
                                creation_OK = 1
                    creation_OK = 2
                result = self.__registerDirMetadata(dir_round, lastDirMetaDict)
                if result['OK']:
                    creation_OK = 1

        if (creation_OK == 1) | (creation_OK == 2):
            if metaDict['streamId'] == "stream0":
                return dir_round
                return dir_streamId

    def removeDir(self, dir):
        """remove the dir include files and subdirs
        result = self.client.listDirectory(dir)
        if result['OK']:
            if not result['Value']['Successful'][dir]['Files'] and not result[
                print 'no file and subDirs in this dir'
                return S_OK()
                if result['Value']['Successful'][dir]['Files']:
                    for file in result['Value']['Successful'][dir]['Files']:
                    for subdir in result['Value']['Successful'][dir][

    def registerFileMetadata(self, lfn, metaDict):
        """Add file level metadata to an entry
           True for success, False for failure
           (maybe used to registerNewMetadata
           >>>lfn = '/bes/File/psipp/6.6.1/data/all/exp1/run_0011414_All_file001_SFO-1'
           >>>entryDict = {'runL':1000,'runH':898898}
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.setMetadata(lfn, metaDict)
        if result['OK']:
            return S_OK()
            print 'Error:%s' % (result['Message'])
            return S_ERROR(result['Message'])

    # meta fields operations
    def addNewFields(self, fieldName, fieldType, metaType='-d'):
        """add new fields,if metaType is '-f',add file field,
        fileType is datatpye in MySQL notation
        result = self.client.addMetadataField(fieldName, fieldType, metaType)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK()

    def deleteMetaField(self, fieldName):
        """delete a exist metafield"""
        result = self.client.deleteMetadataField(fieldName)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK()

    def getAllFields(self):
        """get all meta fields,include file metafield and dir metafield.
        result = self.client.getMetadataFields()
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
            return result['Value']


    def registerFile(self, lfn, dfcAttrDict):
        """Register a new file in the DFC.
        #TODO:need more tests,if directory of file doesn't exist,
        #addFile will create it without setting any metadata(lin lei)
        #need to check whether directory of file exists in dfc?(lin lei)
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.addFile({lfn: dfcAttrDict})
        if result['OK']:
            if result['Value']['Successful']:
                if result['Value']['Successful'].has_key(lfn):
                    return S_OK()
            elif result['Value']['Failed']:
                if result['Value']['Failed'].has_key(lfn):
                    print 'Failed to add this file:', result['Value'][
                    return S_ERROR()
            print 'Failed to add this file :', result['Message']
            return S_ERROR()
        # need to register file (inc. creating appropriate directory
        # if it doesn't already exist; and register metadata for that
        # file / directory
        # Q: how / where to pass the metadata?

    def removeFile(self, lfn):
        """remove file on DFC
        result = self.client.removeFile(lfn)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK()

    def uploadAndRegisterFiles(self, localDir, SE='IHEP-USER', guid=None):
        """upload a set of files to SE and register it in DFC.
        user input the directory of localfile.
        we can treat localDir as a kind of datasetName.

        result_OK = 1
        errorList = []
        fileList = self.__getFilenamesByLocaldir(localDir)
        for fullpath in fileList[:50]:
            #get the attributes of the file
            print fullpath
            fileAttr = self.__getFileAttributes(fullpath)
            #create dir and set dirMetadata to associated dir
            metaDict = {}
            metaDict['dataType'] = fileAttr['dataType']
            metaDict['eventType'] = fileAttr['eventType']
            metaDict['streamId'] = fileAttr['streamId']
            metaDict['resonance'] = fileAttr['resonance']
            metaDict['round'] = fileAttr['round']
            metaDict['bossVer'] = fileAttr['bossVer']
            lastDir = self.registerHierarchicalDir(metaDict,
            lfn = lastDir + os.sep + fileAttr['LFN']
            fileAttr['LFN'] = lfn
            #upload and register file.
            dirac = Dirac()
            result = dirac.addFile(lfn, fullpath, SE, guid, printOutput=True)
            #register file metadata
            if not result['OK']:
                print 'ERROR %s' % (result['Message'])
                #return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
                result_OK = 0
                #get the truely PFN
                storageElement = StorageElement(SE)
                res = storageElement.getPfnForLfn(lfn)
                destPfn = res['Value']
                fileAttr['PFN'] = destPfn
                result = self.__registerFileMetadata(lfn, fileAttr)
                if not result['OK']:
                    result_OK = 0
                    print "failed to register file metadata"
        if result_OK:
            return S_OK()
            return S_ERROR(errorList)

    # dataset functions
    def registerDataset(self, dataset_name, conditions):
        """Register a new dataset in DFC. Takes dataset name and string with
           conditions for new dataset as arguments.
           datasetname format:  
        # need to think about how datasets are defined
        # format for passing the dataset conditions?

        fc = self.client
        setDict = {}
        for cond in conditions:
            key, value = cond.split('=')
            setDict[key] = value
        result = fc.addMetadataSet(dataset_name, setDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            print("Error: %s" % result['Message'])
            print "Added dataset %s with conditions %s" % (dataset_name,

    def getFilesByDatasetName(self, dataset_name):
        """Return a list of LFNs in the given dataset.
           Example usage:
           >>> badger.getFilesByDatasetName('psipp_661_data_all_exp2')
           ['/bes/File/psipp/6.6.1/data/all/exp2/file1', .....]

        fc = self.client
        #sfc = self.besclient
        result = fc.getMetadataSet(dataset_name, True)
        if result['Value']:
            metadataDict = result['Value']
            result = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metadataDict, '/')
            lfns = result['Value']
            dirs = fc.findDirectoriesByMetadata(metadataDict)
            return lfns
            print "ERROR: Dataset", dataset_name, " not found"
            return S_ERROR(result)

    def getFilesByMetadataQuery(self, query):
        """Return a list of LFNs satisfying given query conditions.

           Example usage:
           >>> badger.getFilesByMetadataQuery('resonance=jpsi bossVer=6.5.5 round=exp1')
           ['/bes/File/jpsi/6.5.5/data/all/exp1/file1', .....]

        #TODO: checking of output, error catching

        fc = self.client
        #TODO: calling the FileCatalog CLI object and its private method
        # is not a good way of doing this! but use it to allow construction of
        # the query meantime, until createQuery is made a public method
        cli = FileCatalogClientCLI(fc)
        metadataDict = cli._FileCatalogClientCLI__createQuery(query)
        result = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metadataDict, '/')
        if result['OK']:
            lfns = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metadataDict, '/')['Value']
            return lfns
            print "ERROR: No files found which match query conditions."
            return None

    def getDatasetDescription(self, dataset_name):
        """Return a string containing a description of metadata with which 
           the given dataset was defined.
           Example usage:
           >>> result = badger.getDatasetDescription('psipp_661_data_all_exp2')
           >>> print result
           Dataset psipp_661_data_all_exp2 was defined with the following metadata conditions:
               round : exp2
               bossVer : 6.6.1
               resonance : psipp
        #TODO: keep this as separate method, or just return description with LFNs?
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.getMetadataSet(dataset_name, True)
        if result['Value']:
            metadataDict = result['Value']
            # give user a reminder of what this dataset's definition is
            dataset_desc = ''
            dataset_desc += \
                'Dataset %s was defined with the following metadata conditions: \n ' \
                % dataset_name
            for key in metadataDict:
                dataset_desc += '%s : %s \n' % (key, metadataDict[key])
            dataset_desc = 'Error: dataset %s is not defined.' % dataset_name
        return dataset_desc

    def listDatasets(self):
        """list the exist dataset"""
        result = self.besclient.listMetadataSets()
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return result['Value']

    def downloadFilesByDatasetName(self, dataset_name):
        """downLoad a set of files form SE.
        use getFilesByDatasetName() get a list of lfns and download these files.

           Example usage:
        dirac = Dirac()
        fileList = self.getFilesByDatasetName(dataset_name)
        result = dirac.getFile(fileList, printOutput=True)
        if not result['OK']:
            print 'ERROR %s' % (result['Message'])
            return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
            return S_OK()

    def checkDatasetIntegrity():
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Badger:
    def __init__(self, fcClient=False):
        """Internal initialization of Badger API.
        if not fcClient:
            _fcType = 'DataManagement/FileCatalog'
            self.client = FileCatalogClient(_fcType)
            self.client = fcClient
        #self.besclient = FileCatalogClient('DataManagement/DatasetFileCatalog')
    def __createQuery(metaSelections):
        need the function then,need not import
        from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.FileCatalogClientCLI import FileCatalogClientCLI

    def getDatasetNamePrefix(self):
        """descide the prefix of a datasetName"""
        prefix = ''
        result = getProxyInfo(False, False)
        if result['OK']:
            userGroup = result['Value']['group']
            if userGroup == 'bes_user':
                prefix = 'User_'
            elif userGroup == 'production':
                prefix = 'Proc_'
            return prefix
            return prefix

    def getFilenamesByLocaldir(self, localDir):
        """ get all files under the given dir
        result = [/bes3fs/offline/data/663-1/4260/dst/121215/filename1,
        fileList = []
        for rootdir, subdirs, files in os.walk(localDir):
            for name in files:
                fullPath = os.path.join(rootdir, name)
        return fileList

    def __getFileAttributes(self, fullPath):
        """ get all attributes of the given file,return a attribute dict.
        if os.path.exists(fullPath):
            type = judgeType(fullPath)
            if type == "all":
                obj = DataAll(fullPath)
            elif type == "others":
                obj = Others(fullPath)
            elif type == None:
                errorMes = "name if %s is not correct" % fullPath
                print "cannot get attributes of %s" % fullPath
                attributes = {}
                return attributes
                #raise TypeError(errorMes)
            attributes = obj.getAttributes()
            #attributes['date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime())
            attributes = {}

        return attributes

    def testFunction(self):
        result = self.__getFileAttributes(
        print result

    def __registerDir(self, dir):
        """Internal function to register a new directory in DFC .
           Returns True for success, False for failure.
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.createDirectory(dir)
        if result['OK']:
            if result['Value']['Successful']:
                if result['Value']['Successful'].has_key(dir):
                    return S_OK()
                elif result['Value']['Failed']:
                    if result['Value']['Failed'].has_key(dir):
                        print 'Failed to create directory %s:%s' % (
                            dir, result['Value']['Failed'][dir])
                        return S_ERROR(result)
                return S_ERROR(result)
            print 'Failed to create directory %s:%s' % (dir, result['Message'])
            return S_ERROR(result)

    def __registerFileMetadata(self, lfn, attributes):
        """Internal function to set metadata values on a given lfn. 
          Returns True for success, False for failure.
        metadataDict = {}
        metadataDict['runL'] = attributes['runL']
        metadataDict['runH'] = attributes['runH']
        metadataDict['status'] = attributes['status']
        metadataDict['eventNumber'] = attributes['eventNumber']
        metadataDict['count'] = attributes['count']
        result = self.client.setMetadata(lfn, metadataDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR()
            return S_OK()

    def __registerDirMetadata(self, dir, metaDict):
        """Internal function to set metadata to a directory
           Returns True for success, False for failure.
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.setMetadata(dir, metaDict)
        if result['OK']:
            return S_OK()
            message = "Error for setting metadata %s to %s: %s" % (
                metaDict, dir, result['Message'])
            return S_ERROR('Message')

    def __dirExists(self, dir, parentDir):
        """ Internal function to check whether 'dir' is the subdirectory of 'parentDir'
            Returns 1 for Yes, 0 for NO
        fc = self.client
        dir_exists = 0
        result = fc.listDirectory(parentDir)
        if result['OK']:
            for i, v in enumerate(
                if v == dir:
                    dir_exists = 1
            print 'Failed to list subdirectories of %s:%s' % (
                parentDir, result['Message'])

        return dir_exists

    def __registerSubDirs(self, dirs_dict, dirs_meta):
        """Internal function to create directories in dirs_dict
           Returns True for sucess, False for failure
        creation_ok = True

        for dir in dirs_dict:
            if (dir != 'dir_file') & (dir != 'dir_data_mc'):
                if self.__registerDir(dirs_meta[dir][0])['OK']:
                    result = self.__registerDirMetadata(
                        {dir.split('_')[1]: dirs_meta[dir][1]})
                    if not result['OK']:
                        creation_ok = False
                    print 'Failed to create %s' % dir
                    creation_ok = False
                if not self.__registerDir(dirs_meta[dir])['OK']:
                    print 'Failed to create %s' % dir
                    creation_ok = False

        return creation_ok

    def registerHierarchicalDir(self, metaDict, rootDir='/bes'):
           Create a hierarchical directory according the metadata dictionary
           Return created directory  for sucess,if this directory has been created, return this existing directory .

           Structure of the hierarchical directory:
           for real data:/bes/File/resonance/boss version/data/eventType/round
           for mc data:/bes/File/resonance/boss version/mc/eventType/round/streamId
           The eventType of all real datas is all. 

           >>>metaDict = {'dataType': 'dst', 'eventType': 'all', 'streamId': 'stream0','resonance': 'psipp', 'round':'round01','bossVer': '6.6.1'}
        #Save about 20 lines compared with last one
        fc = self.client

        dir_exists = 0
        #0 for failure,1 for success,2 for existing directory
        creation_OK = 0
        lastDirMetaDict = {
            'dataType': metaDict['dataType'],
            'streamId': metaDict['streamId']

        dir_file = rootDir + '/File'
        dir_resonance = dir_file + '/' + metaDict['resonance']
        dir_bossVer = dir_resonance + '/' + metaDict['bossVer']

        if metaDict['streamId'] == 'stream0':
            dir_data_mc = dir_bossVer + '/data'
            dir_data_mc = dir_bossVer + '/mc'
        dir_eventType = dir_data_mc + '/' + metaDict['eventType']
        dir_round = dir_eventType + '/' + metaDict['round']
        dir_streamId = dir_round + '/' + metaDict['streamId']

        # if dir_round has been created,create_round=1
        create_round = 0

        dirs_dict = [
            'dir_file', 'dir_resonance', 'dir_bossVer', 'dir_data_mc',
            'dir_eventType', 'dir_round'
        dirs_meta = {
            'dir_file': dir_file,
            'dir_data_mc': dir_data_mc,
            'dir_resonance': [dir_resonance, metaDict['resonance']],
            'dir_bossVer': [dir_bossVer, metaDict['bossVer']],
            'dir_eventType': [dir_eventType, metaDict['eventType']],
            'dir_round': [dir_round, metaDict['round']]
        dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_file, rootDir)
        if not dir_exists:
            result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
            if result:
                create_round = 1
            dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_resonance, dir_file)
            if not dir_exists:
                dirs_dict = dirs_dict[1:]
                result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                if result:
                    create_round = 1
                dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_bossVer, dir_resonance)
                if not dir_exists:
                    dirs_dict = dirs_dict[2:]
                    result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                    if result:
                        create_round = 1
                    dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_data_mc, dir_bossVer)
                    if not dir_exists:
                        dirs_dict = dirs_dict[3:]
                        result = self.__registerSubDirs(dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                        if result:
                            create_round = 1
                        dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_eventType,
                        if not dir_exists:
                            dirs_dict = dirs_dict[4:]
                            result = self.__registerSubDirs(
                                dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                            if result:
                                create_round = 1
                            dir_exists = self.__dirExists(
                                dir_round, dir_eventType)
                            if not dir_exists:
                                dirs_dict = dirs_dict[5:]
                                result = self.__registerSubDirs(
                                    dirs_dict, dirs_meta)
                                if result:
                                    create_round = 1
                                create_round = 1

        if create_round:
            if metaDict['streamId'] != "stream0":
                dir_exists = self.__dirExists(dir_streamId, dir_round)
                if not dir_exists:
                    if self.__registerDir(dir_streamId)['OK']:
                        result = self.__registerDirMetadata(
                            dir_streamId, {'streamId': metaDict['streamId']})
                        if result['OK']:
                            result = self.__registerDirMetadata(
                                dir_streamId, lastDirMetaDict)
                            if result['OK']:
                                creation_OK = 1
                    creation_OK = 2
                result = self.__registerDirMetadata(dir_round, lastDirMetaDict)
                if result['OK']:
                    creation_OK = 1

        if (creation_OK == 1) | (creation_OK == 2):
            if metaDict['streamId'] == "stream0":
                return dir_round
                return dir_streamId
#dir options

    def removeDir(self, dir):
        """remove the dir include files and subdirs
        result = self.client.listDirectory(dir)
        if result['OK']:
            if not result['Value']['Successful'][dir]['Files'] and not result[
                #print 'no file and subDirs in this dir'
                return S_OK()
                if result['Value']['Successful'][dir]['Files']:
                    for file in result['Value']['Successful'][dir]['Files']:
                    for subdir in result['Value']['Successful'][dir][

    def listDir(self, dir):
        """list the files under the given DFC dir"""
        fileList = []
        result = self.client.listDirectory(dir)
        if result['OK']:
            if result['Value']['Successful'][dir]['Files']:
                fileList = result['Value']['Successful'][dir]['Files'].keys()
            print "no files under this dir"
        return fileList

    def getDirMetaVal(self, dir):
        """list the registed metadata value of the given dir"""
        result = self.client.getDirectoryMetadata(dir)
        if result['OK']:
            return result['Value']
            print "Failed to get meta Value of the directory"
            return {}

    # meta fields operations
    def addNewFields(self, fieldName, fieldType, metaType='-d'):
        """add new fields,if metaType is '-f',add file field,
        fileType is datatpye in MySQL notation
        result = self.client.addMetadataField(fieldName, fieldType, metaType)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK()

    def deleteMetaField(self, fieldName):
        """delete a exist metafield"""
        result = self.client.deleteMetadataField(fieldName)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK()

    def getAllFields(self):
        """get all meta fields,include file metafield and dir metafield.
        result = self.client.getMetadataFields()
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
            return result['Value']

    def registerFileMetadata(self, lfn, metaDict):
        """Add file level metadata to an entry
           True for success, False for failure
           (maybe used to registerNewMetadata
           >>>lfn = '/bes/File/psipp/6.6.1/data/all/exp1/run_0011414_All_file001_SFO-1'
           >>>entryDict = {'runL':1000,'runH':898898}
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.setMetadata(lfn, metaDict)
        if result['OK']:
            return S_OK()
            print 'Error:%s' % (result['Message'])
            return S_ERROR(result['Message'])

    # File Options
    def registerFile(self, lfn, dfcAttrDict):
        """Register a new file in the DFC.
        #TODO:need more tests,if directory of file doesn't exist,
        #addFile will create it without setting any metadata(lin lei)
        #need to check whether directory of file exists in dfc?(lin lei)
        fc = self.client
        result = fc.addFile({lfn: dfcAttrDict})
        if result['OK']:
            if result['Value']['Successful']:
                if result['Value']['Successful'].has_key(lfn):
                    return S_OK()
            elif result['Value']['Failed']:
                if result['Value']['Failed'].has_key(lfn):
                    print 'Failed to add this file:', result['Value'][
                    return S_ERROR()
            print 'Failed to add this file :', result['Message']
            return S_ERROR()
        # need to register file (inc. creating appropriate directory
        # if it doesn't already exist; and register metadata for that
        # file / directory
        # Q: how / where to pass the metadata?

    def getFileMetaVal(self, lfn):
        """get the File Meta Value of given file

        result = self.client.getFileUserMetadata(lfn)
        if result['OK']:
            return result['Value']
            print "Failed to get meta Value of this file"
            return {}

    def reCalcCount(self, fileList, plus=True):
        """calculate the value of metadata 'count',when a file contain in a dataset
      count+1,when del a dataset,then all file in this dataset count -1
      default plus=True,means count+1,if count-1,set plus=False 
      return the value of count, count = -1 means error.
      NOTE:this function should only be called when create or delete a dataset.
        countDict = {}
        if type(fileList) != type([]):
            fileList = [fileList]
        for file in fileList:
            result = self.getFileMetaVal(file)
            if len(result) != 0:
                count = result['count']
                if plus:
                    count += 1
                    if count > 0:
                        count -= 1
                cDict = {'count': count}
                self.registerFileMetadata(file, cDict)
                countDict[file] = count
                print "Failed reCalculate value of count of file %s" % file
                countDict[file] = -1

        return countDict

    def removeFile(self, lfn):
        """remove file on DFC
        result = self.client.removeFile(lfn)
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK()

    def getPFN(self, lfn):
        """get replicas by lfn"""
        result = self.client.getReplicas(lfn)
        #print result
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result)
            return S_OK(result['Value']['Successful'][lfn]['IHEPD-USER'])

    def getSize(self, lfns):
        """get the size of the given lfn"""
        result = self.client.getFileSize(lfns)
        if result['OK']:
            if result['Value']['Successful']:
                retVal = result['Value']['Successful']
            retVal = {}
        return retVal

    def getFilesByMetadataQuery(self, query):
        """Return a list of LFNs satisfying given query conditions.

           Example usage:
           >>> brunH_GT_29756adger.getFilesByMetadataQuery('resonance=jpsi bossVer=6.5.5 round=exp1')
           ['/bes/File/jpsi/6.5.5/data/all/exp1/file1', .....]

        #TODO: checking of output, error catching

        fc = self.client
        #TODO: calling the FileCatalog CLI object and its private method
        # is not a good way of doing this! but use it to allow construction of
        # the query meantime, until createQuery is made a public method
        cli = FileCatalogClientCLI(fc)
        metadataDict = cli._FileCatalogClientCLI__createQuery(query)
        result = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metadataDict, '/')
        if result['OK']:
            lfns = fc.findFilesByMetadata(metadataDict, '/')['Value']
            return lfns
            print "ERROR: No files found which match query conditions."
            return None

    def uploadAndRegisterFiles(self,
        """upload a set of files to SE and register it in DFC.
        user input the directory of localfile.
          ePoint is the energy point,for scan data
        we can treat localDir as a kind of datasetName.

        result_OK = 1
        errorList = []
        #fileList = self.getFilenamesByLocaldir(localDir)
        for fullpath in fileList:
            #get the attributes of the file
            fileAttr = self.__getFileAttributes(fullpath)
            if len(fileAttr) == 0:
                print "failed to get file %s attributes" % fullpath
                return S_ERROR("failed to get file attributes")
            #create dir and set dirMetadata to associated dir
            lastDir = self.registerHierarchicalDir(fileAttr, rootDir='/bes')
            dirMeta = self.getDirMetaVal(lastDir)
            if not (dirMeta.has_key("jobOptions")
                    or dirMeta.has_key("description")):
                lastDirMetaDict = {}
                lastDirMetaDict['jobOptions'] = fileAttr['jobOptions']
                lastDirMetaDict['description'] = fileAttr['description']
                    self.__registerDirMetadata(lastDir, lastDirMetaDict)
            if len(ePoint):
                lastDir = lastDir + os.sep + ePoint
            lfn = lastDir + os.sep + fileAttr['LFN']
            #upload and register file.
            dirac = Dirac()
            result = dirac.addFile(lfn, fullpath, SE, guid, printOutput=True)
            #register file metadata
            if not result['OK']:
                print 'ERROR %s' % (result['Message'])
                #return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
                result_OK = 0
                result = self.__registerFileMetadata(lfn, fileAttr)
                if not result['OK']:
                    result_OK = 0
                    print "failed to register file metadata"
        if result_OK:
            return S_OK()
            return S_ERROR(errorList)

    def downloadFilesByFilelist(self, fileList, destDir=''):
        """downLoad a set of files form SE.
        use getFilesByFilelist() get a list of lfns and download these files.
        fileList get from function getFilesByDatesetName()

           Example usage:
        errorDict = {}
        dirac = Dirac()
        #fileList = self.getFilesByDatasetName(dataset_name)
        for lfn in fileList:
            result = dirac.getFile(lfn, destDir, printOutput=False)
            if not result['OK']:
                errorDict[lfn] = result['Message']
        if errorDict:
            serr = S_ERROR()
            serr["errorDict"] = errorDict
            return serr
            return S_OK("File download successfully.")

    # dataset functions
    def registerDataset(self, datasetName, path, conditions):
        """Register a new dataset in DFC. Takes dataset name and string with
           conditions for new dataset as arguments.
           datasetname format:  
           type(conditions) is str,like "resonance=jpsi bossVer=655 round=round1"
        fc = self.client
        cli = FileCatalogClientCLI(fc)
        metadataDict = cli._FileCatalogClientCLI__createQuery(conditions)
        metadataDict['Path'] = path
        result = fc.addDataset(datasetName, metadataDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            print("Error: %s" % result['Message'])
            return S_ERROR()
            print "Added dataset %s with conditions %s" % (datasetName,
            return S_OK()

    def getDatasetDescription(self, datasetName):
        """Return a string containing a description of metadata with which 
           the given dataset was defined.
           Example usage:
           >>> result = badger.getDatasetDescription('psipp_661_data_all_exp2')
        result = self.client.getDatasetParameters(datasetName)
        if not result['OK']:
            print "ERROR: failed to get status of dataset:", result['Message']
            parDict = result['Value']
        for par, value in parDict.items():
            print par.rjust(20), ':', value

    def getDatasetMetadata(self, datasetName):
        """Return a dict containing a description of metadata with which 
           the given dataset was defined.
           Example usage:
           >>> result = badger.getDatasetMetadata('psipp_661_data_all_exp2')
        result = self.client.getDatasetParameters(datasetName)
        if not result['OK']:
            print "ERROR: failed to get status of dataset:", result['Message']
            return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
            parDict = result['Value']
            return S_OK(parDict)

    def removeDataset(self, datasetName):
        """remove a dataset
        result = self.client.removeDataset(datasetName)
        if not result['OK']:
            print "ERROR: failed to remove dataset:", result['Message']
            print "Successfully removed dataset", datasetName

    def checkDataset(self, datasetName):
        """ check if the dataset parameters are still valid
        result = self.client.checkDataset(datasetName)
        if not result['OK']:
            print "ERROR: failed to check dataset:", result['Message']
            changeDict = result['Value']
            if not changeDict:
                print "Dataset is not changed"
                print "Dataset changed:"
                for par in changeDict:
                    print "   ", par, ': ', changeDict[par][
                        0], '->', changeDict[par][1]

    def updateDataset(self, datasetName):
        """ Update the given dataset parameters
        result = self.client.updateDataset(datasetName)
        if not result['OK']:
            print "ERROR: failed to update dataset:", result['Message']
            print "Successfully updated dataset", datasetName

    def freezeDataset(self, datasetName):
        """ Freeze the given dataset
        result = self.client.freezeDataset(datasetName)
        if not result['OK']:
            print "ERROR: failed to freeze dataset:", result['Message']
            print "Successfully frozen dataset", datasetName

    def releaseDataset(self, datasetName):
        """ Release the given dataset
        result = self.client.releaseDataset(datasetName)
        if not result['OK']:
            print "ERROR: failed to release dataset:", result['Message']
            print "Successfully released dataset", datasetName

    def getFilesByDatasetName(self, datasetName):
        """Return a list of LFNs in the given dataset.
           Example usage:
           >>> badger.getFilesByDatasetName('psipp_661_data_all_exp2')
           ['/bes/File/psipp/6.6.1/data/all/exp2/file1', .....]

        fc = self.client
        result = returnSingleResult(fc.getDatasetFiles(datasetName))
        if result['OK']:
            lfns = result['Value']
            return S_OK(lfns)
            print "ERROR: Dataset", datasetName, " not found"
            return S_ERROR(result)

    def listDatasets(self):
        """list the exist dataset"""
        datasetName = ''
        result = self.client.getDatasets(datasetName)
        if not result['OK']:
            print "ERROR:failed to get datasets"

        datasetDict = result['Value']
        for dName in datasetDict.keys():
            print dName

    def checkDatasetIntegrity():